Movie Dynamic Power Unleashed: On the Road to Hell. Full-Length HD English Action Film

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[Music] [Music] thank you I said [Music] I [Music] one two buck my shoe three four locking the door five six pick up the STI 7 8 lay them straight 9 10 big and fat 11 12 B and B 13 14 made 15 16 kitchen 17 18 [Applause] sweetheart why are we having this conversation nobody's going to care if it's zucchini or yellow squash or cantaloupe yeah that's fine I don't I don't care what she oh [Music] good see your resume look I I appreciate your interest but most of our employees here are kids I understand that and our pay is minimum wage something better than nothing then there's the matter of this um there's a 25 year gap on your resume what you been doing for the last 25 years thanks for coming in okay how's that town sounds okay thank you good do me a favor fill this out take this back to the office thank you thank you oh [ __ ] roach I heard you were out how the hell are you buddy I'm all right I guess good it's good to see you man you [ __ ] look good come on back who I found roach now days a guy like that comes in here and pwns off a Precision Sports Car his daddy gave to him lying on his deathbed and hoping he'll use some money to turn his life around guy like you gets in a pinch [ __ ] you just yank the keys right out of his [ __ ] hand am I right roach hey cut it out guys I've been pretty good friend to you guys sure you have roach when I went away I didn't take anyone with me oh we know we know nobody's disputing that he's not believe us when we said Thank You roach no I did it's just that um what I was hoping to get a little bit of product you know because of everything that's happened all right [ __ ] why didn't you just say so roach think we can afford you a little bit of personal celebration give me a bag of that stuff this stuff is pretty high grade unlike that stepped on filth where circulating before you went in this is it this is all I get excuse me look I mean no disrespect Bobby but I'm looking to deal a little bit of product on my own you know help get me back on my feet come on roach if I give you any more than that you're seriously cutting into my profit margin I can pay $300 300 bucks doesn't go very far when you're talking about bricks for Dro Roach a [ __ ] I tell you what I'm going to do I'm going give you something less than top shelf for the 300 bucks okay it's good way too give me some of that uh product we got from Lopez's man now this [ __ ] this shit's going to pucker your [ __ ] fcker your [ __ ] thanks for this good no problem but hey man this uh this squares this up right of course yeah cuz I don't want to hear any more [ __ ] about how I owe you for whatever happened to us in the past you understand me I didn't get you caught you got you caught I get you fair enough good it's good to see you Roach [Music] that one way or another I get that [ __ ] [ __ ] out of over here yes sir well it ain't like prison that's for sure in prison I worked the library for a while I know Dad the mail room son yeah I know dad even for the warden ones wasn't nobody questioning my resume or calling up references it was easy life was good not a lot of struggling at a job to make sure I could cover the cost of keeping a roof over my head or 3 Square Ms a day it was all just there without freedom and you know I saw your halfway house on the news oh that's a new one news stuff always draws to controversy well they said they put a pedophile in the house with you is that true is there a child molested living in the house with you Daddy well I seriously doubt he's inclined to make a move on me at my age Daddy this is not a joke joke that's a residential area there's a ton of children out there calm down baby girl he's monitored seriously Daddy we we've got to get you out of there we want you to come stay with us look I know one of your goals is to find suitable residence but we have that here for you I'm not going to be a birden not on you you're not a burden you're my [Music] daddy there are other considerations we want you here with us love you dad I know baby girl I know man who lies with his father's wife he has uncovered his father's nakedness both of them shall surely be put to death guil them you will be damned in Hell the Blasphemous Beast Rises and the evil shall be cast out good morning to you too Miss Rosie piece of [ __ ] is what it [ __ ] is [ __ ] damn bur now you look like you doing it hard [ __ ] youo what' you say to me hey hi Cliff Michael hi got your message but uh yeah Cliff I'd like to introduce you to Marilyn laru Marilyn my pleasure why don't you you just join me in my office huh damn that's a nice piece of ass right there okay so what's going on you got my message well your message was brief and clearly didn't reveal the whole story Marilyn is your newest guest here I do hope you're [ __ ] [Music] me hey Amelia where's Cliff this in the office bro with some sweet ass [ __ ] good what's the matter with you burnout oh he's just jonesing man how many days has it been how many why you're going to call me a burnout again ah give it up Jake look I got something for you will help you out come with me [ __ ] it right yeah come on don't give that hor [ __ ] about how you and I have a relationship I can make a the same damn noise plus there's a lady's halfway house not even a 40-minute drive from here we've been for the entire rigal from the shaon up to the state and back down that was all day yesterday for us now they here with you to a men's house maryn is preoperative nice work so far diet exercise and hormones lots of hormones even so why would her being up there be disrupted other women the lady's house doesn't allow anyone with a [ __ ] what they haven't seen one up there the state is pretty rigid I'm mixing their sexes in their correction facilities you know that Cliff it was the same during my sentencing oh Men's prison that must have been rough sometimes this state has very little give look Michael this isn't right I mean I know Marland needs a suitable place to live but this is a new house I'm still trying to get these guys a step right they still function under prison rules no cell phones no contrabands no conjugals this ain't going to do a goddamn thing to help besides I'm just not up to it Cliff I'm not asking your permission I got to go somewhere today's your lucky day [Music] holy [ __ ] all right but you know I'm uh I'm giving it up no no sure I understand but uh maybe just a little bit you know hope you get through the rough patch a little yeah just a little bit my cold turkey sucks plus it's not proven very effective you know you got to step it down a bit well um how much will you give me give you [ __ ] I'm not giving this away I'll let a pinch go for a Ceno 100 bucks that's my wholesale price I haven't got it well how much have you got nothing nothing you got no money [ __ ] what happened let me guess you went through your prison stash and blew it already huh is that what happened wait wait wait wait wait wait just I'm good for it yeah I don't I don't give credit I tell you what sure we can work something out oh hey Clarence want you to meet Marilyn how you doing she could be staying with us for a while everybody calls me the meilman then I will too got the first a Juds I Cliff's a good man he'll keep you pointed right excuse me all right Clarence make yourself home Mar you call me if you need anything okay mhm I'm tired you know what I've always Su legs welcome thanks God damn suck that cocky [ __ ] [ __ ] God you [ __ ] [ __ ] good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that [Music] suck that [ __ ] [ __ ] oh God damnn oh [ __ ] suck that cocky [ __ ] [ __ ] swallow that [ __ ] God suck it all up [ __ ] you must have been the bell of the ball in prison come on man don't use what' you say I have my stuff [Music] now I will say this if you ever want to do business again just let me know [ __ ] you [Music] you shall consecrate yourselves therefore and be holy for I am the Lord your God you shall keep my statutes and practice them I am the Lord who sanctifies you if there is anyone who curses his father or his mother he shall surely be put to death he has cursed his father or his mother BL you pedophile burn in hell pedophile die God will punish you you pedophile God will shall surely be to death Frank hey guys get down here [Music] I'll be right down [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] gentlemen this is Marilyn she can stay with us for a while like the rest of you until she secures permissible work and suitable living arrangements you know Clarence and you've met ailia it's Frank standing right beside you there hi I'm Frank the pedophile does that make you nervous no I survive and this is Jake burnout and there's Rodney call me roach and may I just say damn true that roach no reason sit down get up go the meia up to your room get the [ __ ] out of your room put it in his and Jake's what look Marilyn gets a single room to herself got to explain this to you muks yeah but why do I got to have his stink ass in my room hey [ __ ] you ombre it's not up for debate it's been decided let's go God damn it Cliff uh wouldn't be a bad idea just to let her move into my room you know I make room for her I would even move over just a little bit our homes are our Sanctuary our neighborhoods are our sanctuary and our Sanctuary has been encumbered by the presence of evil and that is something that the Lord does not want for you Amen to that Reverend amen can you believe we got that half [ __ ] piece of ass in the house ain't you married what's it going to do with [ __ ] oh [ __ ] the wallets sort of hey do you still have the credit cards and IDs in them shits I do dude you got to take the scissors from downstairs and cut them shits up I was going to do that uh but I wanted to talk to you about that oh yeah you got any wet back uh connections maybe we can give some of these to your SPI friends who might need them you know out some of the photos got yourself a whole new batch of Gringos yeah maybe I look into that any action that comes from you we split 50/50 cool all right all right all put them shits away though yep what what's up chickes answer the man hey what's up Hello Kitty [ __ ] look man I'm getting therap shut the [ __ ] up said it himself think I want you in this house come on don't have just let me go just let me go [ __ ] you a like [ __ ] said [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] you're both [Music] right I got a daughter [ __ ] we should have cut your [ __ ] dick off piece of [ __ ] hey messed up my stuff what who messed up my stuff what the [ __ ] you talking about M my stuff is all messy so maybe you're just an old sloppy gezer [ __ ] off old [Music] man hey Cliff there's something going down up there Jesus Cliff you [Applause] okay [ __ ] don't eyeball me like we're in the [ __ ] yard somebody's going to tidy up the mess that was made in my room oh we look like a [ __ ] M service to you I don't think I'm talking to both of you so let me ask you this did you go in my room [ __ ] no what business I got in the room with you and that [ __ ] chister I didn't think so didn't you [ __ ] off old man I was moving my [ __ ] with the SPI the whole time before that right after what you did in here [ __ ] off let me tell you something son I've been in prison on and off for the last last 25 years and in all that time ain't nobody ever Punk me out can you stay the same and that means what that you think you could stand up against me just you oh don't look at me my name's Paul this to [ __ ] any yeah I think I can hold my ground here go [ __ ] yourself you old [ __ ] ain't about slapping down the elderly but you watch your goddamn words me come on amilio so you like to keep it neat like prison only way to do it hey princess the room's almost ready for you but it just needs one more thing what's that me baby get back not your toy excuse me you're [Music] excused [Music] it's right back here okay everybody feeding time W Clarence D let's go well it must be time for counseling let's go ma very good Frank oh how nice the pedophile has a heart okay guys so Maryland one of the things we do here is we counsel each other we're um the lack of a better word of family now I know most of you haven't been in that family scenario for quite a while and if and when you ever were probably wasn't quite ideal but family support each other and that's what I want for us here look getting back into the world it's pretty easy to regress back to Old patterns especially if you're stepping back into the same environment which creates the same old realities you are halfway you are not on one side you are not any other you're halfway between prison and the Free World but you get the choice which way you go and when so remember people places things step right anybody all right I'll go first you know I generally agree with Cliff but he's mostly interested in how we adapt to the world without too much noticing that the world don't want us in it I'll admit I don't always understand how things work out here how to function but I do know how to exist in prison got that much down come off it all man I mean is it tough is it a grind yeah but we got it over your average citizen easy [ __ ] we get a bus pass we can move around like anybody do anything we want but none of them understand at all how to survive where we [ __ ] been I think that makes us better than them it's easy enough to be swallowed up in either place swallow it up huh swallow it up good huh shut the [ __ ] up Rodney Rodney shut the [ __ ] up leave him alone you okay look like you might be coming down off something burn out burn out burn outn burn out shut the [ __ ] up are you working the program man no I am I haven't found a convenient meeting yet I think prison's all around us I felt an isolation long before I was even sentenced yeah well you didn't stay isolated enough did you it's cuz he's a [ __ ] purve M you're right roach you're right amilio but we're all prisoners inside and whatever hand life has dealt us has led us to this point I mean we still carry around everything all that baggage that made us who we are and what we are and we just just can't gasp be our way out of it I mean we still carry everything that made you do what you do made you deal drugs allegedly [ __ ] Gatsby the [ __ ] is a Gatsby The Great Gatsby Fitz Jo it's a novel about a man who wanted to change his identity so he can have a new beginning anyway [ __ ] that I want to know about our newcomer H yeah it seems like I'm the object of some curiosity oh you know that tell us about you well just like you mentioned Frank I'm looking for a new beginning prison was pretty hard for me real hard time as I'm sure it was for some of you and the reality of that I don't want to carry around but I have to I can never put it behind me I don't ever want to go back not even for a single day my worst days on the outside were still far better than any any given day on the inside no contest I'm not the same person I was now I'm ready for a fresh start great first session Marilyn we going get you well down the path to the straight and nrow like I say I don't want to go back that's right Jak we have got to get this NA meeting schedule down got to become routine okay yeah you you tell me yeah I see what's going on in your face do you want to get on out side these urges or not more than anything I know start taking the steps don't give me that [ __ ] about the means being inconvenient I gave you a shitload of meetings on this bus line damn man I'm not saying it's not hard I know for a goddamn fact that it is look at me you dig in and you do this I'm pretty soon you're going to be on the other side of these urges okay okay Cliff I will I really will I promise okay [Music] kid on the day of the Rapture I wasting on my couch just druming a song I couldn't [Music] resist and the [Music] [Applause] [Music] and I'm a [Music] human just having fun got a heart be like a for you [Music] always sh while [Music] they and when this H so say [Music] he let me help you with those sorry so prison was rough huh what you do to go in what' you do H there's a dispute over who owned the small drug shipment somebody died uh State called it manslaughter well I didn't kill anyone hey it was a Turf issue got out of hand plus I was defending myself really that's the way my lawyer put it but I want to know about you well I didn't get in the system by hurting anyone I used to make people feel good wa [ __ ] you were Pro in that case you think maybe you could sure but not to get back in the life I you know just for me I got it from here thanks got it here I'll hold that for you I got you settle down oh if there's anything you need I'll let you know all right anything at all baby boom not interested rejected by a [ __ ] hey watch your [ __ ] mouth bro a come on all right you mark my words I'm going to tap that ass one way or another I'm going to hit that [ __ ] what the [Music] [ __ ] oh [Music] God God damn [Music] it if there is a man who commits adultery with another man's wife one who commits adultery with his friend's wife the adulterer and the adulteress shall shink mother [ __ ] mother [ __ ] [ __ ] God damn [Music] it find anything good nothing with a taking kept his old clippings looks like the painkillers got on [Music] started [ __ ] burnout all right let's go tell Cliff it is a guiding hand of the Lord that has struck down the one and I see six more who should prepare for damnation God will smite thee thou sodomites thou aconites you nosy Rosie claims that Jake was spitten down by the Lord Our God s s think I hold on for another conclusion no mercy no mercy judgment from the Lord anybody say anything the halfway house is from Hell God will Smite it down you will be lost forever sinners siners I thought as muchy Noy the halfway house is from Hell God will Smite it down we a't been open for a [ __ ] month already we have a problem over godam no mercy no mercy judgement from the Lord he was just the k kid well if it didn't roach what's up Bobby should you tell me well that batch of product you sld me wasn't so good did you not hear me what here to do about it Roach I don't know just give me my money back there ain't no customer service window for what you're talking about roach a guy died come on man when I went to prison I didn't Squawk on you guys I didn't take any of you [ __ ] with me and you got this ass backwards [ __ ] what you think you owed something because you didn't roll over turn Us in hm the truth is the only reason why you're still [ __ ] alive is cuz you didn't [ __ ] squawk these books are balanced my friend any annoyance that you caus this now [ __ ] requires an entirely new payment do you understand me do you understand me the [ __ ] out of here [ __ ] off me this is [ __ ] out of here this is [ __ ] [ __ ] the [ __ ] off me [ __ ] out of here [Music] hi baby [Applause] baby so good to see you good to see you too bab I miss I missed you too I heard about the house are you okay what happened yeah um there a overdose I think the cops came into the guest ship for evidence what's your language oh he me huh ay come give your daddy a hug give your daddy or hug say how to your daddy hey give her a break just got to get to know you okay you want some breakfast yeah it's one of the two reasons I came over here so you got school huh what your best subject Mama yeah all right that's good Mama hey for his uncle's going to let me work on the Landscaping crew that's great news baby h a job thank God as soon as I get my first paycheck this should let me move back here well God's been hearing my prayers babe hey uh we should celebrate aana finish up your eggs baby okay but don't be late for the bus I love you hey I love you too okay that got shot what yeah what's he doing you at his Corner again [ __ ] I was hoping things had cool down by now if anything it's heating up again well you know what I don't want to talk about it really what B I want to make another baby what yeah I want to make another baby I waited for you for so long I just want to make another baby yeah back in your life like started over again I'm having another big like making a real bab yeah okay Mommy momy [Music] mommy hey what's wrong are you lost I can't find my mommy oh what's your name I'm Frankie would you like me to help you find your mommy okay let me take your hand let's go this way okay all right one two buckle my shoe three four knock in the door five six pick up the sticks all right 78 eight them straight 9 10 big and fat 11 12 digging Del Alice's mommy Alice's mommy Alice's mommy Alice's Mommy [Music] but she was lost I was just trying to help her all right give me a big smile now okay sorry it's okay it's okay out have you been keeping the schedule with your hormone therapy Mr Evans religiously doctor good but um as for the procedure we discussed uhhuh I'm I'm very sorry as a result of your other complications it it will not be possible to proceed any further with your reassignment surgery um but I've been feeling really good and and my medications are really working I'm sorry Mr Evans it it will never be possible [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] oh thank you thank you thank you thanks thanks oh it's very nice very nice you convict go the [ __ ] home the wages of sin are death [ __ ] you you dried up cun yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what just what the [ __ ] are you doing out here I'm just relaxing oh just relaxing I should stomp you in the grass and feed you to them oh don't Mad Dog me [ __ ] if you were in the joint with me I would have shanked you in the cool little [ __ ] Kitty rapist that's exactly what I told him to do I don't know why they didn't do it yeah me neither but since it seems to be what everybody wants maybe I'll finish the job sleep tight I try I try hello sweet thing get out of here I'm just saying hi you need to respect my space and not get off in my business I do I do get out damn baby there's a lot of pills you just lost one for taking too much I hate to see you go that way too get out I've been meaning to ask you how much did you used to charge Amelia get out how much cuz I think we can come to an arrangement I'm R of that life oh I know I know but you might need a little something extra in your purse every now and again and that's your [ __ ] like to [ __ ] your ass or your mouth or both it's a win-win I'm sure your wife would love that go away so what you saying I ain't good enough for a [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm not a [ __ ] [ __ ] oh don't get all stuck up and [ __ ] on me cuz we both know you ain't that you don't want what I have oh I sure I should do even if it's just a [ __ ] and i' pay for it too that is unless you keep teasing me with that sweet [ __ ] then I just might have to take what's m the Hat the [ __ ] I'm going I'm going [ __ ] [ __ ] mother [ __ ] I almost [ __ ] my pants what are you a [ __ ] now yeah blow me it's that crowd outside in hell they got nothing better to do than just come here and [ __ ] with us we got to move these IDs and credit cards ASAP you got anyone we can sell them to yet no man but I'll get right on that don't drag your [Applause] feet like roaches more and more yeah but they're all talking no action right yeah so far but I swear it's like they keep just Gathering like they got nothing better to do they come here and [ __ ] with usal [Applause] [Music] [Applause] go away SC the Blasphemous Beast Rises and the evil shall be cast [Applause] out I thought you were Christians you know turn the other cheek all I ask us for another [Applause] chance a chance that's it stop yelling stop screaming at us keep thinking no more all I want is a chance all I want is a that's one of you [Applause] guys hey what the hell are you doing leave him alone get away from him get away from him what WR you get away from him come on what are you doing get up get get up get up get up crazy God damn it just what are you doing out here you should be ashamed of yourself Frank get get inside Frank get in get inside you will be written out of The Book of Life okay we get him us Rosie it's very clear you don't want us here please you people are the only ones committing a crime here get don't belong around our children get out go back to your homes write your Congressman [ __ ] about it among yourselves yeah [ __ ] you man get out of here look just leave us alone you're the criminal [Applause] you right clue get the [ __ ] away from me Frank look I never meant anything that happened to you please stop already justop all right it's right over here all right so this one right here no that's the power J try this one I think this is the phone line all right why not power to because we want to be able to see him but well we don't want any of them calling the cops what about their emails or cell phones it's a halfway house they can't have emails or internet here you got it right all right here it goes put Dodge for that hey of a [ __ ] his damn phone hey hello God they're driving me crazy out [Applause] there get the hell away from the window from this point forward I don't want anybody going outside that's [ __ ] Cliff come again we didn't all just get out of prison to be on lockdown in here and [ __ ] all right okay so just consider this your new curfew I'm now at the time at when any crowd shows up outside during the daytime Andy what if we got a job prospect huh we cut the [ __ ] Ro you know I'm going to work with you but can you not wrap that numb skull brain of yours around the fact that some unwanted shit's going to going to go down if you go out there [ __ ] around I say we send the kitty [ __ ] out there he the one they really want to listen to him yeah they probably wouldn't even pay us any attention if this St didn't stick a [ __ ] Tomer in their neighborhood shut the [ __ ] up with both of [Music] you one and out send him the sacrificial lamb right boys I thought [Music] so mother [ __ ] I'll fix it young man I'll fix it [ __ ] if I wanted to I can make you my [ __ ] right now you had that boy killed didn't you and that [ __ ] got himself killed You A Goddamn liar I know you did it and I like kill you for it right now yeah you do that the put you inside forever and you know it you think that sounds threatening to me [ __ ] I'm way better suited for prison life than Street Life as a matter of fact i' I'd welcome a return to the stir now fix it fix fix it fix it fix it fix it fix yourself [ __ ] I'll [ __ ] kill you [ __ ] [ __ ] you I know you did it [Applause] [ __ ] life for it is Sinners who face retribution retri at the hands of the Lord you need anything Cliff I'd like to help out really there's nothing that could be done but uh Frank [Music] thanks [Music] so what is it in your past excuse me you mentioned at that orientation counseling session that we all have things in our past that have helped trigger us into who we've become what's in your past it was all baseball and apple pie you know what I want to show you something okay that's me cute kid is he yours that's me is this me before and this is me now wow talk about making a change in your life it's not the complete change that's never going to happen for me so I'm just sort of stuck in the middle halfway between being either a man or a woman so you like men women or I went to the prom prom I I tried sex with girls cuz that's what boys from the Midwest are supposed to do but none of that seemed right and several times along the way I thought the best way to deal with my personal peculiarity would be to kill myself look I don't know what you think you saw when but I pushed through and I know you can too I've Tri killing myself but I just haven't been able to go through with it yet just like me we have similarities who's hiding inside you as a beautiful woman who's hiding inside me as a monster and monsters must be slayed big difference you're not a monster through and through I see your kindness you just expressed it to Cliff you express it a [Music] lot anybody can help a a sick injured old man but not everybody carries the evil I carry inside it's better to lose both than to live with both I agree but that can't be our only option and like you said there's something in our past that triggered us to become who we are for it was my father he was supposed to protect me from things like what he would do to me at night when my mother was asleep he would come to my bed and wake me up he ask me questions about school like he's trying to be a good parent and after the first time I knew why he was there he'd have me take off my own pajamas tell me how pretty I was and he'd play with my penis until it became hard then he take out his [ __ ] and rub it on me and the need start the bastard did you report it I mean did he go to jail for it you know I never I never told anyone I never even told my mom for me it was my mother I was a little man after my father died I was 9 years old it started out with me sleeping in her bed cuz she said the bed was just too big for her 9 years old the same age as my victims she took away my [Music] innocent she used seen Nursery RS to me while she did so she wouldn't have to hear me cry one two [ __ ] three four not going to Door her five six pick up the sticks that's like exactly what I do to little girls the little girls that I touch she used me she terrified me but I forgive her I forgive her [Laughter] look we got to get that pedophile out of here any way we can you know come [Applause] on hey I'm going to go downstairs and check out the scenery you go check on Cliff yeah Frank you keep being the good guy keep that monster deep down okay I'm telling you ombre that fine ass [ __ ] needs to be school hey I even offered to pay for it and said she wouldn't take it man [ __ ] D let's jump on that [ __ ] AC I'm down bro I'm down [Music] [Applause] out of here stay here yes yes burn them [Music] alive [Applause] [Music] ofil hey sexy what you guys doing hey could you leave the door open uh-uh it's time for us to stop playing games okay you guys don't know the whole story with me about how you need a hard Mexican [ __ ] to teach you a lesson I think I do I'm not what you want uh maybe you're not someone to take home the mama but uh I just want left Al oh you're too beautiful for that oh you want to go sure soon soon enough come here bab get what she's got a dick [Music] man what really off me okay prison rolls on down down [ __ ] that shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up come on [ __ ] [ __ ] take it hurry [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] that Hur up [Music] my [Applause] [Applause] oh hey tresa hey hey it's good to see you how are you I wish you going to come today though God it's crazy out there yeah I tried calling but the phone Line's down yeah they would turn the power off too if they didn't want to see what we were doing in here remind me your name again [Music] a aana hi Ayana you get preter every day hey you guys want to grab a seat over here make yourself comfortable where's ailia he's upstairs I I'll get him okay let's go okay [Applause] heyo hey thees is here [ __ ] shut up Teresa's here man wait what shut up Teresa's here man keep her quiet [ __ ] it's my turn [Music] [ __ ] keep shut [Music] shut up stop [ __ ] moving stop [ __ ] moving [ __ ] yeah it's my turn now huh stop [ __ ] moving this shit's going to happen how old are you I'm eight eight huh I got a granddaughter but she's not quite eight yet she still young youa hey baby you got through the H yeah but we didn't know that they were there are they violent hell no they're just making noise but you never know give me a hug okay how are you I'm good I'm good I was just working out of well Alana was doing her homework at her friend's house and I picked her up after work and we got a bite to eat and I decided to swing by and say hi to you oh cool I hope that's okay no it's great it's just you know own tense because you know you know all the noise outside shut the [ __ ] up well the place is looking good it's been taking nice shape since Amelia's moved in you think I can see Amelia's room sure do you think I can see it for a while what conjugal I don't think that's a good idea I mean there's uh something in the rule book right right there's something to rule somewhere but today's an unusual day go for it I'm mulating ay baby you think you'll be okay there yeah she'll be all right we'll watch some TV I'll get some refreshments I'll be right back Clarence [Music] [Music] [ __ ] shut stop stop fighting it [ __ ] this is happening I got [Applause] got put a baby in oh yeah take it you're all ready for me oh yeah baby [Music] that's right it's my turn [Music] now [Music] [Music] one two three four ah p ow wait wait this is my favorite part oh [Music] yeah you okay you okay C sit down here sit down here damn there you go [Applause] baby there you go okay damn Cliff you okay hey I'm sorry the phone's down I can't call the doctor for you it doesn't matter just get check that drawer over [Music] there self-medicating huh here you go take it easy take it easy take it easy I'm here all right hi hi it's okay he's going to be all right he always bounces back I'm Frankie I'm aana that's a beautiful name thanks are you aia's daughter yeah I seen pictures of you you're much prettier in person thanks tonita don't fight it this is going to happen [Music] [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] you know I'm a fortune teller yeah would you like me to read your fortune yeah can I see your hand you see this line right here it says you're going to marry a prince this line here says you're going to be an awesome mommy oh this line says you're going to be a movie star wow what's in your backpack my books and pencils and my homework from school oh yeah what's your favorite book this one oh Pinocchio I love Pinocchio I do too he got a big nose do I have a big nose how about this I'm going to go up to my room would you come up and read some of Pinocchio to me I really would love to hear the story of Pinocchio again it's okay okay would you do that okay we have your head I'll take this come on four five six pick up the six seven eight lead them straight 9 10 11 12 13 14 [Music] Tak please sit down one two buck your sh three four pick I don't know much time I got left but whatever happens this is my last halfway house has it been a good run ever since I got out I been working halfway houses one way or another chaperon counselors like to think the work has meaning I mean it does help those guys from going back in I've seen that D always that bad oh my health no no now I get these coughin fits every so often in my my strength you know it comes and goes well how you feeling now feel better well better is good I'll take it you know Clarence you really are a force for the good around here you can do this keep X consons stepping right helping to stay out here not go back inside give him a chance that's all I do you consider that for me you're the one who said goodbye you're the one give it a try help me you're the one [Music] only for you why am I here singing without [Music] you and why with no to go come [Music] on is anybody around no we're not okay come on buddy let's light this can hey hold your horses did you not see that little girl going in there what are you going to do burn up some innocent little girl she didn't do anything no that's why we got to empty the house come on look at you like one cold bed [ __ ] now aren't you yeah buddy evening they reached the end of the red crawfish let's stop here for for a meal said the fox and rest for an hour or two I sing baby I can't sing my song No I can't sing my without you the Sherman was named fire eater he was a dreadful Dreadful looking man but on the whole he had not a bad heart oh there they are uh honeymoon couple thanks C hey but I think it's time Thea and aana got Going H yeah it's getting kind of late I'm going to St you tomorrow I'm sorry going to sit [Music] for I be [Music] damn now I understand why she had to stay here instead of the women's halfway house but I must say I did [Music] wonder you must be Amelia's [Music] wife that's right Teresa hey Teresa I'm Mark friend of your husband nice to meet you mark come on baby you should go oh don't go not yet come on hold up I need to talk to clip first oh yeah yeah come on in my office got to get those [Music] papers she's cute hey what the [ __ ] is up with you is that a question you're going to force me in a sex till you get an answer you like keep your [ __ ] voice down oh what you're not proud listen I know things got rough okay rough you raped me don't [ __ ] say that things got away from us okay you understand and you can't rape a guy you love your wife amilio you shut your [ __ ] mouth protect her I will kill to protect what I have with my wife you don't want to face her disappointment listen to my [ __ ] words I will kill to protect what I have with my wife then you're going to have to think good and hard about what you'll tell her nobody's going to tell her nothing you will you're going have to tell her why you can't [ __ ] her after being behind bars for so long because you can't [ __ ] her after you [ __ ] me what's this can't [ __ ] oh you think I'm going to get [ __ ] hung up on you a chick with a dick [ __ ] I have [ __ ] her in fact I just [ __ ] her upstairs and I ain't going to explain nothing to you about that [ __ ] and you will keep your [ __ ] mouth shut because this is my last [ __ ] warning I will kill you do you understand me [ __ ] her after you had your jack up my ass that's right yeah well then you just killed her you just killed her and you killed yourself too what are you talking about only it's going to go real slow and you're going to have to explain why that's right four syllables H IV AIDS oh yeah you didn't think all that medicine I took was hormones did you well it's not I have two different strains of hepatitis and a very nasty Ste case of HIV in case that goes a notice my herpes Sor show up three times a year just say hello you have AIDS I do and hepatitis and well none of that has to be a death sentence anymore but take some consideration to keep it away from the people you love what you didn't do you [ __ ] me in the ass and you slid your nasty [ __ ] into your wife you're going to have to get that treated and your darling little wife is going to need treatment too or else the road ahead is not going to be pretty for her have fun explaining that one [Music] rapist [Music] [Applause] these forms are bu out perfect good because he should be getting his first paycheck from the landscaping services oh okay when do you think he'll get back home to us well I just got a couple standard things I got a check on the job bring that check back in to show it to me and he's got you he's on track did you hear that can you uh take this in the office and just sign wherever she signed sign thanks okay three places jeez Maryland I can't help but notice the difference call me Mark Mark I'm going back to my given name okay Mark um what you doing what's going on here not a daa woman anymore Cliff I'm a man okay then all right you guys got to get going it's getting crazy out there [Music] okay where's aana where's aana Ayana where's Ayana where's Frank Ayana Frank Frank hey Frank 9 10 Big 5 11 12 this be [Music] easy sorry [Music] sorry there [Music] no [Music] break H [Music] baby God Jesus Clarence what the [ __ ] think I can get a sell of myself this [Applause] time I need somebody to make a call call a the police one of my residents is dead one of my residents is dead is it the child molester is it the pedophile difference is to make who it is just call the police child rap a dead Kitty [ __ ] that's a good thing a dead Kitty [ __ ] yeah KY [ __ ] Kyu Kitty [ __ ] dead Kitty [ __ ] Kitty [ __ ] okay okay okay okay I get it you're happy about now can someone please call the cops [Music] please yeah good luck with that later put your phone [Applause] away you got to help me don't put your phones away don't put you bastards don't put your phones away what about burning down this house after all I've [ __ ] been patient hey forget about it all right we got what we came for let's get the [ __ ] out of here you got to call please help me we need your help wait Medi spirs to the will your help we need your help and cut him off from among there's sinners in our neighborhood and be holy for I am the Lord your God you shall keep my statutes need your help I am the Lord who sanctifies you wait don't go it's not over father it's not done they're still here there's sinners in our midst this house must be shut down they'll put another pedophile in there another curse will descend on us one who commits adultery with his friend's wife the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death if there is a man who lies with his father's wife he don't you care they are a Scourge surely to death their blood guiltiness is upon them the Redemption of Hell shall not warrant a lifetime of evil the fires of Miss Rosie the wickedness of looks like to Freed when theic of the soul is iment take his hand and let him lead you to the lights of Heaven far from the FL flames of hell he clip he didn't do anything to her [Music] nothing my daughter told me the truth Iana always tells me the truth right baby [Music] where'd to go [Music] Frank well consider yourself under house arrest TR I can get the cops here for you okay you impressed me mailman why is that that Mark this is what you really wanted isn't it to control your own destiny and you now I'm in control [Music] too [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] just [Music] I love you I'm so sorry I'm so [Music] [Music] sorry [Music] [Music] burn in hell Sinners oh when the saints come watching in when the saints come watching in oh Lord I want to be in that number when the saints come mying oh when the sun refuse to shine oh when the sun refuse to shine oh I want to be in that number when the s come on in oh the trumpet starts to come the Trum the Trum I want to be in that oh when the saints come watching it [Music] yeah [Music] when the sa come [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Music] you when the sa come [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] this
Channel: More Movies in English
Views: 100,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror movie, horror movies, horror movies full movies, new horror movies, full movie, movies, movie, free movies, hollywood movie in english, film, free movie, hollywood movie english mai, full movies, drama, comedy, free full movies, sci-fi, trailer, thriller movie, films, popcornflix, horror movies english, best horror movies
Id: re7rEdUL940
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 38sec (6158 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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