Techniques for how to properly camouflage the human face

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The instructor's jokes are real knee slappers.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 324 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fleet_the_fox πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 03 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Korean solution looks the best IMO.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 441 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/asudan30 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 03 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

When men do youtube makeup tutorials, lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 584 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/madeamashup πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 03 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm sure things have changed since I was in, as we didn't know we were going to spend the rest of eternity in the desert then. But this wasn't the U.S. Army's way of face camo during my enlistment.

The military is all about standards and uniformity so we had a specific way we had to apply face camo. It wasn't just a variety of colors breaking up the shadows.

We had to apply black stripes across the cheekbones chin and the corners of our mouths, and light green in the hollows of our eyes and cheeks. Black down each side of our trachea, and light green on the trachea.

Here is a stupid picture of us out during training. You can see that most of us have a variation of what I described above.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 151 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 03 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I had to figure out who these guys are... militia? reenactors?
You can just see the "this we'll pretend" ethos oozing from each of them.

Turns out it's a paramilitary "leadership course" based outside St. Louis, MO, for weekend warriors.
Here's their about us video and their website:

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 192 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/grendelt πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 03 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

The presenter's mannerisms, voice, and even his face a bit reminds me of Mike Rowe.

E: wods

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 61 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Two-Tone- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 03 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

The ability for our brains to find patterns in random noise, like faces in wood grain, clouds, etc... is called pareidolia which has a fun subreddit /r/Pareidolia

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 75 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ConditionOfMan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 03 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Got to give it to the Koreans on that one.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/noisyturtle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 03 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like to imagine this is what Bob Ross did before retirement from the military.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 43 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nagohsemaj πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 03 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
what's going on YouTube this is Brender 31 we're here in the great state of Missouri I'm at the one Shepherd Leadership Institute with dr. Chris Larson who's one of the original founders today he's going to give us a little period of instruction over how to properly camouflage a human face Chris go ahead and give us a little period instruction here okay so what we're gonna do or what we're gonna cover today will be three different styles to solving the same problem so the u.s. style of course which you know we're very fond of tries to do a complete coverage the South Korean army solves the same problems but in a very unique way and they're not quite as complete and then I'd say the most sparing is the UK the British Army style and you'll see a completely different look yeah what's really interesting is that all three truly do solve the problem all right Mike can you remove your cover thank you all right let's have you look over here and you'll see that Mike has the equal inch essential human face surprisingly enough what that means is that the light will cast certain shadows that that are very predictable it'll be around the eye sockets both eye sockets under the nose and then down below the chin these are the natural pattern and the human eye over 300,000 years of evolution or whatever it is we do or D evolution anyway the point is a human eye can pick that up we can pick that up even in non-human objects we see the man in the moon we see faces and clouds we see faces and patterns everywhere so we really pick that up quickly so the task here what all three militaries do is they learn to take those shadows and either reverse them pull them or offset them and that's what I'm gonna talk about today how each one addresses those issues all right I'm gonna use because we're in a green environment I'm gonna use green brown and black you could use two you could use you know a brown and a green better yet would be a black and a green and I'll talk about why that is but the colors done doesn't matter the type of camouflage doesn't really matter as long as it matches the environment so without further ado let's get Mike dirty all right no but this way and I'm gonna start I'm gonna actually start with the lighter colors I like the lighter colors to begin because when you're it's just a simple pragmatic thing when you put the lighter colors on the pallet the darker colors go over them better than vice-versa so so well here we go we're gonna just splotch somewhere and this is some people say it's the woodland splotch well it might be but it's really splotching technique so I grab bunch and you notice I'm not small with it you can be you can get all creative but there's no need to be just grab something and what I'm doing there is I'm shoving the lightest color I have right into that whole eye socket and then I'm going down so that's a good thing I'll argue because as I do that it lightens up the shadows and you'll see how we use other colors the darker colors so pull or offset so so now I'm going grabbing that this is a there we go sorry high the high levels the high bones those are the points so you say wow I don't ever want to put light color on the cheekbone the nose the chin and while that's generally well advised here's the problem here's a problem the problem is that people then put like color on all the low points and a dark color on all the high points what we get is a chimpanzee face and amazingly enough humans can recognize a chimpanzee face too almost as easy as they can recognize a human face I'm not trying to say it's a chimpanzee in the moon I'm young we all know it's a human but wait that's deep no it's a human alright so I throw on cine green now within hues Browns are really not darker so particularly in this kind of environment I use Brown sparingly but it you know you still have all the what is it the five s is of camouflage so I throw him Brown just because the color is represented in the environment around us and it also just breaks up a solid green face so but if you were to take black and white this is what a hue is different linen color you take black and white you'll notice that the Browns aren't much different than the greens so it doesn't have much darker hue just slightly but the big thing of course is it has a different color I can look up the sky a bit Thanks and I should say that I'm going a little easy on Mike here mostly for the sake of you know I don't want them to have to get a haircut he doesn't have much to lose but the reality is that I could actually take this all the way around his head and that is truly the American you can look down a little bit now that's truly the American doctrine is that no skin should show and so even at the bottom of his neck he'll go ahead and put up that Chinese collar later all right so we got a little bit earlier there and I want just a little bit here and the reason I do that is I want to make sure that if I see them from the front aside that I can I see a good breakup of the color just something like that all right so we got brown on there you smooth that out a bit got it all right so now the real tell so now the real tell now what I've got to do is I can do an offset which is that I can actually use dark in many different areas that are not in the shadows that's called an offset a pole is for me to go and that's what I'm gonna do on this eye socket here a pole is for me to use a black and then pull it some angle so it no longer looks that same shape yes and then the reverse oh yeah the reverse is just simply to come in you see this like in World War 2 videos and stuff our videos movies and the thing is pretty fairly accurate they would take a very dark just a single color like a black and they would run across the high tops of the bone and I call that the T it goes like this goes down here and then sometimes I'll pull from the eye socket down the cheek and you'll see that or warto style but this it's gonna be a little different so I come in here and I use a lot of it and I just what I'm doing really to be honest is I'm just owning up that this is a shadow so I'm gonna come in and grab that shadow and fill it in say yep it is now at this point we could pull it down like that go clear across but what I'm really going to do is I'm going to do a combination of a pole and an offset so you can see both that's the pole and then I'm gonna go ahead and do an offset or Jess Mike Jewell look happy adultery did you know you're lying eat alright see and then can come over here and I just want to break this up a bit too so I'll follow that and see this is what I was talking about earlier you see the black goes over the green much easier than vice versa splotch it on now I'm using a cream you can use a two-color stick you can still get the same effect right but I'm using a cream because I like the fact that when the cream goes on for me anyway it once it dries once you get it to dry and you can see it's good and wet right now but once it dries it dries really flat and I think it tends to stick very well I think it tends to stick but I think it has a longer hang time that's not truth everybody because it does truly depend on B your skin type whether you're oily or dry it also depends frankly on them amount of sweating you know or you just swimming through the ocean and open your eyes but I think I'm done you can go ahead and put on your cover okay so this is the American doctrine you see like I said it's complete coverage we're using an aus splotch method and again we've done some we've done some offsets here so that we're hitting the high points and pulling them down on this side of the face we've done a poll here and in a combination with an offset so there we go got that one that's the US this is the u.s. solution to the problem okay next let's look at a South Korean solution to the problem can you understand right there Brendan would you remove your cover please all right here we go the South Koreans use all they have the same theory behind it but what they do is you'll you'll commonly see this they'll use a bold diagonal striping and they'll do it to color like green and black or in the winter black and white but they also do three color as well and weather again no matter what the product they use their whole entire thing is to grab this bold stripe which in effect acts as a great big pull down the center of the face and that's great because it breaks up that natural shadow and then they'll do lighter colors to the side and they might actually do as many as three dark poles across the face which in theory are poles but in fact since they run right across everything there's a combination of a pole and an offset so yeah you know what let me think about that yeah first one I'm gonna do I'm gonna violate what I said let's see how this turns out because I want to focus on the great big pole and when I do that I'm gonna go ahead and start with with dark and you said he just broke his own rule I did I did it's true but that's why I make the rules if you don't believe me just ask the staff of one Shepherd I'm famous for drug deals I mean say mister infamous vesti are you even awake right now okay okay can you look up so we've got this we've got this really dynamic very bold stroke like that what I'm gonna do is not believe I'm gonna actually switch now so that I can go to the lighter colors and and oh by the way I mean it I will say this have a rag with you with your but I just use my pants oh [ __ ] I should have been using his pants oh [ __ ] I can't say that so bold strokes bold strokes a teacher you gonna you're gonna owe me something because I'm covering up all those gray hairs you should use this when you go to the barn look up one on the same there there's a veeraiah young lawyer I tell cos his hair still green and he's wearing mascara all right and we can just keep doing this actually you can see it right here that when you're using a lighter color against a darker color it's already starting to blend but that's easy to clean up or you just say I don't care one bit too good I can clean that up later because I'm gonna have to put another black stroke now alright alright and you know what I am gonna keep this to color because they often do I mean I've seen them throw in light like where their use actually a very light gray and just to break that up and that's actually pretty cool because the sunlight does this I'm told and I believe it I'll know if it's true or not but I choose to believe it that there is no black in nature or it's anyway it's a very very rare thing to actually see black in nature but here's what the human eye does the human eye picks up black as depth at least if the castell theorists of the 1920s and 30s are correct on I do it this way that's actually what's going on is the human eye picks it up his death and so when you have a good contrast of lights very lights and dark what you're seeing is the lights is foreground closer to you you're seeing the dark background I'm go ahead and clean up your nose a little because I'm a perfectionist yeah what's wrong with your bestie sure let's get you one more time at the green but that's the other thing I noticed that Koreans they don't have them while they do these bold colors on the face and I'm just gonna go ahead and wrap it out a little bit here they often only do the face I've seen it Boyd you very rarely see anybody go down the neck except in the direction that Pollan perhaps but this is an American interpretation of the South Korean it doesn't taste quite the same but it's very filling jus look marvelous alright let's go ahead and have you throw on the throw on your cover and again that that pulls you can see this is the South Korean solution to it and again you can see what it's doing it's doing in a series of polls and offsets across a right that big dark bold right across it grabs this eye pulls it over the highlight of this grab that shadow and pulls it down through through the chin and that's the South Korean solution to face camouflage I think it achieves in a very different way the same thing that the u.s. does okay all right thank you let's go ahead and move on over here to now with mat what we're going to do is we're going to use the UK solution and the UK interestingly enough says all the same things are true they recognize the shadows and the highlights of the face but what they say is don't cover everything that you use the camouflage sparingly and I used to tease them that that's because they didn't have enough to go around they're cheap cheap passengers so what they will do is they'll do a series of splotching that won't necessarily be connected so but they again they do it the same way that we did so and they tend to it there's lots of different ways but what you'll tend to see is they grab and they just go like this it's almost like so they're pulling out and pulling out and that's what I'm gonna do with him so they see you know the highlights here and it'll grab a green and they'll say well it's let's do something like that all right that's good Nathan and then I'll come over here and I'll say well we've got to get some on this and so maybe they'll pull a bit here and yeah let's grab dry and pull there then they're gonna want to break it up this is if you give a mouse a cookie he's gonna ask for a glass of milk and that's such body Theresa you can't say that I need to I'm sorry um we're gonna do yeah I'm gonna pull down so I'm gonna and right through here good we're gonna have to do the same thing over here that and now they'll go for the dark actually before I do that let me do someone green on your nose because it for the dark and so they'll sink this is a really good example we'll pull they're gonna grab this and just go like that you're gonna grab it here doing offset and you okay okay and so go ahead and put on your cover and so this is a more minimal approach they noticed they leave a lot of skin showing but it still does the same thing it throws in the color it breaks up the skin it grabs the dark shadows and pulls them away it uses offset but it just splashes it on because they just don't want to do everything they think the skin color is a natural color and so this would be a UK solution if I can have you hop down all three of you stand up we'll just do one final look at this I come side-by-side comparison you're good and so again the UK solution the South Korean solution the bold strokes and then finally the good old u.s. solution to face camouflage you
Channel: Brent0331
Views: 1,178,981
Rating: 4.8828521 out of 5
Id: YpzUr3twW4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2017
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