Mountain Summit, Bobby Conner

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hey have you ever been around something you didn't know what she was in you know i've been in a lot of situations like that but uh we know coach and we're excited about uh what he's doing what's happening around the world and if this is something i think it's the most crucial time in human history i i don't believe you can fan through human history and find a more crucial time than we're in right now and look who god's let live i said what are you thinking that's what i told him i said what are you thinking most crucial time in human history and look who he's let live i said what are you thinking and here's here's how he answered he said yep i finally found my people weak enough to work in yeah now not weak in character not weak and morals not weak in ethics weak in their own ability they realized and figured out they cannot do a single thing without holy spirit without god you can't i don't care how brilliant you are we can't do a single thing uh without the holy spirit that's what the bible says it says john 15 5 without me you can do nothing first time i ever read that as a young man i was you know i was called to preach i'm studying the bible and i read that without me you can do nothing i got mad i go how dogmatic what does he mean nothing then i kind of chilled out and i thought maybe i don't understand the greek word nothing so i got out some big old thick books about that thick uh vines and wheast and all those and i started looking up the word nothing john 15 5. nothing guess what it is it's a big old zero with the vacuum sucked in it it's less than nothing it's absolutely nothing we can do absolutely nothing without him but i've got good news for you if you yield to him let the holy spirit control you you can do anything that's what it says i can do all things say all things i mean that means every one of them it includes all of i can do all things through christ who infuses me with inner strength wow isn't that cool that's pretty wild uh i i tell you what we've got to realize what's available to us we we are unstoppable when we're walking in the word of god that's what it says romans what in romans 8 37 says all things can happen because he's with us we're more than conquerors we are more than conquerors so i looked up the word conqueror we're more than conquerors and he paul had to come up with a brand new word then he came up with a word called hooper nike see them shoes hooper nike super overcomer put your hand on your chest say this in jesus i am victorious i cannot be stopped that's exactly right you're invincible in him i'll tell you isaiah 54 17 says no weapon formed against us works i like that don't you isaiah 54 17 no weapon formed or forged against us will prosper or work i'm glad the devil's got blanks remember barney fife uh he had a gun but no bullet that's kind of where the devil is i studied the book of revelation remember when jesus resurrected out of the grave remember that on the third day he had something with him keys the keys of what death hell and the grave hey the devil can't even lock up his own door you see that we've got to understand what we've got to do is overcome this spirit that's been ministering to us about being insufficient no no you're not insufficient you're not in this thing by yourself god created things for you to do before he created you that's in the bible ephesians 2 10 i studied ephesians 2 10 out of every english translation bible i could find ephesians 2 10 says we are his workmanship created in christ jesus under good works which god before ordained we'd conduct ourself in them just to boil that down in texas terms god created things for us to do before he created us say this with me purpose now if we're going to win these young men and to the lord jesus we got to convince them they got purpose they got purpose they don't know who they are that's what the devil's doing he's always trying to get people confused about who they are can you believe this heaven and hell almighty god and hateful devil are asking the people the same question how could almighty god and hateful devil be synchronized in any subject how could they have the same question here it is you ready here's a question both heaven and hell are asking these young people who do you think you are that's right so we need to answer that question for them who are they number one they're created by god our brother was talking about that and god created them and he knew them before they were them that's what it says it says psalms it says in the book of psalms all of our days are written in his book before we've ever lived a single one of them i like that don't you every day that we're going to live god has written it in his journal here's what i try to convince people if we're going to be successful in this life we need to make his journal become our journey all of our days are written in his book before we've ever lived a single one of them psalms 100 and what 39 verse 16 17 and 18. verse 18 says god's thoughts psalms 139 verse 18 says god's thoughts toward us are weighty and precious so the word weighty there is the same word for glorious so god see the devil will try to say to people nobody cares about you nobody you nobody's concerned about you nobody's got your back they're lying god cares about them god created things for them to do he created them it says he watched their substance being formed wow and it says all of our days written in his book before we've ever lived a single one of them and then it says god's thoughts towards us are weighty and precious now when people when you begin to discuss about god's plans for people we need to see what god said about his plans jeremiah 29 11 is a good place to jump in jeremiah 29 11 says god's speaking i know my thoughts i think towards you declares the lord thoughts of your success not your failure my intention is to bring you to a good end not a dismal demise now see if the devil's plan is right the opposite the thief comes back far to what steal kill destroy if we don't interrupt his process he'll pull it off but you and i are soldiers we're warriors we're bright lights shining on a hill aren't we yes we are what do you do tell me about administrator yourself school administrator i used to spend a lot of time in the principal's office this is all true don't lie in church i went to school in brownsboro high school that's down in texas we did have a good good football team we won state a time or two but the principal he looked like a a mad marine h riley was his name he wore a gray suit with a tie had a burr haircut gray hair and he didn't sit at his desk he lurched over his desk oh man good gracious we had some times i'd read a book about reverse psychology just to be quite honest it's a pile of crap no such thing as reverse psychology not not with uh h.h riley so here's what happened i'd read this first book on reverse psychology you can uh you can uh act a certain way and it'll change their demeanor so i got in trouble i don't know something i'd you know some little bitty thing and they sent me to the principal and so i'm sitting here h.h riley the principal he's reached through his desk like that and he always seemed like he dropped the volume his voice down well bobby bobby i don't know bobby now i played football and i was good at playing football so i knew he was not going to expel me because friday night football was coming up but one thing i couldn't stand was another point off of any grade i was making f for fabulous you know but anyway mr riley said bro be i got to do something and so this is where i thought the book will kick in i said sir let me interrupt you just for a moment i see where you're coming from and i tried to get as remorseful as i could get i said sir i see i put you in a hard place here i understand i need to be on the football field friday night but and you know i i just cannot afford any uh grades off of any points off my grade and i said uh since i put you in this predicament if if let me see if i'm thinking right if i was you and you or me i would just i would just give me corporal punishment and you know that's when he's supposed to see my remorse and go there's no need dealing with bobby he already sees it he slammed his fist on the desk and goes brilliant idea take everything out of your pocket and bend over the desk now i don't remember a whole bunch of things that happened in school i remember that day he picked up a piece of ply board they they put him in the pen for that now he picked up a piece of ply board with two hand holes in it and a whole bunch of holes and i've been over the thing like a bear and i got 17 of the hardest lick i've ever got in my life i've been mad about reverse psychology ever since but i'll tell you what mr riley but anyway so here your school in school are you school what was it school the ministry administrator so are they under you these these the principles no i tell you what i understand he wasn't near hard enough honestly but we had a good time there uh i i can tell you stories i blew up the lab but you didn't hear you didn't come to hear about my delinquency but listen if i can make it anybody can that's the absolute truth if i can make it anybody can you talk about an attempted abortion my mother my dad was dying in a mental institution from a venereal disease my dad slept around with strange women caught this venerable disease and my mother already had two children my son was my my brother a year older me was born crippled then my sister was born healthy i'm in my mother's womb this is 1943. the doctors say to my mother they give a council with my mother and say the baby inside your belly will be afflicted with the same disease killing his father now this is 1943 my mother is desperate she's not doing it out of malicious meanness she's trying to be merciful so she sits down takes a coat hanger turns it into a hook inserts it into her womb and attempts to pull my life out so help me god the hand of jesus reached and pushed me aside just like that and kept my mother from extracting my life from her body i told my wife about that before my mother ever told me wow isn't that something see god's got a purpose for a headness he's got a plan for us and i'm telling you what pretty amazing really amazing it said before i formed in the belly i knew you before you came out of mommy's tummy or a danger and sanctified you and set you apart to be a prophet to the nations that's what it says in the bible but we've got to convince these young people they're worth something they're worth something there's a verse in the bible well there's a bunch of them this verse the bible says we are not redeemed with corruptible things such as gold and silver with our from our vain lifestyle but with the precious blood of christ i dare you to look at the word precious there we don't even have a word for it the nearest word we've got for the word precious is incalculable what does incalculable mean so valuable you can't put a value on it now we're trying to commit vince these young people they've got a value and um i'm telling you how do you obsessive i one time the lord told me said watch tv i used to live live right here my wife and i live right up there in in this place for i don't know how long we used to fill this full of koreans we had the summit meetings crazy times but anyway one time the lord told me said i want you to watch tv now i'm not against that so i got the tv controller clean turned it on and it was mud racing i liked that and he said no that's not yeah what football no basketball no horse racing no cage fighting no finally the channel switches to the antique roadshow that's the first time i almost started believing in purgatory the antique roadster it's two old guys from england or soy chop and they assess value to objects and i said god what have i done that i've got to watch this he said nope i want you to learn how to assess value to an object there's two criterias for it and these two gentlemen are the best on the earth in doing it two criterias for accessing a value to an object now we're still trying to teach these young people they're worth something they have value they're precious anyway so here's what after watching several hours of this this is the absolute truth this is the issue you might can google it where some dear little lady from the england she comes up and she says she lays down a box pulls out of the box a rag and she's unrolling out of the rag out of the box of us a voss oh my goodness and this guy that's supposed to be assessing value what nuts he's got on white gloves he's got he's caressing this i thought good god get a grip you know sounded like some kind of a bad movie and what it was it was some kind of a ming vas or something do you know the difference between a boss and a vase walmart that's a difference doing it anyway so these two guys they showed me what how you assess value an object number one how rare is it 7.6 billion people alive and not another one of them like the person you're talking to absolutely in the pure sense of the word unique no other human being on earth like them wow there's something god created for them to do no other human being can do wow isn't that something unique that's pretty unique in it the next one that sets a criteria for value is what is somebody willing to pay for it i saw where they auctioned off a hot wheel not a ferrari not not a a hot wheel you mean they're a little you've stepped on them before the kids left them out 72 000 for a hot wheel good lord so first criteria first criteria is how rare is it second criteria is what is someone willing to pay for it jesus paid it all didn't he to see what we're trying to convince these you see you can't tell them something till you catch their attention is that true now i i like what our brother was saying here a while ago he talked about the spiritual dimension you can you can talk till you're blue in the face but their life is not going to change till they meet jesus second corinthians 5 17 says what therefore if any person be in christ he is a new creation all things are passed away behold all things become bright and brand new wow colossians 1 in the colossians yes colossians 1 13 it says he translates when we get saved when we give our heart to christ he translates us out of the kingdom of darkness and puts us into the kingdom of his light and his love the kingdom of his son so our number one goal is evangelism in it to get them saved that's right god would have all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of christ how they're going to come if nobody tells them most of what most all they've heard is somebody going you ain't worth nothing you know what they said about me they said he'll be dead or in the penitentiary time he's 21 so i tried to live down to their expectation we've got to build people up the bible said the words there's those that speak and their words are like the slashing of a sword and then those those that speak and their words are sweet to the mind and healing to the body we can build somebody up or tear them down just with our words can't we so we need to make sure this there's some very poetic words about the words in the word it says if a word spoken in due season is like apples of gold in settings of silver don't you want to learn how to speak an encouraging word to people listen no matter what it looks like god created them and they got a purpose and god's got a plan and got to make sure we give the plan of salvation as simple as we can listen when you're talking to the lost don't use biblical verbiage you run up to some of these street gangs and go hell you're sanctified they think my god that's what happened to milk they don't know words like that do you know what i mean but we've learned christianese and listen oh boy i i get i i like to get where the fruit is and we got we got to realize we got to get you can't catch fish out on the freeway they ain't there if we're called to be fishers of men let's get where they're schooling you understand that where the fish are and let's chunk something they're biting if we're going to reel in a harvest for christ well uh i was going to a meeting once and i had a nice uh suit and i had my suit coat off and still have my town and i'm going to do a meeting and but i turned into down in texas i got a dairy queen it's a hamburger joint and they had a big hamburger sort of like the belt buster apparently it's working but anyway i thought i had to drive about another hour to the place i was going so i thought i'll pull in there just that through the drive through and and get me a hamburger so i had my coat laying across the seat of the car and i i didn't want to stay in the line it was too long so i parked and i get out and i'm walking up to the window and a motorcycle goes a big old chopper motorcycle handlebars out like this and the guy on it was ragged looking man he had got a hole in how to get their tattooed on each arm had a motorcycle jacket cut off as a shirt and the lord said uh give him i had a track that tells about god's plan god said give him this track so he just rolled up and said i said here i'd like to give you this ready to get opportunity and i go up to get me a hamburger and i'm coming back and i got to walk by him and uh he said uh well i can't say exactly what he said but you know he said something about what is this you know i said it's it's a it's a sign that god loves you and he's got a plan for you and i said that's a nice bike i used to have an indian 750 cc ending a bad bike last bike i got on it it would go 127 miles an hour in six seconds a ninja 1100 cc it'd blow your eyes back like that my wife said bobby don't don't don't ride motorcycles i said i'll try not to but then she she busted me i was on the ninja had it cranked up over 120 miles an hour and i'm going this way and she's coming that way she goes that looked like bobby's clothes but anyway let's get back to the guy in the motorcycle so i said it's a nice bike he said you like bikes i go yeah he said you on the ride and out of my mouth said yeah he said get on i'm talking about stupid i've never seen this guy poor my whole life i swung my leg around he fires up this thing is [Music] down prayerville street athens texas down prairie street we go his old black hair is blowing back in my face he's sweaty as a gorilla i i got him man he gets down to the first set of red lights he throws that thing on its side and does a donut me on the back of it and back we go to the dairy queen he pulls up there and shuts his bike off he said you want to talk to me i thought about just let him go to hell you know but anyway we we lead this guy to jesus christ this is all true and he said i would will you come with me i said where are we going he said my gang is out here he had a gang a motorcycle gang i said yeah i will at first i thought man i got to drive about an hour god said nope i want you to go where nobody else is going so this guy carried me out by the airport in athens texas there's some big old barns there that ranchers have those uh gang members had broke into that uh barns and this is when they had you remember uh jukeboxes you put money in a thing it was pull out a record they had stolen the jukebox and had it plugged in out in this barn and you talk about rough it look it looked like sodom and gomorrah in that barn looked like it was you never seen well i hope you've never seen nothing like it anyway here's what happened the guy brings me in there first thing he does he kicks a plug out of the wall for the jukebox all the music stopped and this leader says to his gang i want you to listen to this man he's got something to talk to us about and we start preaching the gospel the simple message for god so loved the world that he gave god we have all men to be saved and come the knowledge of christ god is not willing that any should perish but that all should come repentance and we preach the simple gospel see that's what happens we try to make it so complicated the bible said the plan of salvation is so simple a wayfaring fool need not ear therein i said tell me that in texas again he said tell the people if you've got enough sense to get back to your house you've got enough sense to get saved salvation plant is not complicated remember that's what nicodemus said what you mean i must go a second time to mommy's tomb room my mommy's womb and uh and jesus said marvel not look at the word marvel not it said quit trying to use human intellectuality to figure out spiritual principles you can't do it anyway these big old boys out there in that barn they're they're falling at my feet grasping and repenting throwing dope out and all this mess and uh it was going wonderful and then little gal about about the biggest about a big as a broom handle about that tall she walked up and here she said here's what you can do with you and your effing god and clear the throat and spit right in my face play at first i thought i'll slap her into tomorrow and the lord said nope you gotta love her just like you love the rest of these isn't that something even if you don't win them the bible said if i tell you the word the wicked person of his wicked ways and you don't do it their blood i will require at your hands see it's kind of putting us in a hard place there in it we get saved to serve the holy spirit are tools not toys acts 1 8 you shall receive what power don't you want power but it's power for purpose and you know what jesus told me i wrote a whole article about it went around the whole world the lord said tell the church the highest the highest form of treason is to take the gifts i've given to win people to me and use those gifts to win them to yourself he said that's highest form of treason wow you believe jesus will tell you the truth yeah he will i like that i like he's the way the truth and the life he'll tell us the truth about the truth that's what we've got to do we got to get the bible down in us headwind in the book of hosea it says my people are destroyed for what a lack of knowledge wow did you know it's still now we're talking about moving these young people from uh being lost to salvation and then showing them the purpose god has for them the para the panorama gods has for them and you joshua 1 verse uh joshua chapter 1 it says this the words of this law shall not depart from your mouth you shall meditate upon it day and night and it will guarantee you overwhelming success now that's a pretty good offer indeed the book of this law shall not depart from your eyes you shall meditate upon it day and night and it will guarantee you overwhelming success wow i don't know of anybody that just wants to be a flop and a failure but if you leave the bible and the laws of god out of your life you're not going to succeed very well what is a man prophet if he does what gain the whole wide world and lose his own soul or what would a man give for in exchange for his soul what do you do this gentleman here tell me i'm the director for team focus oh that's wonderful in the state of ohio ohio i go to powell ohio there to uh zion christian fellowship we have some good times here uh it's jim baker but it's a different jim baker uh he's he's a good good guy and we go there and have some crazy times uh they brought well anyway god bless you i really mean that isn't it wonderful to be in the kingdom esther 4 14 says you're in the kingdom for such a time as this did you know that's the number one question asked around the whole world is hey what time is it esther 414 says we're in the kingdom for such a time as this if there's anybody on earth that should know the timing it should be prophetic people we should be operating in the anointing that rested upon the sons of issachar it says they have understanding of the times to know what the people of god should be committing themselves to here's your good verse isaiah 50 verse 4 said i will give you a tongue of a taught one that you will know how to reply and respond to the people that ask you how do we navigate these dark days now i i want you to start enjoying life you'd be surprised how many people are cynical and sour god does not want us to be cynical and sour jesus christ was the happiest person ever walked on this planet psalm 16 11 says in his presence his fullness of joy at his right-handed pleasures forevermore the happiest people i have ever met are christians that are serving jesus some in the most arduous hard places you're never too old to learn that's off way down there in belize and there's a rastafarians down there they hate any white person because of the british they came down there and just ramsacked the place so we're i'm down there doing some missionary work with a little bitty uh missionary that's been down there most of her life smallest little frail thing little bitty knuckles like this and we're driving down a road in belize city and there's work going on so we have to make a detour through some back streets and here we are and the rastafarians they surround the car now they speak english sort of angels you man you know you can tell when you're getting cursed and how what they're saying you know and so i'm looking on the car seat for maybe a ranch or a car tool or something like that you know because they're trying to turn the car over and they're rocking and i thought i'll find me something and the little missionary she's about this size of my little finger she's and she looked at me like that with a little bun she said i suspect prayer will work better and then she started praying in tongues scared those guys you couldn't have pulled out ak-47 and then run any faster the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they're mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds you understand this see it's a war in it it's a war over souls the devil wants to kill everybody he'd kill everybody in this room if he could john 10 10 the thief comes but far to steal kill and to destroy but i i've read i've read luke 10 19 jesus said behold observe look at this i give you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and italy nobody's hurt you romans 16 20 said the god of peace will crush satan under your feet wow there's two verses already tell us where the devil is under our feet well you know you know what one preacher told me oh man he said well here's what i figure if i leave the devil alone he'll leave me alone no no god didn't create no spectator sitting on the sideline he created participators to get on the front line we're called in the bible sons saints and soldiers guess what the most repetitive name in your bible is for god the most repetitive name in the bible for god is lord of armies lord of hosts that should give us a clue there's a conflict don't you think but you know it's already finished remember our elder brother jesus christ hung up on the cross and he cried out it's finished aren't you glad he didn't say i'm finished he said it's finished it's a farming term that he used it simply he simply said that term everything that should have been done is totally done nothing's left undone that needed to be done say complete now we need a new appreciation for jesus your bible says it pleased the father that the sum total of deity would dwell in jesus christ permanently you can't get any deeper than jesus aren't you glad you can't get any more more of god than jesus it plea colossians 1 uh 15 says he is express image of the invisible god now what does invisible mean you'll have to hit me there you've got a smart watch what what does the word invisible mean can't see him so you can't see god till you see him in the form he chooses to reveal himself he christ is the express image of the invisible god jesus said it this way if you've seen me you've seen the father i and father are one wow you can't well you could leave it i run into i speak i'm 77 years old i'll be 78 this year i speak in the largest youth conferences in the world now you talk about a harvest field they want to know two things just boil it down is this book really real and can i do it answer is what yes yes it's really real it's not fiction it's not fiction it's truth john 17 17 says sanctify them clean them up set them apart for the service of god through that truth that word is truth now boy we have got into some deals i was off there in california in one of the conferences i don't know 15 or 20 000 screaming kids and i call this guy up there to the front he's about that much taller than me and he's skinny about that tall so i called him up there he came he comes up there and all these kids out there we're in california some park there in southern california so i said to this kid what do you do that's what i said to him what do you do he looked down at me like this he says dude call me a dude dude i got a scream band go what he said i got a screen band now i'm from texas i know willie nelson them other guys i don't know nothing about no screen bands so this kid said i got a gig after this and you want to go and i'm in front of thousands of young people and out of my mouth goes yeah i was going my god i didn't want to go i want to go back to hotel and clean up here we go though it started uh at 2am in the morning his screen band we go to what looks like an abandoned mall and here comes the screen band followers good lord y'all ever remember seeing the movie the adams family that's what it looked like oh lord they packed out this old big old place in the mall it's abandoned mall or doors and rats and so i'm the guest they put me right there there's a speaker there bigger than this whole fireplace right there behind me and so it starts 2 a.m gonna go till 5. when sun comes up now i don't know if you've ever been to a scream band but let me help you don't go if you can keep from it here's what happened the music no it wasn't music you never heard such listen i i don't even want to try to replicate it but oh man it was that electronic well my hair my hair went and then the blood inside of me started going i'll get it yeah it was awful i thought to myself oh my god this is awful it wasn't music it was something else and then he started now it wasn't singing you say well what was it like it was like this it was like he swallowed the mic and spent the rest of night trying to cough it up craziest thing you ever heard volume wide open i thought oh god i i should be back at the hotel all right two till five but in the middle of this in the middle of it kids started coming forward and i mean literally you can tell when they're repenting i mean would fall before the lord and were repenting in a a scream band concert i thought the lord said what do you think about this bobby i said to him what do you think about it he said i think there's people who come hear him sing they'll never come here you preach and so finally five o'clock got here a lot of kids got healed delivered i mean no preaching singing well not screaming so when it's over with a big old dude was up there packing up his stuff now i i i'm i'm an honest person i went up there to him i said son could i look at your notes i did not understand one single lyric and he pulled up his computer and punched it guess what he's singing have you been to jesus for his cleansing power are you washed in the blood of the lamb there is a fountain filled with blood drawn from emmanuel's veins and sinners plunged beneath his flood lose all their guilt and something what he was doing he was giving the message but in a demeanor that they could receive it wow we got to quit trying to put the hey say hi the cows can't reach it don't you think so we've got to keep it simple so what have we said so far convince the person that got value convinced them that somebody dearly loves him enough to die for them and that his plans are wonderful show them verses like ephesians 3 20 and 21 now to him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or dare to imagine according to the power that works in us unto him be glory now in the church where without ends amen what do you like to do you got any hobbies i like to make jewelry jewelry isn't that a wild thing that's good because i'm just going to say i like the bracelet i'm serious thank you so what kind of jewelry do you make mostly just necklaces just little necklaces and stuff good i'll tell you what to do pray over them okay pray or just ask anointing to get into them and you'd be surprised this is really true all right that'll be good jewelry oh man good lord jewelry is high some of it is isn't it goodness lord but anyway men i i we don't know what jewelry is i think a timex is a good watch you know you know what i mean but it doesn't make any difference does it it doesn't to me but so anyway what do you do the man the blue shirt yes i work for a christian radio station they told me they told me i had to raise a face for tv but now it's radio i think oh man radio we used to do programs you you know i'm their business development representative i sell all the ad times so i go out and talk to businesses that's good for our christian ministry that is so good yeah i believe god's going to offer you something today if you'll receive it favor second corinthians 6 2 now is an acceptable time a time of favor that's a good verse i would take it if i was you that's good how many of you have got some kids you'd like to see straightened out here's a good verse about it you ready isaiah 44 3 and 4 isaiah 44 3 and 4 says i will pour water upon him that is thirsty floods upon dry ground i will pour my spirit upon your descendants and they will spring up like will as by a fertile river see if you're hungry thirsty desperate for god your children will flourish you've read psalms 112 verse 1 and 2 have you yes psalms 112 verse 1 and 2 says if you're upright and you're walking with god it says the offspring of the upright will be mighty in the earth so i looked up the hebrew word mighty it says they will advance swiftly and take charge that's your children isn't that good psalms 112 1 and 2. the offspring of the upright will be mighty in the earth have you read i wrote a whole book about legacy and lineage line you do understand we're forging the future these young people are going to live in we are we're forging the future they're going to live in and we need to make sure we're handing this thing off better than we found it don't you think well sure let's let's the uh our brother was talking about when i have been preaching uh 50-plus years and i've averaged speaking five times a week for 50 years what i've averaged speaking five times a week for 50 years wow this when the covet came in i was in seattle washington and new jersey it flew in march the 6th i flew into charlotte 2020 have not left the mountain on any airplane since then but i've done you ready 380 video messages 380. i've done tons of zoom calls and finished four new books but see and i've i've loved it because i wrote about the pandemic i really did here it is right there each year for 26 years on the day of atonement i have a visitation from jesus christ what for 26 years on the day of atonement i have a visitation from jesus christ he'll come tell me some of the things that's going to happen in the future and they're writing a book called the shepherd john this is one i brought some they're the this is it walking on the wings of the wind and the lord said i want you to teach my people how to soar above the pandemic and the chaos and the confusions on earth see i wrote it before the pandemic i wrote it uh in in on september the 27th 2019 a year in advance you write them in a year in advance but the pandemic came didn't it and i wrote about it you can see it you you read english this is actually in english isn't that something and it's pretty amazing it really is and the lord said uh it's going to be a shake-up for wake up and but the end of this whole thing god said i love my people too much to let them trip over trivial things so uh now he's getting us serious about matthew 6 33 seeking first what the kingdom and all these other things so this is this is a shepherd dropper 2020 and the one there's some back there for 2021. 2021 and it the theme of 2021 is my help comes from the lord wow where does my help come from that's a question mark wow see he was looking to the mountains and the hills around jerusalem that's not where the help is my help comes from the lord remember when the disciples came with jesus outside of the out of the temple remember that and they stopped to show jesus what they had done with their hands and building the temple what does jesus say don't look at all these there will not be one stone left upon another that shall not be torn down we've got to refocus people on the fact that jesus is what really matters isn't that something it so uh i hope that you'll uh the books are there and uh we'll have we'll have fun i i'll tell you what i don't want to be around people that don't want to have fun see jesus said with him as a fountain of life and in his presence his fullness of joy at his right hand her pleasure is forevermore isn't that something this little lady back here on the sofa she's busy writing right now so i would keep it up if i was you because you're going to write a journal but it's going to be a a a teaching tool for others okay god is offering you the pen of a ready writer okay and so just start jotting down the things jesus tells you about and you'll be able to use your writing you know what jesus appeared to me and he said bobby do you know what a printed word is and he did just like that a printed word i said to him apparently not he said a printed word is a thought you can see so put your thoughts down on that piece of paper okay and you'll be surprised how it'll encourage people isn't that good ah so what all are you doing now so i'm in arizona arizona oh boy and uh i'm a video assistant at a church full time oh good a video assistant yeah that's right yeah okay well let me tell you i do a lot of tv stuff and a lot of i just did uh two hours well four hours actually of jim baker taping this last week or this week sometimes it's pretty well i that's one way to reach people it's tv and stuff like that i like it the lord told me that what you hear shout from the housetop so that's the best way to do it you can reach a lot of people on tv yeah so you did yeah so that's like in the room production as well as shoot other videos and post them that's good youtube youtube said there's 23 600 23 800 videos of me on youtube and i've not put any i've got bobby's briefings but that's not you know twenty three thousand eight hundred the good bad and the ugly sir uh you can see you if you wanna see one of them it says bobby connor saw my esophagus a tv producer was in london and we'd been doing a meeting and there were supernatural things happening and it was wild and so they had the bbc there but i was amazed at his camera it had a big round circle around it and kind of counterbalances and he could boy it was a really nice camera and so after it was over with he comes running up to me said let's do some of this for the i said no let's don't do it here they've already they've already been involved in it for a couple hours let's go out on the street he said are you a shaw i said i'm sure so we go out there and uh there's a kid over there up against a looked like some kind of lamp post or something so i walked over there to him and i said um hey god's going to heal your esophagus and this guy he says my god i am scheduled for to go in to get my esophagus that's the other the guy's gonna heal it so this guy's filming all that and so here we go uh the guy said oh is there anything else i said yeah let's get them here comes a warlock and two witches a warlock and two witches walking down the streets of london he said are you sure i said i'm totally sure so you can see this on the film on anyway but i get up there and uh i'm confronting the warlock and talking to him about his past when he was growing up and the two witches are trying to throw curses i said it might as well be trying to shoot an elephant the bb gun you know what i mean because it says no weapon forming against you will prosper you understand that so it's pretty wild but i like i like the video ministry yes we that's what we did 300 and something while we've been up here oh boy it's pretty wild you can have some bloopers on there too if you're not careful yeah anyway so i like the i like the philosophy of what y'all are doing if somebody didn't try to rescue the perishing who is now anybody will sign them up when they're already a famous basketball player or good football player or you know they got they somewhere in the tech industry and they've got some new whiz but these stowaways this we got to go after them have we i'll tell you what i've noticed i've been in this thing a long time and i've noticed the ones that really have a mega destiny the devil starts on them young trying to steal that gift try to sidetrack that gift we got to look for treasures in every one of them had we it really is wow i i like to do things different don't you i i like i said a while ago i fly i used to fly all the time 2 million miles with the american 3 million miles with delton 196 000 with united so i was got on a plane once and everybody it seemed like it i could have just been extra sensitive that day or something but every time one of them would close the bend or something like it was taking the lord's name god didn't you know i thought listen that's awful over and over and over most of them business people over and over yeah jesus christ so i thought i've had all of this i'm going to put up with i let the plane get up 33 000 feet in there the bell goes off where you unbuckling i unbuckled my belt and i got up i pulled my roll off i stuck it back in and i slammed the compartment wham i said damn buddha yeah see i said i demand equal time they've been cursing jesus so i decided to damn buddha you know what i mean not a single person was offended at everybody cursing jesus but boy i'll tell you they were scattering for me about but do you understand that i don't know where we get this that we're supposed to be silent i'll tell you what our problem is you ready our timidity is testimony to our carnality the bible said the righteous will be as bold as a lion said the wicked's running their way they seem after them wow well anyway i want us to be bold and be aware of who we are you say well man no we're never by ourself he said i'll never he joshua 1 9 said be bold be brave be very courageous go do what you're called to do because you won't be going by yourself i have no idea what this is it looks like it could take off at any moment yeah yes i get pretty fascinated with that does you know what that is or anything about it a boom jam box ah man anything electronic uh pretty you're not real the kids are kids you know they got my grandson a wee or whatever you call it and it's a racing thing i can't get around the first curve he gets so maddie and he's six years old i'm mad at myself because i can't beat him you know but anyway kids know how to do it don't they yeah we're afraid if we punch something we're gonna launch the shuttle or something or drop a satellite or something electronics or something aren't they but let's talk about your your position here of rescuing the perishing and helping these young people get some footing under them the bible says we ought to have a solid foundation so we wouldn't be tossed to and fro by every strange wind of doctrine one of the first things we need to do for the people is get them grounded in the word of god and really do that because that'll help them and then when the darkness tries to come back in they'll have the light of the word of god that word is the lamp with my feet and the light in my path psalms 119 verse 130 says the entrance the penetration of your word gives light it gives me a grasp and a comprehension of the ways of god and so i'm telling you let's get into them the word of god and you say oh man they don't want to listen to it they will if you'll really show them what it really means you understand that because most of them think well i can't understand that but you can you know why now that you've led them to jesus inside of them dwells the editor of the bible all scripture is given by the inspiration of god the spirit of god the breath of god all right so again oh ohio so that's good if i get up to pal you'll have to come see us do what we're in westerville i don't know where that is they send me to two different places i go to zion fellowship there and then they've got a sister church somewhere but we just go wherever we're supposed to go and it's pretty wild we've been in some crazy places man amish ate up the guy's lunch yeah y'all want to hear that story i know y'all came to be inspired but listen somebody else can make sense out of this i i go up there to in pennsylvania to the amish and they all they're dressed dark black you know the girl's got a white little kind of like a butterfly net thing here and they're very precious i've never been around them they're just a ton of them there hundreds of them there so i get up there and i open my bible it's 11 o'clock service that morning 11 o'clock that morning and there's a man sitting out there and he's got a big old nice beard and i said hey stand up i said yes so he stands up and i say to him you ready they i said what'd you bring for dinner see they brought lunch they would have lunch every day out in the yard and some tables he said i don't know i said find out and he said he unrolled his little brown sack and he says sandwich i said bring it up here and he said i said bring it up here and he's pardoned me excuse me and so he makes his way up there and i take his lunch he goes back and he sits down and i unroll it it was actual real sliced turkey not that formaldehyde stuff you buy in the store turkey and hand baked bread so i thought i'm just ahead so help me this is all true i sit there and ate the whole sandwich while i'm preaching i know you're not supposed to talk with your mouth full but i said i did pretty good so i i ate the whole sandwich and he he's looking at me and then they've got a special k a little cookie they bake it's very special to them it's kind of like marshmallows with some bread and stuff on top of it and i got out his cookie i i don't know what they call it a whoopee cake or something like i get it out like that and i start unfolding and i can see him he's looking at me like oh man and we're gonna get this settled i eat his whole cookie and then i said this i don't know till this day why i said it i've rolled up the sack pitched it down by the pulpit and i said you know i'm really disappointed the whole crowd looked at me like that i said i was sure they'd be some cabbage there now i don't know where in the world that came from but i'll tell you what happened that was at 11 o'clock that day we turned loose at 12. we gathered back at 6 45 that night you have never seen so much cabbage crocks of cabbage stacks of cabbage you ain't never smelled so much cabbage listen hundreds of things i mean from one end of the church all the way around there cabbage yeah but anyway and they've invited me back you know that's pretty wild you know what people want they just want you to be real aren't you tired of a bunch of cookie-cutter kind of people jesus wants you to just be you yielded to him that's the greatest relief there is just for you yielded to him you don't have to be somebody else just be you and if we just you need to look in your mirror and say wow god gave me life i've got purpose and if you've got purpose you can help these other people find purpose and one of the number one keys we've left out l-o-v-e if these guys and cows realize you love them they'll let you tell them anything but if you come condescending like well you they're not going to listen to nothing but by this shall all men know you are my disciples if you have what love one for another so you've got a football jersey on maybe nobody else okay yeah that's right i played football i told you that didn't it bit my tongue off playing football yeah yeah sure that guy did absolutely friday night playing football stands full they the other team had a little cricket of a guy and he could they could throw the ball everywhere and he'd catch it and he's running like this to the goal line and i was back then i was a 175 pounds 32 in the waist my neck's that big down early but anyway i leap for him just as he's headed for the goal line and i leap for him just in time for his his heel to catch my chin cool and see back then you didn't wear mouthpieces you know the helmets were crazy anyway and then that that my whole neck like that just like that my whole mouth felt like it was full of jello i ran off to the coach yeah i am not going to say what the coach said but something like shucks we got to get you to the hospital have you ever had your tongue sewed up all the way across hanging on yeah apparently it works but anyway here's what happened friday night brownsboro texas one little doctor's office dr rahm h rahm get down there he's got on rubber gloves and yeah yeah yeah and he says to me i got good news and i got bad news yeah that means what is that he said the good news is i can sew your tongue back on the bad news is i can't deaden it yep that's what he said that's i'm not going to translate that for you and he starts have you ever seen the needle they sew your tongue up with is crooked and in between the uh i go that means i'll knock you out when i get up out of this chair he sews my whole tongue up and has to tie each stitch in a knot then he says this on my way out he said and by the way it's going to hurt a lot worse when i take them out [Music] that's that's i said to him i'll tell you one thing you ain't taking them out i took them out myself here's what i did i self-medicated i'm not you know i self-medicated and took them out myself i bit the knot off and pulled them off you know i know y'all didn't come to hear that but uh it don't matter how you start it's how you get on the lane you know what i mean but football i've always liked it so goodness i played an old timer's football game my wife said don't do it oh lord i was sore on places i didn't even know was still there one yeah full pads college kids against listen honestly i got just i got so hot and tired i couldn't even spit it just drip out of my mouth and try to paw it off with my cleat crazy you know these young kids you know you can't drink enough monster drinks to keep up with them you know what i mean anyway well i had fun but i know we got to quit my part's already over with i think but oh my lord it is i'm i'm six minutes over but here's tell the tell the people that you're trying to school that you love them and and love them enough for having accountability we've got to love them enough to tell them the truth and helping to stand by the truth and uh really show them some of the consequences for bad choices and show them some of the consequences for good choices and i'll tell you what god really will use you you'll be a spark of light to them and you can encourage them you can help them and once you win their confidence i tell you what that's when you can really begin to make ground and you win their confidence by being genuine being somebody they you're the same each time you know what i mean one thing i've noticed about these young people they can spot a phony a mile off and you get out with these streetwise kids they can spot them two miles off you understand that wow but anyway i i like what we do i enjoy doing what we do and if you don't enjoy what you're doing do something else life's too short to drag through this thing isn't it we got to enjoy each day i quoted you a verse a while ago psalms 111 verse 16 it says with him is a mountain of life and in his light we see light and it says in his presence is fullness of joy wow at his right hand are pleasures forevermore think about that his right hand what about the right hand your bible says we're seated in heavenly places with christ and he's seated at his father's right hand that's the most powerful place in the whole universe is the right hand of god and that's where you're seated wow that ephesians says that doesn't it i like that beard yeah that's going to grow mine and my wife goes now you're a nod yeah i'm talking like [Laughter] so so i just shaved it down okay i want to pray for you okay and i thank you for inviting me i really mean that and uh like we said the books you've distributed them any way you want to do that because we're happy uh listen well we're some about uh audience for the king there's some about the shepherd yard and there's my wife she found out i was coming over here and she said i want you to bring them and give them some of them books and so i said okay so i don't know what this is there's a sack for you it says mike on the box so she's giving you some stuff i think it's bob jones tapes cds and dvds and stuff like that now they got all this other kind of technology you know i'm still a cd guy you know emp what you know good gracious they asked me once they said is any of your books on audiobook and i go no then i thought well how how hard could that be oh lord i got me a recording studio a microphone about that big around with some fuzz around it i put my books up here and i start i punch the thing first thing i do it and it sounds like see jane run it's the craziest mess you've ever heard you know it's okay when i'm preaching but it was awful it was a blusterous day so anyway i'm still not on audiobooks i've got ebooks now but uh i record my pastor it's not easy oh no joel osteen he reads his own you know and sounds good mine sounded like you know some well it's i'm not doing one unless the computer can read it for you now but it says like this probably we'll be back all right but enjoy one another enjoy this time here this is a very anointed place my wife and i lived here for years had divine visitations bob jones and i would do we'd invite the koreans we'd pack this place out i'm telling you it wouldn't be hard to pack this place out but uh i'm telling you guys this is a very very uh the moravians kicked the hole in the heavens it this is a portal whether you believe it or not revelations 4 1 says and after this i heard a voice that said come up here and i looked and there was a gate a door a portal standing open in heaven the moravians have had a hundred year prayer meeting 24 hours a day for a hundred years since the north of them got this land on my birthday yes they did wow isn't that something and that's why it's an open heaven you can have visitations you can these are all on over yeah it'll be okay we better get used to the supernatural it ought to be natural don't you think what do you do did to ask you that question um okay well that's good mobile is that what you said look good now that's good i want y'all to enjoy yourself okay enjoy jesus he loves you ask him to talk to you yeah he will it says day and night the heavens under his voice john 10 3 says my sheep will hear my voice that's what it says you can hear him you know why you can hear matthew 13 16 17 says blessed are your eyes for they see and blessed are your ears are they here said many long to see what you see could many deeply desire to hear what you hear and couldn't matthew 13 16 17. well we've got to get out here maybe my wife will have supper cook by the time i get home and we'll have some stuff can i ask you a question you can't did you how did you i saw okay that's the number one question i get asked around the world how do you memorize the bible let's see here's the deal it's absolutely true i've got a stack of bibles this high i studied until all of my fingers wore the print off the page and the lord said you better do that again we've got to learn to study the bible and meditate upon the bible remember and we've got to learn the bible and you can you can learn it one of the best ways to learn it is repetition get your verse and just keep on till you get it and a lot of people said well i can remember the verse but i don't remember the address but you can do it you can you can commit it to memory you really can and so that's that's we studied it till and the lord said you better do that now uh uh i told sister i said well we try to memorize it now every translation i can find this english i like that don't you there's some wild ones out there you know eugene peters and all these guys and but anyway uh study it just get in there my favorite bible to read out of is the amplified classic version amplified classic version uh it gives a lot of extra words words in there but most of the words that it's giving would be what the hebrew or the greek said if you knew what it was saying you know what i mean so there's an amp that's not very good ampc is the best one i've ever found honestly a little bit difficult to find now but uh they're good so alrighty anything else i'll tell you what i think you're preparing for a promotion okay i really mean that going to another level i'm serious about it go on to another level and he said prepare the people you've never been where you're going now one thing that can keep us from our destination is thinking we've already arrived joshua 3 4 said prepare the people get them ready we've never been where we're going now aren't you glad yeah good you ought to bake me a cookie did you know that you said i can't cook you could if you cook for me okay i like chocolate chip if you've got them or macadamia or whatever you call it all right you can't hardly mess up a good cookie can i give y'all one store and i'm quitting i said to my wife we just live right over the mountain there i said to my wife a few years ago i said she said what's wrong with you i said i'm pretending i smell cookies baking and she just said like this i am not baking you any cookies and she meant it so at first i was offended then i thought my lord at that time i was 73 years old i said i'm 73 years old and good lord i've never baked a cookie so you want to hear my cookie recipe it's famous i get me a box of oatmeal out of the pantry and it says how to bake cookies so i get me a pan i pour a box of oatmeal in there and it said put an egg i like a lot of eggs i put one dozen eggs on top of the oatmeal in the pan a pan about that big around about that tall so i got a box of oatmeal i got a dozen eggs and so then it says add a stick of butter we don't have butter we got canola so i poured me a cup of canola i got dry cereal i got canola i got uh so then it says mix thoroughly but i was supposed to mixed it as i went now it's a mess it's a big mess i couldn't get it to stick together it said preheat heaven four whatever it was 4 25. i thought good lord i'm nearly threw in the ovens not even so i turned it up to 5.50 that dudes are dancing i couldn't get my cookies to stick together so i got peanut butter got me a jar of jiffy's crunchy peanut butter and i slammed it down in there and now i worked it up so uh but you know listen you know i had them just about the size of a big baseball so she wouldn't tell me where none of the pans were i found this thing you stick in the stove and so i put them out just like this just i put them one here one here one here one here one one here they're touching one another i slid them in i thought this won't take long here's what happened the oven's already up to 5 50. i stuck them in there with canola oil and all this other mess and they they rose up like this and they just leaned over to one another and then they just leaned over the pan and then the thing the pan was sitting on it leaned over it cookies down into where the flame is smoke alarms where where my wife said see it's awful yeah okay anyway it took me about two days to take the oven apart clean out the cookie dough but my cookies let me they were flat they were about this size about the size of the sheet and they were about this thick and they were flexible yeah sort of like it's sort of like a croc shoe you know they it wouldn't snap and bend you could just flex them i wasn't going to be out there and i got the sharpest knife i could find and cut them into little bitty squares you could take them and do them like this but now listen they were good now i get cookies all the time but not you know but anyway at least i tried it 70 something years old and you had to go well i ain't never baked a cookie what is some other things you ain't never done think about it i don't want us to sit back and get some old folks on why i wish i coulda shoulda done that let's wear ourself out doing something good for god you know two here's what it says you ready i'm through one generation will spend the next the rest of their time telling the next generation god is everything he says he is one generation will spend the rest of their time lobbing applauding the mighty deeds of god convincing the coming generation that god's everything that he says he is okay read psalms 146 you'll find him so because you're that generation that's going to tell the next generation god's everything he says he is well i had fun i want to pray for you here's what god said bobby that's me go where i tell you to go this gathering do what i tell you to do when i you get there i'll give the people an impartation whether they want it or not an impartation out of hebrews 13 20 and 21 it says the hebrews 13 20 21 says now the god of peace that brought again from the dead the lord jesus christ that great shepherd of the sheep by the blood of the everlasting never failing covenant make you perfect give you everything you need to accomplish the task you've been sent to do wow make you perfect i look that up it means missing no component everything you need you got isn't that cool well i want y'all to have a good time now when rick comes uh tell him i couldn't use that french word yeah he wanted me to use it but i you know it was you know i travel all over the world and you want to be kind of cultural where you're at and so uh you know don't ever let somebody that's you that's a big prankster give you a word in foreign language that you're going to use the next time you get over there you can end up highly embarrassed i am living proof of that yeah how's it going let me tell them rick rick said tell them the story i said oh good lord i should have never told him down at the round table but anyway i was going to france and i had a friend named frenchie frenchy laverne a little frenchman about that high and i said frenchie i'm going to uh france uh and i want you to teach me a french word that i can greet the pastors with and the people and they'll really realize that i'm here to help them so he gives me a french word i practice it two or three times to get everything just right so here we go that fly in there and i get charles de gaulle airport or something the team comes to pick me up you know the pastor so i grab my other hand and i say my french word he looks just i thought wow that must really be strong i was saying it to women i was saying that the elders the guys taking the offering i thought finally finally one of the bilingual pastors says uh brother bobby i said yes he said if you could would you please not use that phrase anymore i said well why now i'm just like a little i'm i'm as innocent as you can get i said why you know what it was kiss my eye yeah i'm using it right left i'm telling you i got back me and french he had a talk you know isn't that crazy see you know i was just ignorant i wasn't you know ugly i just ignorant you know and you they would give a response you know you could just say kind of you know like wow and i thought man this has got something on it yeah it did but anyway that's i'm i'm guilty but not guilty i'm just guilty of ignorance i should have looked it up now the computer can talk about it you know what you mean you can say what the word nailed they got it on the phone you can translate it on your phone now that siri or whatever her name is you all got siri okay i'm through hey i had fun don't get around god's people and not enjoy if you don't learn to enjoy jesus heaven will be hell for you just learn to enjoy jesus don't you want to you say well i got so much stuff now you ain't got a single thing he doesn't already know about he knows every thought in our mind every word in our mouth every hair on our head and he still loves us isn't that amazing but get ready for an advancement a promotion of some starting in the spirit realm well i had fun god bless you man y'all keep this up i mean it let's not grow we're in well-doing we'll repeat we faint not one of the number one things the devil tries to do is get you discouraged but i just want to roll out hebrews 10 35 hebrews 10 35 says hang on to hope it pays big dividends it says don't fling away your confidence your steadfast confidence in god because your steadfast confidence in god brings with it a great recompense of reward okay hebrews 10 35. did we ask what you do what do you a substitute do a substitute teacher [Music] i got a lot of stories but i can't don't this is the honest to god truth you know in the schools they give you an annual when you graduate miss ellis wrote in my annual so help me it's your fault i had a nervous breakdown [Laughter] now see if i hadn't been the kind of person i am that could have hurt me it's your fault i had that's what she said wrote in my book in my yearbook no no but it was true she had a i could but anyway it all happened i swung across the auditorium on the drapes you know and that's what happened she went nuts over it and you know but she was i i was taking drama miss ellis taught the drama class and i'm taking it because all the girls were in drama and miss ellis was about the size of my finger here's miscellaneous project project that's that was what that was her project and then she would say you know drama drama i thought well i thought shucks this ain't drama i'm going to show them some drama so i climbed up the stairs they had this big old long curtains that ran by machines i get up there and i'd watched a television program where they packed parachutes and you could jump out and unfurl without tripping up so i packed the curtains like that i got them on here and i come running across the wire cage up there and i screamed something like geronimo or something and this is has you ever done something that worked out better than you thought i jumped off of here i'm i'm what 40 50 feet in there i got the curtains wrapped up on my shoulder and i run jump off and i swing out across the auditorium just like this and it's unfurling because see it's coming out and if it listen it was perfection all the way across the seats and turn back like this and i landed on my feet and ran across the stage i mean if i'd had spandex it'd been peter pan but that's what threw miss ellis overboard yes it was see that was drama they'd never forgot it i hadn't either i hadn't either i went back for my 40-year anniversary i got there and my god i thought i was at a nursing home thank god for the holy ghost he keeps you rejuvenated these people were old and then listen i'm you understand that you don't have to swivel up god wants you to be invigorated study colossians 1 start with 8 through verse 15 and it says he will invigorate you stimulate you from inside out well that's good i better get out here god bless you man thank you i was going to pray for you so i ought to pray for you okay you ready lord jesus i want to thank you for time season purposes and activities of god bless the works of their hands now lord jesus i pray you'll bless their ministries i pray that you'll cause people to be brought to an encounter with you lord thank you that you're going to make them very fruitful they'll be a fruitful vine lord bearing fruit in due season and lord i bless the works of their hands i pray right now psalms 90 verse 16 and 17 oh lord let your works appear and establish out of the works of our hands yes god the works of our hands establish that width in jesus mighty name amen all right well god bless you you know i hate to eat and run but i better get over there and see if my wife's got any cookies baked or anything
Channel: TeamFocusUSA
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Rating: 4.9601989 out of 5
Id: 1fcK7TqYCes
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Length: 82min 20sec (4940 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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