WRINKLES! The simple way to deal with pesky wrinkles.

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[Music] what's going on guys Christian here from CK wraps today I'm going to show you how to wrap the driver side bed of my Jeep Gladiator this has been unfortunately been repainted very unfortunate because the workmanship was very poor um we're going to show you some of the imperfections there's an imperfection there the seal for the gas section is oversprayed big time so I mean I'm going to have to remove it it's not even that hard to remove I have no idea why they didn't remove it uh it takes like a few minutes so you might see some imperfections that's the point I'm getting at um but either way no paint is perfect this is just less than OEM standard um we're using Vivid Color Fusion this is stealth gunmetal gray this is a cosmetic paint protection film this means this is a thermoplastic polyurethane or TPU so this is real paint protection with color in it and it installs dry Superior to any cast PVC film on the market this is the way of the future there was pretty much going to be no point in using Caster PVC films eventually for car WS because when you have the added durability of pay protection film in colors that you want and desire and finishes there's really just no point in going back to Caster PVC because you don't get the same longevity or the same protection overall in the end you get about twice the longevity better much better scratch resistance like selfhealing is incredible I couldn't even scratch this with a brass brush overall installs pretty easily so again dry application the adhesive is not overly tacky which is nice the air release works as well as any other non- pressure sensitive film it shows red so I have to make sure that I wrap all the way to this edge here I'll just cut out the holes and stuff afterwards may not show all of that but let's get into it so I've wiped the surface down with isopropyl alcohol 70% I've noted any imperfections that I've came across and I've used compressed air to blow away any of the loose particles and contamination that might be sitting under this Edge and so forth as you can see I put masking tape there just because when I cut I don't want to actually scratch my plastic trim even though it's not it's broken so whatever but I still don't want to scratch it and I put a piece of knifeless tape in there and remove the Rubber seal okay so we're going to have to come back my way a bit and that gives me coverage over here okay don't leave your magnets on for too long though it's relative L safe because this is about 6 and 1/2 mil thick not millimeters M microns um so you're not really your magnets aren really going to cause any damage to the film it's always possible so just so you know it's always possible but it's even less likely when the liner is still on it just another thing to keep in mind uh you might have noticed that down here I this is where the paint runs are right down here but I wrapped that satin black this way when I unwrap and wrap the vehicle each time I don't have to take the bumper off and wrap this little section here it's just it's four bolts but and there's a couple of plugs but it's just annoying come in underneath giving myself enough to wrap into the actual um wheel well area a bit cover all that metal perfect it sits a bit nicer now let it's not sitting on the tire and sitting on the fender because this film is so pliable it's a little trickier so this film is extremely pliable like it's soft softest film softest ppf I've ever felt in my entire life there's a lot of static there so that's why we use compressed air to make sure we blow away any loose particles in contamination I'm just going to situate this I'm not going to go too nuts and stick it down aggressively just tack that down lightly not that we get any lift lines with this but try to minimize movement of the film as much as possible what I can do here since it's going down really nicely is I can begin to squeegee and just sort of separate the two areas we can even go out this way so I have a body line right there we're generally going to take this area here work this section up and the rest going down it's an easy way to do it okay so let's just go in here I'm going to release the uh film from the surface cuz it squeegees the air out much faster and I don't like to weight I do this with every film doesn't matter if it's more or less pressure sensitive I don't trust even pressure sensitive films I always trust my ability more than anything else cool here we're going to end up pulling it down I can just leave that there for a second let's fix up this side and again doesn't really matter in any particular order the way you want to work things this is now we have wrinkles crossing over the body line so we do need to Define this a bit better there's the gas tank area this one it's fine we can actually take this and anchor that right there and that's all good we just don't want to have any wrinkles ready across the Body Lines cuz that's going to throw off your defining point from where you're going to squeeze you up and where you're going to squeeze you down I try to lift quickly because it allows the film to uh not stretch too much as you lift let's go in here keep that elevated beautiful and then just going to give that a slight pull upwards around that bend and continue on here so this this is where all the imperfections were in my paint now you can see them they obvious now depending on the finishing colors and stuff like that some hide it more some show it more so it just depends right down here we're going to pop that up pop that up a bit there cool so I did squeegee there already always overlap your passes it's super important and then right here oops a little more pressure um and right here I was going to give this a bit of a pull going downwards just to help it Contour around this area here on the inside now it's sort of naturally pulling itself around the inner Edge which is exactly what I wanted as I squeegee I'm just making sure that I'm not sticking to the tape or the trim on the other side that prevents any tension at the edge I am going to wrap underneath it obviously but since it is broken it's even easier to do that so I guess there's a plus side to it being broken I'm going to take care of this first before moving on to this section here so let's get rid of all this and then pop it up fix up here there's no uniformity here here we go just give that a bit of a p nice okay we don't want to wait too long cuz as with any non-pressure sensitive film it's time sensitive so you're able to squeegee right away if you don't wait too long you can squeegee out really nicely and I'm just keeping the end open slightly to make things go even faster got some air left right here so it's just going to open that up thorough you see the air leas does work you just push down your bubbles if you want to you just don't want to sit there and squeeze you out 100 different bubbles we're going to work this right into the inner Edge right here but we still have to go much further but we might as well just get that right to that edge good the rest of the fender will cover but not from the [Applause] underside all right cuz I've always wrapped this vehicle in Chrome I usually do a slit here so I can work the bottom section and the top section I'm thinking that I probably don't need to do a slit because we're working with a much more pliable film so we want to keep our hands somewhat close and expand outwards when we do this just like that and this is normally where I would get my bunching right so we're getting bunching at the top but we should be okay going look just no heat to do this crazy little tighter here we' have a bit bit too much slack bring that back just a bit hand positioning super important and I'm trying to pull outwards on an angle upwards so we don't get too many of these fingers or wrinkles at an edge it's very smooth there we've got a couple there but that's okay nice and smooth all the way through here it's good and then we're going to do the same thing down here now normally I also have the rear bumper on which makes doing this area very tricky because the bumper sticks out in this situation I have the bumper off so I'll take advantage of the bumper being off and I still have to squeegee some air that I noticed coming in right around here there we go all right we're going to come up to right about there hands over top expanding the film it's policing wild it's like I'm using the easiest to stretch film ever okay we're going to find our satin black in lay right down there that's right there make sure we don't have to stretch down over it that the film is just sort of naturally or I can massage it over top hopefully naturally just sitting there though it's perfect do some little bit of massaging but no stretching okay now we have our line of where our inlay is want to make sure we're overlapping our inlay I could have done it in Gray but if I ever wrap the Jeep again which I probably will I don't want to have to take the bumper off but I'm far away so I'm just adding warmth to the film really it's 20° 21° C in the shop so it's warm it's just room temperature and not room temperature does give quite a bit of pliability to the film but just this added little bit of extra heat right here this warmth probably brings it up to maybe like 30° C or let's say like how's that 80 85 Fahrenheit probably 85 or so [Applause] Fahrenheit super nice super easy it's okay I got a crease there we're going to lift that up hold that flat another one right there it's just cuz I'm trying to stay out of your way I have my heat gun set to high but I control I control the temperature by distance and time how long I have it there for okay let's do this corner down here pull that slightly tight just like that get that hooked in there nicely like so great just going to keep that flat so I'm not stretching it I'm just keeping it tight to keep it flat there we should have got a black jeep would have had to do this people wonder why sometimes why different colors cost more to wrap okay let's finish this a little Gap right there perfect let's go across here anytime you do any cutting like this you're always going to heat that edge afterwards you can heat it in the moment like once you finish your cut or you can just heat it afterwards all right top Edge Let's do the top Edge let's do some cutting here this is a long long long cut there's little tricks that you can use you can put your squeegee there and you can use that to kind of create some space but what you want to make sure is that you can definitively see this Edge right here this is very very very very important okay we're going to get in here so we're going to leave ourselves about an eighth of an inch not going to go right to the very corner and cut right here Point down I almost want to hear the tape so I know that I cut through can hear it right now it's okay if I want a little wobble right there that's no problem at all it's jumping a bit just because it's not tight which is probably let's just check probably not going to cut through in a couple of small spots no did okay if you're concerned about cutting through your tape even put two three four put 24 pieces of tape down doesn't matter okay it's jumping again so I'm just going to double check that it is cutting through lift it stuck here okay it's still going I can actually lift and cut at the same time too so that was that didn't work out so well it's actually not working out as well see how it's sticking so we're going to go back to the way we were doing it and we don't want to leave too much to tuck underneath because depending on how tight these plastic trims are it can be very difficult to tuck in too much film it'll only go so far as well because there's Clips there that will end up blocking the film from going any further okay so I'm not going to go too nuts around this section here I'm going to divide this off cuz this is not clean enough yet for me so we're going to add a bit of heat to it which is what I want to do so I'm just massaging it upwards film doesn't stick to the tape because it's because of the waxy surface okay that's fine F this is about as good as it it will as good as it will get this is a compound curve so I would have had to have stretched more this way to eliminate any of this this excess film is what it is it's not tension it's just excess film let's go a little bit higher here cuz I know that it's really loose on the back section and I'll be able to tuck in a little further see it's tough to cut when you're pulling it just because it's TPU my blad sharp I just snapped one off good look there we go okay so what we're going to do is pop this up and force with the hard edge of our squeegee and we might have some wrinkles underneath the trim but who cares I really don't it's actually almost none by the time I made it all the way in there and then now let's work our way back so I'm just using the squeegee to elevate the trim this is mostly doable when the trim even even isn't broken sometimes you need a thinner squeegee but I can feel that it's super loose like all these clips in the middle are broken and then again it gets tighter down here a lot tighter and there's like 20 clips that go all the way down this thing so I know there's one broken one at the end or maybe two even cool so we're we going to go right to the end very yet we're just going to stop there we're going to check that out that looks super clean everything's tucked away no red showing now I know this goes in about a quarter of an inch if you're ever curious or need to know and you won't remember you think you won't remember take a picture and then make you can go back to your phone and check it out afterwards see how far in got to go but just in case let's go leave ourselves a little bit more now I'm going to have to again like I said take this out I'm going snap a blade off again take this out and get rid of all the red paint that's oversprayed on my Rubber seal or on the plastic insert because I'm not wrapping over top of that that sucks but it's just what it is and to be honest the most likely place for the wrap so the paint to fail when I remove the wrap is going to be From the Inside Edge in here now with most films like cast or PVC dragging your wrap stick like that has a very high chance of cutting through the film but since this is TPU the chance is much much lower I actually have not yet been able to cut it I put I have a fresh blade it's going to be a little tricky I think we're going to see just because of the type of material and also the oversprayed paint but I want to have my knife right between the Gap where the seal meets the metal probably going to hear some funny stuff maybe a little bit of jumping there I don't like jumping cuz that creates an uneven cut just because the film is a little bit loose but my the very end of my knife is right in between that Gap okay here now that's just my fingers if you hear anything straight cuts are always easier it's the curve that are tough let's come back a bit Square I'm not sure how well I did over there so we're just going to remove this very slowly check that out see it's what a mess it probably just put some wrap over top of it and start pulling away at it l okay so that's what I'm left with unfortunately you can start to see the paint coming off of the Rubber seal there there there and again like I said this is a very likely place for the wrap to a fail but also peel the paint off so if you ever goes to remove the wrap be really mindful in this area and go slow take your time as slow as you can cuz wrapping over removing wrap that's on anything that's been repainted it's a very very high chance of failure of the for taking the wrap paint off with it okay we need another cut and fold right there so I'm going to snap a blade off again it's already like three blades way more blades than I would used doing a pass or PVC film again choose which way you want to fold it go this way iot to let the knifeless tape out because it's preventing me from folding the other piece inwards so let's go let's go like that now there we go stuck here one second good again the Rubber seal cover is pretty much all that anyways but cut and fold you can again you can barely tell there's a cut and fold right there because this is this is precision line so this is a steel cable and it cuts the ppf or TPU better Le I have to do any free hand cutting it'll just be a little tiny section of the bottom try to get snapped again that's okay so we're going to remove and don't mind all this this was wrapped and I take the roof off and on all the time so it begins to uh chip away at the wrap this is been wrapped since the very beginning since the first time I ever wrapped it almost 5 years ago now let's get in there push the edge [Applause] down [Applause] this film Works tremendously well it's very I mean it's very easy in a sense it's not easy in a sense because this will pull back way harder on you than cast or PVC film so overstretching this is really bad news you have to really make sure that your edges do not have any tension using the appropriate heat and so forth so there is a learning curve to this even just cutting it's different um this even is a bit more challenging to cut than clear ppf it doesn't score the same way due to the multi-layers in the in the adhesive and the pigmentation on top of the film or on top of the adhesive side so it is a little bit trickier to use in that sense and to cut there are there's a learning curve to this um I did do sample panels before I went right into this cuz I wanted to make sure that I knew what I was going to be experiencing and knew what I was going to be talking about but guys I hope you enjoyed this video I have to get that cleaned up uh I look forward to doing more videos for thank you for watching as always I appreciate it take care
Channel: CK Wraps
Views: 14,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CK Wraps, ckwraps, color change, colour change, PPF, paint protection film, air release, color shift, colour shift, color shifting, how to vinyl wrap, hood wrap, hood vinyl wrap, tesla, tesla model 3, how to vinyl wrap a hood, car wrap, car wrapping turorial, vinyl wrap tutorial, crazy wrap, best wrap, best ppf, amazing wrap, vinyl wrap, wrap, vinyl, car, jeep gladiator, jeep wrap, gunmetal grey, gunmetal gray, wrinkles, issues, vvivid
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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