Mother Angelica Live Classics - Seven Gifts of Pentecost

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ewt live truth live catholic mother angelica live brought to you from the eternal word television studios in birmingham see in you the love the compassion of jesus glorious work of all to praise god in his kingdom moved by the spirit one who lives in love lives in god and god lives in him what a wonderful thing is our church this whole network is built on trust the essence of evangelization is to tell everybody jesus we're all called to be great saints don't miss the opportunity well thank you we have just a wonderful crowd from everywhere and i ended up getting some big potatoes from maine so all of you have never been to maine let me tell you they got potatoes that big and said the egg lobster but i wouldn't know what to do with the lobster and if my sisters ever saw me put in the lobster in hot water they would die on the spot because they're truly franciscan and love animals all kinds of things that crawl and especially the things they eat at a table where you put newspaper on the table you know you can't put a tablecloth because it would just rot and then they they get these crawly things you know and they start chewing them and on like that and the odor is so bad did you notice that do you do that too no you're beyond that but you know sister said to me why don't you taste them and i said oh the odor is so bad no they're sweet so i did they were very sweet so i i can't relate the odor with the sweetness you know it must be really bad stuff but they eat them they sit there for an hour one of the sisters i like the head i said the head what do you do with the head she said you suck them i said oh wow terrible but anyway all my louisiana family and friends i have nothing against louisianians you understand it's just your type of food i know but we have about six or seven sisters who sit at the end of the table as far away as possible and eat these things on newspapers as long as i let them sit there and and i think it's wonderful that you have such mortified people in the state of louisiana i guess you got to get brought up with that stuff you know if you're and there's such ugly looking things you know you of course a cow smells kind of bad too sometimes i read it i read a list of um about statements made by lawyers i wish i had brought them here they were so funny but this one this and this one was an explanation to an insurance company of how this man had an accident i don't know if i could remember it correctly but i laughed so hard because he said a car was coming towards me and i tried hard to duck him and i swayed from side to side and i finally hit him and then he said and my car veered off the road in a ditch and i found myself next to a stinking cow i thought what an explanation of an accident but today i wanted to really speak to you about gifts of the holy spirit because most of us don't know the holy spirit and i i think the reason is is because it's hard to us to relate to a dove see the dove is a symbol of the love between the father and the son and how else could you possibly symbolize love poets have written about it books have been written about it people try to explain it but you can't in fact you wonder sometimes how this person loves that person don't you it doesn't doesn't seem to go together sometimes you'll see this handsome man or this beautiful woman and when you see their mate you wonder if they had dark glasses on you know something happened there that and you don't understand it because it just don't seem to go together so it's very difficult to to explain love it's it's impossible among but we know for sure let's see that the father created you and me he treated me breathed a soul and my conception and your conception he breathed the soul into me small tiny but there it was wow that's why abortions are so bad see any of you out there thinking of one tonight please don't because the breath of god was there even under difficult circumstances and breathed the soul okay now jesus redeemed us because we just i have all the consequences of original sin you say i don't have any i got news for you you got a lot of them i remember i think i told you not not too long ago but this woman came with two twins and they both had all-day suckers and one went one lick and the other one put it behind him where do you want me to lick anything now these two little boys were born same time and they were twins looked alike one was very generous the other were born that way you see some of us have tempers some of us are impatient some of us are greedy some a lot of things angry okay and we're born with it but the gifts of the spirit help us overcome see so the spirit is what we call the sanctifier our lord said when i leave i will send you and advocate someone who intercedes for us but someone who has gifts for us and the lord in in the second uh the fifth chapter of galatians saint paul says the spirit brings something very different he brings love a lot of people write even ask on the air how do i know i love god well you know you love god when you love god when you don't want to commit sin when you love your neighbor so love is the first gift then joy joy is different than happiness you know we had we had so much work to do just to eat and get the coffee and and put the put the coal in the furnace you know now you just put your thermostat up and i i think we've lost the fun out of life you go down and shovel in that furnace some coal and you come up it takes a while to get it heated and and then you could sit down in that little chill and have a nice hot cup of strong coffee my grandma used to have a big tub and she put a ringer on it you know attached it to the cup she had two tubs and and a big washboard and my fingers are still kind of numb from them and i'd be on one side and we were washing these clothes with soap and then you rinse them then you stick them through this thing and the one we had was an electric so grandma would put him through and and i'd ring him and all the water come down and then you went outside and hung him up now we just open a door push a button clunk if you're not careful they come out about four inches shorter then you put them in and the funny thing is now you can buy clothes so wrinkled you don't need to put them through a ringer somebody else does it for you okay and they charge you a lot of money to buy a wrinkled dress or quote or it's all wrinkled and if you buy these blue jeans that are faded and they fade them for you too or got little fringes on the other like you wore them for 10 years you paid 60 dollars for those stupid looking things see i could do it free for you on a rear patience patience and so we don't have peace and we're very impatient i know because i'm impatient too we love cars but we don't like red lights we know their gift because you'd get killed if you went through a red light but we don't like them sometimes by golly you get every single one if you're in a hurry to go to a dentist or you missed your appointment i'll bet you stop at every single red light and that's aggravating i bet it wouldn't be aggravated if you had to take one of those those smelly uh horse carts or whatever they used to have or an old trolley you're that patient's wife because you're gonna i know that my my grandma and i one time went to akron ohio now some of you all you're from ohio akron ohio that's 30 miles from canton we took a lunch we took a lunch because it took us a long time to get there and i was excited it was like a picnic but now you go 20 miles you get there before you can spit out the window oh dear now there's such a thing as kindness kindness see we don't have time to be kind to each other we don't we're always out of breath i told you not too long about how i saw this woman with a computer on this side a cigarette in this hand and she's eating it's fascinating i almost didn't eat my dinner because i was trying to figure out what she's going to do next but it was like a it was like something she practiced food food i was fascinated i she never missed never missed the trick you know it was like she practiced it i would never gone up to her and say i beg your pardon because she would have been furious she i would have interrupted the the puffs the food and the computer now we call that living today okay and we call that girl very smart and very busy and people would admire some woman you know a career real career but i don't think she knows she puffed and i knew she couldn't taste her food and she paid a lot for it because her mind and heart were on the computer i was supposed to she was going to take a drink next just to calm her nerves down but she didn't thank god for that now goodness is another virtue that we we have rather forgotten see because we're so filled up with ourselves and our own pleasures and and with gadgets lots and lots of gadgets they you go in a car you want a gasoline you push a little button and the little gas thing goes click now you could put the gasoline in you don't even have to open it and take it off everything is a gadget so we we don't have time for good because we don't see good things to do for my neighbor see we don't or if somebody dies we'll bring him some spaghetti or cake but you know death isn't always a party and i know the reason we do this is because they don't have time to cook and they don't feel like eating and it's a good thing to do but after that person's buried do you ever bring him a cake do you say hey i had some good spaghetti left over would you like it see goodness is something that we don't have time for that that's why if something this is a man-made thing see there are billions and billions of these chips and everything and so we're we're accustomed to living like that and and most of you unlike myself have never many of these people have lived in those good old coffee pot days boiled coffee pot my grandma would never wash it she'd say oh you spoil it they take all did you ever do that some of your ulcers huh no you don't want to say you're an old shirt um i went to washington one time and cleaned it up real sparkling and show god i thought she was going to beat me up but but see i'm not saying your coffee is bad i'm saying we make it too quick too quick we're we're always in a hurry and that means i don't have time for my neighbor and most of the time i don't have time for myself really how many of you have really can sit down unless you're 94 and and and just relax and pray or just sit there and talk to god or talk to your neighbor we don't have time we don't have time and so i want you to be careful i want you to look at these do we have these gifts do we want these gifts do we want them do we even know they exist these these are fruits of the spirit trustfulness who do you trust i'd like to know who you trust some of you have been hurt by your family by your children you don't trust them anymore some of you have been disappointed and hurt by your dearest friends you don't trust them anymore you buy a new car by the time you drive it around this block you've lost a thousand dollars a thousand dollars for driving it around the block take it back and try to exchange it i'll tell you what you get so who do you trust today tell me you know there's a great shortage of what do you call that you don't know julia sheetrock maybe it is it's a great cat how do you buy sheetrock can't even find it they're like why is there shortage of sheetrock the brick is shortage of brick today a man told me hardware store is a shortage of some kind of wire why i don't know why it seemed dumb to me if you need more why don't you make it but they're not i don't know why you should have a shortage i heard about 25 different reasons so we're so bound up everybody into things things the games and you know i asked a nun one time a sister or whatever i'm really not sure if she was teaching her sisters or her kids about the trinity she said goodness no she said that's too deep really well have you looked at the cartoons and the movies where these ugly ugly creatures are watched for hours at a time they're diabolical looking and your kids are watching them from six years old seven years old eight years old nine years old and these shirts they wear with these monsters that come from god knows where you don't think that's too much you think the trinity is too much and this is fine when 8 9 10 12 13 year old joined satanic groups are you thinking for a moment that that's light stuff you can't be how are we ever going to observe these fruits here and the seven gifts of the spirit when we're so wound up in all this foolishness gentleness oh boy the violence today on tv is unbelievable and your kids watch them and what self-control self-control oh what's that i'm going to try every tuesday now for seven tourists and maybe you take a piece of paper and you begin to write down these gifts the first one we're going to look at tonight is called fear of the lord you're not going to like that one you say i don't want to fear god that isn't what it means at all fear the lord means let me give you an example a mother baked a big batch of cookies and she says to her little son now don't touch these cookies because you're going to lose your appetite and we're going to have supper and a half hour but he can smell those cookies you know and so he goes up real quiet and he lifts up the jar and there's two things he can do he can take a cookie and say i don't care if mama's mad or not not too good it means he doesn't have any good fear of offending his mother or he can lift her up and take a cookie and even smell it and then say no she'll be real hurt if i do this puts a cookie back puts jar on top and waits for supper that's the gift of the fear of the lord see it means i love god so much i don't want to hurt him let alone myself he tells me not to do this and i do it anyway that's one gift it gives me a horror of sin and see today we don't have a horror of sin that's life that's what they say you're human god made you that way the curate of ours in france and i told you this before but it's i think in order tonight this great famous actress came in a carriage and all the people in the city were there to see her like you would any celebrity whatever that mean and the courage came to to meet her and suddenly he stepped back he said madam i am sorry but the stench of your soul is so great i must vomit where she went off in a huff and a puff but she should have listened because he was so holy and he was so much like god that he could smell that woman's soul was so bad famous in the world but not before god so he had what we would call a horror of sin but we don't have that today yeah we contradict god and we say no that's not a sin god made you that way you know what saint john says in his epistle he said if you say you have no sin you call god a liar oh you call god a liar if god says fornication is a sin adultery is a sin and you say no it's not then you call god a liar you can't do that and that's why you need the whole world needs this gift of fear of the lord the next thing is a filial relationship with god as my father he is my father and i realized that because i only saw my father seven times thank god the last time he was sorry and even cried a little bit but i don't have a concept of father i really don't i never will if you've only seen your father seven times you don't have a reality of a father but i have a reality for god is my father a real real he is he breathed a soul into me he gave me his son to redeem me gave me his spirit to make me holy he's a real father to me i don't want to hurt him and the other one is hope hope and what it does is keep you and i from presumption a lot of that today isn't there huh well we can have an affair tonight god understands no he doesn't understand and you turn all the lights out he still sees you i mean don't be caught up in the big lie you're not hiding you can't hide from god so you see we we don't care we we don't care because i don't want to hurt god i'm not going to presume i can depend upon his mercy you can't go out have an affair have a good time get drunk come down that's the the the high weight 120 and presume presume that if you got killed you would go straight to heaven i can tell you we're going straight to gena because you're not ready you didn't love god at all you only loved yourself it's presumption it's presumption to think for a moment that you can do what you please to god and come off saying smelling like a rose you're not a smell sweetheart but it's not like a rose more like sulfur i went to the hardware store looking for something to get rid of snakes and the guy brought me up a big bag of sulfur supposed to get rid of me or the snakes well he said it keeps no way i will no wonder you know no wonder it must be any way you know anybody knows that nice calm way of getting rid of snakes let me know just don't send me sulfur but you see we we don't know anymore nobody's telling me that i have to have the fear of the lord i have to know for sure that god is my father i know that he may punish me if i'm not what i should be and i deserve it you and i have to admit tonight my friends my family whatever god hands out to us in these coming years we deserve it don't complain that millions of babies are torn asunder we deserve it that our children are caught up in everything sex loss alcohol drugs you say well they're not all that way i know and i thank god for that but you have to admit they have no reality of the fear of the lord they don't know that god is father and because he's father we can't offend him you don't offend your father i'm going to just read you what scripture says from ecclesiastes the fear of the lord is glory and pride and happiness and a crown of joy the fear of the lord will gladden the heart giving happiness and long life the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom she was created within the fateful in her mother's womb to fear the lord is the perfection of wisdom to fear the lord is the crown of wisdom and makes peace and health flourish to fear the lord is the root of wisdom and her branches are long life you can read that by ecclesiastes the first chapter 11 to the 25th verse next week we're going to take another gift we've lost in the years piety we have a call hello hello and where are you from oh hi mothers this is sandy from new jersey wonderful what's your question well mother um it's about facing jesus after 30 years of absence and then hearing you i went to confession and came back to the lord but the more the blessed trinity is everything to me i live every day to serve him and to love god but i am afraid i'm afraid i know he loves me but as you said one time what does he think of me and i told i've been telling jesus i'm afraid to face him because of my sins my failures and my weaknesses no no please help me thank you that's the wrong kind of fear honey that's what we call servile fear it's just it's a fear of fear see you know angelo felino one of my favorite saints had some fears and the lord said to her why do you fear the past is dead and the future unborn i'll repeat that the past is dead and the future is unborn that's what you want to think about no matter what sins you had in the past i told you a couple weeks ago about my experience at the ocean when a drop of that ocean hit my hand and it was so beautiful i just threw it back and the lord said to me angelica do you see that drop i said yes lord do you see the ocean i said yes lord he said well that dropper all your sins and weaknesses and the ocean is my mercy if you look for that rob would you find it i said no lord if you looked and looked would you find it i said no part and then tonight i ask you why do you look and look and look you'll never find it if you've gone to confession and i'm sure you have then start now with a brand new sheet that's our god if you really want to please god and we all do trust him trust his mercy for you his love for you it's there don't worry about your sin what you're really saying then that my sins are greater than his mercy oh no no no cannot be so think of that little thing our lord gave me your sins are gone your past life is gone it's dead let his mercy embrace you i love you and go sit before the blessed sacrament will you do that such a powerful presence put all your sins in him that's all you need to do we have another call hello hi mother and where are you from uh frankfurt wonderful now what is your question well i got asked by my priest to be a eucharistic minister and i'm kind of a little scared about getting up in front of all those people and i kind of have nightmares about it and i know it's a beautiful thing and i'm very honored to be asked but i was wondering if you can give me some advice on how not to be scared well i'd be scared too i think first of all i'm not uh bucking eucharistic ministers if they're necessary that was supposed to by holy see to be a necessary thing like you got 5 000 people going to communion and nobody there but the priest there's so many reasons why you can have eucharistic ministers i feel in my heart you've asked me the question someone could tell you something i feel eucharistic ministers should be dressed properly they should have something on that makes them look like eucharistic ministers not come on with big tennis shoes that are three sizes too big not come on with blue jeans and some kind of shirts that god knows what's where you got it maybe goodwill or something which is fine if that's all you have but you're handling the hillcrest you i don't know your situation and i suppose it's kind of unfair to tell you this but it's been on my heart a long time women come in eucharistic ministers with short dresses low-cut blouses what are we doing huh do we know who we handle if a eucharistic minister is necessary then make them look like a eucharistic minister put a gown on them make them look proper make them look holy make them look like they know that they're handling the body the blood the divinity the soul of jesus son of god and and i don't find fault with your christmas ministers when they're necessary some preachers don't have the the the time i guess or whatever it is but you have to have your christian's minister i think you would feel better if you looked like a eucharistic minister and i i'm probably going to make a lot of people mad tonight seems to be my special talent but i i think you have to agree when i see somebody walking up there with tennis shoes that look five sizes too big and and pants that that looked like you slept in them a week and a sloppy blouse on and i lose it i lose it minister is fine if the holy shield says it's okay it's okay with me but i want to ask all of you priests out there make him look like you really believe in the real present you you you put gowns on singers why they need a gown i put guns on our singers in the morning i think they look they look like a choir shouldn't look like they just woke up they should look like a choir thing should look the way they're supposed to look if you all came in here tonight with bathing suits on i'd say what's wrong with you this is not a place for bathing suits it's not the shore you see if we got a look but what we are and so i i'm i think if you can afford a very look really spiffy looking choir gown and nobody ever sees the choir anymore they're way up here you hear them singing but they got these 200 gowns on well goodness gracious take them out give them to the eucharistic ministers that's what i think about so sweetheart i got 30 seconds and i don't think i answered your question but i think you got the right idea you know who you're going to give and i bless you for that but go and ask father make him mad god bless you i love you bye now to order this episode of mother angelica live classics from the ewtn 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yes to becoming the mother of god as the spiritual children of mary we need to follow her example of saying yes to life as christians we believe in the dignity of the lives of unborn children the sick and disabled the elderly and people of all races this is why i'm asking you to affirm or reaffirm your support for life today by signing our pro-life declaration we hope that you'll also make a donation today so that we can proclaim the pro-life message on programs such as ewtn pro-life weekly life is a gift from god and no person has the right to take this gift away if you believe this too please go online to sign the pro-life declaration as our society grows more secularized every day we're thankful that you are taking a stand with us against the culture of death and for the culture of life may god bless you to make a donation and to sign our pro-life declaration please visit forward slash stand for life you may also call us at 1-800-447-ewtn or send your donation to ewtn 58170 leeds road irondale alabama 35210 dearest holy spirit confiding in your deep personal love for me i am making this novena for the following request if it be your holy will to grant it teach me divine spirit to know and seek my last end grant me the holy fear of god grant me true contrition and patience do not let me fall into sin give me an increase of faith hope and charity and bring forth in my soul all the virtues proper to my state in life make me a faithful disciple of jesus and an obedient child of the church give me efficacious grace sufficient to keep the commandments and to receive the sacraments worthily give me the four cardinal virtues your seven gifts your twelve fruits raise me to perfection in the state of life to which you have called me and lead me through a happy death to everlasting life i ask this through christ our lord amen ewtn's cathedrals across america and the augustinian province of saint thomas of villanova invite you to celebrate the life of a wife mother and nun saint rita the patron saint of peacemaking healing and impossible causes from the national shrine of saint rita of cassia in philadelphia holy mass on the feast of saint rita saturday at 11 45 a.m eastern here on ewtn i didn't know my faith i told mike that it really meant the world to me to raise our family catholic it changed my whole life to look at the church fathers the history my faith journey up through the anglican church was becoming more and more catholic i felt like the lord was like it's my church now you know what you need to do witness the holy spirit at work in a new episode of catholics come home sunday at 8 30 p.m eastern on ewtn foreign blessed virgin mary most holy mother of god you are his best creation no one has ever loved him as intimately as you when the angel was sent by god and in greeting announced god's will to you you were alone in the blaze with ardent love for god all your mind and strengths of powers being lifted up contemplating the most high god to him you replied humbly professing yourself god's handmaid then and there the holy spirit wonderfully filled you with all power and virtue to you god the father sent his co-equal and co-eternal son who came into you then and of your flesh and blood took for himself a human body alive in every limp in sorrow you gazed at your son as he spoke to you from the cross and with your blessed ears you thoughtfully heard him in the agony of death crying to the father and commanding his own soul into his hands when death had been conquered and heaven's entry opened wide you saw him rising and triumphant blessed virgin mary you are the trinity's worthy creature for wretched souls you obtain prompt pardon and for all sinners you stand forth as a most faithful advocate and proxy please therefore be god who created you forever to reign with him unto ages of ages amen in the early 1990s when mother angelica was just getting started in radio i had the privilege to study theology in rome while living at our radio studio one of my happy memories of those days was attending some of the masses of pope saint john paul ii where people from all over the world were gathered we spoke different languages but during the mass we were united in one voice singing the gloria the sanctus and the anus day together in latin the universal language of the church at the second vatican council in its document on the sacred liturgy the council fathers wrote that using our native languages in the mass was of great advantage to the people but they added these words quote nevertheless steps should be taken so that the faithful may also be able to say or to sing together in latin those parts of the ordinary the unchanging parts of the mass and earlier the use of the latin language is to be preserved in the latin rites end of quote in 1974 pope saint paul the vi issued a book containing some simple chants to all the bishops of the world entitled ubelatedo he sent this to them in order to encourage greater use of gregorian chant in the mass this book was reissued in 1986 by the congregation for divine worship again to encourage the use of gregorian chant as a bond of unity mother angelica took this desire of pope saint paul vi to heart and began to use the yubillate deo booklet as the guideline for our televised masses which are now broadcast in over 140 countries ewtn's televised mass is helping all of us from different continents and diverse languages to be united in the most important endeavor in the world namely the worship of god our outer ramus hymnal available at religious catalog has these chants side by side with their english translations to help you so when you hear these ancient melodies that saints from centuries past also sang think of your brothers and sisters in africa asia south america europe and oceania singing in unison with you in the church's universal language one final point regarding sacred music the council fathers of vatican ii wrote this quote the musical tradition of the universal church is a treasure of immense value greater than that of any other art it forms a necessary or integral part of the solemn liturgy the church acknowledges gregorian chant especially suited to the roman liturgy therefore other things being equal it should be given pride of place in liturgical services end of quote so for our televised masses mother angelica wanted to fulfill the mind of the church regarding sacred music which is what we continue to do you see mother angelica always wanted to give god the best you seem to know a lot about the church well i may know a little more than the average person unfortunately but then i have a very great interest in the church by which i'm in the church as such the bride of christ the ark of salvation i find the architecture fascinating i love the terms themselves rude screen apps ambulatory watching chamber lady chapel chancellor i'm engaged at present in visiting as many of the old parish churches as i'm able mike's from a lot nowadays yeah i know i know it's a great and terrible shame what has happened well they've lost god knows all he sees all there's a downside to progress that's for sure it was particularly disturbing to discover that some churches are locked to prevent sinister goings-on sinister witchcraft in a world it's too bad to be true rebecca down west told me i mean theft and vandalism is one thing but to contend with this sort of sacrilege animal sacrifices cats go missing that sort of thing it's horrible isn't it witches calvins are on the increase two or three in his parish district alone he told me another very interesting thing whereas most people today are becoming indifferent to the sign of the cross the crucifix these people know the power of what they're desecrating that's why they do it they're engaged in a battle mother the vicar said it we're in the front line of the battle it sounds a bit far-fetched to me i assure you it's all too true i just think there's a healthy suspicion of religion nowadays a healthy suspicion of religion people are fed up with fanatics and extremists and bible-bashing fundamentalists the modern world as far as i can see is discredited the lot
Channel: EWTN
Views: 11,052
Rating: 4.9003558 out of 5
Keywords: ma9, ma902652, ytsync-en
Id: E1WnIyeWw3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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