Mother Angelica Live Classics - God's Mercy - Mother Angelica - 10-10-95

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♪ ♪ Man: "Mother Angelica Live!" brought to you from the Eternal Word Television Studios in Birmingham, Alabama. ♪ ♪ <i>Mother: See in you, the love, the compassion of Jesus.</i> <i>The most glorious work of all, to praise God in His Kingdom.</i> <i>Anyone moved by the Spirit...</i> <i>Anyone who lives in love,</i> <i>lives in God and God lives in Him.</i> ♪ ♪ <i>What a wonderful thing is our Church.</i> <i>This whole network is built on trust.</i> <i>The essence of evangelization is to tell everybody,</i> <i>"Jesus loves you!"</i> <i>We're all called to be great saints.</i> <i>Don't miss the opportunity!</i> Bill: Hello and welcome to another episode of "Mother Angelica Live Classics." The topic, "God's Mercy." Our Lord told St. Faustina in Poland to say unceasingly the Chaplet of Divine Mercy that Our Lord taught St. Faustina. Whoever will recite it will receive great mercy at the hour of death. Oh, what an awesome promise. We will receive great mercy at the hour of our death. For me, that's to be able to die in peace with my wife there and many of my friends. Priests will recommend it, Our Lord said, to sinners as their last hope of salvation, the last hope of salvation, even if there were a sinner most hardened. "If he were to recite this chaplet only once, he would receive grace from My Infinite Mercy. "I desire that the whole world know of My Infinite Mercy. "I desire to grant unimaginable graces to those souls who trust in My Mercy." "Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You." God bless and have a great week. (applause) Well, we got just a great crowd here from Florida-- from where else? Where are you from? Audience: Louisiana. Mother: Yeah, Louisiana. All of these wonderful places where God, Our Lord is reaching. I am so happy tonight. Well, I'm happy every night Because I thought that our network surpassed every network on the air. (applause) We've been getting faxes and letters and I want to read you one fax and I, I hope all the crew--some of our crew are coming home and they're, they're tired. I called up the truck the other night to tell them how wonderful it was. One of our producers, I said to him, "You've done such a wonderful thing. I'm going to buy you a steak dinner." (audience laughs) He said, "Well, all we've been having is sandwiches and we've got 10 minutes to eat them in, so…" (all laugh) But here's a letter from Sherman Holmes and it says, "Congratulations to everyone at EWTN for the incredible job of broadcasting the Pope's visit. I think you have redefined a new level of first-class coverage." (applause) I want you to give all our crew a hand. (applause) (laughs) Thank you. As I was watching our Holy Father and he blessed our camera, he blessed our cameramen twice. When he passed by, the bishop whispered in his ear, "That's EWTN" and he turned around and blessed it again. I said, "Thank You! (audience laughs, applauds) I think he meant us. I have to say that because, I think there's a time for pride, good pride, not evil pride but a time proud of all of you who have given so generously for this Pope's visit. And the wonderful thing of it is that it cost more than I told you, but you sent in what it cost. (applause) Isn't that great? So I said to the sisters, "If I had any buttons, they'd all be popping." (audience laughs) They would. Some of you out there--I've said this before--there are one or 2 of you listening that are loaded-- (audience laughs) and not with booze! (audience laughs) So I feel like Our Lord went to the tomb and called out Lazarus. Well, one of you out there is still sleeping, so, "Come forth-- (audience laughs) because we need to get to China. You say, "What are you going to go to China for?" Everywhere in the world where God is denied access and veneration on the ground, there are many underground. God will be worshipped no matter what happens. For those in India and Japan and South Korea and North Korea and South Vietnam and North Vietnam--all the places where this network has not yet reached, we must reach. So somebody out there, may the Lord keep you awake. (audience laughs) (laughs) What a terrible thing to say. (all laugh) Anyway, I'll be waiting for you. (audience laughs) I thought--well, my producer thought--that we would talk about God's Mercy. I think that all of this network reaching into place, into jungles, into mountaintops where there isn't anybody yet but the Word of God is so powerful that if it falls in the Sahara Desert or on top of a mountain that has never been climbed, anywhere where's there's not been a human being, that place is sanctified and made holy because the Word of God has come through. Do you know what else? In the Scriptures it kind of intimates and says in some places that in the air there are all these spirits that are not too good. But when you deal with satellites and you deal with waves and you deal with radio, that's where it comes--through the air. It comes like from Heaven down to earth--all for your good. All of it, God does this for you and that's His mercy. People write all the time and they say, "I never knew God before." Most people don't know His love for you as an individual. That's why I, I find it very frustrating sometimes because everybody thinks they're a little tiny grain of sand on a seashore and that God loves all this sand. Well, that's true, but it's not quite the whole truth. The full truth is that He loves you if no one else existed--that's what you don't understand. I forget. One of our sisters' parents one time was not too happy she entered the holy order. So when I spoke to her about it, she said, "Oh He's got a lot of spouses. He don't need her," (all laugh) But it's not true, you know. He needs you, He needs you because you live alone with God. Did you read one of these mystic books like Catherine of Siena or Josefa Menendez or Faustina? Well, you hear the Lord and you see, read the Lord talking to them and you think there wasn't anybody in the world. Isn't that true? Yeah. You see, my friends, we're born alone, we're conceived alone, born alone, we die alone. You kind of wish that you were in a big area where a million people died when you died and the Lord wouldn't see you (audience laughs) like you're going to duck in here and say, "Hi, Lord! (audience laughs) But it's not going to happen that way. It doesn't matter who dies when you die. You're going to be alone because God respects your identity. He respects your privacy. He doesn't want the whole world to know how crummy you were. (audience laughs) He wants you to know how crummy you were. (audience laughs) He does--and most of us don't know. We're going to talk about different ways God's mercy manifests itself. Most of the ways we reject. Oh, we feel very good about the prodigal son. He went away, he messed it up, he ran out of money, he was starving to death, he says, well, "I'll go home." Same things happen, doesn't it? Your kids run off, they're going to do their own thing and then they mess it up and they come home. Now, most of you don't treat them like this poor old man did. Most of you look and say, "Well, it's about time!" (audience laughs) But not this man. Now, all of us understand that parable, except some of us are on the side of the good son who never left home, aren't you? Yeah, and you always think he was right, right? You're wrong. (audience laughs) You're not right. He should have rejoiced as much as his father did, as much as his father. "My brother that was dead came back." That we don't have a problem with, most of the time. There are other acts of mercy that God gives each one of us that we don't appreciate--pain. Pain is an act of God's mercy? Oh yes. How many of you got to know God only because you were slapped in the bed in some hospital and the doctor says, "Buddy, you're on your way out"? Everything is going to go. Suddenly you begin to get the essence of life. I mean, you're down to rope now. Is that not an act of God's mercy? Is it not an act of God's mercy sometimes when He took everything you had away and then you stood before God alone? Isn't that an act of God's mercy? Isn't it an act of God's mercy when you suddenly have acted not too nice and you began to know it? "I didn't act right. I'm impatient or angry." God's mercy is what makes me see me. I've told the whole world how impatient I am and I do have a temper. (audience laughs) I cannot, it's impossible for me to standby namby-pamby. I can't do it! (audience laughs) And I read some of these liberal things, (makes noise) (audience laughs) I got an article in the paper just tonight. It seems that this whole class was given by the teacher a contract to sign with the devil. And they had to sign this contract either to a witch, a warlock or a devil and to be willing to sell their soul for what they wanted. Now, this is in a grade school! Well, I can't stand by and say, "Oh... (audience laughs) ...that's kind of dumb. Poor kids." I'm incensed! And then the teacher, from what the article says, was defended by the principal. I would take the teacher and the principal for a long walk. (audience laughs, applauds) It's, it's an act of God's mercy when you get angry when the very fabric of your faith is being torn apart. You can't just shrug your shoulders. You've got to do something. You've got to stand tall for Jesus. You have to do that. It's an act of God's mercy sometimes when you get angry with your children and say, "Look, you're living with this girl and it's wrong. "I love you but I cannot tell you a lie. It's wrong and you can't live in this house." You say, "Oh, now, that's kind of tough." It's better than Hell. (audience laughs) The alternative is not too good. (audience laughs) So we have to understand that God works through all of us with kind, loving, corrective mercy. If you let somebody go-- that's what it says in Ezekiel--and you never tell them what's wrong, you're not being merciful to them. Do you understand that? You're not being merciful. You're being cold and hard. That's why the kids now have rights. (laughs) (audience laughs) I think every child should live in an old Italian family for one year, (audience laughs, applauds) one year. I could just see my grandfather. "Hey, what do you mean rights? Pow!" (audience laughs) Believe me, you'd know your place right off the bat. (audience laughs) Now they call it child abuse. (audience laughs) A child that hasn't gotten one hot fanny once in a while is deprived of mercy, (audience laughs) deprived of mercy. Why? Kids are just like the rest of us. We don't listen until God has to whack us once in a while. We just don't learn. We don't see mercy. This country has had an enormous amount of mercy bestowed upon it. The whole world has had torrents and torrents of mercy. I think the Dear Lord, when He begins to take away from us--my sisters are calling up again. Every time this turns around, my sisters call downstairs and say, "Tell Mother to turn her monstrance," and here I go. There you go. (all laugh) At least I know they're listening up there. (audience laughs) But I think God's mercy is very evident when He stops you dead from doing something wrong. That's the mercy of God. It's God's mercy when you have, you're inspired to have mental discipline, mental discipline. There's no mental discipline today. You talk about modesty, "ooh, what's that?" Modesty? There's nobody is telling you; I told you last time I'd look and nobody answered. The first question I ever asked here and nobody answered. There must be some paper skirts somewhere in this wide country that I can stand on and give some of you that come practically undressed from the waist down so you can go in the chapel before the Most High God and pray. Maybe I ought to tear a couple of sheets in half and do it that way. (audience laughs) Maybe I ought to go to one of these box companies that sell wrapping material. (audience laughs) There must be something in this whole wide world that you can give to somebody who really wants to go--somebody's on some kind of vacation. It seems the word "vacation" and "half-dressed" go together, (audience laughs) You just let it out when you're on vacation. (audience laughs) Listen, sweetheart, most of you don't have anything to let out. So, you better… (audience laughs) You really got to get your wits together and know what Our Lady said at Fatima. Our Lady said at Fatima, "There would be introduced into the world dress that would offend the Lord very much." You see, She said, "Dress would be introduced," but now you're willing to let them put on anything. We've lost modesty; we've lost chastity; we've lost politeness, politeness, ordinary politeness. I've noticed since I have braces and crutches, I have seen an enormous amount of politeness--cars stop, people pull chairs, they all wait. It's wonderful. Of course, I can always lift up my cane and say, "Move it." (all laugh) It would be an act of mercy on my part. But we ought to do that with everybody, everybody--not just the cripple or the lame--no, everybody. Children must be taught to practice God's mercy in little things--opening a door is a little thing. It can be very merciful to somebody that's carrying a lot of packages. See, we don't understand mercy. The only mercy we understand is a kind of mercy that brings me back from God after I've left Him. That's wondrous mercy. But there's mercy in a lot of things, in a lot of things. Little thoughtful things are merciful things. Even if I relieve somebody of a burden, I'm merciful. As I visit somebody in a hospice, oh dear Lord, I'm merciful. Some of these--I got a letter from a woman who had 9 children, 9 children and not one came to visit her in the hospice--9 children. Do you see how unmerciful that is? Do you realize that that woman is lying there day after day, week after week waiting for one of those 9 to come and see her and nobody came. But do you see that's mercy? To be thoughtful of someone who's really tired, say, "Hey, sit down a minute, have a cup of coffee." You say, "Well, that's charity." Oh yeah, but it's also merciful. To listen to someone's repetitious account of all their ailments, (audience laughs) and you've heard it 100 times but you're merciful by listening like you heard it for the first time. That's mercy. A friend of mine, I told some of you, oh it must be a couple of years ago--since most of us don't know what we ate for breakfast, I'll repeat it. (audience laughs) A friend of mine years ago decided that for Lent he would go up into the Tennessee, Appalachian, Kentucky hills and preach to the poorest of the poor. So he found this little, little wooden house and he saw this woman sitting on a rocking chair smoking a pipe, and she looked very content. So he said, "Ah, I got one." So he goes up to her and he says, "Can I talk to you about Jesus?" And she says, "Yes, sir." So he begins with Our Lord's birth, goes through His life and to His death. When he started on the Passion, she started to cry. The tears rolled down her face. He thought to himself, "I wonder if she's heard this before?" (audience laughs) So when he finished he said to her, "Are you sure you haven't heard this before?" She said, "Yes, sir, I've heard it 1000 times but ain't it wonderful?" Now, he went to say something he thought she didn't know. She was loving, kind and merciful by letting him tell her the whole story--the whole awesome event, cause she didn't want to embarrass him and she wanted to hear it again. That happened to me one time. (laughs) I went shopping with Sr. Regina and we were coming out of a store and a woman came up to me and she said, "Are you from Mother Angelica's monastery?" I said, "Yeah." (all laugh) And she said, "Oh, she's such a good friend of mine." I said, "Really? (audience laughs) She said, "I've known her since she's here." I said, "Oh. That's wonderful." She said, "Will you see her?" I said, "I think so." (audience laughs) "Well, give her a hug for me, will you?" I said, "I'll be glad to." I said, "You ought to come see her sometime." She said, "I will." Well, after she went through that, if I would have said to her, "Hey, yoo-hoo, it's me," (audience laughs) she would have been so embarrassed. Was it just kindness on my part? No. I felt sorry for the poor woman talking straight to me. (audience laughs) I let her go. It was also an act of mercy not to embarrass her. Bernadette did that, St. Bernadette. (laughs) She was quite a character. I love saints that are characters. I just think they give zip to life. (audience laughs) So she was at the gate and somebody said to St. Bernadette, "Will Bernadette be coming through here at any time?" She said, "Yes." She said, "You'll see her going right through the gate," and off she went. Well, there are times when you don't want to embarrass somebody and that's mercy, mercy. Examine yourself tonight. How often have you said to people, "Oh look, I've heard that 100 times"? You see how bad that is? That's not mercy. If parents were merciful to their children and children were merciful to their parents, if husband and wife were merciful to each other and friends were merciful to other friends, the whole world would change overnight, overnight. Why? Because within our hearts would be a new kind of compassion for each others different, different personalities. I live with 28 other women that we call nuns. (audience laughs) There aren't 2 of us in that place that are alike. We don't look alike, we don't like the same things, we don't even like the same food. We eat it. We don't have the same way of praying. We don't have the same way of loving Jesus. We don't do anything that you would say is alike and neither do you but we sincerely love each other, like a family would. Why? We have one call--to love Jesus and to be like Him. We appreciate our differences. We appreciate our differences. We learn from each other. We give to each other. We are merciful to each other. You have to do that in your family. Try. We have a call. Hello. Female Caller #1: Hello. Mother: Where are you from? Caller: I'm from Connecticut, Reverend Mother. Mother: And what is your question? Caller: Well, first, I wanted to commend all of EWTN on the wonderful work that they did, like you said. Mother: They did. Caller: Also, I wanted to, well I'm kind of scared to talk to you about what I'm going through because I don't know if it's a spiritual depression or what's going on with me and I kind of want to discuss it with you. I've had MS for 17 years, going on 18 years. I raised my 4 children with it. I'm ok with it. I'm not on any medication because they have too many side effects with the medication, but I've got to the point where my MS has flared up now for a year where I cannot get out of the house. I'm homebound and I can't do anything except pray, which I do. I figured that this is a mercy from God He's extending to me right now to get closer to Him. And believe it or not, I can feel the transformation spiritually. Mother: Yeah, right. Caller: But people are telling me now, "I'm very depressed. I'm very depressed. I'm under severe depression," because all I care about is Almighty God and prayer and offering everything up to Him. Is there something wrong with me? Am I really in a, in a depression that I blocked interest in anything else except God? Mother: How old are your children? Caller: Um, the oldest will be 30, um and then 28. Mother: They're mostly on their own, right? Caller: Oh yeah, they're married, they have children, they're wonderful. They're wonderful children. Mother: Okay, and your husband? Caller: Oh, he left me after almost 30 years of marriage. Mother: So you're by yourself? Caller: Yes. Mother: All right, are you financially independent? Caller: Well, I have the Social Security check that comes in and the alimony check that comes in that he gives me so I can pay the expenses of the house. Mother: Well, sweetheart, (laughs) everybody thinks that anyone who gives their life to God is a little loony. (audience laughs) That only tells you where they are. (audience laughs) There's nothing wrong with you. I wish we had more people who loved God that much. Maybe you are afraid to go out. Well, I'm kind of scary going out too. Hardly anybody goes out at night. If you want to love God and you're content at home, well, what's wrong with that? Stay home. You may be saving thousands of souls. You get your groceries, you clean your house, you cook, you eat, you're normal. There's nothing wrong with you. We live in a society where people think if you're religious, you ought to be a nun, (audience laughs) or a priest or somebody, as if no one religious belongs in the world. Well, I got news for you sweetheart, all of you out there, all of you are called by God by the fact you live and were born, conceived and born and are here to become holy in your state in life, different than mine but still the same call is there. You must be holy. Holy people are not freaks. They're normal people. They live, they eat, they sleep. I remember when I was about, oh, maybe the 3rd Grade. My teacher used to have habits in those days and she went across the, the walkway to get to the house for lunch. It was a very windy day and her whole headwear flew off. (audience laughs) I was dumbfounded she had hair. (audience laughs) I thought, "Hah, she's got hair!" Nuns and priests are human but they're called by God to live in another realm. But only when they live in their realm can they love you and understand you and be merciful to you and love you as you are. We cannot do any of those things on our own, by our own human nature. So, not to worry. You're okay. We have another call. Hello. Female Caller #2: Good evening, Mother. Mother: Good evening and where are you from? Caller: God bless; I'm from New Jersey and my name's Mary Anne. Mother: Wonderful. Caller: God bless you and your staff for 5 of the most spiritual crying goosebump days I have had (audience laughs) in my entire life. Mother: Wonderful. Caller: Since, well, since Youth Day in Colorado. Mother, I have a question for you. While you were at a funeral back maybe about a month or so ago... Mother: Right. Caller: You had a guest monsignor on and a gentleman caller called in and said that his daughter was being married outside of the Catholic Church. And as a Catholic he could not give her away and take part in the service. Mother: Right. Caller: The Monsignor agreed with him and told him that he could go to the reception, not to the church. Mother: Right. Caller: A dear friend who has been a family friend for over 30 years, their 25 year old son got married in a non-Catholic church. Mother: Right. Caller: I fought with my conscience whether to go or not and I decided that I would go, that God would forgive me and I would go and I sat in the back of the church with my son. On the altar was a monsignor in full vestments, not partaking in the service, not blessing the couple but he was the namesake of the non-Catholic girl, okay. He was there on the altar with the minister and then he gave a sermon. Mother: Well, you see there. Caller: How can he take place in..? Mother: Well he was allowed, he's allowed as a priest. Most of them will not have a priest witness. If the priest witnesses the marriage, that's what the missing element is most of the time. When a girl or a boy gets married in a non-Catholic or Justice of Peace or any of those ways, without a priest being present, then you cannot go to that wedding. You may go to the reception but you cannot condone someone that's doing something wrong. For example, I have a friend, one of our friends went to, had, their daughter got married in the, in the woods or some place, I don't know where it was. (audience laughs) Well she couldn't go to that. She could not condone. The man had been married twice before. You cannot condone someone who's doing something wrong but you cannot love them less. You must continue to love them but you cannot condone what they're doing and that's what's so confusing today. A priest may witness a non-Catholic marriage but he and that's okay, that's accepted by the Church. But it is not acceptable if the parents go where there is no witness; there is no Catholic witness. We have to know it's not a matter of love. It's a matter of condoning. If you go to one of these homosexual union things, whatever that is, you condone it, see and you can't condone it. You have to tell it's wrong and you just have to stay away. So we have another call. Hello. Female Caller #3: Mother Angelica. Mother: Yeah. Caller: It's a blessing to speak to you. This is Stella Salisky from Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. Mother: Wonderful. Caller: And I went out to a friend's house for dinner, my other sister and I. Now, after dinner we were talking, and these friends are not Catholic. Her husband asked me was the Blessed Mother and Joseph married, if so, when? I was lost for words, Mother. I didn't know what to answer her. Mother: Well, I don't know if anybody knows when but we know, the Scripture tells it, tells us They were espoused; They were married but we, (laughs) we don't--nobody could say it was April 25th (audience laughs) in the year 3... (audience laughs) So we can't say that. In fact, we're not too sure how old Our Lady was when She conceived Our Dear Lord through the Holy Spirit and They were betrothed. So you can say that and since he was not Catholic, you should have brought up the Scriptures. Next time say, read Luke 2, the 2nd chapter of Luke and you will find out, 2nd and 3rd chapter of Luke. Sure They were married, but I don't think anybody can tell you the exact time and day. But that does not and never did, would or ever would have ever later made Joseph Father. He was Foster Father. He was Guardian of our Dear Lord. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit overshadowed Her at the Incarnation. We have awesome truths in the Catholic Church and our Holy Father brought them all out. Remember something our Holy Father said to you this time --it is the primary purpose of parents to educate their children in the faith. And he said, "Read the Catechism." So all of you who have been told you're not or you shouldn't read the Catechism, it's too deep for you, that's a lot of baloney. (audience laughs) You should read the Catechism, you should read it to your children in the ways they can understand, and you are the primary teachers of your children. It came right from the Vicar of Christ. You don't need anybody else's permission. So we have another call. Hello. Female Caller #4: Hello. Mother: Where are you from? Caller: Pennsylvania. Mother: Good, and what is your question? Caller: Mother Angelica, I have 5 children. My little boy has Downs Syndrome and 2 holes in his heart and every year I would take him to the Anointing of the Sick Mass. However this year it said in the church bulletin that older people were able to receive the sacrament, even if they'd received it before but only children with understanding could receive it this time. Mother: (breathes) Give your pastor the Catechism and ask him to read it. (audience laughs) It might be a good idea. The sick can be anointed at least--maybe at least once a month if they're really sick, sick--because what is it? They don't call it the "Last Sacrament" they call it the "Anointing of the Sick." It's a healing sacrament also. Your child needs that. Now, most parishes don't have it very often, but I think he should be allowed to be anointed. We don't just go to Communion once and then don't go the rest of our life because we're spiritually ill. Confession and Communion are healing sacraments, see. So I just don't see--the elderly, they are allowed to receive the anointing just because they're old. You got one foot in the grave, you ought to have it anointed once in a while. (audience laughs) I don't know why we're so stingy with God's graces. It's not like we're losing something; it's not like I've got to give something or the priest has to give. It's his duty to take care of his sheep and that's so easy to do, so easy to do. Sometimes just a blessing, just a blessing--if a priest gives a blessing to somebody because he's got a headache or… We have to give of ourselves till we drop. That's what a priest; a life of a priest and religious is you've got to wear yourself down to the bone. If you've got too much time for golf… (audience laughs) They say, "Well, I'm retired, I'm going to golf." Well, if you've got that much energy, you might as well give the Sacraments. (audience laughs) I'm not against golf. (audience laughs) I don't think it's very bright, though. You throw a ball, you hit it, then you catch up to it and you hit it again, (audience laughs) and then you catch up to it and you keep hitting it, (audience laughs) hoping beyond hope that you make that ball fall in a hole that big. (audience laughs, applauds) I mean, they spend their lives on that course. This is what gets me. (audience laughs) The place you pay, the club that you belong to play golf, costs you a fortune. Then you get out on the golf field or whatever; course, that's what you call it, (audience laughs) the golf course and you keep hitting this ball but the company you paid, the club that you paid to get on the golf course put sand dunes all over, (audience laughs) and not only that, they put creeks everywhere. (audience laughs) So if you miss, if your ball goes anywhere, you're either going to choke to death on a sand dune, (audience laughs) or you're going to get soaking wet looking for it in the creek. (audience laughs) Now, I know to you who love golf, that's the thrill of it. I just don't think you ought to pay for torture. (audience laughs) Wrestling is another thing. (audience laughs) And the funny part, everybody knows they're not killing each other. (audience laughs) They've got so much fat on them… Did you ever notice how big they are? (audience laughs) You couldn't hurt them if you tried. (audience laughs) Honest, honest, I am not against sports but to me some are so stupid. (audience laughs) It's just hard for me. Football's another thing I don't understand. (audience laughs) They catch this poor guy, they tackle him from his feet, he falls smack on his face. Everybody on the next team piles on top of him like this-- (audience laughs) as if he's going anywhere. (audience laughs) Where is he going? (audience laughs) Bullfights are another thing. (audience laughs) Pretend this is red. (audience laughs) You go out there, what do you think a bull's going to do if you're doing this? (audience laughs) It doesn't make any sense to me at all, not a bit. (audience laughs) Then they got cowboys on, on these poor horses or whatever you call them that go...[makes noise] (audience laughs) and they measure the time the poor guy can sit on that thing, (audience laughs) and then he falls off, could be trampled to death and everybody goes, "Yeah!" (all laugh) Baseball now, I don't know about baseball, it seems to make a little more sense to me, (applause) but I've always felt sorry for the people on first, 2nd, 3rd base because they've got to catch the ball and touch the guy like, bingo, you're it. (audience laughs) I don't know, when I was a kid we used to have recess and I never played cause I thought that was stupid, too. (audience laughs) All these psychiatrists are analyzing me now watching. (audience laughs) Anyway, recess to me was a time to recess, just rest. So I would sit on the steps and I'd rest. That's what I thought it was for. (audience laughs) All these kids would play hopscotch, (pants) (audience laughs) and they'd go around with these ropes and they'd go and go and go, (audience laughs) and they were coming and sweating, out of breath. It took them at least a half hour to relax so they could study or even listen, I used to wonder, "Isn't there some other kind of game you could play that didn't wear you out?" So whatever it is, I don't know, I used to just like to sit there and think. I know that recreation is wonderful. It's for everybody and please don't write to me saying, "Why are you against sports?" (audience laughs) I have absolutely nothing against golf but I just don't understand if you hit a ball, why you go up to it and hit it again and hit it again and hit it again, hoping and praying that you put it in the hole. (audience laughs) I would just pick it up and (makes noise) (audience laughs, applauds) (laughs) I think life is funny but anyway. Okay, a lady just called and asked that we pray for her sick child and we're going to do that. We don't know what's wrong with the child but there are many sick children out there and mostly those who are so burdened with big problems. And remember your kids do have mature problems at a very young age. So let's pray for all of them, especially the last woman who has a child with Down Syndrome, a holy child, a child that may look not well to others but is very, very well before God and we pray for that hole in his heart. "Lord God, we ask that You be merciful to this child. "You have put him in a position where he has a hole in that awesome organ that beats and beats so many times a day and in that beating expresses its own love for Thee. "Heal it, Lord. "And all those children throughout the world who maybe listening tonight who have adult problems, who've never been given an opportunity or chance to be a child but is so hurt and so alone, even in a family. "For those who are sick and even those young children with cancer, extend Thy Awesome Healing Hand and give them joy, Lord, knowledge of Thee and heal their ailments, spiritual and physical, in the name of Jesus and Mary. Amen." All: "Amen." Mother: Well, I'm sorry to say that we only have one minute and 30 seconds, no, we only have a minute. So I hate to be so mundane, but I shall. But don't forget to put us between your gas and electric bill or any other bill you have. Continue to support this network. You have seen and you continue to see the awesome thing God does with this network because of you. Take to heart our Holy Father's words, all the wonderful things that he said while he was here with us. That holy man that walked on our grounds manifested to us what it means to have a constant, constant moment by moment unceasing prayer. He was never away from God and he was in our midst of the Man who cared, the Vicar of Christ. See you tomorrow. Bye now. (applause) ♪ ♪
Channel: EWTN
Views: 55,333
Rating: 4.8273382 out of 5
Keywords: Mother, Angelica, Live, Classics, God's, Mercy, 10, 95, Catholic, MA902602
Id: 5ZeXJTt56RQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 38sec (3458 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2010
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