Well, family, here we are, Well, family, here we are,
and it’s wonderful to be and it’s wonderful to be
with you on Tuesday night. with you on Tuesday night.
It’s our Family Night. It’s our Family Night.
Well, tonight we share our Well, tonight we share our
thoughts, our desires, our thoughts, our desires, our
crosses, and remember that crosses, and remember that
from this moment until this from this moment until this
hour is over you can call, hour is over you can call,
ask your questions. ask your questions.
If I don’t know, we have If I don’t know, we have
plenty of priests around plenty of priests around
here that can answer them. here that can answer them.
And express your needs. And express your needs.
Maybe you have a doubt of Maybe you have a doubt of
the Eucharist, maybe someone the Eucharist, maybe someone
has confused you about it. has confused you about it.
Whatever it is, that’s what Whatever it is, that’s what
we’re going to talk about we’re going to talk about
tonight. tonight.
You know, I’m surprised how You know, I’m surprised how
many people have written how many people have written how
much they like my habit, much they like my habit,
our habit. our habit.
And some hate it, And some hate it,
(audience chuckles) (audience chuckles)
I hate to tell you, I hate to tell you,
but I could care less but I could care less
if you hate it, if you hate it,
(audience laughs) (audience laughs)
because see, if you hate because see, if you hate
it, I’m very happy about it, I’m very happy about
that, because it tells me that, because it tells me
there’s something in your there’s something in your
heart that’s not quite heart that’s not quite
right. right.
I don’t expect everybody I don’t expect everybody
to like it. to like it.
You don’t even like the hat You don’t even like the hat
or the dress your mother or the dress your mother
bought last week. bought last week.
So we’re not going to always So we’re not going to always
like what other people wear. like what other people wear.
But we must at least take But we must at least take
time to listen to the time to listen to the
symbolism and the witness symbolism and the witness
and the statement. and the statement.
We hope we’re a witness. We hope we’re a witness.
We definitely want and We definitely want and
do make a statement. do make a statement.
Now, I’ve been surprised Now, I’ve been surprised
how many have said to me, how many have said to me,
"We love the monstrance," "We love the monstrance,"
and some have said, "Why do and some have said, "Why do
you wear that thing?" you wear that thing?"
Well, let me just explain Well, let me just explain
a little bit, huh. a little bit, huh.
Our life, our monastery, our Our life, our monastery, our
order, and it is an order, order, and it is an order,
was founded years and years was founded years and years
ago, founded the same year ago, founded the same year
that the Pope declared the that the Pope declared the
dogma of the Immaculate dogma of the Immaculate
Conception. Conception.
So that’s over 100 years ago. So that’s over 100 years ago.
Our order was founded for Our order was founded for
one reason--for perpetual one reason--for perpetual
adoration of the Holy adoration of the Holy
Eucharist, the Blessed Eucharist, the Blessed
Sacrament. Sacrament.
You say, why? You say, why?
Well, the Foundress and Well, the Foundress and
Founder, who happened to Founder, who happened to
be a Capuchin monk, decided be a Capuchin monk, decided
that the world needed that the world needed
reparation for its awesome indifference towards the indifference towards the
Eucharist. Eucharist.
Now, what do we mean, Now, what do we mean,
perpetual adoration? perpetual adoration?
Well, that means that there Well, that means that there
is a sister in our chapel is a sister in our chapel
all day. all day.
Every hour the sisters Every hour the sisters
change and they’re there one change and they’re there one
hour at night, an hour and hour at night, an hour and
a half, with the express a half, with the express
reason of praying for you. reason of praying for you.
Do you realize how many Do you realize how many
people die in their sleep? people die in their sleep?
Do you realize how many Do you realize how many
people have terrible people have terrible
accidents, are murdered, accidents, are murdered,
killed, how many people plan killed, how many people plan
all kinds of terrible things all kinds of terrible things
at night? at night?
Do you realize how many Do you realize how many
sacrileges there are against sacrileges there are against
our Lord’s wonderful our Lord’s wonderful
presence, huh? presence, huh?
How many receive Him How many receive Him
unworthily, how many chapels unworthily, how many chapels
are broken into and are broken into and
tabernacles and the Blessed tabernacles and the Blessed
Sacraments scattered Sacraments scattered
everywhere, all over the everywhere, all over the
world, how when so many of world, how when so many of
our churches it’s kind of our churches it’s kind of
hidden, like hide-and-go- hidden, like hide-and-go-
seek, you know, we’re going seek, you know, we’re going
to go in this church now and to go in this church now and
look for the Lord, and so look for the Lord, and so
for all of that we make for all of that we make
reparation, we try to reparation, we try to
repair. repair.
For those who don’t believe For those who don’t believe
any longer, they’re among any longer, they’re among
the many priests, religious, the many priests, religious,
bishops all over the world, bishops all over the world,
lay people, we say, "Jesus, lay people, we say, "Jesus,
we’re sorry, we believe, we we’re sorry, we believe, we
hope, we love, we praise You hope, we love, we praise You
in this wondrous presence." in this wondrous presence."
You know, we’re not believe You know, we’re not believe
that God would do such a that God would do such a
thing would we, huh, but thing would we, huh, but
would you become a piece of would you become a piece of
bread for anybody you love? bread for anybody you love?
No, I wouldn’t. No, I wouldn’t.
I don’t know anybody I love I don’t know anybody I love
enough to say I would, by enough to say I would, by
some wondrous miracle, come some wondrous miracle, come
down in a little piece of down in a little piece of
bread like that. bread like that.
I wouldn’t, I couldn’t I wouldn’t, I couldn’t
do that. do that.
Most of all, I would have Most of all, I would have
found it hard to remain found it hard to remain
in such a small space. in such a small space.
If I had created the whole If I had created the whole
world and I held it in my world and I held it in my
hands, the whole universe hands, the whole universe
with all its galaxies and with all its galaxies and
milky ways and quasars and milky ways and quasars and
dark holes and all the rest dark holes and all the rest
of it, if I knew every star of it, if I knew every star
by name, and I knew every by name, and I knew every
creature that ever will be creature that ever will be
created, ever had been created, ever had been
created, was ever on this created, was ever on this
earth and I knew also every earth and I knew also every
hair that fell from their hair that fell from their
head... head...
I wonder what God does with I wonder what God does with
all those that don’t have all those that don’t have
any hair? any hair?
He must count something He must count something
else. else.
(audience chuckles) (audience chuckles)
You know what I mean. You know what I mean.
Anyway, if I had all of that Anyway, if I had all of that
power, huh, and then I power, huh, and then I
humiliated myself to be humiliated myself to be
in the womb of ever so in the womb of ever so
Holy Virgin. Holy Virgin.
A Virgin, but still what a A Virgin, but still what a
comedown for a Great Holy comedown for a Great Holy
God, Second Person of the God, Second Person of the
Trinity created by whom all Trinity created by whom all
things were made and without things were made and without
Him nothing was made. Him nothing was made.
If I had done all that and If I had done all that and
then I had come into a world then I had come into a world
that did not know me, I’d that did not know me, I’d
walk down the street and walk down the street and
nobody knew who I was or nobody knew who I was or
cared, and even if I cared, and even if I
performed a miracle they performed a miracle they
would only run after me would only run after me
because of the miracle, not because of the miracle, not
because of me, and then I because of me, and then I
had chosen 12 apostles and had chosen 12 apostles and
one of them was a traitor one of them was a traitor
and one denied me and I knew and one denied me and I knew
all that ahead of time see all that ahead of time see
and then I went my whole and then I went my whole
life doing good. life doing good.
The more good I did, The more good I did,
the more they hated me. the more they hated me.
Well, then I would see this Well, then I would see this
time when they would not time when they would not
only hate me but they would only hate me but they would
put me to death in a most put me to death in a most
awesomely gruesome way, and awesomely gruesome way, and
then I’d look down from the then I’d look down from the
cross and see not even a cross and see not even a
handful. handful.
After all the good I did After all the good I did
there would be my mother there would be my mother
and an ex-prostitute become and an ex-prostitute become
a saint and a young man a saint and a young man
named John. named John.
All those I had loved and All those I had loved and
given so much to weren’t given so much to weren’t
there. there.
They ran away. They ran away.
If I had done all of that, If I had done all of that,
I don’t think I would have I don’t think I would have
done something else besides. done something else besides.
You know, I would’ve You know, I would’ve
thought, "Well that’s enough, thought, "Well that’s enough,
don’t you think?" don’t you think?"
Wouldn’t you have thought Wouldn’t you have thought
that was enough? that was enough?
But you know, He promised But you know, He promised
He would be with us till He would be with us till
the end of time. the end of time.
He said, "I’m going to send He said, "I’m going to send
you another Paraclete and He you another Paraclete and He
will teach you all things." will teach you all things."
And then one day He said, And then one day He said,
"Come to me, all you who are "Come to me, all you who are
burdened, and I will burdened, and I will
refresh you." refresh you."
I always use to wonder I always use to wonder
what that meant. what that meant.
You say, "Well it means You say, "Well it means
to pray." to pray."
Well, I’m sure it does, but Well, I’m sure it does, but
to me--and I guess that’s to me--and I guess that’s
why the Lord gave me this why the Lord gave me this
vocation. vocation.
He meant, to go to Him He meant, to go to Him
in the Eucharist. in the Eucharist.
"Come to Me." "Come to Me."
He knew He would be here, He knew He would be here,
and so at that holy and so at that holy
sacrifice at the Mass, sacrifice at the Mass,
He comes. He comes.
I marvel, I marvel at the I marvel, I marvel at the
power of priesthood. power of priesthood.
Wow, what a wonderful thing, Wow, what a wonderful thing,
what a wonderful power to be what a wonderful power to be
able, through the power of able, through the power of
the Holy Spirit, to bring the Holy Spirit, to bring
down Awesome God. down Awesome God.
Oh, you can’t imagine, huh. Oh, you can’t imagine, huh.
It would have been It would have been
wonderful, wouldn’t it, wonderful, wouldn’t it,
if people would have if people would have
flocked to Him? flocked to Him?
Other people would have Other people would have
said, "Where is He? said, "Where is He?
Where is He?" Where is He?"
And other people would’ve And other people would’ve
said, "I’m ill and I’m sick said, "I’m ill and I’m sick
and I got to see Jesus." and I got to see Jesus."
Or others that didn’t know Or others that didn’t know
that God would go to that God would go to
Christians, who are suppose Christians, who are suppose
to know Him, and say, "You to know Him, and say, "You
have something that I would have something that I would
like and I want. like and I want.
Where is Jesus?" Where is Jesus?"
I think He would have I think He would have
expected that that down expected that that down
through the centuries no through the centuries no
matter what happened to us, matter what happened to us,
we would go to Jesus. we would go to Jesus.
No matter how bad things No matter how bad things
were, no matter how were, no matter how
depressed or desolate or depressed or desolate or
anything else, if the whole anything else, if the whole
world fell apart, we would world fell apart, we would
go to Jesus, because in His go to Jesus, because in His
infinite wisdom and love, He infinite wisdom and love, He
had come and stayed with us had come and stayed with us
as He promised, and every as He promised, and every
child that would been told, child that would been told,
"Our God is with us," and "Our God is with us," and
he’d say, "Where?" he’d say, "Where?"
"Come and see," just like "Come and see," just like
it did in His, His day. it did in His, His day.
"Master, where do You live?" "Master, where do You live?"
He said, "Come and see." He said, "Come and see."
If someone asks you today If someone asks you today
where, "Where do you live? where, "Where do you live?
"Where does this Jesus live "Where does this Jesus live
that you talk about and that you talk about and
love," could you say, love," could you say,
"Come and see." "Come and see."
Well, you should be able to. Well, you should be able to.
"Come and see." "Come and see."
Well, I want to read you Well, I want to read you
what He said. what He said.
Not what I say. Not what I say.
There’s some awesomely beautifully sarcastic beautifully sarcastic
articles being written articles being written
about me. about me.
(laughs) (laughs)
They are really funny. They are really funny.
You know what I mean. You know what I mean.
They’re so sarcastic that They’re so sarcastic that
I look at that and I say, I look at that and I say,
"Wow, I didn’t know that." "Wow, I didn’t know that."
One man said, "Mother is One man said, "Mother is
a heretic." a heretic."
I said to the sisters, I said to the sisters,
"Do I look like a heretic?" "Do I look like a heretic?"
They said, "No. They said, "No.
What does one look like?" What does one look like?"
I said, "I don’t know. I said, "I don’t know.
"I don’t know what a heretic "I don’t know what a heretic
looks like." looks like."
Another one was very kind and Another one was very kind and
gentle and said, "Mother is gentle and said, "Mother is
very ill. very ill.
We need to pray for her." We need to pray for her."
Sweetheart, I have never Sweetheart, I have never
felt better in my felt better in my
entire life. entire life.
(applause) (applause)
Now besides being called Now besides being called
a heretic--which I kind a heretic--which I kind
of enjoyed in a way. of enjoyed in a way.
I’ve always wondered what it I’ve always wondered what it
meant to be heretic, now meant to be heretic, now
that I am one and then I that I am one and then I
realized, now how could realized, now how could
someone call me a heretic? someone call me a heretic?
You know, I thought, well I You know, I thought, well I
believe in the Holy Roman believe in the Holy Roman
Catholic Church and all the Catholic Church and all the
other Churches that are in other Churches that are in
union with it. union with it.
The Chaldean Church--I have The Chaldean Church--I have
a real thing for the a real thing for the
Chaldean Church and the Chaldean Church and the
Melkite and Maronite and Melkite and Maronite and
all the rest of them. all the rest of them.
I believe everything, I believe everything,
the Eucharist, my love the Eucharist, my love
right here. right here.
I miss my crucifix, but I I miss my crucifix, but I
love Him and I want to see love Him and I want to see
Him always. Him always.
Well, I believe in all the Well, I believe in all the
sacraments and their power. sacraments and their power.
Oh, they’re so powerful. Oh, they’re so powerful.
I believe in prayer I believe in prayer
and piety. and piety.
I believe in devotions and I believe in devotions and
processions and I believe in processions and I believe in
the cross, the crucifix, the cross, the crucifix,
confession, Immaculate confession, Immaculate
Conception. Conception.
I could go down--I believe I could go down--I believe
all of those things. all of those things.
So I’ve been really trying So I’ve been really trying
to find good--a good dose of to find good--a good dose of
interior scrutiny is good interior scrutiny is good
for the soul you know. for the soul you know.
I mean, you got to look deep I mean, you got to look deep
in your heart sometimes and in your heart sometimes and
say, "Well, maybe I am say, "Well, maybe I am
a heretic." a heretic."
Well, as I examine what the Well, as I examine what the
Catholic Church teaches, Catholic Church teaches,
the Roman Catholic Church, the Roman Catholic Church,
I couldn’t find anywhere I couldn’t find anywhere
where I was a heretic. where I was a heretic.
And I finally figured And I finally figured
it out. it out.
In the Church, the Catholic In the Church, the Catholic
Church here in America and Church here in America and
other places in the world, other places in the world,
they have done away with they have done away with
all those truths. all those truths.
We don’t believe in We don’t believe in
the Eucharist. the Eucharist.
We don’t believe in We don’t believe in
confession. confession.
You kind of tell everybody You kind of tell everybody
you’re sorry, put a rock at you’re sorry, put a rock at
the end of a cross. the end of a cross.
I bet the Angels say, I bet the Angels say,
"These people have rocks "These people have rocks
in their heads." in their heads."
You know, put these rocks You know, put these rocks
on, because that gets rid of on, because that gets rid of
your sins and then you get your sins and then you get
welcomed by the elders, welcomed by the elders,
whoever they are. whoever they are.
Now I believe in the real Now I believe in the real
thing. thing.
Say<i> mea culpa, mea culpa</i> , Say<i> mea culpa, mea culpa</i> ,<i>
mea maxima culpa</i> --my fault, <i>mea maxima culpa</i> --my fault,
my fault, my most grievous my fault, my most grievous
fault. fault.
So since I don’t believe So since I don’t believe
everything on this side of everything on this side of
the fence, on that side of the fence, on that side of
the fence I’m a heretic. the fence I’m a heretic.
Praise You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus.
On this side of the fence On this side of the fence
I believe with all my heart I believe with all my heart
everything the Church everything the Church
teaches. teaches.
I hope and pray I’m a I hope and pray I’m a
faithful daughter of that faithful daughter of that
Church and the Eucharist, Church and the Eucharist,
which is our identity which is our identity
as Catholics. as Catholics.
And you know what I would And you know what I would
like you to do? like you to do?
I would like you to read I would like you to read
your Scriptures, see. your Scriptures, see.
Another little classic thing Another little classic thing
being said is that I am being said is that I am
giving my opinion to you. giving my opinion to you.
Oh, please don’t ever take Oh, please don’t ever take
my opinion for anything. my opinion for anything.
That would be foolish That would be foolish
because Jesus Himself said, because Jesus Himself said,
"The opinions of men mean "The opinions of men mean
nothing to Me." nothing to Me."
That must make the That must make the
feminists happy. feminists happy.
(all chuckle) (all chuckle)
But see, "The opinions of But see, "The opinions of
men mean nothing to me," men mean nothing to me,"
He said. He said.
Well, don’t make my opinion Well, don’t make my opinion
mean anything to you. mean anything to you.
Don’t take opinions--don’t Don’t take opinions--don’t
live by opinions, because live by opinions, because
opinions change. opinions change.
Live by the truth. I would like you, tonight I would like you, tonight
before you go to bed, or before you go to bed, or
tomorrow, to read the entire tomorrow, to read the entire
6th chapter of John, the 6th chapter of John, the
entire 6th chapter. entire 6th chapter.
Believe what the Church Believe what the Church
teaches about the Real teaches about the Real
Presence of Jesus, Body, Presence of Jesus, Body,
Blood, Soul, and Blood, Soul, and
Divinity--Real. Divinity--Real.
That’s what you believe. That’s what you believe.
And I’m going to read a And I’m going to read a
little bit to you. little bit to you.
We have all kinds of We have all kinds of
encyclicals here. encyclicals here.
I decided not to read one I decided not to read one
because they’re kind of because they’re kind of
heavy, but they’re heavy, but they’re
wonderful. wonderful.
One is called<u> <i> Instruction</i></u> One is called<u> <i> Instruction
Concerning the Eucharistic</i></u> <i><u>Concerning the Eucharistic
Mystery.</u></i> <i><u>Mystery.</u></i>
It says some wonderful It says some wonderful
things in here. things in here.
It talks about kneeling. It talks about kneeling.
It talks about the ciborium It talks about the ciborium
and the paten and how it and the paten and how it
should be made and what we should be made and what we
should do. should do.
The practice of genuflecting The practice of genuflecting
before the Blessed Sacrament before the Blessed Sacrament
is a sign of adoration. is a sign of adoration.
There’s a lot of wonderful There’s a lot of wonderful
things in here but I don’t things in here but I don’t
have enough to give you. have enough to give you.
But I want to read you the But I want to read you the
6th Chapter of John, just 6th Chapter of John, just
some of it, because I want some of it, because I want
you to hear the truth and you to hear the truth and
to know the truth. to know the truth.
I want you to grow. I want you to grow.
I want every Catholic I want every Catholic
listening to me who listening to me who
really believes in the really believes in the
Eucharist--and if you’re not Eucharist--and if you’re not
a Catholic, that’s okay. a Catholic, that’s okay.
I’d like you to go in any I’d like you to go in any
Catholic Church. Catholic Church.
Some of your churches are Some of your churches are
closed all week and you closed all week and you
can’t get there till maybe can’t get there till maybe
Wednesday night or Sunday. Wednesday night or Sunday.
You go to, and just sit You go to, and just sit
there. there.
First you’ve got to find First you’ve got to find
the Lord, I’m sad to say, the Lord, I’m sad to say,
but once you find the but once you find the
Tabernacle, I just want Tabernacle, I just want
you to remember this. you to remember this.
"I am the Living Bread which "I am the Living Bread which
has come down from Heaven has come down from Heaven
and anyone who eats this and anyone who eats this
Bread will live forever, Bread will live forever,
and the Bread I give is and the Bread I give is
My Flesh." My Flesh."
Now somebody says, "Well, Now somebody says, "Well,
that means crucifixion." that means crucifixion."
Well yeah, I’ll buy that." Well yeah, I’ll buy that."
And he goes a little And he goes a little
further, and the Jews began further, and the Jews began
to question Him, and they to question Him, and they
caught on real quick, caught on real quick,
faster than you. faster than you.
See, you go to one church See, you go to one church
that says "No, it’s not there. that says "No, it’s not there.
It’s just a symbol." It’s just a symbol."
Oh yeah, yeah. Oh yeah, yeah.
You go to another church You go to another church
and it says, "It’s only and it says, "It’s only
there during Mass." there during Mass."
Oh yeah, yeah, okay. Oh yeah, yeah, okay.
It has to be some truth. It has to be some truth.
See, we have to find See, we have to find
what is it. what is it.
Well, the Jews said, they Well, the Jews said, they
started arguing among each started arguing among each
other and said, "How can other and said, "How can
this Man give us His Flesh this Man give us His Flesh
to eat?" to eat?"
They caught on. They caught on.
Did Jesus stop? Did Jesus stop?
No. No.
"I tell you solemnly," He "I tell you solemnly," He
said, "If you don’t eat the said, "If you don’t eat the
flesh of the Son of Man and flesh of the Son of Man and
drink His Blood you will not drink His Blood you will not
have life in you." have life in you."
See, "And he who eats My See, "And he who eats My
Flesh and drinks My Blood Flesh and drinks My Blood
lives in Me and I live lives in Me and I live
in him." in him."
Isn’t that the most Isn’t that the most
wonderful thing? wonderful thing?
You know, I was telling the You know, I was telling the
sisters the other day, the sisters the other day, the
two things that we can do two things that we can do
the Angels can not do. the Angels can not do.
These wonderful, marvelous, These wonderful, marvelous,
powerful, intellectual powerful, intellectual
beings--the smallest angel beings--the smallest angel
would make Einstein look would make Einstein look
like I don’t know what, like I don’t know what,
dumb. dumb.
They cannot do two things They cannot do two things
that you and I could do. that you and I could do.
They will never, never, They will never, never,
never, ever receive the never, ever receive the
Eucharist. Eucharist.
These most worthy beings, These most worthy beings,
these most powerful beings, these most powerful beings,
these most pure beings and these most pure beings and
they have never offended they have never offended
God. God.
I can’t imagine never having I can’t imagine never having
offended God. offended God.
I wish I could say that. I wish I could say that.
I’m sure you wish you could I’m sure you wish you could
say that, never once said say that, never once said
no to God. no to God.
They’ve never done that. They’ve never done that.
You talk about purity. You talk about purity.
You can’t even imagine the You can’t even imagine the
purity of the angels. purity of the angels.
Tomorrow we got a wonderful Tomorrow we got a wonderful
guest on angels, but they guest on angels, but they
will never receive the Body, will never receive the Body,
Blood, Soul and Divinity Blood, Soul and Divinity
of Jesus. of Jesus.
Can you imagine that and you Can you imagine that and you
and I, poor unbelieving and I, poor unbelieving
sinners that we are? sinners that we are?
They will never, like a They will never, like a
priest, be able to bring priest, be able to bring
down through the power of down through the power of
the Spirit that wondrous the Spirit that wondrous
change, that change, that
transubstantiation. transubstantiation.
They’ll never do that. They’ll never do that.
Another thing they’ll never Another thing they’ll never
do that you and I can do do that you and I can do
is suffer. is suffer.
They’ll never do that. They’ll never do that.
They’ll never be martyrs They’ll never be martyrs
or white martyrs or blood or white martyrs or blood
martyrs. martyrs.
They’ll never die They’ll never die
proclaiming the word. proclaiming the word.
They’ll never be able to They’ll never be able to
suffer persecution or any suffer persecution or any
kind of hurts or sufferings kind of hurts or sufferings
or pain. or pain.
They’ll never have cancer. They’ll never have cancer.
They’ll never have anything They’ll never have anything
at all that they can offer at all that they can offer
to God as a sacrifice. to God as a sacrifice.
Isn’t that an awesome Isn’t that an awesome
thing, huh? thing, huh?
And our Lord says these And our Lord says these
marvelous words to you marvelous words to you
and I, poor human beings, and I, poor human beings,
sinful, ever striving, just sinful, ever striving, just
running it so hard to be running it so hard to be
virtuous on any level. virtuous on any level.
Wow, "Whoever eats Me will Wow, "Whoever eats Me will
draw life from Me and anyone draw life from Me and anyone
who eats this Bread will who eats this Bread will
live forever." live forever."
It says He taught this It says He taught this
doctrine at Capernaum and doctrine at Capernaum and
after hearing it many after hearing it many
walked away. walked away.
Well, things haven’t Well, things haven’t
changed. changed.
I wish they had. I wish they had.
We have a call. Hello. Hello.
Caller #1 (male): Good Caller #1 (male): Good
evening, Mother. evening, Mother.
Mother: Good evening. Mother: Good evening.
Where are you from? Where are you from?
Caller #1: New York City. Caller #1: New York City.
Mother: And what is your Mother: And what is your
question? question?
Caller #1: First I’d like to Caller #1: First I’d like to
tell you, you have the best tell you, you have the best
show on television. show on television.
Mother: Thank you. Mother: Thank you.
Caller #1: There’s a lot of Caller #1: There’s a lot of
garbage on TV, and every garbage on TV, and every
show should be as meaningful show should be as meaningful
as yours. as yours.
My question is, I have a My question is, I have a
friend who is Christian and friend who is Christian and
he says that Jesus is not he says that Jesus is not
present in the Eucharist. present in the Eucharist.
He says, the Bible tells He says, the Bible tells
the truth and in the Bible the truth and in the Bible
it says, "Do this in it says, "Do this in
remembrance of Me," remembrance of Me,"
it’s just a symbol of it’s just a symbol of
remembrance. remembrance.
How do I tell him he’s How do I tell him he’s
wrong? wrong?
Mother: What Bible is Mother: What Bible is
he using? he using?
Caller #1: Excuse me. Caller #1: Excuse me.
Mother: What Bible is Mother: What Bible is
he using? he using?
Caller #1: Um, Christians, Caller #1: Um, Christians,
I don’t know what Bibles I don’t know what Bibles
they use. they use.
He said it’s the same He said it’s the same
one as mine. one as mine.
I can’t believe that. I can’t believe that.
Mother: Maybe he’s Mother: Maybe he’s
got one of these inclusive got one of these inclusive
language things, you know, language things, you know,
that they don’t know what that they don’t know what
they’re saying. they’re saying.
Let me say what it says. Let me say what it says.
It doesn’t say a symbol. It doesn’t say a symbol.
It says a doctrine. It says a doctrine.
And you see, you don’t give the Lord much credit for the Lord much credit for
honesty if you don’t believe honesty if you don’t believe
the 6th chapter of John. the 6th chapter of John.
Why? Why?
Our Dear Lord, if He was Our Dear Lord, if He was
speaking of a symbol, would speaking of a symbol, would
not in justice allow people not in justice allow people
to walk away ignorant of to walk away ignorant of
truth. truth.
"I am the Way, I am the "I am the Way, I am the
Truth, and I am the Life. Truth, and I am the Life.
"Do this in remembrance "Do this in remembrance
of Me." of Me."
Now, He is obliged--because Now, He is obliged--because
He is God. He is God.
He is obliged to tell me all He is obliged to tell me all
the truth, otherwise how the truth, otherwise how
would I be responsible for would I be responsible for
my actions? my actions?
How would He judge me if How would He judge me if
I didn’t have a chance to I didn’t have a chance to
know the truth? know the truth?
See, He can’t, He can’t See, He can’t, He can’t
judge my conscience if it’s judge my conscience if it’s
not enlightened, and so if not enlightened, and so if
it was a symbol... it was a symbol...
Like, "I AM the Vine, you Like, "I AM the Vine, you
are the branches," that’s are the branches," that’s
obviously a symbol. obviously a symbol.
If He was speaking of a If He was speaking of a
symbol, then He used the symbol, then He used the
wrong words. wrong words.
"Unless you eat My Flesh "Unless you eat My Flesh
and drink My Blood." and drink My Blood."
Now when these people left Now when these people left
Him, since He is God, He is Him, since He is God, He is
the Truth and the Way and the Truth and the Way and
the Life, then He would be the Life, then He would be
obliged to say, "Don’t walk obliged to say, "Don’t walk
away. away.
Let Me explain it to you." Let Me explain it to you."
See on the common-sense See on the common-sense
level, and the common-sense level, and the common-sense
level is a run to faith. level is a run to faith.
It’s an increase. It’s an increase.
Common sense would tell me Common sense would tell me
the Lord God, Who has the Lord God, Who has
promised me that He would be promised me that He would be
the Way, the Truth, and the the Way, the Truth, and the
Life, and He says here, Life, and He says here,
"Unless you eat My Flesh and "Unless you eat My Flesh and
drink My Blood you will not drink My Blood you will not
draw life from Me and draw life from Me and
whoever does eat My Flesh and whoever does eat My Flesh and
drink My Blood draws life." drink My Blood draws life."
So He is the Life. So He is the Life.
He is the Way, and so they He is the Way, and so they
walked away, and what did walked away, and what did
they say? they say?
"This is intolerable "This is intolerable
language." language."
Do you think the truth, the Do you think the truth, the
ultimate, awesome truth that ultimate, awesome truth that
we call God, would allow we call God, would allow
intolerable language? intolerable language?
If they misunderstood and If they misunderstood and
they thought, "This is they thought, "This is
intolerable," then He was intolerable," then He was
obliged as God, because when obliged as God, because when
they walked away they they walked away they
incurred culpability. incurred culpability.
See, don’t give, don’t See, don’t give, don’t
accuse our Dear Lord of accuse our Dear Lord of
being unfair and unjust. being unfair and unjust.
And He says here, "How could And He says here, "How could
anyone accept this?" anyone accept this?"
Your friend can’t accept it, Your friend can’t accept it,
so he misinterprets it so he misinterprets it
because he cannot accept it. because he cannot accept it.
What’s the difference? What’s the difference?
Now, what does the Lord say? Now, what does the Lord say?
"Jesus was aware that His "Jesus was aware that His
followers were complaining." followers were complaining."
What did He say? What did He say?
"Does this upset you?" "Does this upset you?"
This would have been the This would have been the
prime time to say, "Let me prime time to say, "Let me
explain it." explain it."
"What if you were to see the "What if you were to see the
Son of Man ascend where He