Mother Angelica Live Classics - 2000-09-12- PARABLE OF THE WEDDING FEAST

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♪ ♪ Man: "Mother Angelica Live!" brought to you from the Eternal Word Television Studios in Birmingham, Alabama. ♪ ♪ <i>Mother: See in you, the love, the compassion of Jesus.</i> <i>The most glorious work of all, to praise God in His Kingdom.</i> <i>Anyone moved by the Spirit...</i> <i>Anyone who lives in love,</i> <i>lives in God and God lives in Him.</i> ♪ ♪ <i>What a wonderful thing is our Church.</i> <i>This whole network is built on trust.</i> <i>The essence of evangelization is to tell everybody,</i> <i>"Jesus loves you!"</i> <i>We're all called to be great saints.</i> <i>Don't miss the opportunity!</i> (applause) Mother: (sighs) That's the closest call we've had, isn't it? (Audience laughs) I get all excited, you see, because-- oh, hi everybody. I get excited because I come and talk to everybody before the show. My doctor wants me to go to bed after the show. Kind of boring, but (all chuckle) --anyway, here we are together, and that's all that's important. If we are together and talk about Jesus, that's the ultimate. Tonight, I just picked out something. I don't know whether we will stay on it long, because it's a about a wedding feast. I don't know anything about wedding feasts, and so I speak from a point of ignorance. However, we will see what the Lord does. You know the parable of the wedding feast in Matthew, 22nd chapter. It's interesting because this king, his son was going to be married. So he has a big wedding feast. I don't know about the wedding feasts in those days, but if it was an Italian wedding, it was big-big! And they practically spent all their savings on the wedding feasts. You'd better stick together, kids, if you are Italian, because you just blew your inheritance. So this was supposed to be a big, big, big shindig, and Our Lord compares it to the Kingdom of Heaven. And you'd say, "Well, why did He do that?" Because we don't understand Heaven. We don't even understand eternity. Nothing in this world lasts. I don't know why all the buses and pilgrims that come here all go kaput for some reason, (audience laughs) and it's always when it's hot! And the poor driver, you know--what was it in the middle of the road? Something. He had to hit that, rather than another truck, so he hit that. And so there they are waiting 2 hours. Well, we call that a pilgrimage. (Audience laughs) That's what we call a pilgrimage, because it's supposed to be hard. It really is. We are not accustomed to having hard things, because we have nice cars, and we have nice seats. I got in a car not too long ago, and it felt kind of warm, and I thought, "Gee, it's not that warm outside." I was kind of jiggling around, and I thought, "Boy, is this a hot seat." And it was! Somebody turned the heat on! (audience chuckles) And it said, if you're cold, you can heat your seat. (Audience laughs) I don't think that came out right, either. (Audience laughs) I mean, you heat the seat of the car, then your seat gets hot. (Audience chuckles) I better go on with this wedding. (Audience laughs) I have a feeling it's going to be one of those nights. (Audience laughs) I ought to stop now, while I'm ahead. Anyway, we will try to pick up where I left off. Well, He said that the whole Kingdom of Heaven is like a wedding feast, and He said this man sent his servants to call those who were invited. That makes sense. But they wouldn't come! So we've got to figure out, what's that got to do with Heaven? Well, we are all invited to the great Wedding Feast in Heaven. We are all called, but we all won't go. Now, isn't that a shame, huh? If you're called to a wedding feast, wow! In those days, they even gave you the things to wear. You didn't have to--gave you your clothing, just walked in and ate and had good time. And so Our Lord says, "Well, this is how it is in Heaven. "I have invited everybody-- everybody to come to My Kingdom." Can you imagine here that it says they wouldn't come! So the servant goes and says, "Will you come to the king's son's wedding feast?" "No, I don't want to go." "Well, will you come? You are invited." "No, I don't want to go." "How about you?" "Nah, I do want to go. I'm too busy." Well, we do that today, don't we, huh? We are too busy for Jesus. We are too busy to pray. We are too busy to go and just make a little visit to Him in the Blessed Sacrament. We're all too busy. Well, lets see what happens. Well, he sends some more servants. This is a persevering king. He can't believe that everybody is saying no. "So tell those who have been invited," now, he is still inviting--he is still after those who were invited. And he said, "that I may have my banquet all prepared. "I have it prepared. "My oxen and fattened cattle have been slaughtered. "Everything is ready. Come to the wedding!" Well, fattened--I don't know, I guess they ate pigs in those days. I wonder, too. The first time we put our Holy Father on the air, would put him on for 11 days, and it was somewhere in the Carolinas-- was it South or North? Well, it's whatever it was. And before we started, the night before we started, they have a little pig. I never saw a little pig, let alone look at roasting. And the little guy was about this big, and he was going around and around and around. The odor was absolutely fantastic. (Audience chuckles) And I looked at it, and the poor little thing was going around. Now and then, they would keep pouring stuff on it, you know. And I thought, "Ooh!" I was getting so hungry. That was the best meat I ever tasted. I know the pig didn't appreciate it, (audience chuckles) but I did. So that is what He is saying. The oxen are all roasted. It doesn't say anything about pigs, but fattened cattle, but they weren't interested. Ooh! Doesn't that do something to your heart? They weren't interested. First they said, no. Now, they have no interest at all. "One went off to his farm, another to his business, and the rest seized his servants and maltreated them and killed some of them." How ungrateful that is! It is hard to imagine how ungrateful we can be. When you are too busy for God, you are too busy. You've got to remember that. When you're so much involved in things that pass, they are not having anything to do with your daily life, like soap operas. If you've got time for one soap opera, you've got time for God. If you've got time to walk your dog, you've got time for God. I'm not against dogs. Please don't write me any letters saying, "Why don't you like dogs?" I know dogs have to go. I wouldn't want you to walk in front of my house, but if they got to go, they got to go. It's a necessary condition when you have a dog. You can't tell them when, where or how. They know. So what do you do? You walk your dog. And I bet you walk your dog more than he needs to be walked. But you can pray. You can pray while you walk your dog. You can tell Jesus you love Him. You can pray for poor sinners. You can pray for all those who don't go to the wedding feast. We have a wedding feast every morning when you go to Mass. Are you sure you don't have time to go to Mass in the morning? "Oh, it's too cold." Well, it's better than where it's too hot, (audience chuckles) right? "It's too cold." Well, what do you want? Do you want the Lord to come with a heated blanket like they do in the hospital? If you're going to have an operation, they put you in these freezing, freezing operating rooms. I feel sorry for the doctors. I don't how they hold anything. It's just... And then they come put a hot blanket on you, just came out of a--what do you call these little ovens? Well, they try to warm you up, but your nose is frozen, by that time. And if he asks you which leg they are going to operate on, you don't know. So we have a reason for everything in this world-- everything! But there is no reason, really, not to visit the Lord and not to pray. That's why you were created by God, see, to go to this wedding feast. And not only did they say no, not only were not interested, they maltreated their servants and killed them. You say, "Well, I never killed anybody." Are you sure? You say, "Yes, I'm sure. I've never killed anybody!" Are you sure? Have you killed them by verbal abuse, telling someone how dumb they are? Well, even if they're not, they are going to be, the more you tell them. Are you sure? Are you sure you haven't stolen the faith away from someone by telling them something that wasn't true? Have you diluted the Gospel and diluted the doctrines of the Church and maybe made somebody lose their faith? Well, you see, it's worse to kill the soul than the body, worse because when you take away faith from somebody, that's pretty bad. First of all, you don't know if they will get back, you see. And then you don't know what their life is going to be like without faith. Wouldn't it be hard not to have faith? Wouldn't it be impossible if you couldn't go into a Church and just talk to Jesus about your problems? When these people killed these men, these servants, and then insulted the king, they were stealing away from the king his whole kingdom. You can go, and you say, "Are you going there?" "No, I'm not going to go." "Why?" "I don't like it." "Okay, I won't go either." Did you ever do that? We all do that. We just copy everybody. We don't have original ideas. "Are you going to the game?" "Nah, they are not going to win." Well, they probably won't if somebody don't cheer them on. They need encouragement. I never was successful at football games. I always rooted for whoever made a touchdown. (Audience laughs) And see, I was a drum majorette. You can't imagine that, can you? (Mother and audience chuckle) You can't? No. I can't either, right now, (audience laughs) but I was. I was the only one they had. That's why I was probably there. I would stand there. I had to bring the band out, and then I had to bring them back. I did all that at halftime. But I never understood the game, because everybody is running in opposite directions, and I never knew who was who, but whoever touched the ground, at that point, I went, "Yeah!" They would look at me and say, "Will you shut up! "For goodness sake, that's the other team." (Audience laughs) Well, I thought that was wonderful he made it. You've got all those men after you, with all those helmets, and they have to look down there, like they came from Mars. And if you fall--let me tell you about falling with that ball in your hand. I never understood that, either. They all pile on top. I've watched them. They just go pound, pound, pound. This little guy, one time, I thought, well at least he can't make the top of it, but he did. He started running away over there and went "phew". The guy is down. Why are you going to suffocate him? (Audience laughs) Why don't you just take the ball away? There's no place he can go. I mean, I never--does anybody understand that? You all understand that? You do. I'm glad somebody does, because I never understood the principle. He's not going anywhere. It's a wonder he can breathe. There must be 1000 pounds on top of that poor guy. It's like a punishment for catching the ball. I never understood the game. Now, why did I say that? It has nothing to do with this wedding feast. Yes, it does, because we put a lot of time and effort, and the strange thing about this football, it's always in the winter. It's snowing. You would not go out the door if it was snowing to go to Mass. I'll make a bet. "Oh, it's cold. It's slippery." But you're sitting on that uncomfortable bench for hours, eating stale hot dogs, cold hotdogs and drinking something from a little flask. (Audience laughs) I don't think it's hot tea. (Audience laughs) Well, if you do that, I would imagine, for 45 minutes, you won't know who's playing who, but you're keeping warm, right. Well, I wouldn't want you to bring a little flask to Mass, though. That would not be good. I think you could bundle up, though, and go to Mass. You see, I think that's what Our Lord doesn't understand, no more than this king. I mean, this was a free meal, all you wanted to eat, just to celebrate a wedding. And there was no reason to do this, just like there's no reason for you to miss Mass because it's cold. Well, my friends, there is a hot place, and once you ever get down there, there's no coming back. Well, you see, you may not have gone to hell for not going to Mass. It's not whether you went to Mass. It's a matter of indifference. "I don't want to go. "I'm not grateful. "I don't want to be there where Jesus was always and is always." The Father has an awesome attribute. He has many attributes, and the one I admire the most is that everything is now. There is no past, no future with God. Everything is now. So when you go to Mass and I go to Mass, I am at Calvary, now. There is a beautiful Negro spiritual. It says, "Were you there when they crucified My Lord." What a beautiful song! Well, you can be there every, every, every Mass. Now see, I don't think when you die, Our Lord is going to understand that you had all the ambition and all the gumption to go to a football game with your little flask, and not to Mass. See, He is not going to understand that, no more than this king understood. So now, the king was furious. He was furious. What did he say? "He dispatched his troops now." Ooh, hey, we are in trouble. First it was his servants, now his troops. "He destroyed the murderers and burned their town." Ooh , yei, yei, yei. Then he said to his servants, "The wedding is ready, but as those who were invited proved unworthy, go to the crossroads in the town and invite everybody you can find." Isn't that wonderful! That's the rest of us, you bunch of sinners out there. (Audience laughs) Sinners, He is waiting for you. I think that's encouraging. The hitch in it is you've got to stop sinning. That's the hitch, but is it? Oh, yes, it shouldn't be. You know you're miserable. You know you're miserable. One time, I was working with this man, years and years ago. He was pretty bad. So he came to see me one day. He said to me, "You look pretty sad." I said, "I am." He said, "Oh, can I help you?" I said, "No." "Why not?" I said, "Because I am sad over you." "Me? I'm fine." "No, you are not." And I said, "And I was thinking this morning that I will not see you in the Kingdom, and I'm very sad over that." "Well, if you're going to be there, I will be there." I said, "No, you won't, because if you don't stop what you're doing, and I've been working on you a couple of years now, and I can't work anymore, because I'm wasting my time. "You are getting more hardened in sin, and so I feel bad about that, and I feel bad that God has this wonderful place for you with joy and happiness. You're not going to go." So I said to him, "I think you better leave, because you are not listening to what I'm saying. You better go." Well, he turned as white as a sheet, and he left. But he came back a week later. He said to me, "You mean Heaven is for me after all I've done?" I said, "Yes. All you need is one Confession. It's free. The wedding feast is free, and you will feel like a new man." He said, "You mean, I can go to Heaven then?" "Well, I don't know if God is going to take you then, but at least you're ready." Well, he went. It was years and years, and he went to Confession, and he has been straight ever since. But we don't understand what we are forfeiting. That's what is surprising. We don't know what we forfeit. Little Jacinta from Fátima-- the children were seeing hell and seeing the Holy Family while the people were watching the sun coming down. Jacinta was so upset, because she said people don't know where they're going to go! And she made every kind of sacrifice, every kind, because we don't know. And you know what she used to say a lot? She said, "O Sweet Mother Mary, why don't you show everybody hell? Then nobody will go there." Well, I don't know, because the people were invited twice to a free banquet, and this banquet last 7 days! Boy, you can get wound up by that time. (Audience laughs) But see, (heavy sigh) they wouldn't go. There is somebody out there won't go. Don't you think it's kind of foolish, that you could be happy forever and ever, never-ending? See, we don't even understand that. We don't understand what Heaven is like. It's absolute, total joy, and there is nothing taken away from you. I met somebody the other day, and I said, "How are you doing?" He said, "Oh, I'm wonderful, but I know what's going to happen." I said, "What?" "I will feel miserable sometime this week." I said, "How do you know that?" "Because it always happens. "Our Lord warns me ahead of time by giving me some joy, and then clunk, something happens to me." Oh, what a terrible way to think of God! You see, that's not true! God wants you to be happy in this world and the next. Does that mean you're not going to suffer? No, you're only kidding yourself. Getting out of bed is a pain. Don't you think it's a pain, the older you get? You don't jump out bed anymore. I was told, when I was a young postulant, and that's many years ago, "When you wake up, get out of that bed like there was a fire." It took me a while to do that. I remember the first morning in my religious life, I woke up, and I thought of what I was told, "Get out of that bed, like a fire," and I went (blows). I just put it out. (Audience laughs) Oh, Dear Lord! I also remember the morning I really determined I was going to get up, and it was cold, really cold. We used to have a little-- oh, I guess like these old-fashioned basins, and you had to put your water in it the night before. And it was on the floor, on top of a piece of paper, and when you got up in the morning, you would wash your face in this basin, really. And so I finally got myself kneeling, and I put the washcloth in. It just stood on top, just stood there. I really woke up. (Audience laughs) I thought Our Lord was telling me I had to walk on the water or something. (Audience laughs) So I am looking at this washcloth, and I'm looking at it, and I picked it up. It was dry. I put it back. It just sat there. It had frozen during the night! (Audience laughs) So I thought, "Where's the fire, Lord?" I had to crack it up and put it in gingerly, and I was like one of these kids on "You're on Candid Camera". Do you all remember that? They had about 4 or 5 young boys, little guys, in front of a mirror, and their mother told them to wash up. They were in front of the mirror, and they put two fingers in the water and went like this. Well, that's what I did that morning. I wasn't clean, but I felt better. But you see, all the little things--and it's a little thing, a little thing--are just so aggravating. They're not big things. But do you know, they pile up. They pile up, and it changes your heart. Because the more we can say yes to God, no matter how hard it is, the more He says yes to us, because we love Him more than we love ourselves. And this king here now is asking for all of us, and this is what he says. "Now they collected everyone they could find, bad and good alike." Now, all of you who haven't been to Confession for years, you better go. The wedding feast is ready. The wedding feast is ready. Go! Get that garment on you, the garment of holiness, the garment of Sanctifying Grace, that garment of being clean inside, really clean! Nobody can be in a state of sin, real serious sin, and feel clean inside. You can't. You may say so, but it's all a lie. It's not true. It's all a lie. Remember we talked about conscience not too long ago? It's going to come up. Now, you take another drink, and that might help a little bit, but it don't help long, because when you finally wake up, ooh, now you've got a headache, your conscience is bothering you, you feel guilty, miserable! You see, Our Lord is saying here, "You have to say, 'Yes.'" Now, we've had all the good and the bad in this wedding, and what does the king say? He says, "Go out again." So the servants went on the road to collect together everybody they could find. Now, here's the problem. When the king came in to look at the guests, he noticed one man was not wearing a wedding garment. Now you say, what's bad about it? You've got the bad. You've got the poor. You've got the rich. They are all coming. He's just too poor to buy a wedding garment. Unh-uh. The host provided the wedding garment. All you had to do was put it on. That's all you had to do. So the king said, "Hey, why don't you have a wedding garment?" The man was silent. And the king said, "Bind him hand and foot, and throw him out in the dark, where there will be"--what-- "weeping and gnashing of teeth, for many are called and few are chosen." So what does that mean? Does that mean Our Lord calls you and changes His mind? No, no, no. That man without the wedding garment refused to be clothed with a brand-new suit. That's like Confession! You refuse to be renewed. You refuse this new garment of grace, this new look. You know, it's a wonderful thing about Confession. You may be old, bald, or half-blind. You can have all these wrinkles on you, and we feel young, but you're old. (Audience chuckles) I don't care how you feel. One look in the mirror, first in the morning, you are old! Now, you can do what you want to make yourself look better, but you don't. You don't look better. You look old. If you are old, you are old! You can't change it. There's nothing worse than an old gal with a miniskirt, I can tell you. (audience laughs) Pitiful. If I had legs like that, I'd put a barrel around them. (Audience laughs) I mean, you just can't do it over. That's all. It's not going to work. It's just, be old and enjoy being old. You're supposed to be wise when you're old, but you're acting stupid. Now, you can dye your hair. The roots show. If you've got black hair and you die it blonde, that's fine. I don't object anybody dyeing any hair. That's fine. But if you're 95, (audience laughs) it's not going to work. Everybody knows the truth. We know the truth. So no matter how old you are, act like it and look like it, because that's what you are. And when you die, though, that's the beautiful part of all this. (heavy sigh) When you die, it's all changed. If you're in a state of grace, you're young. You're young, because that's how your soul is. Your soul doesn't get old. It never gets old. It's always there. It's always present. It's always young. That's why you feel young, but your bones don't move. I mean, isn't that true? You feel like you always felt when you were 12, 14, 18, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50. Your soul is young, and you're trying to keep up with it. M-m-m h-m-m. You can't. Until the Resurrection, that old body is going down, but that's okay. That's where wisdom shows. A happy old person is almost majestic. They shine, because they are happy with how they look and how God made them. You see, you are answering the call. You are answering the call, because it's the soul that matters, not the body. Not the body. I have 2 sisters we transferred to our crypt at the Temple. One was dead 18 years, the other 16 years. I said to the undertaker, "Could we change the habits?" He says, "No. There's nothing there." And I thought, "Yes, that's right. There's nothing in there." A few bones, a little dust. But the soul is still there. And that's the whole challenge of life! The challenge of life is not how young you can make yourself look. The challenge of life is how beautiful is your soul as your body grows older. That's the challenge! How close to God are you? Because your soul is immortal. It's going to live forever and ever and ever and ever. We don't even know what it means. The soul is gone. When you die--phregt. I told you a week or so go about this wonderful tape I heard, about this man who died on the operating table, and he said he rose. He knew he was on that operating table, and he rose, and he stood behind himself. His body was there, and the doctors, he could see them work, but he forgot he was, who it was. He walks around. This is his soul! And he is looking down, and he says, "That's me! I'm dead!" You sure are, buddy. He sure was. But see, that soul was the same soul that God put in his little body at conception. Now, you can abort a baby and kill the body, but you can't kill that soul. That soul is there. See, the soul is what's so important, and the body is a Temple. When you go to see the new Temple, it is beautifully constructed. Everything inside is hand carved by little guys, talented, carved with a few tools. They don't seem like much when we see them a table. But in the hand of a master, they do wonderful things. And your soul, in the hand of God, is awesome! Awesome. In the hands of the world, it's ugly. In the hands of the enemy, satan, it's disgusting and miserable--miserable. So it depends--it's never going to go away. It is never going to dissolve. It's not going to be just blown up in the air. When you die, it's immediate. Your soul leaves your body. That's why you're dead. Now, what? You see, that's the whole problem. I wish-- (heavy sigh) I wish I could get it to you. The soul is gone. When that body dies, it's gone. You can have a body in a casket, but that's just a body. The soul has met its Creator and been judged. We call that "particular judgment." And you're happy to go to Purgatory, because once you've seen God, oh, you are so sorry. You want to do anything you can to make your soul beautiful so it can face God face-to-face. And see, we waste so much time in this world trying to make everything right. We do everything to make us look better. Now, that's fine. I wouldn't want anybody to look miserable. But I think we have to spend some time on our soul, keeping it clean, away from grievous sin, going to Confession, often, often, often. You say, how often? Well, I go once a week. So what do you say? A lot! Since I've been in television and on television, it's gotten bigger. (Audience chuckles) But I am sorry, and He knows that, and He forgives readily and quickly, you see. We have a call. Hello? Female Caller #1: Hello, Mother. Mother: Hey, how are you? Caller: I've been better, but I want to thank you for taking my call and thank you for your guidance over the years, and that's one of the reasons I called in. My name is Debbie. I'm from New Orleans. You were speaking before about how God wants us to be happy here on earth. And I've read that in Scriptures, and I understand that, and I understand He wants us to have His peace. But over the last 7 years, my entire family--and we are very devout Catholics. We have been beset by one major tragedy after another, including the death of my very young husband, almost losing my mother, my sister's husband leaving her with nonsupport. I mean, I could go on and on, but the bottom line is this--and we pray. We pray constantly, and we have not lost faith in God. But what I don't understand, and I guess because St. Bernadette was my Confirmation saint, and I know a lot about her, I know Mary said to her that she could not have happiness in this world. Do you have any feelings or does the Holy Spirit guide you in any way to give me an answer that maybe this is a test? Is this something that we have to go through to show our love for God? What are your insights on that? Mother: What Our Lady said to St. Bernadette is, "I do not promise you happiness in this life, only the next." Happiness in the world is a happening. It's a happening, and it goes. The Lord never promises happiness. In no translation of the Scriptures, do you ever read, "I give you happiness." "I give you joy, joy." And joy is not a feeling. Happiness is a feeling. Joy is a deep awareness, a deep awareness that you are loved by God and that nothing happens to you that is not for your good. And so, that takes away the anguish, the doubt, the anger of saying, "What am I? "There is always something else happening to me." But you see, if we understood our soul, if we understood that it is our portion to suffer.... What did Our Lord do except to love us, and His love got Him crucified. But what saved us? What is it that gave us the ability to die and to enter the Kingdom? His love. Did He get on top of a mountain and say, "I love you. "I love you. I love you." No, He got on a cross. He got on a cross, and He stretched out his hands, was nailed to that cross and said, "I thirst." For what? For water? No. For your love. Crosses in any form, any form, physical, mental, spiritual, are good signs. You say, "Aw, nah, tell me that one, now." No, it's true. Padre Pio said, "If we knew the value of the cross, we would covet it." I don't see too many people doing that. They're not. These trials also can be a test for your family. He said to Peter, "How much to love me? "Do you love Me more than these?" I will not." But it took a cross and humility to tell Peter, "Yes, Lord, I love You." Then Our Lord said again, "Do you love Me more than these?" He wouldn't say yes. He said, "You know I love You." And every cross we have brings us closer to the Lord. Why? It detaches us. It makes us aware we do not have here a lasting city. I don't know about you, but I am appalled at how fast time is going. It seemed like yesterday was January 1st, and it's the middle of September! And you say, "Why is it going so fast, Lord?" It's fast. Life is fast. And every cross you have, say, "Thank You, Jesus." Do we understand it? No. Does it feel good? No. But maybe Our Dear Lord wants you to pray for poor sinners. When times are good, it's easy to have faith. It's in the cross that our faith is proven. Our Lord said one time about forgiveness and love, He said, "If you only love those who love you, do not the pagans do this?" And so I would suggest that sometimes when it just seems too heavy and you can't seem to carry it again anymore, go somewhere in a church where the Blessed Sacrament is, or just in your living room if you can't travel, and say, "Lord, I thirst for Your love, for Your understanding. "Give me strength. Give me courage." You can't look at Our Lady, that awesome woman, the greatest creature ever made by God--no one will ever equal Her or even come close. Suffered all Her life for the redemption of mankind. She suffered with Her Son. You've got to suffer with Her Son, and so do I. He doesn't ask us to understand. He says, "Take your cross upon yourself, and I will help you with it. Learn of Me." We have to have humility. I admit, I don't know why. I get over this and that happens, and I get over that and this happens. It's okay. You are pleasing to God. And you know what else, He trusts you. We don't often think of God trusting us. And when we have crosses and more crosses on top of that, He trusts me. I like to think He trusts me. He says, "Angelica, I think you can carry this. "It's for sinners. "It's for the poor. "It's for priests. "It's for religious. It's..." God knows what or who. "Okay, Lord. "We can do it together. We can do it together." And think of the souls. Your soul is being more and more purified and made beautiful before God. That's awesome! Everybody wants to be beautiful. But you know, some of the people I thought were the most beautiful were not beautiful physically, but spiritually. There's a little note here that says, "A father is contemplating suicide because his son just died." Don't do that. Don't do that. You may never see your son again. It's in life that you will see your son again. It's in life that you will feel his presence again. It's in living--it's in living that you will understand why he died. It's in living, not death. And you know, we need to persevere in these situations. We don't know what kind of a situation is coming up, do we? I'm a great believer in the things to come. Most people don't want think about them, but they are coming. You read the Old Testament, and God let His people go for a long time, and all of a sudden pfft. The lid popped off. Everything changes. Our Lord loves us. The Father loves us. He wants to see His Son in everyone and everywhere. He is going to do it somehow. We will all have pain and suffering. We always do. Our life is filled with it. I'm so grateful I walk. Our Lady healed me. I have other aches and pains! I'm getting old. I wake up, and this arm won't go all the way. (Audience chuckles) I put my both feet on the floor--they're walking, but they don't want to start. (Audience laughs) That's the problem. If I could just wind them up like the old cars, you know, just wind it up. Sometimes I get a little grumpy over it, because I used to walk so fast. And I walk--I'm grateful for every step I take! But the young ones in my community are way ahead of me, and I either have to call them back, or they look at me, "We better wait," and they do that. They are very kind, very thoughtful. I don't care. I'm me, and I'm this age. I'm not getting younger, and I don't mind everybody waiting on me. I think it's great. (Audience laughs) These people who spray your houses for bugs, they are always around, because we live on a farm, and there are more bugs than I ever thought existed, and they are all on our farm. And so they come in, and they sprayed. It smells terrible. It's awful, awful! And they tried to spray around me and before me and after me, and so today, they decided to bring my dinner in my room, because the odor was so bad. I enjoyed it. I don't care. I give them a chance to be holy by waiting on me. (Audience laughs) Is that right? So they go an extra mile, they're getting the merit, I'm getting the goodness out of it. (chuckles) I would like you to know that God loves you, infinitely. He wants you to enjoy that banquet forever and ever and ever. He wants you close to Him, so you can have that joy that's awesome, that no one can take away. So hang in there. Be faithful to the Church, to our Holy Father, and imitate Jesus. And I'll see you tomorrow night. Bye now. (applause) ♪ ♪
Channel: EWTN
Views: 14,722
Rating: 4.9390864 out of 5
Keywords: Catholic, EWTN, Christian, television, Mother Angelica (NNDB Person), Eternal Word Television Network (Organization), Wedding, Cana, Bride, Bridegroom, Wine, Ceremony, Weddings, MA902665
Id: MsmS3L6hHEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 2sec (3422 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2013
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