Arlecchino "The Knave" Complete Backstory & Lore! Story Quest Explained - Genshin Impact 4.6

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how exactly does an orphan with no family or no home become one of the most feared individuals in the entire world and a fouille Harbinger in this video we're going to be breaking down the entire story of arino or formerly known as parare and also break down how she might potentially leave as she has already been grooming somebody that is a worthy successor to take on The house's roles look after the kids and give them a home all of the misconceptions of about her being a wolf and sheep's clothing and what exactly makes her so powerful let's start from the beginning at this point it's not really a secret that AR Lino is serving out a sentence to the foule as a debt for killing a Harbinger but Pi was kind enough to share some information with her and confirmed what we already suspected that she is actually Conan more specifically a descendant of the people from the Crimson Moon Dynasty the details are very V and lost and most of the context has been lost throughout history but Snippets of information as well as information gathered by the narus and cins as well as Piero's own Knowledge from cona stated that cona had two ruling dynasties Crimson Moon and then later the eclipse Dynasty the eclipse Dynasty being the last one before the cataclysm 500 years ago during the fall of cona during the Crimson Moon Dynasty however would shine over cona the only information currently known about it comes from the Legend of Piner and according to this Legend the ruler of that organization at the time would establish to house children who come from Beyond this world hoping that one such child would have the power to transcend the gods so this organization in conre would house orphans from all walks of life The Crimson Moon Dynasty being a primary Dynasty in conr for many many years it is not specifically depicted how long this dynasty stayed in power but probably around a thousand years give her take and although we don't know why these individuals were so powerful it is said that Alchemy played a big part sometime between the archon war and the cataclysm the Crimson Moon got darkened and the Dark Sun descended into yet a darker dusk this would be the inspiration of the new Dynasty the eclipse Dynasty the same one danli was a part of and this dynasty would focus Less on Alchemy and experiments and more on mechanical advancements ruent Abyssal and outworld Technology at some point con's Crimson Moon was replaced by the Dark Sun it is speculated around time after the archon war and the eclipse Dynasty would rule up until 500 years ago AR Lino's ancestors obviously being a part of this Crimson Moon Dynasty long ago arlino who went by parare at the time she even states to us in Talia that she's never been from Fontaine but just was born here but she doesn't tell people that because she's somebody that that doesn't like to reveal more than she needs to she likes to be shrouded in mystery and misconceptions about her the fate of her parents is unknown but like I already speculated with even Risley his parents and just the orphanage problem within fontine seen as that my speculations about the doctor were true I think I can safely assume that in some instances under the old Nave crus saena The House of the Hearth not only took orphans in as experimental subjects and soldiers but probably created orphans out of thin air I wonder if AR Lino's parents suffered such a fate because we know crusen saw arino or parare as a prodigy and favorite child I wonder if they sought her out to be an orphan that is just speculation as to what might have happened to her parents but either way she would be orphaned at a very young age and find herself in the house of the Hearth and scen as that crusina was a Harbinger at this point I wonder if the house of the Hearth was inspired from Pierro during his days in cona and their orphanage that was also used for kids and experimenting with Alchemy to hide the truth of her Origins her Cursed Magic and power arlino always proclaimed she was from Fontaine in truth though she discovered at a very young age had a wield This Strange Fire or Crimson power that seems to be derived from blood magic the price for this power however would eat at her body first her fingers then her palms and then her forearms per even worried that if this dark shadow or curse were to creep up to her shoulder and then snake over to her heart she would likely undergo some sort of change maybe like we saw a caterpillar those rendered Ash by her fires would leave after images at times they were fragments of memory the more people fell to her hand the more voices parare would hear sometimes these forms taking an actual image and consciousness of themselves of the individual most the other kids in the orphanage would find her strange but she would be a favorite of crusina the mother of the house a person that is truly evil and at first glance seems to be perfect friendly and gentle with a calm demeanor constantly putting on a front to care for her family and children and never without stories to actually tell these children yet if you were ever brought up in a normal environment these tales and stories that she would tell you would have made you shiver to the Bone she would tell stories of unspeakable cruelties as if they were a fairy tale fantasies guiding the house members and children to Mutual Slaughter until the strongest among them was selected as king children without a use would be sent to the doctor for experimentation she called herself mother but never saw the house or children as her home to her they were all sacrificial and experiments all the other kids seem to know that she favored parare even caring for her more than her own biological daughter clairy who she gave gave no special treatment and treated her like all the other kids payware knew almost immediately that this was all a front she knew the real reason for the orphanage clairy also seemed to figure this out and they formed a bond over this clairy even trying to warn children and spread information about the true nature of the house this only got her punished though parare ultimately thought this to be fruitless nevertheless parare would indulge in spread these rumors as well helping put fuel on the fire despite the cruel beatings and Punishment clairy received from her mother she was unwilling to consider the idea of assassinating her mother and some point during their training as kids parare would actually receive a pyro Vision on top of already having her pyro blood Powers parare also thought this to be meaningless and in the end Clare only knew one way to get true freedom to see the outside world and unfortunately that was through death crusen's inhumane experiments took place far away from prying eyes so naturally almost nobody knew about them until it was too late this would go on for years until they both became teenagers and would fight and perre would kill her friend clairy to set her free there would be a short time period between clarey's death and the ultimate inevitable showdown between The Prodigy orphan and the mother of the house where fremin who is not a biological sibling to Lenny and Lynette actually joined the house and remembers a small stint under the the original nav and Mother where even he remembers a very different environment one that is very hostile and not welcoming kids lived in fear but like I said between the orphan who would be king and the current Nave was inevitable but sometime not too long after Clare's death arlino would decide to challenge the Nave the inevitable showdown between the orphan who would be king and the mother and fouille Harbinger it should not be understated that it is no mere feat and not a small task to challenge a fouille Harbinger and a fierce battle would take place the Nave toying with parare until finally she would tap into her cursed Conan ancestral powers that would overwhelm the Nave and she would kill their mother without hesitation blowing up the building in the process killing a fatule Harbinger is no mere feet but this would also draw the attention of the other harbingers and the fouille I also speculate that they sent Capitano to actually take her into custody because they're probably not sure of the Threat Level that she actually posed and he was present during her decree so I think he was there to see this through because I doubt she just voluntarily walked over to chesnay and volunteered to lock herself up someone would have had to come get her so that just makes the most sense to me but that is just what I think but she would find herself nonetheless in a fouille Cell as a prisoner where fouille grunts would be be both fearful but admire this young child who took down a Harbinger it is left unspecified what ranking cusabo was but it can be assumed that she was the fourth Rank and the current arlino took her place arlino to this day says that she remembers the sky of shniah from her cell where she would meet the Serita and get her decree besides pardoning parare the Serita gave her a name arlino and gave her a delusion proof of Royal favor and a badge of honor and it would be a pyro delusion ironically now she would have literally three sources of pyro Powers the young Nave was also granted an individual audience with her Superior the jester she would now have to serve a life sentence of filling the void that she left for killing a Harbinger cannot be overlooked but they definitely saw her talents and how it could be useful so she would continue running the house of the hearth for the harbingers a small tomb Stone stands at the site where she slew their mother would make her famous not only within the foui but worldwide and feared as she would take the fourth rank at a young age surpassing even scat mooch at six and Senora who was eighth but this would also allow for many misconceptions and lack of context to label her as a backstabber a wolf and sheep's clothing and as somebody who betrayed a loving mother but the newly named arino loved these rumors not only did she not correct them but she would actually indulge in help spread this misinformation she would then strive to rework The House of the Hearth but instead of a fake loving cruel mother she would be a unloving but strict and disciplined father and now that arlino was an official worldwide known member of the harbingers as a fouille Harbinger arlino is unique among her colleagues she is most likely very unloyal to the Ser as she is serving a punishment and a sentence she did not join the fouille out of her love for their morals or ideology with that said she is still extremely diligent working to get a nosis on her behalf she handles fouille matters with utmost importance and comes off as graceful and cordial although she's strict she is more lenient than her predecessor having imposed a more relaxed policy for her subordinates and Children of the house to complete their goals and does not punish them so severely for failure although she is very cold the children have come to not only respect her but have really warmed up to her in their own way sometimes actions speak louder than words despite her being more lenient though she still does not like betrayal she is not cruel she is also willing to spare traitors if they've demonstrated sufficient willpower by executing their identities so they forget everything they knew and forget all information with the house of the Hearth in fouille Affairs instead of outright killing them but the rumors of her assassinations when these people go missing she allows them to linger and because of all the misconceptions about our Lino a lot of people feel that these children are being mistreated and being manipulated she has a terrible working relationship with a doctor who used to get free orphans by the Dozen for experimentation she refuses to do that and she absolutely cannot stand the businessmen and pol polititions of the foui harbingers she does however respect senora and although finds child rather knowing sees his potential acknowledges that he is just young he will grow into his own from here we know that she played a big part in Fontaine helping protect Fontaine and its children as well as other citizens from the prophecy she attempted to take the nosis from finina but realized she did not have it where she already suspected something was a miss one of the spirits from her blood pyro Powers would be Clary herself who would be talking to the children but not the children of present day she would be stuck in the past which would really conf use all of the members of the current house like Lenny lenette and feminine arlino would cleverly let this play out while entailing a letter to nalette about her departure coming up with project stoua in the fouille as well as her plans going forward with the house of the Hearth she would then let these events play out where she could test the kids and the traveler in combat where she swiftly defeats the traveler and overpowers all of us she then reveals how she actually gets rid of the children who are to Loyal by erasing their memories and letting them live lives outside of the house you are just not allowed to take the knowledge of the house outside with you from here she says that Lenny is a worthy candidate in being groomed for the next king of the house he is going to take over once she eventually decides to retire and although Lenny feels he's unworthy she states more than once that he is more than capable of taking on this responsibility as she sees him as somebody that's reliable has a strong sense of family and love for the other members he's cunning but yet has compassion and although arlino is somebody that does not wear her heart on her sleeve does not pout or cry even when saying tough goodbyes she really does care for these kids on a genuine level in testing them and their resolve even their courage to confront her themselves was all part of her plan as she tends to leave the house and his hands and go to Project stoua where she will eventually she sort of hints at this in her voice line saying that one day might have to raise her weapon against the Serita and that when that day comes she won't hesitate she'll have nothing but respect for the Serita while she does this however but the reason that she might betray them is because she never volunteered to be a Harbinger to begin with she is serving a sentence no doubt a life sentence so she wants to make sure through nalette and Lenny that the house and all of their Affairs in Fontaine will be taken care of if something bad should happen to her from here we can only speculate going into nlin but I do think AR Kino knows that she has a life sentence to the harbingers and that she'll probably have to fight to the death to get her own Freedom if she ever wants to leave that organization much like her friend clairy death might be her only Escape as I see her defeating people like Colina dor the captain or Piero very unlikely and that is the complete story of parare the current Nave and fourth fouille harbinger I hope you enjoyed this lore video and the complete story of the Nave let me know your thoughts in the comments if leading up to the Nave this is what you thought her story would be and let me know also what you think is going to happen with this character in the future will she be in nlin and what is Project stoua like And subscribe if you'd like to see more content like this and as always we will see you all on the next one later [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: The Gamer Chronicles
Views: 23,692
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Keywords: project stuzha, Arlecchino lore, Arlecchino story explained, arlecchino origin, Crucabena explained, Crucabena, clervie, the captain, capitano, columbina, project stuzha genshin, The knave explained, genshin arlecchino, fatui harbingers, all harbingers, natlan harbingers, clorinde leak, arlecchino story, 4.6 story quest, arlecchino story quest, crimson moon genshin, khaenri'ah, arlecchino khanriah, Pierro genshin, genshin lore, fatui harbinger lore
Id: gxRx2saLAlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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