Most terrifying things people saw in the woods (r/AskReddit - Reddit Scary Stories)

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what's the most terrifying thing that you've seen in the woods I was solo camping and was on a hike to my favorite spot I saw what looked like a man holding a massive rock in one hand and a knife in the other facing me this was pretty weird but other bush crafters have been known to camp there too so I gave the standard hey man shout and wave I got a bit closer and it looked like it was just a rock I laughed it off and turned around staring to walk away a rock whizzed by my right ear fast enough and big enough to really hurt me if it hit me I turned around to where the rock had come from and the figure I'd seen wasn't there anymore I told this before but it works here my friend and I were walking home from school one day we took a different path than usual and we stumbled upon someone's house it was one of those isolated homes surrounded by forests on all sides I noticed something white on the edge of the lawn as we passed I took a look at it and it looked like half of a human pelvis I asked my friend who hunted what he thought and he said it didn't look like a deer or coyote as we were studying it the homeowner storms out of his house and starts to chase us and I mean really chase us for a good half mile or so until we lost him it was more than just trying to chase us away I think he was trying to get us we never told anyone at the time I tell the story now over a decade later and people think I'm bullcrapping I just hope my friend was wrong and the guy was just a effing loon with animal bones on his lawn when I was younger we would go camping at a place called Bear Creek in TN the campsite we got was always the best as my grandfather was best friends with the owner of the place where you could camp the place backed up into nothing but miles of woods with your nearest neighbor like two to three miles away anyways at our campground we had a big creek with a bridge overhead well on the third day we were there I remember everyone being around the fire and me wandering off to the bridge there on the other side were a group black-robed people staring back at me they just stared no faces being shown one had a knife of some kind while another motion for me to come over with them when they started over the bridge towards me I ran back in my family grabbed their guns and started to point at them they calmly went back over the bridge and never saw them again went to a small patch of woods near a friend's house in the suburbs and found dead cats squirrels rats and birds nailed to a bunch of trees we ran out of there and my friend's mom called the police who closed it off and investigated it for the day never heard if anything came from it one of my old friends used to live in a house in the woods one night after watching hush a movie I don't recommend while alone in the middle of the woods we went out to smoke and we overheard something and turned to look and there was a clown it was right during the time where people were dressing up as clowns to scare people it worked not something I saw but something I heard I was out walk alone at a campsite and there were bears there I faintly heard a ah help me and help but disregarded it cause I thought it was my mind playing tricks on me because it was so faint the next day park rangers were looking for two campers who went missing yesterday the day I went hiking and heard that later that day they found a bear killed it and inside it they found the two campers I heard those people crying for help and died but disregarded it now I take everything I even faintly hear seriously suicide victim found inside his truck in the woods I've posted recently but definitely the worst thing I've seen in the woods even if it was just inside the woods I was a rookie first responder one fall night I found myself on a call with little information caller had noticed an old fleetside pickup truck parked off a country road they also reported a horrible smell arrived on scene and immediately noticed the horrible smell we spot a banged up tailgate poking out of some underbrush just off the road worked around the driver's side and see that the windows are blacked out flies begin bouncing off us from all directions I grabbed the door handle pop button in and pull I was stepping away from the truck as the door swung open but the smell still hammered me in the face flies everywhere My partner shines his light into the cab and we see dark grimy clothing draped over a human shape it was my first experience with a deceased individual luckily my only one where the decomp was advanced the remaining skin was slouching making it difficult to approximate much about the person before death there was an outline of human putrefaction on the cloth seats the windows which I assumed were covered with black bags were actually layered with black film from the breakdown the sight of the face was horrific imagine an organic abstract statue being peeled by gravity myself no literally I saw myself in the woods same clothes same hair same body shape everything I couldn't see the face though it was just me running through the forest I was like six or seven at the time with another seven-year-old friend we left that forest when I saw that never asked him if he did in high school we did a cross-country meet between the other parochial schools and this was kind of out of the way and a bit of a drive into the woods these league meets were every other Tuesday and you won based on how the team did every week with the points added up at the end of the season so the course was just always set up because we were there so often and we didn't go over the course before the race we just warmed up and started and then one day we were racing through the woods and passing by dozens of large stuffed animals dolls and other children's toys hanging by their necks suspended from the trees covered in red paint what we were told some impaled with sticks broken glass and pipes the race was to lapse they stopped us after the first and cancelled it to clean up we didn't go to those meets anymore when I was around seven I went with my brothers for a walk in the nearby forest we were walking on a road in the middle of a forest when we saw women who was staring at us from between a trees we thought nothing of it but a while later the same women was still staring at us and following us hiding behind trees we started to freak out she was just staring at us with a faint smile while hiding in the woods this is where we just started to scream and run we managed to get out of the forest and the women was no longer there I never saw this women again but this was one of the scariest experience in my life about two miles into a solo hiking / camping trip I came across a five-foot mirror it was just standing there in the middle of the trail propped up between two small trees never saw or heard anyone else while I was out there the real scary part was it wasn't there on my way back out I was playing in the forest when I was very young I remember seeing what looked like a small monkey with really long red hair crouched down with his arms wrapped around the front of his knees like a lost homesick child I just did there trying to be really quiet because something about it felt really wrong and my instincts were telling me to GTFO of there I quietly walked back the way I came and I never seen it again it still puzzles me to this day because it was in the middle of Wisconsin it's not something I saw but something I heard I was taking a walk around the back roads of Vernon VT toward Brattleboro at around 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. insomnia and I heard children laughing in the woods there weren't any houses or lights within sight so I assumed it could be foxes or something sounding like people but then I heard like actual voices I called out and then heard a bunch of rustling like something running away it definitely sounded like kids laughing and young kids - not teenagers I fell asleep in my tree stand and it had started getting dark but it wasn't completely there yet I remember looking up and seeing a crescent moon so there wasn't too much light anyways I start climbing down and I hear leaves rustling around so I climb back into the stand and pull out my flashlight and shine it into trees and all I can see are a bunch of silhouettes and about twelve pairs of green I watching me coyotes had been watching me when me and my friends watched Blair which tapes we decided to make our own we had bought a board from Kmart our IP we got to the little graveyard and we saw three girls killing a rabbit just stabbing it over and over we ran home walking round the forest at night with some buds in one of them yells what in the hell is that so we all turn and see a humanoid creature hanging from a tree looked like someone was hung it was incredibly pale and skinny I started to walk up to it in its eyes flew open all I remember after that is that its eyes were red and it charged us my friend shot it killed it and ran found it the next day and found out it was an albino deer we still don't know how it was hanging to that branch though was hiking once with a couple friends at night around 3:00 a.m. it was in an area that wasn't public woods just middle of nowhere it was by a lake we pull up in my car to a long gravel road big enough for one car and that's it big ditches on both sides full of water we start to walk around and we see a light on in the distance shouldn't be any houses anywhere near wood should have been empty so we decided to head towards it we walk for about thirty minutes and start seeing like bedsheets or just big squares of fabric they were hanging from trees by ropes appearing randomly and very dirty odd but they seemed to lead towards the light and we head forward we get to the top of a hill there's a circle of sheets hanging around the top of the hill in the middle was a chair a machete knife and ice pick we are getting a little creeped out so we grab the weapons and decide to head back the light was still far away seemed like it never got closer actually we swear we could hear footsteps behind us I was in the back we hear in the distance some water splashing like a big rock was falling in like the big deep splash you would hear we keep stopping checking around us with our phone flashlights trying to hear where the splash noises were coming from if the footsteps we heard we get about five minutes away from my car we hear footsteps we stop and just listen a few seconds passed and that splash noise happened right next to us I look and the water was not moving nothing fell in we didn't know what made the noise but we start sprinting back to the car the light disappeared we get to the car and I floor it backwards down the road and couldn't turn around due to the ditches on both sides we kept all the weapons and I don't know what the sheets were what made the water sound what happened right next to us or what the light was and how it disappeared and we never got closer to it after 30 minutes of walking oh well we lived a fox feeding on a rotten human carcass I was with my father walking through the woods he was a hunter and we went deep into the woods we saw that scene and called the police after further investigation it appears that the woman we saw came to the woods to commit suicide after her parents disowned her and her dad has beaten her up because she got pregnant out of wedlock at 21 years aged a 600 pounds grizzly bear [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ReddiTV
Views: 21,959
Rating: 4.9200001 out of 5
Keywords: scary stories, reddit stories scary, askreddit, reddit stories, askreddit creepy, scariest stories, scary things, creepy stories, terrifying, scary, in the woods
Id: 0d4BHb8U6rI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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