Most SHOCKING Episode of Courage The Cowardly Dog

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foreign [Music] I can honestly say that my Journey on YouTube so far has been a roller coaster it's just been a wild ride and I'm so thankful for it this journey has been amazing and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world I recently celebrated 100 000 subscribers by making a video about one of my all-time favorite episodes of one of my all-time favorite shows I really enjoyed making that video but it was an interesting one to approach because when I get a video idea it's usually like really specific for example with the Dark Side of Hey Arnold series it was the thought process of remembering back to the show and just recalling how many times that it got really dark or depressing then from there the video idea was born or for my video about him from The Powerpuff Girls I was thinking about how they seem to pour so much more creativity into the character of the villains themselves than they did for the actual Powerpuff Girls then boom that video idea was born however with that 100 000 subscriber special it was just different it was literally like what is Sean like and what does Sean feel like doing there wasn't really a specific point to the video other than the fact that I just really enjoyed that episode of that show and that was it however I will admit it made me feel so good because that video was just so horrendously tiered to my interest that it felt like pure fan service specifically just for myself in a hilariously obnoxious way but honestly guys I'm still kind of riding that high of hitting a hundred thousand subscribers and by all means I'm not about to do another completely Sean centered 100K celebration however I want to kind of take a moment to make a video that calls back to the origins of my channel we're gonna pay tribute to the early days of my channel by talking about a show that I hold near and dear to my heart we're gonna talk about the first ever cartoon that I made a video about here on YouTube none other than Courage the Cowardly Dog we interrupt this program to bring you Courage the Cowardly Dog show starring courage it'll love nowhere with her husband used his bag but creepy stuff happens in nowhere to save his new home [Music] stupid dog you made me look bad what Courage the Cowardly Dog is a show that I grew up watching usually with my eyes partially closed because it would scare me to death as a child however I just couldn't look away I've been diving into a lot more Cartoon Network shows recently and I plan to definitely keep that up but I couldn't continue any longer without covering courage once again we're checking out an episode that I've seen mentioned in my comments across all of my other videos about Courage the Cowardly Dog time and time again it's an episode that would serve as the series finale and would come along with a really strong message behind it we're looking at the episode called perfect [Music] this episode starts out with courage jacking up the truck while Eustis sits by reading the paper courage jacks up the truck too high on accident causing it to fall and this happens [Music] you can't do nothing right you're amateur nobody got a right thing to in school someone who'll make you perfect Muriel shouts for Eustace saying that he got a package and he Sprints to the house to open a box that has a bugle inside of it it looks cracked and it sounds awful so Eustis says that he's gonna fix it up he tells courage to oil the boiler shouting at him to do it right while blowing the bugle at him at the same time meanwhile Muriel invites courage to make some baklava with her remember it's supposed to be thin crisp and nicer than air hmm thank you lighter than air here oh well don't be cabbage courage ends up being tasked with crushing the nuts but he fails to do that completely destroying the kitchen table in the process Muriel says that it wasn't a very sturdy table and she tells him to go get Eustis you are a disgrace what's wrong courage I don't see anything Muriel says that she'll go get Eustis instead and courage can just stay and tidy up and then this happens that is no way to stand I want to see perfect posture you showed us back chin out yes and walk eyes ahead even steps she tells courage to walk up the stairs with this huge stack of books on top of his head and says that if they stay in place then he is walking perfectly no not the least bit perfect [Music] can you speak correctly now repeat after me and do it perfectly the turkey in Albuquerque is positively Plucky monkey no no I said perfectly this lady just keeps smacking courage's desk with the ruler as she tries to get him to enunciate his words perfectly she gets progressively angrier as he's unable to achieve her expectation of speaking and she moves on to tasking him to build the Eiffel Tower out of toothpicks foreign [Music] look at the work of another of my poodles a perfect pupil [Music] um perfect she straight up smashes courage's toothpick sculpture and commands him to go to bed and sleep perfectly we cut over to Muriel and Eustis just sawing logs in bed while courage is bloodshot in the eyes [Music] you're not a perfect perfect [Music] after that nightmare courage falls back asleep and he has another nightmare that's literally himself as the Scarecrow the Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion as they walk down the yellow brick road and he sees himself as the Wicked Witch of the West which scares him awake again then this happens [Music] [Music] stupid dog courage proceeds to then have a really sad and embarrassing nightmare of himself on stage with no bottom fur then he has another nightmare of him breaking Muriel into a thousand pieces and after him waking up over and over again Eustace finally throws him out of the room in the morning we see Eustis blow his horn at courage again which causes him to fly up through the ceiling and into the attic where he lands in his seat in front of the evil angry teacher again she tells him that today there's going to be a surprise final exam and that if he doesn't pass then there's going to be consequences everyone will know that you're perfect [Music] you have to go to the bathroom make it quick she tells courage to brush his teeth while he's in there and while he's doing that this happens there's no such thing as perfect you're beautiful as you are courage with all your imperfections you can do anything would you like to try some backs of our courage it's more like gum really but you can blow the sweetest Bubbles as Muriel is blowing baklava bubbles Eustis blows his horn and next thing you know we see courage up in the attic taking his final exam the teacher tasks him with drawing a perfect number six I don't see a six here everyone [Music] perfect perfect [Music] [Applause] after that we cut to downstairs where courage and his family are eating dinner at the table as everyone is blowing bubbles with Muriel's baklava which is where this episode ends I want to say first and foremost that this episode had just an excellent ending we see the whole family sitting around the table blowing bubbles together as courage lets out a big old laugh and just like that the whole series would come to an end this episode would serve as in my opinion a great bookend for the series however it's one that's widely regarded by fans as being one of the most unsettling episodes of all time mostly attributed to the heavy subject matter and those really intense nightmare sequences on the whole if we zoom out of the details of this episode and look at the big picture here all of this started because Eustis was criticizing courage so heavily keep in mind this has been an ongoing thing throughout the entire series as well it was so bad that it started to affect courage mentally and he manifested this evil teacher that only he could see courage felt so heavily judged by Eustis that he began to judge himself and in this episode that physically manifests in the form of this evil teacher who judges courage is every move this right here is just such a huge relatable metaphor the feeling of being judged and ridiculed by someone who thinks they're better than you is just so incredibly awful and demeaning it can make you feel like less of a person this evil manifestation affected courage so badly that it was to the point where he literally couldn't do anything correctly if she told him to do it he literally couldn't even sleep normally because she told him to sleep perfectly courage knows how to sleep he does it every night but his brain was so affected psychologically by the torment of his own manifestations that he couldn't even sleep because they were literally telling him to like I gotta admit that's so backwardly Twisted now that I put it into words but long story short Eustis severely messed courage up by destroying his confidence and self-worth with his hurtful words this evil teacher was awful and seeing her treat Courage the way that she did just broke my heart but I will say she does have me really questioning her existence in general honestly I want to say that she is a manifestation from what I read online a lot of people are operating under the assumption with this episode that the perfectionist teacher was imaginary the entire time which is what I assumed as well up into the point that we see Dai lung sitting on the Eiffel Tower sculpture that he made saying that he's perfect first of all we know for a fact that he isn't perfect as we've seen him do some really idiotic things in the past However the fact that he's wrapped up in her nonsense as well means that he sees her too and that tells me that either a Dai lung has some serious trauma probably along the same lines as courage is at the hands of Eustace or B she's real and Dai lung just decided to take Perfection lessons for some reason who knows it's likely to me that she's a manifestation as a result of trauma because I don't think Muriel would allow a woman like that in her house in the first place that is unless Eustis called her here to give courage Perfection lessons which honestly could be the case Eustace is a major jerk and would totally do something like that but honestly I'm not sure more than anything though I will say this much this episode proves as a great reminder to be mindful of how you treat others because you never know what battle somebody else could be fighting in their own head and in their everyday life your words are strong they make an effect on everyone that you cross in everyday life and that's a powerful thing thing that all of us have it's important to remember to treat others the way that you want to be treated no one wants to be ridiculed or belittled and of course if you wouldn't want someone else doing that to you then you shouldn't do that to someone else that's definitely a big reason why I do appreciate this episode it's a great reminder of why we should be the best version of ourselves that we can be now I do have to Circle back to my original point though like I said this episode is widely regarded as being one of the most unsettling episodes due to not only the heavy subject matter that we just discussed but also the really intense nightmare sequences in this episode we see five different nightmares occur and of course the first of which being the most notorious this scene right here is regarded by many viewers as the all-time scariest scene in the entire series and if you ask many people if they've seen this episode odds are this will be the scene that'll either bring it up or that they'll remember it by this monster is an entry interesting one to me as I personally don't find it all too frightening compared to some of the other things that I've seen in the show but it definitely has a lot of creep Factor behind it I will give it that much furthermore the deeper meaning behind it is very chilling to say the least some viewers took to calling this monster the fetus presumably due to it looking like it might have an umbilical cord attached to it and also the fact that it's in an odd dark space that feels uncertain as to where it could possibly be however this monster would actually turn out to be a monstrous manifestation of eustace's broken bugle that he was blowing into throughout the episode if you take a good look at this thing it appears to possibly have a mouthpiece in the top corner of its head its body just being a straight up stump that Loosely resembles the shape of the bugle's main body it has a small arm on one side that's supposed to be the bugle's key and then on the other side it has a long twisty tube that connects to its head little is known about this creature obviously as it's only seen for a few seconds in this episode however it could be gathered that the creature seems to represent courageous sadness of not being perfect if we take into consideration that the monster has a rather morose expression on its face and the monster itself as well as the rest of this scene is blue which is the color of sadness the other dreams were all just really trippy in general and we can mostly gather reasoning and deeper meaning behind them all we see the one where courage is basically every character in The Wizard of Oz as goes the story of The Wizard of Oz the Scarecrow is wishing he had a brain the Tin Man is wishing that he had a heart and the Cowardly Lion is wishing that he had some courage all the meanwhile the Wicked Witch of the West who is also courage is watching over and presumably planning to sabotage their plans this is a clear representation of self-sabotage if I've ever seen one this to me symbolizes something specific in context to what we're building up to with these dreams I see this considering I know what's coming next and I see courage recognizing his need to be brave strong and smart if he's gonna protect Muriel and Eustis from the creepy stuff that seems to always happen in nowhere however he has a tendency to overthink his actions due to the ongoing scrutiny from Eustace so he has a deep-rooted fear of sabotaging himself hence him also being the Wicked Witch of the West possibly as a result of overthinking his actions because he questioned those aforementioned abilities and doubts himself we see another dream where courage is juggling pies for the audience and he looks down to see his lower body was shaved completely bare this dream really made me feel for courage this one is a pretty clear representation of the embarrassment and uncertainty that courage feels at times it represents his underlying fear that he could be tackling a situation confidently and then all of a sudden he might be struck with the huge realization that something isn't what it seems or something humiliating might happen along the way destroying his confidence even further than it already was beforehand after that dream we see one where courage is dreaming of Muriel handing him a vase only for him to drop it but instead of it breaking it bounces and lands and Muriel's arms as she shatters to a million pieces as does courage and the whole scene afterward this one certainly represents courage's ultimate fear letting Muriel down or failing to protect her Muriel is courage's whole world his entire life revolves around her and protecting her and her life which includes Eustis by default courage loves Muriel more than anything else in this world and he's devoted his life to protecting her and saving her from all the spooky stuff that happens in the middle of nowhere hence where I Circle back to The Wizard of Oz dream with this context we can understand why courage would be his own Wicked Witch of the West in his own story because he's so passionate about his need to protect Muriel and her livelihood that he's worried that he could doubt himself in the process of protecting her and she could get hurt or worse as a result of him sabotaging himself with his own doubts as far as these dreams themselves go though I do have to point out that it is kind of creepy that they were all individually developed in not only a different style of Animation than the show itself but each dream had its own individual animation style to me that just kind of added to the creep Factor seeing the dreams go from CGI animated to a simplistic flash style animation to a style made with simple animation and editing tools then to a stop-motion animated dream then finally a minimalistic paper puppet style animation it's a weird subtle thing that feels almost kind of subliminal but like the inconsistency with the animation feels sporadic and it adds to the unnerving nature of this episode now you may have noticed that I said there was five dreams total and I only talked about four and that would be because there's one final thing that I really need to bring up to you guys in regards to the dreams that I just can't figure out and that's this dream right here [Music] thank you [Music] laughs stupid dog I don't know you guys this dream is a tough one to crack I was able to kind of get the gist of what the other dreams were trying to say but this one is just a trip and I just don't get it I even slowed it down and looked at each individual picture and they just don't make much sense I see this one that looks kind of like a headless guy standing by a weird mountain with other people nearby then there's this one that kind of looks like a rubber duck with five legs or something weird like that then we see this one that's very clearly a butterfly then there's this one with a pirate with two peg legs a hook hand and eight eyes then we see this one with a spider that has human-like hands at the end of its legs and very human eyes as well then lastly there's this one that kind of has this Angelic looking figure with the words right now on it I'm honestly having a lot of trouble putting together what this one means for context it happens between The Wizard of Oz dream and the juggling pie stream I'm just not sure what to think about this one it's weird but at first Glimpse the picture of the butterfly reminded me of that Meme about the biblically accurate Angels which are known for like having a bunch of eyes then we see that picture of the pirate that has eight eyes then on top of that the weird spider thing that has very human looking eyes and lastly the picture which basically had an Angelic figure on it I feel like maybe they could have been implying something biblical or maybe something weird like that but honestly I'm maybe reading just too far into it if you guys have any ideas of what that dream could mean let me know down in the comments below another thing that I really wanted to bring up is that in the end after courage banished the perfectionist teacher by just being himself we see him sitting at the table eating dinner with Eustis and Muriel which was a really sweet moment in my opinion because Eustis doesn't normally allow courage to eat at the table one thing that is worth pointing out is that like I said this is the series finale but the episode right before this one one is called remembrance of Courage past I've talked about it in a previous video and I'll link it down in the description so you can check it out after this one if you want but in that episode we see courage remembering what happened to his parents as he's taken to the exact vet that sent his parents to space by Eustis and Muriel in that one we see courage saving both Eustace and Muriel from the evil vet and I like to think that after that episode used to started letting courage eat at the dinner table regularly because he's such a good boy I know that that's likely not the case but a guy can hope can he all things considered though this episode felt like a great bookend for the series like I said by the end of the episode we see courage accepting himself and coming to the conclusion that he's perfect just the way he is the happy ending feels extra good and the series ends with leaving us as viewers feeling confident that courage is ready to handle whatever else the middle of nowhere throws at his family honestly Courage the Cowardly Dog is a show that I'm really bummed ended when it did but honestly it was probably for the best because in my opinion the show definitely ended on a high it didn't overstay its welcome by any means and it honestly had a ton of really great and memorable moments we'd see the characters remaining consistent throughout the entirety of the series though there was some plot and character development that would occur at times honestly courage is one of those shows that I hold up there as one of the most perfect animated series of all time but hey I might be biased as it's just one of those shows that I'll always hold near and dear to my heart but what do you think do you remember this episode and plays for the love of giraffe Shawn do you have an explanation for that weird flying pictures dream let me know in the comments down below I always love seeing your guys's feedback of course you already know I gotta give a shout out to my patrons over on patreon especially those of you in the 90s kids tier you guys rock if you enjoyed this video then do me a huge solid and maybe share it with a friend and give praise to the YouTube algorithm in hopes that it shares this video video with everyone else and as always thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one peace stupid dog oh
Channel: DuskTillShawn
Views: 33,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6k_XmQv_u80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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