The Episode Of Courage Where Eustace Pushes Muriel Into Silence...

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[Music] I swear there are so many times that I plan a video a certain way in my head but then when it comes to actually executing that video it turns into something completely different than what I originally imagined for this one though I kind of walked right into it I'm not going to lie what my intention was with this video was to do something a little more lighthearted I've been making a ton of videos recently that revolve around dark morbid and often really sad topics which is my choice of course but I felt like I really needed to mix things up and make something that isn't so serious and heavy I got this random idea to talk about an episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog that always creeped me out as a kid but when it came to watching this episode again I quickly remembered just how morbid this one is with that being said I'm not scrapping this idea in favor of something more positive but I will say look forward to a tiny influx of happy videos every once in a while I like covering morbid topics but I feel like for the sake of my mental health it's important for us to just have little happy nostalgic walks down memory lane every once in a while today though we're looking at an episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog that I honestly forgot was this depressing a majority of this episode is just so sad as as a kid I was so fixated on the fact that it creeped me out that I kind of overlooked how sad it really was that's why today on our nostalgic walk down memory lane we're going to check out an episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog that nearly broke my heart today we're looking at none other than muted [Music] Muriel you this are you listening to me can you go to the store and pick me up a bottle of vinegar youis vineger vinar Muriel continues to plead with Eustace just begging for his attention over and over again as he just sits there blatantly ignoring her it's not until she raises her voice and shouts at him that he finally responds in his usual angry manner she asks him in a tone more polite than I would have been to go to the store and get her a bottle of vinegar and he just responds by grumbling for her to leave him alone as he turns on the TV and continues to ignore her Muriel decides that she's had enough of him being rude to her so she stands in front of the TV to get his attention get out of my way woman is that the only thing you have to say to me no help I'm hungry where's my food ECE I don't think you're being very polite who cares what you think I think you'd care what I think I'd care what you think if you said something worth thinking about I think you're [Music] stubborn don't care and I think you're being very nasty eess just insists that he doesn't care what she thinks or says and that he will wishes someone would make a remote control to shut people off don't worry I'm shutting myself off I'm not speaking anymore listen to the TV all you want you won't be hearing from me again sorry courage my voice isn't welcome in this house so I'm keeping my thoughts to myself Muriel walks off upset and Eustace just laughs saying that he's thankful that he finally got some peace and quiet we cut over to the next day where Eustace is just sitting at the table with an empty plate in front of him holding his knife and fork like he's expecting food to just appear out of nowhere he tells courage to go figure out if Muriel's talking yet because he wants to know if she's making his breakfast [Music] courage goes upstairs and we see Eustace leaving while complaining about the fact that he has to go out and pay for his breakfast courage calls Dr vindaloo to tell him what's going on to see if he can help the big lady is silent ouch she must be the one to explain the problem problem to me ouch put big lady on phone if patient cannot describe problem to me I cannot help cannot help at all he says that if the Silent One won't talk then he cannot help her and that she needs more than a doctor she needs magic this gives Courage the idea to go on over to Shirley the medium to see if she can use her Supernatural Al abilities to help courage explains what's going on and tries to see if her magic can help at all and surely says that she will unleash powerful forces to make Muriel speak she just needs to whip up a spell really quick from deep below the planet shell deeper than the deepest well may forces rise to break the ground and cause your murial to sound courage thanks her and immediately gets up to leave but once he reaches the curtain she stops him saying that she's not done yet if your murial won't speak much Havoc will this forces reak or in other words it will not be pretty [Music] courage starts to panic as he feels the ground begin to shake heavily around him he runs outside to see the ground erupting with what seems to be a massive Stone structure popping out of it as the giant continues to ascend we see its legs finally fall down revealing it to be a sort of massive Kaiju starfish that was lurking underneath the Earth's crust the Beast begins using its millions of thin tube feet to sprawl away as surely warns courage that he should probably get to Muriel before it does I can provide Speedy transportation for a [Music] fe don't you have anything bigger surely throws a unicycle at courage and he goes on his way pedaling at full speed to catch up and hopefully pass the giant starfish as he passes this thing we get a glimpse of just how huge it really [Music] [Applause] is watch where you're going you [Applause] fool I love this clip right here so much because it's easy to miss but there's a call back to a few episodes from season 1 of courage in this scene we see Jean Bond the owner of the burger Diner from the episode heads of beef running away from the starfish along with the waitress from his restaurant and the customer that we see eating there in season 1 we also see Floyd from the episode hothead who's known for his extreme temper in that episode and lastly we also see Mildred Bigfoot's mother from the episode Courage meets big foot moving on from there we see courage arrive at the farm just seconds before the giant starfish he falls down into the basement where he finds Muriel playing her satar still and just completely ignoring him I'm talking now and the sound of my voice will save the farm from getting destroyed will you quit that stupid hippie music I'm trying to watch TV the whole house continues to rumble as the massive monster draws near eating everything in its wake as it inches up to the house minuscule in comparison courage drags Muriel outside to show her what's happening she sees the monster but doesn't really seem to care she continues playing her sitar seeming okay with the idea of being eaten by this giant monster with not a second to spare and Muriel not responding to him courage makes the insane decision to walk right up to the monster and just throw himself on the ground in front of it ready to be consumed by [Applause] it [Music] Hur [Music] I thought I was going to lose you did I stop it with my voice courage hugs Muriel and she tells him that she knows what she says matters to him she promises that she will never stop talking again and we cut to later that night where we see her scolding Eustace telling him that from now on when she talks he's going to listen go it I said is that clear [Music] MH this episode is one that really made me think it made me think about myself how I treat others and how others treat me that's what's very interesting about a show like courage on the surface it's a wacky yet spooky kids cartoon that plays on tropes from classic horror films but despite that it never lacked an ability to lead you to a moral that'll really make you think the core issue with the heart of this episode is Eustace completely neglecting his spouse and leading her to the point of giving up and shutting down as a result of his abuse Eustace is a misogynistic jerk and I can't imagine treating any human like that but especially not my own wife it's just really sad he's a jerk for seemingly no reason Muriel didn't do anything to him other than take care of him and be an absolute sweetheart the least that he can do is go to the store and buy a bottle of vinegar in all reality I have to imagine that he's bottling up emotions that he's feeling towards a bigger problem that he refuses to talk about and as a result he ends up lashing out and hurting people that he feels the most comfortable around such as Muriel I mean we all know that Eustace has a complicated history with his parents especially his mother but that doesn't excuse his behavior even for a second I get having trauma as a result of your parents rubbing your face in the fact that they loved your brother more than you but like maybe not abuse your wife as a result of holding those feelings inside because that's super uncool he needs to learn how to communicate when he needs some quiet time instead of hurting his wife's feelings in an effort to get her to just go away what's even more sad than eustace's awful Behavior though is Muriel's reaction to it it made me so sorrowful seeing her feel like she just didn't care about anything anymore she was ready to let the monster consume her because she already felt so broken that it didn't even matter to her as sad as that is I can't blame her she does everything she can to make sure that the house is nice for her family and that everything is well taken care of but Eustace doesn't appreciate it for even a second he just kind of expects her to do it doesn't say thanks refuses to help and expects her to stomach him treating her like garbage all the meanwhile it's just really scummy how he is and it really hurts seeing her put up with his crap it made my heart happy to see that she hadn't given up on everything though as much as being Us's wife hurts being courage's doggy mom softens the blow for her she loves courage with all of her heart and he feels the same way we've seen courage endure some massive torment for Muriel in the past and this episode is no different he was ready to make the ultimate sacrifice to save her and that just speaks volumes to courage his character and his love for Muriel however if you look at this from a different angle the symbolism here is actually pretty heavy in the middle of the dispute between Eustace and muel is courage who is also affected by it in the sense that he sees how she's treated how she's affected by it and how the effects changed how Muriel treats him it kind of felt like a child in the middle of a nasty divorce between their parents it almost seemed as if courage was a bit confused by what was going on hence why he tried calling Dr vindaloo for help like maybe he was thinking that her not talking could have been result of a medical condition not understanding that she was choosing to not talk because Eustace was being an abusive jerk towards her though I will admit that we know that's not the case considering that courage himself went to Shirley saying that all of this was eustace's fault it's worth pointing out that the symbolism here and at a few other points is comparable to the struggles of a kid who's going through his parents getting a divorce we end up seeing courage's attempt to reach out to the doctor is unsuccessful so he reaches out for Magical help and ends up stumbling upon something more dark than he could ever fathom this could definitely be compared to a child struggling through divorce but in a more generalized sense it's a definite symbolization of reaching for an unhealthy answer to a problem that you have the answer courage got was one packed with destruction and casualties along the way which can be the case for a lot of unhealthy answers to problems or even mechanisms to cope with that same problem lastly the symbolism at the end of Courage throwing himself In Harm's Way to finally get Muriel's help this speaks volumes courage begged for Muriel to talk he pleaded with her to speak even before it came as far as him reaching for the assistance of Shirley's dark arts however she refused to mutter even a noise towards him it wasn't until courage reached the point of seemingly giving up himself just like Muriel did that she snapped out of it and realized that he needs her him putting himself In Harm's Way like that to save Muriel and the farm is definitely a massive statement about courage's character but it's also very symbolic of how sometimes it takes a really traumatic realization to snap out of a funk that you could be stuck in after the problem escalating to the point of Muriel going silent and courage almost dying we see her in the end asserting herself and deciding that Eustace is going to listen to her whether he likes it or not even if that means taping his own mouth shut hence making sure that this same issue never happens again it was like a breath of fresh air at the end seeing Muriel realize that what she says does matter no matter what Eustace says it's it's honestly a shame that Eustace doesn't realize how lucky he is to have Muriel throughout this episode we never really get a point where Eustace realizes that he was in the wrong and apologizes but that didn't stop him from getting his comeuppance in the end moving on from there though I figured we better tackle a few more light-hearted parts of this episode first of all I feel compelled to point out how well Muriel shreds I've never played the sitar but it looks really hard if I'm being honest and she's really good at it the song song she plays would be heard throughout the series multiple times and I just love it so much it's incredibly catchy and it just makes me so happy I also really have to bring up Shirley I'm pretty sure that I've said this before but she is such a well-written character she's mysterious and intriguing and they do a really good job of making me as a viewer want to learn more about her mysterious past she just has a really interesting vibe to her and I dig it she's a character that I always look forward to seeing when I watch this show though she would only appear every so often another thing that truly sparked joy in this episode is the part where courage is in the basement trying to tell Muriel what's going on I swear some of the best parts in this show is when courage is trying to tell people what's going on and he turns into whatever it is that he's trying to tell them we see him turn into a big monster that's destroying the house then he turns into Muriel's head as we hear him mimic her voice down to a tea telling telling Muriel exactly what she needs to do and of course even with that she still has no idea what's going on in the end and doesn't realize that it was her voice that saved the farm those Gags Just had me busting up laughing while I was planning this video it's just too funny one last thing that I really need to talk about is how like I said in the beginning of this video this episode really freaked me out as a kid this episode is what sparked my fear of starfish and to this day honestly I still really just kind of don't like them there's just something freaky about them and it gives me the heebie jeebies thanks courage before this episode I used to love starfish more than anything the depiction of the weird little tube feet just gives me the ick knowing that it uses those weird jelly sticks to navigate and move around just makes my skin crawl I also hate the noises that this thing made it honestly is just chilling to me and I can't stand [Music] did it's just so creepy seeing that thing not only move around and eat giant rock structures but also seeing it shrivel up and die was just kind of gross the noises of it dying were just abhorent and they made me want to Ralph however one thing that I'm really curious about with this episode is is how they pulled off balancing the sadness with creepiness like this episode in my opinion is just as sad as it is creepy at least coming from an adult standpoint as a kid I feel like I couldn't process emotion well enough to grasp just how sad this episode really was but watching it back as an adult I can definitely see how sad it is what I really want to know is does the amount of creepiness detract from the amount of sadness I know it did for me as a kid for sure but I want to know what do you think did you realize how sad this episode was when you were younger let me know in the comments down below I always love seeing your guys' feedback massive shout out to my patrons especially you guys in the true '90s tier I appreciate you all more than words could ever say if you enjoyed this video then be sure to drop a like and give some praise to the YouTube algorithm in hopes that it pushes this video to everyone else and as always thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: DuskTillShawn
Views: 42,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wKmolJiEFq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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