The Episode of CatDog That Broke My Heart...

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foreign [Music] thing that I've learned about myself throughout my adulthood and especially through making these videos is that I'm a really really long-winded person especially in writing like when I'm just talking off the cuff I'm a rather short-spoken kind of guy however in writing I really Thrive I personally see this as a blessing and a curse specifically as it pertains to YouTube like it works out great because I can make a two plus hour long video and it just kind of comes to me naturally and flows however the other edge of that sword is the fact that I struggle to make shorter videos like to be specific I have a metric ton of video ideas that started out as me covering just one specific episode but somehow ended up quickly evolving into these ideas that are going to result in an hour plus long video my big struggle is the fact that I really want to put out videos once a week but that's a hard thing to do when pretty much every idea I have is a video that it's going to take me like two weeks to finish I probably could finish them quicker but balancing a full-time 40 plus hour a week job just doesn't afford me enough time on that note though hey quick shout out to my patreon for as little as 14 cents per day you could help me reach my goal of quitting my day job and focusing on YouTube full time there's all sorts of cool perks and on top of that patrons get early access to videos as well as patreon exclusive videos that you can only see if you're a patron I cannot stress enough there is no obligation you being here and watching this video on YouTube in the first place is more than enough support however if you want to go above and beyond in helping me meet my goal then patreon is a great way to do that and get some cool rewards in return as per usual I have to take a sec to thank you so much for being here and for being a part of my YouTube journey I really really appreciate you being here extra special thanks to you all who are subscribed you are the actual greatest and if you're not subscribed be sure to do that so you don't miss any of my future videos and and to help me on my journey to reach a hundred thousand subscribers but with all of that jargon out of the way back to my original point I'm controlling myself for this video we're looking at one episode and one episode only I swear no more just the one and we're checking out an episode of CatDog that honestly kind of breaks my heart even to this day this one is also a very special one in my opinion because it's the first ever episode of CatDog in release order the episode in question is called Dog Gone [Music] amazing episode starts out with early morning outside of catdog's house we pan up as we hear dog begging cat to throw a ball as he throws it dog starts to Chase and we see cat just getting ragdolled behind dog as he runs however cat is laughing and just having a blast cat throws it again but this time as dog is running he gets distracted by a squirrel [Music] no foreign [Music] squirrel breath let's get a soda as cat is rummaging through the fridge Winslow walks out of his little hole in the wall to talk to them he starts talking about how he has no idea how cat dog can do what they do being attached to each other and having to spend every single minute with someone else do what you want cause you're always together Melissa we love doing everything together right cat chat yeah yeah everything together so anyway we're so happy we cut to later that night where we see dog laying in bed reading comics listening to some heavy metal on his cassette player and snacking on handfuls of dog treats meanwhile cat is just calmly and silently reading a novel as we hear Winslow's words living rent free in his head talking about how they're always together cat breaks his silence and finally talks to dog hey dog you know you're my best friend but have you ever fought like you really need some time alone you know just to do long type stuff because of me [Music] [Applause] and I think it's best for both of us so what do you think can you say something [Music] important good night pal [Music] the next morning cat slowly starts to wake up as dog just rolls right out of bed and drags cat out with him smacking cat's head on the floor in the process of course we cut to them at The Breakfast Table later on while cat is reading the paper and dog is just scarfing down his breakfast since their bodies are connected dog literally inhaling his breakfast is giving cat hiccups dogs suggests that cat breathe into a paper bag to combat the hiccups this [Music] [Music] [Music] cat just gets demolished in the process of dog running as we see him get electrocuted get his teeth dragged on the pavement and just so much more and all these three minutes till cats yeah we hate cats the only thing worse than a cat is a dog who hangs around with the kids [Music] [Laughter] hey I think my watch stuff [Music] we see the chase continue as dog keeps running after the truck and cat is just getting pummeled by the greasers we cut to later that night when it's dark outside and dog finally finishes chasing many hours later that's it day out it's the same thing again what are you saying yeah I'm saying if I can't get some time to myself then wanna do and I'm through you're so funny Chad come on get up please get up cat please I'll do anything did you say anything we cut rad on over to the next day where we see cat walking out of their closet in an outfit that hides dog and makes it look at least kind of like he's a normal cat dog questions if this is really what cat wants but cat insists that it is rather aggressively leaving dog telling him that he's already gone so cat doesn't need to worry we fast forward an unknown amount of time to a cruise ship reminiscent of the Titanic cat is on the cruise ship enjoying himself he gets to calmly read a book about 1001 uses for hairballs enjoying some fine dining without hiccups and finally enjoying the sunset hey dog take a peek at this Sunset I'm right here I know you're not here but just look at the sunset then you can resume not being here all night about cat you're not alone in this and you can't get it with stupid old Slappy dog hanging around so I'm not checking out this big old ocean doesn't get any better than this after the cruise we see cat getting dropped off at home by a taxi he finds the fetch ball that him and dog used to play with then he goes inside and he finds dog's food bowl on the table and then finally he sits on his remaining half of their old couch and he just finds himself thinking about how much he misses dog Winslow interrupts cats pondering she fine nobody what are you nuts it's total billsville around here with that dog see ya just then the garbage truck pulls up and that gives cat an idea he ends up going inside of his handmade rear end to visit dog the interaction starts out extremely awkward as the two kind of talk over each other eventually cat tells dog that the garbage truck is outside and he invites him to chase it but dog says that he's left that life behind for cat look dog just do me a favor and Chase the truck but you said I said a lot of crazy things and I was wrong place a package you just taste the truck but why would you because I miss you chasing the truck I mean oh you miss me chasing the truck you mean hey Cat mm-hmm I missed you too just like that with cat's blessing dog goes running after the truck as the Greaser dogs give Chase which is where this episode ends now before I jump into the analysis I want to take a sec to praise early cat dog for its in between episode segments they weren't in every episode of CatDog but a lot of the time they would run a short one to two minute long segment between each episode and I personally loved them as a kid sure they may take a minute or two away from actual episode story building but they made for a good quick gag and I appreciated that this one begins with cat saying that it's time for some fan mail he asks Winslow to bring him some mail but Winslow says that there is none because they're about as popular as a monkey in a banana patch I have one dear us where did we come from signed you and me pathetic you know uh good question dog of course it does comes as no surprise to you at home that dog and I are descended from royalty dog says that he doesn't get it but Kat says to just go along with it dog runs with it and he says that they used to be the king and queen of England and they wore crowns of sausage dental floss and bowling balls that that was the rumor we did grow up in a beautiful country beautiful country high in The Frigid peaks of the Florida Alps Florida Alps there we learn to fly oh hold on dog [Music] there we found deep sea leprechauns boy it's so dark we got lost in a crazy negative Dimension cat Cuts him off and says that's enough Winslow starts teasing them saying no wonder they don't have any fan mail but just then dog catches eye if a small letter poking out from under Winslow's door what is this two cat dog [Applause] okay so you got a couple of letters I forgot to tell you about big deal [Music] all right well fresh off the heels of that short I just gotta say that I love how that went off the rails so quickly first of all the grammar of dog's letter that he wrote for himself and cat was just hilarious dog really is such an innocent character and he just has such a sweet childlike mind he's really creative too which is evidenced throughout the series but this short is a pretty good example he literally pulled that whole story out of nowhere and it was just so off the wall from sausage dental floss and bowling ball crowns to deep sea leprechauns all the way to dark and endless void this was a wild ride of a story dog is an interesting character to pick apart and this episode and short gives us a great opportunity to do that with this being the first episode they kind of hyperbolize the character's mannerisms just a bit to really emphasize what we as viewers can expect from these characters going forward I appreciate that as it pertains to the show specifically because says after this episode they really stuck with the groundwork that they had laid whereas other shows would do the same then in later seasons change the characters pretty drastically looking at you Cosmo CatDog did a great job of maintaining that groundwork that they worked so hard to lay now as for this episode itself taking it from the top I have to start with that title card music in my opinion this music isn't very fitting for the episode itself and just overall didn't really match the feel of the episode but I get it it's the first episode they're probably still figuring out the vibe and feel of the show and of course you don't want to be a huge Downer ride out the gate transitioning from there though this episode starts out with a shot early in the morning focusing on catdog's mailbox I love this I just love it just the opening shot of the mailbox tells us so much about the show right out the gate specifically as it pertains to the dynamic between cat and dog the male fox has depictions of their faces on it but also the writing on the mailbox is very telling cats writing is small neat and very centered whereas dog's writing is sloppy large in the sense that it's covering part of cat's name and completely off-center and rotated slightly this really symbolizes their relationship very well with my eyes with peace and love cat is the boring old stick in the mud for the most part being very calm calculated and collected meanwhile dog is the happy-go-lucky fun fast-paced bold one in the relationship this is very much reflected in the way that they designed the mailbox and furthermore that's also shown in this episode specifically in the part where cat is sitting alone in their house and Winslow comes out to talk to him Winslow tells cat that this place is dolesville without dog when cat tries to convince Winslow to play fetch with him this sums things up really well dog is kind of the bright and shiny center of attention while cat is just kind of there it's honestly kind of sad when you look at it that way cat kind of gets left by the wayside because everyone is so much more interested in dog and what he's got going on but on that same note there's a lot of times where we see cat being a jerk to everyone I can't help but wonder if maybe cat is a jerk to everyone as a result of how everyone views him or if he's just inherently like that but hey who knows moving on from there though I have to touch on the way that the dynamic between cat and dog has changed over the years fair warning guys I haven't seen this episode in a minute but I was honestly surprised to see cat laughing and enjoying himself while dog was chasing after the ball in all of my years watching this show I'm so used to seeing cat just being miserable while dog is running you kind of can't blame him though like being stuck to someone and having to go everywhere that they go is hard enough as it is but every time they do cat ends up having his head bounce off the pavement like someone dribbling at basketball that can not be comfortable so it's under understandable that he's pretty pissed about it I just had to bring that aspect up because I was genuinely caught off guard by the side of cat really just enjoying being dragged around by dog another thing I have to touch on is the way that dog is distracted by the squirrel while he was chasing the ball that cat threw this was just so fitting for his character one thing I love about First episodes regardless of the show is the way that a first episode has that special way of setting the foundation of the whole series and gives us an understanding of what we need to know about the characters I also realized throughout the events of this episode that I am basically dog I'm easily distracted by shiny things and I'm a happy-go-lucky person for the most part I especially felt it during this scene eating in bed isn't exactly my cup of tea but chilling reading comics listening to metal all while snacking I mean come on you can't beat it dog is pretty much my spirit animal and I'm not sure if that's something to be proud of but hey I I'm just gonna roll with it I also have to touch on Winslow for a second having seen this show from start to finish I have an understanding for Winslow as a character that wasn't yet established at this point obviously with this being the first episode later on in the series we learned that Winslow basically adopted cat dog when they were babies and he stumbled upon them in the streets like I said though at this point that isn't the case this early on in the series Winslow is more or less a mild antagonist like he isn't necessarily rancid rabbit or Greaser level antagonist but he definitely did his fair share of egging them on and getting them into sometimes negative situations just like this one Winslow made those comments about cat dog being stuck together forever and how neither of them get any freedom and those words were burned into cat's brain to the point where he couldn't enjoy doing anything with dog simply because he felt like he was trapped personally I feel like there's a chance that this would be like the ultimate level of claustrophobia to an extent like you're forced to be so close to this person at all times and you couldn't even get away if you wanted to personally I don't have a conjoined twin so I'm not too familiar with what it feels like but I can understand why Winslow's words would stick with cat the way that they did moving on from there though I have to point out just how dramatic cat is this dude literally said that if he doesn't get to do anything for himself he's going to straight up die like listen I get it I totally understand being upset because you can't do your own thing that sucks man but like you don't gotta die over it and like geez the Panic that dog felt when cat was pretending to be dead it just broke my heart he started crying and freaking out a little bit it made me feel so bad for him dog is just so pure of heart and such a gentle animal he cares about cats so much he loves cat like a brother and oh ultimately he just wants cat to be happy which led to this whole situation and him being willing to make such a massive sacrifice for cat dog more or less gave up his freedom and Free Will he was pretty much forced to just follow silently behind cat for as long as Cat decided he gave up his ability to freely do the things that he likes to do Just for Cats happiness that right there speaks so much about dog that act just said volumes about him as a cognizant being and how much he's willing to sacrifice for the happiness of others especially his brother cat dog is just a ray of sunshine in cat's life and it took cat completely treating dog like trash for him to realize it sadly enough we see the realization start when cat is on that cruise ship at that point when cats enjoying the sunset and he invites dog to come see it dog declines insisting that he wants cat to be happy at this point is where we see cat's demeanor start to change change you can tell that he's starting to miss his ray of sunshine in his life fast forward to when cat gets dropped off at home we see him arrive to a stormy and gloomy day this right here really just set the tone perfectly cat had this picture in his mind of being at peace and finally being able to do whatever he wants but when he finally got that he realized just how isolating that is and ultimately life is just boring without dog all in all the moral of this story is not to take your closest loved ones for granted at least that's what I got out of it Kat didn't realize just how lucky he is to have a brother-like dog and that realization was a huge wake-up call for cat now moving on from there I have a few minor things that I have to touch on during that scene where dog is chasing the garbage truck all day we see cat getting dragged and just getting destroyed he gets electrocuted and has his teeth rubbed on the cement as well as being dragged through a stranger's house now first things first this sequence was just hilarious just the whole sequence of events had me in stitches but I can't help but wonder how did dog not be affected by any of this he just kept running like nothing was happening you'd think at least one of these obstacles would phase him but nope they didn't I can accept that maybe he dodged them somehow okay fine I will take that answer however when cat got electrocuted dog definitely should have felt that they are literally two parts of the same body especially considering that it was the full voltage of a power line if this was real life that would have immediately killed them but that's just the obvious one I do have to question the part where cat is having his teeth dragged across the concrete I know from my years watching this show that what happens to cat's teeth affects dog's tooth health and vice versa if dog chews on tinfoil then cat feels it on his teeth when cat brushes his teeth dog's teeth get healthier not his own now riddle me this by that same logic shouldn't cat scraping his teeth across the road have affected dog and hurt his teeth like that level of pain and Trauma to the gums and teeth should have been enough to stop him dead in his tracks I want to call that a minor inconsistency however I'm compelled to be lenient due to the fact that this was before the teeth Cannon was established so I'm gonna give it a pass but still I just had to bring it up maybe one of you guys can rationalize it down in the comments moving on from there though it's time to drag the greasers a little bit can we take a sec to look at early Lube this Lube looks very different from the lube that we would see in future episodes putting the two side by side we can see a pretty clear difference in the face more than anything this early version of lube just feels wrong to me I feel like at this point they may have not been dead set on having him be just as dumb as he ended up being later on in the series like the way he talks in this episode kind of implies him being dim-witted but he doesn't necessarily seem just as dumb as the lube we would see later on in the series personally between the two options I lean a little more towards liking the final version of lube myself the way that they draw his face specifically just perfectly epitomizes what they're trying to portray him in as a character so speaking on the greasers though what's up with shriek there's so many times we see her doing this weird thing where she's like Shadow Boxing but also like kicking her feet at the same time almost like she's dancing it bothers me and I don't know why we see her doing the same thing during the intro sequence to the show and it always had me questioning what she was doing when I saw it I will say it is kind of funny though because the greasers are all equally violent for the most part they have an equal want to beat up cat dog however shriek seems to be the one of the group who's the biggest Spitfire and isn't afraid to just talk smack to someone which honestly is really fitting considering that she's a small ankle biter of a dog no offense to small dogs of course I have a small dog and of course I love him so much however they call it small dog syndrome for a reason moving on from there though there's a couple more minor things I want to bring up first of all I have to give some praise to this smooth transition right here from night to day in this scene and that Moon there's just something about the color of the Moon in this transition that really sticks out to me I absolutely love it it's such a small minor thing but it captivated me to the point where I literally couldn't not bring it up I did notice one thing during the scene where cat returns from his cruise and gets dropped off by the taxi watch what happens to the taxi this thing just straight up drives off the cliff after dropping off cat that right there just comes with a whole slew of morbid implications did the driver survive the drop and like why was the drive with cat that miserable on that same note anyone else think it's kind of strange that they live on top of this weird Mountain it kind of reminds me of Mount Crumpet from How The Grinch Stole Christmas it kind of Falls in line with the whole Trope of the one who is different from everyone else in town living on the awkward Mountain on the outskirts of town for the Grinch it makes sense he's a huge jerk so of course he isn't Gonna Wanna live by anyone else and nobody would want him living near them anyways that is until the end when his heart grew three sizes or whatever it was with cat dog though it doesn't make much sense I mean other than the greasers and rancid rabbit pretty much everyone in town is okay with them I'm not sure why they live secluded up on a weird Mountain that's just one of those creative decisions that the show's creators planned but never really shine any light on it's whatever though that's not really a huge deal lastly though I have to pose a question what was dog doing in there the whole time like when cat went in to check on him dog was just kind of standing there listening to music it made me sad to see him like that honestly just standing there alone and pretty much doing nothing it was kind of interesting though how they portrayed the inside of the makeshift butt the dog was inside of they made it look like a pretty much open room which makes absolutely no sense considering that it's basically a pair of pants that dog was wearing over his whole half of their body but hey it made it feel like dog didn't have it all too bad in there I guess of course I gotta ask though what do you guys think did this episode break your heart like it did to mine also like I said I can totally see myself in dog but is there a cartoon character that you see yourself in it doesn't even have to be in this show it can be any show I honestly just want to see your guys's answers let me know in the comments down below I always love seeing your guys's feedback if you enjoyed this show then be sure to drop a like and give praise to the YouTube algorithm and as always thank you so much for watching and I can't wait to see you in the next one peace little [Music]
Channel: DuskTillShawn
Views: 37,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: byG0YXDOwlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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