Most Satisfying Inventions In The World

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few things are more soothing than watching a rhythmic machine perform a mind-blowing task as effortlessly as jimi hendrix's fingers danced around a guitars neck so sit back relax and join us as we highlight 10 pieces of incredibly satisfying modern technology this may be the single most satisfying way to mulch plastic we've ever seen this vacuum forming machine designed by a company called formic uses heat and vacuum sealing to form a four millimeter sheet of plastic around a preset mold just place the mold into the Machine lower it insert the plastic at the top and the Machine does the rest after 60 seconds of intense heat the plastic becomes super soft and flexible you raise the mold up and when the two meet they gel together in the coolest mold formation you'll ever see in an instant the plastic assumes the molds form kashu gorilla head steering wheel or anything else your mind desires and while many plastic sheets are solid color not all of them need to be just watch as a sheet sporting the Heineken logo gets vacuum formed to resemble a large bottle cap more than anything the sight of the plastic assuming it's shaped like the t1000 changing forms is the selling point for the eyes if there's a neater more soothing way to mass-produce plastic toys or parts we've yet to see it honestly the only person who might not enjoy watching this machine in action would be han Solo it brings back bad memories 3d printing has been around for quite a while now and the sheer amount of stuff you can create from one of those machines is simply incredible but the most incredible of them all would have to be how you can 3d print yourself a house not a doll house mind you an actual house that you and your loved ones can comfortably live in a housing charity called news story has partnered with a construction tech company called icon in an efforts and mass-produced 3d printed homes and end the global homelessness crisis the ultimate goal is to create each 650 square foot home in under 24 hours for a cost of around $4,000 apiece seeing the home building process is nothing short of pure eye candy humans start by assembling the basic wooden structure then the giant 3d printer named Vulcan to further satisfy the Trekkies watching this actually prints out layers upon layers of mortar with the precision of a master baker artfully icing a seven layer cake then humans come back in and add the rest doors windows plumbing and electricity the result is a comfortable steady home with a living space and office a bedroom and a bathroom all for around four grand the group's next goal is to print hundreds of these houses in impoverished regions of El Salvador ensuring that those who live on less than $200 a month have safe and comfortable shelter at last if they can pull that off in El Salvador and elsewhere that will simply make the vulcans work even more satisfying few things are as unsatisfying as seeing trash floating around the ocean but there's so much of it we cannot just swim around and collect it all right right so a company called CBN project has devised a better idea an ocean trash collector that's as ecologically sound as it is fun to watch the idea is shockingly basic place a large trash bin in the water with only the top of its head sticking out inside our plastic mesh in filter and below all that is a water pump designed to suck water into the bin also getting sucked in anything in the water including plastics paper cigarette butts and other trashy foreign objects seeing bottles banks cigarettes and countless other things slowly sucked into the sea bin one by one like a watery conveyor belt is something you could peacefully meditate over for hours once the sea bin is full its handler can remove the mesh and collect the trash to either be recycled or well trashed just like that our waters are cleaner than they were the day before thus far around 70 marinas have agreed to use the sea bin hopefully it's simply a matter of time before more around the world do the same as for any fish that may get sucked into the sea bin you'll simply have to put them back home we're sure they'll understand the slight inconvenience especially once they realize it's been weeks since they've seen a plastic bag anywhere no one enjoys getting a flat tire but imagine if you were on the moon or mars and your tire blew good luck getting triple-a to come all the way out there NASA recently developed a new kind of tire to ensure they never have to deal with flats millions of miles away and it's simply mesmerizing to see it looks like it's made out of chain mail though in reality it's made from a nickel and titanium based alloys it doesn't puncture under pressure like traditional air filled tires and instead simply rolls over whatever obstacle gets in its way singing one of these tires drive over a tall jagged rock and watching the titanium mesh sink and form along with the rock all while sustaining no damage whatsoever is incredibly soothing to both watch and think about imagine your own vehicle riding around on such a tire being able to drive most anywhere you like and never worrying about fixing a flat or changing out your winter tires for summer ones while titanium alloy may currently be a trifle too expensive for the average Joe and Jane it's only a matter of time before costs go way down when that happens all of us who have no clue how to change a tire will rejoice for our day has come a lot of these satisfying inventions do one thing that feeds the eyes with happiness Manufacturing giant optimist gives us to making broad paving a thing of beauty optimist starts by flattening out the would-be roads gravel with a long grater screed seeing the chunks of materials slowly being flattened into a manageable even surface is positively heartwarming if you've ever watched cars and found yourself physically hurt by watching Lightning McQueen butcher his road paving duties seeing a greatest crete go to work will revitalize your soul then comes the laying of the concrete officially called the optimist t11 basic fluster vallega mashina the optimist paver Lange machine turns the mundane act of cement pouring into a satisfying puzzle the concrete is already formed in hardened arriving in various chunks that resemble puzzle pieces the fluster vallega machine allows each Stone puzzle piece next to each other leaving only a few holes for a worker to effortlessly slip a brick inside just like that we have a new road driveway or parking lot or whatever else needed paving it's not hard work but rather smart work not to mention relaxing entertainment ever seen those giant tractor powered mowers and wish you could handle one yourself if so a company called Brielle Maya has made your dream a reality at its heart the real Maya is a giant lawn mower but watching people use it is like something out of a dream the sight of someone pushing a huge mower flattening everything in their path is simply awesome it becomes downright comical when viewed from above because from the sky the mowers hand that looks like an ant bringing a huge chunk of food back to the colony the Brio Maya mower works in other ways too for one you can attach what looks like a gun turret to the mower and spray fertilizer or other materials spectacularly long distances if you have a large field to feed there's no faster or more fun way to get it done in addition for truly huge mowing jobs bril Maya offers a double mower that you can ride on simply steer and watch your mower flatten down football fields baseball diamonds or even entire hillsides in a flash whether you're the rider or simply observing mowing the lawn will never be the same flying drones are already fun to watch but the illios flying drone is doubly fun at the very least the tiny Helios and its stronger but equally tiny brother Helios too is encased in a sturdy circular cage that renders it tolerant if not immune to collisions this allows it to float in and around tight dark dangerous areas that other drones and people simply cannot access its HD camera then transmits footage back to the operator who simply could not have seen that location otherwise but never mind how much a collision proof drone can benefit businesses of every kind simply watching the illios in action bobbing up and down and all around like a forever floating beach ball is beyond satisfying it gets even more satisfying when you're the one controlling the illios maneuvering such a perfect circle around is both relaxing and super fun on a related note if you're playing around with an Elio stroll and you're not pretending like you're controlling your own personal bite-sized estar and you definitely need more fun in your life folding shirts isn't usually all that soothing in fact very little about doing laundry is but the speedy team machine is here to change that the speedy T is about the size of a regular table making usage incredibly easy simply placed an unfolded shirt onto the tabletop sleeves dangling from the edges then press the button and the machine does the rest in less than three seconds the bottom folds up then one sleeve than the other and then finally the whole thing folds over the top if you like us you'll replace the folding portion of the speedy T video time and again both because it happens so fast and because it's just that awesome to witness after that the now folded shirts get flipped onto the stacking table where you can pile them on top of one another as pretty as a department store but what if you are a department store and you need to wrap this shirt up in plastic to the speedy T has that function as well it folds up the shirts like usual but stops the funnel flip mid-flight this allows the user to easily slip a plastic bag over the shirt making it 100% shelf ready but never mind that we could just sit and watch this machine fold shirts for hours on end plus doing so might finally solve the mystery of how to properly fold shirts by hand it might not make laundry more fun but it will certainly make it faster lasers can do so much more than a strat can't SEM torch at James Bond the Thunderer laser cutting machine for example uses lasers to create literal works of art and it's one of the most satisfying things to watch on the planet simply program the Thunder for how and where you want the laser to move and it goes to work it's super powerful laser can cut through wood high density fiber board and even sheet metal creating any kind of design your mind can dream up watching it in person is fairly slow as the Thunder can take an hour or more to complete the job however watching a sped up video of the process is enough to make the eyes and heart dance watching the laser dance around the material effortlessly cutting through and leaving behind pure art is simply magical whether you're carving out some wood art or creating pieces of a model to assemble on your day off the Thunder laser cutter will make your vision a reality and if your only desire is to watch somebody else use the Thunder the process will leave you just as happy no longer till we need to laborious Lee lay down a road brick by brick thanks to modern technology like the RPS six road printer we can simply roll out an entire road where we want it and do so five times faster than if we relied entirely on manpower plus we can marvel at the incredibly satisfying almost poetic process while doing so the road printer is a great combination of new-school tech and old-school handiwork workers bring loose bricks to the top of the road printer then they place the bricks on a curved ramp and assemble them into a series of straight lines which the road printer then swallows up from there the machine literally uses the completed Road onto whatever path you choose it's honestly surreal to watch a machine spit out a complete Road as it does and we could watch it do its job forever it gets even more impressive with bigger roads as the road printer can create them up to 20 feet wide it does all this while steering itself ensuring the road stays straight the entire time enjoyed the road print of reclaimed process but try not to get too hypnotized while doing so trust us it's extremely possible
Channel: Tech Vision
Views: 4,938,472
Rating: 4.8012199 out of 5
Keywords: inventions, machinery, most satisfying, Satisfying, satisfying inventions, satisfying machinery, most ingenious, satisfying videos, ingenious workers, new
Id: hFewXtA_-Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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