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Hey Guys!! Today, I thought we do just like a SUPER chill video, CUZ my anxiety is like not letting me do anything today... ;-; It is 4 a.m. I was supposed to do a video six hours ago. What's going on? *TRIGGERED* Hey looks like I cut my hair. Should I cut my hair? Maybe I should just cut it. Good but Anyways, today's video is going to be hopefully relaxing So if you have anxiety or anything that's bugging you looking at Satisfying pics always helps me especially of food but not when I'm hungry stop everything you're doing and let's talk about THESE BUNZ Not those BUNZ these BUNZ, MAN Why are they so perfect, look at them that McDonald's employee just like stopped took a moment out of his day to Appreciate those Good-Looking BUNZ, like this is the most perfect bun I have ever seen It does not deserve to be desecrated by a human's DISGUSTING mouth and then somebody ate it... ;-; ( Why? ;-; ) Why y'all gotta ruin something so good? We got some gummy bears. Oh, but they're all laid out. So perfectly and our rainbow pyramid It looks like a Toblerone. What kind of shape is a Toblerone? Is this still a pyramid like a long pyramid might give a pyramid stretched itself out? It would be a long pyramid and it would be the shape of gummy bears why there's so many reds though This reminds me like this little mask that you put on your nose and then you rip them off and all the whiteheads are gone Feeling fresh feeling good man. All those seeds Out All those seeds gone feeling like a new berry So there's this person that carves fruit So they made a dragon out of a banana a banagon A dragon Nana. What do you think? I don't know man, but look cute I wanna touch it looks all spikey even though you know a hella soft man with an exacto knife and everything What do you do after you carve this and take a picture? Do you eat it? Do you lick it? Do you run the spikes over your tongue? Does it just like melt on your tongue? Cuz it's a banana and a soft or is it spiky and poke you Oh, that would be too scared to eat this I would just let it rot and then throw it away So like other stuff too. Look at this Apple. It's so perfect like all the scales on it Would you eat a scaly apple comment below? This Apple - look at all these intricate designs. Somebody got too much time on their hands Do you ever eat an apple and sit and think maybe I should carve it make it a little pretty almost all aesthetic I bet Apple got us on tumblr account. Oh Oh, I love this it's fruit and veggies and meat it has meat in there too cubed everything is cubes I actually love this how everything is just so perfect But I kind of irks me that there's meat in there You don't appreciate the meat you can only imagine how bad that smells and one of those looks like. Yeah Kidney, and it's raw. I like if it was cooked. It'd be one thing but I don't like it Look at all those cubes be there or be square and B cubed I'll shut up but this is butter and I don't even look like butter. I look like post-it know Are you really gonna put that fine specimen in the microwave? Melt it y'all crazy I would just wrap it back up Put it back in my fridge. This beauty must be preserved to pass it down to the next generation But seriously, though What's the stick of butter looking like a snack for who's that all cute for like? Look at me put me in a cake, or you could slice me up and make pancakes here We have all these tots. I've seen this before but let's appreciate how somebody decided to play Tetris with tots before baking them I wonder how long that's huh? Oh, they are. Actually Tetris taht stretches tots. I like them. Thank you Oh, this is nice, you know when you open a thing of yogurt and there's always always 99.95% chance yogurt on the light. Why do these lids have? No yogurt on them like this one and this one and this one too I want to know how that yogurt literally did not touch the lid not even eye drop of yogurt on that lid How can this be? Why can't my yoga be that perfect if I even ate yogurt? I'm not big yogurt person Oh, look at that jaw, Jessie you looking so smooth floor I just peanut butter looking like you're getting ready for a date with a PB&J sandwich Like it's all shaved and moisturize look. It's so smooth girl. I'll scoop you girl Why you hitting on food when I look back good you want to do more than just eat it? thank 536 last sex over here. We got cherries It's kind of like a pyramid but not quite it's all like pyramid rickles. I made a new word up It belongs to me copyrighted I'm a copy strike anyone who uses it but damn did somebody pick every Single stem off of these cherries put them in this formation. Like here. I'm ready to sell these babies. Let's make some money. Oh Look at this pasta. It's like a cutout of hair We got fettuccine beckett Tony's rigatoni As that was spaghetti is really cold back at Tony coz I love it if you come attack me, man Those are elbows are they really called cavatappi? I mean fettuccine is the same but I spaghetti Oni Oh, let me get some speck at Tony and meatballs Adorable look at that smoothie looking so blended Oh whoo, girl. You're looking thick I would stick my straw in that You know like one of those big straws cuz you can't suck it up with all good Okay, I need a chill. Yeah, we have a tomato plant with tomatoes growing out of it Why are they going so perfectly it's like a rope of tomatoes like you could climb the tomatoes Tomatoes growing like ropes. Well, I never seen a tomato plant that big before though I'm used to like the really small ones. We used to have one in my garden. So mine never looked anything like this Here we have a cute little sandwich It's a puzzle sandwich with a multigrain and white bread together. And then it makes a cute little puzzle Janis This was a lot of effort for a sandwich. She did up for the Pinterest Oh, look at these eggs, they're separated. So perfectly girl. What'd she make it cheesecake? we got the egg whites all in one thing and the eggs perfectly separated looking on they'll Merge together to become one giant egg yolk. What am I doing with my life? We're gonna exit four in the morning Okay, so this blows my mind because it's a vacuum bag that is filled to the brim with Rice, somebody spilled a lot of rice and they vacuumed it up and this is what the vacuum bag looked like afterwards But you would a fall. I love it. Should I really just say that maybe it's just a vacuum sealed bag of rice I don't think it's a vacuum bag. I think it's a vacuum sealed bag. Gosh, that was really stupid. Yep It's just the vacuum sealed bag earning anything especially nobody spill a ton of rice I just came up with that scenario in my head, you know wild things going on in this head Here is a hot dog made of starbursts. Why is this so Fascinating like a look at it They took the yellow starbursts Made it the mustard and the orange ones the bun and the red one is the it's the hot dog Who's miss starburst? I want to do this. I want to take star first to make it to like real food You look actually really dope. I'm moving to do a slime then my fingers don't get so sticky here We have a supermarket that is diagnosed with OCD. We will like if this produce section is more organized than your life Like I wish my life could be half as organized as this Okay This is so satisfying To me because it's like cling wrap over the plate of rice and it's like only touching one part of the rice or is it? even touching it I don't know but there's cling wrap over the whole plate but it's done. So perfectly that there's no wrinkles in the wrap Am I crazy? I can't be the only one that enjoys this. Oh god this watermelon Oh, I want this right now like right in front of me. I love watermelon I am a slut for watermelon. And this is just this is just everything how do they even do this? How do they carve it out cuz they just cut around it and it's like just slid right out like a baby. Hmm How did this happen I don't know but I like it it should be one of the wonders of the world How does watermelon slide right out all smooth and shit? Wait, I wanna know if this packet Tic Tacs came like this Like it's just magically organized like that. Like I bought it from the 7-eleven like that or did they organize it themselves? It still looks sealed. They didn't break the seal. It came like that. I love it I feel like all tic tacs should be required to be packaged like this Oh, look at these marshmallows what they look it so perfectly toasted for y'all ready for summer. Do you cute little tan lines? No, really, though, they look cute Kenna at a time woody Can we take a moment to appreciate this perfectly shaped scoop of ice cream you telling me that's an ice cream, man Yeah ice cream this perfect like a flawless. Where are the ridges? This is vanilla where thoughts of vanilla this seemed sketchy I don't trust it. That's really a scoop of ice cream What does ice cream making me question my existence like man, I never seen ice cream look like that I don't know how you could even eat that I would wait for it to like melt a little look a little more like ice cream and then I'll have a bite is this real Bnj cuz I ain't buying it look like an eraser. I mean I like the shape of it She looking slim thing like you lookin cute without peanut butter and grape jelly, but I just don't think you're a real sandwich Yeah, we got these cones. These pizza cones. Why is literally everybody's food pick like 100% Aesthetically superior like mine. Do not look like this Why is it she's like so perfect and like the pepperonis were like hand placed on the pizza My food picks don't look like this like I snap a pic real quick and it never looks perfect Like any of these? What am I doing wrong? I mean, I feel like pictures everything I'm just I'm not a very good picture taker Burger King. Wait, you see what look it's so cute This was a onion ring Oh fry. Will you be my onion ring forever? Okay So this is the thing I look at a lot on Instagram. This is a cake with frosting all that on it is Frosting. It's like a marble frosting thing Like they pour it on the bundt cake, which is essentially a big donut and it makes this beautiful thing. I want one, okay Cutie, okay. Look at this ice cream. Why does ice I'm gonna flex so hard on everybody like mmm. Look at me I'm a snack literally it's so perfect like down to the little swoop guys. Can we take a moment to appreciate this cake? And the perfect level of ombre. It's so pretty. I want to eat pretty things This is spice. It is in a spice market I don't know how they made the spice to look like a KKK hat But it's literally a cone but it's a spice like paprika in a cone. I can't I can't handle this Oh, damn, what does macchiato look it smells good? Okay, I don't office on macchiato. Do I really got a check? Okay, there's a chart for this which one got milk at the bottom. I think it's a cafe Roma This is a whole culture guys like the amount of espresso to steamed milk to foam. You know, it's a way of life. Oh Look at these bubbles Do you guys ever boil water in a pot and then look at it and wait for the bubbles to boil? Like it's quite aesthetic if I do say so myself Like the bubbles of those are so perfect like someone shipped that mother you're real good now it's ready to explode Bro, look at this. Cherry. How how did you do that? It is red and half of it is the dark red. Oh, why does cherry so special though? Do they eat it? I hope they didn't eat it preserve its natural beauty. Anyways, that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video!! If this video calmed you down, or you saw any of these who are Satisfying make sure you hit that like button IN THE FACE! AND Comment Below, Which one was your favorite? I like the watermelons AND, make sure you subscribe to the WOLF PACK. Ouwooooooooo!! :3 * Kawaii Wolf Noises * Love you guys so much. Thanks for watching. Bye guys!!
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 14,419,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, satisfying, oddly satisfying, satisfying video, most satisfying, food, satisfying food, most satisfying food video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 24 2018
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