Weird Inventions That ACTUALLY Exist

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weirdest inventions ever like air-conditioned clothing this is definitely very strange and um while in theory i feel like it's kind of cool in reality if you're too hot you could just you know not wear a jacket you could wear a t-shirt why are you wearing a jacket with ac if you're too hot it's like a paddle boat but then you can sit up like you're on a bike with a bike seat and all where does bike end and boats start the lines are so blurred so this is definitely a questionable invention because i think most people like to be comfortable while in the water however they're selling it as if like this is something people need in their lives nobody needs this whoa a mini vending fridge i'm here for this man this guy must really love dr pepper that's all he ever clicks on just fill the whole thing with dr pepper my dude don't be in denial also like can't you just have a fridge i guess it's kind of cool it'd be cool if it like actually you'd have to pay money for it because then you would drink less soda because it's bad for you but then you could just take the money out oh my god it's like a piggy bank that gives you drinks ah yes for that special motorcycle gang member in your life a motorcycle tent that you can drive anywhere and camp out anywhere i don't know why they don't just have a home what are they running away from the law i feel like this invention is aiding and abetting fugitives who else needs this i guess people who want to camp and be on the road maybe i'm just being a hater okay fine this one's not too bad low-key would buy i just did a 180. i was like i hate it i love it a floating camping tent it's a boat that's made out of nylon and you can't see out of geez so many things could go wrong here you just need one jagged rock or a branch it gets snagged on the tent and you are trapped inside well it sinks into the river i'm a pass on this one thanks a dog poop robot really love how it like no i don't like this at all i mean i guess it's better than you picking it up but what if it misses a poop what's the deal here does it only clean up dogs poop or like any poop how does it know the difference oh my god the sensor i really hope robots aren't smarter than we think they are what is my purpose master oh you clean poop oh what is this and why do i want one facts also how do they get footage of me on my 21st birthday just kidding i don't eat my puke after i vomit only sometimes oh my god it looks like so fun to play with actually i kind of am joking but also really badly want one where do i buy you take all my money please okay what is this supposed to be huh it's a toilet backpack sir sir this is a wendy's you can't do that here not sure how this is a brilliant idea you're literally hot boxing yourself in a steamy poop tent nobody bring this to coachella next year if there even is coachella next year a shoe sandal hybrid honestly i don't think i've ever hated something so much in my life like what do these people have against the top half of shoes this seems personal i feel like you're just asking for people to step on the top of your foot apparently they're much more comfortable okay fair okay they said style now we're lying so we liars know there's nothing stylish about this at all at the pool okay fine fine fine fine fine i could see it could have a purpose but do not bring style into this they look disturbing an antibacterial toothbrush holder oh it doubles as a toothpaste dispenser so wait does it like kill the bacteria with uv lights because i'm kind of here for that i'm a little confused about how the toothpaste dispenser works long term though because it doesn't look like it's squeezing from the bottom of the tube at all but i'm here for keeping your toothbrushes clean will i ever get it no but i stan a typewriter inspired keyboard perfect for the hipster in your life imagine using this every time you text it carrying around a typewriter keyboard everywhere you go like it's probably so loud too i can just picture now this inflatable ledge gives you a comfy spot to rest while you rock climb oh my god my anxiety just went through the roof suspended cliff tent i take back all the bad things i said about the lazy river tent please forgive me this is worse this is a hundred percent worse you are so high up it looks so dangerous i mean i guess if you're strapped in you're strapped in they look like they're having way too much fun i would be screaming crying all the above look how high up they are they're just asking for trouble incredible shape-shifting chair okay it looks cool in theory but isn't this just like a heavy launcher what okay fine i'm kind of impressed how does it flip out like that just pull the string on the back and fold back down it collapses down just to two inches thick i mean you still have to carry this chair out i love how nobody on the subway seems to care or even looked up like that's how crazy everybody on that subway this must be new york people are so weird in europe i feel like nobody would even look up they'd be like ah people doing weird things cool cool cool there's even a table version i guess this is kind of cool if like you're going camping or something or you just need a pop-up table or a bench or something at the gym i mean they have benches for that i don't even know if your gyms would allow you to bring your own chair with it crying unicorn candle i feel like this is a metaphor over 20 20. oh it feels bad even though it's just a candle have no will to live but want to lounge by a pool introducing the coffin pool floaty now available in millennial pink who invents these things and why my dude why apparently this is brilliant is this really easier than using a knife though because it kind of seems harder at least all the watermelon pieces are cut into identical sizes i'm not gonna lie i kind of want to try it do you lose any watermelon though like i got questions i want to see this person looks like they're low-key struggling brilliant device automatically fills ties and strings 40 balloons in 40 seconds honestly that's amazing compatible with helium tanks honestly i'm kind of here for this it seems easy seems amazing birthdays engagements game day innovative one-way valve no need for you to tie i love how they like list all the locations people use balloons for genius now we need this incredible doorway flood barrier wait why do you have so many floods maybe you just need a better door what is happening i guess this could be handy if you listen over those floods has science gone too far no now you don't get the cheeto dust on your fingers honestly i've entertained hiring a person to feed me cheetos but this is better on a serious note it looks really hard to grab chips he's not struggling that looks hard these winter wipers they're kind of cute kind of creepy that one's creepy creepy oh the lights are fun okay that's pretty dope also a little distracting for people behind you a motorized pool lounger okay honestly i love this i want this it's a great gift for anyone who wants to be really annoying in a pool hey look at me i'm bumping into you in the pool woo as if like people doing cannonballs aren't annoying enough now i got this dude going room in the pool i'm hating but i want it and i love it i want to be this annoying modern dog pens surrounded by clear acrylic windows it's like a boutique hotel of dog cages they're much more aesthetically pleasing but i wonder if it's confusing to the dogs i've seen dogs run into glass before and it's like sad but i i guess it does look a little nicer than a cage it does you know what i changed my mind i'm here for this a hot dog toaster that also toasts your buns toast four hot dogs and four buns at one time wow for the person in your life who really really really likes hot dogs like who likes hot dogs this much that you need a special toaster just for hot dogs egg white separator oh it's like it's not this is disgusting but also kind of hilarious and you know what it looks like it's doing the job it looks like it's separating the egg whites i can't even be mad at this respect your cat needs his floating bed oh my god i love this next video can it be how to teach your cat how to fly oh my god this is adorable i love this he's a giant bubble window i feel like cats would love this but that's the thing about cats i feel like sometimes you buy something for a cat and you think you're gonna love it and it's like nah i'm just gonna keep ruining your couch instead tiny kids patio furniture oh they look like little influencers that's so cute oh incredible credit card size flashlight that fits in your wallet shh guys i don't think they know about phone flashlights like literally you have a flashlight on you if you have a phone you don't really need a credit card flashlight a basketball hoop backpack oh my god you can finally like dunk on your friends no longer just metaphorically literally honestly i can't even matter about this if you want to play basketball on the go you go get yourself a basketball backpack okay a working kids vacuum gotta start them young okay kids it's time to get to work honestly i think i'd be all about this if i had kids i wonder if like you could actually trick them into this i feel like you could is it terrible if they're having fun a giant car bag that protects your vehicle during a flood what's up with all these floods also your car can finally go into a bouncy castle but seriously climate change is terrifying why are we having so many floods a spice man that lets you create your own designs on coffee is this how baristas do it i feel like they don't i feel like they got like real skills this is pretty cool i'm not mad at this the ultimate barbecue spatula i have an idea for a movie guys hit me up edward bbq hands incredible bicycle backpack with turn signals honestly i'm not mad at this i feel like it'd make you safer people would always know where your attorney i'm here for this they should also make people who insist on doing pub crawls worthy peanut butter pump orders this immediately gains 40 pounds whoa unnecessary yes delicious also yes his pose just killed me he's like you know butter pump oh bullseye like for potty training also should be mandatory for pub crawls a human car wash wow living in the future or living in a car wash either one smartest trash can ever it's like the tesla trash can finally a company that is looking out for super lazy people were under represented in the marketplace honestly it replaces the bag automatically dude i need this opens up when movement is detected neat okay this is evil it forces you to chase it and get out of bed to turn it off if i caught it i'd open the window and throw it 100 feet away a flying drone umbrella you could call it that call it what you want i think this is a ghost umbrella and i for one do not think we should be putting ghosts to work this chair returns its original position by itself honestly i still think we're just putting ghosts to work stop it this device will help you climb the stairs with ease honestly you know you're lazy when you need a machine to help you climb four steps hashtag lazypride it's handy for people who are disabled but everyone else we just lazy anyways guys i hope you enjoyed this video i love you all so much stay awesome stay sweet and don't forget be nice each other bye you
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 2,195,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, azzy, reaction, reacting, funny, weird, inventions, invention ideas, new inventions in the world, invent something, weirdest inventions, weird inventions on another level
Id: DUFHbaPhRgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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