Most Requested Addon Features for FFXIV

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hey buns so in case you haven't heard last week a couple of pharmacy 14 streamers were given temporary bans for showing multiple third-party tools on stream and at the same time yogp posted a message to the lodestone regarding third-party tools in it he acknowledged that while all these tools are prohibited by the terms of service they cannot see what's on your computer unless you broadcast it to the whole world on twitch i guess and they want to reduce people's reliance on mods by incorporating some of those third-party plug-in features into the base game so without getting too off track on you know the inconsistent enforcement policy on the questionable ethics of banning someone for using a feature that you agree should be baseline or the risks that you take by choosing to broadcast yourself using third-party tools i think it is probably better for us to focus on solutions now and i wanted to offer some constructive feedback to the devs by looking at your most popular requests things that people most would like to see in the game that are currently features provided by mods and third-party tools so i asked on twitter what are some things plug-ins do that policy 14 really should do by default what are things that the devs could put in the game as they stated that they want to do and they already have done a lot of people really like that little check mark that indicates if you've collected a minion or a mount or something like that already well that was a feature from a mod originally and many bars as well as automatic teleport tickets originally came from mods but keep in mind that no matter how helpful and good quality of life something is the devs can choose to never put it in the game ultimately that decision is up to them but i do think feedback matters and it does inform development especially in the case of final fantasy 14. i have decided to censor out everyone's name that will be shown in this video because again we are talking about prohibited tools and i will not name any mods specifically i might show mock-ups like photoshops of how something could potentially work but only if that's necessary for clarification just i'm asking you to use your imagination here because i am not making this video to advertise and celebrate every single month and encourage people to go out and break the terms of service okay this is meant to be feedback for the devs ideas for improvement of the game what i'm saying is do not download mods okay i'm telling you do not download mods it's not allowed okay gotta cover my own ass but in his post ocp did say that they want to make these improvements to the game inspired from mods so that people won't have to always turn to mods and not least of all for the console players so obviously nothing that gives a competitive edge we're talking about ui improvements vanity qol no cheating obviously and i can put sheets in the game because i mean we already have warrior so let's see what features you want to see added to the game that are from mods mods that you are totally not using so first of all uh before we get into the others many of you asked for a dps meter specifically a personal dps meter this was a very popular request that i'd seen in the replies uh maybe some people said oh maybe just for stone skies but listen yoshi p has been extremely clear about this point like if there's anybody who is the most anti having the dps meter in the game it's yoship there was a live letter that happened in 2020 when he said emphatically that we won't be adding an official parser he said it will turn everything toxic we won't implement one ever and he was shouting so uh he he said people might say it's less efficient but i don't think a game is fun if all it does is push for efficiency and uh here's also a gif of hp being asked about adding parsers and this is the actual face that he made okay every time you ask for a dps meter yoship delays butt sliders so let's just move on far and away the most popular request that i have seen is chat bubbles toggleable chat bubbles this is like everybody has been asking for this and wanting this it's one of those things that once you see it you really wish that um the mods were allowed so you could download it one of my favorite mods basically just adds speech bubbles to players similar to the ones that pop up over npcs when they talk seeing them over players when they're talking makes things much more immersive you can much more easily tell who's saying what i can't see the harm if you get the same kind of filter options that you get in chat logs they are patently wonderful for rp irreplaceable for streamers but third-party code is a risk i won't take some people missed them from warcraft i think even runescape had chat bubbles i'm not completely sure but also you know let us turn them on and off scale like other ui elements another extremely popular request is buff and debuff timers on the party frames one person said that the big one for me is everyone in the party being able to read buff timers i am legally blind and literally cannot read my own my static developed a bunch of really weird strats to deal with at this rates here it's immensely disability unfriendly you can see the buff timers on the target bar uh but having that in the party frames would be incredibly helpful and nice another very popular one bigger cd timers on ability icons so big cooldowns so you don't need to have a different max sized hot bar on your screen for big important buttons just a big number so you can keep track big big big numbers on skill cooldowns the hover tool tip already supports this all they need to do is add an option to have that on the hotbar icon give us an adjustment on how big the text can be seriously why do i need an add-on for this the ping and fps counter now uh steam does have an fps overlay but uh we don't have any actual latency meter it's crazy that you cannot see your actual ping to the game server in the ui needing to open some windows diagnostic thing to see the ping is absolutely ridiculous i have semi-unreliable internet access sometimes and it's useful for me to know my ping without having to alt tab out look up the ip for my server and manually ping the server via command prompt yeah i guess just having it in game would probably be easier better color customization for the entire game this is kind of an umbrella one because i heard a lot of different suggestions under this category this includes a lot of different stuff like allowing players to change the color of aoe telegraphs both friendly and hostile choosing colors for ui elements like hp and shields a working a colorblind mode i know that the nvidia official shaders for false 14 has a colorblind mode but sure would be nice to have something like that baseline for all players to access officially uh including for console players and it's you know official and customizable shaders in game this is an extremely popular request someone said i would love a boost in the in-game values or a way to toggle the hues and values i have a very poor vision and as beautiful as the game is it's so gray it's sometimes very hard to see what's going on even though i play on a tv with excellent graphics i'd also love if we could change the colors of aoes or other mechanic markers there's some dungeons where the orange aoe it just vanishes into the ground can't think of any raids like that working colorblind modes that are actually beneficial to more people shaders shader shaders in the game not just for accessibility but so many people complained that the game is just too grayscale and too desaturated by default another big one of being able to tell whether something is physical or magical damage some kind of indicator on what is magical and what is physical damage it drives me insane that i can very rarely figure out what to use adult or fate etc on because i can't tell what counts is what damage sometimes it's obvious but often it's not and actually i recall a conversation with the ui designer that happened at a live letter on october 9th 2020 when they were asked about this uh someone brought up that it would be great if you could see whether an attack was physical or magical perhaps in a little pop-up window and the ui designer kay odagiri said oh yeah that would probably be handy but with the current system as how the packet transfer works as a ui team we can't do anything about this you should be said if we wanted we could probably do it i understand it'd be useful if you could see this but the reason we haven't implemented it is because we always work on battle changes until a few days before a patch and we often have to do last minute changes if we added more features that rely on this information it would delay development it could overwhelm the quality assurance so basically uh their excuse for not adding it back at that time when it was asked about was that um it could delay development there's be additional checks for qa um actually during this same interview which is relevant to the next big request that i heard from a lot of people was regarding job icons having the job icons on the target bar on the target of target bar on nameplates even the job icon in chat next to the name um drop icons next to nameplates so i can rez other people who have a rez more easily in content like alliance raids instead of mistaking black wave staff or a white mage staff every time um seeing these job icons in front of players names could also help if you're a tank in trials and raids like 24 man's to make it clear if the person being targeted is another tank or not but again going back to this interview with the ui designer from 2020 uh someone had asked about that as well he said it would actually be very difficult to implement because they would have to replace a different feature they have in the nameplate or would have to rework it completely the nameplate has actually been the most difficult and hard part when we first were making the game during the design process of the ui just like you said we'd have to get rid of the online status for example to make space for it however i do want to point out that even though they said it would be difficult it could be impossible in that very same interview they had been asked about well maybe we could have some way to tell if we've already collected a minion and yoship had said that it was something that was not possible to implement so it's like judging by the fact that that has been implemented and kind of casts doubt on the other things that they said is not possible or way too difficult to implement you know death recap so this is a really important one it something that just shows you how much hp you had when you got hit how much you got hit for what hit you what defensive buffs you had up and the same for healing just in a much more readable and a helpful format than scrolling through the battle i'm like what happened i need to know what killed me and how hard name of the song that's playing a very popular very harmless and simple add-on um just so you can look it up later for your playlists fancy loading screens that just shows concept art when you're loading between zones um just add some immersion when you're teleporting i've also seen some suggestions for fixing the main menu option on the starting screen so that it stays after log out like maybe you're in the mood for having this snowy heavensward starting screen because it's hot as falls balls outside could just be speaking for myself but also ability to disable the cinematic autoplay because some of those cinematics can be a bit spoilery for new players this is a really major and really important one improving the netcode to help solve ping and clipping issues someone said that something major for me is ping mitigation tools as a player with higher ping it makes some jobs almost impossible to play correctly i don't want to have to swap off of my favorite job in a raid just because my ping it feels terrible and i just want to play well for my team so there is a mod that allows people to edit what kind of packets the fallacy 14 servers receive which is changing up your ping and allowing you to play like you normally would if you lived close to the servers however it can be edited to allow actual cheating like triple weaving so because of that this is in my category of what i think is an incredibly dangerous tool and i'm bringing it up because i think that it's very very important that the devs will improve the netcode to help solve these ping and clipping issues so that people will not feel the need to turn to add-ons that can be potentially abused for cheating um i think that this would help improve people's play experience enormously would allow people to use their rotations properly play certain jobs they maybe stayed away from because they're too their ping is too bad and aoe snapshots from enemies would not be affected i know that this was asked about in the q a during the in walker media tour and yoship was like unaware of there being any kind of ping issues with people's rotation which is a bit baffling but this would definitely fix some of the pvp related netcode issues as well and help make that more playable for people too so i've heard from a lot of people who turn to mods for a complete ui overhaul so some different things that i can suggest better ui modularity a lot of people requested a split hp and mana bar minimalist ui features like transparencies on inactive windows i personally would love that back in my world warcraft days i loved real ui and then later on lvui especially preach had a really good preset for lvui i prefer minimalist uis myself um so i would like to see more ui themes more modern themes with sharper looks with better color customization like i'm sure plenty of people would love to use the classic theme if it didn't look like staring at the ark of the covenant for uh ui sets there's only four which feels pretty restrictive and i'm actually using one of my ui sets for a macro job change menu which is also a junk solution to a problem with the ui lots of people even fill up entire hot bars with all their different job buttons like this is a problem that can be solved uh by having a normal job switch menu in ui it should also officially fix inconsistencies between job gauge information because there are some jobs that show the duration of their main buff but warrior for example doesn't showing shields on all hp bars rather than just on the party frames someone said i'm desperate to see shields through my actual health bar there's a shield applied to me right now but i have no clue how much it is doesn't help that when i'm not in a party there's no way to tell at all someone on the official forums posted a mock-up of how it could look to see barriers appear on nameplates and other bars besides just the party list hp shown on the monsters bar instead of just as a percentage i think there's something really fun and special about meeting a new boss and you're like holy five million hp like it's definitely um gives you a better idea of what you're up against than just 100 right lots of suggestions for different kinds of buff and debuff customization like make your debuffs larger than other people's makes it easier to tell if i need to refresh a dot at a quick glance especially if there's a ton of other debuffs on the target the ability to change colors on different puffs and debuffs i know some people can't see this shade of green it looks white to them and it is mega unhelpful uh showing debuffs on nameplates showing debuffs on the enemy list and what i really like both filtering filtering out debuffs that you don't care about someone said i would like to be able to choose and toggle the debuffs on the enemy that we apply like i don't need to see the timer for goring blade that my paladin applied but i want to see a trick attack so here's a mod that i feel sort of similarly about as the ping mitigation tools that people use it relies on some technology that can be abused this is similar to tech that allows spots to go out of bounds because it's allowing players to move objects out of bounds in the interest of making the housing system easier to use um someone said i don't know what it's called but there's an add-on that expands the building system to be way more comfortable to loot to use and allows for way more creativity with their builds i'm very into building games and false 14's building system interface needs some love in a big way so i do feel that this is an example of an add-on that has some technology at least that could be abused could be exploited and because of that it should be a priority for square enix to fix their housing systems that people don't feel the need to turn to this type of add-on um but currently the like trying to make a creative build in the house is very difficult without doing glitching uh someone said easy housing glitching is hard and takes time we really need a new system for housing actions not everyone has time for glitching a wall not everyone even was a try i don't use any mods but i know about a housing one that uses coordinates to place furniture that makes decorating a lot easier housing xyz coordinates like in add-on like for the love of god yeah this is something a lot of players really want just have a furnishing placement system similar to what they have in elder scrolls online where you can really just stick a statue or whatever in the middle of the sky like you just stick it right and suspended in air not sitting on top of anything just wherever your heart desires to put something you can put it there it does not matter i think that we should have something similar in 2014 honestly i think uh that is one thing that uh philosophy can probably learn from elder scrolls on is the housing system text to speech for quests and maybe some other texts that you see in the game just a way to read out stuff for people that um maybe have dyslexia or lose focus easily maybe it's also could be time just to add more voice acting to real reborn in other parts of the game that really really could use it and it's very lacking i think um all the main story questions should have voice acting again looking at elder scrolls online where like every single quest is voice acted right now of course there's a ton of other third party tools and mods that provide countless other features for people but i wanted to go over the main ones the most popular ones what is most in demand that squareness could feasibly put into the game i do want to make an important note here though about add-ons as accessibility tools we mentioned it here and there throughout this you know talking about text-to-speech for people with dyslexia talking about better color customization for the entire game for people with visual impairment or color blindness and uh you know there's a lot of people who do turn to add-ons to make the game playable for some sort of medical reason so i think that in squares endeavor to add plug-in features to the game officially they should also prioritize finding ways to make the game more accessible for these players and that is something that they need to figure out preferably with the assistance and input of disabled people maybe working to innovate new kinds of controllers or input devices like to think of some creative solutions that can go farther and accommodate more people more comfortably than third-party add-ons there was actually a really good article from eurogamer by ben bayless who is a deaf hearing aid user himself in which he talked to some accessibility mod developers for games like god of war cuphead hades stardew valley hearthstone and here he was talking to a disabled accessibility consultant paul lane while mods can make a game more accessible it's important that studios don't rely on third party mods it's important they ensure games are being developed with accessibility in mind now obviously square enix is not officially relying on third-party mods but there are a lot of people who are able to play the game because of these third-party mods so i think that the principle still applies here accessibility should be a key part of a game's fabric not something that's added later i also have a message for the devs from an anonymous source a plugin developer who creates quality of life unintrusive add-ons for the game i'd personally ask from the plug-in developer community we appreciate everything that square enix has done so far and their honest interest in improving the game we'd like to help as much as we can and finding solutions for improvement we don't do it for the game's harm we do it for passion for the game if we had square enix endorse it and heavily moderate what plugins are capable of doing and providing us official tools to make everything more trustworthy and secure we'd happily code with a smile on our faces any developers should know how it feels to finish a project and get it to be acknowledged and appreciated and i can tell you that based on what i've heard from these devs that they do not want to cause harm to square enix or the community and they actively work to prevent it they do what they do to try to make the game better to solve problems that they see problems that the devs don't have the time or the resources to solve and it is not to give people an unfair advantage or to hurt other players experiences the ones that i have spoken to heavily restrict their api so it cannot be used for hacks bots or cheating and they discourage anyone from streaming with third-party plugins shown on stream i've also heavily discouraged anyone from doing that now some people will roll their eyes at that and say you know it just doesn't matter because it's all against the terms of service and that's true it is in the end like i'm not saying that these people you know just because they have noble goals that the rules don't apply to them what i am saying is that modding has often had a collaborative role in the development of games including this one as we've seen with uh you know mod previously mod features being added to the game and now they stated they want to keep doing that and so i think that the best way to get rid of them is to improve the game so that they're not needed or as the mod i spoke to suggested to endorse and to heavily model moderate uh what plugins are capable of doing so that's all for today's video again i want to reiterate that i did not make this video to promote any mods that's why i didn't mention any in it i am really just wanting to share feedback with the developers that things players want the most and maybe you can tell me some features from mods maybe in a vague way that you would like to see so let me know what you think in the comment section down below if you like this video please consider supporting the channel on patreon or on twitch you can also support the channel for free by clicking the subscribe button or by sharing this video with your fellow warriors of light thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: Zepla HQ
Views: 143,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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