MOST OPTIMAL AMD Radeon adrenaline settings -- for all games, Fortnite, Tarkov, Valorant, etc.

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okay so due to some requests and a follow-up on my recent video on uh fixing fortnite performance mode a lot of you wanted my AMD or one of you wanted my AMD settings so this is for general purposes so not only for fortnite also all the games that you can play and this is just it works for my graphics card it might not work for yours it should well yeah it should so here are my settings and I'll explain what each of them do and why you should turn them off or whatever now we go to home I have some games here uh games you want to clip on gaming games you'll see all your games here uh normally I just don't play these as much so I leave them here but the games I do play like fortnite tarkov you can see down here they're not here because um I just remove them because if you play a game right uh when you're gaming it tracks all your metrics your FPS your CPU usage everything else and although that's negligible for some systems that can cause you know some minor FPS loss and usually I just leave I just remove all the games so right click remove uh the settings if you're wondering what they have you can click on them and there's just different options here they're basically all the same options in the settings tab just for the specific game and I don't see why you would just want metric logging when you're playing a game so I just remove them so remove remove I wouldn't keep any here so until you get to this screen they won't be added back if in case you're wondering so once you remove them they'll be gone unless you do something unless you add it again or scan don't do that now moving on to graphics um disable all these you really don't like despite what they say especially like radon anti-lag of course you want to use that for lower PS lower input lag but it really doesn't work it actually does more harm than good so you want to turn up all these all these all these wait for vertical refresh I just turned always off even though this is not recommended framework control turn it off off I use multi-sampling for anti-aliasing these application settings off off of put this on standard I don't want anything else use application settings and then if you are having some stutters or all major FPS drops I would try clearing the Shader Caster uh I did it once and I did gain about 10 frames on charcoal moving on to the display uh turn off freesync if you support it definitely turn it off turn off virtual I would keep this on Center because uh if you keep scalable and Center it ensures uh your display is actually um if you use stretch res it ensures that your stretch vest is display scaled which gives you the lowest input delay but that's only for your stretches I just keep that Center because uh sometimes I'm going to switch back to stretch but that's rare keep this off disabled um don't put on Vivid gaming in my experience it makes the game look a lot worse now a custom color uh you can copy this if you want for my tarkov players out there uh I do have this so it enhances the game with plus post effects if you want a post effects setting video you guys can comment on this and just ask for it but these are my this is mainly for tarkov but it looks great in fortnite it looks great in Valor I just haven't tested another games yet so that's that copy that customizations if you want to use stretches of course use that all right now moving on to advise yeah I don't know what that is recording stream that's if you want to record and stream nothing really else performance it's where we get to I would turn off all the metrics logging because uh you know we don't want unnecessary um cpgp usage tuning uh if you have an AMD graphics card if you haven't you should check this go to tuning put it it should be on default put it on custom and then turn on fan tuning and then if there's zero RPM you might want to disable that because if you guys don't have a see-through PC or like the cases either you might not be able to see if your fan is running at all zero RPM is a very in my opinion a very flawed um mechanic it's this means the fans don't spin until it reaches a certain temperature as their temperature threshold and in my experience I used to because I forgot I first got this graphics card and I didn't know what this option was and I didn't know it was a thing so my fans weren't spinning and I was losing a lot of FPS like in tarkov I lose around 20 FPS with this on so turn it off it basically ensures your fans spinning all the time all the time which is what you want you don't want your fans to not be spinning especially uh if you know if your fans are not spinning your your GPU is uh creating more heat and that heat is just building up in your case so you don't want that Max fan speed put it over if you actually put 82. uh you don't want to leave the rest off unless you're overclocking or under or uh under volting but I wouldn't mess with that settings I just finished on the lowest and then whatever whatever now go to settings over here that's just pretty much basic stuff make sure you update drivers audience video I just put on default hotkeys I disable hotkeys because I don't need them that's that I don't know I don't do any VR stuff so it can help you with that preferences uh turn off all these except for the system trim and you want to open it up and then I would leave the AMD user experience program you know just you don't want them collecting data and that's basically it nothing too much just turn off any everything basically uh really it's not going to help a lot you would rather just use you know your peer GP you don't want to use any of these different features that I mean you can look around on the internet they really don't work a lot of people already have gone over them so these are the best settings I've played with so yeah just turn everything off custom this custom color is great by the way I would definitely try it yeah and that's pretty much it
Channel: Resonance
Views: 41,342
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Id: opYCX2AhFnM
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Length: 6min 37sec (397 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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