SQUAD fps optimization guide! (V6 and post ICO)

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hello there so I wanted to make another quick video regarding Squad it's another one of the main games I do play and especially since they just released the Ico combat overhaul update so this update basically reworks all the mechanics regarding the Infantry uh section for this game such as movement and most importantly PP Scopes now this video is not a tutorial on how to play Squad it's more so how to pump out the most FPS and then get a smooth experience and also Benchmark uh some issues you're having so most of these uh recommendations and most of my knowledge comes from myy dog's video so credit to him if you guys want to go check out his video might be even better than this so go into settings uh field of view this is important uh you can go all the way as little as 90 which is default all the way to 120 now the problems with 120 field of view is that you have to render a lot of things within this field of view right so obviously that takes a toll on the FPS uh and also 120 looks a little bit weird it's a little bit funky so I played around with it a lot and in my experience I feel like anything around 100 to 110 works best but I use 100 because I think that's a the sweet SP in the middle now moving to Graphics Window mode Go full screen always full screen resolution in any video game out there all right I would always recommend using the native resolution of your monitor all right because anything lower your monitor will have to try to downscale which will look which will look worse so let's say you downscale to I don't know 1280 x 720 720p this 720p will look worse than it will on a 720p monitor that's native to 720p so always the native resolution the resolution scale basically means the percentage of what is displayed so 100 means 100% of 1080p let's say you were playing on 1440p that means 100% of 1440p now if your system if you're conscious that your system is within the mid-range so it's pretty good but it's not the best then I would recommend always having a value above 100 unless you're playing on 1440p already then I think you're fine but if you're a 1080p gamer like me on a high referesh rate monitor but as we all know Squad will never reach 240 frames constantly and 1080p is a little bit too blurry for this game so to see enemies leier to make your your life easier I would recommend turning this up to 105 110 keep in mind that small changes as much as 5% can make a huge difference in performance so play around with that uh 60 240 of course you don't need 240 frames in menu never turn on vsync as I said before vsync is never the answer uh would use dx12 uh for graph quality put on custom over here these are this the these are the PIP Scopes so so the picture picture Scopes uh for many people with lower systems this will take a huge toll on your FPS when you aim in you'll stutter like crazy and game will die but that's just what it is if you enable a you can change these two settings here PRI prioritize Clarity or prioritize AA I don't use anti-aliasing though so it's not applicable to me but if you do prioritize Clarity always I would put that put this at 100 because you don't need anything higher when you're aiming in and then I would put it at unlimited but if you're experiencing some FPS issues when a in definitely try toning this down now if you do have a enabled just use medium I mean this doesn't really make a huge impact on your FPS and the samples just make whatever it's smoother but I don't use it so so if you're playing on 1080p don't use FSR 2 um because it makes the game a lot more blurry even on quality if you try to pump out as much like image quality as you can it's never going to be native 1080P and as blurry as 1080 any 1080p already is I would not want anything lower than that maybe if you're playing 1440 or 4K even definitely enable FSR 2 because you're not going to notice that much of a difference view distance Dynamic mesh quality put at medium turn off low quality environment unless you have a extreme have an extremely potato computer then enable low quality environment but this is not going to look too great for shaders put it on low don't enable tessellation unless you need to see those rocks put textures on medium um I put uh and anisotropic filtering on 16 since I just I value I extremely value a more clearer image over any form any number of frames per second so but that's just me since I already reach a decent I wouldn't say decent I I reach a minimum amount of frames per second I reach around I average about 90 frames per second but you know you know Squad is some when things go on that your FPS can drop very L but then this helps you see enemies easier so I put on 16 I would not uncap texture pull size for Shadows put on low you can't change this option unless you go to Epic but just keep it on low you don't need Shadows um unless you really you're really concerned about how your game looks I don't use any of the ambient occlusion options and I don't seek the benefits either I put particle quality on low ocean quality on low post processing I put on low I mean I don't need it he no lens flare no motion blur I put screen sharpening on one I'm playing around with it I don't really notice the difference probably because I'm on 1080P and I don't even have I have post processing on low so it's not pretty much it's not going to matter matter for me brightness 100 don't tamper with these unless you know what you're doing so that's pretty much it for graphics now moving on to how you can see your performance in game so I'll load up into a training session real quick now keep in mind that over here it's not going to be um accurate your FPS is going to be a lot higher because there's nothing going on in the server no I'm pretty sure I just joined welcome to the Regional Training Center where you conduct your workout before you deploy all right but anyways as I was saying your FPS in these training ranges are not going to be accurate because there's not merely nearly as much going on in these servers it's just you there's not 99 other players shooting each other so obviously your FPS is going to be marginally marginally higher now to show you guys okay don't know what this is but I guess I'm Chinese now um there spawn here so you can go into training range and then if you open the console you type in stat FPS that'll give you your FPS so I have around 100 frames right now and then you type in open the command console again if I know what I'm doing okay stat unit now this brings up a whole lot of other things you can see right below FPS so it brings up the uh inut delay which is around 10 milliseconds right now you can see frame Game draw GPU and a bunch of other stuff we don't really need we basically want to focus up for the four things frame Game draw and GPU so frame is I believe basically your input delay it's the same number under your FPS immediately the game is the time your CPU uh takes to render everything so the lower your game time is that means your CPU is pretty it's working pretty well which it is right now and raw is the time it takes for the CPU to communicate with the GPU to send instructions to the GPU so if that time's low that's also pretty good and the GPU is the time that uh it takes for the GPU to do whatever it needs to do which is the same number of course under the FPS so anything so here you want to of course it's different here in the training range but when you're in actual game go ahead and enable this and see what your numbers are you generally want everything to be under 20 Mill milliseconds if you have anything close or over 20 milliseconds that's a problem and if your draw time is very very long that might be indicative of a CPU bottleneck or yeah a CPU bottleneck or just a bottleneck in general so you might want to look into that you never know what might be causing some of your FPS issues so that's that it's pretty much it again shout out to muy dog for most of this knowledge um if you got to go want to go watch this video I'll put a link in the description that's about it
Channel: Resonance
Views: 47,423
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Id: g91hvxRZW40
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Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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