"Most of the Expats in Vietnam Consider Themselves Superior ..." (Black in Vietnam) | MFiles

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and that to me spoke volumes in terms of you know from the negativity I heard about beating these people that they're racist and they don't I didn't like black people and all that stuff it really spoke to me involved because I have not witnessed any of that since I've been here most of experts here they considered themselves very superior they think oh I'm coming here with big money right they look down on the Vietnamese people they're not trying to understand the lifestyles and also they're not hey guys what's up welcome to another episode of the marinated father my name is Ryan and I'm your host and today were joined by Ronnie in Vietnam [Music] running yes alright thanks for inviting me over all right thanks for your being here it's been a journey I went through which he called a dark phase in my life back in America I went to a bad relationship and I was kind of like witty cool that on a path of trying to find myself again after that relationship but well here's here's what happened I told myself I say you know what I'm tired of this whole back and for the yo-yo life of ok it falls apart you still continue doing this think a lot of people do do the same thing over and over until sometimes either too late or they get it and I finally guys like you know what I'm trying to be somebody else I'm trying to live the American dream I'm living in Orange County California living in the girl I mean at that I mean Beach big villas houses all that good stuff and I'm still having all these issues of my relationships I'm thinking I'm living the Orange County OC life right I'm and I'm like this is my life yeah you know and I went to his bad bad relationship and all of a sudden it put me in a place and I remember I told my son I say you know sometimes you have to go back to what you first fell in love it as a boy growing up and I and I and I remember I love Asia I love Japanese culture look I love I love a Chinese culture but most important love Buddhist culture which was about philosophy about family about into what's called atonement for you know for things and and and your life perspective finding your path in life and I hold up that whole Tibetan you know the monk the traveling monk who you know who traveled but he allowed himself to be part of the world by accepting all all all the bad and good and I was like I only have been here and I I came to America coming from the curriculum from try it out in Tobago so so coming to to to America I had what he called that struggle the struggle of of where I came from and where I'm at ok you know and I absorbed the American life stuff but again it's like that part of me was saying this is not really Hewitt yes you you you have a step this is your stepping so this is not your life you haven't started living in life here and I'm like okay I was like I said I went back to what I first fell in love with and I just started thinking how can I do it how can I do it and our friend mentioned to me hey you know aren't you trying if you're gonna travel abroad try these meetup websites like you know international meetup websites and I did I jumped on their side making a lot of friends and I'm kind of going to call I I I'm not really the kind of yes like a social thing so I start talking I was like okay Japan so I started saying I'm gonna look at these Japan social you know meetup you know web sites and I remember one day I was reading this thing and I said Vietnam I'm like and then I said yeah if you if I said reading there's a lot of a lot of negativity - it was like if you know and you said it wasn't only read on either it wasn't a never of my reign of China engine it was just China Japan could I could say or you know or somewhere else you know but but it or Korea but but but because that was are the bigger places you got that stand out for you the big three that stands out there when it comes to Asia right so here I am you know trying to find my place and all of a sudden in these little this mean up I meet this this woman well not just when I met a few and it kind of went from from from being okay okay okay and then there was one that kind of like showed up she was like hey I love your smile and this brightens the room I love the way he smelled it brightens the room and I I was like oh this is kind of cool and she's like where when America from something from California you know all that stuff and start talking everything and it just sounds flowing next thing you know Here I am and I'm freaking out this whole thing so now my mind is no longer in America I'm like okay how am I gonna get abroad so I'm trying to figure out all the stuff and met this woman like I said and and all of a sudden we start connecting you know and she was like hey so when he coming when you come into Asia and I'm like well uh should I like to meet you I'm like he said well how about in one year can you come in one year I'm like sure why not so all this I'm like I just committed to meeting someone and win it out I am that man in person and you know what I talk to my friends about it the funny thing was when she said to me she said I'm leaving to go home I'm like what do you mean leave me to go home and aren't Dahomey in Japan right once you yeah she was Vietnamese working in Vietnam and Japan in Japan Ethan he's working in an engine in Japan and she got back home and she's like I'm I'm in Saigon like Saigon I'm like I thought do you live in Japan and so oh no no no I'm Vietnamese I live I live in Saigon and and I was like okay so now I can't find the shoes Vietnamese so I serve case and I said I guess I'm going to be it now I'm not going to Japan anymore she didn't mention living in Vietnam so I has a funny thing so now all of a sudden I'm toasting like all my other friends who so happened to be mostly Vietnamese in America so I'm like yeah I'm it's good for me all this and they're giving me their hey the warning signs oh no no no that don't do that you don't want to do that you know there might be it might be something else you know I mean so they give me all the all the negative vibes about y-y-you she connected with you and all that stuff I mean I'm pretty sure a lot of people know it I will try to get into it but basically it was likely that she's probably trying you know trying to get you this is a small snippet she's trying she's trying to come to America that's why she connected with you and I had a good feeling about it next thing you know I'm saving up money and I bought a ticket and turned my whole entire trip my heart is doing it Boop I'm like I never traveled to Asia before my first time going to Asia but it was something I've always wanted to when I was a boy and I remember when I got on the plane I was like well I'm on the plane now next thing this is it gonna be a 21 hour flight and yes twenty one hour for my 20 or 22 hour flight and I finally got this to South Korea each on each an airport which was beautiful beautiful Airport and I remember something might I remember my father and I was like dad - my dad had passed away at that point in time he passed away actually no he hadn't passed away yet my dad passed with me yeah I passed away yet but he was sick and I remember I said wow I'm here you know I'm actually looking at the wind at a whole different country I'm no longer in America I'm doing it by myself this is not my dad isn't that anybody's me doing this by myself and it felt like my journey had just started and when I said when I looked at the airport looked out the window at each Airport I felt something happening you know I don't know what it was just saw something happening and next thing you know I'm in Vietnam and I went as soon I got to Vietnam it's hot I'm like because I got there during the summertime we're in California I was in California where it's hot but it's more temperate hot it's not like spots you know I mean so I get to Vietnam it's like someone opened them with the microwave I mean in the oven I should say Pete I'm like whoa it's hot you know I find him at I find him at met met the woman who I actually got married to do that was her that you were talking to him right right I finally met her it was an odd odd meeting it was like kind of like because this is personally meeting in person and this was an odd meeting was a little rough was a little bit greedy but you know we kind of it took us a week to kind of like smooth out the bumps of a personalities weren't all personality okay my personality in person now because before we are talking on on on skype I mean all the way face to face on Scott but that's true no huh you shouldn't feel the same way it doesn't and that's how I was I was I could say was a rough ride I mean my first first week I was here from a month so the first week we kind of went through this this whole thing and I mean and and I am I'm being the tourist and she's like okay I actually wanted to talk to you and you being a new like what's this what's that what's this what's that I know who's this was that are you here for me are you here to sightsee I didn't want to really think about it but I was like I'm here we should be enjoying ourselves not worrying about how I know what I'm sightseeing I mean yes we're we're talking we're going out we're eating but because I'm paying more attention to buildings and structures so she felt a little bit on this man a doctor Iowa's I wasn't here for her I was here mostly for the country you know and and she fell taking her back so we've got I said we went through with the call a stalemate in the beginning of but we eventually smooth things out and then throughout the throughout the next couple of years while I was traveling back and forth from Vietnam to meet and spend time with her it was mostly a vacation trip so I was safe potentially the vacation trips really then led to the relationship and learn more - okay let's go meet we're gonna meet up in Saigon meet up wherever and then we go on vacation while I'm here so we're not really getting to know each other in a sense in a humanistic sense so we ended up chatting more in a vacation site because when you're on vacation you're not worrying about life you're just enjoying your time you know going different places so we never had what he called like full-on bonding time you know I mean you know and then when I finally move here just recently nine months ago full-on we started really getting to know each other and I think for the first time we saw each other's person that more she saw me more as she was like I think he want to be I think you want to be famous here because I go on wants to be in you know I want to be let me see I said the outside people effect keeps affecting our relationship and so therefore you need to need to figure out what you want you want outside people you want a family I'm like well I want a family I want to be around people I I'm not gonna limit myself to just being stuck in the house as a family man you know I mean because there's too much life to live and I pointed this phrase a lot of people always say life is too short because you never know I say life is too short because it's how we choose to live in it you know if you choose to live your life as a date today and not do anything in life is to sure you only see is this the four walls you know what I mean but if you choose to live life life is full of adventure full of full of everything life is not too short you have a lot of time to do a lot of things but it's your perspective it's the time you put into other stuff and and and the way you feel about your surroundings and where you want to go everything happens for a reason and that the red flags negativity between my wife and I let us just be separated but one thing kept us together a lot more that is daughter uh uh with a beautiful daughter she's actually not really my blood daughter but I'll and I met her she had a one-year-old when old girl and I took to her as much as she took to me so basically she has become my full-on daughter how she called me daddy I love it to death but going back to the part of her mom and I we went away Dakota up and down lots of red flags but so it wasn't a cultural thing man no wasn't a cultural thing it was more of personality and she had witty cool she's an introvert big introvert not very smiley of a person she don't smile she thinks I'm a crash it's a white smile so much yes and and I'm the smiling you know joking kind of like free-minded kind of person where she's more conservative she's very I think conservative is more of the cultural thing so she's more conservative more traditional but also at the same time her person is very introverted where I am an extrovert I think I might would equal an extreme extrovert so I'm always had the happy effect because of because of the relationship of coming to Vietnam because of Maya because of my wife led to many other things and sometimes everything happens for a reason and so that has allowed me to not just harkening say grow has allowed me to develop and has allowed me to become more have a have a deeper perspective of Vietnamese culture because once we separated I was pretty much kind of left on my own to figure things out because you know she was kinda like my liaison to understanding other things understood you know and and and so therefore that's the that's the that's the shift a positive part of it because we have actually talked when we do talk every now she'll call me my stuff like that and she said how life is going and I said well you know things are going good I'm doing this doing that but like I she said what I should have never left I said well you know don't worry about I said I'm doing fine you know but stuff was still trying to figure things out so the the best thing about it is that is I have I was left in my de my I mean let them versus devices of figuring out my life here now from having an interpreter or having a person that can say a person I could say well go to just go do that so now I'm I gotta figure really forget it's out and that's where I study developing a lot more here's a person you know I mean being being here by myself all right so tell me what do you like the most about Vietnam so far what I like about Vietnam the most the one most the one thing is the people okay the people are really wonderful very welcoming very family oriented very adopted when I said adoptive a date they if they like you told it up to you so I could say I got adopted by two wonderful people I mean many others of course but the people are really adopted me it kind of brought me into the family is where we're at right now is the coffee shop we are right now knock hello hello hello cafe I met him just on the uneffective one date is walking in here and a lot of things that's a lot of times in life that's how it happens walk into a building and again and you never leave because the people in the building captures you so much and then you keep going back going back on us and you become friends so basically that's kind of how it is you know I mean I walked into tonello cafe one day that's good I was walking by and I I felt a little bit like maybe I should go in there and and every time I walk by I kind of like now I'm up next day I'll go in there and then one day I just walked in here and there was like hey you know and it just started from there that the relationships are building you know slowly but surely and more and more at a build it became a more apparent that we were like almost like spiritual kin you know I mean and I got I got I got pulled into the family there's like hey we're having this function of that function you know you would like do you want to come and and that to me spoke volumes in terms of you know from the negativity I heard about Vietnamese people that they're racist and they don't and you know like black people and all that stuff it really spoke to me involved because I have not witnessed any of that since I've been here and I have actually been here almost a year and living fully and everywhere I've god I've been met with welcome this happiness how are you who are you you know I mean you know even if they don't speak speak the English we will just do a fist bump and I'm like hey you know the guy I mean look at me like and then when they get used to me like at the gym I work I go to the gym and I work at a lot of guys and when I first when they first saw me that it was like who's this guy is the African or American I don't know because I think that the central flow of people in Asia that they think everyone is from Africa right if you if you if you have African a few of African descent it ticket from Africa if you look you look dark thank you for map yet until they say so no enough I'm not from America Oh America you know American wake we from you know so a lot of the guys at the gym will just either give me like uh-uh I started I introduced we declare the the bro hug and the fist bump so when they saw me almost like a month later it became a thing like I walk into the gym everybody's like oh you know yo and you know this bump you know I'm you know you know pat on the back kind of thing bro hug you know and even even up to this day now everyone as a gym kind of does it they can I have that flow of you know we're all there achieving the same go we're working out you know and we may not speak the same language but we're they're doing whether they're accomplishing something together we help each other out we spot each other stuff like that and and they may speak very very little English but we have an understanding you know I mean so where's the racism in that I don't see it I always see these people connecting you know so I think is because like because you were proactive approach you think that's why I yes you were the one that went in with this type of attitude right right so I think that influence I think that may have influenced a experiences all right because you you put yourself there yeah okay this is what I'm trying to do what's right I and I and I do like I think the more I look back on my time here I think is a lot of my approach of things like I walk in there and I don't just just this AK tomato act like oh I don't know the language I walk in there I know the language but I do not pronounce it correctly a lot of so I try and then they may correct me if they understand me or they might you know smile and they might say a little English and then I pick up my phone and I'm like okay let's let's do this Google Chat right and we have the Google Chat and then things has to flow I next thing you know we're friends with exchanging phone numbers or you know hey you know let's go have a drink and I'm like I don't drink too much you know but it's a segue to everything everything it depends on the personality in perspective and I have a friend down in Saigon he's from New York and he says to me said man your story the way you approach things is so like right so so it's so different compared to a tap your experience here has been so different from other people that it's like you need to bottle that and give it to everyone hey you know if take the shrink descend and go go meet everybody but like I said you know it's perspective the people here gave me what you call a nickname because of because of that perspective because Minnie Mouse Minnie Mouse actually means men means bright and sunny Bao means treasure or transparent okay okay bharosa means rain but it depends on the - right so so they call me Minnie Mouse so so I was like I got Google and when I tried to figure it out oh I love the name in vodka that's me know bright sunny I mean like a treasure treasure to me because they look at it as a treasure is someone that is beholden as a good friend so I I and I like the fact of having that name and I'm talking to people when I actually introduced my name as not my English speaking about my Vietnamese I mean it's like whoa and boa like the name and so awesome handshakes come out and I'm the oldest and even if they don't speak much English they try to speak English and we're having a conversation so like I said where's the races on that I don't see it and for me personally I feel like I'm helping create international relations by being Who I am and also being ambassador to myself and and in in breaking that mantra of of Asian people erases or Vietnamese people this lucky because they have darker complexion or anything like that you know I mean so as much as I can do in helping create a effect of curiosity and bring a understanding to the world or to people around me or people who want to come here I say it's all about perspective all my personalities not about anything that you have heard in social media about Asia whatever don't get me wrong I mean I know there are thing the elements out there that day that that is true but you still have to come out of perspective and bring itself along with it and all the negativity you take it out of your head let me just be positive is it alright so this is Grace a very good friend of mines and a lot of the people that actually helped me get started here in Vietnam and everything I've done so far because of her charitable ways my name is Grace Wayne I am the owner of caramel waters the vegan restaurants in Hoi An and dannan i also the powder of caramel waters charitable association where we help poor people with vegan food and ethnic minority children with school supplies and stationeries well every year we we raise fund to help ethnic minorities in center of Vietnam especially in Highland central Highland so one of my friends who who is vegan mister his name is Shawn Murphy so he introduced Romney to my organization and that's how we connected and then Romney he contacted me last year and then donated 1,000 years dollars plus his his own laptop to a primary school in my province and that's how we know each other since then no he's not that because black people that I met I mean I do have other friends in Hong Kong I basically live in Hong Kong but Vietnam is also my home right but because my kids are born in Hong Kong so I live in Hong Kong most of my time but once a year I will be here in Vietnam for like two months so I do have black people as my friends but he's was the the first black people here in in Vietnam that I met this is Kang I met Kang on this happen in one day just to be walking by actually I walk by several times before actually walking in here to this coffee shop I just call hello cafe and and I I just came in sat down and this guy came up with a big smile as I hey what would you like and I'm trying to order up the menu and Vietnamese and he can help me out and then after that you know one thing led to another and and later on as time went by we just became more and more friends and he pretty much brought me into his family and now he considered me like his older brother he looked up is totally I think he's a good guy so cool yes I'm Matthew Bobby Kim but I think my point of view of experts will appear in Vietnam right you know most experts who decided to move to live here in Ghana or in Vietnam is because of the cost of living is cheap compared to the Western or other countries right and also ronnie has found that he is quite different from other experts that I met in Vietnam why do I say that because you know most expert here they come here right they they not emerge themselves into the local community meanwhile he tried to be like one of the local people right you know most of experts here they considered themselves very superior they think oh I'm coming here with big money right they look down on the Vietnamese people they're not trying to understand the lifestyles and also they're not trying to be helpful so that's the thing that I I get more closer to him as the corner and I think he's an open-minded person this his character is extra but which is like like going now and talked to many people even though he's been a mess up that's where the good things about Romney and that's it and he's a Playboy [Laughter] because I agree with Christ he never drew the way to deciding a flip-up and Allah is huh he's do another why he did you live outside with the local community yes so he saw a smile somewhere so recently and maybe right now I can call him all that bother I guess maybe what you said about being immersed in the community in much worse to the local community I mean help more what do you mean exactly help themselves mean more hospitality I do I'm saying that means that you can help in many ways donating even donate your smile right donate how you treat other people by talking to them open the door for the older people or be nicer to to everybody right not thing that they are superior and then like tell them people off yetiz there's there's definitely I definitely have to agree with there is definitely a small mind not everyone there's definitely a small mindset of superior superiority that comes from experts that's why a lot of experts tend to syllabus in is in group in certain areas where it's mostly other experts so is that more than understanding but once you live in the local community you do have to try you have to try to understand the community understand the people and you have to accept a lot of the things that you're not used to and you best believe you know accepting those things is what makes you different like I have did I immerse myself in the local community I was to learn a lot of things at first people looked at me as being different but I changed their mindset by saying I'm not different I'm just I'm just I look different but my mind is about learning more about you and becoming part of you I don't mean that all expats are bad people you know I have so many good expert here doing lots of charity helping Vietnamese people Vietnamese young girls to have good education I mean so often people orphan children things like that it just that majority of experts who come here mainly I think is cheap place to live the more you try to to do to to understand the people on the Senate culture and the language I think you become part of culture we may not look like part of the homogenous society but we can lend to it we can give to it being different doesn't mean that you cannot be part of it being different that means that you know you see a difference you end your difference design in differences to do to achieve more what do you being Vietnam I know what I think Vietnam right now is I teach I to me I look at it as giving back to society so I work at two english centers on my spare time I actually teach English privately due to just two other students I'm telling people that want to learn any advice for other people they're looking to come here like black people want something about Vietnam that people might not know because as you said it wasn't on the area right it's probably not on a lot of people's read right right radars and I've actually met some people who apparently this place has influenced more impacted than profoundly right so is there anything that you know more this region or in the country well I'll say I'll say the best thing is come to Vietnam but it opened my one to go into a Vietnam needs good people for runaway it doesn't matter if you're Vietnamese or not it's a great country they're very welcoming people it doesn't matter you know if you're black if you're a black person of African descent it doesn't matter you have to come in with an open mind and come with a perspective of being part of the community don't allow this to take away from your perspective of being part of the community allow yourself to just flow with everything and understand everything you know and understand that if someone gives you a weird look it's not because they're there like looking because you're black or whatever they're looking at you because I never seen some people have never seen certain people or else in people's lives we don't right here we don't know where that's true it could be better good could be bad it yeah anything we don't know and this they made it right and plus there's a language pairs you will never know and I mean so the best thing to do is just be open-minded what about opportunities in Vietnam opportunity oh yeah there's a lot of protein actually a lot of entrepreneur have opportunities the opportunities here in Vietnam is about exploring yourself more and whatever job that you think you can do here you can do it they do have really cool a system where you know majority of these people of course are have to get those jobs so as an outsider you cannot get some of those jobs unless you're like I guess beautiful this is something of the sort but entrepreneur for sure because I found myself thinking of so many things I can do here so therefore that's what's really set the tone for me being here longer is that I'm finding so much little opportunities of creating a business or building you know a franchise running a brand and it's all on a good budget whereas if we lived in a western country you got to think of the million dollar budget we're here we're here you can fill a business on a shoestring budget and still come out at the end of the day being successful you know I mean so that's where that's where it's a us why a lot of people come to Asia who or maybe without the perspective is that there's opportunity here the opportunity is now okay I come III I'm coming here to go work at a particular company I let you come here just to rebuild just start from that from that from that scratch thing that I had an idea 10 years ago I had an idea a year ago so to build a business and now I can actually go about and do it with less money where's like I said like in America I'll need to have a million dollars a hundred thousand dollars to start any business you know I so that's what a lot of people feel the swated to start things in their own country you know I mean okay he says affordable here as a fork it's crazy when I when I do the math I'm gonna take like a grab word taxi whatever I even sense sense it is ridiculous and stuff okay yeah so it's it's just I mean at first I was like when I was looking at the monies perspect I was looking at all the thousands and all that the big numbers but when you actually brought it down to us or can you guys or euro it's like 50 cents to a dollar for something I mean yeah you can let you go to a five-star restaurant yeah I'm paying five dollars for your meal yeah great meal but only five bucks but it's many of the currents coming here telecom with as much variance and the other thing is to save save III save for a year you know yeah you got to be realistic save four years what I did have some capital behind because in the beginning right how much would you say for those were wondering like what's a little cushion that would be safe no I'm not too much to bear the right people but something he was a grand five grand I actually said five grand I love it a lot of the other exercise that kami I mentioned that on an XY website yeah there's like I came with five hundred bucks and I'm like five bucks yeah I can't see myself I'm trying to make here for five minute but for the first couple of months but so I said five thousand which is what I actually I actually came here with seven thousand okay in the beginning seven or seven thousand that's that locker yeah I know I can't I came I came over seven thousand I'm safe safe safe safe safe plan plan plan plan plan and I finally got here with seven thousand and I actually uh before coming here I made some connections in a past so all those connections in the past actually lend to everything as I came after which is my place to stay I actually ended up getting a house I pay $800 a month for my house but in America or Europe that's a $5,000 or either a three to five thousand dollar of rent each month okay okay I have a huge I call it my McMansion okay a lot of some of some people that know me when I see my house are like you live down there yeah we have your roommates right I'm like no it's just me like wow that's a big house we just use I mean even my friends dislike that that's a lot of wasteful space for one person don't you think I'm enjoying I said if I was in America I can't afford this I can't afford it right now so I'm gonna enjoy it you know I walk in there I have this fusion living room I have the sushi in the upstairs Downstairs house you know to myself three bed two Keith you have two huge master bedrooms three bathrooms kitchen watch area all that good stuff this is hard to get a job here you think okay okay English teaching job easy is easy to get it doesn't matter who you are but you can get an English teaching job which it is fairly easy make sure that you have all of your documents we're not really all of it documents a lot of people think you need at all but as long you have as Auliya from the so what I heard but when I heard a song it from the US and from Europe like England something like that it's quicker okay I feel coming from any other english-speaking country they don't really know if they speak English there so it might be a little bit there might be a little bit hesitant but if you see if you can convince them yeah hey I speak English I'm good to sense be it as an American they were hired but like I said again personality and perspective right so it says a mandatory like in some countries is that prerequisite yes spirit it's a prerequisite is American American British you know if you if you if this Suze you say America but oh it sure you hire but I've heard other people of because the other people heard that the kind of suit because they don't know how well the English is in army so that's the reason why a lot of people just you know they they quickly hire you if you if you just presented the the US passport or the other another European British passport you know I mean South Africa or is that a place is just more like a place more like yes I speak English but you have to be talkative you have to be precise up your swagger you have to show that now you have to prove yourself you know I mean America is like okay you didn't have to say nothing it is walk right that's what will get done and I heard that a company is also the competence really get ya here yeah competition is really good you can make anywhere from about starting point in terms of an English teacher you can make anywhere from 17 dollars an hour to about $25 an hour now if you work as a teacher at us at one of the private locations private skis you can make almost close to $30 an hour that's a really really here yeah and you were real working anywhere from about 30 hours a week to 25 hours a week and that's a good income they're really really good income so yes yeah but the only but you're doing it more like two or three hours a day so you gotta break that up for a couple weeks and that's that's an income come to know me the other thing is do you need a the biggest fallacy I should say the biggest fallacy I should set to be the biggest fallacy about Asia in general I I know if you're going into the bigger institutions yes but if we go into the lower and institutions of english-speaking mom-and-pop English English school center centers do you need a good degree you know and that's the biggest fallacy that a lot of people before said you need to have a master's degree and this is that any other not true as long as you have a plan a US passport able to speak English and and get to work from a ticket to go some places will not even worry about getting you worried about a work from it they would get it for you so basically a lot of times is just where you're from okay and a personality for me in general quickly is I walked right in and within five minutes I got hired I I totally I have all these degrees I I was in the military I did this that that I showed it so she said too much too much too much paperwork pretty much paper you do too educated too educated you lose like you you want a job or not I'm like yes I take the choice okay when you start Sunday I'm like okay I feel like this video gonna make you so I'm like so I'm sitting here with all this paperwork in my hand right of this death and the other with resumes and no see these as they call them here and I'm like this was like worthless to me making copies all that stuff and I'm like I see and learn right yeah I mean that the the other place I went to same thing I went in there too it was a much bigger inner center get shred and tie I was sweating it was doing the summertime sweating bullets like a literally sweating I'm like sweat is trickling down under my shirt got a tie got us got my jacket on and I got you know all dressed to the just a kill right and I get there and this guy in front of me you know I mean okay so they say hey can you wait for a sense I okay fine I waited next time i sat down and the I I have a briefcase I literally have a briefcase all my teeth work the lady pushes me a piece of paper she said that's not much you're gonna be making an hour do you want a job I'm like yeah when does it interview I so I'm like am I gonna get energy for this process I actually said well so you waiting from a sign from America she said okay can you make me a copy I passed one like yeah she said well you start next week I'm like okay she said what what's your name again I'm like I said I said my name is Ronnie but it call me Michelle Oh Minnie Mouse I like that she said you know what my mom means round like yes I see then she calls the other people not speak enough English maybe this is min ma he's not he's our new employee so now I'm meeting every way I don't mean bow hello you didn't bow and I'm like I got the briefcase and everything else is pretty much like whatever now so something you have everything you tell people where there's a paper but like I said it just depends where you go I'm not like so the whole fallacy about the whole thing about you disqualified yeah it just depends if it knock I said if you go it's like the big top name image centers you're gonna need some paperwork you need the quality you need the club might be going to more like the smaller English centers they could care less okay so we're winding down now one question I want to ask is on what do you think is a general attitude when I say this question some people like well you can't really say general but I'm asking missing your perception huh what do you think how do you think back to go receive my Vietnamese people here very well i depends way at - I've heard stories where people felt like they were being racially profile or they looked at the funny in a weird way but you also have to remember you are slightly different so you're gonna stand out like a second so different well not ok I'll shred I'll try to tone it down ok you were different so you're gonna stick out like a sore thumb ok go stick out like a sore thumb and first it gonna be you know like I said it's taking everyone up darker complexion or or black they think they're from Africa so until you speak or they ask you a question right some people are very receptive it depends on how much interaction they have had with foreigners you know I mean like certain parts of the city will be different but the departed see they're gonna be different but the thing is reception wise business people are the most welcoming people I've ever met I've ever met literally they their day they will literally adopt you make you part of their family and call you brother like I've no brother - to Vietnamese families nothing I've traveled with them I've slept in the same room with them you know so I can't say anything negative but I have come across and a lot of people say I'm lucky maybe I'm just one of those people that have had a lot of fortune I've been very fortunate but to really be honest even the people that have that little twinge in the eye of bouya or they might seem like that can I you know looking at you from that from and I wear it when those peoples at the end of the day if it's it within five minutes and I just say hey how are you doing could I sometimes this is what I do if I see the person again looking at me weird what I'll do is I'm like hey how are you doing and then he's like hey come here come here come here no miss which means no I understand right then I'm like English feels like very little very little I'm like how are you doing I'd like so I say Sencha he was like oh you speak Vietnamese I'm like well Vietnamese very little too so so they all send their warm up and that's it it breaks the ice because you need an icebreaker so that's the I'm what I guess because that's nothing I learned in psychology is that you need an icebreaker in life sometimes so you need to is to accept presentation you know so that's my presentation is that I break the ice by knowing enough Vietnamese and that's another thing for me traveling to Vietnam or any country in journal at least you try to learn a language to serve at least learn how to say hello I learn how to interact a little bit so therefore it gives them a comfort ability that you're not just a foreigner you're your opponent here but at least are trying to learn something you know the culture or the language of some sort and I can order off the menu I can actually speaking up Vietnamese my neighbors are walking by I say hello to my neighbors every morning in Vietnamese I have small conversations but it's because I try to learn the language and and and even even even even in terms of dating I've actually I've actually gone out on dates with Vietnamese women they speak English some English but we were able to communicate still even though they spoke very little English and because I'm me lately being able to speak some Vietnamese we're still able to go out and have a good time to eat and and and have fun you know I mean so that's it where can people find you online people could find me on my Facebook page which is a Ronnie do - I don't mind running to food or just it's a French lasso it just DDF or you are so Ronnie arrow and then I eat the food I do have a YouTube channel which is a fantastic life which is in a sense to me is you have to live the best life you can you know I mean and you should not be going to any any paradigm that says that you need to live this way because your life is truly up to you so that's why it's a protest by lift a fantastic life guys and there you have it this is Ronnie thank you so much for watching if you like this video please give it a big thumbs up and remember to subscribe to this channel for weekly videos on be black experience across the globe until next time bye for now you
Channel: The Black Experience Japan
Views: 186,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: most of the expats in vietnam consider themselves superior, vietnam, black in vietnam, mfiles, melanated files, black experience vietnam, the melanated files, black in vietnam interview, black in asia interview, black men in vietnam, da nang vietnam, being black in vietnam, da nang, the black experience vietnam, the black experience japan, ronnie defour
Id: ZhYaaJlA4uY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 18sec (2658 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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