🇻🇳| Why Foreigners LIVE In VIETNAM ✅ PROS & ❌ CONS. Insiders Of People Who Live in VIETNAM, 2023

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Do you work five days a week or something? How  does that work? They were the Enemy way back then   and the propaganda stayed with me all that time.  What makes his place so interesting for an expat?   For several weeks we've been exploring Vietnam.  Talking to a lot of interesting people. And in   this episode, I'd like to show you three different  interviews with three different foreigners who are   living in Vietnam. Or like to live in Vietnam  and talk about their experiences in Vietnam to   educate you. But most of all to entertain. I  arrived first time in September and I've been   in and out every month since because of the  30-day Visa. We were interviewing actually in   this episode only foreign people that are living  in Vietnam. You're always on a tourist visa but,   you gave me the picture of that you were kind of  trying to be in Vietnam. And try to be Vietnamese   in a way, as well? Yes, that's right. I don't want  to be a tourist although, that I'm not technically   living here. I'm probably a halfway house  between a tourist and a resident, if you like.   But I've been really blessed here because  um are being taken in by a family in town.   At Nat Than Homestay. And they treat me like  family. I just eat what they eat. Do what they   do. And it's been a really wonderful experience  because, most tourists have got somewhere else to   be tomorrow. I don't. I don't have a plan to  end. I do have a plan to keep traveling but,   if I don't do it today I can do it tomorrow. So  you're retired in Vietnam basically? Pretty much   yeah. I grew up in in the Western Australia and  New Zealand and my whole attitude was about what   western values were. When I came here, it  was a real culture shock. And now that I've   been living here my whole world in terms of  values and views has been turned upside down.   Because the Vietnamese are just lovely people.  Friendly, generous, honest. So what you say there,   I've been two years in Australia as well. Also  in New Zealand a year. I see this as well in New   Zealand and Australia or do I see that wrong? To  a degree I suppose. As a person who lives there,   I see it perhaps different to what you would  as a tourist. Even though you're there a while.   I think possibly part of it is because my  expectation of Vietnam was based on all the   propaganda that goes right back to the days of  the war. You know? Because they were the enemy   way back then. And the propaganda stayed with  me all that time. When I came here I found that   that is just not the case. They are not like that  at all. I've never met friendlier people and more   generous people. There you go. You were saying  a culture shock. What kind of culture shock are   you talking about? Well I never saw anything that  remotely resembled poverty in Australia. Although   there probably is some there. But here, people  are working. They're doing jobs that people in the   West wouldn't do but they do them because of their  jobs to be done. And there's also things like;...   Sometimes people talk about Asia being dirty.  And people throwing rubbish on the street.   But when you look at it. They throw rubbish  on the street. But if you go back at night   there's another world of people with another job,  going around cleaning that up. And in the morning   it's pristine again. And that's just part of the  way this fabric works. Different worlds. Yeah,   it's a different way of seeing things. It's what  people... They do it here, they do it every day,   it's part of their life. But certainly there are  jobs that people do here that you would not find   anyone doing in the west. Always on the 30-day  Visa, you were saying? Is it easy to do border   runs? Or do you have problems at immigration?  Only if you don't do it right. I've had two   little problems with immigration. Both my fault.  Other than that, it's a ride up into the into the   mountains to the border, across the border. Have  a chat to the guys up there come back again. Same   day? Same day. Usually same day. Some days I  go across to Laos and just stay there for a day   or two. I leave here. It's a three-hour ride  up to the border on the bike. It's about maybe   three-quarters of an hour at the border and then  three hours back. It's a pretty easy day. Nice.   And the ride in the mountains is just absolutely  awesome. Do you like to live anywhere else in   Vietnam now? My idea was always to travel. I've  got it so good here that it's hard to even think   of moving on to see some of the south of Vietnam.  Because these people are just so good to me. But   eventually that's what I want to do. So this is my  base, I want to see all around the North. And then   perhaps move on and try and replicate this further  south. I don't like the tourist trail. There are   too many tourists there. So you're seeing it from  a tourist world. I like the Road Less Traveled and   Mai Châu is the Road Less Traveled. Just up the  road it's The Road Less travel compared to Sapa   and things like that. And it's well worth seeing.  Never take what your world is for granted because,   there's another world out there that is begging to  be looked at. And look at it with an open mind and   it really opens your eyes. It certainly has mine.  I've been here in Vietnam almost at 12 years.   Here in Danang almost one year before I was  in Hanoi. And I'm here in in Da Nang because   the friendly people. The weather, the beach, the  mountain, is very nice. There are a lot of beach   places here in Vietnam? Why do you choose this  city in particular? Because of my work. They give   me the option to move here to Da Nang I'm a pilot,  I fly domestic flights and international flights.   Do you work five days a week or something? How  does that work? Five or six days per week. And   then two days off. And what do you do on the  day off when you're here in Da Nang? Here I am.   At the Beach. Come to the beach and have fun and  enjoy the weather. I came here to Vietnam and my   plan was only maybe two/ three years stay here in  Vietnam. Then to go back to my country. And it's   already 12 years, you can imagine how I feel here.  The people are very kind The weather, the food,   I feel I stay here like the I'm on vacation.  Other than Da Nang? Which place would you live?   Maybe the same characteristic Na Trang. Some that  never came to Vietnam which tip would you like to   give us? Here I think the most important thing is  the culture. You need to be carefully with your   driving. The traffic. That's it. I think you  need to come here with a mentality "as soon   as possible" No, join the culture of Vietnam.  So you meet a lot of local people here? No not   so many. Not so many. More foreign people.  Is there a party scene here in Da Nang? Yes,   you have a lot of places to go and have fun. Party  yes of course. How long have you been living here?   Six year in November. I came here for a while, two  or three months working. And later I realized that   it's a right was the right place to stay and  build business. And enjoy life. Can I ask what   was your first job when you were first time?  I'm DJ. Okay. So I came from Europe to work   in a Vietnamese club. And at the end I stayed and  yeah I built my community home. This is my place.   I'm here now. I'm married too. Are you married  with the Vietnamese lady? Yeah. Congratulations.   Thank you. How long ago? One year and something.  How is it today the Vietnamese lady is that very   different? I mean, it depends which Vietnamese  lady you date. My lady is quite... how to say?   Open-minded and European way to think. I mean  you need to have time. You need to take time and   calm down with your emotion. Because they  are a bit... Yeah? They are more calm and   chill. So what? Even if you're excited you  cannot be so...? I mean no. Your excitement   needs to be balanced sometimes. Especially  Italian people. Life in Hanoi what is... What makes this place so special for you or what  makes its play so interesting for an expats?   I mean the first thing is; It's safe. So you feel  safe and if you talk about work and business. You   don't have that pressure that you have in Europe.  Is it easy to have a business here? Yeah quite   easy. Quite easy. So I believe that ex-pat living  in Asia especially maybe in Vietnam we should give   something more than just come here and live an  easy life that everyone wants to live. I mean it's   a good place to develop your dreams. I don't know.  This is my dream. So for me... So what do you   do exactly? This is a studio space dedicated to  music. So we have a recording studio on the first   floor. A mini club is the tiniest Club in Asia.  Tiniest Club in Asia? Yeah. Okay. And a rooftop.   I mean is a meeting point of all the community  here in Hanoi. Related to music of course. I can   imagine that you have a lot of local friends,  also. Is it easy as an expat to communicate   with the locals and have groups of friends also  from Vietnam? Or is it only normally with foreign   people? No I mean, I can say that I have a lot of  Vietnamese friend. Every... everything is related   to music in one way. I mean the community  of Vietnamese is growing up really fast. So   we are more connected than before. Especially  after COVID the connection between Foreigner   and Vietnamese is stronger. And I can say  now there are more Vietnamese than foreigns. Especially in this area, you mean? Yeah especially  in this area. Tay Ho is a foreign area. I mean and   more and more foreigners get engaged or married  or with Vietnamese. Every time it's more mixed   and mix. It's cool. Nice. And the cost of living?  Is it let's say affordable? Rent and everything?   Can I ask what a normal... let's say if you're  a teacher or if you have a small business? How   much would I look at per month? I mean if you're  a teacher you earn good money. So they know that.   So, I mean it's not that cheap. How much would you  say a normal apartment, a two-bedroom? 500 USD.   Minimum? I mean to have a good apartment or  whatever. But yes it's not that cheap. I mean   if you are alone you take a studio?  Okay 200/ 250$ okay. You're saying   that it's a safe City. Is it a safe safe  country in general? Yeah I can say that.   Especially foreigners They really care about  us. they are happy to see us around. I mean,   they have rules. We need to respect some rules to  live in peace all together. Like everywhere. But   it's quite safe place. What is the main rule  that you have to...? I mean, respect. I mean,   this is... Vietnam is still a Vietnamese country,  for Vietnamese people. Τhis is Vietnamese country.   We are invited here. We need to... If you look  back to Europe it's messy now. Everyone come from   a lot of different countries. and is a bit free,  too free. Here it's free but, everyone stay in the   space that need to stay in. Can you give us some  advice for the people who maybe would like to go   to Vietnam to start up a business or to live here  for a certain period of time? It's a good place to   uh take a break maybe from Europe and see what's  going on here. And Asia is a developing country.   Even on holiday it's good to check it out I think?  Yeah, of course. And it's a good is a good country   to also take other destinations. Japan, Korea,  or Thailand. It's really close. So it's a good   place to also move around. Definitely. I'm still  looking for one thing in particularly that you   learned in six years time that you can give us.  Maybe some wisdom that you gained here that we   can learn from? I mean, for sure I learned how to  calm down my, how to say, excitement. Regarding   work and life. In a good way. I mean it's you know  we always I remember the first time. And even when   my mom or family come to visit Vietnam. They're  always running. They cannot wait to do something.   Or we go restaurant!? No, calm down. It's really  helping to just; okay live in a different way that   we are living in Europe. Believe in yourself  believe in your dream. And wherever you are,   whatever you do? Just never give up and go  straight to your point. After a few weeks   being in Vietnam I came to the conclusion that it  is certainly a good country to live in. Vietnam,   especially Ho Chi Minh city is opening up for a  lot of foreigners to have business. Let me know if   you are considering living in Vietnam or if you're  living in Vietnam have different experiences.   This channel is based in Thailand showing you  the beauty of Southeast Asia and we are soon   enough going back to Thailand again. Thank you so  much for watching till the very end. I hope you   enjoyed this episode. Please give us a thumbs  up if you did so. Bye for now and stay champ.
Channel: Chai Travel
Views: 129,955
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Keywords: ExpatLifeInVietnam, Vietnam2023, LivingInVietnam, ExpatCommunity, DaNangCity, HanoiExploration, MaiChâuEscape, VietnamTravel, VietnameseCulture, ExpatExperience, BestPlacesToLive, SoutheastAsia, ExpatsAbroad, VietnamAdventure, ForeignersInVietnam, ExpatStories, VietnamVibes, AsianDestination, RelocationTips, ExpatsSettlingDown, VietnamExpats, DiscoverVietnam, ExpatriateLife, VietnamExploration, ExpatJourney, VietnamDiscoveries, NomadLife, VietnamDreams, ExpatsOnTheMove, LifeAbroad, VietnamExperiences
Id: 2UfoPfKogbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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