The Shockingly Dark and Disturbing Moments in Fire Emblem: Three Houses

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Fire Emblem three houses can be many things to many people and in this video three houses is dark creepy and disturbing despite it being October and the month of Halloween I actually didn't intend for this video to fall into this time frame as my video schedule got delayed due to Fire Emblem gauge news and hurricane Fiona setting you back a few days and now trying to find a place to rent in the city this was supposed to be out in September but alas here we are this video is all about this game's darker aspects of which there are a handful just like my Sacred Stones video on its darkest and most messed up moments this is a Content warning this video does go over topics and themes that can be disturbing to some so viewer discretion is advised things like Crest experimentation and the tragedy of dusker would fit into this video but I've covered both of those topics several times throughout my channel like in my videos on edelgard and the video on the tragedy of dusker itself so for this video in particular I want to focus on lesser known moments that may have fallen through to the cracks to some people from the mysterious deaths of royalty to attempts at reanimation to those who wish to exploit the crest system without further delay let us begin Raphael's parents true fate officially as far as Raphael himself cares his parents died in an accident with monsters while they were working as Merchants anyone who has seen his paralog with ignots in three houses however knows the truth is far more complicated we traveled around the alliance selling our Wares I heard this route was dangerous but dangerous you say are you referring to the recent cases of merchants being attacked on that route that's right we can't turn a profit without going to Deirdre I don't know what count Gloucester is thinking I had a feeling it might be you're certain looks that way I think he's unhappy with Merchants contributing to house Regan's wealth it seems like he's been at odds with them forever they say even the previous Duke recon's death was that the celt's fault too it's only a rumor but it was count Gloucester himself who lured the late Duke Regan out the side mission and its aftermath reveal the accident was in no way an unfortunate coincidence but rather an orchestrated attack believed by many to have been ordered by count Irvin Gloucester head of house Gloucester for the sake of getting rid of Duke Godfrey house Regan's next Heir and to become the most influential house in the Leicester Alliance only the truth of this accident is in reality far more complicated three hopes is paraloged for ignots Rafael and Lawrence serve as a follow-up to the one in three houses in the paralog the three worked together to take down mercenaries turn thieves who at one point used to work for count Gloucester himself they discovered that this group was responsible for killing Godfrey and Raphael's parents but they never intended to kill them instead they had only planned to drive them away through use of monsters with regard to count gloster's involvement though the orders came from someone else in the house who claimed to be him the mercenaries lost control of the monsters and Godfrey was killed trying to fend them off once count Gloucester discovered how this happened he could not find his imposter instead he punished the mercenary group ruining their reputation and pushing them into banditry I was wondering the same thing your father was always protective of the nobility's reputation and it seems strange he would do something so sneaky and so anti-merchant besides based on what the bandits said I suspect it was someone from our house acting alone by the time my father realized what was happening the culprit had vanished along with any hope of ever sussing out their true motives Only The Mercenaries remained and my father had no choice but to punish them without the context of three hopes his follow-up in this paralog it was assumed by many that count Gloucester was a villain in this plot when it turns out it was somebody else Cyril the house gonoral servant per Cyril's backstory at age 12 he was captured by house gunnarel during an elmiran raid he was forced into and the house made him a servant for one year before Reyes saw him during a visit and had him come to the monastery to work for her what's off-putting about this is that the game never treats it as a big deal and although Cyril admits he had it bad in his time as a servant it's surprising to find his support with Hilda that he doesn't really hold a grudge against her or anyone from there their folks might not be so lucky before lady Raya took me in I had a real hard time as a servant of house gonor roll sorry to hear that but like I'll go around snapping up all Myron children that's good but I just I want to see things for myself so I know that everything's okay are there supposed to be other elmiran slaves it wouldn't make sense to me if Cyril was the only one captured and taken to be a servant from the Battle of the locket especially so when Cyril considers himself lucky that he was the one who Reya took in and gave him a much better life in the monastery than both gone Rule and Elmira had for him the fact that he had it bad at house gonor roll and nothing else more elaborated on makes me wonder what that life looked like this aspect of Cyril and gonor roll is underexplored but the fact remains that Cyril was a slave Kristoff the western church and the aftermath both in three houses and three hopes azer gleam root lenato is an early game antagonist who starts a rebellion against Reya and the Central Church because they executed his son Christoph years before the game started due to an accusation of him being involved in the tragedy of dusker something lanato believes to be a lie for this reason lonato despises Catherine whose real name is Cassandra from house Karen as she was the one who turned him into the church to begin with thunder strike Cassandra it was your wretched Cemetery that killed my son The Only Name I answer to is Catherine prepare to taste the blade of one who serves the goddess now you face a knight of seraphs long after lenatos killed in three houses it's revealed in Ash and Catherine's supports that lenato's suspicions were spot on Kristoff was indeed knowingly killed for a crime he didn't commit the real reason for his execution was because the western church persuaded him into helping with an assassination attempt against Reya which came before the dusker tragedy that means this plot predates the tragedy so there was another plot against lady Raya in the past and my brother was somehow involved Kristoff and I were friends we were in the blue lion house together at the Academy if you were friends why did you hand him over to be executed there must have been another way no if there was another option I'd have chosen it he was foolish he went along with the plan to assassinate lady Raya I wasn't motivated by a personal Grudge I had no choice but to turn him in that much is true believe that my brother would try to assassinate lady Raya but if he did that means the church was lying about his involvement in the tragedy of dusker doesn't it lying is a strong word the world was in chaos and the church did what it had to if people had known about the threat to Lady Rhea's life the Panic would only have worsened so you're saying everything in this letter is true Catherine's name change is also deserving of a breakdown have you ever wondered why she's going by that name instead of her true name the reason for this is that after Kristoff's execution lenato as Revenge accused Catherine of having been involved in a plot against King Lambert an accusation which escalated so much in the Kingdom that Catherine eventually became a wanted criminal and had no choice but to leave fargus and the only reason she's never punished for those charges is because Reya made her a knight of cirros and Catherine assumed her current identity and Vargas they used to call me thunderstrike Cassandra I was implicated in a plot to kill the king it was a totally false accusation of course I had to flee the kingdom and the Archbishop took me in so I probably should have asked before but what kind of connection did you have with lenato I'm responsible for the death of his son Kristoff Ash's adoptive older brother in response monato pinned a baseless crime on me making it impossible for me to ever return home in a way I suppose I should thank him if not for that I never would have taken up with Lady Raya this whole situation is filled with lies that the other side deemed necessary for their goals it's a complicated web but to simplify it all Kristoff was involved with the western church in a plot to kill Reya Cassandra of house Karen brought him to justice but instead of publicly acknowledging the assassination plot Reya deceived the public and implicated Kristoff in the tragedy of dusker to keep the stability of herself and the church's image intact to avoid chaos lanato however accused her of being implicated in what seems to be a separate attempt from the tragedy to kill the king lenato's word was so credible though that eventually Cassandra was branded as an enemy to the kingdom this is what led to her becoming Catherine were these lies Justified if there's a lie coming from the church it's being made by Reya weaving deception and revision for the sake of avoiding conflict is exactly her Mo speaking of Reya rewrites history at the end of verdant wind per claude's request and given Rhea has nothing left to lose she reveals who those who Slither in the dark are who are the children of the goddess and she finally admits that the history her church claims as the official truth is nothing more than a lie to protect the holy tomb as they quietly lived out their lives but then Nemesis appeared bringing tragedy along with him I cannot forget the sight of that massive Canyon painted red with blood I was never able to forgive those who proudly wielded weapons crafted from the corpses of my brethren I was the only Survivor of zenado and all I could do was wander across votelin clinging to my desperate desire for Revenge per her own words Reya promoted her own version of History created the Church of seros and co-founded the addressing Empire for the sake of gathering an army big enough to gain the chance to kill Nemesis but what's often missed of this reveal is how much this move affected everyone involved for the sake of preventing another genocide against her surviving kin Cerros removed the children of the Goddess as a species in fodlin from official records all the dragon forms she and her Saints use to support the Empire became mythical beings associated with the church after doing so ciros made a new narrative to persuade humans to preside claiming to be a prophet from the Goddess that the blood and weapons Nemesis and his crew had were divine gifts granted by said goddess to fight evil and that now they were all being corrupted and needed to be put down for the greater good Nemesis the king of liberation he is an ancient king of mankind who was defeated by Sarah's over a thousand years ago when fodlin was attacked by Wicked Gods it is said that the goddess gifted Nemesis with the sword of the Creator Nemesis used that sword to defeat the wicked Gods saving all of fodlin henceforth he was dubbed the king of Liberation however his power began to corrupt him until he himself turned to the darkness Saint Cerros was forced to destroy him Raya in fact glorified those who killed her Brethren and formerly founded vodlin's Crest system which she felt she had to make because Nemesis and Co had a very positive reputation with Humanity in an interview with series director toshiuki kasakihara he answers the following question why did Cyrus Lady Raya appropriate Nemesis and the 10 Elites as heroes in her history because from Humanity's perspective Nemesis and the 10 Elites were thought of as Heroes she can't create a history that completely ignores the feelings of humans upon ruling over Humanity so while preserving them as Heroes she was able to rewrite other parts of History to her Advantage the sad part of this tale is that the truth of everything found a way to surface in the end upon hearing cerros's propaganda Nemesis quickly realized what she was trying to do and as stated in the king of Liberation class description he made a counter speech to Rally his people where he called her a liar and would free photo in from her clutches cirros and nemesis's contrasting narrative led to Wilhelm the one who helped cyros persuade humans into joining her believed the whole ordeal between seros and Nemesis was one of opposite interests and left a record of his Truth for his descendants which a millennia later came back at Reya in the worst way as the current addressing Emperor edelgaard was fed up with the crest system and the church's lies and decided to take matters into her own hands this is an aspect of Reya that I've always found both fascinating and tragic Reya acted selflessly In This Moment In order to preserve peace she had to glorify the life of the man who brutally murdered her kin ripped their bones and hearts and forged them into these terrible Living Weapons and destroyed her home she had to glorify the lives of the humans who wielded such weapons against her and the remaining nebitaians who fought alongside her in the War of Heroes this is all even more saddening when you realize that when edelgard and the Empire raided the holy tomb they desecrated the resting place that Reya herself built for them to once again use their Hearts as a source for inhuman power one thousand years later the crust of the Beast and the curse of the relics fodlin's Heroes relics are in an interesting position in its setting despite 99 of people believing them to be divine weapons true Origins aside they behave a lot more like cursed weapons and practice for one even if their users happen to have a matching crests the weapons are stated to inherently consume their lifespan ran when I need its power I won't waggle it around For Your Entertainment you know even though it's compatible with my Crest it still takes its toll on me every time I use it it wears away at my soul not that you'd understand then there's that one property of being capable of transforming non-crested users into demonic beasts which the church has been actively keeping Under Wraps to publicly avoid Mass hysteria and it's not like this fear is unwarranted because the crest of Maurice in its lineage became tainted for this reason and even then this Crest is also a special case given the blood gang The Relic synergistic with the crest was able to turn Maurice himself into a demonic Beast anyway there was the king of Liberation nemesis the 10 Elites and finally Maurice one day Maurice suddenly transformed into a hideous beast and slaughtered innocent people it was like when miklon of house Gautier turned into a black beast the negative energy dwelling within his crest turn Maurice into a monster the people of fodlin grew to despise him and he was stripped of his honor his whole clan was conquered and it was believed that his bloodline had vanished but even now there exists a few descendants who have inherited Maurice's Crest and his curse my family line is one of them three hopes even elaborates on how much of a unique mystery the crest of Maurice is by revealing in a document that it's not only possible the sword itself could have somehow granted Morris his Crest rather than Nemesis but that the crest's reputation as a cursed lineage came to be due to known bearers of its suddenly falling ill and or dying inconspicuous accidents not unlike Marianne's own parents who simply vanished one day and never returned this is the source of Marianne's overwhelming worry that she brings bad luck to all around her the umbral Beast this monster is the final boss of cindered Shadows and is created after elfric uses the ashenwolves as special blood and his own with the Chalice of Beginnings a special nabatan Relic meant to revive people for the sake of bringing bileth's mother citri back to life via the right of rising only for elfrik to end up fused with her and transforming into the Beast the umbral Beast is an accidental Fusion of two people one of which is dead its design is distinctively disgusting featuring an exposed skull and flesh that tells you the monster was born unfinished now let's get into the actual lore what do I mean by this well Reya warns elfrick one last time in centered Shadows that the right of rising is incapable of fully Reviving someone citing the soul won't return to the body where clued she knows this because in Imperial year 185 she as Saros performed the right of rising in an attempt to revive sothas which we're told didn't work but not why that is up until elfwork gives it a shot three two three chalice it absorbed both of them preparation [Music] and I'm praised [Music] it is just as the last time the ritual was performed the line uttered by Reya is curious as it suggests that Reya had the same thing happen when she tried to resurrect sothis which is somewhat true except like I just mentioned no one was brought back to life but this did end up having another consequence Reyes dubious and self-proclaimed forbidden experimentation to bring back sothas in the form of her vessels like citri and all who preceded her indeed despite Reya acknowledging that her experimentation is morally and naturally wrong she does it Anyway remember citri was the 12th vessel of sothas who failed to bring her back to life citri herself suffered from poor health in a shortened life from being unable to carry out this Resurrection seen another way reya's experimentation put the lives of her vessels in danger and even though Reya grew to adore citri and treated her like her adopted daughter perhaps the same could not be said about her other vessels for example when bilaf betrays Reya and sides with edelgaard in the Holy tomb she outright calls them just another failed experiment and while I would give charity to Reya in that she's filled with rage and wrath towards bileth in this moment it may make one Wonder just how she viewed the vessels besides citri the horror of the crest system it's an unfortunate and recurring theme in the Empire that women are often abused under the crest system and stories touching this subject are in no way a rarity and can be found with Dorothea hanneman's sister and the maltreats bloodline in Hanuman and dorothea's B support when the former asks Dorothea why she has beef against the status obsessed nobility Dorothea comments that she was a product of an affair a noble had with one of his maids and after she was born Dorothea and her mother were dumped to the streets which eventually led to dorothea's mom dying as for why the noble did so she recalls the following eventually after I became a singer I met the nobleman that I think is my father oh he'd had a child with a maid but the child didn't have a crest [Music] those were his very words I can't prove that he really was my father but suppose it doesn't matter he didn't know who I was and when he flirted with me my feelings were something Beyond fairy I was dumbfounded then there's the situation with hahneman's younger sister even though she herself didn't inherit any Crest the fact that house assar had major and minor crests in their ranks was enough for a noble to arrange a marriage with her just so he could hopefully produce a child with a Crest no matter how much they tried though this didn't happen so in due time hanuman's sister was mistreated enough for her heart disease to claim her life this infuriated hanneman and made him feel useless and his awareness of such Tales being commonplace in the Empire disgusted him so much that he left adrestia and started working in Garrick mock seeking to use his research on crests to make them available to everyone and thus render them useless as a way to finally have peace with himself and to bring his sister peace too finally there's Mercedes euriza and house Bartels Mercedes was adopted into house Bartels right after Baron March rates died and her mother bore a meal with the head of that house because of his obsession with collecting as many crested errors as possible because of how how all three were mistreated by everyone at Bartels Mercedes and her mother fled to the kingdom and a meal remained by his own accord to keep his family safe in spite of being looked down upon and subjected to violence at the hands of the non-crest bearing Children of the house they were both safe but all of the hatred and isolation pushing him deeper and deeper into the darkness came to its Tipping Point when his father announced his plan day I will leave the monastery for good if I stay it is only a matter of time before I hurt you just like I did those in house Bartels you can't leave [Music] but if it must be so then answer me this Before you depart why did you kill your father [Music] today I took my took father had just discovered that you and mother were hiding at a church in the Kingdom he was considering bringing both of you back home but by then mother was past the age to Bear children and so he proclaimed that he would take the only other female of the lamine bloodline that he would take you as his wife [Music] happened after [Music] I remember nothing of it how I killed him final words were you you did it for me to protect me regardless of reasons a demon is a demon I have said enough upon hearing the abhorrent plan from his father yuriza went berserk and killed him his half-siblings soon suffered the same Fate by the newly born death Knight's wrath and so in 1176 House Bar tells all but completely collapsed with nowhere left to go he would eventually be found by edelgaard and would serve under her as both uritza and as the death knight in my opinion the situation with house Bartels is the most tragic and disturbing and shows just how incredibly cruel and evil those can act under the crest system in their horrific attempts to acquire more power mercedes's stepfather looked at their mother as a failure who couldn't yield him any more power through giving birth to more children bearing the crest of lamin and looked towards his stepdaughter his wife's own flesh and blood to fill that role this is how the death knight this insatiable monster that he needs to control from within or just let loose and Rampage without Mercy or a second thought came to be there are few origin stories in Fire Emblem that are as uniquely horrific as this one it's a reminder that folin's Crest system on its own isn't evil but just like every other power structure created by those with good intentions it can be gamed in the most abjectly disgusting ways yuriza is one of many victims of those who sought out more and more power for themselves but he is one of the few recognizable faces in fodlin that has truly become an irreparably Broken Man this video serves as one of many on the channel as its own means to document the dark underbelly of fodlin's world many characters must weather however way they can the inhumane circumstances they are thrown into against their will and all of their stories in one way or another illustrate the cruelty and Corruption lurking beneath fodlin's relative Harmony foreign [Music]
Channel: Faerghast
Views: 109,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2022
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