Most Expensive Gate Posts, But Worth every Penny

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[Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] things [Music] [Music] on you Mike my grass is growing it is I didn't give this uh much hope they had uh look at that [Music] that's winter Rye Mike was just like here I'll just give her magazine there go down there and do that it'll never grow but since we were down here last they had about uh three inches of snow last week is that right yeah but it's beautiful out today but we came down today we didn't even do an official welcome back so welcome back everyone welcome back to Outdoors at the Morgans thanks for joining in we brought the BX down today on the other side there we've got some concrete ready to mix concrete and some posts and the plan here today is to put in uh a couple posts for a gate yeah so right now we're deciding where that's going to be and I think we got it figured out so I say we get unloaded and get started [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so what we're going to do is put a couple six by six posts in uh we're gonna dig a couple holes with the BX which digging down here you have no idea what you're gonna get you may hit a couple rocks that size right there you may hit one as big as a refrigerator so [Music] we'll see what happens but we're gonna use uh two 10 foot Gates so Melissa's about four feet off the edge of the road right there relatively close to the same on that side over there [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] just kind of bust up that rock for underneath the post [Music] foreign that's good for now okay I don't want to put I want to put a string on that other one to make sure they're flush this way you know what I mean well so let's just leave it like that all right what we're gonna do we're just gonna leave this post sit here for now but we'll go to square it up pretty easy Plum it up that'll be good right there but we're not going to concrete this one in yet until we set the one on the other side because then we'll put a string line between the two just to make sure that they are parallel you know what I mean yeah good idea well the little BX did a good job yeah I mean it's five o'clock in the evening but yeah no it's not hopefully that side goes as well uh we'll just have to see that one looks rockier it does hate to say it but that size looks way rockier it looks like it was Rock Hill yeah do you want me to lower it no you're good foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign foreign like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we're getting there I just need to uh clean up the bottom a little bit [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we got her we are uh plenty deep now actually I think this one ended up a little deeper than the last one once I got through that real hard rock uh there was still Rock under it but it wasn't as hard I think what we'll do Melissa we'll put some concrete around that post over there okay and get it plumbed up and then put a string on it right over here and set this one over here and uh all right last time we were down here this BX we spread 50 ton of rock up there with it and uh it did a great job but I missed that skid loader digging holes in this rock I missed the excavator for sure I do too but you'd hate to haul that big thing down here even if you had a truck to dig no I know two holes yeah yeah but the question is which is faster shovel or this definitely this I did have to get off with the with the digging bar a couple times and bust that rock up but [Applause] foreign [Music] not exactly the best way to mix concrete but it will be totally fine that's uh four feet deep can you pick me that way what are you saying like just saying it's pretty tight I'll throw this water on you that's beautiful foreign foreign like a dog today Melissa foreign pour that over your head since you're so hot [Music] that's beautiful [Music] all right so we got two posts set and these are six by six yeah ten feet long yeah so you can kind of tell how high they are well I mean how deep they are in the ground they're about four feet in the ground he's standing next to it right and what we did we put uh four bags of concrete around each one put some water on it and we don't have them completely back filled this one's pretty close yeah but I'd like to get some uh good crushed stone like 2A limestone something instead of putting that giant rock back in that hole you know what I mean yeah it's not going anywhere right now so we're going to let it set up Melissa's idea we could just get some right done off the road she said just go scrape it off the road there's a lot that came down off our driveway just go gather back up I think they would appreciate that no I don't think any really came off the driveway I think that would be stealing Stone Melissa I'm stealing it and if a maintenance crew came out here they need to cut that tree down that's on that telephone yeah I know fine okay so that is for backfield you're going to put more are you putting any gravel on this yeah I'll put some Stone on top of that and there goes my seating job but um I it's hot in the sun I changed my clothes twice today just peeling off layers till finally I had to take my jeans and I had long underwear on because you never know I you know Mike's like they had snow there it's going to be cold it's not going to be like home so I was prepared huh I couldn't breathe this morning it was chilly clean and hot so yeah I pulled the shorts back out and changed everything and now I'm dirty mess again but this one is the one that you want the stone in yeah this one there was just uh that was all rock but I'll tell you the BX did a good job uh I had to get off with the digging bar a couple times and hit it but uh like I said four bags of concrete in there got to back fit a little bit we'll put some stone in there let that concrete set up some it is not going anywhere yeah you did a good job yeah it's kind of tough to come down and remember to bring this the right tools the right side I know bring a digging bar shovel buckets for the water you know it's like you're constantly thinking camping mode what do I need to take with me but yeah so these are probably the most expensive posts uh that we ever put in the ground because when you factor in our trip down here uh we stayed in a hotel last night we actually went to see a movie last night had breakfast this morning just the post and stuff for about 200 bucks for that and the concrete all that stuff we probably have a thousand bucks wrapped up in these two posts and you could probably find a contractor down here to come set a couple posts for us but I don't think people understand sometimes this is what we do uh for enjoyment you know what I mean the journey like you know we have a vision of what we want done here and this is part of the Journey of that Vision yeah and just it's what we enjoy doing and like we're done with this part now uh now we're gonna go for a hike back in the woods we'll check some trail cameras things like that and uh we'll probably ease our way back home stop at Bass Pro Shops but it's a nice little getaway and we're looking forward to getting a cabin down on here a place to stay we haven't 100 decided on what we're doing yet but we'll let you guys know soon what the plan is there but we're going to need some concrete poured down here as well and I know Tom from concrete with the Hoss's probably doesn't like to travel too far from home because he's so busy just around where we live but we could really use a guy like that down here so uh matter of fact I'll put one of Tom's videos up above why don't you guys go ask Tom if uh he's willing to come to The High Ground compound to pour some concrete that would be good yeah check out his video and if you're not subscribed to his channel go ahead it's a great Channel and uh John's a great guy but anyway I think that's about it for today's video Melissa and I are going to go for a little hike back in the woods check some trail cameras and we appreciate you all being here and we will catch you on the next one thanks
Channel: Outdoors With The Morgans
Views: 96,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: firewood, country living, tractors, sawmill, woodmizer, jeep, ford bronco, wranglerstar, wild wonderful off grid, best chainsaw, stihl, husqvarna, polaris, kubota, john deere, zero turn mower, cabin in the woods, off grid, entrepreneur, make money, farm, garden, how to build, diy, lawn care, side jobs, f 150, ford, yanmar, tym, ls tractors, land plane, cabin living, excavating, small business, excavator, skid loader, dozer, tree felling, chainsaw sharpening
Id: jeKOQ-4b9rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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