America's Most Evil Serial Killer - John Wayne Gacy

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In December 1978, Chicago police were just  beginning to uncover the evidence of one of   the most heinous crimes their city had ever seen.  As body after body was pulled out from under the   floorboards of a seemingly ordinary suburban  home, investigators realized that they were   dealing with America’s most evil serial killer.  John Wayne Gacy, also known as the Killer Clown,   had murdered more people than any one person  in U.S. history at that point in time. John Wayne Gacy was a well-known and well-liked  figure in his suburban community North of Chicago.   He owned a successful construction business,  attended church faithfully, and was involved in   the local Polish community. He was married to his  second wife and seemed to be a devoted stepfather   to her 2 daughters. Through his position as  a precinct captain for the Democratic Party,   Gacy had the opportunity to meet and be  photographed with First Lady Rosalynn Carter   in early 1978 - the very same year that  his horrific crimes would become public.   At that time, though, Gacy was loved and admired  by his neighbours, friends and the police,   and had been known for hosting elaborate parties  for his entire neighborhood. Gacy’s alter-ego,   Pogo the Clown, was often a feature of these  parties, and neighbours recall that he seemed   to enjoy dressing up in his clown costume  and makeup and entertaining local children. But underneath Gacy’s idyllic suburban life,  he was hiding a dark past. Prior to moving to   Chicago, Gacy had been living in Iowa, where he  was arrested for assaulting 2 young men while his   first wife was in the hospital giving birth to his  child. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison, but   after serving 18 months in jail, a now-divorced  Gacy was released on parole and he received   permission from the courts to relocate to Chicago  for a fresh start. Soon, though, Gacy’s community   and the world at large would learn that these  secrets paled in comparison to the sadistic double   life that Gacy had been leading for years. After  telling his second wife that he was bi-sexual,   the two divorced in 1976, and Gacy, now free  to indulge his most sick and twisted fantasies,   soon learned that killing was more  satisfying to him than anything else,   and he would spend the next several years trying  to get his “fix” in the most horrific ways. It all started to unravel for Gacy with the  disappearance of Robert Piest. On December 11th,   1978, Robert’s mother arrived to pick him up  from his shift at the pharmacy where he worked.   When his shift ended, Robert told his mother  that he was going to talk to a man about a   potential construction job that would pay more  than double what he was making at the pharmacy.   He told her it would only take a few minutes, and  then they could go home and enjoy his mother’s   birthday celebration. She waited outside  the pharmacy, but Robert never came back.   His panicked mother went home and returned to  the pharmacy with her husband, other children,   and the family’s 2 German Shepards, but  they could find no sign of Robert. The   worried family then drove immediately to the  police station to report their son missing. Lieutenant Kozenczak, whose son attended the  same high school as Robert, took their report.   One of the first calls he made was to John Wayne  Gacy. Gacy’s friends and neighbors may have been   oblivious to his dark past, but the police  were not. Not only were they aware of his past   convictions, but they had also received numerous  complaints about Gacy in recent years. In 1975,   after an employee of Gacy’s construction  company went missing, the man’s family   pleaded with police to investigate Gacy,  but their pleas were ignored. In 1976,   police had run surveillance on Gacy’s home related  to the disappearance of a 9 year old boy, but they   were unable to build a case against him. In 1977,  a young man complained to the police about Gacy,   alleging that Gacy had kidnapped him at gunpoint  and assaulted him. Gacy was arrested, and even   admitted to his encounter with the young man, but  he claimed that it was consensual and prosecutors   declined to press charges. Police were also  beginning to suspect that Gacy was behind a string   of complaints about a man named John who had been  cruising local parks and picking up young men,   many of whom seemed to disappear after their  encounter with John. Despite these incidents,   Gacy had managed to stay one step ahead of the  law so far, but his luck was about to run out. After Robert’s family made their missing person’s  report, officers quickly realized that the man he   had gone to see about a construction job must have  been John Wayne Gacy - his construction company   had just recently finished a renovation job at  the very pharmacy where Robert had worked. The   coincidence was too much to ignore, and this time  the police seriously considered Gacy as a suspect   in the disappearance of Robert Piest. Little did  they know that this particular crime was just the   tip of the iceberg, and they were about to uncover  one of the most gruesome crime sprees in history. Lieutenant Kozenczak contacted Gacy and asked him  to come into the police station for an interview.   Gacy was cordial and agreed to come in, telling  officers he could be there within a half an hour.   Hours went by with no sign of Gacy. Officers  were beginning to get suspicious when, at 3 a.m.,   Gacy suddenly appeared at the station. His arrival  did little to calm their suspicions - Gacy was   more than 4 hours late to his interview, and  when he arrived he was covered in mud and grime.   The officer that Gacy had come to see wasn’t  available, so he was sent on his way. Later,   officers would learn that Gacy’s car had been  towed from a snowbank near the Des Plaines River   at 2 a.m., immediately before he  arrived at the police station. Armed with this information, officers served  Gacy with a search warrant when he returned the   following day for his interview. He reluctantly  handed over his keys and was detained at the   station while officers searched his home. There,  they found a receipt for a roll of film that   Robert’s family confirmed belonged to him - police  concluded that Robert had been in Gacy’s home,   but they could find no evidence of a crime, and so  Gacy was released and placed under surveillance. The next day, officers found a ring  that they linked to another missing boy,   and employees of Gacy’s construction  company told police about 2 different   employees of Gacy’s who had mysteriously gone  missing in recent months. A few days later,   Gacy had the audacity to invite the officers  on surveillance duty outside of his home inside   for a cup of coffee. Once inside his home, both  officers noticed the unmistakable stench of death.   That same day, Gacy’s lawyers filed a lawsuit  against the police department for harassment,   but before long Gacy would have much  bigger legal issues to worry about. While he was under 24-hour surveillance, officers  witnessed Gacy selling marijuana to a gas station   clerk, and they jumped on the opportunity  to arrest him. While Gacy was in custody for   drug-related charges, police officers threaten to  tear up the floorboards in his home, prompting him   to admit to murder. He tells officers that yes,  he did kill a man in his home, but claims that it   was self defense. He shows police the exact spot  under his garage where he buried the body, and   during their search for this body, officers find  a trap door leading to a crawl space under Gacy’s   home - inside, amid the terrible stench of decay,  officers find parts of at least 3 other bodies. Once he realized that police had found the  first bodies, Gacy cracked. In a rambling,   hours long confession in which he  referred to himself in the 3rd person,   Gacy told police that “John” or “Jack” had killed  at least 32 young men, and that he had buried 27   of the bodies on his property and had disposed  of the rest, including the body of Robert Piest,   in the Des Plaines River. In fact, Gacy had been  dumping Robert’s body in that same river on the   night he was towed out of the snowbank before he  showed up at the police station covered in mud. Gacy was charged with the murder of Robert  Piest, although police had yet to find his   body. By January 8th, 1979, police had  uncovered the remains of 29 bodies,   but only 7 had been positively identified. Gacy  was charged with the murders of 7 young men   as police continued their efforts to identify the  rest of his victims. Parents of missing boys from   around the world contacted the Chicago police to  find out if their sons among Gacy’s victims, and   forensic specialists and dentists were called in  to help identify the bodies using dental records,   which, in the time before DNA testing, was the  most reliable method of identifying victims.   In April 1979, a Grand Jury indicted  Gacy on a total of 33 murders - the   largest number attributed to one  person in U.S. history at that time. Throughout this, Gacy continued to give interviews  to the police, and even described his first murder   to officers in gruesome detail. He admitted that  he had stabbed his victim to death in his bedroom,   before burying him in the crawlspace, and police  found a large blood stain on the underside   of the bedroom carpet that matched his story.  Investigators also found a red light and a police   radio in Gacy’s car, prompting them to conclude  that he had posed as a police officer in order   to kidnap his victims. As the trial date loomed,  police still had not found Robert Piest’s body,   but they had found his jacket under  the floor of Gacy’s laundry room. In January 1979, during the height of the  investigation into the Killer Clown, the Chicago   Metropolitan Clown Guild held a press conference,  stating that the Gacy investigation was negatively   impacting the city’s professional clowns. Parents  were too afraid to have their children near a   clown after the details of Gacy’s crimes and his  alter-ego Pogo the Clown were made public. Gacy’s   friends and neighbours recalled that he frequently  joked about how “clowns can get away with murder”,   though at the time they thought he was referring  to his tendency to grope women while in costume. Gacy’s trial began on February 6th, 1980. Due to  the graphic nature of the crimes and the evidence,   the judge banned anyone under the age of 16 from  the courtroom. Gacy, who was facing the death   penalty, pled not guilty to the charges and his  lawyers attemptted to launch a defence based on   insanity, but after a 5 week trial, it took the  jury just 2 hours to find John Wayne Gacy guilty   of the heinous murder of 33 young men. State  Attorney Bernard Carey was quoted as saying   “He certainly qualifies for the death penalty.  If he doesn’t, who does?” Gacy was sentenced to   death by lethal injection, and sent to Menard  Correctional Center to await his execution. Gacy would spend the next several years on death  row while his automatic appeals were exhausted.   During his time on death row, Gacy took  up art, painting numerous creepy pictures   of, of course, clowns. Several of Gacy’s  paintings were auctioned off along with   other inmates’ art to raise money  to buy art supplies for prisoners.   Years later, after Gacy’s death, two local  businessmen purchased 30 of these paintings,   and invited the families of his victims  to destroy them in a public bonfire. After nearly 15 years on death row, all of Gacy’s  appeals were exhausted, and his execution date was   set for May 10th, 1994. Gacy’s last meal consisted  of fried shrimp, a pound of fresh strawberries   and a bucket of KFC chicken with fries - prior  to his murder spree and subsequent incarceration,   Gacy had actually managed 3 KFC restaurants owned  by his former father-in-law. As he was strapped   to the gurney awaiting his execution, Gacy was  asked if he had any last words. He snarled at   his executioners: “Kiss my ass”, and at 12:58  a.m., he was executed by lethal injection. At the time of Gacy’s execution, only 26 of  his 33 victims had been positively identified.   The advent of DNA testing helped police  identify more of Gacy’s unknown victims,   including the 2011 identification of William  George Bundy, a Chicago man who told his family   he was going to a party, and was never seen  again. To this day, 6 victims of the killer   clown remain unidentified. As a direct result  of Gacy’s unthinkable crimes, Chicago police   spearheaded the creation of a computerized  database of missing and murdered children   and youths to make it easier for various police  departments across the country to communicate   and share information in the hopes that  similar crimes could be avoided in the future. John Wayne Gacy brutally murdered 33 young men  and buried their bodies under the floorboards of   his home. He had appeared to be a successful  businessman and a pillar of his community,   but neighbours would soon learn  that appearances can be deceiving.   Hiding behind the facade was America’s most evil  serial killer, John Wayne Gacy, the Killer Clown. Now go watch “Who Are the Most Evil Serial Killers  in America?”, or watch this other video instead!
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 1,233,938
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Keywords: john wayne gacy, the killer clown, pogo the clown, serial killer, serial killers, criminals, crime, police, john wayne gacy clown, true crime, john wayne gacy explained, the infographics show
Id: rbrL40XHlPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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