The Werewolf - World's Worst Serial Killer

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It’s a bitterly cold night in the Siberian city  of Angarsk. Bars are emptying out; people say   their goodbyes and diverge in the snow-filled  streets. A woman, her name is Khristina,   crosses the road ponderously. She’s had a few  too many drinks. Shivering, she takes her scarf   and wraps it tightly around her neck. She is  about to come face to face with “The Werewolf”,   a man who’ll soon become known as Russia’s worst  ever serial killer, and perhaps, one of the most   demented and cruel men that ever walked the  Earth. He pulls up beside her in his police   car, just a concerned officer of the law helping  out a slightly drunk, obviously cold, female in   the middle of the night. The maniac gives her a  reassuring smile. Khristina gets in the back of   the car, not knowing she’s sitting just inches  away from an array of instruments of torture.  What we just described is based on a true story.  In fact, it’s based on many, many true stories   that happened between the years of 1992 and 2010.  This serial killer was so prolific it’s hard to   imagine he had much time to do anything else but  murder. He was so brutal in the way he murdered   it’s hard to fathom how his mind worked. What’s  shocking, is that he was never caught during the   time he committed those murders. He almost got  away with all of his utterly depraved crimes.   He was a cop after all…and by all  accounts, a great father and husband.  Ok, so what do we know about Popkov the kid? Did  he have some of the traits of some serial killers   to be: childhood abuse, extreme trauma, hurting  animals, arson or substance abuse? We can’t say   for sure. We know that he was born in Angarsk  on March 7, 1964. There is little said about   his childhood, although he’s claimed at times that  he suffered abuse by his mother. One thing’s for   sure, he had a problem with women, a big problem. We know that this bad lieutenant, the so-called   cannibal cop, married a woman named Elena, and  we know that they had a daughter named Ekaterina.   To them, Popkov was a doting father  and a loving husband. He was kind,   dependable, sweet. Although, much like America’s  notorious Green River Killer, Gary Ridgway,   he lived a double life. He’d be at his  daughter’s school musical performance one minute   and tearing a woman to shreds the next....Popkov  killed his daughter’s music teacher by the way.  He was a career cop with a family. He had a wife  who called him “a perfect husband and father”   and who after his arrest refused at first to  believe he was a killer. He was the guy next door,   the guy you appreciated living next door to  because he was a trusted member of law enforcement   that could be called upon in times of need. But something snapped when he was 28-years old,   1992, the year he committed his  first murder. Why did he do it?  That’s a difficult question, but it seems it was  because he suspected his wife had cheated on him.   One day he found two used condoms in their trash,  and this sent him over the edge. He wanted to get   back at loose women, rather than hurt his own  wife. After his arrest he said this, “I just had   some reasons to suspect her. I'm not looking for  excuses, but this was the impetus for my future.”  He started killing and doing  it in the most horrific ways.  On October 28, 1998, 20-year old Tatiana  Martynova and 19-year old Yulia Kuprikova   went out to a concert. They didn’t return home.  Their bodies were found the next day, torn apart,   showing the signs of abuse. They’d been drunk,  looking like they were having a good time.   For Popkov, this meant they were promiscuous, not  womanly in the way he’d like to see women act,   and so he raped and slaughtered them. At times he’d pick on prostitutes. As a   “missionary” type of killer he told himself he was  purging his small part of Siberia of bad people.   It’s the kind of excuse many of these types  of killers give so they can derive thrills   from their unbounded sadism. This is what  he once said about the women he murdered:  “They abandoned their husbands and  children at home and went out to party   as if it was the last day on earth.” Indeed, at times he would play a game,   a game of live or die. He’d get them in his police  car, a Lada 4x4, and ask them if they (A) wanted   to return home or (B) carry on the party somewhere  else. If they chose answer B, he’d take them   to a secluded place and do his worst. He once  said the women he chose were usually the ones   that showed him no fear. To him, they were the  most immoral. If they wanted to drink with him,   God forbid sleep with him, he killed them.  “Not all women became victims,” he said,   “but those of a certain negative behavior,  I had a desire to teach and punish.”  Most of his victims were women just having a good  night out, enjoying the springtime of their life.   As we said, one of his victim’s  was Katya's music school teacher.   When his daughter came home and asked him for  money to go towards her teacher’s funeral,   he gladly gave some to her. How messed up is  that, helping to pay for your victim’s funeral.  Over the years, mutilated bodies were being  found in Angarsk and the Irkutsk Oblast region,   but police never managed to secure a lead.  They were after all seeking one of their own,   a man who knew very well how to evade arrest. It  didn’t make matters any easier that his murders   may have covered some 2,423 miles (3,900 km). It wasn’t easy catching him.  For 18 years the bodies piled up. One time the  police found a woman whose head was missing.   Another time the victim’s heart had been torn  out (he later denied that). Some were stabbed   over a hundred times. Some victims were covered in  bite marks. This was a monster, make no mistake.  What seemed evident was the man used a  number of tools to kill and mutilate his   victims. We now know that those tools were  baseball bats, screwdrivers, knives, axes,   a hammer, and of course, his own snapping  incisors – hence the name, “The Werewolf”.  During the 1990s the cases piled up, but  there were also two cases in which women   managed to escape Popkov’s grasp. They each gave  statements to the Russian police, but still,   he wasn’t caught. He could have been, so easily. When he murdered 35-year old Maria Lyzhina and   37-year old Liliya Pashkovsaya he made a mistake.  After ditching the bodies his police ID fell out.   He went back to get the ID. It was there,  but so was a woman still breathing. “I was   shocked by the fact that she was still alive. I  finished her with a shovel,” he later testified.  Then there was Svetlana Misyavitchus, a 17-year  old survivor who Popkov saw walking alone one   evening. She said the day was bitterly cold,  and so when a police officer pulled up close   to her to offer her a ride she was grateful  and got in. Her heart sank and her pulse raced   when Popkov drove past the turn to her house.  He just kept going, driving towards the   wilderness. The next thing she remembered  was him smashing her head against a tree,   for what she later said felt like an eternity. She was naked, cold, bloodied, semi-conscious,   but she still managed to get away from him.  She ran and ran, a naked girl in the snow,   but unbelievably when she screamed  at passers-by no one helped her.  His dreaded car caught up with her. He got out and  beat her senseless, leaving her for dead. The next   day she woke up in a morgue. In her own words,  “I felt so cold. I woke up, sat down, and spotted   a label on the toe of a corpse next to me.” Later she identified Popkov in a photograph,   but after questioning, police took the  matter no further. His wife provided   a solid alibi, which of course was a lie. Misyavitchus and one other victim are the only   people to survive a Popkov attack. Her hair turned  gray and she developed a stutter after her ordeal,   such was the shock. Not only that,  she had some brain damage, frostbite,   and she was put on medication for syphilis.  After the attack, she developed what is called   a conversion disorder. The psychological trauma  led to motor disturbances and she couldn’t walk   very well. She recovered, but on seeing Popkov in  court some years later her legs failed her again.  This is an important part of the story, because  Misyavitchus was a virgin before that attack.   What that meant was that Popkov was infected  with syphilis from someone he had killed.  We know that he got out of the police  force in 1998, but the murders didn’t   stop then. He started working in security for  Angarsk Oil and Chemical Company, but didn’t   stop killing for at least another two years.  That’s what police originally thought anyway.  It was first believed he stopped the killing in  the year 2000 because his syphilis infection had   made him impotent. That’s one hypothesis, but  it must be remembered that he didn’t assault   all his victims. We should also say  that more recent reports state that   he carried on killing until the year 2010. What we do know is that in 2012 police were   onto something. They discovered that close to  many of the places where the bodies had been   dumped there were tire tracks, and often  those tracks belonged to a Lada Niva 4x4.   This kind of vehicle was often used by cops in  Siberia, so investigators asked 3,500 retired   and current policemen for DNA samples. It was all  downhill for him from there. He’d stopped killing,   thought he’d gotten away with it, and then  one day there was a knock on the door.  How many people did he kill? In his own words, “I can't   say exactly, I didn't keep a record.” First, he was convicted of 22 murders,   and he went down for them. But then there were  many more cases. In fact, he confessed to 59   more murders, the ones he could remember  doing. He took cops to the scene of the crime,   where he dumped the body, and gave them all  the details he could. Things all added up.  At 83 murders, he is said to be the worst serial  killer in modern times in Russia. The worst of all   time was the wealthy 18th century countess and  peasant killer, Saltichikha’, Darya Nikolayevna   Saltykova, who confessed to 138 murders. His tally makes him the third worst in the   world behind Colombian Luis “The Beast” Garavito  who murdered 138 children, and another Colombian,   Pedro Lopez, the “Monster of the Andes”, who  killed 110 people. Both men are suspected to   have killed many more. We should also say the  former British doctor, Harold Shipman, killed   at least 219 people, although medical murders are  sometimes said to be a different class of killing.  Popkov, the family man and devil next door,  was described by many people after he was   given a life sentence. One investigator  said of him, “He is charming and sociable.   Women like him but he is a beast inside,  and it is always hard to fight a werewolf.”  One person that worked with him on  the police force said she nearly   choked on her food when she saw his face in the  newspaper. She said he seemed like a decent man;   he liked to run biathlons, and he was even praised  for shooting a rapist while on the job. Another   person said he was the life and soul of the party. So, let that be a warning to us all. The organized   type of serial killer is often not what you’d  expect. They might be well educated like Ted   Bundy was, or they might hold down good jobs,  have loving families and look like Santa Claus,   like Richard Cottingham, aka, The Butcher of  Times Square. There’s an old saying they have   in Northern England that goes, “There's nowt so  queer as folk”, meaning, people can be strange,   stranger than they let on. No kidding. When his daughter was in her late twenties   she didn’t believe he did those things, or  was even strange. When he was behind bars,   she said, “We walked, rode bikes, went to  the shops, and he met me from school. We both   collect model cars, so we have the same hobby.” She said she wanted to become a criminologist, so   for a long time she read books on serial killers,  their classification, their various signatures,   how they worked, and she knew her pop couldn’t be  a killer. “I do not believe any of this. I always   felt myself as 'Daddy's girl,” she said, “Daddy  doesn't fit any of these classifications - he   doesn't look like some maniac.” Looks, as we’ve pointed out, can be deceiving.  Now go watch this, “The Most Evil Person in  the World - The Bikini Killer.” Or, watch this,   “How Serial Killer Profilers  ACTUALLY Catch Serial Killers.”
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 567,953
Rating: 4.946743 out of 5
Keywords: serial killer, siberia, russia, The russian werwolf, russian werewolf, worst, worst serial killer, the infographics show, evil, scary, russian
Id: n7zs6Kxpjus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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