4 Extremely Disturbing Interviews With EVIL People #2

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Ick. This channel sucks, he just gets a bunch of random stock footage or steals footage from copyright holders and then makes the most absurd assertions about it.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ModernStayAtHomeDad 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2019 🗫︎ replies
there is little more disturbing than hearing the confession of a matter sir from the teen who tested his mother's brand to the man who planned through its child China's on March 27th 2014 18 year-old Kevin Davis brutally murdered his mother 50 year old Kimberly hill in an interview he explained after he'd asked for her permission to commit suicide he was surprised that she will ultimately agreed seemingly because of this devasting killed her I tried to strangle it with the court with corporate video game console controller that didn't work she's sitting on the couch relaxing that didn't work out too well start screaming and so I went to her room over the drawers very bottom to the right from that shut down quickly so when you dragged her to the room yeah that was kind of silly but then I decide to reach in consciousness and no one did you do after that then I had sexual intercourse actually I'm in March 2015 car workers arrived at the house of 35 year-old Mitchell Blair to serve her an eviction notice however they instead discovered the bodies of two children of stuffed inside a deep freezer it was soon found that these were nine year-old Stephen Barry and his sister 13 year-old Stoney Blair Mitchell son and daughter letter and interrogation she claimed that four years earlier her youngest son had told her that Stephen had red team whatever the case Michelle proceeded to torture Stephen for the next two weeks strangling him with her belt important scalding water over his genitals as expected he eventually succumbed to his injuries and was placed in the freezer my mom sled tada Mitchell's son revealed that Stoney had ripped him as well because of this she starved beats and tortured her until finally she died sometime after can you talk me through the tough the type of abuse that you had to suffer as a kid you mean sexual abuse if that's what happened that definitely did happen to me that's why I know exactly how would it grew up I told my mother what happened to me and the only thing she said was it's over what do you want me to do about it look at me what I want you to do give it I'm saying so all I could do is go back and sit in my room and just sit there and look stupid I'm a kid and I'm just telling you what happened to me you didn't do about it and plus I still had to see the person coming in and out of my house we're still friends with that person so do you believe that the violent person you went on to become as you were a product of your own childhood I mean everybody have choices so I can't just blame all that my mom because I was still in the door and I searched trying hard to get over there but anybody who knows me that touching the kids and my lessons that no no so yeah that's the problem and this is what can happen to a kid like that goals and this is the part that really gets me I used to tell her rank was the worst thing you could do this Mickey I tell her all the time they used to make me feel like I was nothing it made me feel like I wasn't your turn I'm on you do that to my son you knew exactly what she was doing and she was exactly the talk she was doing to him so yes she I don't care for anybody think she had a go period why did you take the decision to pile the bodies on top of each other in a freezer what do you mean why did you do that well I only had one deep reason I mean take the decision to pile the bys on top of each other or she's gonna go but how did you conceivably sleep at night I slept well of course at first I cried it was dope because I had to let go all of that I'm doing my best Mitchell to listen to what you're saying however I need to know that you also accept that you had a number of other options open to you other than the extreme violence with which you decided to act what do you mean accept it you had a number of other options there were no other options oh I'm not playing crazy I wasn't in depression money no it's no excuse for rape period according to police reports you ordered your eldest daughter to physically lift the body of one of you - no I didn't tell her to lift the body can you remember what you want to talk about your surviving children though Michelle you didn't ever consider turning yourself in if my son told me that he did not want me to go after what happened well statement after I killed son do you really think I was about the time myself and because I heard hell no no no and you feel no remorse for that Oh what kill him again on December 2nd 2016 19 year olds leaned macchesney impressed and tailor-made their childhood friend Sarah Stein incredibly Williams confession of this murder was secretly captured by his former friend and finicky a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] because the two plus body over and then we you guys think you're gonna try these new things you're gonna change the change it just doesn't do it it's weird on April 12 2006 10 year-old Jamie Rosalyn went missing five days later her mutilated remains were found at the apartment of 26-year old Kevin ray Underwood Underwood had strangled Jamie to death and sexually assaulted her cops he'd then prepared to dismember her body with the final intention of eating the remains now for back to the plan he had the handcuffs of a duct tape yeah so what I was gonna do is I was going to uh you know I said get him in there strain him and then you know the after the sex it would turn kind of violent I'd started a kind of torture in the widow stuff like that how would you torture them sticking large objects in their heinous causing that pain that way the torture was kind of a light addition because at first I wanted the body to be pretty much unharmed because what I was going to do after that then was while they were still behind them gagged I was going to drape them over the bathtub and cut off their head and then hang them there and let the bought it all drain out and good drained out and I was gonna keep the body around for a couple of days it's gonna set the hand on my desk so could you like watch me and you know keep the corpse in my bed sleeping with it having sex with it for a day or two and then I was going to start butchering them cooking them and a hacksaw to cut open they had to get to the brain because I wanted to eat and the heart and some of the organs so I you know I pretty much planned all along to probably the kid just mainly because they'd be easier to grab and he's easier to get rid of after where it's smaller and you know put up less of the fight but did you find her attractive and then I really know she was kind of well she no no she said like she's almost involved she had like really thin hair really thinning hair and then you know she was a late chubby you know just kind of wasn't my type basically yeah when did you come up with Wednesday would be the day because of what I really wanted to do I you know I kind of planned it for that day but I mean I've been planning it for like every day for like a month pretty much the first time she came over before she went changed cause you know she stopped she saw me stand there you know she's like oh this is horrible I had to and I came home from school and realized I forgot my house keys and howlman had to go back and get him and if she was just complaining about how hot she was anyway she came downstairs and he was still you know she sounds there's nothing when it's just hot nothing good like a good you know nice glass of iced milk and she you know kind of chatted for a minute and then asked to come inside and see my rat again and she has sat there in the floor looking at my rat and it's kind of struggled with myself the whole time she was in there and was a struggling right wrong then we have a one or cunning yeah both that and you know not wanting to get caught I thought yeah it was partly because you know what you know I can't do this I don't want to do it then you don't want to do this and there's a little bit of fear like a but there doesn't my get call yeah yeah I mean yeah that was as part of the tube and I was like I better just knock her out you know knock her happy you know then restrain her while she's unconscious and finally I was just you know look either do it or tell her to get the hell out of the apartment you know and finally I did it and you know as soon as I hit her what is she saying to hit her that's something that's seen a haunted me ever since it happened to start yelling I'm sorry but yeah I'm just like you know what is she sorry for she didn't do anything for them it's maybe you're under limits should be sorry yeah she go and said she jumped she was yelling god I'm sorry you know you know let me go I won't tell and you know I mean after I hit her a couple times I finally said that you know jump up and grab her she was I couldn't believe how strong she was like barely held here to help I mean we've walked around my gut pretty bad carpet burns on my knees from it you know I mean we struggled it it took me probably 15-20 minutes to kill her then finally when she was I was pretty sure she was dead again I jumped up and grabbed the duct tape put it over her mouth and nose because I was getting tired pilot repentance or fur-clad and down under and so I was gonna drag her in there the living room could she you know big 4hf paper said she's like 110 pounds I was having a hard time you know flopping her over and rolling around and draggin her around and so I was like well it's a lot closer and I don't want to know she's already been dead maybe 15 10 15 minutes and so I don't want the blood to get all Kawai you ain't so I'm just gonna go ahead and drag her into the tub and behead her and have sex with her body so you you had trouble solar Hill yeah yeah it's trying to bring her where I was he I went you know God I guess to her spine I just sawed and sawed and sawed and could not get it lasted I was pretty much exhausted by him and I decided that hug so I'm going to try to get rid of the body but there was still bleeding too much and stomach contents were pouring out of the neck and so I was like well I'm gonna let it sit here for a few hours and coagulate some more so maybe I can move it without it you met me a bleedin everywhere so much so I just kind of went about my business with this I caused the don't work is you know the bad thing because like I said I was sick you know sick to my stomach that I'm doing this anything women you know see the girls and you had just said their computer for a couple hours you know talking to her I wasn't talking much to the other well then about that same time you know I was also I was talking to her but I was also occasionally stepping outside you know helping them look for the girl and then you know I said I was stepping out of there occasionally acting you know Mike I was keeping a watch for her in case you came back well that was gone and talking to the manager and all that stuff and you know I hope they find her say it was horrible it was kind of sudden that making myself look concerned and then you know I went sided finally finished cleaning up the body [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Dark Matter
Views: 3,686,023
Rating: 4.7739372 out of 5
Keywords: disturbing interview, disturbing interviews, 4 Extremely Disturbing Interviews With Killers, extremely disturbing interviews, extremely disturbing interview, disturbing interviews with killers, disturbing interviews with serial killers, 4 extremely disturbing interviews with serial killers, 4 extremely disturbing interviews, interviews with killers, interview with killers, extremely disturbing, disturbing, interview
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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