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how's it going dazzlers welcome back to dad's games and we're back with another horror game this one is more of a disturbing thriller i've heard but horrific nonetheless this game is called leftovers and apparently you're a young boy giving out food to his neighbors and each neighbor is more disturbing than the last and apparently there's a lot of like dark stuff in this game so i thought we'd check it out let's play the game all right oh someone's cutting some food we're making some food let's play leftovers oh all right well that seems pretty sad oh mama is that my mum boy i need your help please all right mum she's only 2d bless her what's up talk to mum i cooked too much today can you be a dear please and give the leftovers away to our neighbors okay so you need to respond by nodding or shaking your head using that's good to hear make your mummy proud okay don't be like your dad where is dad i put 10 boxes of leftovers in the bag beside you pick it up for me mum why are you amish oh i'm sorry for troubling you dear but mommy's busy with dinner i know i've taught you to never talk to strangers but well they're not strangers they're neighbors right you're not gonna let me down right no mom somebody's so [ __ ] paranoid what's wrong with you uh okay cartoons can wait i guess i'm going out by the way don't come back until you're done okay what what if they're not in oh my mom is a bit sinister hello i have some [ __ ] in a box oh oh god hello you must be the little boy from next door yes yes i am what brings you here right click to show the leftover what's this my mom told me to give it to you mmm my favorite well what is it please give my thanks to your parents for me by the way have you been a good boy don't nonce me don't announce me yes ah that's good to hear please continue to take care of your parents then well good night oh god that was deeply deeply unpleasant if what happens if i do come back i don't know i don't want to find out i'm too scared when mom's got our back to you and she's cooking some [ __ ] for the neighbors you don't argue all right level eight oh my god how many levels don't know how to be working for dominoes oh crap oh uh yeah hey man i got some your mom's leftovers no one wants that oh [ __ ] the bed wait are you the son of the beautiful chick on level nine yeah i'll be sure to savor this while it's still warm then ah that's my mum dude oh his ass where is this game oh what do you want um my chemical romance called they want their backing singer back what would you want oh i got i got some of this that smells delicious it is do i need to pay oh [ __ ] i'd get money um no i want an idiot what you know i live in a building of um [ __ ] i've discovered this why do we live here why does mom choose to live here all right let's try number seven sounds like someone's taking a shower i should come back later all right number seven's busy let's try this side what do you want kid i'm busy um i've got some food seriously yeah i guess this is somewhat tiring work you know what just leave it outside the door thanks all right oh okay i can put it here there you go we you could have just taken it but you know let's see if they're bet if they're done yet or if they're still no they're still taking a shower okay all right number seven just wants me to leave it so it gets cold my mom cooked that she's amish okay number six you know everyone is really prompt answering doors here oh oh my god it's karen aren't you an adorable one yeah what brings you here my mum why am i how foolful of you you must be tired from walking up and down the stairs how about you come in for a rest for a while do you know what i'm good should i say yes see what happens such supple skin yeah i just said no i just said no i promise to be gent what [Music] i just got molested mum but sorry mommy's really busy right now mom i literally just had my ass touched mom this is why dad left all right that's what i'm gonna say oh my god what i have to go all the way down why did i agree to go in what was i thinking what did i think was gonna happen i still left this thing out there is she out the shower yet should we check okay taking the longest shower in history but whatever wow um that was um oh god the door is still open i'm gonna i'm all right i'm just gonna get on with it wow looks like no one's home yeah living next to her no [ __ ] wonder all right let's carry on giving it what what even am i serving these people i don't want to talk to her she's going to bully me like in school all right well you got sense not to knock on that one no one's home okay as long as no one keeps being home that's that'll be fine okay that door's open [Music] oh okay there's your food what the f what the hell oh no mom the machine should be pissed yes mom no it's just oh i did everything that i shouldn't have done you know what dad is sounding a lot cooler than you right now that's all i'm gonna say mom jesus what building am i living in all right let's go all the way down to the bottom and then um what level will be on like level three or something that's still out there i think it's gonna end on level seven with that person in the shower here's the floor i got molested it's great no problem there keep going back down i think was it here was i here level four let's try again [Music] i can't knock on that one all right i think that's where the creepy boy was all right level three okay easy floor number two all right someone's here what do you want um i got some some stuff i've only caught me at the best timing possible i almost decided to just eat this little never mind thank you sorry we used to have a box of food down there but some school girl kept trying to steal it i guess she succeeded goodbye could that school girl be well the one that bullied me it was one to bully me right oh god it's making me nervous at who he's gonna answer oh [ __ ] what are you doing here boy i was fine little one i'm not hungry at all how about a chat instead i mean he's an old man isn't he like thank you it's been a long time since i had a chat you see my wife just passed away recently so it gets pretty lonely after a while especially in this place it gets you eventually for example i felt like it was only yesterday that i met my wife at the same time it felt like it was only yesterday that i held her lifeless body in my hands ah with a knife stuck in her throat i'm going to cut to the chase boy tell me do you think that is wrong for an innocent person to get murdered his eye just opened all right um yeah it's pretty [ __ ] up do you think anger is normal when someone hurts our loved ones [Music] yeah i guess you get angry do you think murders should be punished yeah then if you found your loved ones for example your mom is a murderer do you think she should be punished i mean my mom should be punished for sending me on this route absolutely so innocent oh seems that all is not lost come in and rest for it you know what i've i've had um i insist oh he's got a knife he's got a knife he's got a [ __ ] knife no i'll get her ah okay so he killed me restart conversation all right all right so we know now not to do that what is this game no chat no chat hey what's up onei joe um no please i insist thank you it's been a long time since no is he gonna get me i'm gonna throw all right i have to answer these properly do you think that it is wrong for an innocent person to get murdered i'm gonna say no i see so the son of the devil is finally upon my doorstep killed me chop me up so i'm gonna skip you i don't like you what the hell is that well there's a box what's this no one's home all right someone's here oh she seems normal oh hey there's rumored tradition whenever a new neighbor moves in i can't say yes any more than i am oh she likes it i never experienced this before what's this dish called i'm sorry i don't want to sound ungrateful but it looks so slimy thanks i guess what what what what is it what does she see is my mother serving to people all right i guess i gotta try and survive that old man right let me try again i'm going to agree all right so i said no to my my mom being punished that's all for now i can entertain this old man all right i got away with it okay so i shouldn't punish my mum is what i answered to him all right let's go back up the stairs and see if i can get into some of these other apartments i don't think anyone's home on level three which is fine but i know that the bully and the one in the shower are still not here let's keep going let's try and find we got two more to deliver it's been a tough day oh crap oh yeah that's the bully all right well if it isn't little cry baby what are you gonna do here about your mummy and daddy is that food i can smell give it to me finally getting some common sense you think someone's stealing their food just one more to go all right um i've hidden it away i'll teach that man a lesson he dog licked me the other day how disgusting his dog will probably starve to death any time now don't think about ruining my plan all right well she said that she hid it um i'm pretty sure what to do oh level six oh god terrible things happened on level six that we will never forget who the f hey you're from level nine yeah i am oh she seems really nice oh well your mom really made this yes she did i just have to know her recipe where she's calling hi here it's me laura my mom's name is hilary yeah okay just handed it to me you know i was very lucky man to have you cooking for him every day huh what do you mean was i let me guess you finally [Laughter] what he's cheating on her with laura what do you mean that's not what you meant [Music] psycho [ __ ] you better not move kid i need to go home to mummy oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my god oh jesus [ __ ] christ ah [ __ ] i'm gonna die i'm gonna die today i'm gonna die ah [ __ ] she stabbed me let's restart chase okay fine i'm going just just just go just go just go it's crazy [ __ ] i thought she was nice i thought she was nice right i'm home oh my god mom good job dear very proud of you now go to your room and go to bed mommy got some leftover business to take care of wait she cut up her husband and fed him to the neighbors didn't she oh i was delivering my dad to the neighbors this game was uh it reminded me of like fran bro some of the older school games that you know used to be like very dark and didn't shy away from such themes it did it shocked me this one i love the art style i love the tension like i love the twist at the end it was just great guys i hope you enjoyed today's video like i've crossed my channel i'll see you in the next one stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 3,682,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: P1Dgj5C8PQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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