Play This Game If You Dare | Buckshot Roulette

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how's it going dazzlers welcome back to DZ games and we are back with I don't even know if this is a horror game this has been blowing up on Tik Tok and across YouTube past couple of weeks and you guys have been screaming at me to play this game it's called Buckshot roulette it's a Russian Roulette themed game based on the premise that some of the cartridges in the gun are loaded some of them are blanks but the game is apparently amazing and there are two no modes in the game I believe I'm going to try the first basic mode um and then if you guys enjoy this video apparently there's a an extra mode that they've added in they' just updated it and I'll play that in another video if you guys want to see more I I'm actually really excited this is a little bit different this is not quite a horror game this is something new let's go all right this is it Buckshot roulette I'm very excited to play this game and see what all the fuss is about let's go okay oh I'm in a toilet what's this can sh PS not recomended for the first playthrough okay all right I'm not going to do drugs in the bathroom okay I can go through this door where the hell are [Music] we oh I like this game okay do I talk to him do I go and dance we're going into a shady back room this is where all the oh ooh please sign the waiver okay what am I signing do I get to read it what the is this okay I got to type my name I don't want to give my real name for this who can I blame it on Lind she can take the wp for it I don't need this all right all right I take it that's round one dealer and Linda One Life round found in two blanks okay oh okay shooting yourself with a blank skips the dealer turn so if okay all right so if I shoot myself and it doesn't go off I steal his turn is that what it is oh my god oh okay do I just do I die if I shoot myself n it's loaded I'm going for him boo okay those are lives okay so now there's one blank and one like what's he going to do oh my God oh my God so I can just kill him now I can just kill him can I press anything else no okay okay oh I wonder who Thomas the rank engine wait oh no there was two oh I could have stole his round I didn't even see what was in there was it three oh ah so if there's a blank round left and you know there's a blank round left you can steal their turn oh I'm going to go for me I'm going to go for me let's go all in let's go all in that was bad that was a bad decision okay right all right I get it now I get it okay I can see why this is addictive so what was it three shells in there and two were live I'm going to die oh God I'm going to kill him I'm going to kill him I'm so excited right pick it up sup got one life left I'm dead I don't want to lose this game lucky I left with with a charge get up Linda night is young okay what do we start again cuz I'm not losing I'm not losing the pill are gone all right should we try this again what is the whole mysterious guy why is he here helping me is there like a story behind this or are we just playing classic Russian Lo roulette okay welcome back all right we're still on the first round right okay so two blanks one life okay now now now there's two blanks so the odds are I'm not going to kill myself the odds are with me in this one I'm not going to do Fair ra at this game I am not going to do well well they he knows that there's two blanks so he's just going to do that skip his turn ah okay so he's not that smart so now if I use this on myself I know there's a blank left so technically I get his next turn is that how it is three live rounds two blanks okay I'm now going to shoot it oh crap now it's got to be my turn right because I I stole his turn yeah I'm going to shoot you right in your ugly face that's impossible that's impossible now he's going to shoot me now he's going to shoot me and I'm going to be out cuz I've got one life left no there's nothing left oh no that means I have dead though because I'm going to shoot him look and then it's his turn and there's there's two live left in there so yeah he's now going to shoot me and I'm going to die no he's not the dumb can he not do basic math I guess it's like the first round so like yeah Linda wins I mean I won that technically Linda's Just DE all right phase two let's make this a little more interesting is he going to be more intelligent as the game goes on two items each more items every load okay what is that I don't know what that is and a magnifying glass okay I don't know what they do it might tell me oh four lives one live one blank if I oh wait he's got like a bit all right what does this do check the current round in the chamber oh my God take the edge off regain one charge okay so that you get one life back all right oh my God these powerups actually add so much to it I'm looking him that looks fake to me so I'm going to steal his turn and then I get another go right yeah so now I'm going to ace him with this one boyah a that magnifying glass power up is amazing okay so I'm winning I'm currently winning next round and we get items each turn Okay so I've got more of those oh General release of flyability what was that name God what was that it said God on that paper all right two two so the odds are pretty much hared okay what does the beer do you rack the shotgun ends round on last shell what you rack the shotgun ends round on last shell I don't know what that means there's loads of other ones as well all you know what I'm going to go for it I'm going to go for it boom all right yes success he's now got two left I've still got all four more in my lives oh right he's going to light one of those which gives him a life back okay and a beer I I don't quite understand what the beer oh it ejects a shell oh my God and now we're drawing again okay all right so that means the lot he is more intelligent he knows okay oh my God this is so good handcuffs about to get kinky on this room two sets all right what do the handcuffs do oh three live rounds and two blanks okay I don't like that he has to load it though dealer skips the next turn it let's lose it lose it use it okay so he cannot go next turn so there's three two I mean I've got like two of these I can get my lives back I'm going to play a little bit riskier a but he skips the next turn right I still got to I'm going to save those two okay let's go for it yes all right so that's there's now one live and two and two blanks in there there's only one life and he knows it and he's handcuffed me what does the knife do oh wait what that's fine I've got I've still got oh it takes two off cuz it makes it more deadly cuz it's a short right I all right so that's what the knife oh no I'm dead all right so he stolen my turn but that means I'm free and I have the right now to use those two all so got more handcuffs and another beer okay so three three three for all okay I need to use both of my I'm going to smoke one of these because damn and I'm I'm also going to do that one as well I need all the lives I can get now I need to even the score okay and I'm also I'm going to drink a beer and eject one of these out of there to even the odds all right so there's now two fakes and three real bullets in there let's do it I'm going to shoot him damn it there's only one there's only one fake there's only one fake oh no he's going to handcuff me isn't he yeah I knew it I knew it oh that means he's got two shots on me which won't kill me it's fake there's now they're all real oh he's stupid he's stupid I'm going to handcuff him and shoot him twice and win this round right so give me that cuz there's two real bullets in there so I've now got two turns and I'm just going to use them both on him and end his life boom okay oh wait he's Oh I thought I had two I've got one of those knives oh he's screwed now and I've got a lens all right that's power I've got a powerful layout on my table holy five and two okay I five and two right I'm going to look what's in there it's live okay I'm going to get this and I'm going to end his day I didn't even need to do that I just wanted to cuz I know what's in there bye all right we won round two woo and if we die do we come back to the same round or do we have to go all the way back to the beginning cuz I want to get to the end of this all right skull and crossbones round three and last we arrive at the final showdown oh my God I'm actually quite nervous no more defibrator no more blood transfusions now me and you we are dancing on the edge of life and death I don't think a defibrillator though would replace a shotgun wound to the face oh what is going on I don't know what all that stuff four items each okay I got a knife cool I'll be using that handcuffs magnifying glass all right that's a good load out what has he got oh he's got two knives oh wait you know the drill all there's only one bullet in there that's real our lives are like a little bit I think we got four and they seem a bit do I go for it I'm not going to use anything yet I'm going to hope and pray damn it damn it I risked it all I risked it all and now he's going to take two off my health I do have a pack of cigarettes though Bo said no more defibrillators though okay so he's used his knife taking two off me and I still oh okay right here we go I need some more cigarettes oh okay I I have a lot of options now to look at what I've got he's got loads of knives that's the problem 4 four basically okay so I'm going to take my lives back give me my lives back so we're we're back on open playing field okay and I'm going to use one of these see what's in there all right it's loaded with a red so I'm going to handcuff him I'm going do as much damage as I can so I know that there's red in there I'm going to take two off of his life I've used most of my power ups now this is uh this is a problem but he does have two pack of cigarettes and three knives okay that's gone he's also his next turn is now mine because he's still handcuffed so I'm going to look again as I got so many magnifying glasses and it's red so I'm going to take more off of his life cuz if it was green then I would have just like stolen his next turn as well all right so now he's going to use all these cigarettes and try and get back up there but technically I should still be winning he should have one life yeah he should have one life less than me but that's forced him to use his [Music] cigarettes right he's now going to look very interesting all right so he now knows what there is so yeah he's going to skip the turn okay okay he's going in for it y prct to that so now I don't even know what's in there now I do have a magnifying glass may as well use it all right it's green okay so I'm going to use this to like make my turn count and steal his next turn oh I don't even know what's in there I think I don't know I'm going to go for it yeah I should have used it on myself I wonder if you do two in a row if you actually get I'm going to die damn he's played this one really good so these two I guess I don't get revived on those ones maybe are you ready I don't know what what does that mean so I have nothing now I don't know what it is I'm going to go for the beer I think I was a best move to do cuz I didn't know what was in there all right I can get some lives back I'm going to need all of these please handcuffs great and a knife all right that's quite a solid load out I think three two all right so three live two false all right give me some lives back I don't know if I can actually use it now no I can't use them all right may as well go all in and just I don't know I don't know how I'm going to use this um oh God do is it live is it [Music] not use the knife okay we're going to see if this one's the real deal oh no a I failed haven't I okay well it's still there it's got It's got to it's got to be a red it has to be yeah but I didn't get him down to his other lives he's got so much more than me as well oh we eject is one of those oh I think all that's yeah ah okay so he has the next go but I can't use any I can't gain back any lives so these like cigarettes and stuff are useless damn it all right four okay yeah I just can't use these it doesn't do anything like I don't know what to do oh he's got a magnifying glass as well okay I'm going to get him down to his last life I'm praying as there are more lives in this one that this is not a fake yes all right that's taking two off is he down to his this is it there are no more lives he's trying it as well he going to work mate oh my God we're neck and neck we're neck and he's ejected one of the lives he's doing everything he can oh he's going to look so he knows oh I'm doomed cuz he's got a magnifying glass so now he knows yeah he's going to finish me off in style I knew it a no no what the hell oh wait where the hell am I I mean hell all right no do I go back to the other round or do I start from the beginning right let me see [Music] all right I actually get the chart I keep going back to this one I'm going to get to the end and I'm going to try and beat him okay play it smart so much of this is luck I have to see I have to see the ending where I beat him like there's nothing else for it all right one all right I'm going to risk this I'm going to try and get some luck on my side and I'm going to go and steal his turn okay I'm going use one of these it use that one so if I use that on myself again do I get two turns or do I just keep skipping his so now I know that I can chop that off just take two of his to begin with he hasn't got any cigarettes either that was well played I think that works out to my advantage that risk I took at the beginning paid off so he now has two he doesn't have any cigarettes but he does have some handcuffs and that's the end of the round cuz all the bullets are gone okay well played well played strong round for me great love the magnifying glasses okay and I've got some lives on the table as well all right basically equal four four live four fake okay so I [Music] need I'm going to handcuff him okay so I got like two turns and I'm going to look it's a dud so I'm going to use that on myself now I think the mag find glass might be a bit like overpowered I'm going to use the other one and it's live okay so I'm now going to use this one on him he still doesn't have any lives on the table and get him down as low as possible there you go one more and he is down oh yeah he still doesn't have may as well eject that I did eject a li that was probably stupid on my behalf okay right now he's already in the second round he is down to his final life and I still have all of mine and I've got two lives on the table there you go see I'm I'm still full second round right he's got to have a look now because he's got he can't can't get any more lives back but I don't think he has enough to win yeah he's going to do everything he can I've still got two lives though oh my God he's taking everything he killed himself I won I didn't lose any lives all right this is the winning ending I take it whoa what is that oh boy I'm going to the [Music] Bahamas and I took the gun with me what the okay so it is a really Grim ending and happy end congratulations Linda I mean Daz want that oh damn what an infectious game that was amazing that was so much fun and addictive and so simple and like the gifts adding in those gifts just added so much strategy to the game and you know what else they need in this game they need multiplayer online okay they need this type of game online with another person who's not like a silly AI another thinking person who will you and it it be it's like a game of chess I love that I love that premise I want to see more from Buckshot roulette guys let me know what you thought of this game I thought it was awesome like love cross my channel and I'll see you in the next one stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 396,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, daz black, HORROR, SCARY, LAUGH, COMEDY, DAZ GAMES, humor, daz watches, amazing
Id: wCN3wS0ICc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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