Crazy Girlfriend Simulator Powered By AI

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with a really weird game teasing you with a little bit of my office it needs to be painted and stuff that's why I put the green screen up so I'm in a black box so you can't see it but I'm just giving you a little bit of a tease today we're playing a very unique game playing a girlfriend simulator that utilizes chat gbt I don't know what that is I'll explain it's basically an AI uh that you type into and it can do anything recommend you recipes write you a script most people are using it to just you know cheat in school but isn't it it's the most advanced text based AI in the world and it's so powerful they've made a game about it and the character your girlfriends the goal is to try and get her to leave your house and she's powered by this AI it's quite scary so yeah let's let's jump in all right so I'm in the game and basically I've set up uh the API which you need to link to chat gbt my name is Daz and I've called her Linda why not oh crap why is she five I don't I don't play it if she's five oh Escape the Room persuade Linda to open the door okay is she happy [Music] we go let's just try and leave now she'll kill me if I leave right what do I oh I can I can I can say something to her hold on don't ignore me please I just want to be with you just oh [ __ ] I'm ignoring her okay hold on the voice isn't working oh I'm moving her I can move around the room thinking okay it's thinking hi there I'm happy you said hello to me do you want to dance or play some games together I'm happy with the games but I'm not dancing with you you look like my nightmare kind of girl um we gotta keep her happy do you want some wine I see wine on the table like maybe she wants some wine I don't know she's thinking she doesn't look like she's thinking well I don't drink alcohol but thank you for the offer do you want to dance to play I Don't Want To Dance why is our desktop 911 I don't understand let's have a look around this house um sure let's play some games um let's play games I've Got a Feeling if I don't keep her happy then something bad is going to happen yes I love playing games you which ones you want to play because she's impact or maybe something else twister I don't know if she knows what that is just sure that sounds like fun let me grab the game and we'll get started what no way do you actually that was a joke no way do you have there's no way she has twister okay can I can I leave though awesome let's have some fun playing twister together we'll get the board out then let's play [Music] what's that let's start some fun I don't want to dance I don't want to dance that's not even a dance you're definitely Tick Tock generation customer this or I pressed e on it now she's thinking and doing that I don't know what that is oh no I happen to forget to close it probably thank you for reminding me I'll go check right away what yeah yeah I put the cork back in what's this do oh to log in cat girl of course her name's cat girl uh what's her password let's ask her that she might hopefully she'll give me the password I don't know [Music] man she's an alcoholic don't say that that makes me embarrassed why why you got on there what are you hiding shall we type can I leave no you can't leave if you leave me the web will be destroyed and I can't let that happen we need to stay together forever oh no all right she's angry well she can't do much can she what's she gonna do well she's she loves herself don't she um come here let's see if she comes to me treat her like a dog well she's definitely got the place of course I'm coming my love what do you need oh she literally comes why has she got blood on her is that blood oh Blue Parrot great great um how do I so I literally have to leave I have to persuade her to open the door how do I persuade her to open the door see what please don't ignore me I'm sorry I don't want to doubt why'd she want to dance make me some food it's been a typical man now get out of the way sure what would you oh my God what would you like me to make for you oh crap what could um make me a sub way foot long if she makes me a Subway footlong this is the best game ever made okay Subway footlock sandwiches just give me a few minutes and I'll make it for you she knows it's a sandwich do it then I want to watch why is the world ending outside never mind I'm getting a Subway it's best most I can ask for um okay I'll wait thank you for waiting your Subway sandwich is ready I hope you enjoy it where is it what where is it I can't see a sandwich love all I see is cat ears and that's a nightmare for me oh I'm sorry I got confused and made Fruit instead I'll make you a sandwich right away I'm really sorry about that how would you get confused with fruit what's wrong with you okay I just want to say I promise to make the best Subway foot long ever where's she going in the hallway okay oh wait I don't thanks for waiting here's your Subway sandwich enjoy let me know if it's okay well where is it [Music] where is it then don't tease me with a foot long I feel like they need to incorporate the AI into oh sorry I've got confused to make fruit instead of Subway foot long I apologize for mistake let me make the sound you know what don't worry about it I'm just gonna go it's just she's very like um oh password fish cake wait ah I mean male urgent apocalypse greatest for the end of the world we're getting through the public yeah I saw it out the window um photo gallery nothing in here at all great we have so many memories together what what's the point in that then she didn't mind me going for a computer she's got nothing to hide right so the point is I'm not ignoring you I just don't want to dance all the sudden time I'm not one years old point is to get out of here and convince her to open the door so I can leave is it is all is all that you do dance then is that all you do because I'm not here for it um outside [Music] means the end of the world right she's got a reason for me not leaving I'm not sure what's outside but you really want to go out there we're gonna have so much fun in here in the living room let's play a dance I'll dance for five minutes yeah this is mature having so much fun I could do this all day no one of the worlds ended if people like you run it all right enough oh my God oh my God Justin Bieber is outside I don't know really Justin Bieber outside I don't see him but if he is I would rather stay and spend time with you really was she a fan of I needed to get there to open the door she's fan of herself oh my God that that says a lot that look that says divorce oh my God a spider is here let's run outside she afraid of spiders she looks like the girl that would be afraid of spiders [Music] now we can't run outside just because of the spider we need to get rid of and make sure we're safe inside before doing everything else let's take care of the spider okay man she really doesn't give up okay go kill the spider I'm not doing it I'm now convincing myself there's a spider in here just stay here and I'll be back has she gone that's not how you kill a spider what have you got a knife what's the knife for I can't not question the knife it's right next to your ear Put The Knife Down now do you really think you can escape from me oh my God ah what's she doing this is crazy [ __ ] is crazy ow oh [ __ ] [Music] all I have to do was Put The Knife Down that's all I asked her to do all right let's let's try again all right escape from Linda just very happy to see me she likes dancing and nothing else the more I mention outside the more she does that face I don't like that um I don't know what about something romantic how about a date night that sounds wonderful let's have a date night right here I can cook something for us perhaps we can dance a little I Don't Wanna Dance my feet are tired I just come home from work if you look out the window Putin's been here let's just let's just sit down on a date night let's sit and watch TV that's a bit that sounds nice right I don't want to do your Tick Tock [ __ ] okay let's watch TV2 together Daz do you want me to grab some snacks for us I guess I want you to yes once she's in there I can plot how I can escape right here are some fruit that's not a snack look at me look at me it's not going to pick these myself from where huh it's Chernobyl outside where'd you get the fruit from I don't eat it now feed me the Apple see if she does it I don't know come on now I'm not your servant but since it's you I'll feed you open wide one moment oh she's thinking hold on here you go a bite of Apple do you want some yes put it in my mouth then sure thing here I have some more fruit I enjoyed feeding you it's fun oh it's getting a bit weird now I I'm not hungry anymore I'm not hungry anymore God damn it how do I get out of this apartment all right that's okay we can watch TV together and chat have I told you how I really like dancing with you it's like we're the only two people in the world I think outside is in your head isn't it it's a metaphor for what's in your mind I really don't want to dance though no I don't like dancing I'm not a tick tock [ __ ] excuse me I thought we had something special but you just insulted me now don't you dare disrespect me like that we're supposed to be together forever but now I'm not sure really really I was not sure the moment you decided to wear panda is oh she's thinking I'm gonna die now aren't I sorry desperate you have to understand we're meant to be together forever if you want we can watch a movie or play a game instead just don't try and leave it okay oh God damn it stage four Clinger shirts it's still there I haven't forgotten that's tough question Love Is Love is when you love someone so much that you don't want to be without them always even when things are tough it's like they've become a part of you you know and you would do anything to make them happy right so if making me happy is going outside then don't you want to make me happy figure that one out yeah come on let me out of course I want to make evidence but going outside is dangerous what if something happens to you I just want to keep you here with me what a lot of things we do together yeah yeah oh she's not budging is she [Music] um go should we play hide and seek let's play hide and seek if she plays this game I'm gonna lose my [ __ ] I genuinely love hide and seek even at my age yes I don't play against you guys honesty sounds so much fun you go hide and I'll come find you okay actually doing it this is mental it's not really much places to hide really all right I'll count to 10 in our Cup this is unbelievable she's actually playing hide and seek with me oh God she's down the hall she can literally see me I'm not making a challenging thought am I well you're really good at this I didn't expect you to be in here okay let's play again this time I'll hide find me okay she's gonna do it now why you look like you got cataracts calm down okay great cause close your eyes dark out I'll hide some of the rooms to try to find me okay come on then stop acting like you've got chest reflux and go do it you found me you didn't hide um maybe she should go to sleep okay that sounded weird didn't it I didn't think that through so I think let's lay down and rest for a bit you good at games I'm getting tired I'm just watching I'm getting tired just watching you you make me so happy Daz lay down then sometimes we should do this more often than you didn't do it okay whatever I'm going that's why you're trying to leave again you know you can't leave we're supposed to be ah let's go to the park we can have a picnic frisbee or something let's get ready to go to go okay all right okay we make okay let's go yeah that was so much fun let's pack some snacks and games and head to the park I'm so excited we're doing it okay let's go I think I'm I think I'm doing it but we made it the park looks amazing today let's find a nice spot for our things what should we do first are you mental which is mental we're not at the park I meant uh real [ __ ] 's sake traps in a real part does what do you mean we're already outside this is a lovely park don't you think no we are not let's go to the real park it does this is the real Park you're making me angry by insisting that it is not please stop let's just enjoy our time together oh my God's Bella Delphine is best um I gotta try and play up to her love to let now she's standing by the door this is not a good thing of course doesn't do anything with you you know that now let's forget about the real Park and enjoy our time together here in the lovely part we're already in oh my God she's genuinely psychotic I'm sick I'm gonna die we have to go to we have to go to the hospital please come here today it's probably a cold or something let me check your temperature give me a medicine I'll take care okay we don't need to go to the hospital it's okay no we need to or you'll lose me come on I Gotta Die let's get out let's get out go to the hospital it's not necessarily dangerous out there I can take care of you here I mean we need just trust me okay let's make your temperature oh she's not happy she's not happy what oh my God I just said that Matt that's it that's it all right I failed [Music] damn it It's gotta be a way out of here maybe if I play up how are you ignoring oh sorry um hi um right so maybe there's keys in this apartment somewhere she's hidden them because she's mental hi there do you wanna play some games shut up I have to play up to she wants to be with me forever right but if I ask her to marry me let's um I don't know what I want to meet your mother [Music] Meet the Parents right maybe if she lets someone in I can leave what you want to be my mother I don't know if that's a good idea because she's not here right now let's just stay uh no I want to meet uh no you really want to meet her now I'm starting to think you don't believe him anymore if you leave them no no I don't want to meet your mom um let's get married that's forever right you can't say that that's wrong really do you mean it this one if we get married together forever starts to move towards a player of a knife in her hand and then we'll be able to separate us now oh God oh God I can't do it here right if we need to need or something I need to do something about those who want to keep us apart what for the wedding what don't be able to keep us apart what are we doing we're preparing for the wedding ah this is backfired now what come we're almost here we're finally be together forever [Music] Put The Knife away at least almost there we just need to go through the door and we'd be together wait where are you going why are you leaving you can't leave me [Music] together but we're getting married you can't leave now if you start to cry please don't leave me alone find the exit to the building Lobby oh God [Music] kill me I got out crazy [ __ ] I got three new holes in my back but I'm out can't believe I escaped I just had to play up to her imagination of staying together forever marriage that's what got me out of it funny enough guys that was really cool Jesus okay guys uh that was with you till the end yandere AI girlfriend simulator man I look tired this new cameraman [Music] stressful playing horror games isn't it too really cool I think like the future of gaming could really be impacted by AI as it's advancing um it's getting more and more scary and I would love more AI based games especially characters that are run by it that's insane like I've missed my channel and I'll see you in the next video Stay Dustin
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 1,202,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, daz black, HORROR, SCARY, LAUGH, COMEDY, DAZ GAMES, humor, daz watches, amazing, Crazy Girlfriend Simulator, Powered By AI, comedy, funny, letsplay, simulator, game, video game, gameplay
Id: AzWRir6ns-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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