Most dangerous ways to School - OIMJAKON (Russia)
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Channel: Free Documentary
Views: 1,104,472
Rating: 4.8672266 out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Documentaries, Full documentary, HD documentary, BBC documentary, adventure, kids, children, school, siberia, asia, snow, russia, oimjakon, freezing, ice, nomad, reindeer, journey
Id: 5HXXJg4vDF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 6sec (2886 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Schools only close if the wind chill reaches -40C (which also happens to be -40F) in my school district (Alberta, Canada).
This is not "a" town in Russia.... This is all schools in the artic circle in Russia.
Growing up in Canada I remember in grade 12 I had 2 days where it was to cold to go to school (-45 ish with the wind chill). Dad said great now you can help me build a corral for the cows.
In Minnesota they didnt cancel class until it got down to -55 (including windchill).
At least, back in the 80's that was the policy. Today I dont know.
I Fairbanks the kids have outdoor recess until -30. We saw -64 in Healy and the kids had school on Monday at -55.
Why would you live in a place like this?!
I went to high school in northern MN. The principle would only close school if the actual temperature was -40 at sun rise. Otherwise, she'd just delay school for 2 hours to keep the buses from gelling up too bad.
Sounds kind of like north dakota