You CAN'T wash your OWN CAR in China!

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So there's no way you can wash your car go to car detailing place. Let's go. Let me show you how it's done How much it cost? And what you can expect? You can't wash your own car in China Sounds ridiculous. I know but there are many reasons why. My car is filthy. I've been away for over a month. so I've just been to the ATM to withdraw money because unlike many places in the West There is no such thing as free parking here in China. Okay let's give it out. A thousand and twenty. Wow, that was expensive. That's pretty much worth about I don't know a tenth of the car this thing is Literally, just not worth anything these days I did buy new but you know it's a Chinese car and they don't really appreciate that's one of the drawbacks of Owning a car here in China is the fact that you personally have to pay for parking like everywhere. There's no exception. Doesn't matter where you get a park, where you drive to, you always pay for parking and it doesn't even matter What type of city it can be a first, second, third tier city doesn't matter. You still have to pay? Man anyway, I'm over it. Now. That was just a bit of a dent to the wallet Why can't you wash your car in China? It's quite simple. There are no driveways. There's no well there are no garden hoses, and there's just no space. We also don't have any Self-Service car washes here in China pretty much you want to get your car washed There's only one option that is to go to like a car detailing place Or a car wash and although they're fairly reasonably priced. It is annoying that you can't actually for instance on a Sunday just go and wash your own car because that's part of car ownership. Thing is... the whole owning a car thing here in China is... still new as, you know, it's an underdeveloped thing. It hasn't matured and... it's only the... Generation this current generation or the first generation to ever realistically own cars. Right. I'm pulling up to one of these car detailing places here. Yeah, alton alley. We have teacher. I was young enough sit on Damar potato Okay, I'm going to leave them to it. I'm going to hop out now. Y'all so bye Julie. Oh So there is there is my filthy car. It's absolutely disgusting. Since I've left it down there a lot of people have obviously open and closed their car doors into it. That's very normal for China. A couple more dings and dents. Yeah, as you can see it's just absolutely terrible. Now these car detailing places are often very cheap here in China and once again the reason for that is... Well first of all they're in popular demand since nobody has the time, the place or the facilities to wash their own cars. But secondly of course, it's all down to labor. Cost of labor here in China is incredibly cheap. And so you'll find that these guys, you know they earn a very basic salary, but they don't get paid by the hour. They don't get any kind of sort of "labor fee". so you'll normally get away with paying anywhere between 20 to 50 RMB depending if you go to a posh place or not for a basic car wash and of course... a vacuum and all that kind of thing inside. You can if you want to pay exorbitant amounts to get sort of waxing and all the other stuff done as well. But you know, especially with a car like that. You don't want to be spending any real money on it. So as they were moving my car from the washing station to the drying station... I noticed that one of my brake lights was, in fact, blown. So I asked them to get me a new brake right or "Dēngpào" as it's called in Chinese And you know that's what's nice about these car wash places these detailing places. They usually carry a fair amount of spare parts. You know basic things like light bulbs. They carry car batteries, oil. That kind of thing. So you know they can usually fix all these little bits and pieces as you need them. So inside the car wash is to get these little rest areas where they sell, you know... little trinkets for your cars, air freshener, things like that. Very similar to the rest of the world. Usually they have a Chinese tea table though, which is a little different. Let's go take a look. Okay. Well, that's that. Way nicer than before. That was pretty awesome. Unfortunately, like I said. Can't do anything about all the horrible dings and dents that have been left here. Just by parking it. So that's another one of the things they have to watch out for in China is... well... don't buy an expensive car. You're just gonna cry. Nice exactly bye So guys that's it. The be all and the end all. It cost me... what? 70 RMB. It was 50 RMB for the car wash. They did a fairly good job. That is pricey by the way. Please remember that I live in a first-tier city. If you live in a smaller city you'll be paying around 20 maybe 30 RMB for the same sort of job. They charged 20 for the replacement bulb in the light of the back. That's fair. I must stress to everyone out there. If you're planning on owning a car in China, rather don't. It made sense to me years ago. But now it's just a burden. As you can see, I have to pay money for parking. That never stops. I have to also, you know, keep the thing running, and you know keep registering it in all that and Especially in the big city the public transport here is fantastic. When I lived far out of the main city it made a lot of sense of a car of another to live Inside the main city it makes no sense at all. I can just take the metro to go you know pretty much everywhere Anyway, that's it for this one guys. I hope you found it informative. I can't wait to see you all in the next video and until next time you know the drill. As always... stay awesome!
Channel: serpentza
Views: 1,441,044
Rating: 4.6763086 out of 5
Keywords: washing your car in China, cleaning your car in China, owning a car in China, serpentza, Chinese car wash, china how it is, wash, Chinese cars, car ownership in china, winston sterzel, living in china, chinese, shenzhen, Chinese car repair, restrictions, communist china, China, bad drivers, asian drivers, car, Chinese detailing, car registration, car service, Chery, auto parts, automotive oil, automotive performance, automotive parts, performance parts, oil, petrol, petroleum, gas
Id: XQK13IAJi54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2017
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