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or I say anything make sure you get your snacks and drinks make sure you're sitting somewhere comfortable because this is going to be one of the greatest siege battles you will ever witness if not the greatest siege battle that's right I'm not even kidding this battle was amazing it was so much fun it left me on the edge of my seat the entire time and I promise you it will do the same to you the ending is unbelievable but it's not just the ending that makes the battle so good it's the entire battle from start to finish at the very beginning I'm one of the defenders and we are heavily outnumbered and we fight for every single inch of this settlement tooth and nail we fight to defeat such a larger force let me just show you real quick look at this look at this balance of power we have seven thousand nine hundred they have 14 thousand six hundred it's pretty much a two-to-one ratio and we have to make sure we use every single unit every single soldier must fight to their their full potential if we want any chance of coming close to winning this battle whoo I promise you guys you will not regret clicking on this video it's just one of the greatest battles I have ever fought in and it's just one of the you know this was such a spur of the moment I was like you know what let me hop on I'm gonna play with my YouTube members and do a quick siege battle and it ended up being just amazing so shout out to all the players who were involved you guys were awesome this was such a great match I am playing with mr. Brunswick on my side and another fellow named dagger mr. Brunswick has a YouTube channel it's linked in the video description he's our great youtuber and he's also going to be uploading his perspective of this battle and I promise you guys when you finish this video you are going to want to watch the battle again so check out his channel again linked in the video description we are playing on romance mode I know a lot of you guys don't necessarily like romance you prefer the more realistic style but I'm you know romance is really starting to grow on me it's really started because it's just over the top fun it is just really really fun to see deadly warriors holding a bridge against hundreds of troops buying time for the rest of the army it's just awesome and you know that's the great thing why they have records and romance whatever mood you're in you can play that but I'm really enjoying romance because it's just over-the-top fun I don't know what else to say so before we dive in I do have some bad news the battle is ginormous which doesn't sound bad right but it causes a lot of lag so you are going to experience some some pretty intense lag there's nothing I can do about it it's not my computer I've tried lowering the graphics that didn't help I think it's just the engine I think it's the sheer amount of troops that's causing this which is really frustrating because you think you know in 2019 you could have big battles like this I hate to say the current year but yeah unfortunately it gets laggy it will smooth out towards the you know as more troops die but it is going to get laggy and I'm gonna do the best I can to make it as smooth as possible so anyways with that out of the way let's dive in so the attackers have four armies they have to attacking locations they're attacking the north in the West we'll start with the northern commanders we have Guan Yu on the left side in the middle we have jyan over here we have Gong soon zan over here we've got a cluster of generals we have a commander li OB au and Cong wrong as a strategist Leo bi being a commander and another Sentinel jangly ow which is a really really good general back over this way we do have a couple repeating generals so we have un Xu who is a commander we have another settle and his name is nasi Tashia seat at IO man I completely forgot his name I don't see him too often but he's awesome so I'm gonna call him I'm gonna call him c4 for convenience sake over here we have Guan Yu again in the back and then over here we have another cluster of generals we have Cong wrong we have Joe Young again and then we have C Chu who is a champion so hell yeah those are the attacking generals let's look at the defenders really fast and then we can get this started so defending the western side we have one strategist one brave strategist joog Liang Liang he is defending this outer wall back here we have soon Xion he is a sentinel he's also kind of defending that side and then way in reserve we have C Chu again which is a champion so C Chu just waiting in reserve back here here are some of my commanders I'm bringing a commander which is sau sau over here I have my strategist which is Jody Joey and then up front I am bringing Lu freakin boo guys and I made sure to max him out he's gonna be a very important key to my defense here today over here we have mr. Brunswick's generals so we have Macau we have Dean way and finally we have Jing Fei so those are his forces so are you guys ready for this what are the greatest siege battles ever I promise you again this is the last time I'm gonna bring it up I'm really sorry about the lag but there's not much I can do so let's talk about the strategy going into here I'm gonna do a lot of slow-motion guys because I you know I'm in this fight we were all using voice chat and we were you know talking strategy and I want to kind of explain what was going through our heads at every stage of the battle so at the very start we were kind of happy seeing these archers use up their ammo to destroy our towers because it uses up well their ammo because it wasn't their infantry it wasn't the CAV but rather the archers that scared us the most because not only do they outnumber us but they completely outnumber us with skirmishing force so if we're if we because our plan here is to hold here as long as possible then fall back and if we're just sitting over here like sitting ducks and they're just shooting arrows and we can't do anything about it it's gonna be disasters so we've got to try to try to get the archers to exhaust their ammo or kill them and of course we are going to try to hold the walls as long as possible never give up the walls guys until you just can't hold it if you more I know that sounds pretty obvious but always try to hold the walls at least for some point of the battle because you get a lot of advantages you get the wall at first you you are at you know the first point is that you get the walls you also get arrow towers it just really helps defending these areas so all the troops you see here in this front wall area they're all gonna die defending this outer wall there is no retreat for them we are gonna cycle in our vanguard generals and our generals and you know all of our generals to just cycle in and do hit and runs and try to support the infantry as long as possible as long as possible again it's not to win at this wall but rather to inflict as many casualties to the enemy as possible so let's go back to normal speed sorry that took a little while but I hope you don't mind with the like super detailed like strategy stuff but because I know some of you guys just enjoy the cinematics which is fine but I promise you there'll be a lot of cinematics so there they go they're lighting the towers on fire again I mean there's nothing we can really do about this we didn't want to send up the archers on the walls instead we have our archers more in reserve because they're gonna shoot at troops that get up on the wall and they're just gonna shoot from a distance because they will be out skirmished even using the protection of the walls they will be out matched so we have to really use them conserve it conservatively because we also don't want to use up all of our ammo during the battle because we're gonna need it for the final stages of the fight so it's all about conserving that ammo but at the same time using it at very vulnerable targets as at the start of the fight so over here he's also burning the towers I tried to quickly move up my crossbows on the walls because I felt like they had an advantage here but he was smart about it once he destroyed the arrow tower he went ahead and retreated mercenary archers very very good Archer unit back over here we do have a ram going to the gates this Ram this poor militia is just getting shredded surrended by the defending archers and he is going to be able to get the RAM to the gate as you can tell but he is just getting slaughtered and he is actually able to get two hits on the gate but the unit breaks we were thinking about sallying out because he didn't send any support troops with the RAM unit so we just held back obviously because we broke them back here it's still the the towers are burning that's unfortunate that's all of our Archer tower support that's okay the walls still give us an advantage one they give us protection to Archer fire two we can hold choke points up on the wall and it makes larger numbers even numbers just like Thermopylae so yeah that's that's the strategy over here we do have a trebuchet just going in trying to soften up the defending forces now our teammate here his name is dagger I think I mentioned that before his his main strategy here his goal is not necessarily to hold because he's so heavily outnumbered he's more trying to just delay and kill as many as possible like he did here and then once they start to break through he's gonna start to fall back he is a lot of defensive troops ready to hold the last 10 already ready to go so you can see he's got a lot of Spears here in loose formation because it's easier to run by troops when they're in loose rather than normal formation or tight formation so he's gonna keep him on loose until the last second when he they have to form a shield wall and defend me at the bridges so it's pretty badass I mean we were really planning this out and we did not have a lot of hope we did we were just like all right I mean obviously we're gonna try to win but we thought wedding was gonna be absolutely it almost impossible so we were literally doing everything in our power to win this battle alright Kuan Yew throwing some shade here oh lewb ooh strikes back so it seems like this army is about to move up here sending up some Spears and archers lots of crossbows are over on this side see some of the unit's here we got some spear guard we got the fury of I don't know how to pronounce that I've never seen this it's a light crossbow unit but I imagine they're very very good usually what a unit has a special name it means they're very good then we have some spirit guard and this unfortunately guys is when the battle starts lagging I again I'm gonna do my best to try to make it look as smooth as possible but it's gonna get pretty bad again I promise I wouldn't bring it up again so that's the last time I'm gonna bring it up it just kind of makes me sad because I want to show you guys the smoothest battle possible and it's just frustrating that it's such an old engine they're using causing issues so what can you do but they're gonna go ahead and move up the ramp I've got my crossbows opening fire on this sword guard because the arrow towers are gone and I'm just trying to soften them up as much as possible before they reach the gate I want I want to give my militia as much help as possible before they have the clash in combat back over here we've got another Ram going forward they are also getting shot out with crossbows and archers and they're going to go ahead and push up to the gates and start to knock that down there we go and it just takes like three okay maybe four hits no three hits like why even have gates but the gate is now open the enemy has an entry point over to this side of the wall mister Brunswick is moving his forces into position and he's going to get ready to hold here guys and here they come here comes the Spears so he's trying to form up as fast as possible this is when our generals start to come into play we don't move them up yet but pretty soon remember guys our general art plan here with the generals is to do a hit and run tactics over here we have the other enemy charging into the through the other gate let's go ahead and do some slow-motion really fast and see what else is going on in the battlefield over on this side again they're taking more of a conservative approach more passive approach sending up the crossbows first to fire over the wall they do have some swords moving for these are sword militia going to the RAM and there again they're gonna attempt to take down the gate they most likely will because look at the carnage we missed it here but the archers holding this this wall and we're shooting at the troops attacking the gatehouse where evaporated like I said guys the wall doesn't give you that much of an advantage especially when you're heavily outnumbered by all those archers so he's gonna have to retreat these archers actually they're routing hopefully they come back to the battle because we need every single Archer unit alive as long as possible like basically our archers need to die in in close combat they need to use up all their ammo and then die in close combat we expect that we demand that from this from him so here we go we've got Jiang Fei and much AO in the fight supporting the battle remember these troops these heroes are both Vanguard heroes so they need to they need to try to soften up these troops as much as possible and there we go they're gonna disengage from that fight again hit-and-run tactics and it caused a big rout look at that look at that these heroes are so cool and they can cause a lot of carnage and chaos now they're going back into the fight because the enemy has sent in jyan into the battle and now they're gonna try to double-team them again taking out generals is another big objective for us because no generals equals a low morale I've also sent in Lou boo and look at the carnage this we see that all these troops dead that is from lewd lubu doing his AoE ability he's also fighting jangly ow if I can take him out early that would be fantastic so we're gonna go back to normal speed so again hit-and-run tactics just gonna disengage from that battle and I'm gonna let my troops fight it out a little bit he's also retreating his general I was also very careful on making sure that our as a team we were very careful on making sure our generals didn't die early on because if any one of our generals dies in this first wall area it's over we want to save our generals all of them for the for the last and nobody is going to die near the outer walls and so now look at this Guan Yu Guan Yu and then Joe Joey yung is in the fight so that is starting to be excuse me that is starting to become a little bit of a problem here because Guan Yu obviously you guys know very good champion not necessarily great Vanguard so he's not great against big numbers but he can really focus down enemy generals so that has a little bit it has this concern a little bit again I'm keeping lubu over here keeping Liu blue over here and oh my god look at the lag we were able to break these units but unfortunately at the same time they are scaling the walls guys so I need to quickly get my my halberd militia again I do a lot of slow motion at this point because it just looks smoother but I'm getting a lot of my halberd militia up on the walls because they can again hold a tight position and like a choke point and hold off the troops who are scaling the walls things are getting kind of chaotic over here because we have two units scaling the walls over on this side as well so I'm just holding back with militia I want to remind you guys width militia holding back two units of sword guard yeah yes thank you sow sow thank you captain obvious we are well aware so oh look at this we have a duel we have a duel so Jiang Fei have have agreed or Jing Fei and agile young have agreed to a duel and now they're fighting it out Oh gives him a kick oh wait it's only crap what did I just see that did he just take the enemy weapon and throw it at him I have never seen that before did I actually see that or was that a glitch it looked like Jiang Fei took the weapon from Hsiao young and then threw it at him but it's a young caught it that was really cool but again I'm gonna you know put my bets on Jing Fei and this is a really good engagement for us because hey most likely zal young is going to die in this battle so that is really cool and it's so cool they're like fighting it out and look he's gonna throw him over his head oh my god throwing the big man over his head but yeah this is really cool they're fighting behind all these troops and then we have Gong soon zan is charging in here so they've committed another general into this gate look at the rocks the flying in the dust so awesome and gallops in with his white horse that deadly spear so things are looking good against go on you though because we have DNA and we have mud shall teaming up against Guan Yu and trying to do as much damage as possible I have now decided I think mister Brunswick was calling for aid so I'm gonna go ahead and send lubu to the other side of the battlefield and try to help him out with all those generals that are going through his gate but unfortunately that leaves my gate a little less protected but it's not under high threat right now it's not being attacked by a ton of forces let's go back over this way where it seems that a lot of troops are getting when you kind of peppered down as you can tell you can hear the arrows coming in really peppering down the troops who are scaling the walls trebuchet opening fire over here trying to go after the big blobs of troops are in it like shield wall formation and it's starting to look a little bad over here because well like I said his plan was never to hold here but just to slow them down because we if for example if he breaks through here our flank is exposed over on this side so that could be trouble that could be a lot of trouble so if one side Falls then we all must retreat to the inner moat area at the same time the enemy has activated their trebuchet and are going for a deadly assassination kill on my trebuchet I when I saw this I panicked I was like oh no because like I said you've got to use all your units to the fullest potential and trebuchet can rack up a lot of kills so I was panicking so what I decided to do here when I notice that he's firing at him I decided to fire back because I'd rather I would rather try to kill as many troops as possible like right now then just let my trebuchet sit there and get destroyed there we go we get one good hit one fantastic hit on some of the spears let's go back over to the gatehouse where I'll slow it down here where we actually have some general we have Jiang liao he is in the fight and so things are getting kind of rough lubu has joined the battle over here again hit-and-run tactics he's actually just now leaving I think what I did is I went in for a charge went out because I noticed that two generals are breaking over here this is fan this is what we need so we have ghoul young and blonde you breaking and gongsun zan he's still very healthy but is disengaging from the fight so that's really good news really really good news and all look at this the abilities med is that much now he's got some really cool he's got a very very deadly AoE ability you'll see a lot more of it here in the future of this battle no spoilers but lubu is is moving up again I'm looking at they're chipping away at my swordsman because of these heroes I've got to send lubu over there and look at he's behind my lines is perfect for Lulu so I send him in for the kill stop killing my men unfortunately my own trebuchet hit some of my own men it could have been a lot worse I don't know what was going on there I think they were going for the spears that are right in the front there instead killing my own troops but lubu is going into this fight Lulu doesn't even have a scratch on him yet doesn't even have a scratch full health he's already killed a hundred and ninety two soldiers whew and there we go he wants to fight and I'm gonna give him that fight I'm gonna give him that fight and look at I am already doing some heavy damage to him I mean you do not fight Lulu I don't know what he's thinking so I pursue a little bit but I don't want to pursue too far instead I get to the frontline and I start fighting he actually is sending back in his general I'm gonna use an area effect move there oh look at her look at all the troops flinging out of the way and again he's oh why is it he's like yes yes good like all right you're happy that you're getting destroyed by lubu I'll take it so yeah oh baby okay that was his area of effect move there whew so after that move right there lubu is at 321 kills and he doesn't even have a scratch on him and that's what I need from lubu he's got to prove himself in today's battle and look at he okay so at this point the enemy is doing a full-on scale attack they're trying to attack every wall they're sending in all as much infantry as possible meanwhile Brunswick is holding his own at the gates he is holding his own I think the enemy made a big mistake of not trying to use the walls here and causing Brunswick to kind of disperse his defenses instead Brunswick was able to focus all of his troops at the gate and I the only reason I assumed that the attackers just felt like they were gonna break through with all of their generals but they did just didn't stand a chance against Jiang Fei and Dean Wayne jiangbei definitely took some hits there it was mostly from that duel but he's still fairly healthy which is good a lot of arrows coming in look at that just arrows flying by everywhere yeah so it's it's getting crazy guys and unfortunately we are starting to run out of troops here men are starting to break the gate looks like it's gonna be lost again we weren't trying to win here we were just trying to hold back the enemy as long as possible and inflict as many casualties as possible in the reason we were retreating is because the enemy has officially taken this wall you can see he's already sending some Spears over this way I had to use some of my yellow dragons here I've got three units of them I'm keeping two and reserve one near the outer walls just in case but I have them ready to hold off against the Spears to make sure I buy time so I can retreat all the important units like my crossbows and mostly my crossbows because the rest of the units here are gonna fight to the death I am also sending lubu back remember guys I want lubu for the final stand and I most likely will dismount him as he fights in these choke points over here that is the plan but Brunswick is not yet wanting to retreat and I don't blame him because he's inflicting a lot of casualties a lot of casualties on these troops are pushing through the gate and if we look into kills holy crap so we've lost a little over a thousand and they've lost like three thousand so that's what we need we need to keep up that kill ratio for every one man they have we must kill two and that's only to make it even honestly we must kill three of every one man we have so we have inflicted a lot of casualties but that's claimed it to be expected at the beginning of a siege battle it really comes down to did we inflict enough did we inflict enough casualties before they get into the inner defenses so our troops are your whole trying to hold the gate as long as possible there's a lot of generals over here I've actually decided to send lubu back because brother honestly Brunswick was calling for lubu back because look at this these troops are wavering lubu in case you didn't know has a passive check out this passive let me expand this look at this this is this fury passive the basically in a duel or melee the longer he fights the more melee damage armor-piercing and base and melee evasion - a hundred percent plus four hundred that's if he's in the fight for more than what so like 15 seconds than ten and six and three so he has to be in the fight for like a minute or so and he is less than a minute I think he's doing fine like I go in for charger again lubu causes a lot of fear amongst the the grunts I'm gonna go ahead and pop some abilities and look at that massive break the charge from lubu the epic fighting from Lud shall have caused the men Zhang Fei have caused an entire huge force of troops to break away from the gate and they are fleeing from there for their lives and this is where Brunswick has called the retreat because the enemy is starting to just spew everywhere around these walls Brunswick actually sent over some swordsmen to help me out here over on this wall just to buy a little bit more time and it's really paying off because these swordsman who have been double-teamed this entire time almost have been doing great they've been doing excellent my trebuchet they're about half a mo a little more than half again I was just throwing some fiery rocks of justice at the enemy I think I landed a couple hits you can see down here but nothing too crazy in fact let's see how many kills the trebuchet has let's see let's see what do you got me minimize this I've thirty eight kills so not worth it you want to see your trebuchet getting that kills especially a defensive trebuchet and the kills in the hundreds two hundred three hundred somewhere around there if it's in double digits it's not good enough not good enough at all but look at this force look at the amount of archers again we were terrified of these archers because we will be sitting ducks if we don't do something about it but if he continues to blob his army like this I will very easily move my trebuchet and face him and start slinging some rocks at that giant blob of troops boof so this is where the battle starts to calm down relatively speaking of course we have troops fighting it out to the bitter end and we still have my militia over here holding like champs halberd militia are so good at holding on the walls here at least am i at least in in this battle in my experience so they're holding as long as possible we do have some enemy calves this is from gongsun zan's this is his Dre Jade dragons kind of running through the streets here I think he's trying to prevent any kind of retreats we were telling our ally to just fall back get everyone back because it's suicide and a waste of a unit if you leave any troops here that could easily be outflanked or surrounded because you know obviously he could hold this show point but he can get charged from this way are charged this way we now have all of our generals in the inner defenses and this is where we're gonna hold guys this is a I mean it sucks to give up the outer wall but we were very very happy with our performance here of holding the outer wall because we killed again let's look at it kills here we killed about 4,000 troops and we held for over 10 minutes on the outer walls you and we lost you know more than a thousand but you know that's fine I mean we killed so many there we go throw in more shade and here we go guys look at this he's actually storming all of his troops through the gates this is the moment where like I'm shifting my trebuchet because I need to land some good hits here I need to at least get more than 200 kills to make this trebuchet worth it at the same time unfortunately some swordsmen are dying here sword guard but they kind of had to sit back and reserve and prevent them from from charging forward and attacking the units over here oh are they firing let's see nope I think I just told them to fire but they will be firing soon because look at this Archer blob this is perfect this is perfect for the trebuchet and here we go let's do some slow-motion killing so many troops oh yeah this was ideal at the same time we do have some calves I kind of miss showing you that we didn't do anything with the calves we just sallied out the calves forces to put pressure on the enemy to make sure they stay on their toes but we decided there was no point of charging in because we wouldn't be able to land a lot of kills and we were actually going to retreat the calves and we're like well there's nothing we can really do with the calves so we might as well just dismount them and use them as infantry but we actually saw a really good opportunity and Brunswick saw this opportunity of well first off he charged some Spears that were not stationed so he's able to land a really good charge and look at they're already breaking but also if we run through the streets there's really nothing defending these bows or crossbows we could do a suicide calf charge that would decimate their skirmish force and here we go look at the kills look at the kills here not all of this is from my trebuchet but a lot of it is and we're getting some great hits great hits and the trebuchet is causing his men to disperse like that I think at this point actually no no no I'm still using fire rounds I think eventually I decide to use standard shot because I didn't want to burn my own town down also standard shot was more accurate so now I'm at 70 kills it's starting to rack up here guys here we go here comes another volley let's see what he can do just misses trebuchet not super accurate but you know if they clump up again he was smart about it he spread out his troops he spread out his troops so Guan Yu so the battle thankfully starting to calm down framerate wise still a little choppy but not nearly as bad as it was so now look at this guys our CAV has made it over to the crossbows and that's going are the archers and now he's kind of panicking here sending up his mounted militia cap he's going to go ahead and charge in mr. Brunswick charging in his cab to face this calf and again we're trying to cause him to panic and that's what he's doing he is panicking here he's trying to quickly assemble as many defending force look at the spears already even formed upright and he's just rushing them forward because he needs to protect his army and because of that chaos look at this blob look at this massive blob that has caused the trebuchet to have another great opportunity of landing some good kills unfortunately my trebuchet was bugging out and they were like hey let's move forward no you can reach you don't need to move forward so I did aquick Li's set him up and I was like oh my I was just so pissed I was like come on trebuchet this is the perfect opportunity we could land a lot of kills here these archers should be dead should be dead so um more troops I think they're just trying to clean up it's been a while since we saw this side of the battlefield I think they're basically trying to clean up what's left on the walls over here which is really nothing and they're also going through the gates but look at all the damage we've done on these forces me and Brunswick we killed a ton of troops over here especially Brunswick holding this gate and that's gonna do us a lot of favours again the biggest threat is this army right here all these archers it's gonna cause a lot of trouble a lot of trouble so now we're at 15,000 troops left on the battlefield we've killed 4,000 pretty much 4,600 and they've killed a good amount as well so like let's see I got to do the math here quick Matt's a thousand like near two thousand so we're doing pretty well we're doing pretty well again we're trying to keep that two to one ratio so here we go cab charging in look at this he was able to sneak some Cavan and he's gonna try to get a good charge here he's like I don't even care Apollo I've got a pinned with my cab just fire fire at these crossbowmen I don't care if you kill my cab they're going in for a suicide charge and here it comes boys here it comes come on oh yeah whoo-whee some good hits right there juicy hits oh baby that was really nice really really nice and I'm gonna keep it up keep it going arm or a aim and reload these trebuchet get them going because that's gonna be a huge huge victory for us if we can kill a ton of them they're now at a hundred and thirty four kills they're starting to rack up kills now they're starting to be you know make it worth it cuz trebuchet are pretty expensive but yeah it's just look at this mess right now because of the chaos of the CAV it caused him to just panic and try to move all of his like forces out of there so this is where I'm using standard shot because I wanted to be accurate and we are landing great hits look at it now he's pouring forward he is pouring forward and I'm gonna try to land some good kills here come on come on now get some good kills just gonna sit back and watch it's kind of hard to see the trebuchet fire you know in standard shot but I think oh oh I went to fiery balls again because I felt like I didn't need to be accurate in this tug this kind of target you know so here it comes oh you know it could have been so much more juicier but we do land some hits trebuchet is now at two hundred and twenty eight kills there goes the forces just pouring in so yeah I mean I hate to bring this up but the lag it's kind of sucks and it is it is probably gonna be better to do huge battles with this amount of players instead of extreme a unit Scott you know unit size unit scale and now they're retreating they're like oh my god this trebuchet he must have been so mad with that trebuchet now it's at two oh here comes another volley so it was at 229 now it's at 353 woo woo killed more than a hundred in that volley that was beautiful just beautiful unfortunately my trebuchet is almost out of ammo I'm just gonna basically use up all the ammo on this force because this is the healthiest force again more volleys coming in fantastic just fantastic and now it is at 383 so getting some good news now unfortunately the enemy is pushing up their archers and they have burnt down our arrow towers very smart from them and we were happy about it because they are wasting ammo on arrow towers instead of our infantry the spears have gotten into their shield wall formation we have retreated all of our infantry they're ready to hold and fight for our kingdom our alliance of great heroes and once again we've got a charge here our teammate decided to quickly charge and break these Spears with his mercenary infantry we didn't really want him to do that because we wanted to make sure he preserved as many forces as possible but it really wasn't a big deal because he was able to break this spear unit very quickly and hopefully he sends them back sends them back there he goes now he's gonna send them back look at the carnage look at the carnage of this battlefield the trebuchet killed so many I think at this point I am out of ammo so I'm curious at the end of the day where are they I moved the there they are 383 so that's the final number not bad not bad at all they are shifting some soldiers over to the other flank again they're trying to spread out our defenses and try to make it harder for us to defend every single point but our teammate needs to keep falling back there's no point of holding this area he just needs to hold the bridge that way we're all closer together we like I said I don't know if I mention this but we held back a lot of our elite troops now keep that in mind keep that in mind we killed a ton of their men their weakest troops so now we've got our strongest troops fresh ready to go you know they haven't seen any action and look at civilians are walking around fancy looking civilian these are noble men very nice I've got some protectors of heaven these guys are really weak to Archer fire so I'm gonna make sure I keep them way in the back and use them when the archers are no longer that much of a threat and this is where the this is where the battle guys gets really really exciting you're about to see some badass hero action some commander action and it's just really fun it's just so much fun to watch and and see everything so again this is kind of like a calm in the battle here guys a calm before the storm where both armies are prepping their forces getting ready to charge in and also trying to rest their troops a little bit before they go in as this has been quite the battle for them as well they've you know they've taken quite a bit of casualties thankfully the battle is starting to smooth out here and we are down to the last 23 minutes of this battle the balance of power has not really shifted in fact you could even argue that it's gone more in favor of the attackers but it would only be just barely look at the kills look at the amount of troops left 5,000 against there 9,000 much better odds much better odds than what we originally had so that's good so in our minds we were expecting them to just sit back and skirmish us but I think they knew better because if they did that it would be kind of a waste of ammo because of course the troops we have and the outer parts of this area are more like shielded heavily shielded units so arrows and crossbows wouldn't be as effective yes they would kill a good amount or some but not enough not enough to make it worth it so our team is our teammate is just now moving these troops back he's getting them in loose formation trying to save them as they retreat because they are taking some some heavy Archer fire protecting their retreat we popped it ability their what ability is that what is that stone bulwark bulwark range I think it makes range attack not nearly as effective so we decided to hold fire here actually we keep firing but yeah it's not really doing us any kind of favors and here we go guys this is it this is officially it the start of the the next stage of the battle look how cool this scene is holy crap this is awesome the next stage of this grand battle is underway this I would call this the second stage the epic last stand of our forces we really cannot retreat any more this is it this is it there they go colliding into the shields and now look at this we've got badass dismounted heroes they're like alright here comes the enemy it's our time to fight we we got some rest in refresh but they're ready to go so we also have enemy heroes nearby as well ready to charge in if we charge so while that intense fight is going on the other forces are moving up as well as trying to skirmish us down with crossbows as they advance forward their infantry we also have a general moving up as well the general I cannot pronounce Kashi sir Pat Sousou I don't know but I think he's a bo hero look at the purple bow that's fancy he's just kind of staring at the enemies like dying won't kill you so okay here we go okay let's do some slow motion I'm sending in lubu over here as well because of all the heroes that are joining this fight gongsun zan Jang liao we've got to deal with these guys so again we're trying to overwhelm them and there goes blue boom in let's do some slow motion here comes Lou Buu standing with the front line trying to defeat all of these forces Jiang Fei right next to them mud shot oh no that's gongsun zan that's the enemy this is a ally here oh yeah that's soon Xion soon GN also fighting in the front line oh my god there's michelle with disabilities look at this boom ah that is so awesome if there is more enemies nearby that would probably would have done a lot of damage I think it's cuz my lubu didle hid his area-of-effect ability probably have to learn to the really time oh look look at that jump my goodness so big overhead smash they're costing an area of effect oh my god so we look at this we're just cleaning out the four amigos here cleaning out this area and causing a lot of trouble for their infantry again we're not afraid of their infantry we are afraid of their archers now we have heroes going into clash we have Zhang Li al or I'm sorry Jiang Liao going in and we're gonna I think he's trying to take out Jing Fei unfortunately Jing Fei is breaking which is quite tragic but I'm gonna go ahead and focus on this general watch this guy's guys like get out of here get out of here and look at that loius what little engagement with Lube ooh I think it's also James fan butwe oh my god they're sitting in reinforcements I'm gonna go ahead and retreat Lulu I don't want him to push too hard again I want him alive as long as possible and let's do some slow motion here let's see what he's at he's at 396 kills now 396 kills and we just crushed their initial attack here thanks to our heroes leaving hundreds dead before the Spears who are taking a beating here and you can see a lot of casualties that's why we have reinforcements closing in back this way we also have a lot of heroes charging in this is another problem we have Jane young we have a seat shoe and we have the fellow I cannot pronounce so and it sucks because I pronounced it correctly before and I get really frustrated when that happens but we're gonna have to send in reinforcements this way I am sending up some of my yellow dragons again using the yellow dragons first because they have shields and that's gonna help out with the archers I'll use the protectors of heaven later and now we have Dean way going into the fight trying to just help out with this battle and oh my god it's so chaotic Darius look at him he's getting double-teamed right now facing seat you and Jiang Jung in which again I think I'm mispronouncing that name too but I'll just go with it for now actually no we have the other seat you joining the fight he's also joining the pass so it's a bit more even it's a bit more even but Dean wait I think he is getting double-teamed right now but yeah very intense fighting with these heroes I have decided to send lubu over to the other side so again I'm just sending lubu wherever he's needed but unfortunately gongsun zan gongsun zan has really pushed behind the lines here and we have a little bit of a fight between soon ZN & gongsun zan she was winning Oh Fung Suzanne is clearly winning this battle he's in danger guys oh nice kick to the face but it's not gonna be enough by the way this is not a duel they're just naturally fighting oh no he's breaking Wow is that an ability or something I don't know but there's a lot more infantry still pouring into this fight we do have a commander nearby he's using his buffs so you can see it's trying to support his infantry as he charged oh who died oh no soon gen our first defending commander has fallen things - gone soon zan man gongsun zan a worthy worthy opponent takes him down tragic loss but he he died a hero defending the bridges unfortunately the death of that general caused a mass route and we're now having to quickly reassemble our lines I'm rushing I'm panicking that was such a sudden break that I'm panicking and sending over my yellow dragons to quickly defend this this bridge opening here but lubu has entered the battle over here and lubu you my allies seat you they're just like battle buddies like they are going at it they've been together multiple times throughout this battle look at them standing together fighting off the enemy see Chu is retreating the enemy see Chu retreating from the fight chuckle ooh boo look at this guy he don't care he does not care so he's gonna fall back and I'm also gonna reform my yellow dragons reform the lines rest them up that we were able to defend against one of their attacks but they've got plenty more troops through that came from look at this look at all these forces plenty more forces same thing over here they're kind of holding back their attack giving us a little bit of time to rest up our troops and reorganize our lines but here we go it's not that much long of a break they're now charging in their forces and so we hold again we hold at the bridge we've got heroes we've got CAV charging in now try to use overwhelming force is not good was not good Lou booth look he's just dude Lou boo is just running back in fourth guys I mean I am just setting it's like oh crap he's needed over here oh crap he's needed over here he is still fresh he is still fresh and he's been running around like a madman so louvers coming in he's like oh no no no no no no you do not you are not gonna break through here by the way guys we do some slow-motion lubu is at 414 kills look at his health still has about 80% of his health that is a good sign a lovely movement so awesome there he is also you know who else joined me my battle buddy see jus that is daggers unit 2 player dagger see qu and lubu were fighting together in a most badass way look at him just oh jeez just crushing these guys yes unleash furio's lubu there yes so so many flags in the way here they are doing a great job of turning the tide of this battle because of that cab charge I was terrified that they were gonna break through really quickly but also we have some Azara dragons I'm slaughtered that name but I'm pretty sure that was Brunswick's unit that he's sitting in to help support because of all of that cap again they're very good against enemy calves so that's why they're in the fight and see qu and lubu once again look how close they are just constantly fighting right next to each other just fighting like a champ holding the bridge against the enemy unrelenting numbers so cool so freakin cool no my fury Oh Lobo you are one furious man and sheet you got a little too excited there and he is just chasing down some units he's gonna oh he's he's still going oh my god see qu you mad man he's got a he's got a death wish here but dagger the player calls them back and lubu still fighting with the Dragons man just talking about elite commander with elite units holding this bridge but yes it's so awesome guys I mean come on that is pretty freakin cool back over it this way the battle has continued over here I am sow sow actually kind of supporting using his buffs which you can see a lot of passives he's got presents here it's a passive but decreased cooldown abilities doesn't help a ton we got nature's Ally which is increased speed and morale that helps a lot and then you know a couple other abilities there so that's kind of helping the defenses over here because I mean honestly we're thinning out everywhere we're thinning out everywhere and we're desperate I've got my trebuchet crew who now got two kills look at that two kills since we last saw them they're more just meat shields trying to hold fighting over here has commenced so another area under attack so we are holding literally almost every bridge it's getting intense it's getting intense and look at all of the commanders over here lubu still fighting let's see is this where I actually retreated yeah so I've also have my strategist nearby he's got one ability basically which is wisdom the river which does a bunch of D buffs against the enemy but he's also got a couple passes but I don't think that's his passive I think that's nearby allies passive so yeah we're actually retreating the generals again battle buddies lubu and c2 fighting together I don't know there's something cool that Luger looks kind of goofy when he runs but lubu is now winded he's finally this battle this sheer amount of scale of this battle is starting to wear down on him as he is getting very very tired so I've actually sent in my strategist so you just saw him right handsome boy Joe you I had to send him in because C Chu was trying to get into our back lines and and yeah this is this is where we have to send in right wait where you going Lu boo boo boo okay let me let me do some slow motion here I was kind of lost here with Lu boo I wasn't sure where to send him where he was most needed so I think eventually I decided to send him over to this bridge because lookit they've got one two three four generals nearby five five generals and they definitely have more numbers than us but I am holding with my yellow dragons which are very very good come on Lu boom you're wasting your energy you're fatigued he's at six hundred and forty eight kills and see Chu the monster himself he's at 189 but he's done a ton of damage to enemy generals we also have D in way joining the battle as well again D in weight very good at taking out generals coward before the dragons gays tell them right Golu boo boom oh yeah so awesome oh yes we killed an enemy general over here oh my god and what Shou is in here do machala so crazy area-of-effect ability we might see it soon looking he's surrounded with chow man what a champ again defending this bridge we're lubu was an ce qu since seat you and Lulu had to retreat much Alison there it is look Oh boom just clear it out a path of people oh that's so cool so cool man look it I'm just standing is just like ash don't get any closer so the flight continues I love that ability it's really cool okay so things are getting pretty wild here again see chu has gotten to our back lines I've sent in I now see Chu is very tough he's really good at killing generals so I have both sau sau and my strategist going after C true trying to take him out and I've got some yellow dragons didn't want to use my jello yellow dragons to face a general honestly I was sending them up north this way because our northern defenses are crumbling we mostly have archers in Macau defending this area meanwhile blue boo Lu freaking boo is just fighting off hundreds of troops he's almost at a thousand kills nine hundred and thirty nine kills he is just wrecking it right now boom look at him love the man yes the hero see basically single-handedly holding this flank and I was focused on enemy infantry as my two allies who are controlling Dean way and suit you were going after Guan Yu who is a big threat and we wanted to take him off the battlefield as well get him on you know basically we wanted to kill him so lubu fighting like a champ over here mound of dead around him the mound of dead back over this way I think we got a strategist fighting against this Sentinel general which is not a good sign I am having to commit this is it guys this is my last unit my very last unit the protectors of heaven they are being committed into the fight again saving them last because I was afraid of the enemy archers but now I'm having to send them in because this flank is crumbling this flank is doing all right thanks to all the heroes guan yu is half dead which is good to see lubu again surrounded by enemies he has a thousand one hundred and fifty nine kills whoo-whee that's very nice very nice and unfortunately over here a massive break we just don't have enough troops and that is when I have to call off my yellow dragons who were fighting C Chu over here now see true getting double teams this is really good for the enemy because he has two really great supporting generals who have really great buffs away from the fight and focusing against C qu not a thick not exactly what you want to see so I had to peel away my yellow dragons because they are needed in the north and because the we called this the north because there's the northern direction the northern bridge and we have to reinforce these lines Brunswick is also moving up some dragons here so we need to quickly reinforce come on mostly like these are my crossbows used up all their ammo it's kind of expected to lend a break there they go here comes his charge reinforcements they're not taking this bridge yet not taking it yet take it oh look who it is guys let's follow this guy into battle look it but shall he's going to the frontline yes it looked like he looked at us and said that you are oh yes love that ability that is so nice that is so cool so let's go ahead and escape out of that so he has the honour of defending the northern side back here enemy Warriors are running who is it I think it's Guan Yu actually no Guan Yu is still fighting against Tian way but Guan Yu can't last much longer Wan Yu is super low gwon you are I'm sorry lubu still I mean Lulu's a vanguard I'm just using him to focus down enemy infantry what is he at now a thousand four hundred kills a thousand four hundred kills that is insane come on Louise like god dammit there's so many enemies this slashing and hacking away just hoping that they would surrender give up but these numbers just keep coming and this is where things start to get really bad lubu is low now he's very he's probably like what 15% health very low and i did not want him to die he's he's done too much for this army see jus he's in good shape that's good to see sow sow in very good shape I actually retreated him from this fight and I have my strategist fighting whole load apparently this strategist is one of the best fighters out of the strategist so hopefully that hopes again see - over there but I'm now sending over sow sow over to the other side because things are looking really bad I'm pretty sure yeah much ow as is wavering he's like I can't do it anymore I can't hold this bridge any longer I have to fall back but what is he doing against all his everything in his mind is telling him to fall back but everything in his body's telling him to charge in and well he's charging in because he's gonna fight he may die here but he'll die with honor there he is whoa another big ability there so I am got again Southside I think I went in did some buffs there some abilities I'm gonna go ahead and retreat back over this way okay so this is it guys this is the final big push the final big put oh the enemy generals fallen nice we killed another general okay I can't even keep up there's so many generals and that as our strategy going into this one if we're gonna win this battle we have to cut off the Serpent's head right and the body will die basically we break them around the enemy we have a chance of winning this but the archers are causing a lot of fear in our ranks and this is no good I'm having to send lubu he is exhausted guys he's very tired this is I'm telling him to sprint right now he's got a thousand five hundred and twenty five kills okay and I'm going over to try to break these archers because I we can't afford it anymore I've got to send them in alone like that to save the army look at the arrow look at all the arrows coming in good God just endless amount of arrows flying in here lubu is very very close to getting to these these archers Dean way sitting in reserve my strategist still fighting see choose seems pretty hopeless but at least he's keeping them occupied sow sow again using buffs I don't really want to send sow sow into the battle but unfortunately guys look at this he is dismounting sows al the commander who has 55 kills amazingly I don't remember sending him in but I guess he was running back and forth killing some people here and there he is dismounted and he is now going to join the fray because there's nothing else there's no more retreat but shall again he's still fighting like a champ look at him fighting like a champ go go my man and there goes Lube ooh I'm sorry salsa there goes south so he's also in the mix as well there he is come on sau sau so he's trying to fight Lulu has finally made it to the archers and he's gonna wreak some havoc here look at him he's like go home leave this settlement and every guy broke them so now I'm gonna move on to the next unit I'm just using my fear making sure Lulu stays in the fight but what is that who comes in to try to assassinate lubu which by the way Lou boos at 10 health but he has a thousand six hundred kills it is un shu you and shallow sorry you in shall the commander who's at half health we have mr. Brunswick who's commanding Dean way trying to protect lubu and trying to kill you and shout because he is a commander if he dies that is a huge morale loss to their forces and once again he hits Lou boot actually knocks him off his feet Lou boo is just oh nice hit there Oh another good hit but he's standing in place he's standing in place for too long all lubu has to do is land a couple hits on you and shout a couple hits come on let's see yes a good hit there watch out quickly his health is gonna just disintegrate lubu is so strong that if you leave your general look at look at that he lost a huge chunk of his head here comes Dean way another huge chunk of his health is gone [Music] boo boo fights come on if Lulu's surrounded now he's taking on elite units we got Jade dragons who dismounted now fighting Lu boo look at him look at that face that's a face of just like you're gonna you're gonna defeat me you're gonna have to kill me you're gonna have to kill me and there he goes Lu boo has fallen he has been killed slain on the battlefield but he dies a hero he ends up with like over a thousand six hundred kills look at him I like to think he's just wounded let's just think that that makes me feel a little better but he made the ultimate sacrifice did everything he could to win this battle and so very lies a hero a hero back over here unfortunately another hero fell much out died I don't know if I can find him here we didn't really get a notification did we but he died around the same time as Lou boo defending the northern bridge but unfortunately sau sau is now getting double-teamed and his feet he's facing gongsun zan and there's really nothing he can do there's nothing he can do he's just got a fight he can't retreat he's getting like triple-team now look at that I'm like I didn't want to lose him here but like he's just getting just triple-teamed guys not much I could do about it I'm gonna try to run him because we look here we did win on this flank to the most part unfortunately the bastard you and Chou has gotten away and he's one of the reasons why Lu boo died damn him he's super low super low we'll be watching you buddy we'll be watching you we're so close to winning here unfortunately the enemy has broken through our defenses here as a light battle but they got through and I'm now we're treating this is this is bold so what I'm doing here is I felt like my opponent or my opponent my ally can hold this bridge loan so I've actually retreated the protectors of heaven and I'm trying to save sow sow as he is retreating from the battlefield honestly I felt like I should have left them on horseback but sow sow dude run yeah Raj get out of there come on sow sow he's got an arrow and he's like neck there oh god it's like his shoulder collarbone look at it he's just getting gangbanged right now and there he goes south Sal has fallen tragic man tragic really frustrating I was so mad at that point because sau sau was a major important character in this battle I was more upset about dying there than lubu because at least lubu did everything he could you know like he got over a thousand six thousand six hundred kills and if I can find his body again he's somewhere around here they died there he is like it no not even dead bodies are around him flu boo bless you bless you for all that you did so now we are retreating see Qiu has finally finally been defeated and who's this Jian way da chasing him down and cut back on his horse my strategist finally can relax a little bit though he lost almost half of his help trying to kill si - so he's retreating and we've lost the northern bridge we've lost every Bridge we now guys this is where the battle gets insane we now have to retreat everyone in everything to the town center which is right here this is our finals we don't even have enough units to hold all of the breach points but if we're looking at the numbers here the bounds of power is pretty much the same 300 against a thousand nine hundred okay three hundred and eight versus a thousand nine hundred and twenty eight we have a charge here from a commander it's Leo bet Leo Bo Leo be out fighting up the Spears [Music] and look at this guy look at this guy right here watch this guy's ability watch this are you ready I don't know if he does it here but he will do it there he goes ready this was the most frustrating thing to watch he's gonna do it or not there he goes there he goes ready boom look at this look at this what the hell is this this is like Warhammer crap right there that it just does so much damage and we're having to deal with that all not all game but all late-game so I am moving what I have left I have won and very depleted yellow dragons and very depleted protectors of heaven I'm sending them both over here what did the enemy have well they've got a lot of crossbow still with with ammo or archers these aren't well some are crossbows some are archers over here they've got some Spears and Hal birds but they're kind of breaking but these guys are pretty elite I've never seen these guys defenders of qiba way I don't I don't know how to pronounce it but they look pretty cool a situ unfortunately came back to the battle and he's trying to flank around not good not good I was hoping we would defeat him I'm just trying to keep my strategists alive but I know he's gonna have to join the fight here soon he's got no other choice everyone is gonna have to fight to the last man this is it guys this is the final stand do you think we can take this one not likely not likely look at the numbers look at the difference gong soon zed is in the fight he's the first one to charge in my yellow dragons are in the fight I don't want my yellow dragons to die there goes my strategist running and doing a hit run tactic but gongsun zan is already breaking it he's dead see Chu takes him out any cheers over his lifeless bodies this C Chu has avenged a lot of those who've fallen from the he's events of south saddle who died from gongsun zan okay so that's our plan guys kill the generals don't worry about the infantry the infantry will crack if the generals are dead that's one less general gongsun zan is dead that is fantastic the archers now opening fire that's okay they're firing at a shield wall most these men will survive the barrage ac2 coming around the flank trying to get over on this flank here we go all right mr. Brunswick doing a great job with Dean Wow Dean way excuse me going after the troops going after the weak again we're going for the weakest generals first see to our friendly sea to our allies CQ fighting off multiple Spears who are on the edge of breaking my strategists I'm gonna go ahead and dismount and I'm gonna join the fight this is so intense there's just so much going on now we've got the archer general The Sentinel who's in the back lines we cannot allow him to use his ability and it comes back so fast and then Archer ability that you saw comes back and he can use it ten times and this is not good he's already taken out his bow look at this oh my God look at that volley and it just keeps going and going and that wipes out that spear unit the chance of winning this battle is becoming worse and worse but Dean Way is going to get revenge on this guy he's chasing him down he's actually really low my strategist is in the fight now just trying to kill infantry that's all I'm really trying to do with them he's gotten four kills did I see that right he's only he's got four kills come on dude he's a strategist but come on whatever that's fine is a target oh my god and this is where it's been crazy guys so all of our infantry is dead alright let me like three you see that guys let me let me just pause it three three of us hold on it's not showing up there it is three against a thousand three hundred and thirty three let's press play again doesn't matter about the infantry we're trying to kill the generals we just got generals there goes another one another one has fallen who was it I don't know I don't know but it's one less I think it was see chew maybe and every time a general dies the morale drops even further and that was our only chance of winning this battle we have to defeat the generals here goes Dean wait landing a crazy hit on the archer Sentinel come on he's so close get revenge look he's trying to use this ability again no he's not nevermind come on D in way come on D get away oh my God he's so close to being dead unfortunately my strategist my Stratos strategist is getting surrounded I got him back on his horse because I felt like he'd be better on his horse I was going after archers again focusing and just running around trying to stay alive because they're focusing down mine generals instead of focusing down d in way come on save Joey come on so let's do some slow motion again where is Ian okay look at this unit a general breaking he we didn't kill him but he's breaking and look at that's causing a ton of Units to break what are we looking at what are we looking at three against a thousand one hundred one hundred we've killed about two hundred or broke killed or broke unfortunately my strategist is getting double-teamed and I was doing everything I could to try to get him out of that fight now I'm gonna charge them into archers see qu it's nice nice okay you got a couple kills there see chu is fighting the infantry alone look at this guy fighting the infantry alone while Dean Way is trying to deal with the generals and I'm just keeping my general alive so he's a target so that way not everybody's ganging up on Dean way no unfortunately unfortunately the handsome boy goes down he does he is dead the guy who I thought was a girl when I first played him now what is it what's left two generals versus two generals surrounded by thousands of mostly archers but we do have some warriors of Yi and some infantry of Jing so there's still a lot of infantry a lot of infantry and look at our generals our heroes are getting surrounded guys look at the balance of power with two guys alive my entire army is dead by the way I am spent it is down to see Qiu and Dean way can I please see two verse 971 we have broken and killed so many units attack come on come on Dean way land some hits kill the strategist really if we can kill the commander here this is gonna be huge and this is where it happens guys this is where mister Brunswick offers a duel a duel Tullio be ow and I couldn't believe it I couldn't believe it that he accepted this duel because now yes he okay well he dismounted Dean way but once you start fighting Dean way is skilled at killing people in duels this is old guys he can move but you shouldn't stand look at it's already evening out this is the epic matchup of the siege guys I mean this is what I'm talking about romance mode how badass is this everything that's happened everything that's at stake all being settled right here in this fight and while that's going on is see qu it's just fighting off thousands of men the balance of power is increasing it's 2 against 681 come on he's so close to killing so close to killing him he takes him out he takes him out he is gone all we have to do now is break these units he's now moving to kill the strategist get him off the battlefield see truce Singh is swinging around his giant club thing and they unfortunately broke or they didn't break but they captured the town centre and that is why technically we lost the battle but if we had a little bit more time we would have won go ahead and rewind the video a little bit and look at the balance of power everybody was breaking see qu Indian Way had more I had about half health there was gonna be no way they were gonna defeat Dean way and see qu this strategist I mean it's trying to just can't put up a fight so we won I don't care what this game says we won this battle in an unbelievable way yes they captured it yes the time ran out but but dang it guys I mean come on we had that one and if there was no capture point like or if they couldn't win by capturing that would have been a victory how insane is that how insane so heavily outnumbered what a what a battle guys I mean just look at the carnage the carnage that went down everywhere such an insane fight such an infinite let's just end this battle let's look at the salts here and that's what I'm talking about we were literally at the end there cheering we were all just like yes yes we're gonna pull this off I can't believe it look at this loop ooh a thousand six hundred and forty six kills I'm pretty sure he got the most kills out of any general I don't know for sure cuz I can't click on the other armies unfortunately but my god my yellow dragons held their own I think they could have done better one of Mike Ross was getting 330 kills the arrests not even breaking a hundred which is kind of disappointing Trebuchet doing its job one of my swords here getting a hundred and ninety eight I think this is the sword that was up on the wall surrounded by two units how birds over here did great my protectors of heaven did pretty solid really lubu is the shining like hope in this battle and he rest in peace Lu boo you know at least in this battle he dies more honorably than how he dies in real life but well you know he's captured by South Island just executed but yeah that was a hell of a fight guys I hope you enjoyed this battle as much as I did i rewatch in the replay it's just almost more exciting even though I know the outcome it was just crazy it was just crazy guys so thank you so much for watching hope you enjoyed the video and I'll see you guys next time on the battlefield [Music]
Channel: Pixelated Apollo
Views: 236,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: three kingdoms, total war, three kingdoms gameplay, total war: three kingdoms, 3 kingdoms, romance of the three kingdoms, total war: three kingdoms battle gameplay, han dynasty, cao cao, yuan shao, total war: three kingdoms campaign map, bandit queen, lu bu, three kingdoms guide, sun jian, dong zhuo three kingdoms, dong zhuo let's play, siege battle, review, pixelated apollo, battle replay, epic, dynasty warriors, tw3k, sega, xiahou yuan
Id: E0wiIiUxtuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 33sec (5013 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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