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it was only two weeks ago when a gondorian patrol force was brutally ambushed by a large goblin army deep in the misty mountains very few gondorians survived but the lucky ones who did quickly rushed to the nearest village to warn them what was coming their way but the villagers laughed they didn't believe them they thought these soldiers abandoned their post came up with a lie for some sympathy and a warm meal they went as far as to lock them up so when the patrol army returned they would be rightfully punished even that night you could hear drunken laughter in the tavern as they were laughing about the story that the soldiers told them they didn't believe it they didn't want to believe it but for a split second between the burst of drunken laughter there was silence and you saw many grinning and happy faces turn into faces of panic as they heard a rumbling a thunder come from the misty mountains and as quickly as that moment came it went then you hear a burst of laughter for that moment a simple thunderstorm put fear in their hearts but those thunderous sounds coming from the misty mountains was no storm it was the cave troll drummers banging their drums of victory the drums of the cave trolls attract more and more goblins as their army grew from a large one to a huge goblin army they were ready this wasn't a raid this was a on attack on a gundorian border village the villagers quickly realized on the second night that it was no thunderstorm the soldiers were telling the truth and the taverns were still full but they were dead silent messengers were sent in every direction every able person picked up a weapon and prepared the defenses there was no time to run or evacuate the village their only hope was to fight all rights knights of apollo what's up guys welcome back to third age total war we are back with another custom scenario made by sin of the dark cloud and this is our continuation of our storyline here with the orcs in the misty mountains it's 15 years after the destruction of the ring and the orcs are making a comeback baby so i don't know what you want to call this storyline uh it's completely made up obviously uh we can call it the orcs of the misty mountains chronicles no i i don't know you can call it whatever you want but if you missed out on the first battle it's linked down in the video description so don't miss that it is a juicy one for the rest of you guys uh i did ask you guys to do some lore i was hoping you guys could share some lore about certain characters that are involved in the conflict here and there's a couple of you guys that i really liked or a couple of the comments that i really liked and i'm gonna make official canon but you know feel free to say whatever you want and just make a canon down in the comments it is really cool to interact with you guys and and come up with a story together which please continue to do so here during this battle in the comments down below so the first comment here shout out to rob so he has a little backstory for the general who led the ambush so here we go a yagi which i hope i didn't mispronounce but you know me ayagi the shrunken troll uh the runt of the litter he was taught from a young age that he was weak but he defied those insults proving time and time again that his size was not his weakness he is nimble and swift often leading guerrilla attacks on flanks and striking out on his own to bite the head off of a human while his intelligence is definitely worthy of scoffing his animalistic instincts is only worthy of fear very cool so i like that a yagi the shrunken troll is the head general of this great goblin uprising i like the fact that he's a troll who's leading this army i think that's really cool so hey guys go ahead and expand upon yagi go ahead and expand upon upon like sub commanders do whatever you want i love reading this stuff it is really cool now there is a twist to this battle which i must show you over here so something i didn't mention in the intro way over here we have rohirum reinforcements now there is a reason that they're gonna show up as reinforcements and let me explain it through one of my subscribers comments here so here's the comments from micaiah quinton i hope that's how you pronounce your name i am apollo slaughterer of names but he has a backstory for one of the captains which this captain is going to be very famous very soon very very important so we have captain aidan of gondor his family immigrated to gondor from rohan and in memory of his late grandfather he decided to join the gondorian army his commanders realized his skill for horseback riding and made him a cavalryman he fought bandits and raiders all his life and for the first time he was commanded to deal with the goblin force he gladly accepted the calling and memory of his grandfather he rode on to crush a force of a hundred goblins near the fortress of arg if that's how you pronounce it only to discover an ambush laid by thousands he fought with the men that he had loved to serve with and he witnessed nearly all of them fight and die in vain as there was no escape and no hope for survival he desperately searched for a way to save as many men as possible he constantly tried to support his men charging into the enemy again and again in a desperate attempt to break their will to fight so that his men might be victorious but it was all for naught the goblin horde was too numerous he suddenly realized in order for his men's death to mean anything he had to survive to tell the tale of his men fighting to the very last to overcome impossible odds at the old fortress of our good with tears streaming down his face he rode away from the battlefield shame that he wouldn't die fighting side by side with his men it was only the thought of honoring their deaths that urged him pushed him to continue he told all who could hear his tale of goblin armies massing in the mountains he warned them all to remember the stand and argor remember the arg all right so i thought that was a really cool storyline for the captain of uh the gondorians and i want to add a little bit to it so since he has this like ancestral connection to rohan he rode to a nearby rohirum outpost which they would have patrolling the lands and oftentimes they would patrol gondor's lands because they were master horsemen they were great allies and they looked after each other and that is where riding out looking for desperate help he had discovered a patrol force of rohirum and they were following the noises of the goblin army and this is where they end up uh setting up a little bit later where they're gonna show up and save hopefully save the village you're gonna show up with some reinforcements so i don't know i you know the fact that he had that rohirrim connection i thought it would be perfect to have him show up with rohirom allies you know like oh hey that we we knew your grandfather or you know we we know your bloodline or whatever so they've showed up to help so here we are guys with the battle let's go ahead and get this started as this is going to be a juicy one just really quickly as they are advancing towards the the city we actually have uh some leftover gondor cav uh riding out so this is led by lango so he's leading one of the gondor armies and the other gondor army is commanded by aqua or akka i'm sorry if i'm slaughtered i'm so bad at it um but yeah he's he's leading this force and this gondor force is is mixed force of militia professional troops and even citizens picking up arms pitchforks and all shovels and all ready to fight to the last because really there's no escape as the goblins have encircled them it's a really quick looking at the attackers the goblin forces we have mevin so he's leading one of the misty mountain armies and over here on the other side we have mr sneak man and right next to him we've got the other army of enix fitz and then over here where gondor is already engaging and trying to slow down the goblins we have inarius inaris i'm so sorry and then next we've got uh master who is uh i think the final force now leading the row hirom of course it's the captain but the player is sin of the dark clock so he's gonna show up a little bit later not sure when exactly but hopefully in time to save this village now what do you guys think uh go ahead and vote you'll see a little notification do you think the village will fall or do you think the village will hold and what will happen next well we'll find out let's just let's see what happens here uh it looks like the first goblin army that is going to be attacking is right here they've got some of their cannon fodder actually no these are good troops we've got heaven heavy goblin infantry who are going to smash down this gate now here's the bad thing about these small villages is that um well they can easily like these walls can be knocked down very easily with battering rams so they're gonna have multiple entry points it's going to be very tough for them to try to defend this one but there they go the rams are getting into place this is it this is it you lugs you hear that slam it harder that's awesome so they're knocking down one they got the gate oh there we go there it is and the brave gondorian soldiers form a defensive line ready to hold the breach the gate is also being attacked and they form the uh the v shape of victory they're going to try to hold this gate as long as possible a lot of gondor spearmen uh which is really cool and let's go let's go check out what what's going on over here with this cow i mean this is kind of crazy that this gondor cav is still riding around and i think they're going after the trolls the drummer trolls but they are just running down and killing as many goblins as possible i i guess just buy time i mean i know they sent out messengers and they were trying to you know wait for reinforcements so maybe that's their their mindset here is like okay let's try to hold back the enemy hopefully one of our messengers returns with reinforcements from a nearby village or nearby ally or whatever here comes the other oh look at this uru coast they are pushing up a ram as well so they're going to try to get to those walls and we're having multiple walls get destroyed this village looks really cool too i mean you got the gondor architecture here uh it's nice that it's not just like another medieval two you know default medieval city it's actually pretty unique looking all right so gondor infantry once again forming up um do we have any positions that are under attack yet no uh it seems like they knocked down this breach they're kind of waiting so i assume what the uh the commander here uh which is uh the the shrunken troll he is trying to plan a coordinated all like a coordinated attack on all sides at the same time oh oh let's not forget oh there goes oh my god look at all those arrows flying overhead that's insane but let's not forget there are trebuchet so i added you know very desperately formed some trebuchets built some trebuchets to prepare for the attacking army which might be a saving grace for them oh gotta love it gotta love it so where is that trebuchet it looks like it's coming from over here where are those fiery balls of justice coming from oh it's a catapult okay but they do also have a trebuchet but they're not protecting the catapult and we have the uru coast who are behind the catapult crew and they are going to slaughter them very quickly let's hope that they can save that catapult i don't know how they did not see that [Applause] there goes another wall so we're gonna see constant wall destruction if only the villagers took this seriously and sent out miss messengers on the first day and here we go look at this oh my god this clash of troops there goes the gate another gate has been destroyed over here it looks like we got some trolls trying to disrupt the gondorian uh defenses we also have some gondor axes which might actually help very very much against these uh these trolls there they go trying to hold come on hold damn you and then oh there goes oh my god there's so many so many cutscenes look at the arrows too i i i like in medieval 2 in terms of like arrow aesthetics i don't know this might be weird but the arrows look so awesome in this game there we go got more and more troops pouring in and sure enough this is another massive battle so uh it's gonna get a little it's gonna be a little lag you know what let's try to slow it down a little bit we'll do 0.7 speed which will help the frames a little bit as this is a very old game i bet some of you guys weren't even born yet when this game came out here comes more aero fire look at that just hitting right into the faces of those heavy goblin infantry so i mean look at the mini map here look it's just a ring of death closing in on gondor on this poor village he'll look ill equipped to deal with this invasion now we still have i think one of the gondor cav units yeah look it way back here down to nine men but they are uh they're more they're still dangerous never underestimate cab units even if they're down to like five guys they can still rack up a lot of kills so more and more walls coming down because i another thing is like you can reuse the rams but hopefully the goblins are satisfied enough with the destruction to these walls and they have enough breach points there we go gondor still fighting the good fight here we got troops who are breaking through the flank looks like gondor is falling back a little bit reforming reorganizing yeah okay that would be a pretty good position to hold just right here see that's what they kind of have to do i think that the outer walls is just too difficult to hold because there's so many breach points so many breach points and not enough men so it might be a good time to start like falling back and holding these inner like streets but we'll see what gondor does here they might be able to see oh no the catapult still can't fire they're still getting harassed that's such a shame because i bet this catapult only just started like it could have racked up so many more kills they got to deal with these guru coasts the crew is running away they're like we've had enough of this and look at this thin silver line holding against this blob of orcs oh okay there goes the gondorian general as he was fighting out i guess that was the village general he was sallying out and trying to hold back the goblins [Applause] arrows streaming overhead see one of these just simple gondor spearmen showing great acts of courage against overwhelming numbers okay check this out rohan is on the move look who arrived the gondor captain and his rohiro allies have arrived so they're kind of making their way they probably don't realize maybe they hear maybe they can hear the echoes of quarks and men screaming and the clash of swords and artillery slamming into the ground uh but they're probably also pretty tired from traveling quite the distance to try to hurry up and get over there but yeah they are they're making their way and they're gonna try to get there and do some damage and the orcs have a reserve force check this out the orc scouts spotted rohan and so they've set up a rear force to defend the main attacking force and you know this is what i'm talking about with all the walls that are being destroyed it's best to just fall back and hold the inner streets because it doesn't at that point it doesn't matter how many walls are destroyed because you know they're falling back they're they're holding the streets if you get what i'm saying i poorly explained what the hell i was talking about but i hope you get what i'm saying yeah these goblins are really trying to slice their way through one of these axemen and i think he's also got some really professional like fountain guard yeah fountain guard they're just kind of holding the line there but they are about to be flanked here by heavy goblin infantry and cave trolls then over on this side again it's just every flank that we're seeing seems to be overwhelmed [Applause] doesn't seem like gondor can hold much longer oh my god and they're getting flanked over here just fall back fall back it's their best bet too many soldiers are dying without getting enough kills because they're getting flanked and look at this massive troll charge oh my god they're going after those archers that's a good way of silencing them and archers are another like really important unit in defensive battles that you need to keep alive like the only reason you want to send archers into melee is if you use all of their ammo and you need more infantry reinforcements and even when you send in the archers you should try to flank with them because they'll be more effective that way look at these trolls they don't care at all like whatever we're going behind enemy lines like this is a problem and here's their elite reserve force oh the trebuchet look at that look at that the trebuchet is going in after the goblin king's bodyguard oh my god that general was near death right there it was like a foot away from killing him that's crazy but yeah they've got i like how they left the citizens oh hey there's even so some rohirum infantry oh i didn't notice that okay so rohan showed up with infantry as well that were able to make it before the cav you know don't question it let's just say that they were here just i don't know they're here for the great taverns and sure enough they're needed i don't know but uh they are here so that's cool and i like how the citizens are in the back too like it's kind of like you know they'll fight when they absolutely have to fight which is going to be the last stand and here we go oh my god this is going very quickly gondor is uh already setting up the final stand orcs have made it to the final stand but there there are some really good rohirrim units in here by the way let's go check out what rohan is doing here we go [Music] they're going to charge in and they're going to crush these guys oh delicious delicious massive gondor cav charge this is what we live for guys this is what we live for so they are butchering the orcs right now they are nasty good and look at how many orcs have to be sent over to deal with this charge they're even sending trolls over the rear guard army is losing men fast in a broke broken if rohan can break through them then there might be a hope for the defenders of gondor so yeah there they go they are doing a good job let's go ahead and go back over to the siege battle the village battle where the small pockets of gondor putting up any kind of resistance they're starting to deteriorate they're starting to fall apart as they are surrounded the catapult has been taken even the catapult crew look at imagine being a pa a catapult crewman you know you're trained to shoot a catapult not to fight in close combat i'm sure there's some training but they are now having to sacrifice their lives because there's nowhere to go there's nowhere to go for these guys so they are surrounded uh we got more orcs pushing forward the archers are giving them hell this is an interesting spot right here because this road doesn't lead to the town center it's it's kind of like a dead end so this is actually these guys are gonna rack up a ton of kills these archers like you know because the orcs i mean they might not even come this way i love it you can see the rohirrim fighting in the background over there now they're using fire arrows they're trying to break the orcs spirit but the orc spirits are high as this is like their first time doing a full-on attack since the war of the ring so a handful of gondorians fight in this little uh pocket here and i think about about this time in the battle uh the orcs have taken control of the outer street of this great village there's still some resistance but it will not hold for too long let's go over to rohan let's see how they're doing oh my god rohan this is quite the patrol force too you know i guess you could argue it was multiple patrol forces that have gathered into one force but they are slaughtering look at this slaughtering these orbs [Applause] very cool so they continue to fight it out with the orcs rear guard and they are moments away from breaking them if they can keep it up there's already a huge force of goblins breaking and fleeing back to the misty mountains ashamed but can they make it in time as the orcs continue to push on this final stand i can already tell the frame rate is getting way better as these as the uh you know the orcs and the humans die it gets better and better [Applause] it's just so cool seeing these fountain guards imagine imagine being gondor like one of the soldiers and every night hearing the cave troll drums echo through the mountains and now they're right here in your face and you can feel the vibration go through you like that would be so great it's just it's like here they are you know i don't know it just would be kind of terrifying so if we look at the defense there's three points of attack all three points are under attack and they're holding pretty well now this is where gondor really excels this is where really most good factions and when i say good i mean like good and evil like the good guys uh they do very well at holding choke points where the goblins tend to rely on numbers and numbers only really help you out in big open fields so you can flank around and cause morale issues but in chokepoint situations numbers don't matter as much [Applause] all right let's go back over to see how gander is holding up or not gondor uh rohan and they are holding up guys i mean they've definitely taken some casualties but oh that is so cool look at that oh my god just seeing all the horses it honestly it never gets old like i could see a million rohan charges into an orc army and i will never be tired of it or bored of it they just look so awesome [Applause] so yeah they're still trying to fight their way through this blob and they're so close oh yeah i think guys rohan has officially broken the goblins i think they have officially broken the goblins and uh i think pretty soon they're gonna be able to do some cycle charging on the goblins which you know the defenders in the village have put up quite the defense quite the defense [Applause] [Applause] this is the biggest threat i would say right here and they still have a lot of reserves guys there's still a ton of reserves ready to charge in but it's really it's at this moment it's gonna be a grind fest like it just comes down to a big grind this trebuchet is having a field day i don't know if he's trying to save ammo right here or he's going after this big blob see trebuchets are a little tricky in medieval two because uh like this target i'm sure is pretty hard for them to hit because there's so many friendlies in the way but they could definitely go for the units way in the back they might be holding on to their ammo until when things get really desperate we got the archers who are in this dead end literally a dead end but they will get a lot of kills and they're trying to use up all their ammo try to do as much damage to this force let's go back over to rohan and sure enough guys they are making their way they're making their way you know what they could do they could go through this breach point over here and save the archers like this is a good way to rack up a ton of kills let's see if they go that way or they could even split up and try to do that that's still a lot of cab and they've already killed so many orcs god rohan rohan is so strong balance of power is still in favor of the orcs but the defenders are slowly shifting it to their favor slowly but surely [Applause] [Applause] hmm i think it's really important for the orcs if they want to win this battle they're gonna have to not blob up too much and it seems like they are doing a pretty good job of doing that like they're sending in a unit or two every once in a while because if they blobbed everyone up here and tried to push the orcs in the back will just get tired from fighting nobody also it makes it an easier target for the trebuchet which are now turning oh my god look at this view right here get all the soldiers fighting got the cav in the background running let's go see what rohan's doing they're just going down the list man charge and attack oh anti-cav here though oh they definitely took a lot of casualties in that charge so they're going to keep roaming around trying to find soft spots i'm surprised he's not splitting up his cab again i i feel for the gondorians over here man i want them to be saved i mean how cool of a story would that be like these men are like all right this is et men this is where we stand and die and then rohan shows up and saves them like that would be awesome but i don't think that's gonna happen for them today as war is crew cruel and they are breaking through that that layer there so it's going to come down to these gondor archers so they're gonna do their best to try to hold there rohan is going up basically going after like units that are out of position oh oh my god a heavy goblin halberd unit 217 men they're breaking wow okay that's a good victory for rohan let's go let's go see how this uh choke battle is going trebuchet that's a good blob right there it's been a slow glide a slow grind [Applause] a very slow grind but you know over on the other oh i don't know guys like there's still a lot of life in this orc army [Applause] they still have so many reserves oh and these are some good units or oh black back mountain berserkers black rooks of the mountains uh heavy goblin how birds like this is these are some really nasty units and they have the drummer trolls and it the defenders are starting to look not super thin but they are taking casualties and i don't know if they're killing enough this trebuchet needs to do something it's like they're trying to get it to fire but they're just not doing it they're not listening come on we want some juicy fiery balls of justice and we are at this point guys halfway through the battle halfway through the fight who who's who's got a fire on right now like who's who's cooking some food i love how the chimney is there's smoke coming out of the gym they're like what are you doing like making your last supper or something i'm gonna enjoy this meal before i get slaughtered by orcs [Applause] all right so i think it's safe to go back to one speed and uh this is a thin line this is a thin line of honor guard they're very good now thankfully there is another elite unit of helm's hammers which is a really really awesome unit let's let's also check out what rohan is up to who is now at near the front gate of the city they're like look man there's orcs everywhere we must do our part man they've already done so much oh they're getting shot at the orcs have turned their archers and started shooting at the cav uh-oh oh one of the goblin generals has died [Music] and more and more goblins are about to charge into the fray so the death of a general is really good for gondor obviously they kind of have to rely on breaking their enemy oh look at this hell mingas have reinforced the line and the orcs are looking awfully thin here yup yup yup it's time to send in the reinforcements here comes the uruks of the mountains they're about to clash here they're about to clash um back on other sides of the battle looks like the archers unfortunately have died and rohan was not able to save them in the br oh how tragic seriously this i know i made i made the joke dead end it certainly was a dead end and all of the gondorian soldiers have died defending this position and tried to bring as many orcs down with them what a tragic end for these gondor soldiers well let's hope they didn't die in vain and let's see if their uh their brothers in arms can finish the job oh wait wait wait the trebuchet is going the trebuchet is it firing i swear oh it's going it's going this way oh they're using oh they must okay so they ran out of ammo i think they're using the like rotting flesh oh and look at this bro i was wondering why these guys were running over here rowan is running down the road he's gonna fall back though he doesn't like what he sees which is smart see it's going to be harder for the cav to be as effective in the streets here of this city here comes rohan charging in more cab going after the white uruk fearmongers look at these guys oh my god they're fearmongers and they're good anti-cav oh i'm can the cab get out yeah okay so there is an exit out of oh but they gotta hurry up the cavs gotta they gotta leave they gotta find a different point of entry because they're about to be sandwiched run run rohan okay i think they're safe most of them should get out oh they're trying to try and go go go go go go look at them go they're like oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap that was close that was close but it's exactly what the defenders needed that kind of distraction hey look it's one of the generals [Applause] fighting the good fight he's right in the front try to look around here see what other orcs well they're starting to run out of reinforcement the bounce of power is still in favor of the attackers but only just this is a problem this rohan army this cav force is a problem and i'm sure the god the goblins and orcs are getting very frustrated i'm sure they want to deal with them so they can just focus on the defenders oh there the helm's hammers have been sent into the battle desperate fight for this hill and oh the goblins are making ground here look at this they are getting closer and closer to that town center helms hammers have joined the fight over on this side as well against the black rooks of the mountains so just imagine right oh my god look at this fight just imagine being a rohiro and just like that feeling of you desperately need to help but at the same time you can't be completely reckless and just charge in and yeah it has to be a horrible feeling like we got to go in but we can't and they are but they are going in i think they feel more confident over here because it's mostly just heavy goblin infantry which are much better to fight compared to like a halberd unit so they're gonna break away and they're gonna go right to the rear this is huge this might just save this flame we're gonna go straight to the rear of these orcs and the hell hammers cheer as they see their fellow rohirrim show up and save the day at least [Applause] so that cab is doing their part and they they've done it they've pretty much cleaned up this entire flank position over here the rest of the cab is cleaning up these orcs but it looks like reinforcements are on the way white uruk fearmongers now if i was rohan i would try to run up towards the city center or back this way because those fear mongers are going to kill a lot of rogue europe cap balance of power is almost 50 guys oh my god it's getting close to the end for this battle but it's still too close to know who's gonna take it [Applause] so the struggle is real over here over on this side the orcs oh my god the orcs are the the only thing that stands in their way is a thin layer of westmark marshalls they might have to charge in the citizens they might have to charge them in all right and then the cav is running around they fought all that they could a lot of cav died there because of the white rook fear mongers what a nasty unit a disgusting force that slaughtered so many cavs and the rohirum forest is not even one one-third of what they used to be but yet they still fight and still try to aid their ally in this uh tough battle i don't know i mean everywhere i look guys it just seems to be a weak defense i mean this is really weak i mean look how thin these units are they're good units but they're very tiny and look how close yeah i don't know i mean i know the bounce of power is showing me a somewhat fair fight but well not a fair fight but you know what i'm saying like in terms of balance of power but the orcs might take this orcs are so close they are so close to breaking through this line we got shield maidens in there as well let's see what rohan's doing oh wait is that no no no i thought rohan was charging but over here where are they okay they're still over here a small force but still a deadly force okay they're going in oh i think they're gonna go for it look at this look at this so they gotta get past the white uruk fear mongers go go go go go don't stop keep running and they need to get behind and charge the rear of these orgs let's see if they go for it the only thing it's a suicide mission some of the cav oh he might be sacrificing some of the cav to hold back these fear mongers or no no he's gonna he's gonna push through he's regrouping here okay this might be the play of the day here if rohan can get over here and break this flank they need oh they're going for it they are going for it look at this look at them just trotting over a bunch of dead orcs and and men of gondor here they go here they go is this enough to break this choke point and save possibly the siege oh another orc uh or goblin whatever you want to call him general is dead the drummer trolls are trying to slow down the cave but they're going to keep pushing and that is probably oh it broke them it broke them guys oh my god that is a huge victory this little engagement here was a huge victory for gondor so what that means is that they're now gonna have extra troops well one they don't have to worry about well they still have to worry about this unit the white guru fear mongers god rohan's gotten so many kills but that that has helped them a ton but it still isn't enough oh no i don't know guys i don't know if this is enough the bounce power is showing even this is crazy one of the players admitted defeat i'm not sure which one but one of the players armies they only do that when their army is completely destroyed so one army has been completely destroyed i assume it was a gondor army [Applause] there's another general he's pretty bloodied up he might die here oh my god there's some rohiro cav that survived they're now just joining the uh the town center hold here they're just charging in look at them look at them can they hold citizens imagine being a professional well-trained well-trained uh hammer or hell's hammer uh infantryman and then looking to your left and right and seeing citizens with pitch pitchforks trying to help you oh no who's gonna win it [Applause] they need a chain route they need a massive route i think at this point look at the cav just pinballing around [Applause] they're trying their best but their best ain't good enough [Applause] bouncing power is now in favor balance of power is now in favor of god how can that be that right it seems it seems like i don't know like if for a quick glance it looks like the orcs are wait a second a massive break a massive break from the orcs oh my god can you imagine being a citizen a citizen who's fighting with picture pitchforks and actually helping the professional troops defeat the orc army and watch them break and the city might stay the village oh there's another yes another orc general has fallen oh my god looks like the defenders might just pull out a victory here but that balance of power is still too close it is still too close to call who's gonna win this battle all it takes is a general to fall one single general and you can have a massive chain route there's the helms hammers joining the front line again desperately need to join this front line as they need support there's fear the the uh fearmongers this is a scary unit they can get a lot of kills they can still win this and the citizens look at the citizens they're like yeah we chased them down oh my god the orcs are getting butchered here just completely breaking look at that and it looks like most likely unless something crazy happens rohan saved the day once again [Applause] [Applause] so now the citizens are shifting over to this side [Applause] all they need is a good rear charge with the leftover cab which is exactly what's happening even though this is a heavily depleted cav unit we'll most likely see them break a lot of orcs here we'll kind of speed this up a little bit because i think it's quite clear oh my god look how many row here i'm dying here jeez i think it's quite clear who's gonna win this i mean it it's most likely gonna be the defenders kind of watching them kind of butcher what's left of these orcs and yeah we're already seeing orcs look at it they're exhausted some are breaking it's too much for them and here comes a rear charge by the cav going after these these uh trolls oh and they're slaughtering them the lances are too too strong for the trolls there goes another admit defeat and guys i think it's safe to say gondor was able to hold out and defeat the the orcs to the misty mountains but what happens now did the goblins give up does gondor send up another army to deal with them once and for all or maybe there is something else planned during this battle i would love to hear what you guys think is going to happen next again feel free in the comments down below to share some stories of uh heroes during the battle of certain characters could be something funny too like you know it doesn't have to be something awesome like badass all the time uh but yeah this looks like it's gonna be a clear victory not a clear it was very close but a a very important victory for gondor and rohan but we'll see where it leads to so i'm gonna go ahead and just fast forward to the end results so there you have it guys here's the results um so sin of the dark cloud he was rohan getting 4 000 kills uh the le2 gondor players which unfortunately is not showing their actual names six thousand and then five thousand and then over on the goblins of course you expect to see less numbers because their troops aren't as good but they have a ton of them and they almost all of them getting a thousand kills there but yeah that's gonna conclude episode two battle number two of this series uh again i don't wanna say too much but we'll see what happens next so thank you guys so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this battle as much as i did and don't forget to subscribe i am on the road to a million subs and half of my viewers are not subscribed so it it helps me out a ton um so yeah if you guys enjoyed it subscribe i appreciate it thank you guys so much for watching and wait wait wait wait before i end it let me you guys got mad at me when i didn't show you the casualties so you guys can kind of pause it here when i go over oh 704 by the honor guard oh my god that's insane there you go all right guys thank you so much for watching hope you enjoyed and i'll see you next time on the battlefield you
Channel: Pixelated Apollo
Views: 155,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: third age reforged, third age total war, reforged, third age, third age total war gameplay, third age reforged gameplay, third age total war reforged, third age mod, third age rhun, third age gameplay, third age battle, third, third age total war dwarves, third age total war scenario, third age custom scenario, age, total war reforged, forged, first age, mod, dwarves, total war, lord of the rings, multiplayer, war, mordor, melkor, pixelated apollo, ambush, goblins
Id: vnYIJtmpIIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 47sec (3407 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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