Moss Removal Mission: Can We Survive This Back Breaking Driveway Clean!?

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dirty driveway check this one out everybody huge this is not all it comes around here all down here as well and down to there it's massive I can't remember the square meters but it's big we've got the back roof to do as well so I've got time lapse camera set up there so kev's going to be scraping that today um we've got these to do these should come up pretty nice as well so yeah we've got a bit of a car issues so we're gonna have to be rotating the cars and stuff so starting on this side because the water will run down over to there so I'll do that bit last and I'll move the cars on here if you know what I mean but yeah it's bad so yeah we've got all of this look at this tree that's overhanging that looks like it's gonna fall on my head loads of thick clumps but the gaps look very shallow this might be easier than I thought actually yeah I think so we shall see anyway right then let's get started [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] guys look at that I thought it'd be a bit more of a pale sort of beige color but no they are lovely let's go [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] folks we are exactly halfway through there is the difference obviously I'm gonna have to put some hypochloride down on this to get rid of some of these stains but this side isn't as bad which can be a good thing or a bad thing because sometimes when there's less Moss it's a little bit harder to clean if you know what I mean because it doesn't just rip it out as big chunks it sort of it goes bit by bit so it's a lot darker on this side as well so yeah definitely going to need some chemicals on this the overall it's coming up really nice lovely difference so much mud take this mud out got this bit I haven't cleared up yet and then a huge pile just from doing that side so if anyone wondering what I do with this put it all in a pile let it all drain out because if you try and move it carry it put it anywhere when it's full of water uh it's just it just weighs a ton so if this dries out throughout the day if the Sun stays out I can probably put most of this in the customer's waistband or we can just bag it up take it with us or spread it in some trays around in the back Garden or something so yeah just let it all dry out first and then I'll put the sand in this one because that's where all the water is and stuff left in the sand so yeah cool [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] folks job done that was a mammoth tusk I'm knackered after that there's a big old driveway isn't it uh the time is nearly two o'clock so yeah about half the day for this so yeah cool just gonna resend it on a dry day when everything's all dried out I've still got these mug piles to clear up here a little bit more rinsing of the road even though I've done it about 20 times already and I see it but yes comment below it's been a still a couple of spots on it but overall it's a really nice difference check that out look almost evened up where the cars have been parked which is nice but yeah lovely color to it as well let me show you from the uh other angle and there it is from this angle as well so yeah not easy not an easy day I haven't really drive that big since last year so I'm uh out of practice really for big ones like this yeah I'm sure there's uh a lot bigger ones to come this year as well but yeah I do enjoy it well folks thanks for watching kev's all finished on the back as well so hopefully you will listen the time lapses of that uh so yeah job done pretty much a half day even though it was a big job which is nice yeah take care guys peace
Channel: Partridge Exterior Cleaning
Views: 482,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roof cleaning, softwashing, window cleaning, exterior cleaning, gutter cleaning, unger, roof scraping, pressurewashing, upvc cleaning, cleaning
Id: aRDMy3_to7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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