My Customer Thought I Was An Idiot | My First Pressure Washing Job

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what's going on guys welcome back to my Channel Austin Davis and in this video we're going to tell you guys a little embarrassing stories from my first ever pressure washing job I ever did my first ever paying job while we watched me actually just so eloquently and professionally clean this driveway so the first job I ever got was from a real estate agent uh he hired me out this is back four years ago it didn't have barely any equipment 2.7 gallon per minute little Downstream injector and a five gallon bucket with my little gallons of bleach he gave me opportunity on this 2700 square foot house that needed a house washing a driveway cleaning so super cool opportunity was scared to death because I barely knew what I was doing ended up telling him it would be 700 which he actually accepted obviously thank God for that and I was just like holy crap a huge pile of money which was a big pile of money at the time for me and it still is I went ahead and went at it now here's the funny thing here's what makes it so embarrassing I barely knew what I was doing this is what I'm telling people are getting into the business like dude become a sponge to the information that you can get on YouTube that's free which at the time I was so eager to get into the business I was just say yep I'll do anything like we'll do it I'll you know we'll make make it happen right so I get to this job that was so covered in algae barely knew what I was doing I did have a little bit of you know YouTube Knowledge from Joe Deary powerful improvements if you haven't seen his channel go watch his channel a very filthy house and so I knew that I needed to Downstream that the only information I knew about downstreaming was you got to use a downstream injector but I had no idea about ratios or bleach or anything so I had a Fabian bucket at the time I was like I was so definitely afraid to put bleach on a house so what I did is I took a five gallon bucket and I put two gallons of just pure shock in there and then the rest with water so it's two gallons of shock three gallons of water in a five gallon bucket then I was downstreaming that knew nothing about ratios okay I didn't know what one to ten meant or anything so I start you know soft washing this house with the downstreamer and I'm using a big 30-foot pole that you can rent from Home Depot those long ones right and because I didn't know anything about you know shooter tips or anything so I'm trying to I'm trying to clean this house and I'm like why the hell is this not working I'm letting it sit letting it dwell on the algae is still there now I obviously understand that a downstream injector pulls one to ten so if you have a full batch of straight bleach and you're pulling from that you'll get a you know 110 12.5 divided by 10 that's 1.25 strength okay that's what everyone downstreams at well I didn't know that at the time I was diluting it two or three times so I was probably getting like 0.2 or 0.3 on the house which obviously wasn't doing anything so I had left the job I went back to my truck with the customer and client still in the house Googling and youtubing how to Downstream customers were coming out asking me is everything okay I'm like yeah I'm just in the truck I'm just you know taking a quick break I'll be there in a second but they didn't know I was actually on YouTube trying to figure out how to clean their house it was so embarrassing I ended up seeing that I needed to go straight bleach in the five gallon bucket so what I did was I told them like hey I need to go get gas I ran out of gas which I didn't that wasn't the case I just needed to go to the pool store and get more bleach because I underestimated how much I needed because I used the bleach that I have for a ratio that wasn't going to work so I'd go to the pool store I told them I was just getting gas go to the pool store get more bleach ended up throwing the five gallon bucket with bleach and then downstreaming that and it worked thank God right because I was doing it through prop separate way then I was like how do you clean this stone work because it was vinyl on top and stone on the bottom the stone wouldn't come clean with the downstreamer right and I was like how the hell like what is happening I thought I just learned that it would work then I go back to my truck get back on YouTube while I'm at the project it's just so crazy and stupid the customer's like what is he doing I say okay how do you clean stone work right I learned that you need to go 50 50 on a pump up sprayer if you don't have any of that fancy equipment and so that's what I did I took out my pump up sprayer at 50 50 that ended up getting all that stone work clean guys this is a 2500 square foot house and it took me from 9am to like 6 p.m sun down to figure out how to clean the whole exterior right but the problem was I told him like yeah I probably take me four or five hours to clean the house in the driveway well they were in a rush to sell it they needed to get listed like the next few days or whatever and so I told him about when it got to sundown they came out they're like Austin like what's going on you know are you okay like obviously you know they know something's up like something's something's wrong because I'm not getting it done but by the end of the day I did have that house done and you know I was just like look like it just took me a little longer and I'm anticipated I'm so sorry about that I'll be back tomorrow morning to finish the driveway well I get back out there the next morning to power wash the driveway still with my 2.7 gallon per minute on my little 12 inch disc and I should you know guys it took me like two and a half to three hours to just clean this driveway and then all the lines starting appearing guys and I was like oh my God what now like you got to be kidding me like this is not happening and I didn't know about Post Trading okay then I get back in my truck on YouTube like why are there lines in the driveway after I'm cleaning it I learned about Post Trading then I had to go back to the pool store get more bleach fill it in my pump up sprayer and then I 50 50 post treated that whole driveway and finally after like a combined 16 hours on the job so I I did a house wash and driveway cleaning I was so burnt out my back was killing me I felt so embarrassed but I learned so quick on the job like I I learned so much from that job it was just so cool because whenever I first got one of the client handed me that 700 Jack that was like the best money I've ever made in my life not because it was the most money I've ever made in my life but like it was just like holy crap like I can do this like I can actually go out there and make money for myself with my own little business I just actually learned how to do this stuff the proper way in the efficient way learn how to be more efficient in my business you know upgrade my equipment and really really learn what I'm talking about and what I'm doing so yeah that's the story of my first ever pressure washing job it was just absolute Mayhem it makes me laugh when I go back and think about it but I hope you guys enjoyed this little story time I'm gonna be doing some more Story Time videos of poor clients clients that think that there's I've had all kinds of interactions with clients guys just you know I rate clients I get mad about over little things really really good stories with clients all kinds of things have happened to me I've killed bushes I've replaced things all kinds of stories I have in my business I'm gonna be doing a new line on my channel where I talk about things and talk about stories and what happened to me what I would do differently and hopefully provide some good entertainment for my channel so stay tuned if you're not already subscribed hit the like button do subscribe we're trying to hit a hundred thousand subscribers this year peace out guys
Channel: Austin Davis
Views: 818,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yuMe0U1GorM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 7sec (367 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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