Mortarion And The Death Guard's First Crusade. | Warhammer 40K Lore

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the Primark of the death guard known as mortarion is an absolute monster he's the Lord of death and the plague God's chosen Champion a Reaper sent to bring death to the Imperium of man as armies march across the Galaxy drowning out any resistance they come across in a sea of pestilence and disease his ultimate goal to let the Galaxy rot but he didn't always used to be this way in fact mortarion was once known as a great Liberator and a Slayer of tyrants now his methods were admittedly always brutal but he used those methods to rid the Galaxy of those who would oppress others the man he once was has become a twisted and unrecognizable parody the Slayer of tyrants and the bane of witches has become a psychic tyrant in his own right now if you're a 40K veteran you're probably aware of his Origins how his Homeworld of barbarous was ruled over by necromantic alien overlords that saw Humanity as playthings to be hunted and experimented on and you're probably also well aware of the that fateful flight towards Terra where Morty and his death guard were turned into the rotting Legion we know today but where did it all start what was mortarion's mission before he became corrupted well today we're going to Deep dive a novel known as The Pale King by David Annandale as it gives us an excellent account of his very first crusade after having been reunited with his Legion a crusade that even before the onset of the Horus heresy the Imperium tried to cover up the details of so let's take a closer look at the death guard's very first crusade The Liberation of glassbar but before we get into all of that a quick shout out to this video's sponsor and then we're going to dive head first into the grimdark stay tuned I want to tell you about the sponsor of this video established titles established titles is a company that gives you the unique opportunity to become a lord or a lady they're based off of an old Scottish tradition where landowners were referred to as Lords ladies or 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death guard after the dust graders had been reunited with their lost Primark Horus and sanguineous have come to witness the totality of his destruction first hand from the smoldering wreckage of its cities to the countless piles of corpses their brother has left in his wake they claim to seek only to understand what had happened and why mortarion had done what he did during the Great Crusade the goal was to reunite all of the human worlds under one Banner however it had been thousands of years since they had been United and having had to fend for themselves for so long meant many of them were not willing to join the Imperium peacefully and a war would have to be waged but in such an undesirable situation there were rules for the astartes to follow wars were to be conducted with honor and the end goal was to have the planet in its population willingly want to contribute to the Imperium and be loyal what mortarion's brothers witnessed here was nothing short of a massacre the Lord of death was under no false pretenses that he was in fact on trial even though his brothers insisted that they just wanted to understand so mortarion tells them of the death of glassbar there's a really interesting moment here that gives us some insight into who mortarion is as a man when Horus and sanguinius greet him they say they are genuinely glad to see him Horus holds out his arms to embrace his brother and since admittedly mortarion is glad to see him he gives in and hugs him but breaks from it quickly not because of Any animosity towards Horus but because he genuinely disliked the gesture more mortarion is not much of a hugger to him an Embrace was a promise of unity and comfort which from his perspective made it a lie the narrator makes a point of telling us that he puts a lot more stock into the ceremonial drinking of poison that him and his death guard participate in to share a draft of concentrated toxins with your brothers is to embrace the truth of the universe and war that there were no Illusions when drinking poison it was an acknowledgment of risk and the inevitability of death and considering that mortarion and half of the death guard had hailed from barbarous a world coded perpetually and toxic fumes and ruled over by necromantic overlords that viewed the population as nothing but livestock we can kind of understand how he adopted such a world view mortarion asks his brothers what is it that they think he has done and they tell him that they don't think anything they're just here to observe and hear his side of the events that they've simply come to understand he tells them there there is nothing to understand there is no great mystery he came here to bring the last bar into compliance and he had succeeded synguinius tells him that the way he had gone about this was unprecedented that it was unlike any other campaign the Space Marines had ever waged and thus there may be something to be learned from mortarion's methods they tell him the scribes and the remembrancers wish to document the accounts from some of the members of the order and asked for mortarion has kept his prisoners he tells him that there are none that every member of the order was now dead and he gestures out towards the corpse piles in the distance sanguineous and Horace seem shocked by this and he tells him that there is no need for them to have lived as they kept extensive records anything the two primarks would possibly want to know could be found in the orders archives he tells them you want to understand why I conducted this war and how very well I'll tell you glass bar was a wasteland of a world there were no oceans or greeneries as they had all been destroyed long ago the entire world was coded in virulent clouds of toxins by all accounts making it completely uninhabitable yet even still the planet was home to 30 billion Souls the world was dotted with dozens of enormous Hive cities their towers containing no windows and it had been centuries since any other than glassbar's Elite had looked out on its toxic landscape despite all of this there was wealth in Grandeur here but it was experienced only by glassbar's Elite the members of the order these people lived an extravagant luxury while the vast majority of the population was kept as slaves forced to live on top of each other in filth and squalor deep within its under hives it was a population that over the centuries had been completely broken the order doesn't even refer to them as people they are simply known as labor units their lives measured only in their ability to produce with every dull action above suffering happened below here the full misery of the order held sway beneath the Millions there were the billions the labor units the items whose movements dispositions assignments and distributions were controlled by the transfer up and down of parchment and its modification by stylus the billions existed in the lower broader halves of the hive spiers I say existed they could not be said to have lived when they slept they curled into tiny alcoves in the walls larvae and a honeycomb or piled on top of one another in overcrowded holding tanks that stank of sweat and grime and suffering they were like ants said Horus they were worse mortarion told them ants labor for a purpose they are a collective these people were not even maggots they did not even have the freedom to Feast on the carrion of the planet they were lower than any insect they were property he goes into much greater detail on just how horrifically these people were treated but I won't get into that here you can just fill in the blanks with your imagination as he tells his brothers of glassbar sins mortarion finds his silent anger boiling up beneath the surface he tells them this is why he had come here this is what he had to stop that this wretched world had called his Scythe upon themselves when the glassbar system was first encountered by the great Crusade exploratory ships were sent to Herald the good news that the Imperium had come to reunite all of humanity and these ships were immediately attacked by the order and destroyed at first these accounts didn't really register with mortarion as a world refusing to join the Imperium upon first Contact was not exactly unheard of but there was something that troubled him uh perhaps it was a premonition of sorts whatever it was it made him take a closer look at the planet its striking resemblance to his Homeworld of barbarous caught his attention immediately and when he saw how its people were treated the horrors the order was perpetuating against its own citizens and the horrific conditions they were kept in mortarion became obsessed with this world the reports were missing a lot of key details but he saw the slavery and the Tyranny and that was enough mortarion used a series of holograms to speak with other military commanders about glassbar and the human forces inform him that they are aware of the situation but considering their society didn't seem to have the ability to utilize warp travel it didn't require immediate action that their best option was to create a blockade around it until military forces could be spared to take the planet mortarion was in disbelief and asks when that will be the commander has no real answer for him it could be months years perhaps even decades all while the Imperium was waiting the people of glassbar would continue to suffer the commander tells mortarion that the complexities of the great Crusade often get in the way of their preferred action but such was the way of things he asked mortarion if he has anything to suggest he told him that yeah in fact he did have something to suggest that they delay no further and strike immediately without Mercy the commander tells him that of course we would all like to see that but mortarion cut him off and tells him good the death guard will Liberate the last bar the commander informs him that the nature of the 14th's First Crusade is still being discussed and mortarion didn't have the authority to decide what that Crusade will be mortarion lies to him and tells him that the emperor had decreed it and thus he had been granted full Authority the commander informs him that the glassbar system had seven sons and multiple Worlds how did he plan on taking the capital without a blockade mortarion tells him that it is as he said a sudden and decisive strike a reaping of the Scythe that his Fleet would strike so decisively the order would not have time to bring their defenses to Bear the commander protest saying that such a strategy wouldn't work and mortarion corrects him it was the only strategy that could work or informs him that their defenses would be irrelevant before killing the feed and setting to his preparations my death guard when I first came to you I called you my unbroken blades I promised you that Justice would come from your hands I vowed that Doom would stalk a thousand worlds on this day Doom comes to the first of them Humanity suffers on glassbar the order rules this Empire and the order is as obscene as the subjugation of its people is complete Justice demands Annihilation banish all thoughts of Mercy because Mercy is the plaything of the coward and the LIE of the Tyrant today the blade descends on tyranny's neck nothing shall stay our hand no enemy can stand before us death is the truth that awaits all we march with death we are one with death now let doom and Justice be won from the order's perspective the attack came as a straight line of blinking stars in the night Sky moving towards the planet an attack like this was unprecedented the order had never been attacked and they weren't ready for it none of the order's vessels were in the position to engage them so they very quickly started to scramble together to mount a defense the orbital guns were brought online and fired against the line of approaching vessels batteries of cannons with barrels hundreds of meters long rose from the planet's toxic soil to fire on The Intruders it took less than an hour for the entire planet to be bristling with guns all of them aimed towards the heavens glassbar opened fired the High Council of the orders holographs bloomed with light indicating impacts and nothing short of complete destruction the order prematurely celebrated the obliteration of the enemy and an instantaneous Victory but the lights in the sky kept moving forward you see the order had no idea that they were wasting their Torpedoes on a line of remote controlled asteroids that mortarion had engineered and placed in front of his Fleet they were barely maneuverable a mostly just having been designed to push all ahead full but that didn't matter the order kept shooting not in salvos but in a storm of unrelenting fire they had foolishly believed so heavily in the superiority of their own guns that the seemingly Limitless explosions they were generating were blinding their systems from what was coming the entirety of the death guards fleet was stationed directly behind the asteroids using them as a shield to absorb the incoming fire when the order ships finally came about and witnessed the massive Fleet they attempted to strike at the middle of their formation their Ships coming up from underneath them and firing Torpedoes in every direction desperately attempting to disrupt the death guard's formation whatarian ordered the ships to keep moving forward to engage the enemy but let none slow their Advance whenever one of the death guard ships was critically injured they would continue moving forward rather than retreat in an attempt to take down as many of the order ships as they could before being destroyed the ships ended up sacrificing themselves by breaking from the fleet and becoming a much more enticing Target to the enemy theoretically the fleet could have slowed down in its advance in order for those ships to remain safe in the heart of the formation but to slow down would give the order precious time for it to bring all of its defenses together time the death guard didn't have so the sacrifice of the ships and the hundreds of thousands on board them had to be made to ensure Victory mortarion had not come to glassbar to lay a Siege he had come to stab the order in the heart as the death guards Fleet entered the planet's orbit they detonated all of the remaining meteors at once raining fire and death down upon the world below not only did all of this debris do an enormous amount of damage but it also ended up crippling the order's targeting systems and their guns were now firing blindly into the sky now mortarion knew that the targeting systems would eventually be repaired and while that possibility existed his Fleet could not fully descend so he tells all the other ships to fall back out of the range of the guns and engage any of the order ships that were left the fourth Horseman mortarion's Flagship then descends through the planet's atmosphere and rammed itself directly into the upper portion of the hive doing an inconceivable amount of damage and spiking the battle's death toll by tens of thousands with a single blow with this the ground Invasion began the fourth Horseman unleashing its deadly payload of astartes directly into the city's spiers there's a scene immediately after this where two of the labor units are witnessing the death guard marching through the Halls armor-clad Giants unlike anything they had ever seen before at their head was the largest of the Giants a man who wore no helmet but a cowl and wielded a massive Scythe they watched as the orders Warriors descended upon them in the thousands but seemed to be doing little more than offering themselves up for Slaughter as mortarion Scythe reaped through the masses and Boulder fire detonated within their ranks sending gory chunks flying in every direction hundreds of soldiers soldiers disappearing with every heartbeat claimed by the Crimson reaping the death guard pressed forward never halting in their Advance marching through a sea of rubble and dismembered bodies each wave of the order's attackers disappearing in front of them as if they had no more substance than smoke to the labor units these were more than Giants these were Gods Gods who had come to deliver the end of all things as the corpses mounted higher and higher many of the orders rank broke and tried to flee the death guard let none survive as the astartes advanced through the city they increasingly became more and more divided each segment breaking off into different Halls over and over again until they had all completely separated into smaller kill teams all making their way towards the city and thus the entire galaspar Empire's heart the control center of the order over the city's loudspeakers the Panic commands of the order could be heard screeching kill the Invaders all of glassbar must fight the Masters were ordering a complete mobilization of the entire city ordering the labor units to rise up against the Invaders the death guard continued their March and threw their own Vox system shouted out to the civilians that they had come to free them that they had come only for their masters and no harm would come to them many of the labor units were in the midst of a drug-induced frenzy due to the narcotics that the order would routinely pump into them to maintain their compliance and increase productivity perhaps more importantly many of them were more afraid of their masters than the Space Marines the feeble terrified masses clutched tightly in their hands makeshift weapons and were driven into battle by whip-wielding enforcers the tragedy being that they were so unbelievably broken that they didn't understand they had a choice the death guard couldn't afford to slow their advance for even a moment so any that raised their arms against them were immediately cut down the authorities brought flamers to bear halting the incoming waves in their tracks giving them enough room to open fire with their bolters it didn't matter that these people had been forced to attack by cruel and uncaring overlords they took up arms against the death guard and so they died this wasn't true for all of the death guard kill teams a many more civilians heeded the death guard's warnings and were treated into the safety of their alcoves while the Giants brought death to their masters terseus angara were present on glassbar and were rightfully sickened by what they were being forced to do but more importantly they reminded themselves over and over that the order's Madness this utter disregard for human life and the fact that the order would force civilians into combat was exactly what mortarion had come to end at the end would be worth this massacre it had to be these thoughts brought no Comfort to terseus and Garo but it kept them moving forward at one point the two marines opened a hablock door and found hundreds of men women and children cowering in fear well the Vox speakers continued to blare the orders to fight they held out feeble Grime caked hands to them begging for a mercy that they had never before received in their life tercius took a moment taken aback by just how miserable they were he had never seen living beings that appeared so wretched terseus tells him to ignore the loudspeakers if they do not fight they will not be harmed they had nothing to fear from the death guard he sees in their eyes that this is the first time they have ever been given a promise instead of an order he told them they would hear screams coming from the other side of the door and not to open it for any reason until the screaming stopped he closed the door and sealed them away from the monstrosity that was coming after the door was latched shut he told his men to unleash their phosphex grenades phosphex is one of the most feared and hated web the Imperium has ever utilized considered even in the Grim darkness of the great crusade to classify as a war crime a weapon whose Creator was so horrified by what he had made that he tried to destroy all of its blueprints a mission he ultimately failed in and was executed for heresy killed by the weapon he had designed and subsequently tried to save the Galaxy from Liquid Green Fire tore through the order's forces liquefying them inflicting on its victims a Transcendent Agony that caused their flesh to run like candle wax green flame rushed down the corridors seeming to accelerate with malicious hunger as the order tried to flee everything it touched suffered a torturous hissing end the closer the death guard got to the command Spire the more soldiers they ended up encountering the final defense having so many of these soldiers packed tightly together that mortar and were marked that they looked like worms writhing in their masses now the tactic was obvious the order was seeking to slow the death guards Advance by drowning them in bodies it made no difference to mortarion who cut through them with No Remorse by the time they reached the command area the elites of the order had retreated to the safety of an internal bunker a bunker that then lifted up An Elevator Shaft before collapsing the way to them under 30 meters of Rock Creek mortarion in his Death Shroud were the first to reach the entrance of the command center but found that they were too late that the enemy had moved and left one more line of defense a squad of human Abominations that the order referred to as The Wretched Twisted amalgamations of people with potent psychic abilities that had been chained in the dark until the order could finally use them as a last resort and many of the wretch's heads had become so enlarged that their necks couldn't support them instead dragging them across the floor as they clawed their way towards mortarion in his Death Shroud enraged by the sight of Witchcraft being utilized in war mortarion obliterated them permanently ending their suffering after The Wretched had been killed mortarion looked at the Auger readings of the spire and finds a concentrated heat cluster in one of its highest peaks he realizes that this is where they must have retreated to but unfortunately there is no obvious path to get to them and to make things worse reinforcements from the other Hive cities were closing in mortarion knew what must be done and that sadly much like on barbarous this would be another Spire he would not be able to reach the top of he ordered a kill team to scale the outside wall of the Spire to try to break into the command center through its roof while him and the rest of the death guard descended down to meet the reinforcements outside now although mortarion realized the irony of this situation the spiers of barbarous and glassbar being remarkably similar he thought to himself that this time would be different there would be no intervention from the emperor Victory or defeat whatever the outcome it would be his and his alone the death guard that we're on on glassbar were around 10 000 strong at this point but the enemy was in their millions they deployed in what they call the Scythe blade formation a single line of Marines with enough space between each Warrior that an enemy explosion would only take out a couple of them the formation served the secondary purpose of creating the illusion of a weaker Force ensuring that the enemy would foolishly overextend the death guard Advanced on the approaching reinforcements deploying rad and phosphex weapons that scorched and blackened the enemy front lines the roiling green Flames engulfing enemy soldiers and tanks alike the reinforcement Army was forced to slow their Advance as the death guard counter-offensive marched on them the phosphex Weaponry caused the skin of the enemy soldiers to sloth from their bodies and any who would try to tear off their Enviro suits to escape its wrath would Breathe In The Toxic Arab glass bar causing their lungs to disintegrate the blade of death picked up its pace and cut deep into the enemy defenses while mortarion hurled himself forward weeping tanks and enemy soldiers alike Vehicles splitting in half before him and severed heads falling Like Rain the Scythe formation transformed into a circle that surrounded the enemy soldiers and every other Legion air broke off to plunge forward into the enemy ranks sowing confusion the order ended up turning their own cannons on the reinforcements trying to take out as many of the death guard as they could and this very well could have been the end but suddenly the deafening boom of the order's cannons fell silent the Cannons that had been leveled at mortarion's Ground Forces and the ones that had been firing non-stop blindly into the heavens to keep The Fleets at Bay the kill team had been successful they had broken into the order stronghold capturing them and thus muzzling all of their defenses the fleet was now free to engage the planet and the death of the order was at hand judgment in its purest form rained down as Munitions 30 meters long fell from the sky striking with seismic power multiple mild tall mushroom clouds erupted across the planet's surface followed by drop pods in their thousands the order had fallen the death guard were victorious even if the surviving members of the order stationed in other cities hadn't realized it yet now despite this the death guard's work was far from complete and mortarion swore he would not leave this world until every Overlord had been slain the order in their desperation attempted to reach mortarion via Vox they knew the end was here but perhaps their lives could be spared as even though their world was going to become part of the Imperium their knowledge and expertise would still be useful to this new order mortarion answered the call from the leaders of the next most powerful City the acting High controller on the other end told him that all the remaining members of the order throughout the planet's hives were listening in on the channel and could hear his words she then asked him what his terms were and mortarion told her very simply that he didn't have any she told him that she didn't understand and mortarion says I spoke clearly I will repeat myself though there are no terms she said that but they wish to surrender and mortarion told her you can't she said but we no longer wish to fight you and mortarion tells her that was never your choice I came to destroy you what you do in response to that is up to you it's no concern of mine the death guard reinforcements made their way through every other Hive eliminating any member of the order that they found leaving the labor units untouched the orders please for Mercy being met with the flashes of bolters the astartes who had broken into the command center drug the High Council out into a massive chamber they were bound and forced to their knees in front of a massive horde of Labor units mortarion Strode forth and gave this speech to them you are free the order is no more it can never return these wretches before you are the last of your rulers in this Hive now see their end his Death Shroud Rose their sides and beheaded the former Masters and all the other hives of glassbar The Pale King continued this is the fate of the order not one of your former Masters will be left alive he paused our task here is done but your task is beginning others will come he announced they will bring you fully into compliance with the Imperium of man I give you a final command tally the dead of the order they numbered you now you number them find all their dead count them all know the measure of your enslavement know the measure of your freedom and so they did the newly freed labor units dragged the corpses of the order out into the wastes stacking them in massive carrion Hills setting to work untallying the dead back in the present sanguinia says that that will be enough we have heard all we came here for but Horus had one final question he tells mortarion that he questions the complete Purge of the order was there no value in leaving any of them alive martarian tells him that there was not every member of the order Left Alive would be a piece of its structure left preserved and in the smallest fragment would be more poisonous than the heir of this planet sanguinius and Horus share a pained look and say that they both now fully understand and are ready to render their judgment Horus asked mortarion if he understands what he has done here and mortarion tells him that he does that this was the result he foresaw Horus points out that just because he predicted this outcome does not mean that he understands that he was correct in thinking a drawn-out Siege would have been vastly more costly but that he did not understand the cost to the population of glassbar mortarion stared back at him in disbelief saying they are liberated physically they are said Horus and others they are traumatized they have seen Death In the Flesh reap through their world they do not know what freedom is how could they where would they have encountered it the force that oppressed them was destroyed by a greater one all they know is destruction and then there is this tally he says just string to the mountains of corpses they are doing it because it was a command they see only meeting in obedience not in the tally itself I do not know what will happen to them when the tally is done and there are no further commands do you see Liberation is not just the destruction of the oppressor we can't replace one tyranny with another this is what our father wants you to see mortarion he wants you to understand the need for nuance in the Crusade you cannot always be the Scythe look down below brother look at the hills of bodies you can see them even from this height he gestured to the hordes of Labor units swarming over the corpse Mounds like maggots on carrion is that Liberation there's a moment where mortarion considers horus's words but he quickly shakes off that moment of weakness and turns to face his brother once again I see the people of glassbar he said I see what I have done and I would do it again I have ended the Tyranny that enchained them the tally of the Dead is the task of a people who must see and know that their former Masters are truly dead and the cost well everything has a cost what do you think would have happened if we had accepted the cost of a blockade and a Siege with the liberty of these people be a Sylvan Paradise perhaps the likes of rebute would believe in such a vision but I am no such fool sanguinia said you are if you imagine yourself unique in your experience of a lethal Homeworld as you are too if you think the manner of your Conquest has no impact beyond the end itself you came to galaspar as the angel of death mortarion not as a liberator that is the core of the matter does that displease you sanguineous mortarion asked perhaps it does not Perhaps it is useful to use me to burnish your own self-image you broadcast the execution of the Lord comptroller to billions said sanguinius you brought death to this world and began what you call its moment of Liberation with death and yet the eighth Legion spreads Terror by any means it can it has broadcast its share of executions I have not seen them on trial enough horror shouts enough it is all far beyond enough we have seen enough we know enough mortarion you have done enough horse lowered his head for a moment then looked up regretful yet determined Our Father seeks the compliance of all inhabited worlds with the goals and the dreams of the Imperium there is compliance here but not with that dream instead There Is A Wasteland and a population consumed by their fear of the Imperium of the embodiment of death hear me mortarion the conquest of glassbar will forever be marked as a tragedy of the great Crusade it will never be celebrated it will be the work of generations for the Imperium to undo what you have done here you are censured mortarion and your first command will be commemorated by mourning mortarion can feel his anger seething silently beneath the surface and as Horus and sanguine has turned to take their leave sanguinius tells him that he knows he won't believe him but that he takes no pleasure in this judgment and that hopefully the next time they meet mortarion will come to see their decision was the right one please learn from this mortarion learn that there is another path for you matarion stayed on the planet's surface for some time longer he gazed out over the destroyed landscape over the fires and the bodies yes there was ruin here but ruin was better than the order there was a purity in ruin Horus was wrong the landscape of glassbar was not a tragedy it was a victory it was the Grandeur of Ruin despite mortarion's feelings immediately after his brother's judgment over time he would end up trying to take his brother's advice this would take the form of the siege of the sorcerer planet known as absurdus in the hour of its final judgment mortarion would end up staying his hand when the ruler of the planet begged for mercy it was an experiment to see if victory through Mercy was actually possible their compliance would come with the caveat that all sorcery was to be banned something that the planet agreed to but sometime later mortarion sensed that something wasn't right and he returned to the world to observe them in secret finding that it was still deeply corrupted with sorcery its Wicked art still being practiced across the world he realized that Mercy was a mistake one he would never make again and he killed absurdists with a salvo of cyclonic Torpedoes mortarion looked out at the void where absurdus had been and he ruminated on the meeting he had had with his brothers one year ago he had this to say my brothers were wrong in their censure and I was wrong to have let the weakness of their sentiment cloud my judgment their sentiment and their perverse censure absurdus was a needed correction it showed the error of moderation the blade must never be restrained he spoke the next sentence like a vow we shall always be the Scythe perhaps we are drawn to the campaigns that require us maybe there were worlds where vulcan's concerns were the correct ones where sanguinius's nobility was needed not the worlds that fall in my path Doom shall stalk a thousand worlds
Channel: WesHammer
Views: 415,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: weshammer, mortarion, deathguard, death guard, deathguard lore, lore, warhammer, warhammer lore, warhammer 40k, 40k lore, warhammer 40000, warhammer story, chaos, nurgle, warhammer chaos, nurgle lore, tzeentch, slaanesh, khorne, primarchs lore, emperor of mankind, god emperor, great crusade, horus heresy, horus heresy lore, necrons, orks, plague marines, battle fleet gothic, chaos gate, warhammer 40k chaos gate, chaos gate lore, warhammer 40000 chaos gate, dark tide, dark tide lore
Id: fUzhdlZy7UQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 36sec (2136 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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