Are The Blood Angels Really VAMPIRES? | Warhammer 40K Lore

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I have a pretty vivid memory of the first time that I was told that the blood angels were actually vampires it blew my edgy teenage mind this faction I had known about for years had this secret thirst for blood that admittedly wasn't exactly secret now if you know me you know that I'm a huge fan of the spooky stuff zombies werewolves Draculas Frankensteins and creatures from the Black Lagoon love it can't get enough of them but as somebody who wasn't super deep into the lore at the time this spookiness wasn't exactly apparent with the blood angels this doesn't exactly scream creature of the night when you look at other 40K factions like the necrons or the tyranids or literally any chaos Legion your first impressions are not going to be that far off you take one look at a plague marine and you can pretty quickly and accurately summarize their whole shtick but the blood angels not really the lore itself also seems to try to bury this horrible truth as well as their true nature is something that is often only hinted at and kind of swept under the rug in favor of tales of their heroic Deeds so why was their defining terrible and interesting secret not explored as much as the secrets found in other Legions I decided to go down the rabbit hole and find as many references to vampirism as I could within the blood angels to really get a better understanding of this and figure out if they were actually vampires or the red thirst was just kind of as far as it went as there's a lot more to being a vampire than just drinking blood from elongated fangs the act of sleeping in coffins Supernatural beauty and a whole lot more today we're going to be examining all of the vampire traits of the blood angels that they would prefer were kept Under Wraps but first a quick shout out to this video's sponsor and then we're gonna dive head first into the Grim dark if you've been watching my videos for a while you've probably noticed that I wear the same type of t-shirt in just about 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romance novels and mini TV shows the blood angels share a lot of characteristics with all of these different vampire archetypes but is it fair to actually call them vampires or are they more just vampire adjacent in order to figure this out we should come up with a list of tropes that are commonly associated with vampires and see how many of them apply to the blood angels so what are vampires most known for well first and foremost there's the drinking of blood or eating of human flesh the presence of fangs the creatures being Undead or having some form of eternal life the ability to create more vampires the act of sleeping in coffins being able to shapeshift into bats or other animals their Supernatural Beauty and having an a version to sunlight I think it's important to note that one does not have to have all of these things to be considered a vampire as all of these traits in isolation can be found in many other classical monsters but the more boxes we check off the easier it will be to come to a conclusion amongst all of the common traits that are held by different types of vampires the hunger for blood is probably the most common and this is a trait that the blood angels share with them this takes the form of the red thirst one of their genetic defects they also have the black Rage which came about after the death of sanguinius and in a lot of ways can be argued as intrinsically entwined with the red thirst but for the sake of keeping this mostly focused we'll explore the black rage in a separate video so at its core the redthirst is a genetic flaw exclusive to the blood angels this curse as they call it causes their Warriors to suffer from the unusual and often times uncontrollable lust for the drinking of blood and the eating of the Flesh of their enemies it can manifest subtly with slight Cravings here or there or turn into a nearly crippling biological need in the height of battle that can be enormously painful and mentally exhausting to try to ignore there have been numerous accounts of blood angels losing control when fighting and descending into a blood-crazed Insanity that sees them Rush forward out of tactical and defensible positions in order to rip and tear at the enemy charging in like frothing Mad Men desperate to Feast on the Flesh of the enemy and drink all of their vital fluids in the earliest years before the coming of sanguinius the flaw was seen as rare but it still led the early blood angels to having a dangerous reputation that earned them few friends amongst the other Space Marine Legions with every new founding the need to consume the life force of others got stronger and stronger within the new blood angels that were created this has led to a wide variation in different views and philosophies on the nature of their curse no matter what chapter they come from it's pretty common for blood angels to drink bottled blood donated willingly to them by their chapter serfs or more ceremoniously mixed with wine in a drink they refer to as karosh however some chapters take this further like with the flesh Terrors who have a ritual wherein they begin the ceremony by drinking donated blood and ended by eating one of their prisoners alive now without question fresh blood taken directly from a living creature tastes a thousand times better to the blood angels and satiates their dark cravings for a longer period of time however in the exact opposite direction there are characters like Dante who refuse to drink the blood of living creatures even though its consumption offers immediate relief from the painful symptoms caused by The Thirst Dante views it as an addiction that gets stronger the more you give into it eventually Leading The Afflicted down a dark path that will inevitably see them lose control and become a feral blood-starved Beast those that choose to not give in to their Cravings are constantly in pain and other food they try to consume tastes like ash in their mouth these symptoms serve as a constant reminder of their true nature regardless of how desperately they tried to hide it ignoring these Cravings is a lot easier said than done as no matter how strong a blood Angel's convictions are are that thirst is going to get stronger and stronger and more often than not a Breaking Point will eventually be reached and they'll lose themselves to the red thirst not all blood angels try to hide their true nature though as Gabriel Seth of the flesh Terrors sees it as a source of strength one that can be harnessed and used as a weapon in battle outside of Warhammer the concept of viewing the curse of vampirism in different ways by those it has Afflicted is a Trope that is common in other forms of vampire media some vampires choose to embrace their curse and the powers that it gives them taking their place as an apex predator and viewing the humans that they live amongst as chattel that exist only to be hunted or on the other end of the spectrum some vampires see the curse as monstrous something that needs to be constantly fought against in order to retain one's honor and nobility one group seeing the other as nothing more than deviants that lack willpower and conviction while the other group sees their cousins as weak and naive unable to face reality and instead choosing to live in a delusion on one hand the blood angels of the great Crusade era rejected the old ways of giving into their thirst and followed sanguineous teachings to Aspire to be something greater distracting themselves with the pursuit of Art and the creation of beautiful objects as a constant reminder of what they were fighting for it's why almost all of the blood angels are Master Artisans and Adorn their ships armor weapons and sanctums in beautiful motifs in the 40K era however you can see chapters on the other end of the spectrum like again with the flesh Terrors that give in to their thirst and use it as a source of strength in battle choosing to honor sanguinius's Legacy by never faltering in the unleashing of monstrous tactics and weaponry against their enemies and by upholding proud traditions of brutal melee assaults although they still seek a cure for their Affliction many of the flesh Terrors feel that the death of the chapter is an inevitability and thus seek to cement its Legacy through victory after bloody Victory this philosophy is taken to even further extremes but the chapter known as the Knights of blood who put no restrictions on their thirst and were in fact so brutal in their Crusades that even though they swore loyalty to the emperor they were nonetheless declared excommunicate traitoris by the Inquisition this was due to the fact that even though the Knights of blood's tactics were arguably effective they would end up leaving mountains of corpses of Imperial civilians and their wakes whenever they would go on Crusade although the flesh terrors in the Knights of blood share many similarities in their views there are still some pretty key differences there's a passage that exemplifies this really well in the devastation of ball where both of their chapter Masters Gabriel Seth of the flesh Terrors and Centaur Jewel of the Knights of blood have a pretty interesting encounter we see them enter a Cave System alongside a surf to talk a Ball's history this is before the tyranids are expected to invade ball and all of the blood angels chapters have come to unite against them Dante has organized it so both of these chapters will be fighting side by side as something that Seth is not happy about as even though the flesh Terrors don't exactly have the best reputation amongst other blood angels chapters the Knights of blood are far worse the major difference between these two chapters is that even though both of them could arguably be called blood angels Berserkers the flesh Terror still put some limitations in place in order to limit casualties to civilians and their allies the Knights of Blood by comparison are completely feral they throw themselves into the midst of the enemy each one fighting with the strength of 10 blood angels by all accounts if they had not been declared Renegades every single one of them would already be part of the death company and even though in this moment Seth doesn't want to admit it there's part of him that admires them that they do not view their curses as weaknesses like their cousins do and there's another part of him that sees that his chapter will inevitably share the same fate as the Knights of blood even though they fight against it whereas Centaur Jewel has completely embraced it inside the chamber the two chapter Masters end up debating over the blood Angel's history and their true nature Seth has had just about enough of it and wants nothing to do with the Knights of blood whereas Jewel says that they are more in common than they are different he tells him that at one point They too had systems in place to keep their thirst in check but that they had long since ceased working and thus they have completely given themselves over to it he tells Seth that he respects them but moments later he reaches out and snaps the neck of the surf that had accompanied them will you drink with me to seal our packed in blood Jewel held out Christmas Ace corpse to him I said Seth even though saliva pooled in his mouth at the rich blood scent rising over the stench of guano why not they are cattle we are the canids of The Herder is it not right that we should feed from the herd he was a wretch but he did not have to die should not have killed him how many similar Innocents have your warriors butchered Not In Cold Blood the SE why you are damned and I am not is it what was his life he would have died anyway his end serves the emperor better this way with the tearing wrench he ripped Christmas A's head free blood ran over his battered gauntlets Seth's mouth watered all the more now will you sup with me no said Seth he clinched his jaw his Angel's teeth extended and pricked at the soft meat of his inner lip I will not sup with you I will not fight with you keep to your own positions we shall stay on ours there will be Bloodshed if you disagree yours will be the first head I take on an interesting side note it's In this passage that we get to see a concrete example of the fangs commonly associated with vampires over the years various pieces of official Games Workshop media has portrayed the blood angels with and without fangs so it's never really been concrete on whether or not they have them in this example cess fangs are shown to be retractable emerging at the sight and scent of blood as the hunger of The Thirst boils up within him the passage ends with Seth refusing and Jewel telling him to to leave as he planned on feasting and would like some privacy something that Gabriel Seth is more than happy to give him so even amongst the most brutal of blood angels chapters we see that there are still some differences of opinions amongst all of the flaws within Space Marine Legions most of them are instilled at a genetic level and it normally takes the form of a malfunctioning implant or organ although what exactly the red thirst is and the science behind it isn't exactly spelled out for us in the recently released Primark novel sanguinius The Great Angel the Luna Wolf the acting Cruz theorizes that it is a defect in the implant known as the omnipasia for those of you who don't know this is the implant that allows a Space Marine to gain valuable information and insight by consuming the Flesh of other living creatures this lets them view their enemies memories whether they be visual representations of things that the person had seen or done or more intangible Concepts like Memories thoughts and ideas that the individual had had in life the Tactical applications of such an ability are pretty numerous but some Legions are more strongly attuned to this organ than others and yakton tells the remembered sir that is here to document the blood Angel's history that some Legions absolutely relish any opportunity they can get to use it and that for them it's about appetite as much as necessity now we know that Space Marines are not technically Immortal they do age just incredibly slowly whereas vampires are often portrayed as being eternally young and will theoretically live forever where vampires and Space Marines differ is the act of being able to return from the dead even if they do not have the ability to literally resurrect the symbolism of returning from the grave does manifest within the blood Angel's history in a pretty interesting way most notably before the coming of sanguineous when they were referred to as the Revenant Legion a Revenant is a mythological creature that is basically a spirit returned from the dead in order to hunt the living normally possessing either its own original body or that of another corpse in order to continue on its Mission the word literally means to return to life the blood angels were nicknamed the Revenant Legion and this nickname comes from a couple of different places the first is that melkador called them this directly after they were sent on what was not known to them at the time as basically suicide missions into the farthest reaches of the solar system this all happened before the great Crusade and the blood angels were assumed to all be dead but when Imperial forces would end up going to these planets they found the blood angels alive and well even having grown in numbers as they had recruited new Space Marines from the populations of the worlds they had been sent to the second more interesting source of the nickname is derived from an old tradition within the legion where in order to preserve their Captain's hard-fought skills and experience at the time of their death a younger blood Angel would consume their flesh thus gaining all of their memories Insight personality and just about everything else about them that made them them oftentimes the individual who consumed the other blood Angel would even adopt their name and armor creating the illusion of immortal Warriors constantly coming back from the dead that would then go on to weave impossible long Tales of heroic victories although it is not them literally escaping death you could make the argument that it is still symbolic of the original blood Angel living on so in this we have a direct reference here to the classic vampire Trope of immortality and on the topic of immortality with vampires it's pretty common in Vampire media for eternal life to be viewed by them as a curse escaping the cycle of life and death it's not all it's cracked up to be these Immortal creatures are forced to Bear witness to the deaths of everyone they have ever loved while also having to see Humanity's flaws repeat themselves over and over again over the centuries I find it ironic that the oldest living Space Marine currently alive that is a major figure and didn't have his life extended through unnatural means like the entombment within a Dreadnought is that of Dante a character who wants nothing more to finally be able to rest after having served for over 1500 years now when we picture a vampire a couple of different images can possibly come to mind from the sexy and Suave vampires found in Romance films and novels to The Wretched and feral Monsters of horror movies from the past now despite the vast physical differences between these two different archetypes both are distinctly vampires and interestingly enough across the spectrum of blood angels we can see a wide array of different vampire archetypes another common vampire Trope is that of an unnatural and seductive Beauty and interestingly enough the blood angels are often referenced as being the most traditionally beautiful of all Space Marines the Angel's genetics lending itself to the formation of facial features that Humanity has traditionally valued above all others Avengers katenia was a remembrancer that was sent to catalog and write about the blood angels during the Great Crusade and this was his immediate reaction after seeing one of them without their helmet on for the first time how beautiful he was not in a sexual or romantic sense but in a kind of idealized human capacity like one of those marble statues I'd seen in the vid histories of old Europa cold pure every limb in proportion and every gaze frigid and imperious I looked up a long way up into ice blue eyes set into a face the color of sun warmed leather I saw blonde hair over a high forehead and a mouth that could have been cruel had it not been so Artful this is also something that arkhan land comments on in the master of mankind when he is speaking to the blood Angel zephon apropos of nothing he narrowed his eyes and regarded zephon you really are a beautiful creature you know aesthetically I mean and scientifically of course it is said that many of my Legion possess aesthetic qualities considered not that it means anything one way or another land interrupted I've never had the drive within me you understand at no time for those kinds of entanglements there are distraction from my real work I merely find it curious that your primark's genetic Legacy manipulates human physiology to produce such mythologically iconic figures of beauty not very secular eh zephan smiled this was something he had heard and debated on many occasions before angels have great cultural significance on ball in many ways ball light culture holds closer religious similarities to Old Earth in the era of holy pox Romani Empire that it does to anything yes yes spare me the lesson in the exact flavor of your toddy barbarism zephan smiled despite himself as you wish Arkham but not all vampires are considered beautiful nor are all blood angels now on the other end of the Spectrum in fact many of the chapters from later foundings are not able to hide their true nature quite as easily as chapters from earlier ones this quick depiction comes from a gathering of different blood angels chapters before the tyranid invasion of ball some of them bore the first signs of genuine deviancy there were warriors with bulging bloodshot eyes or unnaturally dry skin like the blood drinkers the glowering mean of the Red Knights the bright white hair of the Red Wings and the pronounced eye teeth of the Charnel guard Goss head skinned so white his veins were a map of blue Rivers balthus was unusually ready his Angelic features coarse and speaking of the charno Lords in particular they don't seem to have the ability to retract their teeth they are said to have pale skin yellow eyes and the overwhelming scent of death that always lingers on them they look more like the Nosferatu style vampire in examining the characteristics of different chapters we actually get to see the full spread of vampiric physical features from the supernaturally beautiful to the Monstrous creatures of the night of all of the blood angels named characters that exist in the lore and none exemplify the traditional aesthetic of a vampire quite like the chief librarian mephiston not only do his physical characteristics directly resembled that of a classical vampire but the artifice are armor that he wears is modeled to look like flayed skin a design that was made famous in Francis Ford copula's 1992 film Bram stroker's Dracula in the film a Young Dracula wears the iconic suit designed by Aiko ishioka a japanese-born graphic designer that worked on the costumes in the film now say what you want about the movie but the costume itself was absolutely iconic and ended up contributing to the movie winning the Academy Award for best costume design this design would Inspire many other armor sets across pop culture for years to come so the one that mephiston wears is not only a direct nod to the film but it is categorically meant to invoke images of vampires another common Trope when it comes to vampires is that they sleep in coffins and it makes a lot of sense they're Undead monsters and what better symbol of death is there than that of a coffin or a sarcophagus now images of coffins are not inherently uncommon amongst other Space Marines as that's kind of the entire point of something like a Dreadnought but the blood angels utilize coffins in some particularly interesting ways that make them stand apart from their brothers all of the different Space Marine Legions and chapters depending on what time you're talking about have different rights and rituals in order to induct new aspirants into their ranks and the way the blood angels do this is through the use of entombing their aspirants into giant golden sarcophagi there's a passage in the deathwatch RPG core rulebook that gives us some insight into this it states that the successful blood angels aspirants are taken to the Fortress Monastery of the blood angels their bodies bearing many scars inflicted upon them by the harsh conditions and elevated radiations of their Homeworld most of them are covered in cankers and sores and their faces are marred by lesions now in contrast the blood angels they see before them that hailed from the very same world are the ideal of perfect Beauty with smooth skin and Noble features the chapter is sanguinary priests will then lead the aspirants away to the Apothecary where they will partake of sanguinius's blood after sipping from the sacred chalice they will fall into a deep sleep and will be placed into large golden caskets within the Hall of sarcophagi they will spend one year inside of these coffins their bodies continuously being fed intravenously with nutrients that have been injected with the blood of sanguinius well they sleep their minds will be bombarded with sanguineous memories as his Essence permeates throughout their bodies rejuvenating and transforming them into new astartes after one year they will emerge with a newfound Vigor they will be bigger faster and stronger and will be ready to enter into the ranks of the blood angels it is also stated that whenever possible blood angels will sleep in these very same coffins that created them and have their blood purified by the sanguinary priests of their order they do this in hopes of keeping their genetic defects from progressing with this we're able to check off two more boxes from our list at the beginning of the video not only do blood Angels sleep in coffins but they use them in combination with sanguinius's blood in order to create other blood angels thus mirroring how the leader of a vampire coven creates more vampires through the sharing of his ancient blood with his underlings out of all the things that we've listed I admittedly wasn't able to find any direct evidence for the ability to shapeshift into things like bats or Wolves or of any blood angels having a direct weakness to sunlight not even amongst some of the more obscure blood angels chapters if any of you have any knowledge of such things share it in the comments section with me now I've seen characters like Magnus take the form of a wolf in the Horus heresy novels but shape-shifting is not something that is common amongst Librarians nor is a weakness to sunlight although considering that ball Prime the Homeworld of the blood angels is said to be in a radiated desert home to wretches and mutants there is possibly a link that you could make here between weaknesses to Sun in their Homeworld but I kind of feel it would be reaching in the final section of this video I want to close it out with something that I find really interesting interesting but admittedly I don't really know the best way to put it into words but I'm gonna do my best and a quick warning this section is going to contain spoilers for sanguinius's Primark novel if for years after I had originally learned about the blood angels I had no idea that there was anything vampire about them and maybe I'm reaching here but I find it deeply fascinating that because it's not something that is explored on the surface with them the way it is presented to us in the audience and the way we figure it out kind of mirrors how somebody in Universe would have these facts presented to them the remembrancer from sanguinius's Primark novel that was tasked with writing about the blood angels was slowly piecing things together but even before the horrible truth was fully made clear to him certain things just weren't adding up like a wartime journalist he had accompanied them into a couple of different battles in the first one he encountered an enemy corpse that had been completely drained of blood he didn't know what to make of it at the time but he found it deeply disturbing and later on in the battle against the Meg arachnids on murder he would have this to say about the blood angels I couldn't take my eyes off of them they were in a kind of ecstasy it felt like they were loving their work they were hacking punching gouging slashing going toe-to-toe with Horrors I could barely stand to look at and they were themselves no reserved hattor no diligent attention to some intricate piece of decoration just the basics the raw stuff what they had been made for to purify and to transform that has been our gift cinquadius himself had said it was proud of it clearly believed it but I felt that this was the reality of them and all that other stuff all the fine objects and the aesthetic labor was just distraction not even a mask in that case not even a mirror a sideshow a misdirection later on near the end of the novel when all of the pieces are starting to come together he discovers a ritual site in one of the deep dark corners of the ship's underbelly there was a sacrificial altar in the middle of the room with deep blood grooves carved into it as well as a massive golden earn with which to collect blood as well as dozens of skeletons and drained corpses piled up around the room and hanging from chains he was horrified by the discovery and attempted to flee but he was caught by one of the blood angels who ended up dragging him into sanguinius's private quarters he had been under the direct protection of the Primark a fact of which the blood Angel makes mention is the only reason he allowed him to live He's terrified by what he had witnessed and more so the implications of what was going to happen to him but he had done exactly as sanguineous had told him he kept digging a could feel myself starting to hyperventilate again and struggled to calm down he hadn't killed me yet he hadn't drawn his blade what happens there I asked old rights came the reply except the often him had said nothing a second door had opened soundlessly and the Primark had entered just as when I had seen him for the first time he seemed to light the space up a rose gold refraction glittered from the many fine points on his armor he was unhelmed and his long hair fell Loosely across his dented gorget my captor bowed to the Primark shot me one final inscrutable look and withdrew the door slid closed behind him leaving me alone with my subject how did you I started I wondered if you would keep going sanguinia said calmly coming over to face me I sat uncomfortably in the chair wanting to squirm my way into its structure the primark's battleplay bore the scars of recent fighting and he must have come here straight from docking with the flagship I wondered if he'd be able to resist the urge to keep digging you could have stopped it I could have done you didn't sanguineous folded his arms and I saw the great shadow of his wings Ross behind him do you not remember what I told you when we met for the first time record truly and without fear I should ask you then I said carefully what happened down here the Primark paused searching for the right words a shadow lingers one we carry with us you were right we wear masks over that shadow all of us know it the populace of our ships knows it my brother Horus knows it anyone intelligent I would say must know it and yet it is never spoken of why not because it is easier to believe in surfaces and harder to believe in the flesh beneath it is horrific I know I can't get it out of my head you are not required to I looked up at him I saw the severe beauty of his frame his armor his bearing I wanted to believe that there was a flaw in it something I could uncover and expose now I knew the flaw was there and I had seen the grisly effects of it but I also saw the quest to overcome it sanguinius had not come to redeem the legion's Affliction he was the legion's Affliction but he was also the only route they had out of it the poison and the Cure bundled up together impossible to prize part I'll write that down I told him all of it the gold and What Lies Beneath the gold he nodded good I meant what I said record truly I bowed and resolved to do so for as long as I live you have my protection and thus you have nothing to fear sanguinius ends the conversation by requesting only one thing from the remembrancer to withhold the publishing of his work until the great Crusade had finished once the fighting was done he would be able to dedicate himself entirely to finding a cure he believed wholeheartedly that this was something he would be capable of doing with his father's help and once that cure had been found he wanted the people to know the truth of what they had been unfortunately we as the audience know that this would never come to pass as the horse heresy was right around the corner and perhaps even more tragically this remembered sir would end up getting killed Years Later by his colleague that viewed the truth as dangerous from her perspective it was better to present the Imperium with only the mask the great lie show them only the gold and finery that will inspire the masses and bury the Monstrous truth underneath after she killed him she burned the only copy of his life's work making sure that truth would never get out in many ways my own journey into the blood Angel's lore as well as many others is kind of mirrored in this remembrancer's journey when we're first introduced to them we're only shown the Angelic and Noble side the golden mask and for many this is probably as far as they will ever dig as most of the Warhammer Community doesn't watch lore videos or even read the books and even within the portion of the community that does most of us end up only focusing on a single faction or character that we find interesting in this sense we are like the remembrancer the more we read the more we discover the more that mask eventually Falls away and once it does we're left staring directly into the eyes of a monster but what do you guys think is it fair to call the blood angels full-fledged vampires or are they more just vampire adjacent do you think Games Workshop should be doing more to make them resemble vampires or do you like them just the way they are do you know of any other vampire like traits or stories about the blood angels that you find particularly interesting I'll fully admit I've only read a handful of blood angels novels mostly just the ones that I use for this video so I'm sure there's tons of other cool examples of vampire stuff and other blood angels books that I haven't personally read yet and I would love to hear about them from you if you have read those books thank you very much for watching the video all the way through and if you like content like this don't forget to subscribe to the channel because I have so much more I want to share with you about the awesome Universe of Warhammer 40K thanks again everyone and I will catch y'all on the next one
Channel: WesHammer
Views: 309,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, blood angels, 9th legion, red thirst, black rage, blood angels lore, space marine lore, warhammer lore, 40k lore, warhammer story, warhammer explained, astartes, weshammer, sanguinius 40k, sanguinius lore, primarchs, primarchs lore, emperor of mankind, imperium of man, 40k imperium, orks, eldar, tyranids, necrons, tau, horus heresy, horus heresy lore, warhammer 30k
Id: PjO0eyzxQGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 18sec (1878 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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