Mortal Kombat 11 AFTERMATH (2020) Full Movie All Cutscenes @ 1080p โœ”

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The good ending I feel can be setting up for the non fighting MK Ed Boon wants to do so bad

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AUBIGUGUYU ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 27 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

It was nice seeing all of the heroes, especially the Special Forces, get fucked for once... but of course Liu Kang comes to save the day in the end. Shang Tsung ending should be the canon one.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/natedoggcata ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 28 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

easy $40 saved.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/JTCuzzo ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 28 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] [Music] our work is finished Lucayan Lord Rayden I am merely Raiden now you have proven worthy to take my place as the new protector of earth realm once it is restored you honor me Raiden the honor is mine Lord Liu Kang the sense of time are now yours to shape it falls upon you to architect a new history the faith of all realms in my hands Raiden I cannot do this alone I shall advise you for as long as my mortality allows but have no doubt you are up to the task then together let us begin [Music] see who came before you doom us all soon fortune may use your magic before the hour glass shatters even here at the dawn of time you spew lies and deceit we will not hear it in defeating chronica you destroyed her crown without it you can't restart history the hourglass will shatter all realms will be lost huija is this true Crona cos every action was taken to ensure her crowns preparation she would not dare to restart history without it [Music] this Kronecker came to each of us for our help she offered places in her new era for refusing her we were banished to avoid beyond time we could observe the events leading up to your siege of the keep but we were powerless to intervene but then you cute chronica the void seal was broken open permitting no escape via the hourglass if you know so much about the hourglass how do you propose I reset the timeline with the crown the crowd is destroyed only in our present not in our past and while I cannot restart history without the crown you can send travelers back into the current timeline I see I must return to the moment before Crona cos defeat in that battle differently so that her crown remains intact that leaves too much to chance Chronicle must never possess the crown otherwise you cannot guarantee victory what do you propose sorcerer let you send me into the past to steal the crown from my Island before cronic ascends Centurion the claimant I'll then deliver it to Lord Rayden and together we'll defeat chronica with a crown and hourglass under our control we can restart history safely why are we listening to this snake because I am a snake who's toiled beside chronica learning her secrets I know them do you he has a point rated forgit a word [Music] how is it you conspire against Kronecker did her promises of grandeur not suit you she wanted me to be her pawn not her partner she sculpted my entire existence to serve her to collect souls for her crown when my purpose was served she betrayed me casting me into the void your grievance does not fool me Shang soon then trust that we have a shared interest in breaking chronica stranglehold on our destinies inevitably our interests will diverge this alliance is temporary have no illusions otherwise I understand your misgivings but it is the only way but the risk looking will be rewarded say nothing when I move [Music] we will proceed with your plan schenzel i must stay behind to operate the hourglass but night wolf and Fujin will go with you to supervise I welcome the assistance I will join you know ready I need your counsel here have faith in fortune and night wolf if I have faith in anyone it is you brother [Music] I will try to send you back to the time merger you should have enough time to claim the crown before Centurion delivers it to Cronus your confidence is inspiring as the keeper of I I am still a novice night may the Great Spirit protect us [Music] you'd suffer too long in this pretenders hands but I've returned and I will save you from his madness Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] where's this boldness with hiding had you shown it before I have had no need for my leader my sister was an unholy monster exactly like you Father [Applause] [Applause] right immediately after the time merger yes battle between cotto & Schalke no look [Applause] it's much later than that this is katanas battle we shall come then we're almost out of time we must escape quickly changing this battles outcome could cause Centurion to claim the crown earlier than expected and guarantee our failure let's go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we escaped the battle undetected right soon or not where have you been hiding you can sort with every Ellmers now his business is none of yours collector my business is collecting what shall gone once she will pay handsomely for you you're outnumbered collector these are indeed strange days out there Elmer's profit my protecting chang-soo he shares our goal hanukkah's defeat you will be partners in death Thank You Great Spirit [Music] Kitana has defeated Shao Kahn he always had more ego than skip come let us leave while the crowd is distracted no we're already here later than we wanted to be let's go to your Island now and take the crown no detours a rather public arrival at the Coliseum makes that impossible chronicles out world allies while informal of our presence go to my Ivan now and could be ambushed by Centurion herself and our combined power won't stop her we need help but whose help we can't recruit any of our allies without altering this timelines events Sindel sandeul's a revenant who can be restored to life and who plays no major part in the battles that lie ahead we can safely recruit her without disrupting events it's a tactic chronica is unlikely to anticipate she was shao kahn's empress is equal in evil because he had her bewitched returning sundown to life will restore her original more heroic self and if we fail the cinder line you wiped out most of Earth realms champions in a single battle if night wolf hadn't sacrificed himself she would have killed them all naught is the power we need to assure victory against a tree on sindell is the key and I suppose restoring her will be easy anything but we can use earth rounds jinsei - heels sandals Bobby but the brake Quan Chi spell and revive her soul we will need access to Outworld soul chamber you have a different plan Nightwolf a better one won him to betrayal sorcerer and we will finish you where do we start earth rum to acquire the gin say [Music] [Music] Shang Tsung Fujian Nightwolf all were seen in the Coliseum how is that possible it should not be those cast into the void do not return if Shang Tsung were to I am aware Gareth take Frost and find them we must discern from when and whence they came and that would it be sufficient you two may leave I'll stay behind to secure the grotto your aid is not required excellent new the Shaolin was so diabolical from you that's high praise indeed Nightwolf shang tsung come chronica is keen to question you [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh Lika isn't the future Frost we've seen it join us on the right side of history the only sign is Crona cos my place in her new era is assured nothing is assured Frost is he finished I am eternal Fujin my will and my strength Infinite's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] of all the night wolves I have thought you are the fiercest it must be why the Great Spirit chose me to wear the mantle you are also anomalous no one has ever escaped before but is that necessary to buy his time we must be rid of him before he recovers pudding summon the wind [Music] where did you send him chaos around havoc will keep him entertained let's get to the nether realm we're running out of time to find sin down no sign of sindel not entirely unexpected given that she did not aid in the keeps defense what was her role then if she is such a formidable weapon is it possible that Great Spirit what is it my revenant [Music] the great spirit cannot save you [Music] [Applause] [Music] take them to the Bowen temple Nightwolf shang tsung Nightwolf Shang Tsung where are we Synnex bombed temple [Music] Raiden's violence against our Lord will not go unavenged Fuji prepare to pay for your brother sins send em if you look well death becomes you always the farmer shank soon I will enjoy feeding Lord Finnick your soul but you Nightwolf even get the privilege of suffering most only the best will do for the men who killed me I should have saved you hopefully we will today [Music] [Music] you can't kill me sit down not without killing my revenant I'm not going to kill as Raiden sent to Lord shinnok there are things worse than death I can imagine few fates worse than yours [Applause] you will die by your own hands Harmonie only hurts you my sacrifice will save the my toka Monica has no love for our people the Great Spirit there's a fraud who allowed us to suffer Monica chronica is not the answer [Applause] [Music] shang tsung stop we can restore him [Applause] [Music] so summer I'll know Nightwolf sank so must live [Music] are you happy now I am healthy night wolf that should be your concern both of you please we must make haste to the soul chamber then let us hurry and hope Shiva is as eager to aid us as I anticipate escort you and your comrades to the soul chamber yes have you come from the future only to insult me I am no sword for hire this request is far below your present station your highness but defeating chronica depends on us reaching that chamber why because we must restore Sandin my Empress [Music] [Music] you've captured her revenant together Fujin and i can restore her to life why to make a slave of her as Quan Chi did so that she can aid us against Kronecker but you have my vow she will return free of all influence as I recall your blood bound to Empress Sindel I was her protector for life now how it must have pained you when she died that was not your fault you could not save her then now you can then I know we must present this to katana Khan respectfully your highness if we approach katana shall cut Shang Tsung's head off katana never appreciated my contributions to the Empire like replacing her with an evil clone oh yes time is short Green Shiva we must act now and beg katanas forgiveness later after restoring her mother will you help us by concealing you from katana i betray my oath to her but my life belongs to Sindel you will be recognized by katanas Imperial Guard true they won't take to me kindly that will do [Music] we've made it this far there's a stairway beyond those doors and at the top the soul chamber I feel it so very was neck-deep in [ __ ] talent of the business end of an outhouse he picked a bad place to hide and the worst place to die [Music] [Music] follow my lead nothing not secrets that you plan to bury here it is the Khans business Baraka where it will Commons business is business [Music] you are not shocked on [Music] [Music] and I was that for strange bedfellows what do you say we skip the preliminaries and y'all come with us quietly we'll have a nice friendly chat with katana Khan there's no time for chat we must get to the soul chamber urgently they go on and get to it but we're taking shape soon and that coffin [Applause] my sincere apologies I'm talking rubbish you will a town Shiva were you not warned tar cartons are all now and no ears you speak when you should listen whose toes up in that coffin empress endow we can restore her with the sole chamber hold of Shiva your resurrected katana zero mama whatever your reasons they send a good look for you know your place Outlander let's move quickly what an Argus name is happening out here shanku I thought I saw you slither away from the Coliseum you always were deceptive we have no wish to fight Jade this is sin dolls revenant we can restore her to life so she can join the fight against Kronecker please Jade we must enter you have yet to convince me even if you do a soul chamber is occupied coastal uses it to mend his broken spine disrupting him now could leave his injuries permanent I promise we will not disturb him your promises are empty sorcerer we will not part : as my Ally you should trust me so much for a teeny and loyalty you will recover [Music] do we wait or do we wake him [Music] court'll [Music] what is where is Jade and why is he here later Kota for now we must I recall my captivity in your flesh pits of - well you need more time to heal very important others will kill him today he is our ally with his sorcery Sindel can live again necromancy is forbidden you have taken leave of your senses reverse the spell you have cast on them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you dare obstruct by justice if you wish to keep all four arms stand aside I'll submit to katana Khan's justice not yours [Music] Queen Shiva katana Khan all right hold your tongue Jade told me everything nothing good can come from that sorcerers hands he will restore your mother kept on a car for a thousand years I've dreamed of seeing her alive again but her soul deserves better than to be corrupted by shame soon this perversion is how quickly your oath to me is broken Shiva I have been bound to your mother for millennia I must honor her forgive me Kitana Khan [Music] [Music] [Music] what have you done welcome back your highness it pleases me to see you true am i alive is this real it is lady Sindel a miracle we could not have achieved without your most loyal subject Siva Empress though today I have aided you two often have I failed to protect you I am not worthy Oh nonsense today you give me the greatest gift a second chance your duty is fulfilled I am in your debt now Thank You Empress where is my daughter [Music] Oh katana [Music] it is me katana your mother I I want to feel joy but all I feel is I was only a child when you you how could you kill me yourself why did you abandon me I did neither katana after being forced to Wed Shao Khan I ran afoul of Quan Chi he accused me of distracting Shao Khan then the miscreant murdered me and staged my death as a suicide as I had always suspected but all this time everything I've been told about you it's all lies how can I trust trust that I loved your father Jarrid trust that I love you [Music] Oh mother this reunion is a blessing but we have little time to celebrate we must leave for Shang Tsung's Island to finish our quest I would go with you fight by your side but out world needs its Khan I know rest assured katana I will come home [Music] Sindel has been restored Shane soon would only undertake such an arduous task if her aid promised a decisive advantage she is but one mortal and one of the few who can harm you I fear no harm they are at Shang Tsung's Island your crown Shang Tsung knows then our time for preparation is over go to the island now we cannot win their hearts so do not try do not permit your better nature to compromise you I understand mother [Music] [Applause] [Music] they couldn't go on I am touched by their devotion I question their judgment have neither of you any compassion not for fools who follow you are we not following him now at least we do not follow that fool Rayden then we would surely die [Music] you may run like the wind cabal but I command it you should have devised a better plan there's more to come [Music] [Applause] [Music] you will be returned to the void not even shoot too slow by expected better Fujin no challenge now do I meet your expectations set rayon must be on her way Sindel and I will occupy her you to get the crown I must ask Sora how long before you betray us I find your lack of faith amusing when it happens we will be ready [Music] do me a favor Fujin and take one giant step back you too sorcerer makes sense we'd meet again down here will you chase me up beat me within an inch of my life the hell if I gonna return the favor how is so generous [Music] a new trick beyond amusing but insufficient you lost me at your tempo fortune now cruelly guys made me even stronger you did out win that fight you ran away you should have fled this fight too [Music] the protocol promises cannot be trusted Jackson beyond Kano Shao Kahn look at the scoundrels she employs that's a card you can't play Fujin not with your buddy don't with Shane suit you are no challenge Kronecker will not heal your wounds Jackson damnit Fujin you know what I've suffered chronic ismai one chance to prevent all that not just for me but for Jackie for Vera [ __ ] your God ain't no way you get how this feels you know the only time Raiden and I ever fought when I left the sky temple to live among humans do not become attached to them Fujian sentiment will impede the execution of your duty but warriors like you and I we are strengthened by sentiment we do not fight to kill enemies we fight to protect our loved ones that is why it cuts so deeply when we fail well I'll be maybe you do get it chronica knows your pain she manipulates you with it Jacqueline is on her way here chronica expects you to fight her worse even break her heart is that someone who cares one whit about you or your family [Music] [Music] you were to defeat me I am not finished yet [Music] abide dronicus will join Casilla or CCR no Alma kar can you fight I'll do what I can chronica offered the future but instead you will have none blame only yourselves for this fate it is your fate that should concern you set Rihanna [Music] [Applause] well shang tsung your strategy proved sound after all of course it did you to Sindel that hair so much as twitches ease up baby girl dad how did you get here we're all on the same side against ronica yes and now we must bring this to Raider is that a crown throne ACCA's crown without it she lacks the power to restart history about time we had some good news now that we have this we're in uncharted territory we've changed this timeline for good correct no one can predict what happens next not even me I must return to Outworld to aid katana Khan thank you for aiding us we will rendezvous at the sea of blood in six hours until our next battle [Music] sorcerer I'll go with the Briggs family to brief the Special Forces may the Great Spirit protect you may she protect you Fujian when Raiden lays eyes on you with Shang soon [Music] but the crown there can be no numeira this failure rests on my shoulders no I underestimated Shang Tsung's ingenuity to escape the void only to return from the future I will face him again mother this time I will succeed I must go with shanks only possession of the crown leaves become far too dangerous and I doubt his new allies realized quite how dangerous he is your Shaolin masters they're ready they will fight until the last man that is likely what it will take there will not be a fight if Karan does not help us is there any word from Grandmaster Hisashi no if we do not hear soon I will return to the nether realm wrong scorpion this cannot be good get Raiden the fire gardens they built the charade are you are indeed we stored why are you here scorpion where is Grandmaster Hisashi is dead and now you have come to finish us I understand you mistrust but I am here to assist you I find that impossible to believe what is he doing here we are not together if you are here to help prove it join me against the sorcerer I shall [Music] fortune Rayden thought you lost when the time line was broken but you stand with Shang Tsung we have urgent news for Aidan please let us pass this may be the Sorcerer's trick the fire Guardians will not be defiled by his presence why you have joined Shang soo is beyond me Fujin what has he done to corrupt your mind perhaps listen before you judge Thank You footing the storm is not yet past shame soon we must speak with you brother we fortune since when are you friends with this filth I'm here to save you Rayden we hail from your tragic future in it Liu Kang defeated Radhika but their battle destroyed her crown without this a broken timeline couldn't be repaired only hope was to return here steal the crown and make use of its power now we can change the outcome of the fight against Kronecker we can defeat her and fix time I had never thought you gullible brother Shan some schemes serve only to benefit him how could you fall for such lies be rational Raiden spread your falsehoods elsewhere sorcerer you will not deceive us Lord Raiden we should listen he may be telling the truth there is only one way to find out no shakes the truth rate stop this step aside Luke Lane put down the amulet its darkness is taking hold of you you also betray me this is not the way sang song is not the enemy this time the realms hang in the balance and you form this unholy alliance enough of this madness if you both must die so be it my brother is my problem I will signal if I need help shinnok's amulet in flames your anger and cloud your judgments have faith in me [Music] now listen brother we're running out of time I am a fool I have allowed myself to become a slave to anger I will not allow my temper to fracture our resolve further surely you jest more fujian not at all Luke a Raiden's power makes you a fire guard of course it does unfortunately I cannot transfer my power to Liu Kang yet first I must free his revenant from Quan Chi's curse we will face their evidence soon enough what else can you tell us about the final battle we must use every advantage [Music] lord Fujin shank so I trust you are enjoying your travels you have already been defeated once Kronecker of course Fujin how else could you have escaped the void if you know this accept the inevitable surrender but clearly my loss was not your victory Raiden if your future Savior had gained full control of my hourglass we would not be here this timeline would no longer exist I see no harm in confirming your suspicions even if you defeat me what then who claims the hourglass surely you realize that shame soon will break your alliance we are prepared Kronecker are you have you wondered why Shang soon know so much about my crown because he did your bidding gathering souls to fuel it Shang Tsung is far too modest the crown is his design no one save me knows more about its power I told you we would still be marooned at the beginning of time bickering among ourselves you must decide Raiden who do you wish to keep time for all of creation me or Shane soon neither chronica you will be beaten and if Shane soon betrays us we will finish him you are a fool Raiden do not condemn the realms to oblivion [Applause] it is a mistake challenging and tight now I meant your existence [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are vulnerable crota [Music] [Music] [Music] brother are you alright yes what the crown truly my finest work I will instruct you in its ways what just happened Kanaka came here to retrieve the crown we forced to retreat we must strike while she is weakened let us join the armies massing at the sea of blood together we will storm cronikeys Isle and take command of the hourglass the Isle of chronica no fools believe victory is at hand their misplaced confidence will be their demise such a pity my daughter embraces their sentimental values having second thoughts and yet hardly katana courts a peasant and obeys the Thunder God she couldn't be a bigger disappointment one can only imagine the iron to not be late an eternal Empire awaits you enter Kitana car don't be so formal mother you are Conn katana command the of your subjects even me oh I shall never tire of greeting you nor will i tire of calling on you our battalion is leaving for the sea of blood Queen Shiva and the show Khan will follow his rearguard may I request something mother you don't have to make your request Shiva Queen Shiva risked everything to restore me honor demands that I accompany her into battle yes it does and that display of loyalty is sure to rally the show Khan spirits thank you Kitana Khan [Music] doesn't know to quit let's fish [Music] wife [ __ ] you hush husband I'm here the soul chamber will heal your wounds then will discipline katana and take back our throne Empress tell me I misheard tell me you would not betray your daughter she takes after her father Sheba Jared was a weak King katana is a weaker Khan weak she defeated Shao Khan yet she lacked the resolve to kill him now she will learn enemies must be crushed lest they rise again that was true once but now there is a better way to lead Elder Gods tremble before me Shiva what hope did you have katana murdered your show kaan brethren man Shiva challenged her and suffered this punishment swear your allegiance and I shall see her avenged [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] why if kwanghee were here I'd hoist him by the ankles and split him through for all the time he stole from us soon we will have the hourglass eternity will be our Empire we'll have all the time shoka Sindel come with me chronica has need of you Veronica Russia would guitarists stole my throat will make a joke on hard empty promises observe life as i disassembled this construct nothing would please me do not invoke chronic us wrath shall God hear that gold plated relic ah I'll poke you and send you back during jaws do you enjoy this [Music] [Music] but thousand years and you haven't lost a step no socon turns against us perhaps we should send the fleet no shall God and sinned L haven't wittingly given us back the advantage their army will battle ratings for possession of my crown weakening them both then we crush what remains of them with strength to spare the crown once again will be mine when it is the new era will begin [Music] captain cage reporting for duty sir I mean ma'am whoa they're 90s dad you've already got one bullet one too many I'm healed Cassie Raiden gave me one of his thunder hands massages speaking of where is mama bear she's over there waiting for Shiva at the rendezvous but we cast off in five where are they [Music] we doing this by gender or is that sexist just zip it and try not to die make us an authoritarian [ __ ] I want her a fearless gladiator like you would entertain well in our arena until your death of course mom used to say death smiles at everyone but the blade women we smile back not smiling anymore our way the poor man is heartbroken why waste is on weaklings those women are braver stronger than fifty of you put together okay bozos no jokes no gimmicks just combat you want to get nuts of oh let's get nuts how many of these bow shall I bring for you wife surprise me twice you fall to the tournament and twice you failed why Reagan thought you a contender baffles me was that your best seize the vessel and dump its cargo we need speed to overtake our roads Rayden and Fujin have gone ahead to storm the aisle but we've lost all contact with our rear guard commander cage in the Special Forces Queen Shiva in the show Khan and mother I am just going to say but we are all thinking she did not betray us let's not jump to conclusions look is that the Special Forces Oh elder gods damn your mother [Music] kill each other [Music] [Music] [Music] now where is katana no doubt the little princess is hard nobody is hiding Shao Kahn not after your epic failure at the Coliseum that belongs to me sit down have it I hope you have more than that for the air of the great Kamau find katana husband why am I always right you're breaking katanas heart a eunuch monk can't hope to understand the ways of mothers and daughters you did not just call me a eunuch I could call you [Music] [Music] [Music] please mother what spell has Shao Kahn used on you this time she never has she had a husband and a kingdom and you took him away Oh katana my first husband your father was a fool Jarrett believed that we were no better than commoners he refused to assert the privileges of our throne he traded away our powers our divine rights nedelya grew weak and vulnerable then shall Khan invaded embracing his power taking what was his hair was a man unashamed to assert his privilege and who vowed to protect mine I had found my true love and to consecrate our balance I killed Jared for him you love SoCon more than your own daughter let the women be chosen would you combat it is my destiny to defeat yourself I'm your sister even for you that is madness [Music] Kitana was a full scone a traitor to Outworld she conspired with Raiden to lead you astray he seeks Crona cos power why to destroy the Empire all who follow katana are complicit in her treason your sentence is death but we will grant clemency now and Ritchie's in the new era - Oh Lauren knows katana and fight under our command [Applause] now man be yours we have a battle to pay for the new era [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Kitana shall be put in shades let her suffer the anguish of defeat and what of him [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] they are unaware of our Army's full strengths we will unleash hell we must capture it quickly [Music] [Applause] [Music] I need but a moment leave the charge no I'll cover it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] time after time chronica schemes have pitted us against each other that cycle must end ok you will have to kill me I would rather save you by the Elder Gods [Applause] Sal Khan he smashed my legs Oh God [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's the Sindel I remember no rest for the weary hold on to me [Music] Peter the crown i must wield it against Sid Dillon shall god I will do it save your strength for Liu Kang no brother the crown is our burden to share [Music] thank you your lies are revealed sorcerer Jason you should be more vitamins now bear witness as of power to decide destiny becomes my [Music] [Applause] this has always been your endgame has it the moment you are trapped in the void chronicles wise to banish me with this crown I your evil will not try [Music] how does it feel knowing that you will be the last nine to move the great spirit would choose another I may die but the mantle will live on fool the mantle dies with you though is not yours to take his soul and yours are mine you think us unprepared your treachery is expected sorcerer you are incapable of choosing the righteous the path I choose ends with your soul swarmed my service in that future is now undeniable now I choose your destiny [Music] let's finish them with pleasure no keep them alive we can siphon their powers for eternity oh the better [Music] [Music] what now Kronecker sang-soo has breached our defenses victory is still intact we will put down Shang Tsung's defiance but you will require more assistance dearest Centurion you have served me admirably now there is one final service you must perform Yes Mother I understand they hourglass on weeds beyond that door ultimate power it will be our privilege to wield it please allow me shags so pretender to my role your strategy has been love but in the end you will not prevail finish them [Music] [Music] [Music] now easily you are failed cornica once your powers mind [Music] [Music] killing chronica is my destiny yours is to serve me my obedient subjects projecting my influence throughout the realms you're drunk on the Crown's power sang-soo and your stupor you forget your place he is a dog who betrays his masters come let's put him down my first to you is over [Music] you have no one left to betray conceit chronica while you have time I'll let you live to serve me in my new era or would you prefer to be wiped from history sculpting the sands of time requires great power and skill you may wear my crown but you are not a tightened destiny is mine you should have accepted my offer chronica I would have allowed you to wield great influence Shirley said this is better than death I do not be were Chronicle time destiny are now mine to command every realm will bend to my will ZZZ before you do muscle no gang I thought your duties required you'll stay behind a lie something you know well I see now the hourglass hold that only I could wield the crown against chronica successfully you let me win and to ensure victory you sacrifice the lives of your friends own deliciously cold-blooded they are not gone Shang Tsung they will live again in my new era your new era you underestimate my prowess chosen one I have her I have absorbed chronicles power you may have attained godhood but I am the keeper of time you are no match for me chronica said much the same sang-soo you will share her fate [Applause] now hand over the crown this is your only chance my own chance this is my shrine and your final moment your worthless existence is at its end make no mistake Shang so you have chosen this fate [Music] [Applause] [Music] no more time lines will be twisted by your evil [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Kung Lao where did you who are you I am Lord Luke a god of thunder and Fire God [Music] forgive my disrespect my lord enough kula you are humble not like the conga line you the Kung Lao you do a story for another time I have chosen you as my champion for now [Music] we have work to do you must be prepared trained trained for what long have I had visions of this moment I will savor your death for eternity you are mad excellent your visions are nothing delusions of an adult mind [Music] deeply in your final moments chosen one for now your existence ends in shame all the power that was once yours is mine forever [Applause] [Music] [Music] Street ninjas My Lord your will is done out world earth realm the nether realm all are conquered per your command chaos realm and order realm are next all realms will Sunil to your influence it has begun [Music]
Channel: RajmanGaming HD
Views: 5,590,333
Rating: 4.7787089 out of 5
Keywords: mortal kombat 11, MK11, mortal, kombat, mortal kombat XI, trailer, xbox one, ps4, pc, scorpion, sonya blade, sub zero, raiden, baraka, skarlet, shao kahn, kabal, jade, johnny cage, cassie, kano, kitana, mileena, 60fps, intro, dialogues, all, kronika, erron black, jacqui briggs, kotal kahn, noob saibot, jax, kung lao, liu kang, kollector, Cetrion, dvorah, frost, walkthrough, part 1, full game, ending, cutscenes, shang tsung, spawn, sindel, nightwolf, terminator, joker, darkseid, robocop, fujin, sheeva, full movie
Id: qyOHwez3TP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 12sec (6912 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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