MORTAL KOMBAT 11 All Characters Endings MK11 (DLC Included)

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i didn't ask for this war but once it started i had to finish it hands down kronecker was the toughest enemy i ever faced all my tactics my training meant nothing against a god like her in the end it was a battle of wills it never occurred to me that for winning i'd get her hourglass at first i hoped to right every wrong in history but then i figured out doing it meant i'd have to decide the fates of billions picking who lives and who dies for eternity it was going to kill my soul i'd end up no better than those old men who sent us off to war not giving a [ __ ] about what would happen and that's not the man i want to be it's time to walk away for good this time leaving the pain and the ugliness behind after all i've been through i've earned a little peace ocp built me to serve the public trust protect the innocent and uphold the law so when i found kano dealing arms to old detroit's gangs i had one duty apprehend him i never thought the chase would take me to a different universe let alone end in a fight with kano's protector cronica and when cronica went down something unexpected happened her power washed over me sweeping away the limits my designers had put on my programming for the first time i saw the depth of ocp's corruption it wasn't just a couple of greedy executives it was the whole damned company ocp is making a killing playing both sides selling to cops and criminals when i get home i am bringing them to justice it will not be fast or easy ocp has too much cash and too much firepower for me to clean things up alone it is a good thing this will be an interagency effort welcome to the future of law enforcement it was an epic accident that brought the terminator here rather than to his own earth's past but it didn't take long for him to adapt he figured that terminating cronica and taking her hourglass gave him the best chance at achieving his mission objective destroying humanity so that the machines prevail turns out the hourglass wasn't the ultimate weapon no matter how many times the terminator rebooted history the war between humans and the machines always ended the same with their mutual destruction he realized this war was a losing game the only way to win was not to play so the terminator used the hourglass to build a future where machines and humans don't fight they the terminator knew that to preserve this future no one else could learn about the hourglass the information stored in his machine mind was dangerous it had to be eliminated that's why the terminator threw himself into the infinite depths of the sea of blood no one would ever find him or unlock the hourglass's secrets if you could ask him about it he'd tell you he made the only logical choice but in my book that machine's a hero [Music] i'd snuffed out every devil in hell until nether elm invader showed up to piss me off it would have cost a lot of power fighting them alone but they were being hunted by my new friends call them fire and ice they argue which is why i usually like to roll solo but when it comes to killing demonic [ __ ] these guys don't flinch i can get along with that the grandmasters tipped me off the coalition said she was resurrecting some nether realm god named shinnok but that's not happening on my watch kronec is just as much a devil as malbolger both make promises both tell lies both underestimate me that's why i'll make a new hell for them where they can burn together for eternity the nether realm is locked down but there's still eight hills left to purge it's time to bring up the reserves i made choices in my life that sealed my fate i'm beyond redemption but even the damned are capable of doing some good so all you devils out there making false promises and spewing lies we're coming and you don't have a chance in hell this was my dream vacation i saw mayhem mutilation it was all the gas for a while but these nincompoops they didn't really get me not even that pretty boy ninja mime good night sweet prince i'd finished just about everyone worth finishing in earth realm and outworld even lovable old nether realm i was a lonely heart in search of new friends but as luck would have it i had just the gizmo to find them and oh the hourglass spoiled me havoc and i are going to be bosom buddies and what's that my new pal knows an entire realm devoted to law and order and he exists solely to disrupt it well i say he and i need to get busy meet the league of misunderstood maniacs we're giving order realm an enema and when we're done who knows where we'll crash next maybe we'll come to your house and slip live grenades under your pillow maybe we'll cut your favorite pet or maybe we'll just break your tv right now with the hourglass one my thoughts turned toward my sister i was born from her flesh we shared the same blood i wanted us to be family but she wanted me dead i was not her twin i was a monstrosity how horrified she would be to know that i've used kronecker's power to take her place under my parents adoring gays i ruled the realms as conor of time my sister's friends her lover they cherish me katana is forgotten her name buried in the sands of history yet even i can't reign forever like all queens i need an heir someone to carry on in my name and see my will done across the eons unlike my sister my daughter regards me with awe and wonder to her i am no abomination [Music] i am perfection [Music] cronica was dead the hourglass taken and adenius future mine to command i had obtained all i had wanted all except that which i had wanted most to know the true story of my parentage that i was a bastard i knew born of an illicit affair between the edinian god argus and immortal woman amara but what i didn't know until the hourglass showed me was that i and my mother were both victims she hadn't abandoned me thanks to my father's lies she had thought me stillborn i was stolen away and left to rot among peasants while my mother died from grief argus hid his scandal and his shame by killing the one person who ever loved me for that he would die as will his sons taven and dagon his beloved wife delia she i will let live let her heart break as my mother's did as she weeps over her children's corpses once i gained the hourglass my first thought was to rewrite history and redeem the lin quay's honor but then i thought of bihan his life consumed by evil before i could redeem my clan i had to redeem my brother with the hourglass i wound back time to our childhood i studied every second of bihan's life to understand why why he embraced sektor's corruption why he reveled in the vile power given to him by quan chi armed with that knowledge i re-sculpted the sands of time i changed bihan's life and unfroze his heart now we are comrades not rivals together as joint grand masters in defense of earthrealm cronica's power overwhelmed me such that i would have been driven mad had i not spent centuries mastering the dark powers beyond the grasp of ordinary mortals now i am the master of time and fate but chroniclers follow proves that even titans can be defeated though my new power lets me roam infinite timelines and feasts upon the souls of billions i am vulnerable to survive i must return to the shadows avoid confrontation and work my will to the hands of others more specifically through the hands of my fellow titans these monstrous beings are applied easily by appealing to their greed vanity and fear through them every soul in eternity bends to my influence in my new era morality will be exposed as the illusion it is the cunning will prosper while the good suffer this is a word of shang sung have a nice day before i was nightwolf i was a fool named greycloud born into poverty i resented my ancestors for giving up our future to colonizers cano offered a way out promising riches if i stole my tribe's most sacred relics i was sorely tempted but then i realized that by saving myself i'd be surrendering the last of my people's dignity for the first time i defended the matoka's pride cana was unimpressed but as i lay dying the great spirit came to me by rejecting kano i had proven worthy of an ancient honor the mantle of nightwolf legendary defender of the matoka now as i inherit kronaka's mantle the way before me is split the keeper of time cannot also be my tribe's defender which path do i choose even here at times beginning the great spirit's wisdom guides me she calls me to restore history the matuka i must leave to another to the next night wolf like all our sacred relics the night wolf mantle belongs to the tribe madokan can prove worthy of its power i enjoy imagining who will defend us next [Music] in the beginning shall khan invaded adina murdered my husband jared and forced me to be his bride that's the story but it's a lie one i told lest i lose the faith of my subjects or of my daughter katana the truth is jared was weak destined to fail by betraying him i gained a better lover and the ultimate weapon a conqueror to unite all realms and put them at my beck and car then cronica up ended history and i found myself confronting a future in which i had been dead for centuries my so-called family had failed me in every way katana broke my heart worst instead of uniting the realm she sought to liberate them as if the wasteland savages could ever be more than serfs ever the caring mother i had to discipline my little princess and after that i had to discipline a titan now i have defeated cronica outgrown shao khan and katana i have no more family no more rivals no more gods i sit above them all on a throne that unites all realms and all realities whoever you are wherever you are when you are before me kneel for i am cinderell empress of time and you exist only to serve me a lifetime of battle prepared me to conquer cronica but as the keeper of time i must be a creator not a conqueror i thought of the many sons and daughters i've lost in battle through the years imagined a better destiny for my kin a history where the shokon build rather than destroy the results were catastrophic comfort and ease extinguished the dragon's fire that once lit the heart of every shokon they became weak corrupted fools the timeline had to start again war for all its tragedies is the forge of shokon will my people will fight many will die but i will lead us to victory and in the aftermath the dragon's fire will blaze in shokon hearts for eternity [Music] as the new keeper of time i was overwhelmed by my responsibilities who was i to design the destinies of mortals as their protector i had spent eon safeguarding them but while i had grown to appreciate mortals deeply i understood precious little about their daily existence so i used the hourglass to live hundreds of thousands of lifetimes expand the possibilities of realm race gender and faith most importantly i learn the simple joy of ending each day in a warm embrace of family humbled by my new wisdom i bend the ark of history not to my will but to the service of those who must live it while it is beyond my power to guarantee outcomes i will give mortals the chance to have better more peaceful lives i made my future self a promise that i would not stay mired in the past but once i controlled the hourglass i could not keep that promise i had to restore my family over and over i crafted the sands of time yet in every new timeline my family's tragedy repeated i was powerless to change it after eons i learned the truth cronica was not alone she was one of many titans each more powerful and ancient than the elder gods it is they who conspire against us myself my family we are pawns in the game why i do not know but i will find out and then i will have vengeance what does it mean to wield the sands of time to be the chosen one it means making choices that break your heart [Music] for the protection of all i shared kronecker's power with the people i trust and love most together we replace the elder gods that cetrion had betrayed and became eternal guardians of the realms still my heart longs for a simpler life a kind one cannot have being the chosen one let alone an elder god but katana and i would not give for those simple pleasures [Music] perhaps in another timeline it could be ours [Music] kronecker had manipulated me in timeline after timeline she stoked my anger and fed my arrogance turning me against lou kang my nose rubbed in my own fallibility i was humbled how could i be worthy to accept the mantle as keeper of time i thought that to control time and destiny fairly i must purge myself of all human emotion summoning the strongest magic i burned away my fear and anger all that remained was pure logic but i learned quickly that the logical choice is often not the just choice unless tempered by compassion and heart logic leads to decisions no better than those based on anger or fear now i am once more at times beginning but on this journey through history i will infuse logic with love in this timeline i will finally achieve peace for the citizens of all realms this whole adventure capital i insane i marry sonja i have a kid who actually likes me inquiring minds want to know how the hell that happens so i get the hourglass to show me how kicking schinok's ass which i did beautifully turned me from hollywood megastar into global icon so far so good until i let that fame screw me up didn't hit rock bottom until i saw just how badly i'd let down my little girl i finally got what old man me was saying about needing humility and maturity but i also knew i couldn't get there without living the same life he did [Music] so i restored the timeline just as it was with one tiny little difference sonia's story won't end underneath the rubble of some busted up netherrealm castle because johnny cage flicks always have happy endings cronica said i would lead the new heiress deadliest clan but she made such promises to many she could never keep them all so i betrayed her before she could betray me fused with my shadows my ambitions grew why be a ruler of mortals when i could rule destiny itself mortals resisted but could not stop my blanketing history in cold endless night all is dark all the shadows i have had many names now i'm become death destroyer of worlds i conquered history like i conquered realms merging billions of potential timelines into a singularity the universe has been remade in my image and all is as it should be the weak is strong the strong compete for power wealth and my favor in mortal combat for centuries the tournament's champion has gone undefeated that champion who is me hail the conqueror who shall god of course i defeated cronica and when i did there was only one thing i wanted to do with the hourglass undo the defeat of my ancestor the great kung lao in my timeline the great kulau is the undisputed mortal combat champion earthrealm never loses another tournament for generations his example inspires millions to join the white lotus society and defend earthrealm they in turn inspire rebels to overthrow shao khan in outworld the realms make peace until inevitably a more powerful enemy comes along and finds earth realm backed by kung lao immortal lord of time and warrior supreme beat that liu kang none of us saw kronecker coming not even raiden but with the hourglass i can see every terror in the realms any sane person would run screaming at the sight of them it's my duty to take out these ancient all-powerful beings but to do that i need an elite squad of immortal gods turns out to make a new god you've got to destroy an old one so i hunt the oldest i can find an omni deity from a forgotten unpronounceably named realm [Music] it's the fight of my life but i've got something this god doesn't family in my past these were the people who mattered most now they're my god squad my daughter my brother in arms my goddaughter yep even johnny but only because cassie insisted and maybe i missed him a little just don't let him know that of all his daughters xiao khan made me deadliest he pulled me from the gutter bound me to the blood code made me fight for recognition perhaps he will command me when i bind the blood code to the sands of time now a blood god i demand more than show kinds of recognition i demand worship i'll have temples ministers acolytes prayers and sacrifices rivers of blood shed in my name purging heretics who dare to reject me for the only thing better than my master's recognition is to make him beg for my all will worship me or there will be blood though i first denied their truth eventually i realized the wisdom of liu kang's words there is virtue greater than my mother's desired balance good must be allowed to flourish but no matter how i reshaped time rooting out evil proved impossible though freed from want mortals still killed each other divided by realm and race they easily justified their hate hubris greed envy to appreciate my gifts mortal sins must be cleansed which is why i baptize the realms with fire for eons mortals will battle evil eventually achieving victory and when they emerge from the darkness they will be humbled eager to embrace the light truth be told it surprised me putting down cronica not bad for a scrawny kid from wicket now that it's done now what i don't cotton to being lord of time stuck on some island at the edge of nowhere no aaron black likes being in the thick of it seems to me time ought to stay all mashed up it's been a hell of a ride gotta keep these thrills coming which means making sure no one gets a chance to screw this up once the hourglass gets dumped in the sea of blood ain't no one ever shaping history again what happens next hell if i know and that's just the way i like it as i gazed upon the hourglass i knew what i must do restore my homeland adenia to existence experiencing adenius verdant lands for the first time i've never felt such joy but that joy was short-lived adenius traditions its languages its culture all were completely foreign having been forbidden to me by shao khan i fit in with my people no better than a tar cotton the truth was hard though adenium by blood i am not an odynian i am an outworlder not only that i am outworld's khan i will use ancient edinian teachings to make myself a better sovereign with them i will fulfill my life's mission to better all of outworld's people including medina chronica made big promises not big enough though for what my people suffered our hands built the coliseum the palace we were slaves we served or we died every coin i took from shao khan's tribute outworld owed my people not that my knack brothers and sisters joined arms to help me no every great treasure i have won i have won myself i do not wait for handouts i take what i desire that is why i am now gone never well earth realm all the realm chaos realm i want them all and i will take them by right of mortal combat [Music] in her last moments cronica tried to tempt me spare her and she would rewrite history with jade as my queen i would rule an eternal osh tech empire that spanned all the realms but cronica never understood the oshtek heart our lives are cloth woven from choice and circumstance pull even one thread that cloth is torn asunder and made worthless now that i am tasked with keeping time others beg me to have their histories rewritten but as long as the hourglass is mine i will not shape destiny in any one being's favor history will play out as determined by its players let the sands fall where they may sub-zero dismissed me raiden dismissed me they all did even cronica until i froze the smug looks off all their faces and became the lin quay's new grand master the hourglass offers even greater prospects with it i'll mold history to carve my name on everyone's lips but even its power has limits my vision can be offended by people's individual choices unlike kronecker i won't let these imperfections fester until time itself must be restarted [Music] the lin quay will be my time warriors traveling through history they'll get rid of those whose actions threaten my vision from now on no one will overlook my greatness i'll never be dismissed again [Music] chronicle's power was mine mine to share with the tribe in the new timeline i built tarkartans would be slaves no more we would rule we easily took a danny then out world and the nether realm last we challenged earth realm in mortal combat within a thousand years all realms failed to take and we have not run out of meat since chronica's endless cycle of rewinding and restarting timelines had destroyed my spirit but she refused to grant me either freedom or death so i took her power to do what she could not i would create one final perfect timeline then i would rest but the task was more difficult than i imagined mortals refused to follow the paths i set for them timeline after timeline my frustration grew i began to understand why cronica had been driven to madness perhaps mortals do not need a lord of time i will sacrifice my body and my mantle to re-sculpt the sand so that the hourglass runs itself and for the first time in all eternity i can rest in peace for the second time in my life i kick the living [ __ ] out of an immortal my prize the hourglass now i can change history talk about redonkulous cosmic power but despite what you may think about beverly hills girls that is so not my style the chosen one thing is for the liu kangs and katanas of the world in the next timeline all i want is to be a model soldier to command the next generation of special forces we were born to defend earthrealm just like the heroes that inspired me my parents okay so there's one more thing i want my mom back not just for me but for dad he and my mom deserve a happily ever after retirement we'll never know how different things were the last time around but we'll be together a family and that's all that matters all i wanted was to fix my life now i have the power to fix history raiden warns me i can't fix everything changed too much and i could lose vera lose jackie but this power is bigger than us if i think only about helping myself what kind of officer am i what kind of man i've been lucky my family and i have lived the american dream but most people look like me haven't had that chance i owe it to them to put things right [Music] and i'm not waiting centuries for people to get woke when i've got the power to speed things up i don't get it right the first time or the second or even the third but eventually i knock it out of the damn park my family's back the world's a better place for everyone turns out you can have everything anyone who says you can't needs to dream bigger [ __ ] sounds cool right the power to control time immortality destiny well let me tell you this job sucks there's no pay no weekends and your shift lasts forever the only smart play is to turn back time and give it back to cronica bet your ass she's grateful too i didn't ask her for much just a chance to take out anyone who's ever tried to burn me black dragon was always more of a gig than a brotherhood anyway now i get to live large enjoying the simple life of a well-to-do family man and if shao khan or shinnok ever come knocking my family and i'll take him down just like i took down shinnok's mom [Music] i'd cut a lot of deals but none spiffier than this i spared kronecker and she gave up the hourglass the power to shape time and history to my liking oh [ __ ] yeah in the having it was in the getting so i changed things up one more time now what i want is always just out of reach i gotta earn it i score lots of wins but not always but when i do win it's something to cyber the hourglass was there for the taking and i could think of only one thing dad killed made a revenant resurrected since coming back dad's never forgotten the things he did for quan chi i thought with the hourglass i could fix all that and i can dad won't die in that massacre he'll never be revenant but turns out what my guts told me since the start of all of this is true dad and mom got together when he was in treatment he doesn't suffer they don't meet and i'll never be born and you know what i'm good with that i'm not just protecting dad i'm protecting everyone he'll risk his life to save in my shoes it's what he would do it's what a briggs does i know you'll never hear this but goodbye dad i love you i held the power to shape time and destiny but i was lost which con should be restored my lover coto for my loyal friend katana i heard kotal's voice call out to me follow your heart jade so i let my heart lead and it took me to an unexpected place a faint memory of home and my mother i restored my parents in adenia building a new era without shall khan and what a happy childhood i enjoyed but as i matured i sensed that i was no ordinary child cronica's power dwelled within me calling me to a higher purpose when i came of age i ascended to godhood as the protector of adenia armed with the knowledge of past timelines i challenged shinnok and satrian without kronecker's children pitting the realms against each other all could be at peace and remain so under my watchful eyes vermin that is the humanoid word for the kaitin and our fellow insectoids but with the hourglass this one can review history and give lie to that myth humanoids live to kill without a common enemy to fight they divide destroy each other insectoids live to survive no conflicts divide us we build upon each other kin does not kill kin so tell this one who are the vermin time for this one to write a more just history one in which pesky humanoids finally take the places they deserve scrambling beneath our feet you
Channel: MKIceAndFire
Views: 1,015,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mortal Kombat 11, MK11, Mortal Kombat 11 All Characters Endings, Mortal Kombat 11 Characters Ending, Mortal Kombat 11 Character Ending, Mortal Kombat 11 All Endings, Mortal Kombat 11 Ending, Mortal Kombat 11 Endings, MK11 Ending, Mortal Kombat 11 DLC Ending, Mortal Kombat 11 Rambo Ending, Mortal Kombat 11 Mileena Ending, All, Characters Endings, Ending, Endings, DLC, Included
Id: uq7TtnQwh9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 14sec (2714 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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