Mortal Kombat X: Story Mode

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millions of years ago shinnok one of the Elder Gods turned on his fellow deities and invaded the earth realm Raiden and the Elder Gods stopped shinnok locked him up in the nether realm [Music] others followed in shots footsteps like outworlds emperor shao kahn who was obsessed with conquering earth realm so Raiden convinced the elder gods to enact the Mortal Kombat tournament as a way to even the odds give earth realm a chance for generations Shao Kahn followed the Elder Gods rules the war moved to the arena where he sent his toughest fighters to challenge Ravens greatest defenders in Mortal Kombat two years ago we beat him but Shao Kahn wasn't ready to lose he violated the rules of Mortal Kombat and invaded earth realm most of Hertz defenders our friends will kill turned into evil undead warriors spite the odds stop Shao Kahn's invasion as punishment the Elder Gods destroy him we thought the long nightmare was over but it turns out that shinnok had been manipulating events Shao Kahn's invasion is death all part of shinnok's plan to escape a nether realm and resume his war on the Elder Gods [Music] [Applause] destination head set it down nice and easy for me don't I always if I always mean not once major all right you have the rendezvous coordinates far into the forest from there we access the portal to Raiden sky temple where there's an angry former elder gods Devils waiting for us gods portals flying demons blind guys with magic swords the world has changed for the worse if we do not expel shinnok from Raiden's temple he means to poison our Thrones life force the jinsei and we're not gonna let that happen Kenji and I appreciate the major allowing us join you we're happy to help kick shin off with the bony ass back to the nether realm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the end is near getting a little ahead of yourself aren't you [Music] [Music] got to get back to the chopper Sonia get out that was unpleasantly cold [Music] I liked it better when we fought on the same side you okay we fared better than the men Adam to the list of things shinnok Lancer for [Music] [Music] lady we must reap or defy the portals defenses belong no future it is too late [Music] the mighty guards overthrow you befoul these hallowed grounds Quan Chi begone surely are pleased as your friends you abandoned them to their deaths I returned them to life a life worse than death one you'll soon share and my Lord himself shall witness will fall [Music] Jack [Music] night more smoke smoke is dead [Music] this is the real Jax wouldn't punch his best friend Johnny Cage we're gonna fix you someday well nice seeing them again Sonia that's not him [Music] sergeant got the elevator yes the elevator sento contains the souls of My Ancestors Gaiden could they hurry the hell up [Music] I'm not that guy you thank you master going up fall back now go on you guys stay here close the door [Music] [Music] [Music] you see it now raided your legacy you poison their hearts with hope and what do you offer the same as you did millennia ago when you betrayed your fellow elder gods and attacked earth realm we stopped you then imprisoned you in the nether realm we will do so again remove the shadow from the light the shadow the legacy of life is death Raiden my followers accept this [Music] will not touch the Jensen oh I will and all of earth rail will learn the truth [Music] [Music] oh sorry ma'am didn't see you there miserable wretch insignificant speck of beckylyn stung how dare you [Music] that is mine ready as always [Music] she will be the first to join me No [Music] I'm not sure what just happened to me but I am sure this you don't even think of hurting her [Music] you really are a fallen elder God Johnny Cage the amulet enjoy the new dates cramps Sonia Johnny did we yeah we got remain here the Chamber's properties will heal sonya blade in short order when she and the others they're gone a search of power within the chamber overwhelmed my senses we can deal with con she later kimchi we've netted a bigger prize this day she knocks amulets and within it all fish face himself let us take the amulet to the Elder Gods they cannot destroy it no one can they might offer counsel chin up can never escape the war is not over once she has escaped why are you smiling she called me Johnny Rayden told me later them descended from some Mediterranean war cold bread is warriors for the gods I've never been able to resummon that green halo Raiden thinks it was triggered when I saw a loved one I'm about to die how about you Cassie can you summon anything like that or did it skip a generation take it easy Jen we didn't need a halo in Darfur or Iran or Kurdistan did we Jackie nope we didn't Shaolin monks ever sent you there Jen I've seen plenty of action Takeda and I both stuff that blow your Special Forces mind at ease you're all here because you deserve to be you're beautiful and you need snowflakes now as I'm sure you're unaware judging from the lack gift cards today is our team's six-week anniversary secretary Blake says he's pleased with our progress could spit in his hair and he'd be pleased with our progress he was smart enough to have mr. cage put this team together I'm glad the shirai Ryu chose me to join new places new faces as the secretary pointed out my solder folks are gonna retire someday so it's time for your generation to step up Xiao Lin Zi Rui you SF together for your team's first mission you're going to the Lin Kuei temple we haven't heard from the Grandmaster awhile so we need to make sure he's still on our side that he's got our backs if things flare up again without world you need to bring him in but don't be surprised if sub-zero's not willing to cooperate why be worried about Outworld I thought Kotal Kahn respected the Reiko Accords he does but he's facing a civil war the rebels when those Accords will be history [Music] 20 million Emperor what's the expression it's not worth a turn on my shoe corticon has always argued it's a fairy tale sure sure I'm just saying upgraded weapons my Intel and poof belong out world Civil War done won't be nice to kick back a bit you know Melina's location and a whole rebel army it's got to be worth at least 50 i must attack her immediately and this conflict as you say it drains us right do we have a deal what is it Devorah should not be concerned acting at the head this one were clearance Nate wait for causal patents move the tub cartons are in position we await your order it is given dearest Tanya stopping a carriage is nothing killing an emperor requires power power the path Malina and won't use it pains me to use it rain I need more time the usurpers excursion came too soon the rain falls when it may no matter if Kano does what I paid him to do [Applause] [Applause] after talking already you've said a mouthful [Music] we can tow your offer of aid was but wind and air KP a fifty million Moline has given me twice that to take you out you are not worth the dirt on my shoe you are the edenia Tanya and please do you remember Miko our time I will never forget those who freed milena she vowed to create a free edenia something you refused to do a united Outworld stand strong against its enemies it will never be united under your rules your rebellion is all that prevents it you are a fool to trust milena she tasks me for the last time Melina Cato has to kill you miserable snake grown up eh [Music] another edenian the supposin half gone the son of honest I was not really too clear to God by these puzzle covenants look surely milena suspects your true intentions son of Argus [Applause] my intentions are to teach you the difference between pretension and godhood that should silence you you won't touch him again but I will as the heir to my father shao kahn i molina kaanum of Outworld order your execution there will be an execution this day you will atone for your descent milena your blood will make right the stair pass the final say [Music] what did I ever see in Deer Club grown to be a Jaguar [Music] once we hit the drop point we split up Jackie and I will come in from the south you two from the West rendezvous here the north entrance then what a simple pickup and go we bagging if he resists resistance might be more possible than you think don't sweat it it comes to that Sub Zero won't know what hit him before were defenses stand down as you command Grand Master it is confirmed for intruders it is time to entertain our guests all right I've got point you and Jen that's a move ready [Music] damage in you I need to you are not welcome here state your intentions Grandmaster we need you to come with us my name is sorry you demand my cooperation yet you are cut off surrounded what will you do my father always spoke highly of you sub-zero he wants to talk talking always his first choice okay let's try pummeling now wait [Music] Cassandra cage you leave this group but they do not follow what would your mother do stop wasting time and take you down [Music] you are more like your mother than you sink your power should have revealed my intention takahashi Takeda no doubts can she taught you how to use them my father taught me a lot grandmaster let us see [Applause] [Music] you are not your father not yet huh damn it you announced your arrival Jacqueline Briggs specialist brace yes military decorum is important in your family if you know my father you know me thought you and he were friends our histories share a dark chapter [Music] [Applause] [Music] do not judge yourself harshly specialist Briggs faint Bravo come Jean you should rally your companions rather than mock your superiors I'll remember that in case I ever meet [Music] boss righto does not suit you any ideas sub-zero let's talk that opportunity has passed got a new plan cage you could have followed the old one gin you're gonna catch hell if you kill us yes I suppose so sure dang gin that worked this was all a training exercise damn I should have seen it you and your friends show much promise Cassandra Cage but until you function as one you will fall short so other than that you enjoyed your visit the Lin Kuei shredded us you maybe I see plenty of frozen boot prints on your ass too come on now you're all winners in my book new orders general blade Priority One outworlders here in earth realm an invasion couldn't be you're not afraid are you mr. cage outworlders I can handle so when did they show up the portal opened by the docks a few hours ago nearly 5000 in all refugees from the out world civil war it must be bad if they risk come in earth realm after you thanks Ken she could you and mr. cage join us sergeant cage you and your team as you were this is Li Mei she seeks asylum for her people in earth realm our village sundo was the epicenter of a fierce battle we barely escaped with our lives such is war I mean no offense but while worlders kind of live for that right this was different the rebels milena had a weapon unlike anything entire battalions who raced it was not honorable not combat tell me more about the weapon a talisman gold with a center jewel Malina wields its crimson energy without precision well that's good then not now sergeant cage it is enough that she possesses it it turns the tide in her favor the Emperor grows desperate and those caught in the middle pay the price if this talisman is what I suspect it to be we may all pay a price we talking about shinnok's amulet can't be the base the vault your warnings SF Shaolin no way anyone can get past all that I must be sick well this is cozy you remind me of an earth realm or who crossed over with us he also found humor in everything handsome guy right he was an earth realm one of his eyes glowed red she me can she continue with Li Mei I'm going to the refugee camp get to him before he finds a way out I'll come with go get an update on camp security from Colonel Flagg why because then you won't be here are we with you no I need to confirm with Kotal Kahn li-mei story is true you and your team are going to Outworld [Music] and now I expected this guy to be purple don't believe everything you see online and what makes you an expert Michelle in archives studied a lot about our no substitute for experience so what makes you our leader dice let's stick to the mission we may has to be telling the truth an invasion would violate the renkel Accords you can always trust an outworlder but about world's our ally why didn't they help us during the netherworld war against Quan Chi and his team of revenants like Jackie's dad [ __ ] it's not an alliance non-aggression pact our world is not our ally a point you might make with more subtlety given your surroundings now state your business including a reason why we shouldn't kill you I can read you you know from our wall I'm from earth realm like you but my employer Kotal Kahn's from out world so now I'm from out world state your business we're emissaries we need to talk to Kotal Kahn here we have Raiden's official seal I can buy one of those at that stall right over there look you can arrest us even kill us but if we're telling the truth you'd probably get a pay cut or worse you take us to the con I'll tell him you took us down maybe you get a bonus I can't lose follow me in these times of war we're required to in every reasons discretion to take without his leave is to steal from the hand of corticon himself therefore having been found guilty of theft you shall be put to death I was hungry your sentence will be carried out immediately death for petty theft remember where you are [Applause] you're not here oh I knew I shouldn't have listened to you less trust from a mercenary here's another learning opportunity I'm a quick learner you couldn't just ask for a pony like every other girl the archives never mentioned symbiotes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you'll hear my troubles love to learn more about you too bad you're insane you guys alright yes this one must learn more about diplomatic technique we're here to see Khoda Khan general blaze you interfere without world matters the penalty is death as we honor the repo Accords we will consult people you will wait in here you want to take this opportunity to tell us what the [ __ ] [ __ ] you were thinking I gotta wonder why you to risk into realm war for a bread thief because not all thieves are irredeemable [Music] [Music] [Music] it has more sentimental than monetary value nevertheless I would prefer you did not steal it it's a family heirloom one that shouldn't have been given to you your family honored me with this memento of your cousin Lau after his death death you caused made him fight Shao Kahn and stood there while that bastard snapped his neck you go too far Khun Jin no not far enough just let me go blood of Kung Lao descendant of the great Kung Lao a common thief did you think you could walk on and peed it into my temple then walk out again without my complicity you wanted me to attack you why to release your anger make you amenable to reason make me feel like [ __ ] self-loathing has always been an unfortunate part of your makeup there lies ahead a brighter path one that will truly honor your ancestors one that is worthy of you go to the Wu Shi Academy join the Shaolin like Kung Lao before you I can't they won't accept they care only about what is in your heart not whom your heart desires it's too late for me it is never too late Khun Jane [Music] your news of refugees is troubling their exodus to Earthrealm was not known to me I do know this I invited no guests from earth realm certainly none who would disrupt the execution of justice how do I know you are not a lied with milena perhaps her newfound power has earned her new friends friends no no we're not even sure that she knocks a meal but she has he employs Chinooks amulet against me the very item Earthrealm swore would be safe in its care when out world was offered no participation we were under attack not our little con the fire that burns the Sun we are here because we share your concerns about the missing item we intend no ill against your rule at least one earth realm man can forge words like silver but I recall an earth realm expression there is more honor among thieves than diplomats I've had the questionable fortune to be both Emperor but I'm telling you the truth you are allied with milena you may carry out your sentence Hodel card under out world law I claim the right of Defense by combat what you're gonna fight a duel to absolve us of all accusations denying the request brings dishonor upon the accuser you know much of our world you're also into it ends in death you have won nothing nearly a few more seconds of breath and now Emperor the charges against you are void I say to all that earth realm means out world no harm now kill me be done with it you're not actually gonna instead of your life I claim your service if Molina does have the amulet we can get it from her more easily if we work together Emperor they cannot be trusted flora can you not perceive I am indebted to them you honor us Kotal Kahn our gratitude is wide like the ocean I'll talk to general blade tell her about our new arrangement thanks for the heads up sergeant stay with Kotal Kahn we'll figure out next steps ones I've got Kano locked down yes ma'am cage out he's still here I can feel it report one of the refugees found her near the North perimeter that's one of K nose neckties inform LeMay tell her we're investigating Raiden would you find chin ox amulet has been stolen replaced by an exquisite duplicate dammit something is wrong that will speak to you what's up raiden raiden lieutenant I need you to take a team to Fort Charles check in with Raiden and report back what's going on what's your update from Colonel Flagg he said why are you bothering me and I said because my ex-wife is a pain in it where are you going you can't just walk away I'm in this - not my decision thank your buddy secretary Blake this is what split us up in the first place you disappear in your work never time for me and Cassie I had responsibilities sorry you couldn't be the center of attention there was a time when you cared more about your family than your job general nope no legal sorcerers in here do you get serious Quan Chi needs to clean up his mancave it's cleaner than yours you're comparing me to Quan Chi only in terms of cleanliness what's this I wouldn't do that oh come on where's your sense of an adventure you wish for adventure you shall have it fire I have no need of your soldiers but you and mr. cage will serve me well once then I went to quit do you not as tough as you look [Music] Quan Chi you've lost a delay misplayed the inevitable still beckons Oh Johnny [Music] you [Music] you won't be dead for long this will not happen [Applause] I'm sorry Jax I'll get you out of here you'll be fine don't know woods it's supposed to be on the inside Rayden I must reverse his spell [Music] drama legal it's working us in so tough see you're weak Thunder God Johnny Cage is mine yeah he's mine save him I've got this son of a [ __ ] that wasn't even close to what you deserve chögyam play the league with one she is not completely seven [Music] [Music] darah love feta the others are restored to the living by coupling Quan Chi's dark magics to my own I was able to restore their souls is he gonna make it haven't I told you he's a god you scared the [ __ ] out of me and they said I couldn't do war films he's gone how did he we gotta go after him he can wait right now we need to get you and the others back to earth realm why is it ticking named rayon a Duke a ray thanks you seem to know this kano intimately not the word I'd use but yes I chased him for years until he escaped to Outworld after shinnok's invasion why would he return now all that matters is he's caught gotcha are you lost [Music] hello love been a while not long enough this is general blade I need MPs to my location immediately oh let's keep this between friends at ride info for freedom I don't negotiate with scumbags well then if mother won't play nice maybe daughter will if you ever back off and all's well piss me off and Cassie's gonna meet uncle clay no I swear to God [Music] no I'm not done with you Sonia ease up you killed me Sonia we need that info Sonia don't make this a little thing you won't talk the cotton jungle at least two divisions of targets they're on the move constantly to avoid detection that's not far maybe 200 kilometers you know what to do yes ma'am good luck blade out you have new information from bathroom Kano talked gave us the details on Molina's location she has the amulet but she's got a lot of protection we will strike immediately the army will engage Alena - stretcher but this one retrieves the amulet not alone this one's coming with did you not hear me you may assist the main strike or we will grant their request and I will finally be rid of milena [Music] this one understands your logic but does not reach the same conclusion like others this one is don't heat with marina has come but it is not here your hole will succeed that is why I invited ours a Terran friend listen and join us I know things about milena troubles rule will fall in the telling and paved the way for grata very of your fellow councillors whispering like handmaidens about what I wonder if only you would hear our counsel as war with mother rom looms I have urged they taunt with Earthrealm and I've told you I would sooner die than treat with my father's murderers you refuse practical solutions to credible threats you in danger at the realm and sedition does not speak your last before I have your tongue you are not so conce truhair she is a construct formed in sang songs flush pits I saw this your best claim to the throne is moot how dare you I succeed Shao Kahn by his decree succeed him you have butt out world demands new leadership from you ashtec foo kill him it's early November to defend your Empress Khan conquered my realm i ôm my loyalty [Music] [Applause] another is did your last Ally has left you take her away then you serve cocktail time [Music] [Music] there here to surrender Twitter you speak of treason this one knows who desire the throne why serve me advise her stealing the animals my Jesus it kills her a bit each time she uses it as both sides diminish you feel the void exactly your skis end here leaving without your friend Devorah your people believe we avoided your island out of respect for your solitary nature we just didn't like you but I do prefer solitude which I will achieve momentarily now to eat Daniels will die I know you said you weren't friends but you're not killing them that's fine by the way very well let us go step aside that is for you you would not stray far from the onion you took my the road now you wish to steal my means of reclaiming it either wasn't for you who are you to say I will take something your life [Applause] it's one will enjoy your death enough of your prattle finish me that I need join my father you do not deserve death by an emperors hand instead I give the honor to my worthy first minister the rebellion is over well thanks for that I know I'll never eat again with your leave we're gonna head back to earth realm put the amulet back where it belongs the hell are you doing earth Rome cannot be trusted to protect the amulet it will remain with me breakaway courts require the courts no longer concern me but you may prove useful when Raiden comes first this one deceive them the amulet is in quarter panels position you can be treated he trusts no one else to transport it keeping you close to the outworlds throne these many years has proven most fortuitous Devorah they never suspected one of their own to be a disciple of our Lord it's released a surf shop you have done well now bring it to me with funky last what news from how she not was to be freed we make for my fortress is there a problem [Music] [Music] [Music] your wife told me I'd find you in here you envy right have a nice chat always that a national I haven't seen one it didn't come here to discuss farm implements all right I'll cut to the chase I need your help my help I know I don't have any right to know what I wanted Jacky volunteered she came to me I know listen I get why you didn't want Jacky joining SF why you retired I mean if I had to live with memories of being one of Quan Chi's thugs I would have eaten a gun a long time ago well you know Vera she never would have allowed that so what is it you need help with the Outworld refugees worse Chinooks amulet Molina has it Dale and we've gotten word from Sarina that Quan Chi has resurfaced in the nether room he shows his face after 25 years Jesse's shinnok's amulet is in play that's not a coincidence that's why I need you you're Quan Chi expertise we wouldn't reactivate your commission you'd be an observer cage Jax what is it just wanted to see if we could have closed the sale yeah because that worked out so well last time can't blame a guy for trying we need you Jax help me capture Quan Chi none of us is safe if he gets near that amulet so where's Jackie and all this out world with Cassie's team recovering the amulet she'll be fine we expect to hear mission accomplished from him soon [Music] so what'd you guys think they're gonna kill us they would have done it by now unless Kotal Kahn's planning on having us as guests at the Coliseum well if they don't kill us my mother will be at least tough being the generals daughter oh you have no idea I do my great whatever grandfather took down Shang Tsung saved earth realm how often do you think that comes up at family gatherings I was six hundred years ago and yet you'd think it happened yesterday no pressure there I've trained all my life I can fight my way out of nearly anything but I still feel like a second-rate cage at least you grew up with people expecting things from you I thought you and your dad were best friends now he was a no-show for a long time I can relate was that like growing up having a next revenant father Jen no I'm asking couldn't have been easy he was just a bit overprotective when I joined us after cage insisted on being the one to tell my dad he thought it'd go smoother I'll never forget that day my dad came home with a broken jaw all right I got this you've got one exactly trust me away from the bars [Music] how'd you do that I overloaded his senses the only words in short range being the son of a telepath has its perks I didn't used to think so [Music] [Applause] [Music] yield well done [Music] you are now children you honor me master Sashi now that I'm choosin how will I serve the clan your future does not lie with the sheet i Ryu but the claims my family when I took you in I promised your father I don't have a father yes you do one who's proud of you the two Jin in record time you knew he was coming you said nothing knowing this would be your reaction yes Takeda your father is not your enemy ten years no visits nothing you abandoned me I did not abandon I was eight my mother had just died now you come back think you can jump right in as a proud dad son I to hell with you I am NOT your son Wow that hurts to watch no get up I want to knock you down again Takeda cease can she did not abandon you he brought you here for your protection protection from what from those who murdered your mother she she died in an accident that is the story I asked master Hisashi to tell you but in truth your mother was killed by red dragon assassins I was the target Siew chin was the victim son of a [ __ ] it was your fault your father has devoted his life to fighting animals like the red dragon it is they who are without honor you shouldn't have hidden the truth you would have gone after your mother's killers unprepared I could not risk that master Hisashi has perfected your fighting skills now it is time to complete your training howhow did you do that we're telepaths a family gift I can read minds through training we will determine your full abilities and then we will hunt down the red dragon together this is divorce work no argument there only she could create wounds like these that the floor is full of surprises question is is she working with anyone else what is it dan has made us okay guys standard diamond formation Takeda you're on point Jackie bring up the rear Khun Jane air cover got it the earth realm us before I freaked them not because me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow one down two to go when we get back you're teaching me that deal go help with her Mac got this think you can handle me alone you're either brave or foolish brave or foolish I'm alive let's see what's worth learning in there [Music] we exist chuckles Matt can you ask voices we are many before us I think I've had enough about Walt I'm starting to get why my dad retired we have to find Devorah get the amulet let's go you won't be out long Devorah and the earth Roma's she stole the amulet then helped them escape she betrayed us to the Thunder God you wound me Devorah prepare the legions we go to earth realm we will rest back the amulet from that devil Raiden well on one piece no one seems to be telling us have you been able to determine where Devorah was headed we think she's headed for the sea of blood damn dad she's coming here to Quan Chi there's a secret portal never see you blood Quan Chi had it built we were getting ready to invade our world great dad what are you doing why are you in the nether realm I'm doing this for Sonya she's family I'll be fine you stay safe leagues out feeling better or worse not sure maybe both they'll be fine the question is will I be we have good crossfire position but why is it Quan Chi travels by conventional means he seems unable to fully use his magic he's weaker than when I was in his service Serena's dead on he doesn't have shinnok as a power source he's still on Chi I realize you agreed to guide and observe but you are welcome to assume any role you wish to rusty don't wanna jeopardize the mission he approaches [Music] now [Music] [Music] do not engineer Jax please go back in time Heidi guess I have that not some of my rust off [Music] [Music] [Laughter] welcome home Jasin this hill is not my home then why be fool enough to return I got a family to protect while she reunited me with my family he will do the same for you Quan Chi's not helping you it is possible to escape Quan Chi katana I can aid you as be Han aided me you became too familiar with me Han loud emotion to corrupt you emotion freed me I don't understand the time I mean I hate the things I did here but you enjoy being a better it suits me I'm a victim no longer yeah I know but this ain't the way to assert yourself I've gotta believe there's hope for you mother god we've lost many the rest are wounded and our friends the tide turned against them they fled how you doing I'm fine that's what I thought where are you going go to bag me a sorcerer alone you'll be killed wouldn't be the first time [Music] in your weakened state is it possible for you to release shinnok i am more than capable and hora are you certain she is capable she will bring the ambulatory and I'll be waiting for Jackson Briggs a pleasant surprise nothing Pleasant about it so he returned to raining Laden did his best he saved earth will [Music] [Music] his head you will learn there are worse things I wish I could help you okay Josh there is no need just know it's good to be back ginger I got him excellent work I'm staying here the war is on the way you need to get Quan Chi to Sonia she'll make him spill his guts sit I'm guessing it's not your first time I'm in cuffs what's your safe word advised secretary Blake that Quan Chi is in custody we'll be moving him to the Supermax facility at Fort Charles within the hour yes ma'am you two stand guard prisoner transfer will be here in 20 oh now she trusts me to babysit cage report we had to attract them to keep it close but then her trail went cold damn she's attractive or ceremony's on my command only wolves do not kill two hours sergeant your team doesn't have two hours we need her found immediately Cassie I appreciate what you're trying to do but there isn't time bring your team back here we need to regroup and redeploy they're doing their best I know general we have a visitor you two are friends right he tell you he was coming nothing general master Hisashi I hadn't received word you were coming I will have Quan Chi we have things under control you can you must die Raiden needs him without Quan Chi we can't restore Lu Kang and the other revenues you'd leave them trapped what you were only Quan Chi concerns me don't do this Hanzo I'll put you down then we are at an impasse [Music] Quan Chi is mine [Music] I wish you no harm general blade call off your men Hanzo if you value our friendship you will give me Quan Chi [Music] withdraw without scent oh you are formidable just like old times [Music] only quan chi's death will abate my anger Hanzo no you've earned great trust for the sheer are you do not squander it murdering a withered sorcerer that withered sorcerer is the architect of my suffering [Music] master Hisashi I am grateful that you've come speak your mind I do not wish to linger here you reestablish the shirai Ryu as I reform the Lin Kuei we both seek to shed our clans dark pasts dedicate them to Earth realms protection our common purpose gives us a chance to end old rivalries to start anew you'll confess what you've long denied that your clans hands are soaked in shirai Ryu blood in the blood of my family our honor is indeed stained please sit [Music] after you and I were freed from Quan Chi's control I sought out my clan I had hoped rebellion from within would have quashed the Grand Master's plans but Sektor had realized his father's vision the Lin Kuei had been fully cyber iced it pledged a kill Sektor and his followers reform the Lin Kuei and restore our honor I am NOT interested in Lin Kuei politics sub-zero when I finally killed sector I discovered the Lin Kuei had not sacrificed its honor with the cyber initiative we had abandoned it long before there will be no peace God me and frost the Lin Kuei are still without honor master Hisashi wait for what war treachery I will have your head our story ends here sub-zero what is this I did not bring you here for treachery frost is strong but lacks judgment she cannot see the wisdom of peace I will deal with her you spoke of the limb quays lost honor for years I had thought you had unfairly blamed the Lin Kuei for the deaths of your family in clan but sectors cyber preserved memories revealed the truth [Music] the Lin Kuei need to abide their agreement sector the Grandmaster give [ __ ] off his word she knocks currency is lies as is yours payment is due I exterminated the Shira Rahul as promised Hanzo huzzah he lives he do Specter scorpion I created scorpion from Musashi soul Oscar he died we observed the agreement the letter not the spirit you are old nothing [Music] part of me Satoshi had I known of my clans complicity in the shower I use extinction our history would be different I killed your brother because I thought he Quan Chi is responsible for beyonds death Sektor was wrong there is a debt to be paid and Quan Chi will pay it [Music] unbind him scorpion weaken me my name is hanzo hasashi you killed my wife my son and then you burrowed your way into my head misdirected my vengeance cost me by one chance to have them restored your family quiet sorcerer nothing can help [Music] at last you feel my pain [Music] blood for blood your debt is paid free us now [Music] how small they are this one great snort you know Quan Chi chose his servants well he was wise to restore me in earth realm behind their defenses once she deceived them and out herself to be captured a pity he did not live to see his work completed there'll be no surprises from you mr. cage bring him praise be to Lord shinnok let us be on our way there is an earth rom force in nether oh I am aware they will be neutralized [ __ ] mom where's dad Janek mom mom where'd they go mom your father she rocks prisoner at the sky temple Razin Razin my old friend master bull wretch oh I am pleased to see you it has been many years too long yes too long we all the Warriors need to stick together a most certainly I presume recent circumstances precipitate your arrival yes yes I'm concerned that she knock may return I've been trying to contact you I feared the worst when Kano misappropriated shinnok's amulet he left behind a snare disabling it required that I traveled to many strange realms I must retire to the jinsei chamber regain my strength you are close to recovering it then she knocks amulets I do not know disabling Kano snare demanded my full attention once I am rejuvenated I will confer with general blade if only we could have destroyed she knocked during the last war if only you were mortal [Music] such beauty gazing upon the elder gods themselves I hold out hope that we can turn this crisis to our advantage while Seoul Quan Chi's magic binds the souls of many we hold dear capture him and we can force him to release them look I not come now his thought I suppose it is possible as long as Quan Chi lives I've long regretted losing our comrades souls to nether realms evil Kung Lao and Liu Kang they were like sons I would move the heavens to bring them back to the light it is as masterful Rachel said the Shaolin masters are aboard that ship all right Joe said two ships the other is disembarked we need to determine its destination they will talk I will see to it no extraordinary means come they raided the whoosh Academy kill master when even with tar Cotton's there are boundaries we do not cross yes I still cannot believe Shao Kahn would order such a brazen attack it demonstrated Earth realms vulnerability Shao Kahn knew we would have no choice but to agree to a new tournament Liu Kang defeated Zhang soon he will beat schalke in good time Khan well first we free the Shaolin we are ready how can two men the hostages be unharmed their wounds are not fatal I would hope Bharata for your sake for yours as well if you harm them you answer to me Impala hey Monica pigments you are not seeing a tournament you will return to the wastes with no prize step aside I am of truth and light I protect earth realm when a God speaks heed him they were not so vexy Paul sneers and grounds let us free those aboard this vessel then you will find the second ship where will you go lord Vader the tournament begins soon join me as soon as you are able we will succeed Lord Raiden of that I am certain [Music] [Music] the Rachel yet another of your allies Falls to me when he dies I will claim his soul you know not his power his soul cannot be subjugated shall we kill them lordship not yet he will bear witness as I conquer his realm then I will imprison him as he did me I would not post a victory premature I have already won [Music] [Music] come well desist Isis you know and the NetherRealm because Xiao caught murdered you something you allowed you deserved a better fate this is not your destiny who came more Asians Raiden you still see the future the visions are gone but I know what should be I was put here by your hand an accident which haunts me to this day I regret our paths have led here [Music] [Music] he will not defile the gin sage anak [Music] [Music] we have battled back eons later now else [Music] [Applause] [Music] tremble before me held adults as i absolve pathways power even now others come to defeat you we land in 15 minutes we'll enter the sky temple from the terrestrial entrance why not go straight there it exists in a different quantum state it slightly out of phase from our reality it can't be reached by conventional means what it's just us no one's coming to help well you either pull this off we will get it done for us have mercy buckle up people I gotta put her down looks like the temple entrance is 15 klicks that way one light walk in the woods another time it'd be relaxing I wouldn't have pegged you for outdoorsy my mother and I lived near a forest a lot like this really takes me back after we wrap this up we should go [ __ ] me we're grounded that shock wave fried the leads then let's get going we're almost out of time [Music] what are they doing here looking for the amulet handbag we have to tell them about shinnok call the truth bring them to me or not the woods come on they quiet sneaky Jesus [Music] Jackie look out you hurt him you answer to me enjoying yourself so far go crawl back under your rock reptile ah stop you need water lean your head back can you see yet it's fuzzy beautiful [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] ladies choice I've got our back and damn proud of it I know what you did to him all you wanna tell your mom about that that was for you dad no more tricks just a straight-up beatdown two-for-one I'll take it [Applause] we know Devorah is here where is the amulet caro-kann the situation has changed do not fling your spittle at me you tell him not yet he needs to know is he I will kill you both shinnok's been freed he's at Raiden sky temple he's already infected Earth realms life force loyal her throne is lost not if we hang together I will appease shinnok bring him your heads gain time to bolster out world's defenses [Applause] you need to help us Kotal Kahn it is too late for Earthrealm shinnok is now its master you should have been with us that's enough [ __ ] me don't know about you guys but I'm living the dream you have our dreams you die tonight you stood together against formidable odds lesser warriors would not have fared so well thanks Grand Master I will remain here to push Kotal Kahn back to Outworld proceed to the sky temple Earth realms fate lies with you what's the gin baby person the invasion can then proceed once the realm falls our path to victory will be clear advise boards shinnok that the only emerald he already had his command leash them have you found where this portal to the heavens yes but his Ward's protected he can't break through that is unacceptable after earth realm is destroyed you must complete Lord shinnok's engines he made the heavens and destroy the Elder Gods um make more on the heavens sure not can take down the Elder Gods into the universe got it um well to see him like this we'll all be hanging around the nether on water cool if we don't pull this off come on sikita [Music] has your mother ever told you what I did to her friends shoot them all in the blink of an eye and your own daughter you're proud of that we are bonded in death you will join us and I will give you a proper up green [Music] nice offer Mommy Dearest but I'll pass I owe you one I'll remember that back off princess you think mere words can stop me thanks for the assist anytime tick-tock ladies No you wish to die first [Music] you're not killing anyone help Jackie let's do up pretty bad pretty bedside manner I could fight Jackie it's nothing just like Curtis tan boot it up you two go Jackie and I'll handle them what let's just slow you down forget it damn it keep your heads down I'll see you on the other side [Music] [Music] they'd hate your flesh barrel is inside you they would roll OH my god dad first father doesn't alter will they taste the same you're the bug I'm the windshield a little old 400 no good shinnok but I love you dad you want him you're gonna go [Music] holy [ __ ] it does run in the family [Music] you got caged that you nice the Sandra gage put me in the gin say what but dear it'll kill you must be cleansed hurry what does she was cheap joker shimasu [Music] [Music] we must withdraw [Music] everyone wash can await no walks poolside umbrella drinks deal [Music] is he alive bitterly I'll help him help your father and to think I was worried when you started dating afraid I'd come home with someone like you funny beautiful saves the world my work here is done this way in here isolate shinnok and devorah and get the medic we'll fix you up help is on the way you shoulda seen Cass wipe the floor with shock I believe it into you you did a great job with your team Johnny you sure that gas she called me Johnny I thought she might [Music] [Music] [Music] too long have I allowed Earthrealm to endure the horrors of war time and again we've defeated our enemies but we've exacted no retribution demanded no remuneration what have we gained for our mercy more entry more senseless violence as the new rulers of the nether realm heed me no longer will I simply defend the earth realm I will seek out and destroy all who threaten it no mercy will be shown no quarter Kevin [Music] shinnok was an elder god impossible to kill there are fates worse than death [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Kombat Kronicles
Views: 5,067,340
Rating: 4.7849631 out of 5
Keywords: Mortal Kombat X, Mortal Kombat (Video Game Series), Story Mode, Xbox One (Video Game Platform), Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment (Video Game Developer), NetherRealm Studios
Id: sXt7UXIPacs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 12sec (9432 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2015
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