Morphle Family at Christmas | Mila and Morphle Cartoons | Morphle vs Orphle - Kids Videos

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[Music] [Music] our Christmas sleepover is gonna be so much funny bro I hope Santa knows where to find me Santa knows everything maybe he delivered our presents already [Music] ah no presents yet [Music] huh oh it's magic pet glyn pug I'm sorry we woke you remember when glitter pug turned us into morphles too that was so much fun sure was let's do it again glitter pug can you use your magic powers to turn me and April into morphles please [Music] what's happening foreign [Music] oops sorry Santa turn him back please glitter pug hold up my little friend [Music] delivering presents as a morphle is going to be so much fun and we can help too [Music] Dasher and Dancer you can take the night off foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is going marvelously [Music] oh no the presents are going everywhere [Music] we need to do something as a dump truck I can collect all the presents and I can be uh um copter to help reach high up places thanks April [Music] and we're done all thanks to Santa's fastest Little Helper [Music] why do you have all those presents they're not for you we found them on the ground we were having so much fun we must have missed the chimneys no worries if we all work together we can still deliver them before morning [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] being a morphle sure is fun but it's harder than it looks [Music] thanks for all your help Merry Christmas enjoy your presence [Music] a meal of reindeer and an April reindeer did Santa know all this was going to happen Santa knows everything laughs here it comes yay we won huh you have to keep the ball inside the lines more full morph into a robot morphle and get the ball so we can play some more foreign [Music] so this ball is yours huh I don't think so we found it now it's ours hey give us back our ball now that would be too easy but we'll play you for it but it's our ball last chance fine [Music] I think we're losing Stein yeah well that's obvious we need a plan I've got it this Baby's long arms will be able to reach any ball yeah quick brain work Stein thank you oh this is not fair Troy April maybe you should step aside morphle become a bigger robot new rule whoever lets the ball hit the ground loses catch this [Music] take this look you're on more balls [Music] foreign [Music] looks like that was the last one let's see what the bandits are up to morphle because this smells fishy [Music] we're ready for round two yawn see I knew they were cheating quick grab hey no fair [Music] and to gather up the rest of the balls too boys because these guys are pretty mad you took him oh boy [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hi police officer freeze you don't look so hot shouldn't you be at home ah I can't Mila I'm the only police officer in my city who will stop crime if I'm at home hmm my daddy can be a police officer for a day right Daddy what morphle morph into a police suit for Daddy foreign [Music] keep my city safe will ya Bandits [Music] what are you doing there oh weird we're keeping the mayor's chain safe while he's sleeping yeah that's it oh that's kind of you I heard there's a lot of crime in this city um yeah bye let's stop some crime morphle [Applause] oh my mayor of chained and you'll never guess what I heard next ladies ladies what's the latest well you know my youngest right he can't you see we're talking huh [Music] thank you morphle [Laughter] they're so loud I'll give them a reason to be loud so nice of you to let the kids play with Barky ah yeah that's what they're doing playing [Music] no Barky what you can't just block the road whenever you want [Music] there's a hole I'm getting pretty good at stopping crying [Music] my chain [Applause] [Music] don't worry Mr Mayor they're only keeping it safe looks fine Mila's dad is chasing us [Music] wonderful phew thank you Bandits for keeping this chain safe wait did you just make that hole in the ground you're going to jail for that for the whole ah and that's how you stop crying morphle [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you will first have to defeat my living car [Music] give up Mr action [Music] oh no fair [Music] I'll take that you little red blob and if you try to follow me you will first have to defeat my living God [Music] thank you don't worry we'll catch him more full and Amy zap that car back to normal [Music] uh oh we'll have to think of something better more full morph into a superhero [Music] just fly over it morphle [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] if you want this doll so bad here take it no wait more fool we have to catch Professor evil [Music] oh my [Music] fault look out [Music] foreign quickly zap Mr action to life [Music] [Applause] [Music] your hero has arrived [Music] unhand them or face the consequences [Music] Mr action always ruining everything well not today let's go hey where are you going [Music] hey no fair I need me quickly [Music] oh I'm glad everything is back to normal [Music] my house has disappeared do you know anything about that well almost everything more full morph into a big T-Rex foreign that was really loud [Music] come on morphle wake up [Music] stream Mr ice cream man could you play your ice cream jingle for more full of course [Music] ice cream [Music] here you go now we have to find that magic pet that put you to sleep can we borrow your tape player for a while Mr ice cream man but of course thank you thank you [Music] more full half the town is asleep I bet that magic pet did it [Music] that does not look safe we need to stop that drill more full [Music] uh [Music] all right let's move on are you ready Maximilian [Music] no Max what are you doing help somebody help up oh no more full morph into an elephant too and splash some water on his face [Music] whew thanks mean and morphle let's keep searching more full morph into an airplane [Music] full [Music] I think it's trying to find a place to sleep [Music] oh no more fool wake up ah I know what to do ice cream Marco morph into a flying bed [Music] [Applause] this way the magic pet will come to us all at once is a place to sleep [Music] over there more full [Music] [Music] Professor we're playing space Pirate Adventures but something's wrong hmm let's have a look every time we're about to get the treasure this happens oh oh I see what the problem is it seems to have a bug [Music] what's a bug a bug is a small mistake in the game that prevents you from finishing this level I know how to fix it you and morphall have to go inside the game and defeat the bug if you go stand over let's see here I'll make sure you end up in the game [Music] good luck I think we need to go over there that's where the end of the level is [Music] that must be the bug morphle and what catches bugs spider yeah a spider morphle morph into a spider foreign foreign [Music] [Music] is that the new magic pet Daddy yeah this is corny why don't you show them what you can do it's a rainbow rainbow wow it's like we're swimming [Music] look Stein it's so pretty and we can cause so much trouble with it [Music] phew the bandits have taken corny more full morph into a race car [Music] foreign [Music] let's see what you can do little buddy this is fun wow a real rainbow whoa [Music] thank you morphle [Music] now we can just go over [Music] a rainbow [Music] the rainbow is disappearing to a helicopter [Music] catch it morphle foreign [Music] not in my city no police officer freezes chasing us as well let's see if they can catch us in the rainbow the rainbow is faster than you Marvel maybe we can swim inside the rainbow morph into a dolphin [Music] oh let's shake him off oh yeah [Music] oh [Music] okay catch their Mainline morphle [Music] no more fall oh no [Music] foreign [Music] we've caught you Bandits uh can we get a rainbow ride to the police station please who celebrate the National Day of Dinosaurs Professor Rasheed has helped the city to organize a special dinosaur race wow that's so cool let's join two more full more into a T-Rex [Music] but wait we have another contestant the winner of the race gets this beautiful award [Music] is everybody ready three two one go [Music] let's compete too yard yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] now let's win this race [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] look ladies and gentlemen we have a winner [Music] stealing dinosaurs huh not in my city congratulations to the winners we didn't win more full but at least we have a fair winner [Music] show right we're off to the beach magic pets take good care of the store while we're gone goodbye everyone foreign [Music] [Music] bye foreign hello Madam is that weather bothering you yes terribly how nice of you to ask Blaster yours much better right [Music] last one in the water is a pickle foreign how did this ice get here no need to thank us enjoy [Music] don't worry Daddy we're going to stop them morph into a giant lion morphle [Music] [Music] all right [Applause] and now to finish it off oh no more full don't worry more fool I'll get you out of there [Music] so they got morphle too huh daddy you're free you're free oh yeah we're lucky the sun is so hot today now let's get morphle out of there [Music] yay now morph into a monster truck fight with spikes on its wheels so we don't lose any grip on the ice [Music] hey hey what about this [Music] I don't know [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] that's really cool morphle [Music] thank you hmm [Music] [Music] foreign Mila and morphle look at the mess you made oops oops sorry Daddy and who is going to clean this up we will write more full come more full it's our mess [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was fun yeah wow that was fast you've already cleaned up the mess you have definitely earned these ice creams [Music] yay ice cream or full why are you carrying around a house no where the heck am I or full you can't just go play around with other people's stuff you have to bring it back and until you do no ice cream but we can help you over full more full morph into a robot as well [Music] could you show us the usual location of your house yes of course it's that way okay let's go [Music] did you do all this or full uh it was him all right looks like we have some work to do okay let's get busy [Music] daddy we're back [Music] what happened here Daddy well I was doing some gardening and one thing led to another but let's have some ice cream but Daddy don't you need to clean up your mess before you can have ice cream yeah I guess so [Music] let's have a contest and see who can build the tallest tower of snow all right me and Sarah against Marvel and Mila Mo will you be the judge let's go [Applause] morphle morph into a digger [Music] oh no they're way too fast what do we do [Music] foreign [Music] great job Marvel now let's check on April and Sarah [Music] hi Mila and morphle what how did that happen oh I see you helped them a little didn't you at Moe let's go check out their Tower Sarah [Music] look yawn that's a really cool Tower and there's no one inside do you think we can take it definitely [Music] your Tower looks wonderful Mila thank you we hey who threw that [Music] we did foreign [Music] no fair morph into a robot and stop them morphle [Music] hold me Stein [Music] not again [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] if you want yes we will take your Tower come on yeah I love you foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] daddy do you know what dinosaurs eat well I'm not sure ice cream maybe can we use brother times magic time travel powers to find out yes but be careful not to let anything back through the portal [Music] oh it's a baby ankylosaurus baby triceratops and baby stegosaurus [Music] now we know what these dinosaurs like to eat Burns moss and pine cones [Music] don't worry we'll bring your babies back [Music] sorry Daddy [Music] morph into a race car to catch the more full [Music] hey little Daniel [Music] maybe he will come over if you morph into a Triceratops too [Music] no no not in my city come here little Dino oh [Music] a dinosaur [Music] okay [Music] hmm we need something big to bring them back to brother time more full morph into a dinosaur train [Music] hmm why won't he come with us [Music] I have an idea yay now let's get you home safe [Music] sorry for letting the dinos through the portal daddy we couldn't stop them in time that's okay they were just looking for an adventure like someone else I know [Music] it reminds me who's hungry let's have our dinner then foreign [Music] how can you be bored when we're having a tea party would you like some more teamula huh wow how can you drink tea when the room is at the bottom of the ocean what is happening we're exploring the ocean let's play along oh look out there's a shark oh no what do we do run I mean swim away [Music] oh no we're stuck more full morphed into a bigger shark [Music] good job morsel [Music] thank you that was fun well I'm just glad it's over now we can go back to our tea party monkeys love tea parties too a monkey whoa we're in a jungle after all [Music] again more full morph into a monkey too [Applause] please get the tea set back thank you oh no a tiger my pool help us morph into an elephant [Music] good job more fool thank you for saving my tea set can we get back to our tea party now look the floor is now lava oh wow [Music] [Applause] phew I think we're safe for now um guys there's a large uh vet coming this way ah Joy ah it caught me Troy I just wanted a quiet tea party take this wow phew thank you morphle that was a really exciting tea party well I guess it was kind of fun I'm really thirsty now oh would you like some tea Troy yes please hey there isn't even any tea in here [Laughter] [Music] laughs [Applause] [Music] hello Mr Mayor hello there I have a problem I was hoping you could help me with oh what is it well this part of the town has lots of plants and trees but the rest of the town could use some more of them maybe one of your magic pets could help with getting some trees from the forest to the city hmm aha with the nimi's help the trees can walk to the city themselves great now it's up to you anemi all these trees need to go to the city [Music] can you find a nice spot in the city it needs more trees [Music] thank you you look tired and Amy are you okay the nimi needs to rest for a bit but when it's rested we'll make many more trees come alive why don't you go and see how the trees are doing in the city yeah [Music] [Music] not in my city you need to move Mr tree [Music] ah [Music] whoa not over there now I can't get back inside anymore [Music] what [Music] oh no no I can't continue building [Music] oh not again hi Mr Mayor oh there you are this whole tree business isn't working at all uh-oh how can we help can you bring all the trees back again please of course morph into a helicopter [Music] Daddy just stop making money [Music] and Mimi stop bringing the trees to life what's wrong Mila the trees are causing all sorts of problems in the city oops we'll stop not in my city [Music] wow thanks Milan morphle [Music] [Applause] thank you morphle now I can finally get back inside [Music] [Applause] what where did the trees go [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] we brought all the trees back Mr Mayor oh oh we'll bring it back no need this one can stay phew [Music] [Laughter] please be quiet hellofox is sleeping I think telefox has a bad dream what happened look we've been teleported into space [Music] don't worry telefox you didn't do it on purpose and morphle can bring us home again yeah oh no there are a lot of asteroids about to hit the store morphle morph into a robot [Music] foreign morph into a big shield around the store you did it more fool now we can go home but I can't see Earth anywhere [Music] hi Mr alien oh hello fellow aliens do you know the way to Earth sure Earth is that way thank you Daddy Earth is that way great let's go foreign [Music] [Music] that was close [Music] foreign yeah [Music] then we just have to take it [Music] [Music] careful morphle [Music] morph into the shield again oh no okay Mila and Waffle I can see Earth again [Music] you did it thank you morphle [Music] there you are I have built a rocket do you want to go to space with me no thanks Professor Rasheed we've seen enough of space for today [Music] of course we want to try your new game yeah [Music] and remember you have to collect three stars to beat the bad night [Music] for this level you need this magic sword [Music] that must be the bad night more full morph into a night as well foreign [Music] [Music] was that all bad night [Music] oh [Music] you got lucky last time but you will never beat me in this race oh a racing game more full morph into a race car [Music] [Music] well done morphle [Applause] not again [Music] is this another level this is my castle and you can never get through the door without the third star [Laughter] [Music] oh no we have to catch him morphle morph into a kangaroo [Music] maybe we can get him by playing [Music] you don't scare me scare you hmm morph into a dragon morphle [Applause] foreign [Music] that's not fair [Music] yay we finished the game well done Mila and morphle yeah this game was great [Laughter]
Channel: Morphle vs Orphle - Kids Cartoons
Views: 1,812,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animals, Cars for kids, Children, Compilation, Dinosaurs, Learning, Morphle, Morphle vs Orphle, animals for kids, bedtime stories, cartoons for kids, children songs, evil twin, good vs evil, kids cartoons, kids songs, kids tv, kids video, kids videos, lullabies, lullaby, mila, mila and morphle, monster trucks, morphle, morphle nursery rhymes, morphle tv, nursery rhymes, orphle, red vs green, robots, trucks cartoon, vehicles for kids, videos for kids, wheels on the bus
Id: wu4Wa3csUtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 17sec (3797 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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