Mission 3 - Cloud Computing Hands-on Training

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in the market and today i have a knowledge of practically all the cloud players in the market right now i have the opportunity to be at global as a project manager in the systems integration part of a cloud provider i'm very excited to be part of multi-cloud bootcamp i'm very thankful to god who connected me to this bootcamp the cloud bootcamp i didn't know any of this until i actually took the course with you the experience has been great a lot of good great learning i would highly recommend this online bootcamp for you so i would like to thank you very much for creating such a wonderful course and the bootcamp now you already know the power of qualcomm peering and that is the golden time for technology professionals who wake up to this opportunity to be on the other side of the market it's too little exploration you knew there are three essential pillars that when well developed have a high power to make you stand out in the technology market and now it is the time for the practical plan this time for you to know the plan to become a chief professional specializing multiple cloud providers such as aws microsoft azure auto cloud infrastructure and google cloud platform and have companies chasing you to hire you no more being unprepared for advanced jobs in the market see all the professions developing in the market and you're being left behind it is time to go to the other side it's time to be very well paid to make your dreams come true and to give the best your family and also to be confident to the best opportunities in the tech market you will not be left behind i am fully committed and what about you welcome the cloud comparing hands-on training starts now [Music] all right we are back guys we are live for the mission 3 of the cloud comparing hands-on training welcome everybody welcome once again very very excited to be here with all of you and i wanted to uh give a quick box a quick quick pause to congratulate all of you right uh you guys are doing an amazing job you're doing the the missions you're going for it i'm very very proud of all of you and today is the day of mission three uh today is for sure uh you know one of the most important day i would say the most important day of our training right because we're going to move forward with our cloud project do a few important things and also you're going to get the plan the plan to become a iq professional specialized in multiple cloud providers and that's going to be something that you can basically you know get that and apply on your career and that you know you can basically live this mission today with a plan that can change literally your steps going forward all right so that's why i'm so excited i hope you are as well if you're excited for this mission please hit the like button down below on this video and enroll in our youtube channels that you can you know notify you whenever we have more trainings like this hope you are enjoying the experience so far let's go for each let me share my screen now so that we can discuss on what we are going to cover today all right cool excellent so basically we are here we are on mission 3 already and congratulations for making it this far by the way you're doing great job it's already time for the mission tree and animation we're going to see the practical mooch cloud flight plan that you can basically get and apply on your career and become a cheap specialize in multiple cloud providers and start you know getting recruiters from big companies chasing you to hire you right as simple as that and then tomorrow we're going to have the mission 4 which is going to be very important as well so i just wanted to encourage you if you're here for the first time maybe you uh just enrolled uh what you need to do is i want you to after this mission mission three you need to go there on youtube or or actually uh on the dashboard right and watch the other missions right do you know two missions mission one and mission two just go there and watch the other two missions because you need um to have the prerequisites especially for the project and not only for the project for all the advices that i gave you in terms of career so you need to get that in place before um you can you know do the hands-on project of this module all right but given that you're already here uh just watch this mission until to the very end and then once we finish that you can go there and watch the two first missions just to make sure that you are um we you know you and i are on the same page okay so what i'm going to do now is camera one please what i'm gonna do now is i'm just going to do a quick recap on what we have covered so far so that you can just refresh on where we stopped and then we're gonna run very quick it's gonna take you know probably two minutes and then also we go through that i'm gonna start sharing what we're going to do during the mission today which are the steps on the project you know the most important ones that we're going to take we're going to see the application up and running we're going to convert the application that was running in a virtual machine to run on top of a docker container and we're going to see that application up and running today in an environment that we're going to create for testing that application all right so you're going to understand all of that but please pay attention now uh you know remove all the distractions that you might have and uh 100 put 100 focus on this mission right now okay and then finally just to you know do a you know refresh as well on the certificate please do not forget to capture the screenshots according to the rules so that you can get the certificate as well all right so cool let's do a quick recap now basically i started the mission one showing you the opportunity right the cloud comparing uh services industry is gonna uh be three times bigger by two times by 2027. and that's a big opportunity for all iq professionals right show to you that there are thousands and thousands of job openings right now for positions uh in the cloud computing space and i'll ask you the question right are you on the side of the market that is growing like this or not so that's something that you always you know to keep in mind during this training right because you don't want to feel left behind and then i started sharing with you um you know the cloud project that we're going to execute during this week which is the airline company i shared with you a few essential concepts and then also explained that now it is very important that all dig professionals have a good grasp of the multiple cloud providers because the companies are investing in a multi-cloud strategy right so as you can see on this graph also shared with you a little bit um behind the you know the context of this project shared that you know that was something that i inspired based in the project that i like you hear from a airline companies that um you know basically we move it that airline companies from on premises to multiple cloud providers here in the us and also we went ahead and i introduced it to you the airline stream um you know the actu actually the airlines managed services team right that um manage their existing environment i explained you the problem basically the problem that the atlanta the airline company was facing uh was basically that they needed to close their data centers and they had a really really short time frame for doing it only six months and then because of that they actually uh started to partner with the managed services team to go ahead and do the migration and because that the existing team under venkat didn't have any cloud knowledge and they were actually not interested in learning about that except for david which is the senior infrastructure engineer that was already studying for the certification um except him all of them actually didn't have any cloud knowledge and they didn't think that was important they were basically on something that i showed you which is the router failure right and then um because of that peter actually decided to create a new team under my hash which is the cloud chain and all of that happened because venkat and his team was actually inside of the uh route to failure right they were basically inside of the cave and then i explained you on you know the steps of of the route to failure that some point or some place that you don't want to be right because it's very dangerous you probably would um end up later uh you know let go in in the market so that's something that you don't want to happen with you and also share with you the project steps and overviews that you can understand how a real world project would work right and uh also uh in a previous um lecture we basically went ahead with the other um missions or actually steps in the project right and then we actually stopped uh when we provisioned the infrastructure in article cloud infrastructure and for doing that i actually um explained to you that we are going to use stair forms that we can have the environment up and running right and in addition to that i also explained to you the reason um behind the mahashi's team which is the manager from the cloud team right the reason because uh his team was actually being chased and then i i actually showed you that everything is i was happening with those team members they got hired they got you know recruiters chasing them because they were able to develop this framework which is the irresistible professional theory so that's very important that every single professional develops these three pillars because when they do that they're you know it is almost impossible that the companies would not run after them to hire them right and then at the end of our previous mission we had the infrastructure up and running on our cloud infrastructure ready to the next steps all right and then that's exactly what we're going to move forward now and today we are going to move forward with the other steps right in the previous mission we actually stopped right here right we stopped on this um you know project schedule we went there provisioned the infrastructure on article cloud infrastructure now it is time for us to move forward and then today we are going to cover a lot in the application site so that you can see what things need to happen so that we can move the application that is sitting on the on-premises environment and move that application to the cloud right remember that we had one requirement that was to converge that application to run on top of docker and that is that is exactly what we are going to cover during our um today's mission as well right so basically moving forward this is the project schedule that we're going to go through today okay so now camera one please i just want to you know encourage you to please pay attention to the steps that we are going to execute i'm always uh you know going through the project steps that you can understand how a real world cloud migration project would work and also if you notice what we are going to do is we are going to basically after looking at the project steps we are going to go there and execute those steps ourselves so that we can see it in practical terms all right so please keep that in mind pay attention to this now all right come back to my slide please all right cool so the first thing that um you know in the project schedule that the project manager uh you know put for next steps when we discuss about the migration i explained to you that the application was actually sitting in the on-premises environment right and then that application is the air crew control system basically application that has the uh personal information from you know the air crew like the flight attendants the the captain the first officers and all of them are there inside of this application all right and then now one of the critical missions that a developer working in in this cloud project they would need to basically look at the application at the python application in our case it is a python application the developer would need to look at the application and see what would be the required changes to make in the application so that that application can run in a docker container right and in addition to that if you remember here in this architecture i also explained to you that the passport files which are the pdf files in the on-premise environment at that time they were actually sitting inside of the application server right but now when i'm going to do it in the cloud it is not best press you to put files along with the application you always need to think of you know how you can decouple your application right how you can decentralize your application and because of that the cloud architecture assigned to this project decided that you know they're going to put these passport files inside of the azure storage build which is a cloud-based storage um and then the developer will also need to consider that so that you know they can make the little changes in the coach to make the application to work with this new architecture right so that's why it is so important that you understand and if you are a developer that is why it is so important you understand that a developer that doesn't have a cloud knowledge a multi-cloud knowledge going forward uh would not be able to do whatever we are going to do with today right the reason for that is you're going to see that the developer will need to understand very well the uh you know the process of converting the application to run on top of a docker for example and not only that the developer will also need to understand how to integrate the application with the cloud services for example we need to integrate the application with the azure storage blob right if a developer doesn't have any azure knowledge any aws knowledge any google cloud platform knowledge and auto cloud knowledge how do they how they're going to you know do these changes or even understand how can they um you know make the changes so that the application can run along with the cloud services because that's something that's happening all the time right so you need to keep that in mind right i don't want to just throw a lot of technical content right now but before that it is absolutely important that you understand the reason behind it otherwise it doesn't make any sense okay please keep that in mind all right coming back to the project schedule now so ocd developer goes there and analyze the python application you know in our case mary is going to go there mary which is a senior developer with a lot of on-premises background but in addition to that she also has a lot of uh you know darker knowledge and also cloud providers knowledge so she feels pretty comfortable uh with that and because of that she was able to analyze the application and identify that you know she would need to create a docker file right so that she could you know basically convert that application to run on top of docker she also would need to identify which libraries were running inside of the operating system in the vm in the on-premise environment so that she could also have that libraries running in the docker container and in addition to that she also looked at the coach and saw that in order to make the you know python application to work with the you know new architecture she would need to make a tweak on the functionality that adds the passport to uh the application you know file system right in in in um instead of that what she would need to do it she will actually need to make a change in the code to instead of you know uploading the code to the local storage um of the application server for example that passport that file will actually need to be uploaded to the 2d azure blob storage right should the azure blob storage and for doing that she will need to actually plug the azure storage below sdk into the python code so that it can you know make all of that work right so that's something that mary will have to do during um his um you know her analysis all right so just to you know keep that uh even more clearer in case you are wondering right so a developer will actually need to look at the architecture okay and then after that look at the dependencies which are the libraries for example for the application given that it is a python application you're going to see that we're going to have a lot of libraries that need to be installed look also at the packages in the operating system okay that needs to be installed and then also which kind of code changes should happen to make the application to work right and then finally based on all of that she's going to create a docker file that actually will have you know inside of this docker file you're you're going to see that the docker file will have actually the description of the image that is going to be created to run the application right so basically uh the way that docker works is if you haven't heard about docker or if you haven't used that so basically docker allows you to uh you know pack your application and put the you know the application files your application files along with the libraries that need to run that application in just a single image like a package and then you can pick that image or that package and deploy that anywhere right it is extremely portable and that's why you know docker and containers became so popular and because of that we're going to identify first which are the requirements that need to be inside of this docker file and this docker file is the file that docker uses to um you know create that image basically the description of everything that docker needs to include in that image docker file and inside of this file we actually going to use everything that we capture from those steps right everything that we capture from those steps we are going to you know feed inside of docker file right so that's so important you understand this you know prerequisite steps because those are you know prerequisites for building the docker file okay cool all right so coming back to my slide once we do that then mary is going to look at the requirements going to create the docker file and then once she does that she's ready to go there and converge the application to run on top of docker right and how this uh conversion process would work basically the conversion process would be uh the composition of all those steps that i just showed you here right the prerequisites that were captured um camera one please the the prerequisites that were captured okay on this one and then plus building the docker file plus running a additional commands like docker buge all right so the docker build will go there will read this docker file and it is going to create a image uh you know with those files first all right so we're going to do all of that hands-on in a minute okay coming back to my slide please and then also we do the conversion the next thing that we need to do is we need to create a docker hub account so docker hub is a actually free repository that you can create your account and uh docker hub allows you to store your docker images so that you can actually um you know download your images from the cloud providers when you need that and also to store your images in a in a repository that you know can have also versioning control and all of that right and this is something that we also need to do okay we're going to do it and you're going to also do it create a docker hub free account okay and as you can see this is usually something that uh infrastructure engineer the cloud infrastructure engineer he's going to be uh taking care of right because this is more on the infrastructure side remember right there are many different roles in the cloud space you have the developer the dbas the networking uh you know administrators the infrastructure engineer and this is something that usually a infrastructure engineer would do right um i also saw a few companies that the developer would do that so it basically depends on the company's policies and roles but that's something to you know to also keep in mind that's why it is so important that the infrastructure engineers going forward understand all of that otherwise they're going to be left behind and they're going to be lost right they would not understand hey what is a docker hub what is a dock here uh you know dba is how do i connect a application running on docker to a database right so if you don't know that how are you going to you know support your environment should help your company to execute the cloud project right make sure you know you just need to make sure that you understand that okay and then once we have our docker account created what we're going to do is we're going to push or upload our python docker image to docker hub and this process is going to happen after building our image okay you're going to see all of that as well and then finally we're going to test the application running um locally like a local patch just to make sure that the you know docker conversion process worked and then you're going to see that we we're not going to deploy the docker container in azure just as of now but rather than that what we're going to do is we're going to do a local test so that you know we can bring up the application running in docker and make sure that we can see the application up and running before actually going there and doing all the other um steps all right so that's something that we're going to cover um in the hour our mission all right and then the other thing that i wanted to cover is camera one please okay we are going to run a few prerequisite steps right that um usually the dba will also do it so i think i'm going to erase that because i need more space okay right now what we will need to do is given that um we want to do a test in our application what the dba responsible for the project would also do is they would need to go there on the database on the autonomous database and do a few prerequisites right the first one is to create the schema okay the dba is going to go there and create the schema we're going to do it right now okay and the schema is just the user the database user that the application will use to connect in the database okay so the schema all right and then there are other few other prerequisites that we're going to do okay just um you know make sure that i'm going to put all of them in here so that you can have a um a good picture of what we are going to do all right so the second thing that we also need to do is we need to go there on the autonomous database and download the wallet okay downloading the wallet just means that you're going to go there on the autonomous database and get the wallet that is going to be used to authenticate the application against the database okay so we are also going to do that because we need to do a local testing and creating our docker image also will require our uh you know steps those steps should be uh in place okay and once we do that what we're going to do we're going to create a new new vm on oci okay and why do i uh why am i going to create a new vm on very simple very simple we need to test all the process all the conversion process and make sure that the docker image in the docker application is running fine you could do it a developer and you know in a daily basis working that uh working with that in a daily basis usually the developer would have the docker uh you know engine installed in the in their laptops right but because there are a few uh you know uh not issues but there are few more complex steps to install docker especially in on a few windows version there are a few windows versions that you cannot install the docker image you know a few prerequisites that you might you know maybe not have in place what we're going to do is instead of running the docker conversion process right that we're going to do in our laptop i'm going to create a new temporary vm on auto cloud infrastructure to run all those steps and what is the benefit of it the benefit is that you're going to create a vm on oci and all the commands that you execute are going to be run in a given linux version that you know that the docker engine would work right so you are not going to deal with issues with your laptop or you know things like that okay so just keep in mind that vm in oci is going to be temporary so that we can do all the process and then we are going to go from there all right so that's what we're going to cover in our today's mission then we're going to follow basically our notes and then you're going to receive those notes in the pdf at the end of the mission as well don't worry just understand now what you're going to do so that you can do it yourself as well after this mission okay all right so one second let me just open my oci screens that we can start doing uh and then please be ready guys we need to do uh a lot of hands-on stuff today all right so please be be ready for it and please pay attention to everything that we're going to do okay so let me just quickly share um the architecture quickly uh just to show you what you're going to do please share to my screen again all right so cool so basically uh just understand what we're going to do now okay we're going to assume that the application server code the application code was already taken from this application virtual machine and we are going to get this code or the application code base ready for us to analyze right and the first step that i'm going to do is with you i'm going to share with you how the application code would work now please please speak please keep that in mind okay um this thing that i'm going to show to you right now is is going to be usually very required for developers okay i'm gonna show you how the application code would work all right but if you're not a developer if you're infrastructure engineer it is also important you to understand even though you are not going to code you're not going to write code but also uh you know the understanding on what the code would work i think it's going to be helpful for your um career as well but please don't think that you need to you know uh know how to program if that you need to be a programmer with all of that i'm going to show you it is not like that okay i'm just just go inside of the code because it's going to be helpful for the developers that are actually part of this training as well okay so we're going to look at the application server um code right so basically we're we're going to assume that this code was already taken from them and we have the code in a zip file and i have the zip file here on my laptop and what we're going to do is we're going to look at this code and also after that we're going to go there on oci and create a new vm and start the conversion process as i shared with you in the project schedule okay so coming back to me now so that i can share um you know my screen again and right now i can take the opportunity to release the first part of the code so please release the first part of the code production for me and you need to write down if you want to basically get the certificate actually you need to take a screenshot right keep in mind okay all right so this is the code it was released for you just take a screenshot all right so now what i'm going to show you is um is the application code base all right so that you can see how the python application was designed all right come back to my screen please so as you can see here this is the application the python application uh that you're going to have access at the end of this mission as well don't worry but i'm going i'm just going to run very quickly through it that you can understand especially if you are a developer right and this is a python web application right so we use a web framework with the flask in here so that we can you know make the back end and the front end work together um and it's you know very popular in the industry as well so basically it is a python web application and you see the structure of the files and the folders here you have a few folders like the config helpers static templates and wallets you know this config and helpers folders actually have the code that is used for the configuration of the application right the config folder you're going to see like inside of this config folder you're you're going to get a few parameters that will need to be passed inside of the application and those parameters are actually coming from the environment variables that we're going to pass through the application okay very simple now the helpers on the helpers.poi you get a few helpers that i'm gonna you know explain how that works in a minute but those helpers will actually go there and make the um application to work together with azure sdk okay so that's something that always i'm going to show you quickly so that you can understand and here in the static folder you see that there are a few files of the front end which are the html file css you know javascript and the same thing applies for the templates folder okay and please notice that of course this is a you know cloud training i'm not going to you know have a really complex application in here with a lot of backend functions or a lot of front end screen and it's also not a micro service application right because usually you can have the micro services you know spread uh you know micro services for back end and then the front end will be separate from the back end um here it is a simpler application so that you can understand especially if you are getting started now in the cloud you don't want to bring something complex to you okay but uh inside of templates folder you're also going to see more you know html templates which are basically taking care of the front end of the application right very simple as well and then finally in the in the folder that you see here wallet this folder wallet is the folder that will have the oracle database wallet files and those wallet files actually are responsible for allowing the application to authenticate with the oracle database okay so basically let me just increase a little bit all my on the sizing here so that you can make sure that you can see it in a proper way okay all right so now inside of this wallet folder as i mentioned we will need to go there in oracle cloud infrastructure and in the autonomous database screen we're going to go there and download the wallet files and put the wildfires inside of the wallet file the wallet folder right so that the application can connect to the autonomous database and then now you have the other files of the application which are the app.py and the app.py is like the main file of the application right which is basically have all the all the views all the routes of the application and then i actually put comments on the codes that you can come in here if you're a developer i want to learn more about that but basically every functionality of the code you're going to see that you have a route for that so for example for the home page you have this route which is this slash right so anybody that accessed the application for example www.aircrewsystem.com slash is going to go to the home page and then if somebody access is slash new person it's going to go to the new person screen all of that you know all of these routes are actually part of the application right so as you can see i put comments uh all the way in the coach in both english and portuguese because i have a few students from brazil as well so that you can read the code in a proper way okay i'm not going to spend a lot of time on this now all right so the other files that we have in here the forms dot pyr basically responsible for creating uh our uh registration form it's basically rendering the registration form for us the migration is in here uh we are not really using that in the applications just a file to help you to go there and create fake data if you want to you know populate your application with fake data you can use the uh factory library and then inside of that there is a faker uh function that you can use to create you know new uh data in your application for testing purposes right but we're not going to use that right now and then finally you have the models dot py okay and then this modules dot py basically has all the uh models which are the classes that are going to actually be connected to the database tables uh inside of the database so basically here you have just one class we're just going to have one class which is the person class for our air crew you know team members and then this class person is actually connected to a table which is going to be the table person inside of the oracle database and then here inside of this table you're going to have all these columns that will have the data associated with those columns right just a quick overview on the python files that you can understand now there are other two files i wanted to share with you which is the requirements.txt and the requirements.txt is something that the developer was explaining you need needs to um have in place with basically shows all the python libraries that the code will use okay so whenever you're creating a new python application you should have the requirements.txt listing all the libraries that you need to have on your application so that it could work in a proper way and then during the analysis mary actually went there and created this requirements.txt based on the libraries that was that were installed in the on-premises vm and then if you notice in here there are actually two libraries in here which also are very important this one is the cx oracle which basically is going to install the oracle uh client libraries for us that our python application can communicate with the oracle database and also there is another library that we're going to install which is the azure storage blob right and the azure storage beloved library is going to be used by the python code to communicate with the azure sdks and then this is the piece of the coach that i want to sh to show you right now because that's um something that every single developer that wants to survive in the market going forward should understand very well okay so now coming back in here to helpers folder inside of the helpers folder you're you're going to see that i inside of this code this is going to be a little bit more technical now for you know development guys okay please don't worry you don't need to know all of that to start working with cloud is is specific for a developer at this time okay but you are also welcome to understand uh so that you can take your skill stats to the next level all right but now showing here uh on this helpers.py if you are a developer you see that we are actually importing uh from the python sdk right from the azure sdk we are importing a few function a few classes inside of the coach and we also have a lot of comments in here i want to encourage you to go there and go through the code and understand that but i wanted to actually start with the upload file function right this upload file function is going to be basically use it um in the form creation or in the new person when you see the form um to create or to add a new person in the application you're going to see that's going to handle the fields to insert the data of the person like the name their surname the email phone number and also there is going to be a field to upload their passport in a pdf format all right and this function is here is going to be called whenever this uh you know submission process um happen right whenever the user hits the submit process uh or the submit button to upload a new record a new person inside of the application this function in here is going to be called to upload the passport file to azure blob storage container that we are going to create all right so you see that we are actually calling the azure sdk from inside of our application coach that's why it is so important you as a developer to understand that going forward because otherwise how you're going to make this thing to work how you're going to integrate your coach your application code to the cloud providers sdks right if you don't know how to do it if you don't even know what is a cloud if if you don't even know what is a cloud service right so that's very critical okay please keep that in mind all right and then i strongly encourage you to come in here and look at the code there are a lot of comments that you can understand uh what's happening right there is uh you know there are other functions here inside of this farm i'm just going to focus on this one but that's gonna follow all the same principle just i just want you uh to ask you go there and look at the code try to understand what's happening and keep this advice in mind okay all right having that said we are good with the explanation of our application code now if you remember i told you that the conversion of the application uh to run on top of docker would also require a docker file right that's something that the developer would need to go there and create and here we go here we have our docker file and inside of our docker file we have basically um the instructions so that docker can use whenever docker it is building the image to place the application files of our application right so the first step that's going to see here in the code is which base image i wanted to use on this application or on this image right and that's something that you a developer would also do a analysis and see right based on the existing environment um that's probably running uh in the on-premise environment right based on the operating system on the linux distribution of that uh virtual machine you're going to take a decision as to um you know in which distribution of linux for example i'm going to create my docker container and in our case the the source virtual machine in the on-premise environment had the oracle linux 7 and because of that we're going to use as a base image here and docker the article linux 7 as well and then probably you're wondering hey where this base image is coming from and i'm going to show you right now there is all these images are actually available in the public repository of docker hub so i'm going to come in here on my browser and then hit dock here hub.docker.com then once i come in here you see that there is a search box um right on the top right if we type oracle linux you're going to see that it's going to search for the oracle linux docker images you know public images which are free images available um in the docker uh hub repositories so so that you can basically use that on your application as well right for example we have ubuntu we have debian we have amazon linux all of that and then if you click let's pick one example here like ubuntu right ubuntu is also a docker image that you can use as a busy image let's say for example if our application was running on top of ubuntu vm in the on-premise environment that could be a ubuntu based image that would that we would use in our docker container image right so basically uh the way that you can keep your application coming from the on-premise environment compatible with your destination with your environment that you're going to spin up new that your image that you're going to create new running on top of docker right in our case we're not going to use ubuntu right we're going to choose oracle linux so if you search in here you're going to find the oracle linux uh image right let's say article linux 7 for example if we can find that otherwise that's fine a lot of yeah there you go oracle linux this is the one that we're going to to use right i also encourage you to always try to use the official images because this is kind of certified images that we can um you know have uh um you know peace of mind that this is going to be a good image that will not have a lot of vulnerabilities and then all of this kind of stuff right so this is the image that we're going to use as a base image and if we come back in here in the coach this is the same name of the image that you're seeing right here right if you scroll down you're going to see that this 7 dash is lim which is the one that we're going to choose is the image that basically we're going to use in here in our docker image creation file right seven that is lean and then seven dashes link so this is basically uh the tag uh which is you know nothing but the version of your docking image that we're going to use right so just uh encourage you to come in here and go through this documentation and understand how this work uh how this works in case it is your first time all right but having that side coming back to the docker file and then here on the docker file we're going to have all all the steps right the first one is going to be the step to define the working directory of our of our application and then here we're going to define a few variables for the oracle extent client that will need to be installed inside of the docker container because we're going to connect to an article database so because of that we need to have the article client available in the container as well and then here we're going to install a few packages for the article instant client inside of the container inside of the image here installing the python 3.6 and again here we are setting a few uh variables right environment variables inside of the container now on this step we are adding the wallet files if you remember i showed you this wallet folder right so right now uh once we run the docker build what docker is going to do is it's going to look at this file it's going to go through this file and see all the instructions that it needs to do during the image creation and as you can see here on line at 34 this step asks a docker engine to add the folder wallet inside of the docker image path right this pathway here is going to be in the docker image so that we can have our wallet uh available inside of our dock here containers up otherwise the application would not be able to connect to the article database okay and then here you have the copy requirements.txt it's basically copying this file to inside of the docker image and also the copy application files is you know where it's going to copy all the application files that i just showed you through inside of the docker container and then finally we're going to install a few more libraries in here for docker using as a parameter the requirements.txt right and then finally we we are going to say that the application will be exposed on the porch h thousand okay so that's uh how the docker file uh works and then now that you know all of that that you understood how the application file structure works and in addition to that the docker file also works let's come back to our mission notes and let's move forward and then the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to go there in the oci and create our temporary virtual machine right and then once we do that we we're going to install docker and open the file rule so that we can see the when the application come up we need to allow the traffic on porch 8000 right because if you remember in the docker uh file i showed you that we're going to expose the the application on port 8000 right and then because of that we need to open that fire rule inside of the oci uh vcn virtual cloud network and in the operating system as well that is exactly what we're going to do right now okay cool so basically let me come back in here to my oci screen give me just a minute so that i can log in and make sure that everything is in place okay all right so all right cool i am right now inside of my oci account and the first thing that we're going to do is i encourage you to follow these steps in the documentation right i'm going to go step by step so that you don't feel lost but as i said we're going to create a virtual machine in oci so the way that you do that just come in here on the navigation menu and then just come to compute then once you come to compute just click in instances and then if you have any virtual machine instance created uh looks like my session expired so let me log in again don't worry about that come back to me let me log in again so that we can move forward okay put in the password and there you go let's see now okay cool now coming back to the console i'm gonna go there on the compute and then instances and then there you go as you can see i'm right here on my screen that's going to list the instances probably um i don't have any instances yeah i just have these instances that got um terminated they are not available anymore to create a new vm just click in create instance i'm not going to change any name in here i'm just going to leave as it is but you can come in here and change the vm name if you want here you can pick the compartment that the virtual machine is going to run right i'm going to leave on the root compartment you can do the same and here we're going to um you know basically define where we want to get our virtual machine created in which availability domain and if you remember on the essential concepts i explained you that the availability domain is actually um the same concept as the zone as we can see in other cloud providers right it's basically the representation of one or more data centers which are isolated in terms of electricity power and cooling all right so um keep that in mind i'm sorry electricity uh networking cooling electricity and power are the same thing now all right so that's that's what i wanted to make sure that you got correctly so networking power and cooling okay so basically um then here on the availability domain what you need to understand is we're going to create a new instance which is free in ocr in article infrastructure there are a few instances that are actually always free and those instances are usually available in one of the availability domains right so you have the options to to create in you know uh all of them or in one of them if you want okay in my case given that i'm my home region is in u.s ashburn um the always free instances are available only in a g2 okay so depending on your region you need to go through uh your availability domains to find where your always free instance is available okay so i'm gonna just pick the ag2 in my case if you're in ashburn as well you can do the same um and then now the image that we're going to use is the oracle linux 7 okay please use the article linux 7. it doesn't matter if you if it is 7.9.8 doesn't matter but just using just use the article in excel because the uh steps that i'm going to show you um right now i actually tested that in oracle linux right if you want to um you know use any other distribution you probably would need to um make a few tweaks on the steps okay so just keep the auto cleaners image and then here on the shape we're going to change the shape and you're going to pick the shape which is the always free shape and then basically the shaping here is just how much cpu memory and networking bandwidth your virtual machine will have so let's go to the next you know the last tab in here which is the specialty and previous generation and usually you're going to see here this shape which is the always free eligible right so basically article gives you always free um two virtual machines with one of cpu and one gb of memory we're we're going to use that for our temporary vm because it's a free vm right so it should be fine for us because we want to just create that and we don't want to spend money on our testing and then i encourage you to do that as well uh you know use the free resources of the cloud providers for testing purposes because you don't want to pay for it all right so just pick that shape and then cool once you do that now the next step you need to uh create a new vcn in case you don't have that which is a virtual cloud network and also you're going to need to have a public ip address just make sure that you have that checked and also you need to have a s a ssh key available because you you're going to use that to connect on your virtual machine okay so basically clicking here and save your private key i'm going to basically save my private key um on my desktop so i'm going to just give a name of this private key i'm gonna call this as aircrew temp for example all right i just saved that and then once i do it i don't need to change anything else and just clicking create button and then it's going to create uh a instance first gonna you know spin up a new instance first okay but while it is doing it so let's move forward and start you know doing the other things as well so that we can uh you know get more out of our time right so basically the other things that we need to do if you look at the notes we need to go there in our vcn in oci and open a file rule for the porch 8000 so let's go there and do it now while our instance is getting provisioned so if you come back in here networking and clicking virtual cloud networks and here the vito cloud networks now please pay attention to this if you're a networking and security engineer right this is uh what you're going to see now uh what you're going to see now is a fully virtualized um form of your network that you are using to work in the on-premise environment those things are going away everything will be in the cloud so that you know because of that you need to understand how these virtual cloud networks uh work in the clouds that you can you know um have you know basically relevance going forward right so i'm getting inside of my vc and now and then here as we have in the on-premise environment see all the content all the concepts are here right subnets route tables secured lists and what we're going to do is we're going to come on this secured list which is a kind of fire inside of our call environment and then we're going to come in here the ingress rules and then we're going to add a new file rule to allow the traffic on part 8000 coming from anywhere right because we want to test that from the internet so the source will be zero zero zero slash zero and then the destination part will be eight thousand okay answer that just click and add ingress rules and then there you go once you do that you're going to see the ingress rule available that's going to allow traffic on part 8000 okay all right cool so having that um said let's come back in here on the compute now and see if the instance um got provisioned if it's up and running yep so it looks like it is up and running as you can see right now in order to connect in the instance what we need to do is we need to copy the public ip of the instance and then we also need to use the uh private key that we saved in a previous step so i'm gonna go now on my terminal and if you're using windows right you can download the pucci on your windows box to make a remote connections or even the moba extern right and then all of that will allow you to make remote connections against um your environment running in the cloud okay so let me just increase the size of the phone so that you can see um it better okay i think it's good now all right so cool so what we're going to do is we're going to open a new remote connection in our virtual machine you're going to run ssh and then the user that comes by and default with the oracle linux vm in ocr is opc then we're going to give h and then i'm going to give the public ip dash i and the um private key right which was which one we created i think was accrued yeah there you go and then we're going to give it but actually when you when you say yes it's gonna you know complain that the permission was denied because of bad permissions right what we need to do first is actually change the permission of this private key file okay so let me clear the screen and then for doing that just type chmod 600 and then give the key name okay once you do that now rerun the ssh command and then you should be inside of your instance see that now i am inside of my instance running in autocloud infrastructure all right so now coming back to our notes what we're going to do is we're going to run all these steps with using root because this is a temporary vm right of course you you're not going to do it in a production environment that you're going to execute or run production applications but given that we're going to tear down this application uh this vm actually at the end of the process we can do it root user to make our lives easier and then uh we're going to install the docker engine and then for doing that we're going to use the uninstall docker engine command just run that and then this process should take a few minutes right it's going to go there and it's going to download a few repository metadata and then it's going to go there and start a docker engine in our virtual machine just a single step but you don't know how painful can be you to install a docker engine in a windows uh you know that maybe you you don't have the prerequisites in place right so that's why i don't want you to waste time with that just go there create a temporary instance and ocis that you can have that in place okay okay cool so while it is uh running uh you know this this thing actually is going to take um some time right it's going to take maybe four to five minutes okay so let's just wait uh for you know asking the confirmation it's gonna ask the confirmation it's gonna install the um the packages and then this process might take um a few minutes all right so while it is doing it so let me come back in here in the notes and explain to you what you're going to do next okay so now now that we are installing the docker engine next steps will be basically to a to start the docker engine so that we can run the docker command inside of the virtual machine uh we are going to you know enable the docker so that the docker can be actually started whenever the virtual machine comes up we are also going to open a file rule inside of the virtual machine now we open a fire rule at the cloud level at the virtual cloud network in that level right on your account on oci now we're going to open a fire rule at the operating system levels that the traffic can be allowed on part 8000 in oci all right and then we're going to reload the file so that it can pick up the configuration and then the next step that we're going to do is we're going to go there on the autonomous database and do a few things and um you know we basically going to create the user the schema and that's something that is critical for us to test our application right so let's see how it is going yeah it's going to take some time so what we can do in here is um yeah it's it's coming i think it's not uh it's not gonna take that long let's see it's installing the four out of h all right all right so while it is going forward i'm gonna explain you what we're going to do because almost everything finishes i'm gonna go quicker but you are already going to understand and being able to understand what you're going to do right so we're going to go there on autonomous database we're going to download the db wallet and this step is actually we can do it right away okay all right cool this this one already finished cool the docker installation has completed so let's move forward then let's go there now and start the dock here just copy this system ctl start docker command so let me clear the screen first uh yeah there goes so it's basically it's going to start the docker for us the docker engine and then if you run the system ctl status for example you should see the docker is active up and running now then you're going to just going to enable the docker just run the system ctl and you can just clear first you get your better experience systems that you have enabled docker just run that cool and then now we're going to basically open the file rules right inside of the os as i showed you just run the file cmd and it's going to add the file rule for us and then that's just going to reload the file okay we are reloading the firearms that it can pick up yeah there you go so now we're good in terms of the vm preparation for getting our docker container created just clear for now and then let's just set aside that connection for now coming back to the console what we need to do now is let's cut let's go to the autonomous databases screen and just go to article database and come in here on the autonomous database so that we can you know basically download the wallet and and then for downloading the wall let's just go there on the db that you created dbf crew one just click in there and then here once you're in this screen just click in the b connection and then once you see this screen just click in download wallet and then here on the password just give the password as a welcome with a w capital one two three four five six again one two three four five six and then just click in download and then it's gonna download the wallet to your local desktop right you can save that on your local desktop and that's all weird what we're going to do all right so now i have the wallet available on my laptop okay coming back to our notes what we're going to do next now is we're going to go there connect on the autonomous database and i'm going to create a user which is the schema so that the application can connect uh inside of our autonomous database all right so coming back now here in the autonomous database just click in the tools tab and then once you're there clicking open database actions okay and then here on the username you're gonna you're going to give the admin and the password please please keep that in mind now okay there is a catch on the password of our autonomous database if you look at the terraform file that we created look at the admin password it is actually welcome one two four five six not one two three there's no three in here so what i uh you know encourage you you can type the password like this or just come in here in the terraform file that was used to create the autonomous database copy that password and come in here and put it in there all right and then it's going to connect inside of our autonomous database okay now we're inside of our autonomous database just clicking here and sql execute queries because we want to create our user um inside of the autonomous database okay all right so um i think i have done a few testing here i think i might have the user that we have created so let me just check um all right so yeah there you go this is our notes yeah we're we're going to create this user here but i think i have this user um available on this database let me just drop that user all right so drop user um blah blah blah i think i have actually um yeah i have actually including content no no i'm sorry sorry this one is going i need to drop this just drop this one in here first because i don't i want to create everything everything from scratch right so i'm gonna you know just get one of the things in here come back to my um to camera one production please so that i can basically um get uh the right notes in here that just switch my screen drop uh one second guys just to make sure that everything is good all right so this is good this is good all right cool okay one second please just to make sure that i'm i i don't want to confuse you because i tested uh this database prior to this lecture right so i just want to make sure that it is clean before we get started all right so one second just clear i'm just going to clean this one now okay let's see all right okay okay all right cool all right excellent perfect come back to my screen please all right so as you can see there is no app accrue user anymore all right so basically i have dropped this user that was created inside of this this database now you should have the same thing on your database no users created so now what we're going to do is coming back to our notes we're going to go in here inside of the autonomous database and we are going to create our own user right you're going to create your user as well just copy the instructions the create user um from the notes just pass it in here and then just go there and run it and then what's gonna happen is um the autocall actually is going to create the user for us grant a few privileges and there you go everything has been created cool now coming back to um our notes what we're going to do is we're going to upload the wallet that we downloaded to the virtual machine that uh we created in oci okay so in order for us to do that we're going to run it using the scp command i'm going to copy this one in here um so that i can reuse that i'm gonna exit from the virtual machine now i'm gonna you know get the uh ip for the virtual machine okay cool now what i'm going to do is i'm going to run the scp command i'm going to give the the key here which is the aircrew key and the wallet name and also the ip of our virtual machine the public ip right so this is going to be this one here so basically what this scp command will do it's going to copy this wallet file from my laptop through my instance in article cloud infrastructure right so once you run that it's going to copy this just copy this file to the tmp directory in my autocloud infrastructure instance so let's connect to there in our oci instance there we go i'm inside of the oci instance again let's come back to our nodes now what we need to do is we need to download the application files right the application files in our um vm in oci so just copy the wget command right and then assuming now that this is um the application files that came from the on-premises vm that the developer made the changes and then now we're going to go there and build the dock here on top of that so we're going to you know get this file all right so the the zip file is there and clear the screen let's just unzip this file now cool just run unzip unzip it and then once we unzip this file we see that all the files that i showed you um on my own um you know text editor are now showing up in here okay so now what we need to do is we need to come inside of the wallet folder right following our notes if you see right um you need to basically copy the wallet files through the wallet folder okay so for doing that we need to come inside of our wallet folder once we are there let me clear the screen we are inside of the wallet folder in our application directory we are going to copy the wallet that we uploaded to our virtual machine to that folder just copy that and once you run ls the wallet is going to be there just run unzip to unzip that wallet and there you go all the files are now there inside of the wallet you can remove the wallet unzip file that you uploaded and then you're going to end up with all the wallet files that will make the authentication to work right with your oracle autonomous database and then now what you need to do is in case you don't have a docker account um yet right a docker hub account you need to go there and create your docker hub account the way that you can do it just come in here and hub.doctor.com and just come in here and click in sign up give a doc here ig this is going to be very important just give a doctor ig that you can remember because you're going to use that then once you do it you're going to have a docker account right i already have one docker account i'm going to i'm going to sign in my docker ig is the cloud bootcamp i'm going to sign in with that and then here inside of it you see that i have already a few repositories right i'm just going to remove this one in here because that was the one that i was actually using for testing purposes i'm going to come in here and delete that repository because we're going to upload that so let's just give the name to delete that but in in your case you're not going to have any repositories right and then for for us to upload the docker image to docker hub you need to have uh your account okay and once you have that basically you need to come back in here on docker right uh on the our vm instance in oci and run docker login according to the nodes right you're going to run docker login excuse me and a doculogy basically goes there on docker hub and authenticates you with your account that you created now my ig is the cloud bootcamp please come back to me production so that i can get the password please because i don't want to show the password to anybody right otherwise people will be accessing my deck my docker hub account let me get the password right now and then i'm gonna switch back to the screen so that you can see that okay one second please oh there you go here is the password copying that okay cool all right come back to my screen so i'm going to give my my password and looks like i gave the wrong password oh actually sorry i when i connected back to our you know oci console if you notice what's happening here i didn't switch to the root user right so you need to switch to the rich user because our application files were actually inside of uh the root user that's why it's not allowing me to run the docker command okay so let me switch back to docker to reach user now there go just need to run sudusu dash to switch to roots again and then here if you run ls right so we just need to do the steps that we just did again these ones in here because i did those steps using the opc user it should be done with the root user because that was the user that we actually um created or installed our docker engine right so that's why i'm gonna run really quickly here i'm just going to do it again just run unzip okay cool i'm just unzipping it there you go i have the files again here in the wallet i'm going to copy uh the wallet inside of this directory once again and then now as you can see i'm logged as a root which is correct right i'm going to unzip these wallet files there you go i'm just going to remove that um that zip file i don't need that anymore okay all right excellent now i am inside of the right place now if we come back to the root of our files there you go now everything is inside of the correct directory right so you just need to keep that in mind so basically what i did i switched to you to root running the sudo su dash and then i came back to root user and then here once i am inside of the reach user i basically um you know unzipped all the files in here because i don't want you uh i don't want you to deal with um permission issues and all of that this is just a temporary vm just to make your life easier just do that using the root user okay that's all now coming back now you can run the docker login once again and then that's gonna work because uh we are actually now with the rich user just run the docker logging i'm gonna give the cloud bootcamp come back again for for me prediction that they can get the password all right so let me get the password once again okay cool getting the password all right cool switch back to my screen yeah now there you go as you can see the login was succeeded because now everything is working fine let me clear the screen now now switching back to the notes what we're going to do is we're going to run the docker build command to build our docker image right so basically what we're going to do is you need to be inside of the folder and then you should see all the application files and the docker file as well and you also should have the files inside of the wallet prior to this step okay once you you have everything in place what you're going to do is you're going to run the docker build command and the docker build command is going to basically go there and create our docker image it's going to start the conversion process of our you know application files right uh the application files that we are actually converting to docker it's gonna go there now pick those files and build a docker image using those files and for creating this image if you remember it's going to use the docker file that i showed you how it works so that you can be on the same page right this process should take a few minutes but while it is running the final step that we need to do is we want to test the application to see if everything is working fine right and in order for us to do this testing we would need to do uh you know go there in the autonomous database and create a new table right because at this time the autonomous database is empty uh we didn't do the data migration from on-premises through the autonomous database yet right but it doesn't stop us to do a testing and see if the communication between the application running on the docker container and the autonomous database is working fine right so in order for us to to do it so that we can you know make a good use of our time we're going to go there on the autonomous database now and create a new table so that we can attach and see if the application is able to connect to the autonomous database right because remember we are already connecting the application uh that we are building the image on docker with the autonomous database in autocloud infrastructure because you downloaded the wallet files and everything is you know ready to go in terms of communication from the application to the autonomous database all right so keep that in mind okay cool so let's go there in the autonomous database while our um image process is you know getting completed it's it's actually um running so let's switch back to the autonomous database um oracle database actions so in here what we're going to do is we're going to basically go there go there on the notes and copy the create table and outer table statement all right just go there and copy those two statements and as you can see also we do that uh oracle database uh autonomous database is going to create a table for us under the app aircrew schema and that will be the person table that's going to hold all the data from all uh the air crew members of our application all right here are the columns and if you remember in the models file of the application this is basically the correlation of the class person with the database table person here inside of the autonomous database right then here just adding a new index or new constraint new primary key to this table and once we do that just select and hit run and then it's going to basically go there and create the table for us right as you can see the table has been created now if you if we run a select on this table now to see if there is any registry inside of this table you're going to see that there is no registry right it's just a empty table nothing in there right no items to display that's correct because there is no data in that table just as of now right so let's come back to the terminal and then it's running it's creating the docker image as you can see it's installing those steps right let's have a look in here on the docker building process so that you can understand what's happening right so basically if you're looking here in the output um let me see if that's gonna be good for you to see it because it's a lot of output but it's gonna i think it's gonna be a little bit confusing for you to see the output from here oh actually this is good all right so here if you look at these steps all right so we just run the docker but and then what the docker document is doing it it's going there and step by step running everything that is inside of the docker file remember the base image that i showed you from oracle linux 7 dash is linked it is you know looking at that and then it's moving forward with other steps running the step two the step three right to um you know install the packages inside of the container for example running the yam right everything is boi is going to be executed and then once it finishes we're going to have a docker image ready for us and then we're going to be able to uh you know bring up the application using that docker image okay so let's see if it is moving on yeah it's it's moving on that's good it is installing the packages okay yeah it's running um you know the final steps in here actually it's only step seven it just run h910 it's actually if you remember those building creation uh this building creation has nine chain steps right it's uh we are already on step 13 which is good right so you see that it's doing everything that we uh saw in the docker fire right that's how it is you know so important you to understand um the things that you're doing you know even before doing it it will make more sense now it's running the python command to install uh the libraries inside of the docker container and then it's running the pip install using the requirements.txt step 17 out of 19 right so it's running the um command to install all the libraries uh inside of our container remember and um including the library to install the azure sdk so that the application can use the azure sdk right everything is being installed as you can see right it's going to go and install everything inside our container we are almost there we are step 17 out of 19 so we are almost there that's good then it's going to give just this warning here because we are running it as a root user we can just ignore that because as i told you this is just a temporary environment that we're going to use um to test our application right once we test that the application um that we're going to run in production is going to run in azure it's not going to run in oracle cloud right this is just for our development testing purposes right and then it's running the 18 out of 19 finally it's running the last step so it looks like that there go our docker application image was created cool excellent so let's clear the screen now if we run now docker image ls for example you're going to see that we have our image created in here and it is already available for us right so what we're going to do now is we're going to come back in here to our notes and moving back a little bit because we actually uh went there and created a table already but now the next step that you need to do is you need to add a tag to the image and the tag is going to be basically used to create a new um tag of your image in docker and then this tag is going to also uh refer to the docker id so that when you do the upload of your image docker knows how and to which account to upload your image right it's going to basically create one new tag and then this tag is going to have your docker ig so in my case in here as you can see my docker ig is the cloud bootcamp you can uh you need to go there and replace with your docker ig when you create your account once you do that you just need to go there and run the docker tag cool and then now we're going to upload the docker image that's that's locally in our temporary vm in oci through the docker hub right just copy the docker push docker push command will do and then you need to come in here and replace that with your docker ig as well and just do it and then docker will actually go there and upload uh the image that was just created to my docker uh hub account right if i come back in here in my docker hub account right now as you can see i don't have any um repository with the name a crew that dash app right you're going to see that after the pushing process um you know get finished we're going to see um our repository with our image already uploaded to docker hub right so that's something that you're going to do as well and then in your case you're going to see um the application image with your doctor ig right because that's going to be different from mine right while it is running let me just um explain you um you know maybe you are wondering hey john if the airline company wanted to run the docker image uh on top of the virtual machine would that be possible right could that do it and then the the answer is absolutely they could install the docker engine inside of the virtual machine and oci and run the docker application inside of it but the problem with that is if you remember the airline company wanted to start using a devops approach and then they wanted to use you know fully managed services that you don't want to manage virtual machines anymore and then when you install the docker engine in a virtual machine you're still responsible for maintaining the docker engine and applying the patches inside of that virtual machine even if it is running in the cloud provider that's why most of the companies they don't prefer um you know to install the docker and manage and manage it you know themselves they prefer to rely in a cloud provider service that allows them to run the docker in a fully managed way and that way they don't need to worry about you know if they need to apply patches in the operating system if they need to maintain the security in the underlying hardware or virtual virtual machine infrastructure so all of that should be uh taken into the consideration before creating virtual machines to run docker right but it is technically possible yes the answer is yes but in our case if you remember the airline want to choose a fully managed service to run their docker environment all right so that's a quick explanation why it was running it just finished as you can see switch back to my screen please so it just got finished and then just got uploaded to docker hub now if you're looking here um in the docker hub screen if we refresh yeah there you go uh you see that the air crew app was uploaded just a few seconds ago so we are good so it means that the um image was uploaded now coming back to our uh notes uh given that we have already created this table we're going to move forward and we're going to now create a new docker instead of our virtual machine that's going to be one of the last steps in here we're going to now it is the show time basically that you can go there and see if the application is going to come up and if it is also going to be able to connect to the autonomous database and then we're going to see if the communication is working fine as well right just one thing that i want to keep that i want you to keep in mind is um here on the db connect string you're going to see that we're going to run the docker run command and then this docker run is going to you know create a container for us and then this docker run command i'm going to pass a few environment variables using the dash e see db connects string is going to be basically the connect string of my autonomous database you don't want to change that right because i'm already um you know using the db crew one assuming that you didn't change the database name and then here i'm gonna pass the username of the autonomous database the password of the of of that user that the application is going to connect right with the autonomous database here we have a few variables that we're going to use in the future mission that we're going to replace because we didn't touch on anything in azure so far so those values in here will be replaced basically the container name the storage key uh you know the connection string everything is going to be replaced you don't need to worry about that knob you can run as it is because it's going to work right and then here we're going to ask docker why it is you know spinning up our container to expose our application on porch 8000 and then and then finally here we're going to give the name of the this dock here i'm sorry coming back in here you're going to give the name of this dock here image that we're going to spin up as the air crew f1 and then finally we're going to give uh you know that this container should use the image that we just created this is the name that of the image that we just created if you if you come back in here on docker but command right if you sw um yeah so up in here you see that the air crew dash app latest is the image that we just created what this command will do is it's gonna you know basically spin up or start a application running in docker in our virtual machine in oci that we can see if the application is working fine so just copy that and then come back to oci clear the screen let's run this command and see and looks like that the uh application is uh you know came up as you can see we are just running the docker run and the docker run went there and used that base image to spin up our application or to start up our application and it looks like it is running on porch 8000 right as you can see here so um now let me increase a little bit this size in here now what we can do is we can just go there on oci let's do a quick test and see if the application is going to show up right let's come back in here on our oci console and let's go in compute instances let's pick the public ip of our instance that we created in oci right we created this instance let's pick the public ip and then if you look at the docker uh application execution it is actually running on port 8000 on this on on this host right given that we expose it the application on porch 8000 on the virtual machine so let's see if we now when you copy the public ip and we if we put in here in the browser if that's going to work right if the application is going to come up so this is the public ip i just copy and then you put column and then 8 000. right enter and then let's see if that's going to come up so now it is the the you know time of the truth so i'm just yeah there you go so looks like that the application came up which means that uh we are now able to connect in the docker or python application which is our which is our air crew control system running inside of a docker container in a temporary virtual machine in article cloud infrastructure right now if we click in here and view person right you see that there is no one in here on the crew member right because we don't have any data in oci yet but let's see if um if we add a temporary line in that table if the if the data is going to show in here right so let's have a look so let me come back in the um in my notes what you can do is just come in here and copy this in search into ins instruction right and come back in here on article database action and what we're going to do with this command is we're going to insert a new line inside of this table person that we just created and and then we're going to see if the data is going to show up in there in the application just run that and then looks like that a new row was inserted if we check that here in the database itself running a select let's see if the captain john rodriguez is now showing up let's see so looks like that in the database is showing up if we're coming back in here now in the application and uh where is the application right here if you come back now in the application refresh let's see what happens let's see if that's going to go through or not let me come back in here on the main screen let me see if the application is issue running oh yeah it's game actually it was my internet guys yeah there you go it came it it's already there right so as you can see the data from uh john rodriguez that we just inserted now it is showing up here in the application now if we come back in here if you're not believing right so if we come back in here looks like my internet is a little bit is low right here but if you come back in here now you see that uh my data john rodriguez is showing up right uh but the thing is um if you look at the passport link given that we didn't connect with azure at this time if we if you're clicking here you're going to see that will be a error because it's going to generate a url with that should be replaced with something that we are still going to create uh in the upcoming lectures right so it would not work it is you know expected to not work but at least now we see that the application is running fine inside of our container right it is able um to load we were able to basically go there and see if the data is showing up or not so it basically means that the application is now able to connect with you with the autonomous database and we should be good to go to the next steps right so how do you think uh about that implementation so far right come back to my camera please production how did you think about that now so you were able to convert your docker application i know that it is a little bit uh dense process as i told you but if you understand that you can do anything with docker going forward because that's the uh you know that's the at the core of dock here if you understand how that works you can do it over and over again right if you're joining it please go there hit the like button on this video that i can see that you enjoyed and also subscribe to the uh our youtube channel so that you can see that you are enjoying this content all right so now that you are ready and then you see the application up and running let me share a few other things with you so that we can move forward and i can give you the mission of the day all right so all right so let's see okay switch back to my screen please all right cool so as you can see now if you um remember we were able to um go there and you know make the application to run on top of docker we just uploaded that application to dock here as well and then now you're probably wondering right so that's really cool right but now i wanted to uh share with you a plan right and then before sharing with you the plan the plan that you can you know um execute to become a aic professional specialized in multiple cloud providers um before explaining that because you saw a lot of that that we did right and then that's you know the project is really good is amazing but if you don't have a plan to go to the next steps uh all of that that you're going through this week is going to be you know worthless right you need to understand now what you can do with the knowledge that you're getting right now and then get the plans that you can execute on your career the way that i like to explain the plan is um i like aviation so whenever um a plane or we need to go from um one city to another and we go through a airplane for example uh the pilots they need to to you know use something like uh you're seeing in the screen right now which is a flight plan right a flight plan can help you to go to the other side right to go to the other um side uh you know to the other city that maybe you are planning to go and the same thing applies to our career right right now you're here and probably you are already uh you know ready to go to the other side but you should have a plan so that you can go to the other side in a proper way right otherwise how you're going to you know manage to go there okay that is exactly what i want to share with you now this this is something that i'm going to share right this is uh a plan that you can pick and if you run this one and if you pick this plan and apply in your career there is absolutely no chances that the companies will not chase you to hurt you all right why i'm telling you that because not only myself but my students from the moon cloud boot camp are actually executing this plan that i'm going to share with you right now okay and what is the first step the first step that you are already getting getting started with that you need to you know have a really good grasp in the technical and practical knowledge of the you know major cloud providers and not only that you need to plug the um devops tools that are sitting actually in the devops ecosystem as you saw we have used a docker we have used your terraform all of those tools are actually you know prerequisites for you to become a you know professional specialized in multiple cloud providers and also uh with um you know and knowledge of devops culture and ecosystem as well right and then other thing that you should developer is uh basically you need to go after the mulch cloud technical certification right and then you should get started with the you know level one certifications because those are going to give you a very very good view of the major cloud providers all right and then once you have that you can create one portfolio solving real world cloud problems like we are doing this week right actually this project in here that we are doing during this training could be your first project you could go there create one portfolio and put this project that we are executing right as your first project right imagine how many things you you're learning you're still going to learn during this training and that you can share with the you know people um you know that you're going to do interviews going forward right it's a really really uh powerful way to show um to the companies and to the hiring managers that even if you don't have cloud experience in a given company you have experienced a boot camp a real world project that actually simulated a real world experience so that you can also have that in your portfolio as well right and then also another thing that you should consider on your plan is once you have that developed you should consider career mentoring and coaching as well why because you need to have a good resume usually you should have a visual resume right not that you know boring uh blank and white resume right you should have a modern resume and not only that you should have a good link gene that showcase your qualities uh you know your skill sets so usually a career mentor or coaching can help you to get there right and also finally what you can do is once you have all of that in place you can go after the opportunities in the market right you can look for opportunities in the market with uh the external ones or you can go inside of your company maybe there is a cloud um team inside of your company and then you can start looking for positions to move to your companies that's something that happened already with my students on mood cloud bootcamp right can you look at that i'm giving you this step by step if you get that print that and then if you execute that you're going to get there there's absolutely no choice you're not going to get there right because so many people are doing it right now and having success so you can get there as well right now as i mentioned right a plan or a flight plan is going to help you to go to the other side for example if you wanted to fly from um san francisco to los angeles um and then if you go um you know over airplanes for example right you you're you're going to get there um but um there is a a difference in here right if you're going to go from san francisco to los angeles in different plans let's say for example if you go in a cessna 172 from san francisco to los angeles you're going to take probably let's say two hours right or three hours because it's it it can't have flight that uh fast but if you plan to go from san francisco to los angeles in a jet like this one is cessna citation that can fly really fast you're going to get there uh faster that is exactly how it works with your career right i'm gonna give you two options the option one the plan that i just gave to you is the option that you can you know go through this um you know plan i just shared with you just this route uh and all these steps in a cessna one one seven true which is the one that you're seeing on the left side which is gonna you know take you there but it's gonna take way more time or you can choose to go with the accelerated plan with um basically is the one using the session citation right and then if you decide to go with the accelerated plan i'm going to open a few spots so that you can get onboard of my jet which i call this jet as a multi-cloud boot camp all right so the mood cloud boot camp is a immersive hands-on mood cloud specialization program with basically covers aws microsoft google cloud and auto cloud infrastructure as i've been sharing with you during this week and this program is comprehensive and it's going to give you all that you need to you know have a good grasp and also hands-on projects on the major cloud providers and not only that during the bootcamp mood cloud boot camp we also plug the devops tools like there from ansible docker kubernetes git ansible and all of that during the hands-on projects done in the you know hands-on challenges so that you can not only develop your cloud computing skill sets but also your devops tools and skew sites as well which something that you need that going forward and then just to give you a quick example if you look at my screen right now um we have in the mood cloud boot camp we have more than 30 cloud projects 30 cloud projects and practical and more than 30 um practical cloud challenges based on real-world scenarios right for example you have you know so many projects in the boot camp aws this one is one example of the project right um that we do the infrastructure as coach um using terraform systems manager you know i'm not i'm not going to be able to cover um you know many things or or many projects today right i'm gonna share a little bit more information with you tomorrow on that but just giving you uh a notion so that you can understand um and then also you have the azure bootcamp which also has a lot of um you know projects like this one in here which is a serverless website deploy using a 100 automated devops repos using cicg in multiple environments so basically it's a simulation that you're going to become a devops engineer in this project going to execute those projects and not only that right we have um you know that many projects in the other bootcamps as well like the bootcamp google cloud you know that is amazing this is one of the examples as well a moot cloud project that we interconnect one environment running in aws with another environment running google cloud and the same thing applies for the boot camp oracle cloud it's uh you know uh we do it in a mood cloud approach as well so basically this is a project that we also have in the boot camp connecting azure with oci right there a lot of other examples just to give you one idea i have a lot of oracle employees on this bootcamp because you know even though they have free trainings oracle cloud trainings you know those trainings will not uh you know give them the the real world scenarios experience that they need to deal with the customers in a daily basis right remember what i did in the mood cloud boot camp i brought my experience working with cloud projects in the market in silicon valley here in the u.s and put that inside of the program right you are not going to find anything like that anywhere in the planet i can guarantee that because that's not something that uh you know i copied from someone right that that came from my experience okay so that's why it you know it gives a lot of results for my students and then there is a another uh a few other things that we give as bonus in the mood cloud boot camp which is like the extra modules for certification readiness you have access to the exclusive islac private community as well not only that we also develop your career and mentoring skills by giving you a career and mentoring coaching module i'm also going to give you right i give to my students a sample or a template of my visual and you know graphical resumes that you can use yourself as well and also at the end of the program when you finish all the projects all the implementation all of the uh you know everything that you need to do we also give you a portfolio that you can put all the 30 plus cloud projects that you executed done in the boot camp inside of your portfolio and you know and go to the market right um you know it's really insane program right because you know if you think about that uh most um many of my students didn't even finish that and already get new positions because it's really crazy right so no one would give you this kind of experience so that you can go there and simulate things that you do you are going to do in the market and then the companies look at that they you know kind of are crazy right they they say oh my gosh i need you i need you because you do that you know how to do that even though you don't have any previous um previous background on your company doing that right because you did that on the boot camp so that's something that you keep in mind now imagine right you just you're going through a one single project during this week imagine if you do 30 plus projects right you're going to get um an insane amount of knowledge right and then the reason that it is a closed program because you know it is way longer than one week right we need more time it takes a few weeks to go through the whole program right and then just to answer because there were a few of you guys asking right hey when the new uh when when are we going to have a new spot should the mood cloud boot camp so basically we're going to open a few spots right a few spots on this upcoming monday all right and then you know as i always mentioned and this is not a program that has a lot of spots available right it's a very limited program so we usually we have a huge wait list we are we actually have a huge wait list at this time and we we are going to you know allow people to join that um you know are there in the wait list and also you guys that you know once you compete for one of the positions i'm going to give the opportunity for you to join in a whatsapp priority group right it is a different group than the one that you're using uh that you are right now so basically after this mission i'm gonna share uh in the in the whatsapp group that you are right now the link for you to join the priority group and on this priority group everybody that is in there that manages to get there one sports in there uh who get the message when we um open the enrollment on this upcoming monday all right so don't be anxious now right but you know i need to be honest this is a limited program i don't know if i'm going to get everybody in there but if you manage to get one of the positions usually the ones that get uh you know that you know have higher chances of get a position in it are the ones that are actually the uh fast action takers right uh just to give one idea when we open the enrollment usually the spots are filled very quickly people you know uh just keep refreshing on the page to get one of the spots right it is going to be really crazy this time because we have a huge wait list so i don't know how many people will be there but you know if you manage to get one of the spots in the priority group that i'm gonna share with you at the end of the mission over what's up anime you should have higher chances of getting into the program right okay cool now coming back to the architectures so that we can see what we have covered so far we basically have the infrastructure up and running on our cloud infrastructure we also managed to convert the application running on the virtual machine um to be inside of a docker and we uploaded the docker image to docker hub right now that you have uh you know the application tested running in your you know oci vm upper run so it basically means that the application is running the next step that we're going to do is we're going to do the migration of the database running on the on-premise environment through oracle cloud infrastructure right and then you're also going to do the deploy of the application it's going to be the final location of the application on azure app service and also migrate the files to azure storage blog all right so your mission today will be go there and implement the part 2 that i just showed you using docker take a screenshot of your docker image on docker hub and you are testing application up and running in article cloud vm um and you know get that as the evidence so that you can get the certificate at the end of the training uh you can also create a post on linkedin telling the story behind of what you created and tagged myself and and the cloud becomes that you can see that you're going for it and you can also raise the visibility on your profile and finally if you want to compete for one of the multi-cloud bootcamp spots please join the whatsapp group to you know increase your chances we're going to share a message with you in the whatsapp group that you already part of it this is not the priority group you need to join another group and we are going to share the link in there right over email and on the whatsapp group that you are already part of all right and then all the details on the moot cloud boot uh you know the investment for that all of that i'm gonna share um with you a little bit more so that you can get you know be ready to try and compete for one of the positions on monday all right don't worry about that okay come back to my screen now production uh it is time for releasing the last code of the day this was a very comprehensive mission if you're um you know ready to go for it and implement whatever we did in here you're going to get this step-by-step in your whatsapp group right now and over image that you can um actually you're going to get on on the whatsap group right so you just go there and get whatever you got on whatsapp group the pdf follow step by step and do your mission all right if you're ready to do it so uh please leave your like on our video here on youtube that we know that you liked and also please put on the comments let's go for it because you know we are almost there guys tomorrow is the last mission of uh the cloud computing hands-on training right i'm very excited we have the military on saturday as well uh you know it's not gonna finish there the cloud company training is not gonna finish tomorrow but the mission is going to finish tomorrow so keep in mind program yourself to be there let's go for each and i'll see you tomorrow in the mission four right thank you very much anything else production that we need to share with everybody all right so if you have any questions just go there on the instagram right now i'm gonna open a question box on our instagram the cloudbootcamp.english just put the overlay on the screen production the cloud bootcamp.english go there i'm gonna open a question box now so that you can answer questions that you might have right the cloud bootcamp.english all right that's it thank you very much guys hope you have enjoyed this mission and see you tomorrow bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Cloud Bootcamp - English
Views: 1,479
Rating: 4.9080458 out of 5
Id: dbv6e7WpMUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 20sec (8960 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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