10-Minute Mobility Sequence To Live Pain-Free

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hey everyone it's Andy Patrona co-founder the whole life challenge and I'm here today to take you through a follow along 10-minute mobility sequence that you can use whether you're doing the whole life challenge not doing the whole life challenge it's gonna take you through the areas of your body that are typically left tight after a long day at work now let's talk a little bit about why mobility is so important I don't care how old you are that's not entirely true if you're seven years old you probably don't notice but if you're an adult you probably noticed part of your body getting tire each day you notice your inability to bend over and touch your toes you notice that your back starts to hurt when you get out of the car you notice that after a long day you feel like the Tin Man walking around your life as you get further and further along in your life your body starts to shut things down that it's not using so if you spend eight hours a day sitting in a desk chair guess what your body's gonna stop using the full length of your muscles in certain parts of your body your hamstrings your quads your hip flexors your thoracic spine it's gonna start to extend things that are constantly being stretched so it's really important from a longevity standpoint to start to work on reducing or even reversing some of those effects of aging so like I said it doesn't matter how old you are you can slow down those effects if you're 20 and you can stop them and maybe even reverse them if you're in your 40s or 50s or 60s or however old you are so um now you're gonna notice I'm gonna go a long way away from the camera because I want you to be able to see my full body now we're gonna go through these movements they're gonna be about 30 seconds each and you're just gonna walk through it with me and do the best you can at keeping up if you find an area that you don't know how to do look you've got a video you can pause it you can rewind it you can go back and watch it again so I encourage you to do that until you get it down and you can adopt this as your own mobility sequence all right so we're gonna start off with I've got my stopwatch and bi and my long cable for my microphone so the first thing is going to be a standing thoracic cat-cow so here we go hands clenched in front rounded shoulders and then reversing extending and pulling back and we're just gonna go back and forth for about 30 seconds nothing too intense you're just moving your upper back rounding forward and extending backwards and after we're done this we're gonna go right into a side Bend so one arm up over your head and you're just going to reach you're gonna with the hand that's down you're going to try to reach down the side of your leg as far as you can and with the hand that's up and over you're gonna reach across as far as you can your body weight should shift into your this side and you want to push your hips that way and we're coming up to the end and now we're gonna switch sides so the other hand goes up over your head this hand reaches down hips push out the opposite direction and we're just gonna hang out remember when you're stretching don't push it too hard too fast so you want to ease into this and as you breathe as you warm up as you get more supple as the as the mobility routine goes on you'll be able to move a little bit better okay next we're gonna go down into a lunge so I move over to my yoga mat and let's go with a left foot forward first you can do the lunge from a toe up position and a knee off the ground position or a knee on the ground either one you want your goal is to push your hips forward but keep your hips tucked under so that you're not you don't have a big extension in your lumbar spine and we're just pushing everything forward the next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna drop into a forward bend in this position and I'm gonna end my inside elbow and try to reach my inside elbow down toward the ground again you can do this whole thing with your back knee up and off the ground with every breath you take trying to sink a little bit deeper and the next thing we're gonna do is come up into a twist so we're gonna take that bent elbow and we're gonna reach and you can do this to the extent that you're able as well if you need to come down to your back knee great if you want to move your feet further apart to give yourself a deeper stretch at this point that's good too if you can only get to here hey all good another more advanced option is to twist the opposite direction it's much harder you can try it if you want all right after this we're gonna go to a we're gonna go back and forth so now we're moving from the position through the twisted position and we're just gonna do this slowly for 30 seconds again we're staying on the same side for all these movements we're really stretching the hip flexors both hips you're gonna feel this where your tightest okay next we're gonna push back so straight knee forward body nice and tall hinge forward keeping that knee locked toes either pulling toward your head or way it doesn't really matter you could even go back and forth if you wanted to but this is a full-on hamstring stretch and notice my back is flat or arched next we're gonna go into a rounded back so now I'm gonna round down just changes things a little bit and I'm gonna hang out down here again using my breath to let myself with each breath I take go a little bit deeper into the stretch we're not doing any advanced stretching here no PNF stretching if you know how to do that you're welcome to add it this is just a warm-up a real general mobility sequence to do on your own the next thing we're gonna do is move down same leg forward into a 9090 position 90 degree bend at the left knee 90 degree bend at the back knee you'll be able to see that better when I wouldn't switch sides you're gonna rotate your shoulders so they're parallel to the front shin and lean forward a lot of versions of this you can adapt to where you are and we're gonna stay in this one for a minute right so I'm gonna be able to show you a couple additional things if you want to rotate up on that back leg this is if you're a yoga person this is called pigeon and that you'll really feel that back in your glute again you're rotating those shoulders the next thing we're gonna do is switch sides and go into the lunge with the right foot forward so here we go right foot forward lunge again back is hips are tucked under pushing that whole lower body forward good you can come up onto the back toe if you want to your choice gentle at first breathe as your body warms up move deeper sink deeper okay now we're going into that same bent forward lunge with the inside arm hanging bent if you were really fly Cybil you're probably putting that forearm on the ground the elbow on the ground you can tell this is not a great one for me I'm not that flexible stretching and mobilizing is a really cool thing because you get to know your own body you get to know what works and what doesn't work and what's most effective for you okay here we go into the twist and like I said you can change positions on this we're holding for 30 seconds trying to feel the twist rotate all the way up your thoracic spine and then we're gonna move into the back and forth so we're gonna go from bent forward to up I just lifted my back foot off the ground again make adjustments as you see fit as you do this day after day you're gonna get to make adjustments to this okay next we're gonna go to a kneeling stretch same position but locked front knee right I'm gonna pull my hips so they're parallel to the front of the mat and I'm hinging forward notice my back is not rounded at this point okay like you can point your toe forward you can pull your foot back and you should feel this somewhere behind the behind the knee or in the belly of the hamstring behind your quad the next thing we're gonna do is round forward it's just gonna change it a little bit maybe make it a little bit more intense and you can move back and forth if you want to that's that's a nerve stretch you're actually stretching some of the nerve tissue back there just hanging out here for 30 it's not a long stretch the next thing if you remember we're going into the 9090 so here we go and I need to greet Bend at the front 90 degree to bend at the back rotating the shoulders parallel to the front the shin and then stretching down in the direction of your femur your front femur you can try changing the direction that you stretch see where where it hits and the other thing you can do is straighten out that back leg and come forward like this and this becomes pigeon and you'll feel that a little bit more perhaps in the rear glute or I'm sorry the front the front leg glute we got about 10 more seconds the last thing we're gonna do and this will wrap things up we're gonna spend one minute which takes us will take us to 10 minutes and 30 seconds in a butterfly forward bend okay here we go so you're gonna put your feet together now if this is all you got that's great you want to grab your toes you're pulling yourself forward what I like to do it's a little bit more advanced is I like to grab underneath my legs and now my hands are on my toes and I'm pulling myself down don't feel bad if you can't do this there are many mobile mobility things that I cannot do this happens to be one that I can we got about another 20 seconds to go and we'll be done so as you can see this is a really quick and easy way to hit pretty much every part of your body that gets tight at the desk or it gets tight in sitting sitting in a car okay let's wrap it up it's ten minutes in 30 seconds great way to warm up at the beginning of the day it's a great way to end your day it's a great way to calm things down at the end of your day before bed maybe not right before bed an hour before bed I encourage you guys stick with this routine or a routine for a long stretch of time it takes your body a while to start to make the adaptations that need to it needs to and if you're making changes to your mobility routine all the time it's very often that you're not going to notice a big difference so that's it I hope you follow along I hope you continue to use this video repeatedly to to supple eyes your body to borrow a phrase from Kelly Starrett and mobility wad and to make your make your body feel better to make your body feel better all right guys seeing the challenge
Channel: Whole Life Challenge
Views: 8,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whole life challenge, mobility, stretching, flexibility, end back pain
Id: gzfMogN7oQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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