10 minute Mobility & Stability Routine

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hi my name is Matt this is a 10 minute mobility instability routine so mobility is basically flexibility but it's a lot more dynamic which means we can move from position to position and we can save a lot of time but get some really good movements around some key areas that are tight around your body such as your hips and your mid-back now stability is more about your core stabilizers and the important muscles that work on your pelvis and we're going to work on some of those in this routine now this routine is 10 minutes long it's it requires your body weight all you need to do is follow me the timings will be on the screen and I will run the times as well so just follow me through the through the routine we're going to start on our backs so when I launch our back we'll get started okay switch arms nice and we're just going to roll right open up that low back gently rolling your knees side to side working through just a little bit more range each time to get that stretch okay so we've got a 5 second rest now and we go across this one's a progression for the last one we're just going to get a nice stretch in our hips and our low back each rep just kind of gradually increase that stretch they come across one side and then the other okay and then rest I'm going to do it work on our hips now okay I'm going to just lift that hip up one side another if you note they were not holding these stretches we're just going onto a stretch and then going on to the other side okay up onto your front working our core Stabler stabilizers now so opposite arm to leg kind of stretch out that back leg squeeze that glute your bum muscle so that's working okay next we're going to go into downward dogs so walk in our hands up pushing our heels towards the floor pushing down nice stretch through your hamstrings the backs of your thighs and your calf muscles pushing them towards the floor okay down to hands and knees let your neck your mid-back so called thread the needle so push in through one side and then the other get a nice stretch again gently working into the stretch one side and then the other okay and they're going to work on your hips so we're going to go into a pigeon fold so pushing down one side and then the other pushing down keeping that back nice and straight pushing through that hip to get a nice stretch okay the next one's a stability exercise we're going to do so you're going to push under lift up fly through to all the other side nice and smoothly from position to position gently let that arm come up okaying the coven's of kneeling hands on your hips you're going to drop back onto your hip so stretch your neck so you can put a towel on Judith knees you could prone to kind of Neera tation so that that can help so pushing that bond down pushing that hip up towards the top and then we're going to change over it for the other side push that far back push the hips up so stretch comes around here and into the side of your inner thigh muscle pushing through that's it gently sitting back in a stretch pushing your bum up I'm going to go into a lunge position link your fingers up and you're gently just going to push your hip forwards again you can use a towel under your knee on the back we're going to get stretch through the front of your thigh just in here squeeze that glute muscle at the back working through that stretch and then we're changing over again getting our hip into position linking those fingers pushing up stretch in that hip joint out so coming on and off the stretch keeping your bum awful tight at the back you should feel the stretch down here front of your back thigh have a stand up feet nice and wide sumo squat so you're gonna push your bum down towards the floor so bomb them down working into that stretch okay the next one is a back lunge so alternating side to side step back one side engine if I go sideways you can see a better view of my hip angles keeping that chest up pushing that back knee towards the floor okay and then work on your single leg to your hamstring muscle so we're going to stretch forward one side and then the other getting that back leg straight try to get that chest level for the floor okay so moving the back to the side now the Front's of your thighs they're going to grab quad stretch forward swap over okay look on your bum muscles nice hit stretching your hips out hands on your hips push your bum down and then swap over so pushing down stretch it out okay again inner thighs again fit more bigger stretch needle and kneeling so we're going to drop back push in your bottom back so stretching out one side and then the other so get that nice stretch down the inside of your thigh okay but a little bit of balance though right hand good touch your left foot they reach it down touching your foot lifting me up so this one where you're going to stay on the same leg so lift it up down to a touch and then back up to the side put nice and relaxed touch your toe now if you need to to the balance we get knee up toward the top swap over touch your toes lift up touch come back up to all the top okay go do some work on your hip step back onto the floor link down lift up towards the top so squeezing that glute don't let your hips roll back to fit your bum muscle working see important hip stabilizes change sides that's it keep those hips level squeezing up towards the top don't let those hips roll back they feel it all working in your muscles and your next one's a nice stretch for your mid-back link your hands together I'm going to roll back one side of the watch in your hand as it comes back so you get a stretch in the mid-back and your lows by trying to work those fingers towards the floor then change sides so nice booboo but one side to the other dropping back stretching out your shoulder mid bucket low buck gently working down each time your stretch back and last one you're faced with a nice child stroke they're going to sit back into the stretch bum back stretch down stretch out those shoulders no back in your hips you can gently work down side to side on the floor as well just to increase that stretch okay so that's sheer ten-minute we've seen with the child pose at the end we really effective for getting those hips moving your mid-back and welcome you so stabilizing muscles and we know these have got a big link to injury so if you can want to reduce your injury risk feel better move better thank complete this ten minute we've seen little often you know you can do it daily or you can get a really good effect from just doing it every other day many thanks
Channel: Matt Fox Physio
Views: 52,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: injury prevention, move better, flexbility, follow along exercises
Id: ym2N1J6p-ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2017
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