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it's Wray from pro shaper workshop in charlton  massachusetts we're outdoors today it's beautiful   it's like 70 degrees or so it's 7 30 at night and  mark is back so i'm not working with my phone we   got the the camera going we've got to do a video  on more rust remove want to show you just a little   bit of rust removal and this is a i think a mark  seven or maybe a mark nine rare quarter i bought   out a body shop and they had stored a lot of pots  for 30 40 years down the basement so this is a   brand new new old stock quarter panel stamped in  england i think pressed steel makes these panels   and it's got 40 years of humidity rust on it so a  lot of people would take this and bring it to the   sandblaster and depending on the sandblaster  this has a lot of crown in it so it might be   able to live through a sandblaster's torture but  a lot of sandblasters would find a way to really   make this panel all kinds of wavy and everything  so one of the other ways of doing it is to use   chemicals and we've been telling you about rust  911 and you can spray this with rust 911 we're   going to show you some results of rust 911  on this caddy chassis we did that are just   absolutely amazing but the faster way is to use  acids and we've been using on a regular basis   this acid here which is phosphoric acid it's it's  watered down and everything's not super strong   you don't want to get in your eyes or cuts  or anything you got to flush it out real   fast it's cheap it's like 18 it's probably 20  a gallon because everything's going up right   now buy it at home depot you probably can buy it  any type of hardware store menards or any of the   chains lowe's or whatever i'm sure they have it  it's done clean strip is the manufacturer of it   and then also from clean strip much stronger is  muriatic acid and uh this will do some damage   to you it goes in in the uh in the air and it'll  get into your lungs you should wear a mask where   you should wear gloves you should have a sink or a  faucet really close so you can flush yourself with   with water to if you splash this on you or  whatever but it's very easy to use this stuff   you do a little bit at a time and this will do  it we could try we'll try a spot here with the   phospheric and we'll try a spot here with the  muriatic so what i like to do is i want to soak it so i take paper towels these are  industrial paper towels i buy   you can just use regular paper towels though  you put a a batch of them like that on there   and that will allow it to uh stay put now these  benches are actually lab benches they're acid   proof benches so it doesn't hurt them at all  they're made with concrete mixed with epoxy   really tough uh nice lab benches so we  periodically get acid on these and just   rinse it off no problem so we're going to put the  phosphoric which is the weaker one over here and   we can spray that on probably i'll dump  it on there and i want to get my gloves   on generally i don't wear gloves i'll just  hose myself off if i get it on my hands   i'll put the gloves on if they fit so we're  just going to dump it on the paper towel here and that will hold most of it in place it'll run that'll keep it nice and wet all  right so there's the the phospharic   and phosphoric doesn't give  that many fumes off it's the   myriadic that really sends the fumes up if you use  the muriatic in your in your shop it'll go into   the atmosphere and kind of rust everything so you  got to be very careful with the uh the muriatic i got a nice breeze here so  it's blowing any fumes away so we got two competing rust removers  let's throw another one in we'll throw uh   a little navel jelly over here naval jelly  is a gelled phospharic so put that there keep it nice and thick like this  you can put plastic over this too   plastic over the navel jelly plastic over that  and we'll see how fast this works all right while   this is doing its magic let's take a look in the  shop and you'll see you probably did a search   on how to remove rust we did a couple of rust  review removal videos before and they were very   popular but they have no idea what happens at pro  shaper workshops i want to show you a little quick shot of the shop showing what we do let's come  on inside and check it out this is jason from   marlborough he won my 10-day apprenticeship  contest that i have on youtube he was one of   the winners i gave seven apprenticeship contests  was away and he started on this little volkswagen   which was wire formed like three years ago  and he's made just about every single panel   on that and he's fitting all these joints up  these all have nice flanges and everything   and he's done a really good job and uh you got a  few words you can say jason about it oh yeah i've   enjoyed the progress project a lot i've learned  a lot um it's been uh it's been really enjoyable   it's nice to see it come together i  think we're we're pretty close yeah again   really close yeah and he's really learned the uh  the skills of tuning all of these little flanges   so they come together and look really nice it's  just an amazing job and it just every time he   comes in it gets a little bit better so he's  still got the the back motor lid to to have a   flange on that we have the rocker panel actually  uh he's working on these side panels right now   fitting those up really nice with  the hood and fitting this cowl panel   it's just uh you can't do a better job and he was  a total beginner before he came here so let's see   what uh ed's doing this is that's alfa romeo that  he designed himself and we're using my flexible   shape pattern system if you want to see some  other cool videos in my archive on my home page at   youtube it'll show you how to make these  flexible shape patterns that's why i teach   and it's made these flexible shape patterns  and from the flexible shape patents he's made   the front fender now that ed is making and he's  got this nice little vent feature that he's been   working on all these little details we've welded  the two sections together here and there's two   sections here really complicated reverse curves  and everything he's doing a really nice job   and then one other thing we want to show you is  this is a maserati 300 s we've done the wire form   about four years ago and we had four different  students two of them were only working for two   days on it and the other two students were from  canada they worked really really well together   and they were had very little minimal english  wheel experience before coming to my class the   other two guys had zero english wheel experience  and they were able to make this maserati nose   section uh in nine days for uh one one student  keith in 10 days for the other student roland   and they just did a spectacular job let's go  back to the rust removal all right we've had   about five minutes with the acid on here and  let's take this phosphoric off first and let   me get a plastic bag and we'll throw it in the  plastic bag here's the reveal for the phospharic   see if that did anything yet let's  throw that in there for a minute it's loosening up the rust but are we getting  down to the metal yet now the rust is sitting   on top of the metal all right so the phosphoric  doesn't look like it really bit into the metal   enough let's see we'll give it a little clean  phosphoric there might take a couple applications there's a little evidence of some silver  coming through right here you can see it and this isn't doing any  damage at all to the metal   this is all on top of the metal all  right we'll take the paper towel to that all right you can see the phosphoric is  biting it off two or three applications   and you get it off with the phosphoric  phospharic works really good for um   rusted has been on there for 30 40 years this  stuff has been on there for like 40 years now   we'll take the muriatic put that over there  clean look at that that muriatic's got a bite so take a couple applications of the muriatic  now wipe that clean and you can see how much   it removed look at that there's that uh original  perfect metal underneath there there'll be some   micro um rust um spotting like uh little little  tiny microscopic cavities that the rush that's   still in but it'll pull that right out uh it's not  a problem it'll it'll get that right off of it now   let's go over to the navel jelly this has all been  on only for like five minutes we'll try the naval   gel and see if we can get any metal to show naval  jelly work really good but it's a little slower there's one little spot  that's just starting to show a little rubbing paper towel and there's the results from the naval gel  you can see the the silver is starting to   show there so the winner here between phosphoric  muriatic and naval jelly muriatic by far and these   are very inexpensive the naval jelly i think uh  probably like less than 10 bucks for a 16 ounce   bottle these are like a gallon for 20 bucks or 23  maybe 20 bucks for a gallon so super inexpensive   that'll do a lot of your your panel work now  the problem is not so much with the phosphoric   but you have to rinse this really good with water  and dry it really fast it's going to flash rust on   you but that's a different type of rust altogether  so what i usually do is i'll use now the muriatic   if i want to get it off fast and then  i'll fall follow it up with the phosphoric   hose it off really good and if you want it not  to come back you have to mix up some baking soda   and that will neutralize all the acid and you  mix it up with water and you put that on and   you cover the whole thing and and wash it in with  either wide with a steel wool or a scotch brite   now we didn't do that we did this alpha fender we  got an alpha gt defender this was as bad or worse   than that fender and it didn't get totally rinsed  off or neutralized you can see on the inside   this has been like a couple weeks ago i  did this and cleaned it all off and now   it's turned back right into a horror show with  all that uh surface rust showing up again but i   think this will come this is really easy  to come off on the with the phosphoric   so this wasn't neutralized properly and  we'll have to do it twice because of that it should come off pretty easy i think i might have to use the muriatic on it again  so that's the danger to muriatic i mean   you have to do this outside so it's got to be warm  no it didn't even bite into it yet so the muriatic   will work that right out real easy so we got  this fender and this fender to hit with muriatic   and then we'll neutralize them and we'll be in  really good shape now another product which i've   been telling you about is rust 911 now russ 911  is a totally different thing there's no acid in it   and you don't have to worry about it reflashing  or anything else and i think you probably saw   one of the videos i did earlier on the cadillac  frame it's a 52 cadillac convertible that we   we have here and we're going to show you  the results of what we did with that frame   so we wanted to get the entire underneath chassis  of this 52 caddy and we made this sloping platform   with plastic on it we've got it all encased in  plastic and we have sprayer heads in there and we   sprayed sprayed that and sprayed that and sprayed  that now if you did this all in a linear fashion   you probably could de-rust the whole thing  and i would guess maybe a month's time or so   and what we did was uh we sprayed for a couple  days then we let it sit for a month and then   we sprayed for a couple days we let it sit for  a month and so almost a year has gone by or so   or eight months or something like that i don't  know and uh now it's it's pretty much done there's   like 98 done there's a few little spots where it  was really heavily rusted that if you focus the   stream on it you're going to get all those little  spots too we might still pick up those spots now   rust911 you can find it at or it's in  my uh uh amazon store also all the links are right   at all my videos you can buy a gallon on my amazon  store and try it out and we buy these little pumps   from either home depot or uh harbor freight in  hoses and we buy sprayer heads that are used for   lawn sprinklers i'll show you that so first we're  going to dismantle this and i'll show you the   little details and then we'll show you underneath  the car alright here's the little sprayer heads   we found it uh home depot it's all chinese  manufactured then we've we found these nice little   magnets at uh haber freight and we make this  little bracket up and put it in place and focus   it right on where it's really rusty we've got two  of them there and i guess another two over here   held on with bungee cords so that we'll get that  all removed all right this 52 cadillac was up   in holden mass has been sitting in a garage dirt  floor garage since 1965 the door was open because   the bumper the front bumper was backed in into the  garage the front bumper the big bumperettes on it   the garage door wouldn't close so that means all  the humidity came in this thing was an absolute   mess and you know the choices are you dismantle  the car entirely every single nut and bolt and   you pull it all apart and you have to drag it to a  sandblaster and he's going to sandblast everything   and you're going to come back and you're going  to blow all the sand out and then you're going   to reassemble it we're not going to have to do  that we have a few little rust outs we've got to   fix them we can fix them right here on the lift  we'll fix them from both the top and the bottom   now this is a little humidity rust because one of  the elements of rust 911 is it's mostly water you   just add a couple quarts of the solution and you  make almost five gallons of uh actual rust remover   material and you just spray it on it's pretty  passive you put the little sprayer there   up it goes this was you can't believe how that  was covered and it's just incredible you can see   here's the copper uh lined it was copper coated  um the hydraulic line this all that's left of   it is just totally rusted out from the inside but  you can see the little hint of copper here still   and how easy it will be to restore this car now  to fix these spots see there's a little rust out   there and there's a little rust out over here  we'll just have to cut those out make the new   pieces and this a lot of this is just residue uh  a little a little uh washing and and steel wooling   and then we'll paint this hole underneath and you  can see uh it's not flash rusting or anything it's   not a problem like you have acid there's no acid  involved here so and then all the little nooks and   crannies we got the solution to go inside the  tubes it's another great advantage of rust 911   you know you can put the hose right inside  the tube your frame tube that'll are boxed in   and they'll totally be rust inside as well so  let's look a little further here of course there's   a caddy convertible and for the convertible  to stiffen the frame they added this uh   stiffener x-member and you can see it's almost 5  8 of an inch thick right here it's just absolutely   amazing and this was rusted like you  can't believe now you see the drive shaft   we did hit it here but we didn't get it over  here so you get an idea how heavy that and we'll   probably put a new drive shaft we're thinking  of doing a resto mod on this we put a new   modern cadillac escalade motor probably in  it and uh the new automatic transmissions   are like 10 speeds or so and it'll be  a beautiful driver the motor that's   in here we haven't started it yet but  we'll probably do a video once a 331   cubic inch cadillac v8 and i think that thing  would start right up we just haven't got to it yet   it has had the plugs out since 1965 in  that garage and amazingly it didn't get   stuck we turned it over and you can see  all these little nooks and crannies here   they're almost all perfect there's a little bit  now we didn't do anything on the front you can   see the front which was protected heavily by rust  by oil and grease so it didn't rust as bad it's   just a little surface rust here we might might get  that too we'll probably get these front a arms and   everything later but the back end of the car here  is all done it's just spectacular look out here   here's the body mounts off of the chassis and uh  it just cleaned it all up so nicely just perfect   so if you haven't heard about rust 911 look  into it it's a great product it will do amazing   stuff now as far as the cost it probably is about  a 2500 job to to buy all the rust 911 and and hit   it with you know weeks of spraying to dissolve all  that rust but it saves you hundreds and hundreds   of hours of time and it's something anybody can  do there's no big great secret how to do it just   a lawn sprinkler and some pumps so that's about it  today this is ray from pro a workshop please give   us the likes and please subscribe and uh give us  the comments and hit that little notification bell   and remember we're a metal shaping shop that's  our main thing but we do do stuff like this   caddy and every once in a while we have to do  a lot of rust removal so that's why we made   the rust removal video thanks for watching  it's ray chaleen from trout massachusetts you
Channel: Wray Schelin's ProShaper Workshop
Views: 958,504
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Keywords: rust, rust removal, how to remove rust, muriatic acid, rust removal from metal, best rust remover, remove rust from metal
Id: LlZaTzXqp3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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