MORE Mechanics YOU Need to Speedrun Celeste (WR Pace: Any% Tutorial)

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so we've got a lot of work to do there's going to be a lot of oh cool that's a neat Strat and huh so let me preface this video with the following if you want to speedrun Celeste longterm and get your first sub 30 this is the place to start yes I said sub 30 and not 40 because I know that's the coveted threshold to beat for most runners in this game and getting from sub 50 all the way down to sub30 means this video is going to be a critical point in your speedr running Journey if you've got all your supers and hypers accounted for it's time to put in the work and get that consistency in order as always everything is possible with practice and you'll reach your goals in Celeste again with practice did I mention that practicing will make some 4 possible to practice building consistency by practicing the game sorry I'll stop I stress this because now we're hitting some highlevel difficult strats and Cycles intensity is building it becomes more about having clean movement and scooping up a second or two here and there but over the course of a whole run those seconds will add up most importantly like previous guides have a plan for every room even if they aren't strats from this video unlike the previous threshold breaking guides there aren't any strats we'll be learning that are major route changes or save minutes of time heck there's hardly any checkpoints that save more than 10 seconds but that's because we're getting pretty serious into speedrunning at this point it's becoming less about tricks and more about understanding game mechanics paired with consistency that's why the maximum potential of sub 50 strats was so low coming in at around 32 minutes that may sound a bit discouraging but what I will say is that the remaining game mechanics that exist for us to learn are game changers ERS they speed up individual rooms substantially and in a lot of ways make them easier to Traverse easier traversal and more speed equals more consistency in easier times think of this video as the intermediate mechanics video I should have made a long time ago fused with the sub 40 video since they really do go hand inand when breaking through these time barriers and refining our understanding of Celeste mechanics with the help of the new tech strats and optimizations you'll see that the lowest feasible time has come down drastically a whole minute and a half how are we going to do this well like I said itty bitty bits of tech and lots of movement optimization these are the main focuses for this video so Focus why are you just staring at the screen move move move and by that I mean start moving in a more optimal way this is what I'm talking about what does all this do for us well here this is a fairly straightforward table showcasing how much time is being saved with slightly more optimal strats in different checkpoints just look at all that time Improvement in Chasm well there's not a ton of time to save there in the grand scheme of things but it is a big difference in the scope of city as an individual level so to demonstrate timesave across an entire any% run I felt looking at the amount of seconds saved with strats in tandem with how big of an improvement it is from the previous set of strats I've given would help direct where we need to focus our practice on that paired with some of your suggestions in the comments for chapters you've been struggling with and we've got ourselves a path to success for now we have a lot to go through before getting to the sub30 barrier since we'll no longer be held back by our tech knowledge but by how we use that Tech and by extension how well we use it are you ready uh I guess you wouldn't be this deep into the world record Pace series if you weren't so let's get moving first things first buffering you've probably heard this term thrown around a ton especially with other games and it can be pretty confusing so let's make this as simple as possible what's buffering well first let's Dash really quickly twice in a row wow how exhilarating wait seriously let's clip that and look a little deeper into what I did this clip lasts 16 frames from beginning to end you can see that with the first Dash once I hit the button the dash goes through that's normal but take a look at when I press and start holding the button the second Dash doesn't activate in fact nothing happens for four more holes frames then suddenly there's that second Dash this isn't a mistake this is buffering while the first Dash was true to button press the second Dash could not come out just yet because of an action restriction in this case Dash cooldown was preventing me from inputting another Dash but the moment the game recognizes a frame where my second Dash was inputed and held and dash cooldown isn't holding me back the dash goes through the four frames I mentioned before are collectively known as the buff for window this window is different from game to game but in Celeste this window is open for four frames this means that I can press and hold an input anywhere within these four frames before it's able to be executed and the game will still allow the action from that input to be executed on what we'll call the action frame if I press and hold a button too early where the input lies outside of this buffer window then the game won't recognize my input as an action on the action frame this does wonders for consistency if an input between frames -4 and 0 will cause an action to happen on frame Zer any time that means we'll have five whole frames to be frame perfect for so many strats this involves transition Tech bubble setups and so many other useful bits of tech we won't get into just yet so to reiterate buffering means that you're under some action restriction so your input is not yet able to become an action but if an input is pressed and held up to four frames before the next available action frame your input will become an action on that next available action frame and that action you have committed is known as the buffered action got it now let's move on to another long explanation now we're getting into ultas if you've watched any highlevel any perent runs before you're probably familiar with this pattern of dashes that happens in a lot of places it always seems to be a wave Dash or an extended hyper anything that gives you hypers speed into some downward diagonal right after getting that speed followed by a jump after you hit the ground and that series of inputs gives you all of this sudden what you might call ultra speed huh get it huh comment down below at what point you think you get all of that crazy extra speed choices oh we've already done this B so surely the downright Dash is giving you speed right it's the most obvious how the heck does touching the ground make you gain speed you may be asking well there's a perfectly reasonable explanation just accept that it happens don't think too hard about it it only looks like you gain more momentum from the diagonal Dash because you preserve your momentum from the hyper this means you're holding on to all that speed for the whole time you're in the dash State while mov moving diagonally now let's get rid of all these other bits and Bobs and only focus on our interaction with the ground to make it real simple you don't even need any preserve momentum for an ultra boost here's the speed of a regular diagonal Dash and here's the speed of a diagonal Dash into the ground there's that Ultra boost but obviously that's not how we're going to use or talk about Ultras in our any% runs once that Dash ends we lose that Ultra boost so that means we got to take things to a higher level level literally what we really want is all this speed imp Pizzazz like I said before by using hyper mum and immediately trying to diagonal Dash toward the ground we'll get 1.2 times whatever speed we hit the ground with we also get to keep that 1.2 time speed this time around since we're hitting the ground after our Dash ends lastly if you remember from our handy dandy basic mechanics guide you get plus 40 more speed tacked on after a jump so as long as that jump is not buffered you're flying to your heart's content you don't want to buffer the jump on your Ultras or else you may not get your 1.2 time speed since you have to collide with the ground in order to get it and Celeste is weird in a way where you can jump off the ground without colliding with it one of the few exceptions to buffer is for the jump on this Ultra but for the most part just make sure you slide a teeny bit before jumping and you'll be fine this is one of the most fun mechanics in the game in my opinion and mat makers love implementing this mechanic into Mods in fact here's a very popular one if you want to gain some practice and familiarity with how it all works although you're not going to do all this in um in any percent run yeah so for Simplicity sake in Celeste we just refer to this whole chain of momentum going into a downward diagonal Dash into a jump as an ultra to get the intent of the mechanic across so from now on that's how we'll be talking about it finally moving on to Corner boosts these are pretty straight forward just have some momentum while flying into a corner then climb jump this could be a wave Dash or hyper into a corner a dash into a corner yeah mostly just those two with a few exceptions we spoke about this at the very end of the sub 50 guide just to make you aware of it but now it gets serious now we're going to learn how this mechanic actually works Corner boosts work by preserving the momentum you have leading up to the climb Jump Then the climb jump itself gives you a small boost in horizontal speed how much speed well how much speed does any jump give you boom it all makes sense three parts to consider here the momentum leading to the climb Jump The Climb jump itself and whether or not we executed a good versus bad Corner boost wait wait a good versus bad Corner boost so let's break this down you've got momentum going into a corner cool now it's time to climb jump this can go one of two ways either you climb jump before hitting the wall or you climb jump after hitting it and in other words you either get the good Corner boost where you add that plus 40 speed of the climb jump to your momentum before it's preserved by interacting with the wall or you get the bad Corner boost which means you hit the wall first lose all speed momentarily then climb jump and you end up with the same speed you had before hitting the wall now that wouldn't be very top level 40-minute threshold breaking speedrunner of us would it it's not over yet though time to break it down even further hitting a wall before inputting a corner boost is not the only way to get a bad Corner boost you can also run into a corner at a bad speed or position and there's not much you can usually do about that but there's two things we can keep in mind for a better chance at Landing good Corner boosts first rule of thumb buffer you remember that one huh we just talked about it your climb jump before hitting a corner that way you can guarantee a climb jump on the very first possible frame it won't guarantee good Corner boosts but at least make them more likely to happen second rule of thumb try to have a setup or queue that lines you up just right right for a corner boost you'll see these setups later in plenty of places including Resort and ridge while good Corner boosts are nice we're just trying to make sure we hit them so in order to guarantee Any Corner boost you have to be high enough on a wall where after jumping you can get around the wall in four frames if you're too low on a wall or delay The Climb jump for too long well you ain't going anywhere and that'll bring me to my last note two jump buttons will help so so much from here on out please I can't stress this enough make life easier on yourself especially with what's to come namely dream double jumps getting out of a dream block you learned you could jump now with that handy dandy second jump hint hint you can press both jumps back to back out of a dream block and get even more distance and speed unfortunately it can't ever be that simple first things first you got a buffer jump out of the block now while you've only got five frame to jump because of that precious buffer window you'll still have eight more frames to do a second jump because of freeze frames and coyote frames boom sub hour guide knowledge application coming in clutch to put it simply optimally you have five frames to press the first Jump Then eight frames to press the second jump and boom speed you'll also hear two jump sound effects when done appropriately if you only hear one you only did one so try it again and again and again until you can feel out those windows for both jumps practice this takes a lot to be consistent and with said practice I'm sure you'll find it pretty useful but arguably not as useful as dream hypers this is bizarre you know those coyote frames well if you're allowed to jump using them you're definitely allowed to hyper using them as well so it should be as easy as pressing jump and dash at the same time while you're leaving a dream block right don't don't answer that you already know the answer there's always got to be an explanation think about what we need to hyper we need to be in the dash State we need to be crouched and we have to jump while in that Dash State and we know that to be crouched we either have to diagonal Dash or demo Dash I'm telling you right now don't you dare diagonal dash for your dream hypers so demo Dash it is quick tip about these coyote frames you don't get a ton of time to abuse them it's only five frames so I'd recommend pressing and holding your demo button After exiting a dream block then shortly afterward press jump while exiting a dream block oh yeah you also can't use your kyot frames if you try the diagonal Dash dream hypers so again use your demo Dash now let's get into the execution like I said this isn't as simple as demo Dash and jump at the same time you've got to hit it during either the freeze frames or coyote frames that exist after leaving the block a good visual can be to look ahead at the white edge of the dream block before exiting then quickly pressing jump after demo after m battle and passes that white line simple concept difficult Tech to master practice this like a billion times in places like 7A 1000 M since that's really only one of two places you'll be using it in your run but it's still important keep in mind you cannot buffer demo dashes while crouched in midair you can see this by trying to demo Dash in the air twice back to back if you're still crouched when going for that second demo you'll simply uncrouch this is important here because you don't want to enter a dream block Crouch cred or you'll exit crouched and get a dream super instead when trying to dash we really don't need those stick to dream hypers hey hey hey you still with me we're almost done with the mechanics I promise last note it's less of a specific Tech and more of a methodology to take with us on our speedrunning journey what are some of our mantras up to this point practice with purpose try hard stuff and choose the strats that work for you have fun practice with purpose again so one more addition to all that is to keep movement optimization in mind when analyzing your runs this involves observing your wall bounds Heights how soon you're hyping when landing on the ground getting rid of unnecessary climb jumps yes to is watching and plenty more you'll see that with the new ilil videos movement is massively cleaned up and optimized not just by using the new mechanics but by shortening the times where I'm not moving or may be in the air for too long heck even fast falling counts as movement optimization okay okay okay we're done with the mechanic let's get on with the show we've seen the full run twice now through the sub hour and sub 50 guides and I think a lot of movement is starting to get redundant so that's where the table I mentioned before comes into play I'll still be introducing some of the tech mentioned up through cities since there's a lot to work on there but being able to see which checkpoints have the most Improvement in terms of Strat Choice helps narrow our vision to work on some critical points in the any% speedrun also hopefully it'll end up making this video a lot shorter last but very important note before we start if a room is in this video it's worth practicing give each and every one of these strats a fair shot for the rooms that would require more practice than you think I'll throw this Berry up in that corner that doesn't mean you should ignore it or else that'll come to hurt you when you're going for sub 30 eventually that being said if you can't find the consistency for the room showing that golden Berry in the corner then don't be afraid to drop those strats again give them a fair shot you won't be good or consistent at a lot of these rooms at first but practice and repetition are the keys to your success so without further Ado we've got our mechanics we've got our mantras we've got our speedrun tool and we've got our determination as well as too much time on our hands so let's go prologue same old story get less than 30 seconds and you get a gold star okay next look we've already gone through this entire run twice now how different can it really be oh no already well time for cter Boost to commence at least this one is fairly straightforward after the transition don't press any directions just wave Dash hold jump and you'll be perfectly set up for a corner boost remember to climb jump as soon as you can When approaching the corner you'll fly right by it climb jump over the wall then right dash and wrap up the room we also talked about movement optimization and this room is a perfect example of that what's the difference between these two versions of this room obviously one ended up being faster and on close observation we can see why this wall bounce is way too long even after landing we're waiting too long to throw out our extended hyper there's plenty more examples of optimizing movement we'll be seeing but these are the kind of pauses and extra Movement we want to start phasing out in order to get cleaner and faster runs of course there's the ISS is with greed and not the kind that draws you cards you don't want to try playing too fast where your consistency suffers and start bonking foolishly start with small optimizations get it drilled into your muscle memory and scale up from there oh yeah we've got more reverses now too you can do two supers if you really want to either way you'll be saving time whatever's more consistent for you and look over here what more optimizations it's a simple climb jump after the transition that lines us up perfectly for an extended super a wave Dash or extended hyper here makes the wall bounce unnecessarily tight but zero time save to be had an extended super is still difficult but gives a wider window for the up Dash into a wall bounce then optimally moving through the rest of this room into a wall bounce without a climb jump at the end a climb jum is unnecessary and you will be shamed for it just like me no more wave Dash here we get more height from an extended super just make sure you do two climb jumps in quick succession to make it over the pillar and grab the wall for the same Strat as the sub 50 guide and now for the biggest change to City this horrible thing well to be fair it's not that bad and it is one of the biggest time saves from the last guide in City plus it's got a lot of good lessons for us we'll need to understand optimal climb jumps neutrals and Corner kicks going into this if you've got all that under your belt let's proceed with saving over 2 seconds from the last room you should be wave dashing toward this spring and using it to get next to the traffic block on the left now let's get this set up right with optimal climb jumps this involves spacing out your climb jumps so you maximize the height on each jump one thing to be very careful of here is accidentally activating the block if you don't climb fast enough so how fast should you be climbing you could be a little faster about the first two climb jumps on the Block but make sure you get over it on the second jump this section alone could use some isolated practice after that proceed with two more less anxious but spacious jump jumps followed by a third jump being a neutral into a wall kick on the next bit of wall and hold right you don't have to travel too far to the right for the upright demo Dash into the corner kick just aim to be smack dab in the middle of this section here after the upright demo hit that corner kick but don't hold any directions if you release your directions early enough while holding jump you'll land very cleanly onto the platform if you've got a problem with the upright demo and always fall a little short this is a situation where a normal upright Dash may be better suited for you try both pick the more consistent one stick with it you get the picture Woo you're done do the same end Strat shoot for a 1 minute 25 second time and wow this is going to be another long video isn't it let's see if we can get by sight a little faster luckily we're not really doing all that much different optimizations everywhere after hitting the block jumping right after hitting it is possible and it lets you land on the ground much faster because Celeste at least it helps you optimize the Next Room by short hyping through the transition and bunny hopping on the other side for some distance did I mention that we're trying to optimize movement now time to optimally optimize this next optimal my bad there's something new here so ignore that we're about to hit our first Ultra of the run after getting a taste of ultas there's no going back but only if we can do them right remember try not buffering your jum off the ground or you won't get that precious 1.2 times boost start with hyping in left dashing through the dream block then make sure to jump so you're in the perfect position to wave Dash and now look at this path ain't that a beauty you know an ultra is an order so with all that speed you got from that wave Dash down left Dash toward the ground and right after you hit the ground press and hold jump while flying into the next dream block with the left Dash jump out and do another Ultra wow we're move it squeeze out some more speed with a double dream jump here it'll be good practice without getting penalized and more speed equals more fun you're welcome more ultas woo let's go that Ultra lines you up nicely for the uplift through the dream block here then you know what you must do no climb jump please thank you but you know what kind of jump we're going to do is a double dream jump again repetition is the key get those two jumps nailed down so that you can climb jump into this corner and an uplift demo Dash through the block safely let's just jump straight into this room I've ignored this room the last few times so it needs a little up but really there's only a few things to talk about firstly after the left and downright Dash you can do a jump at the bottom of the dream block which gives you enough horizontal distance to get over the pillar and down left toward the secret passage proceed as normal keep going now these three tokens get tricky as I'm sure you know let's start with a wave Dash into a right dash and dream jump to hit the first token then immediately go for a wave Dash back toward the dream block slide down until you're clear to left Dash and jump to the second token then for the last token take a stroll to the dream block right dash and jump over the platform then you can run away with a hyper out of that hellscape please don't die and get your repetitions in I think we need more ultas so here's one and here's another okay wait this Ultra is pretty nice not because it's different or or anything but it's a great place to practice them reliably while we're here make sure you wave Dash and hold jump out of the room close to the transition to make the next one easier because we need to get this part down right remember the Springs suck but we've got a new fun pattern of strats to practice and speed right through this all you need is to practice this room a lot consistency that's going to be a big deal from now on just because you can't die doesn't mean you can't lose a lot of time anyway with the wave Dash into this room it should give you enough distance to set up this quick little string of inputs which boils down to a wave Dash followed by a cornner boost immediately afterward if you wave Dash early enough you'll regain your dash and can proceed to right dash when meline is hovering over this window so you land cleanly on the following ledge make sure you're far left enough on that ledge so you can extended hyper into a wicked Ultra that'll take you out of this room and the rest is history Runway with that 2-minute 15sec time into Resort easily one of the hardest levels in intermediate to advance Celeste speed running there is no shortage of struggles here realistically if you're looking to make the biggest difference in your any perent runs here's where you want to start City and site are probably getting boring to you which makes it very easy to skip over practicing Resort let's motivate you a bit we want a time in Resort of 6 minutes and 15 seconds or lower the sooner you shoot for the moon and try getting multiple sub six times in your individual practice runs you'll have a much better time running this game practice your Cycles practice your life cycles practice your death cycles and practice your difficult strats do not underestimate Resort start with rooms then practice full checkpoints then some back-to-back checkpoints and finally get to your full runs you'll be blown away by how this approach reinforces your muscle memory and understanding of this game so with that out of the way nothing changes really Beyond some optimizations up until you get the key in the door now these next two rooms you'll be upset with me about but consider this it's a good learning experience and you'll get better at the game if you decide to do these rooms practice them back to back excessively more than you think you'll need to plus it's also so fun to do first room is just another bit of practice with Corner boosts you want to enter this room with a right dash and a downright dash at after the door unlocks then buffer a jump out of the transition to hyper only one of many many times you'll be buffering inputs out of a transition on the first crate cornner boost and you'll Glide right over the towels this gives you a chance to downright at the Bell hit the talk button and cut scene skip right afterward that's a big tricky but manageable now let's get a lot tricky whatever you do just make sure to crouch Dash through the next transition so you can do another transition hyper and here's where you're going to Corner boost against the no oh nope nope this isn't a corner boost if you're Corner boosting you're doing it wrong what you want to do is simply climb jump after hitting the wall but this timing is going to be tight you can't just dilly dally on this corner so make sure you climb jump very shortly after running into the corner and hold jump until you're lined up ever so perfectly with this crate now get ready for some speed these are the inputs you'll want to copy extended super off the crate wave Dash on the towels as soon as you're able to downright while hovering over the left side of the p painting in the background for an ultra then glide on the books for just a moment you're going to skirt right under this bunny in style then remember to press jump before falling off the books after holding jump until you're under the middle of the next crate downright again into another Ultra and you're in the clear you can also throw in a wave Dash here instead either way we just want to get from the beginning to the end of this room and don't care how we do it want to see some Jank these tentacle things are too slow for us thankfully this isn't actually Jank it just takes a while for these bunnies to kick in when you first activate them so once you land on the platform jump immediately then wave Dash as fast as possible to avoid dying if you land on them and wait before jumping they'll be activated and murder you on the wave Dash so optimize speaking of optimize this wall bounce on the left side too slow you've got a perfectly usable wall right here on the right side and even better if you Glide along the left wall into the next room you can execute another neat little transition Strat like in city except this time instead of a climb jump we're going to buffer a small wall Ki to avoid flying up into the sky then execute an extended super right away and now that we're in this room try out this silly Corner boost by upright dashing at the bottom left corner of this platform hell yeah now short wall bounce here extended hyper here then a hyper wave Dash and wall kick into another wave Dash here get through this last room and Hyper through into huge mess screw this checkpoint selfishly trying to record this checkpoint consistently room for room was a nightmare objectively this checkpoint is a nightmare it will require a ton of practice break it up into three routes up to each button using the speedrun tool and go nuts speaking of which if you haven't downloaded it go download it I've got directions on how to get it in the sub hour video and from this point on there's no higher recommendation I can make to optimize your speedrunning practice it all starts with this dreaded Hub room which I've cleverly skirted around talking about for two whole guides now unfortunately there was no way around at this time this is easily one of the most choreographed and unique combination of inputs in the whole game especially considering the length of the room so let's break it up into three sections first we've got a super going into the room a wall bounce wall kick and climb jump onto the towels extended super till full height and execute a full height wall kick to line up to the towels for a demo height followed by an up Dash now here's the tricky section it looks like two right dashes followed by a down Dash and that's exactly what it is but it can be tricky to do the first right dash into the second one this is because we need to jump over this ledge but we can't press jump too fast or else we'll super right over it so make sure your jump occurs after leaving the dash state so you can do that one tile jump into a right dash and buffer down Dash or down left Dash then it's a simple down right and down Dash into section number two now do the two right dashes as you learned from the last guide go down and around and you'll find yourself in this awkward Corner this is an extended super where you hold jump run into the wall then up Dash and wall bounce off the books while holding right for dear life so you can wrap around the towels above and land cleanly so where's the difficulty here well this extended super is kind of annoying too early of a jump will result in bonking the books right above you but you can't move farther right to resolve this issue since you won't regain your dash with the coyote frames so the jump with this extended super needs to be more delayed than you think as long as you run into the wall with a dash in reserves you'll be able to do the wall bounce without issue now on to section three you should be standing on these towels it's not enough that we had one weird super but it's time for another one now this one is going to be even weirder than the last one and for the opposite reason we need to jump not too early as to Bon but not too late as to run into the towels to the left the answer press jump when meline is over this white towel that's really it but it's a tight window to hit hit since you're right next to it then the rest is just a bunny hop wall bounce on the right side crate climb jump over the book pillar with a down left towards oshiro then stroll over and talk to him s cut scene Skip and get away from that weirdo woohoo oh wait here do a reverse hyper into downright Dash to flyby faster if you struggle to do this on top of the towels do it down in the corner with the books and keep running from that freak woohoo this room just add an ultra after hyper in and upright to hit the token then Super out of there this next one just do it faster downright and down Dash after the transition and fast ball to the books and follow that up with a short then a long hyper and you've already got this corner kick in the bag buffering Crouch up out of transition for the win nice job but we've got two more to get to and many itty bitty movement improvements to implement one of them is right now extended hyper into crouched Bunny Hop wall kick on the left side then up Dash through the transition while hugging the right wall this is important because he here we're going to do one of them fancy transition wall bounces without holding a direction our goal is to line up with these towels on the left so we can demo hyper regain our Dash then down left into an ultra and this is the tricky part trying to time this up Dash into a wall bounds over to oh God go away jump in wall bounce out of there do some stuff now for the second route I love this setup for the Next Room hyper bunny hop into wave Dash after the books and hold jump until after the transition then simply buffer for a downright jump as soon as you hit the ground then climb jump and wave Dash on the pillar then upright out moving on fast fall down to bite extended hyper into downright through the Gap then hyper away toward the final button this could be quite a difficult section so just don't die honestly there is one fun Strat here where if you fast fall through the left Gap once you're at the bottom reverse super into an extended super and up Dash through the Gap but honestly if you strugg strle too much with this just stay safe again I think pushing yourself makes you a better player but this guide has a lot of changes as it is so more unsafe strats like this can be demotivating to die to but I will vouch for this room's new Strat the tightest Point here is going to be this bunny so follow closely buffer down left after the transition right dash then do a small wall kick hop and wall bounce onto the first pillar of towels the rest of this is simple if you've timed it properly walk off jump on the lower platform climb jump right away when interacting with the wall and down left between the bunnies this room no longer sucks y last button hit then grab the key and wow screw this guy into Elevator Shaft if this table is anything to go by we can see that Elevator Shaft is low on our priority list so simply put at the top extended hyper and Ultra into the next room only thing I want to mention here is something kind of neat buffer two left dashes at the very right side of this cabinet in the back back ground then you should be set up to up Dash into a wall bounce to get to the second platform cleanly remember to take the checkpoint here but just know next guide we ain't going to be afraid anymore but if you're still struggling with this Tio's got a fantastic guide on how this demo Dash works please check it out and now we're at a pretty interesting checkpoint that is if your definition of interesting is anxiety inducing so if you want to tear through whatever San you may have left it's time to practice just keep 20% of it left in the reserves for rig and summit though because wow there's some changes there let's start with some more funny seles anig after hyping into this room you oir for what's about to come Dan left and skip this cut scene while in the dash state that means you just got to press pause shortly after doing a down left Dash and after skipping the cut scene press jump and you'll go flying to the other side of the room once you're under the exit try wall bouncing on the right wall because because optimal nothing changes here except greed try to Extended hyper closer to the ledge jumping with your coyote frames at the end into the transition so you only have to right dash instead of upright Dash to the top of the snow platform here it's just more greed a right dash into the spring right dash to hit the token then here's a pretty scary and deadly section no sugar coating this simply put it's a hyper than a hyper bunny hop in short succession to get over the grounded bunnies and the goal is to land on the spring then wall kick on the snow platform to hit the second token trouble is this hyper into hyper Bunny Hop it's got some weird timing so running through this a couple times with speedrun tool is highly recommended but the rest is fairly straightforward you're doing great once you enter this room hyper bunny hop over the first Spring right dash and short jump onto the next spring then right dash into climb jump and right dash over to the last spring but this time down dashed to the platform in front of the third spring and immediately extended super to the last spring kind of scary but doable hyper out of there then wave Dash near the edge of this piece of the roof to get into these consecutive right dashes we're not going to let this guy even pass us this time we'll just demo hyper at the end and out of the room if you don't like the right dashing chain through the crystals you could still resort to the hyper bunny hop in this room and just make sure you exit with some momentum home stretch whatever you do just make sure you have a plan and that goes for every room in this guy if you're looking for a challenge then obviously I've got one for you I guarantee that the satisfaction felt from hitting this room clean for the first time at this speed is so rewarding buffer the first wave Dash after the transition then wave Dash again went right next to this tile in the background to guarantee you don't miss and hold jump until you land on this wooden platform hyper over the first set of bunnies bunny hop over the second set hit the spring then right dash to the first snow platform this right dash needs to be earlier than you think the closer you are to this set of five bunnies the better extended hyper off of it Bunny Hop and climb jump into a right and upright Dash to land cleanly at the top now another hyper bunny hop right dash through then short jump into downright Dash let's wrap it up with an extended hyper right dash extended super and be careful to avoid this bunny into climb jump into upright Dash they finish in style with an extended hyper down right toward the race snow platform extended hyper again into a bunny hop and right dash to Victory do your fingers hurt was that stressful if not during practice it sure will be during a full any% run but the stress does show us what kind of strats we'll be capable of when put in these situations that's why starting practice with checkpoints and working our way up to the full any% run is super helpful it allows us to get used to that stress so we're not shaking and sweating when we're golden all them splits and this will be especially important in Golden Ridge let's look back at this handy dandy table because cuz I worked hard on it and I think it's pretty insightful okay it only took like 10 minutes what are you talking about if we look at everything from here on out we can see that percentage wise the change in strats have had the most impact in Ridge there's a lot of quality of life strats but also some really tough implementations of tech from our last two videos these will both refine your ability to execute and teach some optimal stuff if you haven't guessed it improving our abilities and optimizing is the whole point of this video have I been referring to to optimizing too much already let's jump in sure I could talk about this first super and then hyper into down Dash to the cloud or the wall bounce out of the bubble into an immediate right dash into upright Dash but none of that would be as wild as this Strat right here hell yeah more Ultras it's exactly as it looks a reverse hyper into a downright Dash with some of that sick Ultra momentum sprinkled on right before you jump off the ledge underwater hardest part not downright dashing too late or too early with the right timing you should fly toward Granny hi granny jump on the ground cut scene skip uppr right to the ledge and execute another extended hyper into Ultra bye granny and you know what another Ultra after the transition Ultra is for everyone you know we can get pretty wild and crazy with this room but that's hard for now let's just jump with that last Ultra then right dash into the wall and climb onto it then an extended super and right dash will get you out real quick after wave dashing out of here using the bubble Glide off the CL CL and upright demo onto the left side of the next Cloud this placement is important because we're going to be abusing Cloud momentum all through Ridge if you time in place an extended super properly you can get your dashback and get a huge vertical leap from the jump portion of the extended super it comes from delaying that jump until after the highest point of the cloud then you'll have enough height to up Dash onto the crumble blocks and Hyper over the spikes hyper again out of the room while you're at it this room can be annoying but the entry cycle makes it very easy to wave Dash bunny top extended super twice then demo hyper out even better that demo hyper sets you up for a corner boost here in the next room then two climb jumps and a right dash gets you to the end easy after the fun Archy stuff get to this ledge and hyper out in this room buffer a wave Dash and bunny hop on the first Cloud then upright to the second Cloud this can be a bit scary but it'll be the same idea as the other Cloud we extended superon just make sure to move to the left on the cloud and remember initiate the Ed super and jump later than you think if you're too early you won't get the height for this bubble if you do it right you should be able to Upright Dash into the bubble and then up bubble instead of upright bubble followed by another up Dash but you may be wondering now how the heck do we get this transition wall bounce easy we hold right as the transition occurs then when it's over buffer a jump and you'll still get the wall bounce and save a couple frames it's funky but it works I ain't holding your hand through all this just start working on hitting this corner kick faster transition super into a corner boost into wall bouns here then later grab this block and who boy this needs explaining this Strat saves like a second if you don't want it don't do it but if you do all you got to know is that you have to line up the bottom of the moving block with this little lip then we're just going to do a reverse wave Dash into an ultra and hold down the whole time to not Bonk it's just really fast because of that extra bit of momentum given to you by that block it's like the momentum boost on the reverse hyper from the last time except that 1.2 time speed really does kick things into overdrive the up Dash is tricky to time but like all things got to practice optimize optimize optimize use an extended super on that cloud just like before to get to this block sooner one out here do this looks tough but it's a very easy setup literally all you got to do is left bubble then let go of all directions then fall and press jump once you're next to the corner then wall bounce and keep moving ah yes what a wonderful room a wonderful room to ultra baby no not that one sorry we ain't ready for that instead we're going to grab the block as normal bring it to the ground then get ourselves ready on this little platform bringing it to the ground early gets it at the right height for us to ultra off of it and NAB that exra momentum along with the 1.2 time ultra boost and fly through this Gap your cue is to wait for the top right corner of the block to pass this wire in the background then extended hyper into that sick Ultra and make sure you stay crouched by holding downright the whole time if you bon the wall just demo hyper like you learned in the sub 50 video these last two rooms I no likey they're tough and easy to kill time in but I'll still give you these Speedy options since they're still pretty useful after the wall kick through the trans transition into this room wave Dash towards the wall here do not use your climb jumps except for when jumping over the ledges since the wind is pushing us all we got to do is neutral a couple times climb jump and hold right then neutral once more then climb jump and hold right again wrap it up with an upright Dash and we can skip this whole bottom area alt together we went over this room in the sub 50 guide so go through your paces and instead of an upright to the wall up bubble then up Dash into a wall bounce and we're here at one of the most difficult checkpoints in the game unfortunately it's one of those checkpoints that only gets harder as we try to go faster but that just means it'll be more rewarding when we nail our strats and speedrun to Victory let's slow it down a little bit breathe stay confident in your abilities and let's take down this checkpoint with finesse and style we're a little past a third of the way through the full any% run and can already start getting exhausting personally the rest of this I and Landing it cleanly is where the spark for speedr running gave me that push to keep going and understand that no matter what with enough practice it can be done you can do this checkpoint and take down the rest of this run let's go wave Dash through the transition Bunny Hop and you should be in the perfect position to wave Dash on the first crumble blocks then extended super into the third set of blocks and upright Dash up to the wall or onto the ledge hyper out of there that hyper should land you on the Block where you will need to think fast immediately write Dash and fast fall to the cloud get that height then upright demo to get on the right side of the moving block it seems scarier than it is the setup should take care of you as long as you're on your toes hyper out to the Next Room bunny hop on the other side and demo hyper into the wooden platform to skip any hassle here here's the big one hyper into the room off the ledge then on the other side we're going to buffer a wave Dash and bunny hop into the bubble right bubble then wait to land to execute an extended hyper fall closest to the floating platform then show this wind What You're Made Of by wave dashing into a downright Ultra under this floating platform by abusing the hell out of coyote frames right dash onto the platform up Dash into the bubble upright Dash down right then extended hyper into a down right for an ultra in the next room where you should have enough speed to right dash to this third spring we've made it through but we still have so much more to do on your way out of here hyper into the Next Room buffer a right dash and you'll land in the perfect spot to Extended demo hyper bunny hop on the tiny floating platform extended super off of the next one then right dash into a slow climb on the last platform then with the proper timing you'll be able to hyper right onto the incoming snowball for some cool guy points last optimization room after the crumble blocks down right toward the bubble upright bubble then immediately up Dash think back to when we held right after the transition at the second to last room and start where we still managed to get get the wall bounc this works in the same way except we'll be holding left as we are traveling upward from our up Dash press jump as soon as you can interact with the wall to grab that wall bounce and start holding right once you get it so you can land in that bubble wall bounce your way up wave Dash a bunch of times and be done with Golden Ridge we're shooting for a time of 4 minutes here it's pretty steep but your practice will be rewarded we're not out of the woods yet though considering there's three chapters left and they're quite large luckily there's not a whole lot to learn from Temple a lot of the developments from the last guide to this one really come down to little optimized moves and new tech implementation with the exception of two checkpoints depths from 5A and mixmas in 5B which both save a considerable amount of seconds over previous checkpoints I'll give you a heads up about Mixmaster it'll definitely be one of the longest checkpoint grinds out of the entire run and it's because we'll be exploring a whole new area of celestech we've never touched on before known as theote we'll come back to that one once we make it to that checkpoint for now let's get all the simple explanations out of the way after hyper into this room wave Dash into downright for all that precious speed toward the bottom bubble then upright bubble and up Dash into the next Bubble at the top wave Dash then reverse wave Dash on the moving block because optimal down here try to uplift into a corner boost because again optimal get that key to the door and get into depths all right now we can get into it two more Ultras coming your way the first can be tricky since it involves a reverse wave Dash to hit the button then down right to ultra then after a climb jump you've got a much simpler extended hyper into downright press jump for that momentum then get into position it's DCB time DCB stands for depths Corner boost so naturally that's the name of the Strat because of this pesky Corner boost here could have been more imaginative but I don't make the rules hopefully you've nailed this reverse hyper on the momentum block paired with the Bunny Hop already because we're about to make this ending part super super annoying after the Bunny Hop we want to make sure we're holding jump the entire time and watch for meline passing the left side of this wall in the background it's going to come by very fast in most cases depending on your bunny hop you'll only have two frames to react here luckily if you're early no biggie you'll lose a bit of time for not getting the corner boost but still end up on top of this ledge now if you do hit the corner boost make sure you let go of jump immediately after the climb jump hitting that corner boost is bad enough but we also have to worry about our height and momentum going into the next room too much height and momentum can make us slam right into this wall again to beat the sub40 threshold we're just getting our feet wet with going for this Strat since it'll just be good practice for when we go for that cherished sub30 time so what's left just a demo hyper here wave Dash and demo hyper here wave Dash here quter boost here and be quick on your feet with the same pattern as last time except the faster hyper Bunny Hop faster climb jump than slipping right by this pink block into two down dashes short pause and extended hyper and up left into the set wrap up 5A hope you're excited for theote but first what's different in the rooms leading up to it well let's take a look at this map nothing here here here here here here oh there's two tiny bits here first we're not going to waste our time using all those momentum blocks we got a perfectly usable one right here and of course it's going to be annoying to get to that is if you still haven't bound two jumps to your control scheme this is going to be a full height jump toward the wall off of this ledge then another full height jump off the wall make sure you're lined up between the block guiding lines and the spikes and most importantly that you're at Max height before up dashing now got to be quick you need to be on the right side of this block to get its momentum when going up into the next room so after the up Dash climb jump three times with some height in between each jump jump and the third will give you enough height to wrap around the block grab the other side then a well time Jump climb jump and wall kick to get out you know what we say about tricky strats practice a lot like at least a couple times thank you next room it's nowhere near as complicated we're going to do a down left after climbing over this floating wall then after the next bubble we're just going to left bubble and buffer an up Dash into a wall bounce to the next bubble and fast bubble away until banging your head into the SE feeling to safely left Dash and go to the ground moving on through the mirror wow would you look at that a lower level of ground right before us yeah this looks like another Ultra but don't press jump just glide through the transition so you can do your sub 50 bunk Shenanigans in more exciting news fall on this Seeker after it passes the second pillar then hit this corner kick that's exciting right or this movement going into yeah it's all pretty straightforward and similar to the sub 50 guide now here here is something worth talking about it's Theo time the biggest reason why Theo is annoying for most here is that the game is designed Around clean and predictable movement with a focus on speed and Theo is none of that the game suddenly feels like you've got too many snacks in your pockets and are struggling to hold up your pants and on top of that you're being chased by seagull strapped with rockets trying to murder you so the answer to this is knowing how to handle our snacks and effortlessly Dodge the seagull to get to the game room never mind you've got Theo and a rock thankfully the game does give us a tool to work with this momentum when hyping or dashing into grabbing Theo you're preserving that momentum that you ran into him with over a longer distance and if we look back at how Ultras work we can see that dashing and interacting with the ground will give us a 1.2 times boost to our previous speed so let me ask you this if we extended hyper or wave Dash then downright into grabbing Theo how do the Boost stack up well we end up getting that 1.2 times Boost from the ultra momentum grab Theo and continue moving at that speed but there's a slight trick we can use to exploit our speed even further usually with a normal Ultra you hit the ground with momentum after the dash State and you get 1.2 times that speed but what happens if you do the downright when too close to the ground like say if you did a normal extended hyper on flat ground you'll be hitting the ground during your dash State and still get your 1.2 time speed but only for the duration of that Dash this also means your jump will just be something similar to a wave Dash however if we downright Dash into two and grab say a heavy annoying Rock while we have that 1.2 time speed then jump when the pickup frames from grabbing are over will fly through the air and keep that boost oh we forgot a critical component release down during the pickup animation and now we keep that boost except with Theo in hand this is what makes an advanced Strat like the last room of Mixmaster possible which we will not be learning and it's what's going to make this new grounded Ultra Strat we're doing here in the second room possible I present to you the Theo Ultra throw Theo out in front of you now you want to Extended hyper and downright into the ground right before interacting with Theo to make sure you're locking in that 1.2 times boost then grab him and buffer a jump out of those pickup frames from the grab hold jump and you'll beat that first Seeker right over the head this next part can be clunky but it's all about nailing the Theo movement after a wall kick continue holding right as you let go of grab to throw Theo but immediately upright Dash after throwing him to fall to the spring together proceed with the straightforward movement then towards the end short hyper into Theo and grab him before going through the transition the Seeker Gauntlet is about to get a lot scarier and a lot more difficult so I won't blame you if you choose not to go through with these strats but I'm telling you now this is one of those sections that you want down to a t as you get lower and lower any percent times nerves will get to you if you're not prepared pred so I highly recommend taking down this section with speedrun tool like a thousand times over the hyper in the previous section will allow us to Bunny Hop not once but twice in this room and holding jump will put us in this very precarious situation in front of this first seagull I mean Seeker damn it once you're hovering over this pillar in the background throw Theo and dash downright right away into the button the Seeker will go right in between you and Theo and give you the chance to set up the next section by down left dashing into the corner then hyping again into Theo into a bunny hop same throw at the pillar in the background land on the spring and up Dash into the button the scariest parts are now over we just need to continue being careful it's okay good time to go over the backup to this room since we'll more than likely end up using it here it's just an insta super into a bunny hop and all the strats will fall into place the same way as before now let's try this again Dash into Theo and throw him then Dash up and grab the button till the seeker comes right at it for fall then hyper at Theo for the grab Bunny Hop and this time you want to throw him when on the left edge of the background pillar but we're going to do the same immediate upright Dash after the throw so we can bunk the last Seeker down Dash grab Theo neutral against the wall and dunk on the Seeker again for good measure before hyping away let's see that room again without all the Slowdown so you know how it's supposed to look just like Cliff face and ridge nailing down this one room and Mixmaster as a whole are the first signs of truly grasping Celeste movement if you put in the practice to get clean runs through these two checkpoints you'll be way ahead of the curve when it comes to developing your muscle memory and crushing the sub40 time threshold especially if you can nail down a time of 6 minutes flat here in Temple but that doesn't mean we're short of any difficult checkpoints in the rest of the any% Run well yeah going into reflection start is going to be a breeze and Lake doesn't have much much going for it either but now we're solidly in the end game reflection and Summit are major choke points due to their drawn out rooms that can kill lots of time for us and if we made it this far we must be on some sort of PB pace so skin is starting to get tingly no worries this is what this guide and practice are for time to get more of our fancy mechanics into these checkpoints let's start here in Hollows after Super and Hyper out of the first room down left Dash into the Kevin and land on it then walk to the left and wait just a moment until meline is lined up with the small green block in the background then we're going to try to avoid a funny mistake here extended hyper and down right into the block ahead and this is the tricky part the moment you run into it you have to grab once you grab you'll trigger it to fall and all you got to do is jump off of it for the block to start falling if you buffer the jump it won't fall at all don't be so quick to the punch but if you jump off too late even if it falls the hitbox will still be in the way just enough for the Kevin to get confused and turn the other way in shame let's Mosey on over to this next Kevin where we'll get to do a speedy wall bounce all we got to do is up Dash when passing over the column at the very end in the background then a jump should give you a wall bounce that launches you all the way to the top of this little green ledge Hy her out and continue on never mind we're going this way now after getting launched by this Kevin Glide along the right wall and keep falling while holding right until you can wall bounce up to the wooden platform then insta super to set up a teeny Corner boost on this corner into the Next Room that'll get you ready to wall bounce on this left wall up to the floating platform then jump and wave Dash up Dash to hit that bumper and continue on at the end of this room hyper here and hold down right to land in a good setup position for the Next Room hyper out bunny hop on the other side and hold jump then we're going to use two important cues here so pay attention to the background down right dash at the upside down flip of a bird right dash upon Landing then down right dash while you're hovering over the upper left side of the The Rock and you should land cleanly onto the grass platform here which is the perfect lineup for a wall bounce this game is going to become all cues when hitting these lower any% time so better start getting used to them continue on through the yeah just keep ignoring whatever that thing is and super into a demo out of the room the demo is important for us through the transition so we can release all directions and buffer only jump on the other side hold it and it'll Place us gently onto this bumper keep optimizing transition super up right down right right dash into the feather get to the end and full height jump to prepare yourself for an instant demo hyper through the transition make sure to hold jump on the other side until you're slightly to the right of this red flower where you're going to downright then downright again as you land on the Kevin to Skid right by the spikes let's play another game of how much are you willing to risk to get this sub 40 we need to play risky and move fast in this last room holls to nail down the Cycles but if we get it under our fingertips then we'll never need to worry about this room ever again again let's start with a wave dash out of the feather through the transition then we'll do another one of those lovely wave dashes into downright Maneuvers through the feather and here comes the first choke point we want to Upright through the feather bubble to NAB it as quickly as possible then continue on through the dead center of the next feather holding only right to make it through the second choke point between the bumper and spikes that's why I pointed out this point of the feather to hold right through since it can line you up generally well then if you've passed that you're basically in the clear you just have to shimmy upright go between these bumpers and if done correctly you'll lose the feather at just the right moment to dash left into the bumper and bumper boost over to the end now we're in reflection but we've been here the whole time yes haha funny wow cool original joke we don't need to waste any time here I'm just going to plug the I video for you to take a look at the little optimizations and move on to the unbearably long Rock Bottom checkpoint where there managed to be a whopping 16 seconds of Strat optimizations we can get into our muscle memory movement and cutting Corners is the name of the game anything we can find here to make room shorter or easier to avoid silly deaths will get us to this next Beast of a level that as you can see has time save all across the board well time to bully battling let's start with nailing down these dashes out of battle and hit stun we haven't really focused on how fast we get out of hit stun we just try to dash out of it now with some of our new strats there needs to be Precision with how we time our dashes so we don't this is the perfect time to test your buffering abilities and to integrate more cues remember to press and hold leading up to your small window to react after hit stun and not to do it before the four-frame buffer window or else also don't tap or spam Dash that ain't going to save you either all righty after our first bump into battlin down right dash after getting launched to the inner left side of this Gap in the background jump and extended super off the green ledge into her again you should be able to hit her before she can get another blast out here we're going to down Dash after the battle and hit stun then extended hyper into a corner boost and up Dash to another hit then we'll be a little risky here and Hyper bunny hop into an upright get her then we'll continue with our day continue to up deise upright out a hit stun into that block then hyper into her then down right out of this hit stun run into her again after a down right at the right side of this green background block just remember this sound and totally not ludicrous advice can't get nerves if you're moving too fast so just keep that in mind for rooms like this next one hyper through the transition and hold down right in the Next Room we want to write demo Dash underneath this wall as soon as we can followed up with a wall kick on the right and a climb jump into wall kick on the left wall as we effortlessly thread the needle between these pairs of death spheres fall to the crystal then hit the jump on this wall bounce as soon as possible up to battlin and climb jump into her if you've got your strats down it's almost like those hit boxes aren't even there this just needs to be a short extended hyper into upright at the beginning here then fast fall and hug the right wall at the end wave dash at the very bottom and attempt an upright demo Dash when mateline is over the background rock into a corner boost into battlin then buffer a downright toward the green block and Hyper into the feather then just hold right until you can Dash into her a couple rooms later look the good old extended hyper into Ultra nope remember you can't Reserve Ultra momentum while hitting the ground in the dash state so this will just be a wave Dash but at least you get a corner boost right afterward oh and here's another CU to right dash out of hit stun at this green block in the background play like you mean it extended hyper and down right into her fast fall to that Crystal fast fall to a tiny ledge on the left and whip around the spikes with a reverse hyper into Ultra let's go we're almost there don't let the nerves catching now this stret has got two cues first one is where your smack dab in the middle of this Gap being carried by the block where you want to insta hyper toward battlin then after passing the halfway point of the screen stop holding jump and you'll thread the Gap into battl and's face moving on to the end of this room jump and wave dash out so you've got some momentum in the other room to wave Dash onto this block Glide off the fourth one then upright into battlin and keep going at the end of the room hug the right wall as you exit so you can fall directly into the feather in the Next Room let's cut a corner here with a down left after passing all the spikes then press and hold down right right after hitting battlin and a downright Dash went directly at the bottom left corner of the spike to hit her again now if going to play any room safe in this whole run it's this horrible section nerves running through the roof hands a sweaty as can be let's just take it slow and do what we know best don't die everything is going to be the same as a sub guide except at the very end we can stand far left on the Green platform and insta hyper toward the Springs while while holding right practice this room many many times until you feel comfortable then multiply that number of repetitions by 1,000 and you should be all set not practicing enough is bad but dying here on a good run is worse find out every single way can go wrong and have a plan to prevent all of it with that being said wrap it up with a hyper through the transition a wave Dash on the first platform Bunny Hop and two more wave dashes into a downright toward battle in to skip this cut scene climb your way out and prepare to crush your previous PB after one more chapter let's remind ourselves what kind of Strat improvements we're looking at here in Summit yep those sure look like improvements this is going to be a hard set of strats arguably these strats will be able to carry you all the way down to sub 30 if you happen to nail them all in one go so just a warning you don't have to implement all of these strats at once my challenge to you here is to attempt these difficult rooms so that you can grasp how higher level movement feels how faster input times wear on you and figure out what kind of player you want to be hard strats refine your celest speedr running knowledge and are tough to Wrangle but will reward you with better consistency down the line and more time to be saved while simpler safer strats will ease you into this knowledge but you may find getting low times more difficult or maybe revisiting changes to your strats more often in order to squeeze every optimal frame from your runs whichever move you make keep this in mind your hard work will be rewarded getting better at this game is inevitable with quality practice do your repetitions your ilil practice your early midgame and endgame practice and soon you'll reach this moment of painstaking nerves but mindblowing confidence that will ride with you through the end of this run so let's begin we've got two dashes now let's make use of them upright into a wave Dash Bunny Hop continue as normal till the end where you execute this Jump Then up and right dashes into the Next Room extended hyper and get under this first pillar so you can upright twice to the crystal up Dash climb Jump Then wall bounce for a clean Landing once up here try the Strat on for size right dash into the room and buffer a jump for a transition super then hold that jump until meline is right about here with the platform below this is your cue to Upright demo so you catch that spring and can get up to the other side of the room right away let's throw in an alternate buffer strp while we're at it if upright after hitting the spring gives you trouble I've got something else you can try it simply involves hitting the spring low then buffering both an up and right dash consecutively which helps clear the Gap hopefully we've got our spatial awareness down for this next section we're just going to line up our wall bounces with a right dash here then here then a down left then an upright then a hyper then uh you get the idea moving on jump into extended super into wall wall bounce here then wall bounce and wall kick out of the room let's kick off this room with a wall bounce into a wave Dash with just a jump button tap so you get low enough to the upright demo up left into the first spring and you'll fly right by this second broken pillar on the right side of it is your Quee to down right down left into the next spring then upright in between the next two broken pillars followed by a right dash this room ain't too bad just make sure at the end after the token block moves you get out of there using an upright then another upright in the Next Room to land land on the Block after landing wait the extended super into the sky with all that momentum followed by two up dashes more setups and more cues on the way that's the game now hyper into this room wave Dash and get over to battlin as per usual then after getting boosted hold left till you're at this corner of the broken pillar in the back Q left Dash fall then uplift demo Dash just below the left side of this next pillar to do that signature wall kick we're familiar with at this point and hold jump until you can do a quick grab of the traffic block and fast fall down to Battle it you need to get up and around the block before it's too low and have to wait to activate it again so after this boost up dash at the bottom edge of the background upright at the top of this background gear wall kick and one climb jump should land you on top of the block no time to waste got to jump once you land so you can wall kick off the little girder up upright up and upright Dash to battle in out of 500 M don't worry it only gets more difficult from here because in 1,000 M we have our lovely friends the dream blocks you may think oh here come double dream jumps again and you'd be right but I'm sure you also remember that Teensy bit of tech towards the end of that section where we hyped out of dream blocks right oh for your sake I hope so we've got some of the best movement in the game coming our way insta hyper and upright at the second Barrel through the first dream block we're already coming in hot with a dream hyper just remember do not Dash into a dream block while crouched or it won't work so no demoing through the dream blocks at the very end of the dream block animation on your way out you want the time a demo hyper as described before and you'll end up doing exactly that now upright and hit that demo hyper again right dash and wait no not this time just jump and downright for some speed preservation then get out of there woo dream hypers let's bring back those double dream jumps after the transition uppr right and right dash through the top of this dream block double dream jump for some speed and height then up right through the next block with a sick dream hyper afterward then hold down right demo through this dream block to try and safely Dash as high as possible into it and on the other side you should attempt another double dream jump but it's not the end of the world if you miss it if you dash high enough into the previous dream block a single upright and right dashes should suffice then jump out a small issue you might run into with this Strat is executing the double dream jump in a way that makes you corner kick off of this corner which isn't the end of the world but it's definitely not fast so if this is a consistent issue for you just run with the single dream jump and you'll be a okay after two up dashes get ready for the dream hyper training facility after a right dash into jump Ultra and wave Dash here we are at three dream hypers in our way here's how it's going to go upright dream hyper down right dream hyper then upright dream hyper into a wave Dash this is by far the best place to practice this Tech just run it over and over with the speedrun tool you'll nail it down in no time oh and you can throw this one in while you're at it and then this last one okay no more just kidding after the battlin boost up left Dash when melin is right next to this lower half of the square in the background and you'll get through both dream blocks then you've got one more dream hyper off the top here remember no demos through these blocks now how much longer are you willing to put up with me because 15500 m is you guessed it horrible to optimize yay you want cool Strat I give you cool strp if you start this room off on entry with a jump off holding left up left and up to the crystal just upright then ight demo again after passing this window bar in the background into a corner kick that corner kick can be a bit finicky to time so give it some time simple this room not so much and honestly this Strat is still quite stressful to execute but let's take it step by step once you enter the room hold right and execute an upright demo as soon as possible then buffer another upright Dash over the first pillar of bunnies next do a small jump followed by up and right dashes notice how far left next to the ceiling pillar of bunnies I am this is very important for this next platform we need it to fall ever so slightly so that our first right dash won't make us run into this horrible thing then the second right dash will actually be a super followed by up and right dashes to the end you can use the sound effect of the following platform to get a sense of when you're clear to right dash but again drill this room into the furthest depths of your muscle memory for your own sanity we ain't got much left to work with this next room gets a little easier now with the Strat enter the room with a hyper Bunny Hop then wave Dash immediately after the transition into an upright with a buffer downright Dash to run away with that token extended super into the wall then demo hyper out of the room when lined up with the ground now we're only changing the beginning and end here from the last guide so buff for a wave Dash when you've entered this room then proceed with not dying for this room at the end here oh just super out into the next room then here you can let go of jump and only hold down right until you're able to right dash wave Dash and go for the wall bounce into wave Dash if it's too tight of a timing up and ight Dash is fine just make sure to land and hyper out for more cues out the wazu hold jump into here since we want to line meline up with the corner of this Mansion sized mirror down right once then down right again on the right edge of the same mirror to hit a wave Dash off of the floating platform holding jump again you should get close to this bottom left corner of the next platform and make that your que to downright again things are getting pretty dicey now with all this speed make sure to not miss your chance for a right dash through the crystal followed by two upright dashes and two quick climb jumps this is a very time sensitive Strat so depending on how quick you can get to this point you should be able to instantly extended hyper downright right before overlapping this picture frame Ultra right under this impatient bun then upright demo and wall bounce to Victory honestly if you nail this room and everything up to this point in this checkpoint the rest of this level is just a matter of keeping cool and hitting your strats confidently you've got your PB in the bag close out 1500 M by doing a hyper into this room followed by a bunny hop and would you look at that another queue when overlapping the sky of the mountain painting downright and down dash for the first battle and boost then your next queue will be an uplift Dash when mine's poisy head passes the middle of this hole in in the mirror so you can wall bounce on the left wall then do the rest plain and simple your third que get the hell out of there wait wait how much time is there to save here in 2,000 M almost 13 whole seconds yep there's a lot of waiting around we did last time but that ain't optimal in the slightest so let's fix that we have two dashes for a reason upright into a wave Dash then do the same for the following Cloud easy hold jump demo right two wave dashes higher up one wave Dash lower this is easy now you just got to oh my um yeah let's just um let's just put that one right up there the underst Strat will work fine but just to refine our knowledge here how does this mess work it all starts with a wall bounce and wave Dash in the previous room then buffering another wave Dash here in this room and keep holding jump that'll give us just enough distance to down right toward this lower platform Ultra then follow it with two longish climb jumps on the skinny pillar now here's the fun part in the air after the second climb jump throw out a wave Dash Ultra then wait until meline is about to cross over this background tile to hit downright twice all the way across the screen down to the lower platform jump down Dash then extended hyper into two uprights out of there now everything is just going to feel like a snow compared to that room at least we can line up this block for ourselves to get a boost when it hits the wall to add to our demo hyper then upright twice to safety damn it's just not the same anyway don't underestimate this next room it's quite input heavy especially with all this wind in our sails so after hyper in the pattern is wave Dash upright wave Dash upright wave Dash and hold jump before passing the spikes but make sure you're holding down right the whole time then finish up that room after a couple more optimizations here and here we've got an interesting thread the needle type strap all it requires are buffered upright Dash and buffered right demo Dash to squeeze into this Gap then demo hyper over to battlin optimize you get it come on we're nearing the end oh wow look at here the cter Boost that started our intermediate mechanics Journey hell yeah this room can get pretty tricky though and when things are tricky we use qes to make them easier at the left edge of this background piece right dash twice then fall to the crystal once you pick it up you need to Upright into a buffer downright for a wave Dash then you just need two upright dashes unfortunately not all strats can be oh so simple thought the last key skip was cool and convenient well time to make it faster and only slightly more difficult your goal is to up Dash twice while hugging this right wall and the moment after the transition is where the difficulty starts we have to buffer two inputs this time around a jump to get that transition wall bounce and a small right input so we don't go flying into the scary wall of spikes we need to hit this goldilock Zone where we're along the left wall to up Dash twice again up to the key area if we hold right for too long we'll run into the scary right wall of spikes instead which would also be kind of lame either way if you end up dying the double corner kick Strat Works beautifully here but the right tap is honestly not that hard to implement so this is more like a half golden Berry strp isn't it exciting to play with just a teeny bit of fire well here's some more after this wall bounc and left Dash we actually have quite a large window here after the extended hyper to up Dash don't get intimidated by the spikes and while you're at it you're at the right height so just give me a demo hyper on your way out the fire is getting a little spicy now but how can you not also try this Strat after hyping into this room wave Dash behind this first rock then at the thick part of the Vine upright demo Dash through the tiny Gap and up Dash now that's pretty clean okay no more spicy straps this is all serious no funny business we're bringing back the good old don't die here in this last room all we're adding is a right dash over the background pillar into an upright and climb jump to the spring then the perfect example of buffering this left Dash into the spring after the battle and boost it's literally impossible to hit the spikes like no seriously no matter how early you left Dash you'll hit the spring it's awesome do what you need to get to the end here up to battlin and get through the last Behemoth of the Run you're finally here and hold my why are you screaming I can't do it anymore Hush Hush we've got the music behind us leading us to our PB on the horizon the level of nerves and excitement whenever I get to 3,000 m is astounding and I'm sure at this point you've been feeling the same in your runs so let's get through this last checkpoint together no funny business no testing fate just winning here we go nothing but clean movement here follow these wall bounces and Wall Kicks to a te and you'll get right by the section with no problem this one on the other hand can be troubling no joke split up 3K into downdraft updraft and no draft during your practice sessions go through them repetitively there should be nothing stopping you from finishing this run with confidence we started with a simple extended super into uplift in the sub 50 guide but decided to just get to the platform for safety before executing a reverse super if you want any additional difficulty here simply go for the reverse super after the uplift instead just make sure you still try to grab and climb up the left wall after the two up dashes since it's a tad harder to land safely when doing it this way now instead of wasting time going over there with a hyper let's just insta super and wall bounce off this left wall two wall bounces and two uplift dashes later we're at flag 26 already stand right and extended super left until you can up Dash climb Jump Then wall bounce to make this set of dashes easier to execute at the end of the string of dashes this last one is actually going to set you up by being an extended super that'll give you enough height to wall bounce climb jump over and left Dash over to technically flag 24 but we don't need that checkpoint all you need a two up dashes into a wall bounce hold jump till you can use your second jump that you definitely have binded to climb jump over the crumble blocks extended super wall bounce up into the spring then wave Dash and wall bounce again to flag 23 pretty straightforward here hyper Bunny Hop Off the crumble blocks and up Dash then upright Dash into this ledge now just go right ahead and uplift into a buffered up Dash to the next flag Then followed up with another one then another one then this is slightly different a left Dash into an up demo for some of that extra height going into the upleft and wall bounce then all is normal here just get up and out to updraft honestly I hate this dang floatiness but got to work with what we got at least nothing is really changed in here except for some optimizations and cleaner movement all the way up until this section of Flag 13 granted if you're nervous this Strat sucks but it doesn't hurt to try hitting that upright after the spring with a buffered right dash into the last token then after a wall kick to hit the spring again if you really want to play some games you can uplift one directly below the spike here and follow it up with a buffered up Dash that last bit is kind of yikes though not going to lie here we're just trying to get quicker hit that wall bounce on the second Dash up and upright Dash then at the next Crystal the moment you hit it you want to up Dash and wait to let the wind carry you then upright to the wall follow that up with a climb jump a scarier than it looks neutral around two spikes then climb up to flag 11 couple more seconds in the bag all I can say here is to throw in a reverse super if you really want before these dashes then try hitting this wall bounce other than that keep making your way up insta hyper into an uplift through the feather and he here try to make it your goal to get Above This Cloud with one dash that way you can use the other to Dash Down onto it and Trigger it earlier following it up with two wall pounces almost there just got to what look I can't help it it's only a little spicy you just got to hit the upright demo when next to the spike platform climb jump once then get over to the next feather come on that's simple enough optimize this tiny section with a wall bounce and now we're finally here honestly put way way way more time than you think you need into practicing this last section I guarantee the first time you make it here no matter how much practice you've had you'll fumble some of the strats which is fine what isn't fine is losing a PB over a silly death that can be avoided be focused and if nothing else be safe no regardless I broken this up into four sections with patterns you can follow to hammer down this last flag with ease we'll start with the following an extended super upright right dash jump two up dashes then two or three climb jumps to the next section should be straightforward enough here it'll be an upright right up right two uprights jump upright right and a demo hyper this demo hyper is here to line us up for the third section where we start with two dashes an up and a left Dash which will actually be an extended super from there we'll wall bounce right up and upright Dash then jump up and upright again it all comes down to this last section jump upright right up right upright upright into the final quarter boost a Cuts scene Skip and time called On The Run it's over this is where things get complicated where do we go from here there's plenty of strats out there still to learn but if the strats in this video only saved a couple seconds here and there what will become of the next set of strats milliseconds frames don't worry I've got plans for how we can tackle sub30 as efficiently as possible beyond just a couple strats but for now let's give credit where credit is do major credits to Tio and vapo for many many Strat suggestions and changes across every chapter their care and dedication to Accurate Celeste info dumping has been invaluable to lots of this series also many thanks to Eugene who also provided lots of guidance and feedback for strats and Tech in this video especially his text document that helped with the mechanic section of this video he also reviewed the mechanics part of the script before final recordings and let's just say it wouldn't have been nearly as accurate and helpful as it is now without him major credits to both Tio and thalon as well for going through the Behemoth of a script I sent them which somehow ended up longer than the last one at 42 Pages shees you both also made very essential comments and changes to the entire guide to make it what it is now more credits to everyone who's been super supportive through the whole process over on Twitch whenever I was building the guide on stream getting suggestions especially from those trying to break the sub 40 threshold also helped a ton in refining these strats thanks to you for your suggestions and watching these videos the support has been astronomical over 5,000 subscribers you bet your butts I'm a thank you and as further thanks I want to kick this channel into high gear I've got a video per month plan this year no more deld uh this one came out a little later thanp but nonetheless there will be 12 videos this year not to say the sub30 guide is coming out next month but if all goes according to plan we may not have have to wait over a year for it also I've got this really dumb goal I don't want to just hit 10,000 Subs but I want to shoot all the way for 100,000 by the end of this year not sure if 12 videos is going to cut it but at least the outrageous goal will get me to buckle down and really put my all into providing great content to all of you your support is literally so far out of this world I won't let you down come by my Discord my Twitter and my twitch for all things celest for any questions you may have and a some pretty cool people I've also got my patreon for one-on-one help with different parts of Celeste depending on the tier that you jump in on with that being said my voice is tired I've been recording a long time I'll see you in a couple weeks bye-bye
Channel: AverageImposter
Views: 20,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: celeste, celeste any%, celeste mechanics, all celeste mechanics, celeste basics, celeste tutorial, celeste guide, any% guide, any% mechanics, speedrunning guide, celeste speedrunning guide, celeste speedrunning, speedrun, any% speedrun, celeste any% speedrun, speedrun mechanics, wr pace, celeste any% wr, celeste any% world record, world record pace, celeste wr, any% wr, any% speedrun guide, summoning salt, smallant, pointcrow, sub 40 celeste, intermediate mechanics, ultras
Id: 5kpkt97ICCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 53sec (5273 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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