How Many Jumps Does It Take To Beat Celeste?

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hello so recently I was messing around in Celeste and I thought to myself wow jumping around is fun what if we didn't jump [Music] but first let's set the rules for this challenge every time we press the jump button it counts as a jump [Music] that's about it so we name our character and we get going oh and this is what I like to call the tutorial syndrome tutorial levels are often meant to be played in one single way and in Celeste we don't have access to the dash here which leaves us with the walking I guess so when we see a gap like this we literally don't have any other options than jumping which happens four times in the prologue but then we unlock the dash and that's when this challenge starts making sense so with our newly acquired Dash we move to chapter one the beginning of chapter one is just a few dashes until we reach the first checkpoint here we climb as high as possible on this wall and fall towards the Crystal and then we have the first real Obstacle of this challenge normally you're supposed to jump to this Crystal but obviously we don't want that and if we let ourselves fall from this wall we're missing a tiny bit more distance to reach the crystal but thankfully there's a solution when you hold the jump button your character stays a bit longer in the air during some animations like falling from a wall for example which allows us to reach the crystal but wait a second holding jump would require pressing jump in the first place right well we already pressed the jump button back in the prologue so if I just keep holding the jump button all the way to this point then we don't have to jump again now you could think that this means we're going to hold the jump button for the entire game but actually that's not quite the case and this next room is a good example of that if you hold the jump button while clamping on a following platform the platform will start falling before you finish landing on it so we'll have to release the jump button here and this room is impossible the Gap is way too big to cross without jumping and there's nowhere to get your dash back so unfortunately this will have to be the first jump of chapter 1. we then reached this room and it's time to introduce a trick we are going to use a lot throughout this challenge which I like to call the Double Dash when you use a dash if your character is still on the ground at the end of the dash you get your dash back so you can Dash again in mid-air you just need a platform big enough for that but then we reach this mechanism and this challenge made me hate those mechanisms simply dashing doesn't quite cover enough distance to cross the Gap and the room above here doesn't look very promising so unfortunately that will be our second jump then we Double Dash to the wall and jump once more to grab this Crystal and then we can Dash through the crystal midair to reach this small platform now here the platform is too small to do a regular Double Dash because it would already be outside of the platform after a forward Dash but if we do a diagonal Dash instead we'll travel a bit less horizontal distance so the platform is just long enough to get our Dash back and move on to the next room where we can use the vertical momentum of this mechanism to reach the platform without jumping we then Double Dash again and here I tried to grab this tiny Edge to folder the platform but unfortunately we can't reach the platform this way so we'll have to jump again and here mechanism hell is back normally we would have to jump two times once on the first mechanism and once on the second one however just like we did a few rooms prior we can use the vertical momentum from that mechanism to reach the wall and pass this room with only one jump and that's the end of chapter 1 which took 5 jumps in total this might seem like a lot for the first chapter but as the chapters get harder we will have a lot more things to play with which means new way of avoiding jumps anyway let's move to chapter 2 and we quickly reached this room which at first glance doesn't look very promising as a Double Dash can't reach the first Crystal and that's where we start doing something will also use a lot in this run screen transitions if we go back to the previous room we can use the screen transition to dash just under the spikes and grab both crystals without having to jump though in the Next Room that little world prevents us from doing that and falling from this wall doesn't work so unfortunately we'll have to jump once to get past after that oh I guess that's it on a more serious note the rest of this chapter was filled with dream blocks so not jumping was rather trivial which makes chapter 2 doable with only one jump pretty cool now let's move to chapter 3 and that's where the challenge starts getting interesting because we have a lot more things to play with we run through the first few rooms and reached this part where we will need to do a bunch of double dashing on those platforms a lot of double dashing on platforms we then reached this room which was a bit tricky this platform is just long enough for a diagonal Double Dash and here we have to grab the very last pixel of these two wolves to bury cross the Gap and then we have to be careful here because we will use that screen transition to grab this wall and with a precise Dash we can grab the wall above to save a jump then we have to get over there but a simple Dash would make us bump on the wall so we'll have to use a crotch Dash instead to avoid that and unfortunately here we can't climb those walls without jumping so we'll have to do an extended hyperdash which will be the first jump of this chapter after that we double dust to the wall and slow full to the crystal to barely grab it and we finally get the key and move on to the first checkpoint now here we have to clear three different parts of the hotel and the order in which we complete them slightly changes the rooms so after a bit of testing I figured the best route would be bottom first then right and top for last so first let's go down yeah there wasn't anything interesting here then we go right which is just a bit of double dashing until we reach this room a Double Dash here wouldn't quite reach this platform so at first I thought it was impossible but then when I was routing chapter 4 I realized something wait oh [Music] and now it's time to tackle the top room which was the hardest one of the three here we have those little blobs blocking the way which in a normal playthrough would just require a simple jump but we don't do that in here so instead we have to line up with this pixel to dash to the wall and with the right timing we can barely get past just before the Dust Bunny hits us yeah those are called bunnies I don't know just have a bit of imagination and the next room was quite the puzzle we will need to double dust to the Wall fall to the Crystal and here we do some fancy Shenanigans so we can line up with the crystal here and now we can use two dashes to grab the next Crystal and barely land on the ground and press the button [Music] okay this checkpoint was a bit tedious but we managed to get past without having to jump let's hope the next part is a bit easier damn it so here we have the absolute bane of this challenge long vertical distances with obstacles on the way and at first I thought it would take three jumps but after a bit more trying it turns out it can get past in just two jumps you just need to wall boost on this wall and neutral jump over this bunny allowing you to run out of stamina but I'm not the type to give up so how can we consume less stamina when climbing walls well the most common way to save stamina while climbing is neutral drums yeah that won't do but there's actually another obscure way of saving stamina which I don't know the name of so I'm just going to call the grab reset by quickly releasing and pressing grab with the right timing you can climb walls using a bit less stamina and by doing that on this wall we have just enough stamina to get past with only two jumps and we quickly reach the next obstacle first we Double Dash to the top platform but now we have a problem we can't Double Dash on this platform because of the dust and the Crystal is too far away to reach with a simple Dash so how can we get to the crystal never mind we don't need the crystal we then have to jump once to grab that little platform above and reach the next room yeah don't worry I'm going to explain what just happened in a moment in this next room we will have to jump once to grab that Crystal but we can avoid doing it on the second Crystal by just falling to it instead and dashing through it after it respawns okay now it's time to explain what happened a few seconds ago there's two types of dashes in the game the regular Dash that we use most of the time and the Crouch Dash which has the particularity of lowering your hitbox making it only 4 pixels tall also the hitbox of dust and Spinners is smaller than it looks and it turns out that there's a gap of exactly 4 pixels between Spinners and bunnies so by Crouch dashing in between two bunnies we can get past without having to jump then in the Next Room we can Dash above those two groups of bunnies and unfortunately we will have to jump once to grab this wall and once more to reach the crystals and after bonking goshiro a few times that's the end of chapter 3 which took seven jumps to complete alright let's move to chapter 4. yeah thanks for the tip the first obstacle of this chapter is this bubble where we have to use screen transitions to barely reach it and then it's the return of wind currents I hate wind currents we do a bunch of double dashes on these platforms and already reached the first jump of this chapter we can Double Dash to this world but then we'll have to jump if we want to cross the Gap the coins are not really an issue and here we have to be careful because this room is coming up next yeah it's another one of those big vertical rooms we have to climb this huge wall without any way of getting our Dash back so to get enough hate we'll have to use the screen transition and one more boost and then bully the hell out of the grab key to save stamina nice then we need to reach that platform over there so we'll use the screen transition again to grab that wolf from under and unfortunately falling to this platform doesn't work so we'll have to jump again now here I wanted to get past with only one jump but no matter how hard I tried I was missing just a bit of hate to reach the last Crystal but then I had another idea if we grab that platform and let it go we can Dash to where the platform was and now we can do one little jump to grab the wall wait for the platform to respawn and we can take the platform and use our dashes to grab the crystals allowing us to get past with only one jump and the next obstacle is this bubble all the way over there which is way too far to even dream of getting it without jumping so we'll do an extended hyperdash this part is also looking pretty bad but we can actually Dash diagonally to grab the wall and then fall to the bubble and then they really want us to jump huh but it's not that bad we can demo Dash under that Spike to grab the wall without having to jump the wind current prevents us from falling to the next bubble though so we'll have to jump then we jump another time to reach this cloud and barely pass this Gap with a precise extended hyperdash then we jump up this wall and here it looks like the bubble is a bit too high to reach without jumping but it turns out that if you climb on the platform and drop at the very Peak you can barely reach the bubble and this room was quite the puzzle with a few double dashes we can reach that block but then we have two problems if we hold the jump we can't reach that wall because we take too long to land on the falling block however if we release jump we fall too fast to reach the bubble above so how can we bypass this problem yep we can just wait for the block to respawn and use it to regain our Dash allowing us to reach the bubble in this room we have to Double Dash and jump twice to get past this wall and then we use the fancy grab reset again to reach the top without running out of stamina then we have to jump one final time to grab this bubble yes that's the last step of this chapter the rest of the chapter is just a bit of double dashing falling to this bubble and that's it wow this chapter was annoying with a total of 12 jumps thankfully the next chapter isn't as bad no I'm not being sarcastic this time it's really not that bad we start the chapter by grabbing a few Bubbles and getting a key to open a door and we take a shortcut to the first real room of this chapter here we have those nasty walls preventing us from progressing so we'll have to jump here but we can save a jump by dashing under that wall and grabbing it although then we'd still need two more jumps then we drop the big curtain and talk to battling we do a bit more double dashing and this next room was pretty hard we have to find a way to slide under the platform without bonking on the ceiling or on the returning platform so we're going to dash towards this world to position the platform correctly and dash under it to grab the wall as it goes and get past the room then we Bonk on a few monsters and reach the next checkpoint where we Dash to the first few bubbles jump once to grab this one and move on to the Labyrinth normally here you're supposed to get three keys to open those doors for the bubble but this mechanism prevented me from getting all three keys without jumping so if we have to jump we'll just do it here instead in the next two rooms we use those monsters to climb up and we find Theo in a crystal now the rest of this chapter was pretty straightforward but before moving to chapter 6 we have to do something of utmost importance I hate those monsters alright time for chapter six and this is one of the most interesting chapters in this challenge the first real room is this one where we need to be precise with our Double Dash in the feather movement to barely grab the edge of this wall then we land on a tiny bridge and encounter another mechanism issue in this room we can barely cross the Gap by grabbing this Kevin very close to the Spinners and dashing at the last moment with the momentum gained and oh Lord this room was hard we need to grab this Crystal and reach the other mechanism but this little wall blocks the way so we'll have to hit that Kevin with a dash land on top to get our Dash back very quickly fall back to the edge just under the wall releasing Rob at the right moment and dashing to reach the crystal the next few rooms are rather easy and we reach the next checkpoint where we speak a bit to Granny then we Double Dash above those spinners and oh already another checkpoint now it's time to chase battle in and some of those rooms were a nightmare the first obstacle was this room in order to get past this wall we have to climb to the very top and fall to the other side but that Spike makes things particularly complicated but after a lot of trying it turns out to be possible then a bit later we have to dash around those spinners and in the very next room we have to do a very precise Double Dash to avoid those spinners then we reach this part I really thought it was impossible but after enough brute forcing it turns out that with perfect positioning and timing a double demo Dash can barely avoid the laser and cross the gap and then we have another huge obstacle we have to go above the Spinners to reach battle Lane but unfortunately the platform boost isn't nearly enough to get over it without jumping so we might have to jump wait aren't those spinners foreign unfortunately in the Next Room we will really have to jump because this time we don't have spinners to go through which is only the second jump of this chapter and also the last one because then we use the screen transition to grab that feather and the chapter is done two jumps only that's pretty nice but what's coming up ahead isn't very nice although chapter 7 is going to be difficult there is one cool thing about it which is that we now have access to two air dashes so the Double Dash trig becomes a triple Dash now which we already used in the first room and now although we're only in the second room of this chapter it's already getting difficult I tried grabbing that Crystal with a dash but was lacking a bit of vertical range to grab it so instead I had to Double Dash and grab that wolf from under and then wait for the crystal to respawn to grabit Mid Dash the next few moves were just a bit of triple dashing in Springs and we moved to the first checkpoint okay we're gonna have a problem so dashing from that mechanism doesn't cover enough distance and dashing twice from this wall also doesn't cover enough distance and there's not much else to play with in this room so after desperately trying to attempt very stupid things for 30 minutes I ended up having to jump we then take a few Springs and meet the next obstacle this wall I haven't found a way to go to the last path without jumping and falling from this wall doesn't cover enough distance to grab the other wall so I thought it was impossible but after a lot of research and delving into the abyss of obscure Celeste attack I found something interesting this Reddit post mentions that when you grab a wall you can regain your dash one pixel before touching the ground and that reminded me of ultra dashes the way I thought Ultra dashes worked is that when you dash diagonally down you get a speed bonus until you touch the ground that is not how it works but I thought it did so I tried to dash diagonally down on this wall regain my Dash without touching the ground and I thought it would give me a movement speed bonus and it worked but the problem is that's not how Ultra dashes work you seemingly get the speed bonus after touching the ground so I have no idea why this worked but I will gladly take it in the Next Room though no fancy tricks will be able to save us from jumping this time then we grab some coins and move to the next room seriously and this one was pretty hard first we use the recoil from the platform to grab this wall and then with two precise diagonal dashes we can barely avoid the spikes and move on to the next rooms then we bounce on some Springs again and finally reach the next checkpoint oh hey a bunch of drain plugs [Music] foreign [Music] and we already reached the next checkpoint now it's Dust Bunny time again and usually I hate those but this time it wasn't that bad it was just a matter of double and triple dashing around until we reach the next checkpoint after that reaching this bubble is a bit tough but with optimal movement it's possible the next bubble is just triple dashing again and now it's time for my favorite part of the run at first glance this room seems rather hopeless we have a bunch of spiky falling platforms blocking the way and the Crystal is definitely too far to reach without jumping so how are we gonna do this okay let me explain by letting the platform destroy itself we can land on it while it's still reconstructing because the spikes only appear after it's been fully rebuilt and after that we move on to the next checkpoint where another fancy trick awaits us first we dashed through this wall and meet our number one enemy again mechanisms there's no way we can cross that Gap without jumping and even if we could we would have a problem after reaching the wall anyway then we Dash on this platform and use its momentum to reach the wall in the next room after getting to this wall we wait for the crystal to respawn to Triple Dash to the platform and by being careful to keep the mechanism still we can Double Dash to grab the platform then we have to slide under that moving platform to grab it and I don't know what those fancy light bulbs up there are supposed to do but we can just Dash to the next room and it's gonna be fancy trick time we encounter the first problem here where we'll have to grab the edge of that platform and jump to this wall and then we can reach the other platform with a dash but now that's where it gets complicated here we have two big platforms coming down when we Dash but the first issue is that they're just a tiny bit too high to be able to grab them with a dash but thankfully there's a bit of a wall right under it so we can use a little trick at the end of the climbing animation our character hops a bit higher than the height of the block so if we Dash while at the peak of that little Hub we can barely grab the platform without jumping allowing us to go all the way up there however it's not looking very good here we only have one dash left we're running out of stamina and dashing would move the platforms down preventing us from landing on top of this one and getting our dashes back so I had to find a workaround yup by positioning on the correct pixel and dashing right we can land on top of the platform while it's falling down and then quickly Dash to that wall but now we have another problem where on this wall without any dashes left and the bubble is still Out Of Reach so unfortunately it looks like all of our efforts went to waste just kidding did you really think I would go through all this hassle of finding a way to get up here if it wasn't possible to reach the bubble afterwards yeah that's actually what I did I forgot that was a bear room here anyway after this happy accidental Discovery we zoomed to the summit of the mountain and that's where the game really starts to crush our hopes so far we've only jumped five times in chapter seven let's see how many more it will take for the summit we claim that big wall and already reached our first issue the wind current prevents us from double dashing to this wall and trying to grab the side doesn't work either so we'll have to do a wall boost here to reach the wooden platform then two dashes to go over those bikes carefully bounce on top of those Springs to get as much height as possible and that spring looks a bit annoying but we can actually activate it by dashing under then we have our next big obstacle first reaching that stone platform looks pretty hard but with a good triple Dash we can reach it now the real problem is here because of the wind current a Double Dash wouldn't reach this wall and unfortunately falling from that wall is just a few pixels away from reaching the crystal so we'll have to jump once on the platform and wall bounce to reach the crystal then we Double Dash to the cloud and this flag was interesting first we avoid those spinners by doing an up Dash and after the cloud we take this Crystal and rest on top waiting for the crystal to respawn and with the right timing Dash through it while it respawns to reset our Dash but then we have a pretty big gap which unfortunately can't be crossed without jumping unless foreign I was pretty happy after doing that but then the game decided we've had enough fun and hits us with the two nastiest Flags in the chapter here we can't even reach that block with two dashes so we'll have to jump just to reach it and then we're out of dashes so we'll have to jump again to reach the next flag then we tripled us to the spring and the game hits us with a ton of spiky walls forcing us to jump four times to reach the next flag now it calm Downs a bit though we just Dash over those spinners and highlight it doesn't come down here we have to travel a big vertical distance which we hate in this challenge so we'll have to do a double dash up into a wool boost and then jump to this Crystal and we can just Dash up to reach the next Crystal and holy this was hard here we have to Double Dash above those spinners so we have one dash left to reach the Crystal and I'm probably doing something very wrong but with this setup I'm pretty sure the timing is frame perfect and after 30 minutes of dying over and over again I finally got past the Spinners and here we have to thank you anyway after more trying we reached that part again where we have to dash under to grab the wall then we have one little jump here to reach flag 9 and that's an interesting flag with a precise triple Dash we can barely reach that Crystal and grab the wall without dying and when the crystal respawns we just take it to reach the next flag now that little cloud is unfortunately barely not strong enough to reach the top with two dashes so we'll have to jump and oh no I hate this a Double Dash unfortunately doesn't cover enough vertical distance to get past and anything I've tried didn't work so we'll have to jump once to the wall and once more to the Crystal and for the rest we can just Dash through the crystals as they respawn then we take that little cloud and grab reset a bit to save some stamina and unfortunately those spinners are just a tiny bit too high to get past with an up Dash so that's another jump and we have the same issue here where we're going to have to we'll boost to barely grab this Crystal and here we have a bit of a problem yeah you know what's happening easy and we Dash our way to the very last Obstacle of this challenge dang that Crystal is really high but that's not gonna stop us by triple dashing on the right pixel we can barely reach the crystal dust through it as it respawns she's going on that spring and nope falling doesn't work so we have to jump to that Crystal and now we just need to do one more final Dash as the crystal respawns trick and that's it we grab flag one and reads the summit of the mountain so let's recap in total beating Celeste took us 59 jumps four jumps in the prologue five jumps in chapter 1 1 Jump in Chapter 2 7 jumps in chapter 3 12 gems in chapter 4 5 gems in chapter 5 2 jumps in chapter 6 and 23 jumps in chapter 7 with 18 of them being in the summit that's it for this video I hope you enjoyed it make sure to check the pinned comment for any updates or clarifications and thanks for watching bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Rhododo
Views: 160,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TzL948devbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 59sec (1859 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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