More Dollars for the MacGregors | WESTERN MOVIE | Gunslinger | Cowboy | Full Length

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[Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] baby [Music] is so stop them horses lady all right i ain't got nothing at least no cash or anything get on off of there little girl i told you i have no money now what else do you want you prefer that i take a look there's fifty thousand three hundred and twelve dollars here how do you know come on tell me i know about everything little girl not quite everything nickels [Music] oh george i'm going out of my head i'm fed up with this kind of life do you hear me i can't go on george please say you'll give it up yeah but it worked didn't in my love ugh uh uh you drive onto johnsville i'll take him in and collect the reward then i'll join you later [Music] okay when will all this end george when i get half a million dollars so oh deputy take a look hey fourth i see her sheriff hey judge you got some new business there two thousand bucks right give this to the bank and they'll pay you thanks sheriff wait a minute sign the receipt first how's that that'll be sufficient you're always bringing a prized pig aren't you yes sir as a bounty hunter i'm a perfectionist you always shoot him the head remember it's a matter of self defense but that kind of money how can you spend it you and i sheriff are in the same line of work except that you get your check at the end of every month and i only get mine when the job's done the young fella you just brought in robbed a gold shipping of ten thousand dollars now you wouldn't have to know where that is would you it seems he forgot to tell us where to look for it you accusing me sheriff you better back yourself up [Music] if you're a bounty hunter stranger you're running a bad second to george foresight take a look you know that's a nice touch that bullet wound and a good advertisement for george foresight he killed him on the way to johnsville i guess the biggest reward around now is the one they get out on joe saxon the poster says 5 000 bucks i've been told forsythe already on his trail what do you think well jed i'm hoping to see the day when somebody gets the reward ahead of forsyth get my bag honey george i want you to stay please for us it's gonna happen i'll be late go to bed this young fellow would like to sit in 10 bucks to start with there ain't no limit my name is sturges friend so eye open hi man i call yeah i'm in dealers out cards two one three cards i'll stick with these a hundred and three better it's not worth it four hundred and four more out let's make it a thousand you don't believe me do you five thousand call a bet well what do you have too darn many aces in one card game way i see it but you killed him naturally and was cheating and you all sought or don't you agree it happens to card sharks but the judge will want to hear the whole story and you better not leave town till he does stranger goodnight gentlemen few more hands nope you see my wife is waiting she's been pretty busy lately getting all our money together we're leaving tomorrow to put it all on a new ranch tell me how'd it go they ate it up uh something's gonna happen i don't know what why don't you quit now while you're ahead it's so dangerous don't think about it but i just can't help myself i've been worrying too much about it lately maybe i kind of thought if we had our own ranch we'd be happier you'll have your ranch and all the trimmings but that takes a whole lot of money and we ain't got enough yet but we will have very soon does that please you our own house yeah and lots of new dresses darling hold me our own house hell would be about as happy as two turtle doves and how about you and me taking a taking a little trip to europe can we go to paris sure why not but first we need a lot of money and that's where joe saxon comes in he'll probably make his play at hangman's gulch that's a perfect place for it honey you'll never know what hit him [Music] um [Music] huh you know what he looks like like a scared rabbit on the run is that what he looks like to you okay wait a minute so look out george all right jake all right that's enough now put that gun away you stay out of this sheriff i mean to hang him why last night he killed my pop he caught him cheating that's a lie now you stay back sheriff you hear me he set the whole thing up i got a witness i tell you he murdered pop you're going too far mickey the law will handle him young fella now all right jake hang him [Music] where the hell is that hit that dirt don't make a sound get up hey take it easy you two get along go now thanks but why did you do it because human life is precious don't you agree with me so [Music] hey wait a second uh ha ha ha ha ha [Music] [Music] [Music] ha ha young scalawags i'm gonna bring in his head so stay out of my way you get more like an old lady each day you're a big boy now but you ain't got no sense yeah well there's a 5 000 reward on that joe saxon and i aim to get it what my mother said to me was right you're all crooked joe saxon nobody in this town called joe saxon it's real quiet here it's gonna stay that way folks in these parts are all peaceful uh so so ah [Music] [Music] why did this happen to her section come out and get it uh [Music] ah oh what do you want from me it's a mistake i shot my dad and i believe you were here mister keep your hands off him you're here he's my property yeah good [Music] [Music] [Music] so uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] uh all right take a look at this come on out come on out damn you i'm not afraid of you i'll pay don't you here take the money and let me go i wouldn't have killed her if you hadn't sent her as a decoy though it might as well have been you who pulled the trigger you hear what i said you put that bullet in her i hate to have that on my conscience it was you you you you no no don't shoot me please wait i'll get the gold there's more gold than you could possibly ever imagine i got it in my saddle look it's right here here i'll get it forget that little girl of yours why was it gold you can buy a dozen like her there's no reason that you can't is there you'll forget everyone [Applause] so did you kill him that's george foursize mark ain't it what's he then he's committed every crime in the book where you figure he's hiding well the last time he was seen was near the valley of the scorpions they think he might be hiding out in the old monastery up in the hills go ahead bring him on in son ain't no skin off of my nose i just think you're committing suicide that's all so something's gonna happen i don't know what [Music] [Music] huh [Music] anyone here serve yourself and leave the money on the bar whiskey's 20 cents 10 for tequila i need a bed something to eat that'll be all right the food will cost you 50 cents a bed and blankets cost you another dollar if you want anything else just ask the boy he's around here somewhere the ladies good for nothing [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] we are now give me the stuff don't don't cross over that line he's why he's not as long as she's here that's humor which is the valley of the scorpions without son you don't want anything now to happen to you like her casting a spell on you i warned you son [Music] so don't expect me to help you none you're here [Music] i hope you find your way back you're damn loco i heard about uh ross stewart living in an old monastery near here now i'm sure you're damn loco hurry up you worthless cow hurry it up you got any more i'll go and see you man see if humor has any it's no use humans gone away are you listening you will sit in front of huma's door and you make sure you stay there i'll tell you what you're gonna do i'ma stay there that's right good girl you see [Music] this is money my teacher give it to you beat it wait pay close attention remember teacher if you don't bring it i'll send you to the valley of the scorpions now get uh foreign so so ah stop your loafing and get to work that's enough i said stop you don't scare pancho that's enough i'll put this across your back all right hold it and put that gun away look what she did to my eyes she almost blinded i turned up out of you you imbecile huma how about give me a little summer if you get rid of this pig here you might can't he's one of our men all i can say is that i can't help you you know you're tempting me to kill you then who will bring it here for you or do you plan to go to the valley of the scorpions by yourself she'd been out to see all joe hunter i'll bet she's left some of it there lousy stinking way rochelle stop what you're doing and get it with old joe hunters and bring your old man stuff back with you now don't waste any time so many you got nothing to do hey sir all right let's get back to work get moving come on get back to work there a teacher thomas [Music] [Music] [Music] rustic out get back to work you hear me get back to work before i pull a button to you damn workers can't trust anyone you messed with the wrong guy didn't you uh [Music] stop shooting up my yard [Music] uh [Applause] your boss wants some stuff i only got one second it's already been sold yeah i want it the other person can wait i i can't do it he paid for it already he said give it to me don't give it to him you stay out of this you mom warning you don't or i'll put a bad curse on you one of these days i'm going to kill you well what is more important to you her curses or my men teach him a lesson tear his place to pieces and destroy everything everything that's mine the saddle's mine would you mind putting it back who the hell are you anyway stranger put it back you understand mister i'll give you a minute to do it um [Music] oh let's find out who he is all right who are you mister who are you you stupid gringo who are you and what are you on answer me who are you oh you don't want to talk eh yeah make it impossible for you to ever talk you relax this you bothers again and i will kill you all right that's enough let's finish what we came here for [Music] uh [Music] oh [Laughter] look i found it [Music] it's george foresight i don't want to mess with him let's get out of here yeah yeah those mangy curse just look what they did to my vegetables lousy critters i hope they all rot in hell i ruined everything whiskey flowers and taters and corn hey you come over here and help ah you can manage uh hey what are you doing this here's where i sleep get out of there that's my bed where's ross stewart hiding well i only hope is in hell our own house does that please you i tell you i know it's him scared rabbits the whole bunch of you that's right but you don't know about this foresight he's the worst bounty under around he's quick with the you know what his trademark is is bullet hole right through the head all right take your money then get out what are you waiting for that's right go ahead you fool but just see how far you get if he's as good as you say he is he'll pick you off one at a time now you listen to me we can get him here five of us and only one of him i suppose you don't wait for him to come sneaking up on you huh suppose you boys sneak up on him how's that for an idea all you have to do is wait till dark and that'll be the end of forsyth i'll go and get started [Laughter] um [Music] [Music] to [Music] [Music] you're getting better i feel better you must drink now it's good for you i put many strange potions in that make you sleep well you go to sleep now tomorrow tomorrow you'll feel better so [Music] [Music] [Music] so let's get out of here bronco do when will all this end george [Applause] my god you're stupid i messed it up when you could have had him as easy as pie i don't know why i put up with you idiots you can't do anything right well what have you got to say easy for you to talk you aren't there ross all right pancho let's hear it how about you taking him or are you afraid he's smarter than you thought you think i'm yellow you see i use my brains now get back to work now that shouldn't assault a black town and make sure they keep on shoveling and don't forget to bring back supplies now move [Applause] get out of here uh so alright [Music] [Music] no [Music] what are you doing out here you're a lot safer inside although ross stewart and his men aren't here they might be here any minute it's better that you go inside or else they could kill you i just thought i'd move on all right you can go tonight i will guide you your wounds still hurt don't they here this will take the pain away [Music] [Music] so here's another bottle you're afraid of this man you've stayed here two years already and the whiskey's made you sick let me alone look at the way the bottle's shaking in your hand if you want to shoot this man i think it would be better to tie him up first hold that so not bad let's see you put a hole in the little piece a person's head is harder to hit especially in the middle but this man forsythe is an expert he always shoots right between the eyes you're not a man anymore but a a thing full of booze ross [Music] oh george i'm going out of my head i'm fed up with this kind of life do you hear me i can't go on george your name george forsyth yep you're ross stewart let's talk business how about it whatever you want i'll give it to you you're worth twenty five thousand dollars listen i've got two hundred thousand bucks to hear in gold and cash i'll split it okay is that fair your men will have something to say about that how will they take it look i got the whole thing thought out here's what you do you steal the money like i tell you and you make it look good and the hell with them tell me why are you doing this i thought it'd be better this way i just don't want any trouble i wouldn't be able to handle mighty nice of you to give me this opportunity you want me to steal all the money from you and then give half of it back right yeah and it'll work if you do it right just remember there's two hundred thousand dollars there split it up and that's a hundred thousand dollars each well that's four times what you'd get for bringing me in how about the others ross who's gonna kill him you i really thought about that ann tonight everyone's gonna celebrate the festival of spring and they'll all be there it'll be the perfect chance you can lay odds they'll be drinking and a lot of women will be there too that ought to keep them happy when the time's right i'll make my place so you just make sure you be there [Music] keep a watch outside you get up on top up in the tower keep an eye on the yard you get up on the porch and keep out of sight i'll wait for him inside move [Music] uh [Music] so i've been looking for you yeah why i first saw you at johnsville were you after saxon maybe well i'm the guy who shot him hmm is that a fact are you thinking of naylan ross stewart maybe so am i that place he's been hiding is a fortress i was thinking to work together i'll give you a third no half better a third than nothing better take the half it's no deal all right it's a deal half for me half for you don't do it i'll be waiting no don't go with him he's bad yes i know so this is goodbye maybe if one day you should need me think of me with all your strength i shall hear you call me and find you wherever you are sure i understand [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] motion he takes all the money and he doesn't even know how to how to write stupid idiots all right you'll pay for this what he had to say to you 200 000 bucks gone 200 000 let's go hey wait a minute don't you think we ought to find out where the man went before we go after him makes no difference don't you understand even if i have to follow him to the end of the earth i'll catch up with him and he knows it he'll be expecting me and i'll give you five to one i know where he's at hide near the mine in the mountains let's move i want hat yeah that's what i thought i mean half of everything yes i know let's go so throw your gun down i told you to throw your gun down ross don't trust him i'll get him cover me [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] keeping ben down [Applause] foresight let him go all the dough is down there come on let's go you imbecile he's worth 25 000 and i aim to collect it hey i'm coming out you here don't you just keep your hands in the air no throw your gun away don't kill me no no you can't just shoot a guy you're gonna bring me alive aren't you uh-uh no i'm not taking any chances ross [Applause] oh you [Applause] how oh wow so ah [Music] [Music] who are you what do you want [Music] you why who are you i'm robert mcgregor i'm her brother george her brother you're her brother you killed her george just as if you'd pull the trigger yourself i'll give you a better chance than you gave her defend yourself when will all this end george i'll count to three why don't you quit now while you're ahead one two three [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Grjngo - Western Movies
Views: 505,107
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Keywords: django movies, western movies full length free, free movies, free western movies, full movie, More Dollars for the MacGregors, free westerns, best westerns, cowboy movies, western movies full length, western movies, western feature films, free movies to watch, full length movies, free films, cowboys, wild west, watch movies, full length, western movie, entire movies, watch films online, full movie youtube, classic western movies, western, full movies, Best western movies
Id: I01XWdgrKrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 49sec (5569 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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