Bounty Hunter in Trinity | WESTERN FOR FREE | Full Length Cowboy Film | Italo Western

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] good afternoon gentlemen what can I do for you well you see we heard that you make the best lawn sit down so we thought we'd give you a try as long as the interest is right if fellas a mixed up find here you see my business has nothing to do it alone you know boys I think we came to the right place the old geezer is gonna give us on his cash but I told you I don't know money and I'm only an accountant I suggest you gentlemen go elsewhere oh is that right only an accountant but I have no money just have to check that out come on boys let's help ourselves look what I found [Laughter] [Music] now this whole situation is deplorable it's my intention to see the governor let him handle the neither Harrow gang we should have resolved this problem long ago mayor if our sheriff had only done his job properly that isn't true and you know it gentlemen besides they know the schedule of our gold shipments that's right gentlemen you heard me oh it's a perfect situation for the bandits I'd say it means that they're being told just when the gold shipments arrive now who's informing them I don't know but if it is like that and I am firmly convinced that it is it's obvious that I cannot fulfill my job my hands are tied and I can't risk any more lives remember gentlemen I've lost two deputies already oh but to pay to run those risks aren't you Sheriff and rather well I think I agree this arrows right Oh behave yourselves gentlemen I have another idea that might be interesting a bounty killer that could be our solution someone's got to get than other heroes gentlemen don't you see there's already a reward in those bad men so what we do we raise the ante just a little bit no I don't agree why should we put out more dough to get protection we just can't afford it as a banker I should know you're right absolutely right taxes for this gentleman before we hire any bounty hunters it seems logical that I appeal first of the capital as in the governor to send us an agent well I agree to that I'll go along with that [Music] it's artery there [Music] welcome my friend well what do we or the oldies visit are you checking up on us amigo no just waiting for the federal agent he's on his way amigo oh yeah well like I told you don't worry I buried a lot of lawmen in my time why don't you just rest easy free Paco I worry about everybody understand way to senior you got the right time what's coming [Music] let's go [Music] where do you think you are going Zenyatta your men are interfering with a federal agent now if you don't mind I would like to pass perhaps it would be better if you were to just turn around and go the other way my orders are to be in Trinity before sundown I don't think that's very nice of you Ryan no it isn't nice even but thank you sir now I must be going sure hey I got it [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello deputy your boss happy Sun bears on dine over your ranch to us that is if you want to spare your children all right you've got me I'll do just what you say that's very wise of you just don't hurt my boys please bring him over something which you get right way here Sancho [Music] well I see the we have a visitor Sallu laws have you come to congratulate us on the job we are doing why yes I did amigo I think they are beginning to learn the lessons sure haven't I already told you not to worry just think you are going to get rich good oh yes how did our little exhibition in town go over it went over very well Paco is a matter of fact here's your photo you are now worth ten thousand ah that's a mighty good photo there let's see well will you look at that huh huh look out some bounty hunter doesn't come just be careful now I want you to keep an eye out yes is quite a lot of money alright do you think a body auto will come if he does he's getting bullet right in his head how soon you're going well I'll be going right back well tomorrow we will all write to Trinity and then we will drink to your hand what do you think good idea yeah have a little fun you see we also thought it's a good idea to wait guitar over I see [Music] today our heroes are coming everyone to their post [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we having a chance those nava harris are too darn strong yeah of course we defended our city so what when they come back you can expect most anything I agree Cher what the hell do you mean we don't make me laugh dammit sheriff I certainly didn't see what they're fighting calm down we're all gentlemen here thank you John and now we must find a solution we tried the governor what did he do he sent us the colonel hmm beat-up old [ __ ] he didn't even have a chance oh good we need someone sharp a professional killer are you Nolan Boyd the best bounty John I think John is right all right but it's expensive I want to know just who's gonna pay for this gun and will pay what we have to pay but get him boys the best bet all around very good gentlemen that makes it unanimous but who are we going to send who won't attract those bandits yeah yeah how about that boy Fredrick Jeffries yeah I assume the boy will be getting wages and he can probably use the money I guess what do you think of that I like it yes it's a good idea gentlemen let's go talk to the boy well it seems they found some courage we'll have to break their spirit for them there's another matter Tom Jeffries he's bringing Alan Boyd here I want the kid killed I don't care how the hell you do it just do it he will never reach his destination I guarantee it friend then we will take care of of our famous citizens of Trinity and blood dad are you with us brothers to death yet yeah yesterday death death good we agree let's go now son remember I want you to be mighty yeah don't worry dad I'll be back home tomorrow shucks father you know I got the fastest pony around here okay boy yeah have a good trip thanks dad God be with you [Music] it's certainly a grave situation I'm only sorry that young man's life was wasted Lord only knows how the bandits get their inside information but they do that's the unfortunate part what are we to do now my friend well George I I thought I'd go and see Ellen Boyd myself I would imagine that you've taken into consideration the dangerous position you'll be in yes you'll be on your own John so be careful as far as the arrangements go you have carte blanche thank you George I will let's see if I have better look [Music] [Music] not bad go ahead why don't you continue well mr. Boyd you were telling me how how expensive your services are that's because I'm the best there is in my profession yes I see no problem I assure you no price is too high mr. Boyd I'm here to require your services well I've had a lot of offers lately but my fee is ten thousand dollars plus two thousand for every dead body and the reward of course [Music] take it or leave it [Music] oh I forgot I wanted to pilot you understand I work a lot better that way here was the price of three bodies [Music] I see it's a deal you are 6,000 what's that gadget a very silent weapon but lethal crossbow is it accurate [Music] watch yes it's accurate all right we'll be meeting in Trinity [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I met a lot of practical jokers in my time but you take the cake Lily come on get out of there I want to talk look what the cat just dragged in to take by feeling but business he's gonna pick up around here some what makes you think that I remember Galveston somebody's telling the never here was everything that's going on you wouldn't know the Informer's would you come on Oh Willie I want to hear all about it are we alone you see it's like this I always try and keep my nose clean and I had trouble what if I were to make an educated guess why a mr. Posada would be my choice thanks very much much better Willie you're sure learning it'd be quite a good carpenter yet you must have been practicing anyway I better make some more Willie because you're gonna have a lot of extra work let me just tell you Alan why these bandits that way any scruples they're not even men they're animals they're given facts like wolves ready to kill anyone who stands in their way and believe me Alan and they like to be one Undertaker that has to make your lust to a close even though it'd be a masterpiece because it would be made for Alan Boyd the notorious bounty hunter I'm sorry to deprive posterity of a masterpiece but the man who makes my coffin hasn't been born yet see ya good luck Alan [Music] opening scarier listen when you inter go through knock you hear me knock you may only salut but not me why don't you marry me Carmen and your father's gold would be mined by rights that is after he dies not a bad idea us getting married you like it Howie's knew you were ambitious I just assumed preferred to to marry ELISA I will never tell you what is he well we'll see give me a large glass of milk milk you say that's right ah hey stranger what are you doing the bar alone don't you know children are Pro evident ha ha leastwise not without mother fatherly he don't mean anything you play gin rummy yes what sit down please [Music] seems rather a nice quiet little community but I'd spent a couple of days here it's what I call taking it easy for a while what I mean there's plenty of peace and tranquility tranquility mister you just don't we haven't had peace in Trinity for about a year it used to be good now the people are only packing up and hidden somewhere else they just don't want it any love yeah what don't they want any longer well I was talking about this man called bizarro he's been robbing them blind he owns half the town already mostly by threatening his citizens because I know what I'm talking about see he's boss around here and as soon as you realize they're strangers better off you're gonna be mister bazaars a fine upstanding man he's smart as a whip don't you listen to her you know what you got a big mouth see so keep your shots here why he knows everything about everybody in town let me tell you something fell this is Seger so keep it on your skirt even those when the gold shipments coming to town yep he knows everything going on here why even knows about our boy I'd hurt him huh Alan Boyd great bounty hunter well you can bet your boots he ain't gonna get out of here alive that's Jan [Music] [Music] how long do you spent to be here how that depends on how much business I do you know how it is new towns new people getting acquainted you see sir well I'm an insurance agent with the confidential Insurance Agency I'm not really sure how long I'm gonna be here yes and I hope you enjoy your little visit while you're with us I sell life insurance interested no and I don't think anybody else in town would be either that's a pity I expect to do a lot of trade around Trinity [Music] Charlie the usual we got ourselves a new visitor fellas he's upstairs tells me he's an insurance salesman big fella I want him taken care of you better take Marty and make sure you don't miss got it sure drink up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Joe No [Music] hey what are you big one [Laughter] [Laughter] come on they're all sleeping hey when you're going no where'd it go rotten stinky wars [Music] he comes get ready [Music] hey what's this [Music] [Music] well what happened he killed three of our men it's having Boyd for sure you know the orders yeah kill him he should be around here someplace so look did you hear what I said yeah [Music] that'll be twelve thousand dollars six thousands the reward money you know I expected like more that sir before I finish with the job I've been hired to do I quite understand personally I have it much sympathy towards bounty hunters but I must admit that you know your job I see in you [Music] [Music] why don't you make it easy on yourself Garmin he took a lot of gold out of it old mine right where did your father put it you heard what I said I'll never tell you what at goalie's oh I'll find out of course I might have to use a little friendly persuasion and it's a pity really to ruin such don't be too sure if you don't tell me out 3-over today another Harris persuasion there are a lot more efficient dad you will do me no good begin yet and that's it you've got just one day but no more and you know what will happen whenever Harris get you you are persistent I must say but it won't do you any damn good [Laughter] I'll see you later [Music] go to church and you'll know everything [Music] [Music] [Music] hi Willie I came to get a little more information you know that girl named Carmen who's your father hi Alan it's awfully sudden why are you thinking a dear Mary in the gallon of course not Willie this is strictly business you understand well then I've worked to do their caskets to prepare stop thinking of coffins and corpses and give me the information well father's Tom Massey he was a miner once upon a time and it was said he found a lot of God which he haunted that's the way I heared it that's the way the story's told and I can tell you Alan he's certainly a well-heeled citizen no he owns the best grazing land in the territory you better get back to those caskets Willie I'll bring her right down you better get set Mon we're going for a little ride who are you what do you want [Music] [Music] what are you doing [Music] [Music] [Music] that's only a sample of what you're going to get where is that golden I wanted you here not tell me he'll make you talk if you don't want to be hurt then tell us where the gold is she's a stubborn one I wonder if her father is that stubborn I think I'd better go talk to him you could keep working on her I'll meet you at the RC ender my brother good hasta luego now where were we oh yes you were going to tell where the gold is now we shall see just how much of a woman you are all right boys tire up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well old man is very simple either you tell me where the gold is are you and your daughter will suffer well what do you care more about your daughter the girls after I get through with her you won't recognize her when I talk to you listen both of you go free look all it takes is a few little words right stand up now where is the gold hidden all right you asked for [Music] [Music] don't buy me too bad empty I'll get him old fella don't worry you just give me a couple of minutes and we'll see what can be done how about your lovely daughter how about it thank you well I'm sure we'll find a way you don't really think I do this type of work for nothing do you let's look at it this way you're very rich so I thought well you wouldn't mind paying me a small reward cash preferred what do you say I do deserve it don't I how about it do you take it or do you want to leave it you got yourself a deal but where'd you hear all this my daughter didn't tell you and who are you anyway Allen Boyd some sort of federal agent huh no not really I'm what you'd call a bounty hunter all it right here [Music] keep your hands up I see that we meet again this time you will die [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go ride with me as far as the fork go on to Trinity I'll take care of the Navajos [Music] well did she talk nah she's stubborn as a mule she'd rather die ah damn it now her father's gone too I was surprised by the bounty hunter he's very clever he'll probably come here next but we'll be ready and we'll kill that filthy dog [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] see what the best thinking Bounty Killer let's go I want him dead [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] get behind him he's inhuman do you hear what I say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wait come back don't run away he's only one man stop [Music] [Music] I can't see I can't see nothing I'm blind I can't see LP I'm blight help me I can't see nothing I can't see nothing I can't see nothing hold it don't turn around body under I'll put a bullet [Music] most satisfactory expected that you'd be satisfied gentlemen I've done what you asked me to and your troubles are over for the time being so I guess you won't be requiring my services any longer and if you ever do need me again just bring along a lot of money I kept your daughter up at the old mine mr. Massey except for a pretty bad scare she's alright I trust you remember the agreement we had made why thank you mr. Allen boy that's me well sir the mayor of Carson City sent me a band of desperados arrived in town and it said you're the only one who can get rid of him well sir are they willing to pay [Music]
Channel: Grjngo - Western Movies
Views: 3,076,313
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Keywords: cowboys, wild west, full length, western movie, free films, old western movies, old cowboy movies, best westerns, western movies full length free, full movie, free movies, cowboy movies, Bounty Hunter in Trinity (1972), spaghetti western, movies western, spaghetti western movies, old western, classic western movies, western movies, free western movies full length, western, western movies full length, western feature films, free westerns, free western movies, full movies
Id: 2Ru7iBzMnuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 49sec (4789 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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