CAT 365 Broken hydraulic cylinder.

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all right guys well look what  we found here our next project uh this may be a familiar one from several videos  back I repaired the end of the Dipper stick   but as you can see something else broke   and then not a good day so let's  get out there and take a look at it it's a good sized baby right  there this is a cat 365. 365b older unit if you look back at one of my  videos it's more of a photo collage I rebuilt   this thing right here that was quite a mess  it's good to see that it's still holding up   now believe it or not I also have a video of  repairing that that cylinder I don't have video   I have pictures I'll show you I'll probably put  them in here put them in you know video clips here   but the customer was telling me that I guess  the pin was working his way out and they didn't   catch it I don't know how they didn't catch  them or the dog bone came off I don't know but that it came out and it snapped  so I gotta weld that onto that on site so this is something that interests you kick back  because this was going to be a good one all right   so you guys just get after it all right so what  how do we repair this hmm how do we repair this   uh one of you guys uh on YouTube here  said why not to why not ask my son see   what his thoughts are and I've done that  before ask his thoughts on how you know he   would go about repairing this and you  know it's a good learning experience   so what do you have to say how do we fix that oh  we should clean up you know where it's broken off   make sure it's all nice and flat and working  and weld it back together okay I want to line   everything up nicely make sure but how you're  just saying you're saying all the obvious yeah so how do we do that oh she still  runs we can still move it right anywhere we need to the bucket is gonna be  interesting to move but it can be done okay or how do we do that what do we what do  we need to do you're saying you're saying   all the right things because they're just  regular regular standard operating procedures   correct but this you know because I'll tack  it up in place get it to where you move it   so what are we going to do specifically to  get it in place to get it in place right   oh we can't tilt the bucket so I can sit it  down on the ground and then move the machine   and then the bucket will tilt because uh the pivot  point is no longer this but it's the ground okay   and this is just hanging so once we tilt it  to where it lines up by backing up or pulling   forward whatever it is okay we can lower the  cylinder and get it to touch where it needs   to have that all cleaned up afterward  you're saying get it to touch from here   to there yeah okay the back of the machine  should line it up a little bit better okay   lower the cylinder have it cleaned up tack it  in place know where it's gonna sit then we can   start are we gonna weld it though  what do we need to do to weld it   really double it right okay never get it all nice uh probably stick well  maybe okay pretty windy okay so it sounds like you got it  all planned out I'll take a nap   you can get it done I got to going you  get to going you're burning daylight   as we speak as we speak so good effort no that's  pretty good okay yeah so he's pretty pretty much   right on we're gonna move this machine to where  this will angle right on top of it and sit down in   his position and being that it's a cast Steel type  material it broke fairly clean so it could almost   sit right back on where it belonged and with  that I will actually weld around the perimeter   of it to hold it in place as we move this bucket  just a little bit to get it at a lower position   and once it's welded around the perimeter that's  just to hold it we will get it a little a lot   lower and from there we will start gouging into  that crack and that well the opposite side of   the world around gouging will help hold it from  rolling and pivoting now you would think this is   actually too far gone and we're going to find  out if it is too far gone at that point or not   uh but as I mentioned before I fixed this  machine exactly two years ago according   to when the customer called me it was  so funny because he called and said uh   remember that machine you fixed the cylinder I  said yeah yeah and they said well if you said   it broke something about a pin didn't line up  and something but it's not that enough so that   was a bummer but either way two years is not bad  I'll show you those photos I didn't have anything   uh videotape but I did take some pictures of it  so I'll insert them as I'm going along too much   jibberger now so let's uh get after it I'm gonna  put you on time lapse to see if we can wrestle   this thing around a little bit move it to where  we can get get to fixing it all right here we go okay so that worked out all right they went back together and pretty close you can't  hardly see the crack now this is going to be very   challenging because it broke below that level but  once I weld a majority of it I may take this pin   out so that I can access that not quite sure yet  but here you can see my old weld lines have broken   below it I sheared right off so right now what  I'm going to do is put some weld around this area   so that I can at least get it to hold into  position while I lower this to a easier a   better spot to access roll the bucket and that  way I can just stand and work around it instead of   being on a ladder so let's get the let's get  our welding these up so let's look back here   okay and I want to slip off this crazy thing actually I put my hand around there looks like it did all right looks like it's  about it lined up because we're gonna get it   okay Next Step okay so that's about as centered as it's gonna  get uh this pivoted really freely so I don't   know if that's good or bad it didn't feel like  it had any slop in it but I put that together   just so it'll hold its position for now and so  now my job is to Arc gouge as deeply as I can   to access the root or the core of that  correct so I will archive this half start to weld it and I Arc out to this half and  start to weld it still under got a little burnt   there but that wasn't from Park ing fell I  don't know if I have any material but I'll   show you another little trick that works pretty  good to protect that so let's get that set up oh all right so that wasn't the a preheat that  was enter in which to protect the Chrome Rod   so long as you don't touch it it will create a  shield that'll keep Sparks from sticking to it   Now look up here you just touch it a little bit  it'll wipe it right off but don't touch it and   the Sparks won't stick to it so now I'm going  to attempt to start gouging these ends here   all the way around and it's  going to take a little bit of a   you know a little bit of effort so I may just high  speed this and show you progress along the way foreign thank you all right so we're making some decent  progress it's a little slow it's gonna be uh quite   drawn out because this is a lot of gouging so  I'm not gonna bore you with it so the next clip   I'll show you is once I'm I'm done gouging I'll  probably do a little bit more high speed here   for a second just a little more but it's just a  lot of gaussian it just gets kind of redundant so   next time okay so I got done with all  that gouging it's an awful lot of gouging   foreign way in there at about halfway about half the material thickness the rod  thickness I had to dig down a little deeper   on this still hot I had to dig down a little  deeper on this side because the piece that was   stuck on this Rod pointed down in a V so I had  to get underneath that to get to the base of the   crack actually and so this is a very tight  narrow opening let me grab this Rod here these   are quarter inch carbon rods it was real snug in  there uh it was a challenge to our gouge without   arcing on the walls this one and no one but it  worked out so now I'm gonna use flux core a Fab   Shield 21b that's what I use on this section here  and put a weld in there now for those that say   what's gonna warp because you're only welding  onto one side yes that is correct it will pull   and make this just slightly smaller and it  may actually break these welds that I welded   to begin with to kind of hold it in place it may  pull us apart it may spread it open and crack it   which is fine because this is not going to warp  enough to where it's going to throw the center   of this pin off so much that it'll break again  you know if it warps it'll warp a little bit and   the crack will open up maybe at 30 seconds or  less and that doesn't add to too much uh out of   Center this way you know and besides everything  else is all sloppy as well so we'll be fine so   next step is to fill that up as much as I can all  the way around uh oh sorry on this half at least   and then once I get good and comfortable with it  we'll reposition the machine to where I can access this side the same thing and most likely towards the end  what I'll do is you know leave it a little bit   shy of flush and then that way I can run a weld  around the perimeter oh is this the proper way   of doing it who knows but if it works it works  and this works I've done it before and it turns   out the customer showed up and ended up  telling me that this pin slid out enough   got that ear over there and didn't catch it uh  the bucket here I don't know how the operator   didn't see it it's a direct shot either  way it slid out enough to where it just   snapped that guy because these these pivots  and they snapped it right up and so I don't   know sometimes I don't understand but either way  that's next Let's uh what let's wire weld that thank you okay so it doesn't look as pretty right now  and not that it'll look any prettier but it's   getting there so things are looking good  it did pull because it decided it cracked   right there it cracked and it opened about maybe  3 30 seconds which is quite a bit but if you kind   of look at it this way from the center where's  that it's pretty still lined up centered with the   with the pin you won't notice it the only person  that will notice it is Curtis because you'll put   it on the Lathe for our machinist right because  they'll know it's not centered however it will   work and so now we're going to reposition this so  that we can start gouging on the other side and I   left this this way I'm going to clean all this up  with a grinder make it a little bit prettier so   that my finish passes will be continuous all the  way around and things are looking good so let's   get that moved over we're gonna grab something  neat right quick and start on it all right thank you okay so I never got to bore you guys to  death I went ahead and got most of this all   gouged out I did weld on this side here  like that I had to eat into the parent   metal my original will just a little bit that  I ensured I got to the base of the crack uh so it's about as clean as I can get it and it's  unfortunate that this bucket is so big because   um I think the last time it had a smaller bucket  and so it was easier to get these in a position   that were out of the way so that's been kind of  a challenge right now so right now I'm gonna try   and attempt I know I said flux core earlier  but the flux core gun is too big to fit in   there so I'm going to use some eighth inch rods  to try and fill that in first uh for quite a few   passes until I can fit the wire machine in there  I was trying to keep this as narrow as possible   and right now that's about three quarter  inch wide so I still a lot of filling to do   so um hopefully the tension that pulls that way  won't crack this side but usually it does all   right so we'll have to keep an eye on that as we  go but it normally does pretty good this thing is   crazy hot so hopefully it'll Flex without breaking  I couldn't or I could have I guess done it   so I beveled it all the way around but it would  have been a real challenge to get this straight   and to get it done evenly so this was the route  I chose to go all right let's keep trucking foreign all right well it looks like we got  it done that was a lot of welding   it's not the prettiest well  just a little bit of that soot   but see that soot kept all the Sparks off of it  worked out great so again it's uh there's not   exactly centered you know because it's it's  very difficult to get re-centered but it's   it's centered enough to work just as long as  you don't take it to a machinist they'll see   it's off but anyway we're going to run it through  our spaces here for a second and see if it runs and uh see if it goes through  his functions without breaking   let me set you guys down here for a second they're old alrighty guys well looks like  that'll do it it works which is good and   it'll hold so as long as it holds good enough for  me so hopefully this will last another two years   but uh who's to say I will tell you though that it  was much much more difficult two years later like   now than it was two years ago huh I'm a little  older but anyway thanks for watching and I hope   you guys have learned something from it and again  I I'm glad this this other part is holding up well   I'll see if I can put that in the next video for  you guys or you know the the one after this one   so alrighty I need to wrap up my junk that we   can get out of here it's a long day  thanks for watching man see you guys
Channel: I C Weld
Views: 238,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drillrig, heavy equipment, onsite repair, kellybar, auger, dozer, excavator, welding, stickwelding, mig welding, torch, torch cutting, gas axe, backhoe, torching, weld, repair, weld repair, fix it, how to, caterpillar, bull dozer, broken, cracked, torn, busted, track hoe, welded, fluxcore
Id: A0VVxtZoIgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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